public override ProcessResult Process() { ProcessResult res = new ProcessResult(); try { Process p = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(processID); if (p != null) { p.Kill(); res.ErrorCode = 0; return res; } else { res.ErrorCode = 6; res.ErrorDetails = "Nie ma takiego procesu"; return res; } } catch (Exception exc) { res.ErrorCode = 5; res.ErrorDetails = exc.ToString(); } return res; }
public ProcessResult<List<SolicitudVentaDomain>> BuscarSolicitudVenta(int numerosolicitud) { ProcessResult<List<SolicitudVentaDomain>> list = new ProcessResult<List<SolicitudVentaDomain>>(); List<SolicitudVentaDomain> listResult = new List<SolicitudVentaDomain>(); try { List<SolicitudVentaLogic> solicitudVenta = EmpleadoLogicRepository.BuscarSolicitudVenta(numerosolicitud); foreach (var item in solicitudVenta) { SolicitudVentaDomain svd = new SolicitudVentaDomain(); svd.productoId = item.productoId; svd.descripcionProducto = item.descripcionProducto; svd.presentacionProducto = item.presentacionProducto; svd.cantidadProducto = item.cantidadProducto; svd.descuento = item.descuento; svd.precioProducto = item.precioProducto; svd.subtotal = item.subtotal; listResult.Add(svd); } list.Result = listResult; } catch (Exception e) { list.IsSuccess = true; list.Exception = new ApplicationLayerException<SolicitudPermisoService>("Ocurrio un problema en el sistema", e); } return list; }
static void VerifyProcessRan(this Process command, ProcessResult result) { if (!result.Success) throw new ProcessRunnerException( string.Format("Failed to execute process \"{0}\". Process status was {1}.", command.Options.CommandLine, result.Status)); }
override public ProcessResult Process(ProcessResult lastSiblingResult, TriggerObject trigObject) { trigObject.CurrentNodeExecutionChain.Add(this); ProcessResult result = UserDefinedFunction.Execute(trigObject); trigObject.CurrentNodeExecutionChain.Remove(this); return result; }
public override ProcessResult Process(string ip, InstructionTask instructionTask) { ProcessResult result = new ProcessResult(); result.Done = false; result.Message = "设置检测仪IP地址失败!"; return result; }
/// <summary> /// Logs the result of a finished process. /// </summary> public static void LogProcessResult(ProcessResult result) { var outcome = result.Failed ? "failed" : "succeeded"; Console.WriteLine($"The process \"{result.ExecutablePath} {result.Args}\" {outcome} with code {result.Code}."); Console.WriteLine($"Standard Out:"); Console.WriteLine(result.StdOut); Console.WriteLine($"Standard Error:"); Console.WriteLine(result.StdErr); }
public override ProcessResult Process(string ip, InstructionTask instructionTask) { ProcessResult result = new ProcessResult(); result.Done = true; result.Message = "设置检测仪探头阀值下限成功!"; return result; }
public override ProcessResult Process(string ip, InstructionTask instructionTask) { ProcessResult result = new ProcessResult(); result.Done = false; result.Message = string.Empty; return result; }
public override ProcessResult Process(ProcessResult lastSiblingResult, TriggerObject trigObject) { if (InfiniteLoopRisk == true) throw new UberScriptException("Line " + LineNumber + ": " + base.ScriptString + "\nAttempted to execute ForLoop with InfiniteLoop risk! Skipping for loop!"); int maxLoopNumber = 10000; int loopCount = 0; // first try to execute the initial statement if (InitialStatement != null) { InitialStatement.Process(ProcessResult.None, trigObject); } Object result = ConditionalMathTree.Calculate(trigObject); while (result is bool && (bool)result) { //execute the child code ProcessResult lastResult = ProcessChildren(trigObject); if (lastResult == ProcessResult.Break) // exit out of this for loop return ProcessResult.None; if (lastResult == ProcessResult.Return || lastResult == ProcessResult.ReturnOverride) { return lastResult; } // ProcessResult.Continue--just keep going //execute the next part of the loop (often ints.i++) try { RepeatedStatement.Process(ProcessResult.None, trigObject); } catch (Exception e) { throw new UberScriptException("Line " + LineNumber + ": " + base.ScriptString + "\nForLoop Repeated Statement execution error: ", e); } try { // see whether we still meet our condition result = ConditionalMathTree.Calculate(trigObject); } catch (Exception e) { throw new UberScriptException("Line " + LineNumber + ": " + base.ScriptString + "\nForLoop Conditional Statement execution error: ", e); } loopCount++; if (loopCount > maxLoopNumber) { InfiniteLoopRisk = true; throw new UberScriptException("Attempted to execute ForLoop with InfiniteLoop risk! Skipping for loop!"); } } return ProcessResult.None; }
public IAsyncResult BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb, object extraData) { var apm = new ProcessResult(cb, context, extraData); context.Response.Write(string.Format("<h1>This handler uses a simple custom implementation of the IAsyncResult interface (Async Programming Model)</h1><br/><br/><hr/><br/><br/>")); context.Response.Write(string.Format("<br/>Before calling start asynchronously: {0} ThreadPool ID: {1}", DateTime.Now.ToString(), Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId)); apm.Start(); context.Response.Write(string.Format("<br/>After calling start asynchronously: {0} ThreadPool ID: {1}", DateTime.Now.ToString(), Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId)); return apm; }
public void SetUp() { _mocks = new MockRepository(MockBehavior.Strict); _viewFactoryMock = _mocks.Create<IViewFactory>(); _viewMock = _mocks.Create<IView<ProcessResult>>(); _renderedResult = null; _viewMock.Setup(it => it.Render(It.IsNotNull<ProcessResult>())) .Callback<ProcessResult>( result => { _renderedResult = result; } ); _viewFactoryMock.Setup(it => it.CreateView<ProcessResult>("text")).Returns(_viewMock.Object); }
static void VerifyExitCode(this Process command, ProcessResult result, ResultExpectation resultExpectation, ILogger logger) { if (result.ExitCode == SuccessExitCode) return; string message = string.Format("Process \"{0}\" failed, exit code {1}. All output: {2}", command.Options.CommandLine, result.ExitCode, result.AllOutput); if (resultExpectation == ResultExpectation.MustNotFail) throw new Exception(message); logger.LogWarning(message); }
public IAsyncResult BeginProcessRequest(object sender, EventArgs e, AsyncCallback cb, object extraData) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(string.Format("<br /> Thread ID: {0} From: {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name)); //Func<TimeSpan, DateTime> operation = this.ExecuteLongTimeConsumingOperation; //return operation.BeginInvoke(TimeSpan.FromDays(10), cb, extraData); var f = new ProcessResult(cb, this.Context, extraData); f.Start(); return f; }
public static string ToString(ProcessResult result) { switch (result) { case ProcessResult.EmptyImage: return @"Ошибочное изображение"; case ProcessResult.NotDetected: return @"Не определено лицо"; case ProcessResult.Success: return @"Удачно"; default: return @"Ошибка обработки"; } }
public override ProcessResult Process() { ProcessResult result = new ProcessResult(); try { activeProcesses = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses(); } catch (Exception exc) { result.ErrorCode = 5; result.ErrorDetails = exc.ToString(); } return result; }
public override ProcessResult Process() { ProcessResult res = new ProcessResult(); try { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(FilePath); res.ErrorCode = 0; } catch (Exception exc) { res.ErrorCode = 5; res.ErrorDetails = exc.ToString(); } return res; }
internal static void PrintResult(ProcessResult status) { string result = status.ToString(); ConsoleColor? color = null; switch (status) { case ProcessResult.Skipped: break; case ProcessResult.Success: color = ConsoleColor.Green; break; case ProcessResult.Fail: color = ConsoleColor.Red; break; default: color = ConsoleColor.Yellow; break; } PrintResult(result, 60, color); }
public ProcessResult<EmpleadoDomain> BuscarEmpleadoPorId(int Id) { ProcessResult<EmpleadoDomain> result = new ProcessResult<EmpleadoDomain>(); try { Id = 1; EmpleadoLogic empleado = EmpleadoLogicRepository.FindById(Id); /*EmpleadoDomain empleado = new EmpleadoDomain(); empleado.Id = 1; empleado.Nombre = "Cesar Kina"; empleado.TipoEmpleado = 2; result.Result = empleado;*/ } catch (Exception e) { result.IsSuccess = true; result.Exception = new ApplicationLayerException<SolicitudPermisoService>("Ocurrio un problema en el sistema", e); } return result; }
public override ProcessResult Process() { ProcessResult res = new ProcessResult(); res.ErrorCode = 0; Bitmap bmp = null; Graphics graph = null; FtpClient ftpClient = null; try { bmp = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); graph = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); graph.CopyFromScreen(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.X, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Y, 0, 0, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy); FileName = string.Format("zrzut_{0}-{1}-{2}_{3}.jpg", DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(), DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(), DateTime.Now.Day.ToString(), DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()); bmp.Save(FileName, ImageFormat.Jpeg); ftpClient = new FtpClient(FTPSettings.ServerAddress, FTPSettings.User, FTPSettings.Password); ftpClient.ChangeDir(FTPSettings.Directory); ftpClient.Upload(FileName); System.IO.File.Delete(FileName); } catch (Exception exc) { res.ErrorCode = 5; res.ErrorDetails = exc.ToString(); } finally { if (ftpClient != null) ftpClient.Close(); if (graph != null) graph.Dispose(); if (bmp != null) bmp.Dispose(); } return res; }
public override ProcessResult Process(ProcessResult lastSiblingResult, TriggerObject trigObject) { ProcessResult lastResult = ProcessResult.None; // NOTE: I commented out the try here because if (trigObject.PausedNodeChain != null) { if (trigObject.PausedNodeChain.Count == 1 && trigObject.PausedNodeChain.Peek() == this) { trigObject.PausedNodeChain = null; } else { // it was paused inside of the spawnentry statement, so just keep going return ProcessChildren(trigObject); } } lastResult = ProcessChildren(trigObject); if (lastResult == ProcessResult.Return || lastResult == ProcessResult.ReturnOverride || lastResult == ProcessResult.Break || lastResult == ProcessResult.Continue) { return lastResult; } return ProcessResult.None; }
static ProcessResult() { Ok = new ProcessResult(true); Fail = new ProcessResult(false); }
/// <summary> /// Stops this process executing until the given process completed with the correct result. /// </summary> /// <param name="process">Process to wait for.</param> /// <param name="result">Result to wait for.</param> public virtual void WaitForProcess(Process process, ProcessResult result) { _waitingForProcess = true; _waitForProcess = process; _waitForResult = result; }
/// <summary> /// Cancels a process wait caused by called WaitForProcess. /// </summary> public virtual void CancelProcessWait() { _waitingForProcess = false; _waitForResult = 0; _waitForProcess = null; }
/// <summary> /// Finishes execution of this process permenently, and returns the given result /// to the process manager. /// </summary> /// <param name="result">Result of process execution.</param> public virtual void Finish(ProcessResult result) { _isFinished = true; _finishResult = result; }
/// <summary> /// Handles the response. /// </summary> /// <param name="filterContext">The filter context.</param> /// <param name="result">The result.</param> /// <returns></returns> protected virtual ActionResult HandleResponse(ActionExecutingContext filterContext, ProcessResult result) { return Helper.HandleResponse(result, _beetleConfig); }
public override ProcessResult Process(string ip, InstructionTask instructionTask) { ProcessResult result = null; if (Variable.Debug) { result = new ProcessResult(); Random random = new Random(); int randomValue = random.Next(0, 2); if (randomValue == 0) { result.Done = false; } else { result.Done = true; } } return result; }
/// <summary> /// Invokes nuget.exe with the appropriate parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="arguments">cmd line args to NuGet.exe</param> /// <param name="workingDir">working dir if any to be used</param> /// <param name="timeout">Timeout in seconds (default = 6min).</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task<ProcessResult> InvokeNugetProcess(string arguments, string workingDir = null, int timeout = 360) { var nugetProcess = new Process(); var pathToNugetExe = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, NugetExePath); WriteLine("The NuGet.exe command to be executed is: " + pathToNugetExe + " " + arguments); // During the actual test run, a script will copy the latest NuGet.exe and overwrite the existing one ProcessStartInfo nugetProcessStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(pathToNugetExe); nugetProcessStartInfo.Arguments = arguments; nugetProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; nugetProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; nugetProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; nugetProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; nugetProcessStartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; nugetProcessStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; nugetProcess.StartInfo = nugetProcessStartInfo; if (workingDir != null) { nugetProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = workingDir; } nugetProcess.Start(); var standardError = await nugetProcess.StandardError.ReadToEndAsync(); var standardOutput = await nugetProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEndAsync(); WriteLine(standardOutput); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(standardError)) { WriteLine(standardError); } nugetProcess.WaitForExit(timeout * 1000); var processResult = new ProcessResult(nugetProcess.ExitCode, standardError); return processResult; }
public void RaiseKeyInputProcessed(KeyInput ki, ProcessResult result) { if (KeyInputProcessed != null) { KeyInputProcessed(this, new KeyInputProcessedEventArgs(ki, result)); } }
public static ProcessResult TryExecuteProcessSync(string command, string arguments = "", int timeout = DefaultTimeout) { var result = new ProcessResult(); using (var process = new Process()) { // При запуске на Linux bash-скриптов, возможен код ошибки 255. // Решением является добавление заголовка #!/bin/bash в начало скрипта. process.StartInfo.FileName = command; process.StartInfo.Arguments = arguments; process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; var outputBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var errorBuilder = new StringBuilder(); using (var outputCloseEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false)) using (var errorCloseEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false)) { // Подписка на события записи в выходные потоки процесса var copyOutputCloseEvent = outputCloseEvent; process.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) => { // Поток output закрылся (процесс завершил работу) if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Data)) { copyOutputCloseEvent.Set(); } else { outputBuilder.AppendLine(e.Data); } }; var copyErrorCloseEvent = errorCloseEvent; process.ErrorDataReceived += (s, e) => { // Поток error закрылся (процесс завершил работу) if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Data)) { copyErrorCloseEvent.Set(); } else { errorBuilder.AppendLine(e.Data); } }; bool isStarted; try { isStarted = process.Start(); } catch (Exception error) { // Не удалось запустить процесс, скорей всего, файл не существует или не является исполняемым result.Completed = true; result.ExitCode = -1; result.Output = string.Format(Properties.Resources.CannotExecuteCommand, command, arguments, error.Message); isStarted = false; } if (isStarted) { // Начало чтения выходных потоков процесса в асинхронном режиме, чтобы не создать блокировку process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); // Ожидание завершения процесса и закрытия выходных потоков if (process.WaitForExit(timeout) && outputCloseEvent.WaitOne(timeout) && errorCloseEvent.WaitOne(timeout)) { result.Completed = true; result.ExitCode = process.ExitCode; // Вывод актуален только при наличии ошибки if (process.ExitCode != 0) { result.Output = $"{outputBuilder}{errorBuilder}"; } } else { try { // Зависшие процессы завершаются принудительно process.Kill(); } catch { // Любые ошибки в данном случае игнорируются } } } } } return(result); }
public void RaiseKeyInputProcessed(KeyInput ki, ProcessResult result) { if (KeyInputProcessed != null) { KeyInputProcessed(this, Tuple.Create(ki, result)); } }
public Object SpawnAndReturnObject(ProcessResult lastSiblingResult, TriggerObject trigObject) { // IF YOU EDIT THIS FUNCTION, BE SURE TO MAKE THE CORRESPONDING CHANGE TO THE Process FUNCTION! // this is just like Process, except it returns the spawned object (useful only in StatementNodes such that the object // can be assigned to the lefthand side of the statement node // e.g. // objs.test = orc // { // name = goober // } Object prevSpawnedObject = trigObject.Spawn; Object callingObj = trigObject.Spawn != null ? trigObject.Spawn : trigObject.This; if (this.ScriptString != null) { // it's a spawn node, so we need to spawn an object here trigObject.Spawn = SpawnHandlers.Spawn(ScriptString, callingObj); } if (this.Children.Count > 0) // there is a special script associated with the spawn { ProcessChildren(trigObject); // ignore any overrides within spawn definitions IEntity spawnedObject = trigObject.Spawn as IEntity; if (spawnedObject != null && this.TriggerNodes.Count > 0) { XmlScript script = new XmlScript(UberTreeParser.CurrentFileBeingParsed); AddRootNodeIndeces(this, script.RootNodeIndeces); XmlAttach.AttachTo(spawnedObject, script); } } // if it was already given a location in it's children, then don't give it one... otherwise place it // on the caller Item callerItem = null; Mobile callerMob = null; if (callingObj is Item) { callerItem = callingObj as Item; } else if (callingObj is Mobile) { callerMob = callingObj as Mobile; } Object o = trigObject.Spawn; Mobile m = null; Item item = null; if (o is Mobile) { m = (Mobile)o; } else if (o is Item) { item = (Item)o; } if ((m != null && m.Location == Point3D.Zero && m.Map == Map.Internal) || (item != null && item.Location == Point3D.Zero && item.Map == Map.Internal && item.RootParentEntity == null)) { try { if (m != null) { if (callerItem != null) { if (callerItem.RootParentEntity != null) { m.MoveToWorld(callerItem.RootParentEntity.Location, callerItem.RootParentEntity.Map); } else { m.MoveToWorld(callerItem.Location, callerItem.Map); } } else if (callerMob != null) { m.MoveToWorld(callerMob.Location, callerMob.Map); } else if (callingObj is IPoint3D) { m.MoveToWorld(new Point3D((IPoint3D)callingObj), Map.Felucca); } else throw new UberScriptException("Spawn caller (the thing XmlScript is attached to) was neither mobile or item! It was: " + callingObj); //loc = GetSpawnPosition(requiresurface, packrange, packcoord, spawnpositioning, m); if (m is BaseCreature) { BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)m; c.Home = c.Location; } trigObject.Spawn = prevSpawnedObject; return o; } else if (item != null) { if (callerItem != null) { item.MoveToWorld(callerItem.Location, callerItem.Map); } else if (callerMob != null) { item.MoveToWorld(callerMob.Location, callerMob.Map); } else if (callingObj is IPoint3D) { item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D((IPoint3D)callingObj), Map.Felucca); } else throw new UberScriptException("Spawn caller (the thing XmlScript is attached to) was neither mobile or item! It was: " + callingObj); trigObject.Spawn = prevSpawnedObject; return o; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new UberScriptException(String.Format("When spawning {0}", o), ex); } } else if (m != null && m is BaseCreature) { BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)m; c.Home = c.Location; } trigObject.Spawn = prevSpawnedObject; return o; }