ToString() публичный Метод

public ToString ( ) : string
Результат string
        private void EndElementIdentityConstraints()
            for (int ci = this.validationStack.Length - 1; ci >= this.startIDConstraint; ci--)
                // no constraint for this level
                if (((ValidationState)(this.validationStack[ci])).Constr == null)

                // else
                ConstraintStruct[] constraints = ((ValidationState)this.validationStack[ci]).Constr;
                for (int i = 0; i < constraints.Length; ++i)
                    // EndChildren
                    // axisFields is not null, but may be empty
                    for (int j = 0; j < constraints[i].axisFields.Count; ++j)
                        LocatedActiveAxis laxis = (LocatedActiveAxis)constraints[i].axisFields[j];
                        // check field from here
                        // isMatched is false when nextElement is null. so needn't change this part.
                        if (laxis.isMatched)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Element Field Filling Value!");
                            Debug.WriteLine("Name: " + reader.LocalName + "\t|\tURI: " + reader.NamespaceURI + "\t|\tValue: " + reader.TypedValueObject + "\n");
                            // fill value
                            laxis.isMatched = false;
                            if (laxis.Ks[laxis.Column] != null)
                                // [field...] should be evaluated to either an empty node-set or a node-set with exactly one member
                                // two matches... already existing field value in the table.
                                SendValidationEvent(Res.Sch_FieldSingleValueExpected, reader.LocalName);
                                // for element, reader.Value = "";
                                string stringValue = !hasSibling ? textString : textValue.ToString();  // only for identity-constraint exception reporting
                                if (reader.TypedValueObject != null && stringValue.Length != 0)
                                    laxis.Ks[laxis.Column] = new TypedObject(reader.TypedValueObject, stringValue, context.ElementDecl.Datatype);
                        // EndChildren
                        laxis.EndElement(reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI);

                    if (constraints[i].axisSelector.EndElement(reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI))
                        // insert key sequence into hash (+ located active axis tuple leave for later)
                        KeySequence ks = constraints[i].axisSelector.PopKS();
                        // unqualified keysequence are not allowed
                        switch (constraints[i].constraint.Role)
                        case CompiledIdentityConstraint.ConstraintRole.Key:
                            if (!ks.IsQualified())
                                //Key's fields can't be null...  if we can return context node's line info maybe it will be better
                                //only keymissing & keyduplicate reporting cases are necessary to be dealt with... 3 places...
                                SendValidationEvent(new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_MissingKey, constraints[i], reader.BaseURI, ks.PosLine, ks.PosCol));
                            else if (constraints[i].qualifiedTable.Contains(ks))
                                // unique or key checking value confliction
                                // for redundant key, reporting both occurings
                                // doesn't work... how can i retrieve value out??
                                SendValidationEvent(new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_DuplicateKey,
                                                                           new string[2] {
                                    ks.ToString(), constraints[i]
                                                                           reader.BaseURI, ks.PosLine, ks.PosCol));
                                constraints[i].qualifiedTable.Add(ks, ks);

                        case CompiledIdentityConstraint.ConstraintRole.Unique:
                            if (!ks.IsQualified())
                            if (constraints[i].qualifiedTable.Contains(ks))
                                // unique or key checking confliction
                                SendValidationEvent(new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_DuplicateKey,
                                                                           new string[2] {
                                    ks.ToString(), constraints[i]
                                                                           reader.BaseURI, ks.PosLine, ks.PosCol));
                                constraints[i].qualifiedTable.Add(ks, ks);

                        case CompiledIdentityConstraint.ConstraintRole.Keyref:
                            // is there any possibility:
                            // 2 keyrefs: value is equal, type is not
                            // both put in the hashtable, 1 reference, 1 not
                            if (constraints[i].qualifiedTable != null)   //Will be null in cases when the keyref is outside the scope of the key, that is not allowed by our impl
                                if (!ks.IsQualified() || constraints[i].qualifiedTable.Contains(ks))
                                constraints[i].qualifiedTable.Add(ks, ks);

            // current level's constraint struct
            ConstraintStruct[] vcs = ((ValidationState)(this.validationStack[this.validationStack.Length - 1])).Constr;
            if (vcs != null)
                // validating all referencing tables...
                for (int i = 0; i < vcs.Length; ++i)
                    if ((vcs[i].constraint.Role == CompiledIdentityConstraint.ConstraintRole.Keyref) ||
                        (vcs[i].keyrefTable == null))
                    foreach (KeySequence ks in vcs[i].keyrefTable.Keys)
                        if (!vcs[i].qualifiedTable.Contains(ks))
                            SendValidationEvent(new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_UnresolvedKeyref, new string[2] {
                                ks.ToString(), vcs[i]
                                                                       reader.BaseURI, ks.PosLine, ks.PosCol));