static void Main(string[] args) { string data = ""; byte[] sendBytes = new Byte[1024]; byte[] rcvPacket = new Byte[1024]; UdpClient client = new UdpClient(); IPAddress address = IPAddress.Parse(IPAddress.Broadcast.ToString()); client.Connect(address, 8008); IPEndPoint remoteIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); Console.WriteLine("Client is Started"); Console.WriteLine("Type your message"); while (data != "q") { data = Console.ReadLine(); sendBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " " + data); client.Send(sendBytes, sendBytes.GetLength(0)); rcvPacket = client.Receive(ref remoteIPEndPoint); string rcvData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rcvPacket); Console.WriteLine("Handling client at " + remoteIPEndPoint + " - "); Console.WriteLine("Message Received: " + rcvPacket.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("Close Port Command Sent"); //user feedback Console.ReadLine(); client.Close(); //close connection }
/// <summary> /// Clears all historical control data (i.e. power on/off) associated with a numbered fan. /// </summary> /// <param name="fanNumber">Numbered fan to clear historical data from.</param> /// <returns>Asynchronous Processing Task.</returns> public async Task ClearFanCtrlData(Byte fanNumber) { //Call Worker. await RESTWorker("/MooseBox/API/v1.0/peripherals/fan/data/clear", Method.DELETE, restRequest => { restRequest.AddQueryParameter(ParamFanNumber, fanNumber.ToString()); }); }
public PacketHead(object head, Type type, int _progress = 0) { System.Byte Vaul = (System.Byte)Enum.Parse(type, head.ToString()); Head = byte.Parse(Vaul.ToString()); Text = head.ToString(); Progress = _progress; Type = type; }
public void CheckByte(Byte value, string format) { var parsed = Format.Parse(format); var formatter = new StringFormatter(pool); formatter.Append(value, parsed); var result = formatter.ToString(); var clrResult = value.ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Assert.Equal(clrResult, result); }
/// <summary> /// 文字列に変換する /// </summary> public override string ToString() { var text = new StringBuilder(); text.AppendLine("{"); text.AppendLine(nameof(SequenceNumber) + "=" + SequenceNumber.ToString()); text.AppendLine(ToInnerString()); text.AppendLine("}"); return(text.ToString()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length > 1) throw new ArgumentException("Params : <[Port]>"); int servPort = (args.Length == 1) ? Int32.Parse(args[0]) : 2500; TcpListener listner = null; try { listner = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, servPort); listner.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for a connection ..... "); } catch (SocketException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ErrorCode + ":" + e.Message); Environment.Exit(e.ErrorCode); } byte[] rcvBuffer = new Byte[BUFSIZE]; int byteRcv; while (true) { Socket sock = null; try { sock = listner.AcceptSocket(); Console.Write("Handling Client at " + sock.RemoteEndPoint + " : "); int totalBytesEchoed = 0; while ((byteRcv = sock.Receive(rcvBuffer, 0, rcvBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None)) > 0) { string caps = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rcvBuffer); caps.ToUpper(); rcvBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(caps); sock.Send(rcvBuffer, 0, byteRcv, SocketFlags.None); totalBytesEchoed += byteRcv; } Console.WriteLine("Sent : " + rcvBuffer.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Echoed {0} bytes.", totalBytesEchoed); sock.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); sock.Close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Manually powers on/off a USB fan in the event it does not conflict with Fan Automation. /// </summary> /// <param name="fanNumber">Numbered fan to power on or off.</param> /// <param name="powerOn">true to power fan; false to unpower.</param> /// <returns>Asynchronous processing task.</returns> public async Task PowerFanCtrl(Byte fanNumber, bool powerOn) { //Call Worker. await RESTWorker("/MooseBox/API/v1.0/control/fan/power", Method.PUT, restRequest => { restRequest.AddQueryParameter(ParamFanNumber, fanNumber.ToString()); restRequest.AddQueryParameter(ParamPowerOn, powerOn.ToString().ToLower()); }); }
public void delete(System.Byte key) { SqlCommand commDelete = new SqlCommand(" DELETE FROM parm_CSFPRoutes WHERE Id=" + key.ToString(), conn); command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM parm_CSFPRoutes WHERE Id=" + key.ToString(), conn); dadAdpt = new SqlDataAdapter(command); dadAdpt.DeleteCommand = commDelete; dadAdpt.SelectCommand = command; dset.Clear(); dadAdpt.Fill(dset, tbName); dset.Tables[tbName].Rows[0].Delete(); dadAdpt.Update(dset, tbName); }
static StackObject *ToString_0(ILIntepreter __intp, StackObject *__esp, IList <object> __mStack, CLRMethod __method, bool isNewObj) { ILRuntime.Runtime.Enviorment.AppDomain __domain = __intp.AppDomain; StackObject *ptr_of_this_method; StackObject *__ret = ILIntepreter.Minus(__esp, 1); ptr_of_this_method = ILIntepreter.Minus(__esp, 1); System.Byte instance_of_this_method = GetInstance(__domain, ptr_of_this_method, __mStack); var result_of_this_method = instance_of_this_method.ToString(); return(ILIntepreter.PushObject(__ret, __mStack, result_of_this_method)); }
static int ToString(IntPtr L) { try { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 1 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(byte))) { System.Byte obj = (System.Byte)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); string o = obj.ToString(); LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(L, o); return(1); } else if (count == 2 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(byte), typeof(System.IFormatProvider))) { System.Byte obj = (System.Byte)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); System.IFormatProvider arg0 = (System.IFormatProvider)ToLua.ToObject(L, 2); string o = obj.ToString(arg0); LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(L, o); return(1); } else if (count == 2 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(byte), typeof(string))) { System.Byte obj = (System.Byte)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); string arg0 = ToLua.ToString(L, 2); string o = obj.ToString(arg0); LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(L, o); return(1); } else if (count == 3 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(byte), typeof(string), typeof(System.IFormatProvider))) { System.Byte obj = (System.Byte)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); string arg0 = ToLua.ToString(L, 2); System.IFormatProvider arg1 = (System.IFormatProvider)ToLua.ToObject(L, 3); string o = obj.ToString(arg0, arg1); LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(L, o); return(1); } else { return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to method: System.Byte.ToString")); } } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static StackObject *ToString_13(ILIntepreter __intp, StackObject *__esp, IList <object> __mStack, CLRMethod __method, bool isNewObj) { ILRuntime.Runtime.Enviorment.AppDomain __domain = __intp.AppDomain; StackObject *ptr_of_this_method; StackObject *__ret = ILIntepreter.Minus(__esp, 2); ptr_of_this_method = ILIntepreter.Minus(__esp, 1); System.IFormatProvider provider = (System.IFormatProvider) typeof(System.IFormatProvider).CheckCLRTypes(StackObject.ToObject(ptr_of_this_method, __domain, __mStack)); __intp.Free(ptr_of_this_method); ptr_of_this_method = ILIntepreter.Minus(__esp, 2); System.Byte instance_of_this_method = GetInstance(__domain, ptr_of_this_method, __mStack); var result_of_this_method = instance_of_this_method.ToString(provider); return(ILIntepreter.PushObject(__ret, __mStack, result_of_this_method)); }
///<summary>The only valid input is a value between 0 and 15. Text returned will be 1-9 or a-f.</summary> private static string ByteToStr(Byte byteVal) { //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db. switch(byteVal) { case 10: return "a"; case 11: return "b"; case 12: return "c"; case 13: return "d"; case 14: return "e"; case 15: return "f"; default: return byteVal.ToString(); } }
public void open(System.Byte key) { try { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { conn.Open(); } command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM " + tbName + " WHERE Id=" + key.ToString(), conn); dadAdpt = new SqlDataAdapter(command); dadAdpt.SelectCommand = command; dset.Clear(); dadAdpt.Fill(dset, tbName); if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } } catch (SqlException ex) { } }
private void ReadWriteReg() { WDC_REG reg = m_regs[0]; DWORD dwStatus = (DWORD)wdc_err.WD_STATUS_SUCCESS; BOOL bIsRead = (m_direction == RW.READ); if (!IsLegalDirection(0)) { txtData.Text += "you have chosen to " + (bIsRead? "read from" : "write to") + " a register which is " + (bIsRead? "write-only" : "read-only") + Environment.NewLine; return; } switch (reg.dwSize) { case wdc_lib_consts.WDC_SIZE_8: { if (RW.READ == m_direction) { dwStatus = (m_regType == ACTION_TYPE.CFG) ? wdc_lib_decl.WDC_PciReadCfg8(m_device.Handle, reg.dwOffset, ref m_bData) : wdc_lib_decl.WDC_ReadAddr8(m_device.Handle, reg.dwAddrSpace, reg.dwOffset, ref m_bData); } else { dwStatus = (m_regType == ACTION_TYPE.CFG) ? wdc_lib_decl.WDC_PciWriteCfg8(m_device.Handle, reg.dwOffset, m_bData) : wdc_lib_decl.WDC_WriteAddr8(m_device.Handle, reg.dwAddrSpace, reg.dwOffset, m_bData); } break; } case wdc_lib_consts.WDC_SIZE_16: { if (RW.READ == m_direction) { dwStatus = (m_regType == ACTION_TYPE.CFG) ? wdc_lib_decl.WDC_PciReadCfg16(m_device.Handle, reg.dwOffset, ref m_wData) : wdc_lib_decl.WDC_ReadAddr16(m_device.Handle, reg.dwAddrSpace, reg.dwOffset, ref m_wData); } else { dwStatus = (m_regType == ACTION_TYPE.CFG) ? wdc_lib_decl.WDC_PciWriteCfg16(m_device.Handle, reg.dwOffset, m_wData) : wdc_lib_decl.WDC_WriteAddr16(m_device.Handle, reg.dwAddrSpace, reg.dwOffset, m_wData); } break; } case wdc_lib_consts.WDC_SIZE_32: { if (RW.READ == m_direction) { dwStatus = (m_regType == ACTION_TYPE.CFG) ? wdc_lib_decl.WDC_PciReadCfg32(m_device.Handle, reg.dwOffset, ref m_u32Data) : wdc_lib_decl.WDC_ReadAddr32(m_device.Handle, reg.dwAddrSpace, reg.dwOffset, ref m_u32Data); } else { dwStatus = (m_regType == ACTION_TYPE.CFG) ? wdc_lib_decl.WDC_PciWriteCfg32(m_device.Handle, reg.dwOffset, m_u32Data) : wdc_lib_decl.WDC_WriteAddr32(m_device.Handle, reg.dwAddrSpace, reg.dwOffset, m_u32Data); } break; } case wdc_lib_consts.WDC_SIZE_64: { if (RW.READ == m_direction) { dwStatus = (m_regType == ACTION_TYPE.CFG) ? wdc_lib_decl.WDC_PciReadCfg64(m_device.Handle, reg.dwOffset, ref m_u64Data) : wdc_lib_decl.WDC_ReadAddr64(m_device.Handle, reg.dwAddrSpace, reg.dwOffset, ref m_u64Data); } else { dwStatus = (m_regType == ACTION_TYPE.CFG) ? wdc_lib_decl.WDC_PciWriteCfg64(m_device.Handle, reg.dwOffset, m_u64Data) : wdc_lib_decl.WDC_WriteAddr64(m_device.Handle, reg.dwAddrSpace, reg.dwOffset, m_u64Data); } break; } } TraceLog((((DWORD)wdc_err.WD_STATUS_SUCCESS == dwStatus)? (bIsRead? "read " : "wrote ") + "0x" + ((reg.dwSize == wdc_lib_consts.WDC_SIZE_8)? m_bData.ToString("X2"): ((reg.dwSize == wdc_lib_consts.WDC_SIZE_16)? m_wData.ToString("X4") : ((reg.dwSize == wdc_lib_consts.WDC_SIZE_32)? m_u32Data.ToString("X8") : m_u64Data.ToString("X16")))) + (bIsRead? " from " : " to ") + "register " + reg.sName : "failed to complete the transaction on register" + reg.sName), (wdc_err)dwStatus); }
public TakenParams[] GetTakenParamByMetersGUIDandParamsType(Guid guid_meters, Byte types_params) { string query = "SELECT id, guid, guid_params, guid_meters FROM taken_params " + "WHERE guid_meters = '" + guid_meters.ToString() + "' AND guid_params IN (SELECT guid FROM params WHERE guid_types_params IN (SELECT guid FROM types_params WHERE type = " + types_params.ToString() + "))"; List<Object> list = GetRecordsFromReader(query, RetrieveTakenParams); TakenParams[] result = new TakenParams[list.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { result[i] = (TakenParams)list[i]; } list.Clear(); return result; }
public Param[] GetParamByTakenParam(Guid guid_meters, Byte types_params) { string query = "SELECT params.guid, params.param_address,, params.guid_types_meters,, types_params.period, types_params.type FROM params " + "JOIN names_params ON names_params.guid = params.guid_names_params " + "JOIN types_params ON types_params.guid = params.guid_types_params " + "JOIN taken_params ON taken_params.guid_meters = '" + guid_meters.ToString() + "' " + "WHERE params.guid = taken_params.guid_params AND types_params.type = " + types_params.ToString(); List<Object> list = GetRecordsFromReader(query, RetrieveParam); Param[] result = new Param[list.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { result[i] = (Param)list[i]; } list.Clear(); return result; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TimesInstruction"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="length">The length.</param> /// <param name="value">The value.</param> public TimesInstruction (UInt32 length, Byte value) : base (true, string.Empty, string.Empty, "TIMES", length.ToString () + " DB " + value.ToString (), null, null, null, value, null) { this.length = length; }
private Byte[] GetAsHex(Byte value) { return encoding.GetBytes(value.ToString("X2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the memory indicator describing percentage of memory used. /// </summary> /// <param name="percentUsed">Percentage of memory used, 0 <= X <= 100.</param> private void UpdateMemoryIndicator(Byte percentUsed) { Debug.Assert(percentUsed <= 100); textBoxPercentUsed.Text = percentUsed.ToString(); }
public ClientManager(Player player) { this.playah = player; this.ConnectionSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); Byte[] message = new Byte[1024]; this.Server = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 904); this.SReceiver = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 905); this.ConnectionSocket.Bind(SReceiver); this.ConnectMe = new Thread(() => { lock (MessageLock) { message = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Client Connected..."); } Socket clientSocketSend = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); while (true) { clientSocketSend.SendTo(message, Server); Console.WriteLine("Tried..."); Thread.Sleep(100); } }); this.ListenServer = new Thread(() => { EndPoint Doubleorigin; Doubleorigin = (EndPoint)this.SReceiver; ConnectionSocket.Bind(Doubleorigin); while (true) { int size = this.ConnectionSocket.ReceiveFrom(message, ref Doubleorigin); string answer = ""; if (message.ToString() != "") { if (message[0] == 'P' && !Registred) { for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { answer += message[i].ToString(); } lock (this.ClientLock) { this.Server = new IPEndPoint(Server.Address, int.Parse(answer)); this.Registred = true; } this.ConnectMe.Abort(); } else { Boolean newClient = true; for (int i = 2; i < size; i++) { answer += message[i].ToString(); } int IP = int.Parse(answer); foreach(IPEndPoint Adress in enemies.Keys ) { if (int.Parse(Adress.Address.ToString()) == IP) newClient = false; } if (newClient) { AddEnemy(IP.ToString()); } } Console.WriteLine("Received: " + message.ToString() + "\nFrom " + this.SReceiver.Address.ToString()); this.ConnectionSocket.SendTo(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("00"), this.Server); } } }); this.ConnectMe.Start(); this.ListenServer.Start(); }
public void SCsendLEDarray(Byte[] ledStripArray) { if (this.comPortOpen) { arduinoBoard.WriteLine("99"); arduinoBoard.WriteLine(ledStripArray.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the value this animation believes should be the current value for the property. /// </summary> /// <param name="defaultOriginValue"> /// This value is the suggested origin value provided to the animation /// to be used if the animation does not have its own concept of a /// start value. If this animation is the first in a composition chain /// this value will be the snapshot value if one is available or the /// base property value if it is not; otherise this value will be the /// value returned by the previous animation in the chain with an /// animationClock that is not Stopped. /// </param> /// <param name="defaultDestinationValue"> /// This value is the suggested destination value provided to the animation /// to be used if the animation does not have its own concept of an /// end value. This value will be the base value if the animation is /// in the first composition layer of animations on a property; /// otherwise this value will be the output value from the previous /// composition layer of animations for the property. /// </param> /// <param name="animationClock"> /// This is the animationClock which can generate the CurrentTime or /// CurrentProgress value to be used by the animation to generate its /// output value. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The value this animation believes should be the current value for the property. /// </returns> protected override Byte GetCurrentValueCore(Byte defaultOriginValue, Byte defaultDestinationValue, AnimationClock animationClock) { Debug.Assert(animationClock.CurrentState != ClockState.Stopped); if (!_isAnimationFunctionValid) { ValidateAnimationFunction(); } double progress = animationClock.CurrentProgress.Value; IEasingFunction easingFunction = EasingFunction; if (easingFunction != null) { progress = easingFunction.Ease(progress); } Byte from = new Byte(); Byte to = new Byte(); Byte accumulated = new Byte(); Byte foundation = new Byte(); // need to validate the default origin and destination values if // the animation uses them as the from, to, or foundation values bool validateOrigin = false; bool validateDestination = false; switch(_animationType) { case AnimationType.Automatic: from = defaultOriginValue; to = defaultDestinationValue; validateOrigin = true; validateDestination = true; break; case AnimationType.From: from = _keyValues[0]; to = defaultDestinationValue; validateDestination = true; break; case AnimationType.To: from = defaultOriginValue; to = _keyValues[0]; validateOrigin = true; break; case AnimationType.By: // According to the SMIL specification, a By animation is // always additive. But we don't force this so that a // user can re-use a By animation and have it replace the // animations that precede it in the list without having // to manually set the From value to the base value. to = _keyValues[0]; foundation = defaultOriginValue; validateOrigin = true; break; case AnimationType.FromTo: from = _keyValues[0]; to = _keyValues[1]; if (IsAdditive) { foundation = defaultOriginValue; validateOrigin = true; } break; case AnimationType.FromBy: from = _keyValues[0]; to = AnimatedTypeHelpers.AddByte(_keyValues[0], _keyValues[1]); if (IsAdditive) { foundation = defaultOriginValue; validateOrigin = true; } break; default: Debug.Fail("Unknown animation type."); break; } if (validateOrigin && !AnimatedTypeHelpers.IsValidAnimationValueByte(defaultOriginValue)) { throw new InvalidOperationException( SR.Get( SRID.Animation_Invalid_DefaultValue, this.GetType(), "origin", defaultOriginValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } if (validateDestination && !AnimatedTypeHelpers.IsValidAnimationValueByte(defaultDestinationValue)) { throw new InvalidOperationException( SR.Get( SRID.Animation_Invalid_DefaultValue, this.GetType(), "destination", defaultDestinationValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } if (IsCumulative) { double currentRepeat = (double)(animationClock.CurrentIteration - 1); if (currentRepeat > 0.0) { Byte accumulator = AnimatedTypeHelpers.SubtractByte(to, from); accumulated = AnimatedTypeHelpers.ScaleByte(accumulator, currentRepeat); } } // return foundation + accumulated + from + ((to - from) * progress) return AnimatedTypeHelpers.AddByte( foundation, AnimatedTypeHelpers.AddByte( accumulated, AnimatedTypeHelpers.InterpolateByte(from, to, progress))); }
static public String Rend(Byte d) { return d.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Uses a feature report to set the blink pattern on the SuperMutt's LED. /// /// Please note that when we create a FeatureReport, all data is nulled out in the report. Since we will only be modifying /// data we care about, the other bits that we don't care about, will be zeroed out. Controls will effectively do the same thing ( /// all bits are zeroed out except for the bits we care about). /// /// Any errors in async function will be passed down the task chain and will not be caught here because errors should be handled /// at the end of the task chain. /// /// The SuperMutt has the following patterns: /// 0 - LED always on /// 1 - LED flash 2 seconds on, 2 off, repeat /// 2 - LED flash 2 seconds on, 1 off, 2 on, 4 off, repeat /// ... /// 7 - 7 iterations of 2 on, 1 off, followed by 4 off, repeat /// </summary> /// <param name="pattern">A number from 0-7. Each number represents a different blinking pattern</param> /// <returns>A task that can be used to chain more methods after completing the scenario</returns> async Task SetLedBlinkPatternAsync(Byte pattern) { var featureReport = EventHandlerForDevice.Current.Device.CreateFeatureReport(SuperMutt.LedPattern.ReportId); var dataWriter = new DataWriter(); // First byte is always the report id dataWriter.WriteByte((Byte) featureReport.Id); dataWriter.WriteByte(pattern); featureReport.Data = dataWriter.DetachBuffer(); await EventHandlerForDevice.Current.Device.SendFeatureReportAsync(featureReport); rootPage.NotifyUser("The Led blink pattern is set to " + pattern.ToString(), NotifyType.StatusMessage); }
private Boolean IsLandingSquareEmpty(Byte startSquare, MoveDirection jumpDirection) { Boolean answer = false; String start = startSquare.ToString() + jumpDirection.ToString().ToLower(); Byte landingSquare = JumpLandingSquareLookup[start]; UInt64 landingBitBoard = squareTable[landingSquare]; if ((emptySquares & landingBitBoard) != 0UL) answer = true; return answer; }
private Move CreateMoveFromJump(Byte index, MoveDirection direction) { String key = index.ToString() + direction.ToString().ToLower(); Byte landingSquare = JumpLandingSquareLookup[key]; Move move = new Move(index, landingSquare, true); return move; }
private static String InternalFormattedHexString(Object value) { TypeCode typeCode = Convert.GetTypeCode(value); switch (typeCode) { case TypeCode.SByte: { Byte result = (byte)(sbyte)value; return(result.ToString("X2", null)); } case TypeCode.Byte: { Byte result = (byte)value; return(result.ToString("X2", null)); } case TypeCode.Int16: { UInt16 result = (UInt16)(Int16)value; return(result.ToString("X4", null)); } case TypeCode.UInt16: { UInt16 result = (UInt16)value; return(result.ToString("X4", null)); } case TypeCode.UInt32: { UInt32 result = (UInt32)value; return(result.ToString("X8", null)); } case TypeCode.Int32: { UInt32 result = (UInt32)(int)value; return(result.ToString("X8", null)); } case TypeCode.UInt64: { UInt64 result = (UInt64)value; return(result.ToString("X16", null)); } case TypeCode.Int64: { UInt64 result = (UInt64)(Int64)value; return(result.ToString("X16", null)); } // All unsigned types will be directly cast default: BCLDebug.Assert(false, "Invalid Object type in Format"); throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_UnknownEnumType")); } }
/// <summary> /// Converts the value of the specified nullable 8-bit unsigned integer to its equivalent String representation. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">A nullable 8-bit unsigned integer.</param> /// <returns>The String equivalent of the nullable 8-bit unsigned integer value.</returns> public static String ToString(Byte? value) { return value.ToString(); }
private bool Func_Modbus_Recv_Handle() { bool res = true; modbus_handling = true; String SerialIn = ""; for (int i = 0; i < modbus_recv_cnt; i++) { //SerialIn += modbus_recv_data[i].ToString(); if (modbus_recv_data[i] < 0x0f) { SerialIn += "0x0"; SerialIn += Convert.ToString(modbus_recv_data[i], 16); } else { SerialIn += "0x"; SerialIn += Convert.ToString(modbus_recv_data[i], 16); } SerialIn += " "; } if (checkBox_ShowTxt.Checked == true) { this.Invoke((EventHandler)(delegate { this.textBox_ComRec.AppendText("Recv: "); this.textBox_ComRec.AppendText(SerialIn); //在接收文本中添加串口接收数据 this.textBox_ComRec.AppendText("\r\n"); if (textBox_ComRec.TextLength > 32768) { textBox_ComRec.Text = ""; } })); } /* * Send: * [0] 0x01: SubAddress * [1] 0x03: Read(WORD) * [2] 0x01: Register * [3] 0x01: Num(要读的WORD数) * [4-7]0x00000001: Val(传递的参数) * [8] 0x**: CRCH * [9] 0x**: CRCL * * Rec: * [0] 0x01: SubAddress * [1] 0x03: Read(WORD) * [2] 0x01: Register * [3] 0x01: Num * [4] 0x00: ValH[0] * [5] 0x01: ValL[0] * [6] 0x**: CRCH * [7] 0x**: CRCL */ //send:01 03 01 01 00 00 00 01 4F 16->received:01 03 01 01 55 AA AA D9//读故障报警状态 u16 CRC_Result_Cal = 0; u16 CRC_Result_Trans = 0; u8 Register_Address = 0; modbus_is_busy = false; switch (modbus_recv_data[1]) //功能码 { case 0x03: //读寄存器的值(WORD) { CRC_Result_Cal = Func_Get_CRC(modbus_recv_data, 6); //CRC校验正确则发送数据给主站,否则等待主站再次发送数据 CRC_Result_Trans = (u16)((((u16)modbus_recv_data[6]) << 8) | ((u16)modbus_recv_data[7])); if (CRC_Result_Cal == CRC_Result_Trans) { u8 Need_Read_WORD_Num; u32 Func_Val = 0; Register_Address = modbus_recv_data[2]; //寄存器值 Need_Read_WORD_Num = modbus_recv_data[3]; //要读的WORD数 Func_Val = ((((u32)modbus_recv_data[4]) << 8) | (((u32)modbus_recv_data[5]) << 0)); Console.WriteLine("MBI Reg:{0} Num:{1} Val:{2}", Register_Address, Need_Read_WORD_Num, Func_Val); switch (Register_Address) { case REG_IDENTIFY: //测试modbus通信是否正常 { Console.WriteLine("REG_IDENTIFY:{0:X}", Func_Val); this.Invoke((EventHandler)(delegate { label_Status.Text = Func_Val.ToString(); })); break; } case REG_MOUSE_PRESS: { Console.WriteLine("REG_MOUSE:{0:X}", Func_Val); break; } case REG_MOUSE_CLICK: { this.Invoke((EventHandler)(delegate { if (button_ClickLeft.Enabled == false) { button_ClickLeft.Enabled = true; } if (button_ClickRight.Enabled == false) { button_ClickRight.Enabled = true; } })); break; } case REG_MOUSE_SPEED: { this.Invoke((EventHandler)(delegate { if (button_SpeedUp.Enabled == false) { button_SpeedUp.Enabled = true; } if (button_SpeedDown.Enabled == false) { button_SpeedDown.Enabled = true; } if (mouse_speed_chk == false) { mouse_speed_chk = true; } label_MouseSpeed.Text = Func_Val.ToString(); })); break; } case REG_KEYBOARD: case REG_SYSTEM_REBOOT: case REG_USB_RECONNECT: { break; } default: { MessageBox.Show("error reg!!!: " + Register_Address.ToString(), "提示"); res = false; break; } } modbus_send_cmd_is_busy = false; if (Func_KB_FIFO_HasData() == true) { modbus_send_cmd_is_busy = true; Func_Modbus_Send_03(REG_KEYBOARD, 1, Func_KB_FIFO_Output()); } } else { MessageBox.Show("error crc!!!: " + CRC_Result_Cal.ToString(), "提示"); res = false; } break; } case 0x06: { break; } default: { MessageBox.Show("error func!!!: " + modbus_recv_data[1].ToString(), "提示"); res = false; break; } } modbus_recv_data[1] = 0xFF; //取完后立马清掉,表示已经用过了 modbus_recv_cnt = 0; modbus_handling = false; if (res == true) { modbus_success_cnt++; } else { modbus_fail_cnt++; modbus_send_cmd_is_busy = false; } this.Invoke((EventHandler)(delegate { label_CmdSuccessCnt.Text = "CmdCnt: "; label_CmdSuccessCnt.Text += modbus_success_cnt.ToString(); label_CmdSuccessCnt.Text += " | "; label_CmdSuccessCnt.Text += modbus_fail_cnt.ToString(); })); return(res); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the value of the specified nullable 8-bit unsigned integer to its equivalent SqlString representation. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">A nullable 8-bit unsigned integer.</param> /// <returns>The SqlString equivalent of the nullable 8-bit unsigned integer value.</returns> public static SqlString ToSqlString(Byte? value) { return value.HasValue ? value.ToString() : SqlString.Null; }
/// <summary>Converts the value from <c>Byte?</c> to an equivalent <c>SqlChars</c> value.</summary> public static SqlChars ToSqlChars(Byte? p) { return p.HasValue? new SqlChars(p.ToString().ToCharArray()): SqlChars.Null; }
private bool VerifyToString(String id, Byte myByte, String format, String expected) { try { String actual = myByte.ToString(format); if (actual != expected) { TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError(id + "_001", "Expected: " + expected + " Actual: " + actual); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError(id + "_002", "Unexpected exception occurs: " + e); return false; } return true; }
/// <summary>Converts the value from <c>Byte</c> to an equivalent <c>SqlString</c> value.</summary> public static SqlString ToSqlString(Byte p) { return p.ToString(); }
private void ProcessDeviceType(string OperationName, BPProtocolHeader lProtocolHeader, Byte lLinkId, object[] DeserializedData) { log.Info("Processing device type of peer "+ lLinkId); log.Info("Device type is " + ((byte)DeserializedData[0]).ToString()); cForm1.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { //EnumerableRowCollection<Devices.DeviceRow> rows = (from n in cDevices.Device where n.DeviceAddress == lProtocolHeader.cLinkId select n); DataRow[] rows = cDevices.Device.Select("LinkId=" + lLinkId.ToString()); if (rows.Count() == 0) return; Devices.DeviceRow Row = (Devices.DeviceRow)rows[0]; if (Row == null) return; Row.DeviceType = (byte)DeserializedData[0]; Row.AcceptChanges(); }); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the value of the specified nullable 8-bit unsigned integer to its equivalent SqlChars representation. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">A nullable 8-bit unsigned integer.</param> /// <returns>The equivalent SqlChars.</returns> public static SqlChars ToSqlChars(Byte? value) { return value.HasValue ? new SqlChars(value.ToString().ToCharArray()) : SqlChars.Null; }
private void ProcessNewPeer(string OperationName, BPProtocolHeader lProtocolHeader, Byte lLinkId, object[] DeserializedData) { log.Info("Processing new peer with LinkId "+ lLinkId); cForm1.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { DataRow[] rows = cDevices.Device.Select("LinkId=" + lLinkId.ToString()); if(rows.Count()>0) return; cDevices.Device.AddDeviceRow(lLinkId, (Byte)DeviceType.Unknown); }); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the value of the specified 8-bit unsigned integer to its equivalent SqlString representation. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">A 8-bit unsigned integer.</param> /// <returns>The SqlString equivalent of the 8-bit unsigned integer value.</returns> public static SqlString ToSqlString(Byte value) { return value.ToString(); }
/*** void ListenForResponse(Object obj) * * Parameters: * obj - a "this" pointer to the instantiated of the form * * Return Values: * None * * Description: * * This gets invoked to listen for any incoming data on the connection * And safely prints it to the log. If the connection is lost, the thread closes * as well as closes the stream and connection. * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ private void ListenForResponse(Object obj) { TCPEchoClient me = (TCPEchoClient)obj; Byte[] rgbIn = new Byte[1024]; int cbRead = 0; PrintTextSafe("Starting to listen", Color.Black); try { while ((cbRead = me.nwStream.Read(rgbIn, 0, rgbIn.Length)) > 0) { try { Encoding ascii = Encoding.ASCII; string sz = ascii.GetString(rgbIn, 0, cbRead); PrintTextSafe(sz, Color.Blue); } catch { PrintTextSafe("Unrecognized string: " + rgbIn.ToString(), Color.Red); } } } catch { } finally { // kill our stream and connection if (me.nwStream != null) { me.nwStream.Close(); } if (me.tcpClient != null) { me.tcpClient.Close(); } } PrintTextSafe("Ending listening", Color.Black); }
//#define ROM_IGNORE(length) { nullptr, nullptr, 0, (length), ROMENTRYTYPE_IGNORE | ROM_INHERITFLAGS }, public static tiny_rom_entry ROM_FILL(u32 offset, u32 length, u8 value) { return(new tiny_rom_entry(null, value.ToString(), offset, length, ROMENTRYTYPE_FILL)); }
public static String BinToHex(Byte value) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); sb.Append(value.ToString("X2")); //the 2 means 2 digits return sb.ToString(); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { s32 i; this.Text = "KMouse Git" + _VersionGit.ToString(); textBox_eKey.Enabled = false; /*********************初始化鼠标按键 start**********************/ for (i = 0; i < KEY_MousePress_ALL; i++) { mouse_press_en[i] = false; mouse_press_en_last[i] = false; } /*********************初始化鼠标按键 end************************/ /********************更新串口下来列表的选项-start******************/ string[] strArr = Func_GetHarewareInfo(HardwareEnum.Win32_PnPEntity, "Name"); int SerialNum = 0; foreach (string vPortName in SerialPort.GetPortNames()) { String SerialIn = ""; SerialIn += vPortName; SerialIn += ':'; foreach (string s in strArr) { if (s.Contains(vPortName)) { SerialIn += s; } } Console.WriteLine(SerialIn); comboBox_COMNumber.Items.Add(SerialIn); SerialNum++; } /********************更新串口下来列表的选项-end********************/ //波特率 for (i = 0; i < badurate_array.Length; i++) { comboBox_COMBaudrate.Items.Add(badurate_array[i].ToString()); } //校验位 comboBox_COMCheckBit.Items.Add("None"); comboBox_COMCheckBit.Items.Add("Odd"); comboBox_COMCheckBit.Items.Add("Even"); //数据位 comboBox_COMDataBit.Items.Add("8"); comboBox_COMStopBit.Items.Add("0"); //停止位 comboBox_COMStopBit.Items.Add("1"); comboBox_COMStopBit.Items.Add("2"); comboBox_COMStopBit.Items.Add("1.5"); if ((SerialNum > 0) && (Properties.Settings.Default._com_num_select_index < SerialNum)) //串口列表选用号 { comboBox_COMNumber.SelectedIndex = Properties.Settings.Default._com_num_select_index; } else { comboBox_COMNumber.SelectedIndex = -1; } comboBox_COMBaudrate.SelectedIndex = Properties.Settings.Default._baudrate_select_index; comboBox_COMCheckBit.SelectedIndex = 0; comboBox_COMDataBit.SelectedIndex = 0; comboBox_COMStopBit.SelectedIndex = 1; com.DataReceived += Func_COM_DataRec; //指定串口接收函数 textBox_eKey.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.eKey_string; Func_COM_Open(); }
public bool test4() { // Test 4 - 100 packets write, single packet read Debug.WriteLine("Reference Application -> Starting Test 4"); // Declare our output buffer Byte[] outputBuffer = new Byte[65]; // Declare our input buffer Byte[] inputBuffer = new Byte[15]; // Before performing a bulk send to the device we have to send a command // packet to let the device know what's about to happen... // Byte 0 must be set to 0 outputBuffer[0] = 0; // Byte 1 must be set to our command outputBuffer[1] = 0x83; // Fill the rest of the buffer with known data int bufferPointer; Byte data = 0; for (bufferPointer = 2; bufferPointer < 65; bufferPointer++) { // We send the numbers 0 to 63 to the device outputBuffer[bufferPointer] = data; data++; } // Perform the write command bool success; success = writeRawReportToDevice(outputBuffer); // If the write was successful we begin the bulk send if (success) { // Now we send 128 packets to the device for (int packetCounter = 0; packetCounter < 128; packetCounter++) { // Fill the buffer with meaningful data outputBuffer[0] = 0; for (bufferPointer = 1; bufferPointer < 65; bufferPointer++) outputBuffer[bufferPointer] = (Byte)packetCounter; // Send the packet to the device success = writeRawReportToDevice(outputBuffer); if (!success) { Debug.WriteLine("Reference Application -> TEST4: Bulk send to device failed!"); return false; } } } else Debug.WriteLine("Reference Application -> TEST4: Write report to device failed!"); readSingleReportFromDevice(ref inputBuffer); Debug.Print(inputBuffer.ToString()); // We can't tell from here if the device received the data ok, you have to check the device status LEDs return true; }