setDate() публичный Метод

Sets the day of the month, from 1-31.
public setDate ( int date ) : void
date int The date value.
Результат void
Пример #1
        // Constructor
        internal CurrentTimeZone()
            Date dt = new Date();

            // How to get daylight savings info: Flash hides daylight savings details
            // from the user so we create two dates one in winter (standard time) and
            // one in summer (daylight time) and subtract their TimeZoneOffset values.
            // A hack but it should work.
            dt.month = 1;
            dt.hours        = 12;
            dt.minutes      = 0;
            dt.seconds      = 0;
            dt.milliseconds = 0;
            noDLS           = -dt.timezoneOffset;
            dt.month        = 7;
            yesDLS          = -dt.timezoneOffset;

            string[] names = GetTimeZoneNames(noDLS);
            standardName = names[0];
            daylightName = names[1];

            utcOffsetWithOutDLS = new TimeSpan(noDLS * TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute);
            utcOffsetWithDLS    = new TimeSpan(yesDLS * TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute);