public Player(Project2Game game) { size = initSize; moveSpeed = mSpeed; spinSpeed = sSpeed; Random rand = new Random(); color = rand.NextColor(); pos = game.landscape.getStartPoint(); pos.Y += size; oldPos = Vector3.Zero; rot = Matrix.Identity; generateSphere(size, color); vertices = Buffer.Vertex.New( game.GraphicsDevice, originalPoints); this.effect = game.Content.Load<Effect>("Phong"); effect.Parameters["lightPntCol"].SetValue(game.sun.color.ToColor4()); inputLayout = VertexInputLayout.FromBuffer(0, vertices); = game; }
/// <summary> /// / /// </summary> public override void Initialize () { base.Initialize(); paramsCB = new ConstantBuffer( Game.GraphicsDevice, typeof(Params) ); CreateTargets(); LoadContent(); Random rand = new Random(); randomDir = new Texture2D( Game.GraphicsDevice, 64,64, ColorFormat.Rgba8, false ); randomDir.SetData( Enumerable.Range(0,4096).Select( i => rand.NextColor() ).ToArray() ); Game.GraphicsDevice.DisplayBoundsChanged += (s,e) => CreateTargets(); Game.Reloading += (s,e) => LoadContent(); }
/// <summary> /// Occurs during the randomizing process /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"></param> protected override void OnRandomize(Random generator) { _color = generator.NextColor(); Opacity = generator.NextFloat(); _pointShape = generator.NextEnum<PointShape>(); base.OnRandomize(generator); }
///// <summary> ///// Adds SimpleStroke copy content ///// </summary> ///// <param name="copy"></param> //protected override void OnCopy(Descriptor copy) //{ // base.OnCopy(copy); // ISimpleStroke ss = copy as ISimpleStroke; // ss.Color = Color; // ss.Width = Width; // ss.DashStyle = this.DashStyle; //} /// <summary> /// Handles randomization of simple stroke content /// </summary> /// <param name="generator">The random generator to use for randomizing characteristics.</param> protected override void OnRandomize(Random generator) { _color = generator.NextColor(); Opacity = generator.NextFloat(); _width = generator.NextFloat(10); _dashStyle = generator.NextEnum<DashStyle>(); base.OnRandomize(generator); }
/// <summary> /// Extends the randomize code to include the character aspects, creating a random character. /// However, since most fonts don't support full unicode values, a character from 0 to 255 is /// chosen. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator">The random class generator</param> protected override void OnRandomize(Random generator) { _color = generator.NextColor(); Opacity = generator.NextFloat(); _character = (char)generator.Next(0, 255); _fontFamilyName = FontFamily.Families[generator.Next(0, FontFamily.Families.Length - 1)].Name; _style = generator.NextEnum<FontStyle>(); base.OnRandomize(generator); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the unique colors as a scheme /// </summary> /// <param name="fs">The featureset with the data Table definition</param> /// <param name="uniqueField">The unique field</param> /// <param name="categoryFunc">Func for creating category</param> protected Hashtable GenerateUniqueColors(IFeatureSet fs, string uniqueField, Func<Color, IFeatureCategory> categoryFunc) { if (categoryFunc == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("categoryFunc"); var result = new Hashtable(); // a hashtable of colors var dt = fs.DataTable; var vals = new ArrayList(); var i = 0; var rnd = new Random(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { var ind = -1; if (uniqueField != "FID") { if (vals.Contains(row[uniqueField]) == false) { ind = vals.Add(row[uniqueField]); } } else { ind = vals.Add(i); i++; } if (ind == -1) continue; var item = vals[ind]; var c = rnd.NextColor(); while (result.ContainsKey(c)) { c = rnd.NextColor(); } var cat = categoryFunc(c); string flt = "[" + uniqueField + "] = "; if (uniqueField == "FID") { flt += item; } else { if (dt.Columns[uniqueField].DataType == typeof(string)) { flt += "'" + item + "'"; } else { flt += Convert.ToString(item, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } cat.FilterExpression = flt; AddCategory(cat); result.Add(c, item); } return result; }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the unique colors as a scheme /// </summary> /// <param name="fs">The featureset with the data Table definition</param> /// <param name="uniqueField">The unique field</param> public Hashtable GenerateUniqueColors(IFeatureSet fs, string uniqueField) { Hashtable result = new Hashtable(); // a hashtable of colors DataTable dt = fs.DataTable; ArrayList vals = new ArrayList(); int i = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (uniqueField != "FID") { if (vals.Contains(row[uniqueField]) == false) { vals.Add(row[uniqueField]); } } else { vals.Add(i); i++; } } Random rnd = new Random(); foreach (object item in vals) { Color c = rnd.NextColor(); while (result.ContainsKey(c)) { c = rnd.NextColor(); } LineCategory cat = new LineCategory(c, 1); string flt = "[" + uniqueField + "] = "; if(uniqueField == "FID") { flt += item; } else { if (dt.Columns[uniqueField].DataType == typeof(string)) { flt += "'" + item + "'"; } else { flt += item.ToString(); } } cat.FilterExpression = flt; Categories.Add(cat); result.Add(c, item); } return result; }
/// <summary> /// Draw stuff here /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime"></param> /// <param name="stereoEye"></param> protected override void Draw ( GameTime gameTime, StereoEye stereoEye ) { var sb = GetService<SpriteBatch>(); var rand = new Random(); var data = Enumerable.Range(0,64*64) .Select( i => rand.NextColor() ) .ToArray(); dynamicTexture.SetData(0, null, data, 0, 64*64 ); GraphicsDevice.SetTargets( dsMS.Surface, rtMS.Surface ); GraphicsDevice.Clear( dsMS.Surface ); GraphicsDevice.Clear( rtMS.Surface, Color4.Black ); sb.Begin(SpriteBlend.AlphaBlend,null,null, Matrix.OrthoRH(256,256,-1,1)); sb.DrawSprite( texture, 0,0,256, angle, Color.White ); sb.End(); GraphicsDevice.Resolve( rtMS, rt ); GraphicsDevice.RestoreBackbuffer(); int w = GraphicsDevice.DisplayBounds.Width; int h = GraphicsDevice.DisplayBounds.Height; // begin sprite gathering/accumulation : sb.Begin(); if (InputDevice.IsKeyDown(Keys.T)) { sb.Draw( texture2, 0, 0, 256, 256, Color.White ); sb.Draw( texture , 256+128*0, 0, 128, 128, Color.Red ); sb.Draw( texture2, 256+128*1, 0, 128, 128, Color.Lime ); sb.Draw( texture , 256+128*2, 0, 128, 128, Color.Blue ); } else { sb.Draw( rt, 0, 0, 256, 256, Color.White ); sb.Draw( rt, 256+128*0, 0, 128, 128, Color.Red ); sb.Draw( rt, 256+128*1, 0, 128, 128, Color.Lime ); sb.Draw( rt, 256+128*2, 0, 128, 128, Color.Blue ); } sb.Restart(SpriteBlend.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp); sb.DrawSprite( texture, 576,192,128, angle, Color.White ); sb.Restart(SpriteBlend.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.LinearClamp); sb.DrawSprite( texture, 704,192,128, angle, Color.White ); sb.Restart(SpriteBlend.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp); sb.DrawSprite( texture2, 576,192+128,128, angle, Color.White ); sb.Restart(SpriteBlend.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.LinearClamp); sb.DrawSprite( texture2, 704,192+128,128, angle, Color.White ); sb.Restart(); for (int i=0; i<numSprites; i++) { //sb.DrawSprite( sb.TextureWhite, r.Next(w), r.Next(h), 7, r.NextFloat(0,360), r.NextColor() ); sb.Draw( sb.TextureWhite, r.Next(w), r.Next(h), 7, 7, r.NextColor() ); } var h1 = font1.LineHeight; var h2 = font2.LineHeight; font1.DrawString( sb, "Lenna Soderberg", 64, 256 + h1, Color.White ); font2.DrawString( sb, "Text (tracking = 0)", 64, 256 + h1+h2, Color.Red ); font2.DrawString( sb, "Text (tracking = 2)", 64, 256 + h1+h2*2, Color.Lime, 2 ); font2.DrawString( sb, "Text (tracking = 4)", 64, 256 + h1+h2*3, Color.Lime, 4 ); font2.DrawString( sb, string.Format("{1} sprites -> FPS = {0}", gameTime.Fps, numSprites), 64, 256 + h1+h2*4, Color.White ); sb.Restart( SpriteBlend.Additive ); sb.Draw( sb.TextureWhite, 256, 128, 128, 128, Color.Gray ); sb.Draw( texture, 256, 128, 128, 128, Color.Gray ); sb.Restart( SpriteBlend.AlphaBlend ); sb.Draw( sb.TextureWhite, 256+128, 128, 128, 128, new Color(240,225,160,255) ); sb.Restart( SpriteBlend.NegMultiply ); sb.Draw( texture, 256+128, 128, 128, 128, Color.White ); sb.Restart(SpriteBlend.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.AnisotropicWrap); sb.DrawBeam( texture2, new Vector2(350,540), new Vector2(750,415), Color.Yellow, Color.LightYellow, 80, 5.5f, offset ); sb.Restart(SpriteBlend.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp); sb.Draw( dynamicTexture, 0,0,256,256,new Color(255,255,255,64) ); sb.Draw( sb.TextureBlack, 0,0,8,8, Color.White); sb.Draw( sb.TextureBlue, 8,0,8,8, Color.White); sb.Draw( sb.TextureGreen, 16,0,8,8, Color.White); sb.Draw( sb.TextureRed, 24,0,8,8, Color.White); sb.Draw( sb.TextureWhite, 32,0,8,8, Color.White); sb.Restart(); /*var name = atlas.SubImageNames[ ((int)atlasId) % atlas.SubImageNames.Length ]; var ar = atlas.GetSubImageRectangle( name ); sb.Draw( atlas.Texture, new Rectangle(10,400, ar.Width, ar.Height), ar, Color.White ); sb.DrawDebugString( 10, 392, name, Color.White ); atlasId += gameTime.ElapsedSec * 2;*/ sb.End(); base.Draw( gameTime, stereoEye ); }
private static List<Color> CreateUnboundedRandomColors(int numColors) { Random rnd = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); List<Color> result = new List<Color>(numColors); for (int i = 0; i < numColors; i++) { result.Add(rnd.NextColor()); } return result; }