Scale() публичный Метод

public Scale ( double scaleX, double scaleY ) : void
scaleX double
scaleY double
Результат void
 public static Rect OffsetRect(Rect rect, Vector offset, double scale)
     Rect result = new Rect(rect.TopLeft, rect.BottomRight);
     result.Scale(scale, scale);
     return result;
partial         static void ScaleRect(ref Rect rect, ref Transform transform)
            // Scales the RectangleGeometry to compensate inaccurate hit testing in WPF.
            // See

            rect.Scale(1e6, 1e6);

            var scaleTransform = new ScaleTransform(1e-6, 1e-6); // reverts rect scaling

            var transformGroup = new TransformGroup();

            transform = transformGroup;
 Rect GetViewerBounds()
     ScrollViewer parentView = this.DesignerView.ScrollViewer;
     Rect viewerBounds = new Rect(parentView.HorizontalOffset, parentView.VerticalOffset, parentView.ViewportWidth, parentView.ViewportHeight);
     viewerBounds.Scale(1 / this.designerView.ZoomFactor, 1 / this.designerView.ZoomFactor);
     return viewerBounds;
Пример #4
        public List<ContentLocation> ContentToPixel(String wordToSearch, int actualPage, double width, double height)
            List<ContentLocation> results = new List<ContentLocation>();
              if (wordToSearch == null || wordToSearch.Length == 0)
            return results;

              using (FileStream fileIn = new FileStream(DocumentPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
            //0- Open and load the PDF
            Document PdfDocument = new Document(fileIn);

            for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < PdfDocument.Pages.Count; pageIndex++)
              // searches only on the actual page, or on all of them if actualPage == -1
              if (actualPage != -1 && actualPage != pageIndex)

              //1- try to find the piece of content the mouse is hovering
              TallComponents.PDF.Page page = PdfDocument.Pages[pageIndex];

              double widthT = width / page.Width;
              double heightT = height / page.Height;

              //retrieve all glyphs from the current page
              //Notice that you grep a strong reference to the glyphs, otherwise the GC can decide to recycle.
              GlyphCollection glyphs = page.Glyphs;

              //default the glyph collection is ordered as they are present in the PDF file.
              //we want them in reading order.

              //the bounds of the last glyph analysed
              Rect glyphBounds = Rect.Empty;

              //the current word over which the user clicked
              StringBuilder currentWord = new StringBuilder();
              Rect wordBounds = Rect.Empty;
              bool foundWord = false;
              int wordIndex = 0;

              foreach (TallComponents.PDF.TextExtraction.Glyph glyph in glyphs)
            if (glyph.Characters.Length == 0 || wordIndex == 0)
              if (foundWord)
                double wordWidth = glyphBounds.Right - wordBounds.Left;
                if (wordWidth > 0) //multi-line word -- the bounds cover only the upper part of it
                  wordBounds = new Rect(wordBounds.Left, wordBounds.Top, wordWidth, wordBounds.Height);

                foundWord = false;
                results.Add(new ContentLocation() { Content = currentWord.ToString(), PageIndex = pageIndex, ContentBounds = wordBounds });

              wordIndex = 0;
              wordBounds = Rect.Empty;

            glyphBounds = new Rect(
              page.Height - glyph.TopLeft.Y,
              glyph.TopRight.X - glyph.TopLeft.X,
              glyph.TopLeft.Y - glyph.BottomLeft.Y);
            glyphBounds.Scale(widthT, heightT);

            if (wordBounds == Rect.Empty)
              wordBounds = glyphBounds;

            string chars = String.Empty;
            foreach (char ch in glyph.Characters)

            if (!wordToSearch[wordIndex].ToString().Equals(glyph.Characters[0].ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
              wordIndex = 0;
            else wordIndex++;

            if (wordIndex == wordToSearch.Length)
              foundWord = true;
              wordIndex = 0;

              return results;
Пример #5
        public string PixelToContent(Point position, int actualPage, double width, double height, out Rect wordBounds)
            using (FileStream fileIn = new FileStream(DocumentPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
            //0- Open and load the PDF
            Document PdfDocument = new Document(fileIn);

            //1- try to find the piece of content the mouse is hovering
            TallComponents.PDF.Page page = PdfDocument.Pages[actualPage];

            double widthT = width / page.Width;
            double heightT = height / page.Height;

            //retrieve all glyphs from the current page
            //Notice that you grep a strong reference to the glyphs, otherwise the GC can decide to recycle.
            GlyphCollection glyphs = page.Glyphs;

            //default the glyph collection is ordered as they are present in the PDF file.
            //we want them in reading order.

            //the bounds of the last glyph analysed
            Rect glyphBounds = Rect.Empty;

            //the current word over which the user clicked
            StringBuilder currentWord = new StringBuilder();
            wordBounds = Rect.Empty;
            bool foundWord = false;

            foreach (TallComponents.PDF.TextExtraction.Glyph glyph in glyphs)
              if (glyph.Characters.Length == 0 || glyph.Characters[0] == ' ')
            if (foundWord)
              double wordWidth = glyphBounds.Right - wordBounds.Left;
              if (wordWidth > 0) //multi-line word -- the bounds cover only the upper part of it
                wordBounds = new Rect(wordBounds.Left, wordBounds.Top, wordWidth, wordBounds.Height);

              return currentWord.ToString();

            wordBounds = Rect.Empty;

              glyphBounds = new Rect(
            page.Height - glyph.TopLeft.Y,
            glyph.TopRight.X - glyph.TopLeft.X,
            glyph.TopLeft.Y - glyph.BottomLeft.Y);
              glyphBounds.Scale(widthT, heightT);

              if (wordBounds == Rect.Empty)
            wordBounds = glyphBounds;

              string chars = String.Empty;
              foreach (char ch in glyph.Characters)

              if (!glyphBounds.Contains(position))

              foundWord = true;
              //Console.WriteLine("{0} -[{1},{2},{3},{4}] Font={5}({6})", chars, glyph.BottomLeft,
              //  glyph.BottomRight, glyph.TopLeft, glyph.TopRight, glyph.Font.Name, glyph.FontSize);
            return null;
Пример #6
        public void CalculateViewport()
            Rect actualView = new Rect(0, 0, this.ActualWidth, this.ActualHeight);

            actualView.Scale(1 / Scale, 1 / Scale);
            actualView.Offset(-this.XViewOffset, -this.YViewOffset);

            _viewport = actualView;
Пример #7
        protected override void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyNotificationEventArgs args)
            if (args.PropertyName.Equals("Width") || args.PropertyName.Equals("Height"))
                double scaleX = Width / NativeSize.Width;
                double scaleY = Height / NativeSize.Height;

                _guardUpRegion = GuardedToggleSwitch.GuardUpRegion; 
                _guardUpRegion.Scale(scaleX, scaleY);
                _switchRegion = GuardedToggleSwitch.SwitchRegion;
                _switchRegion.Scale(scaleX, scaleY);
                _guardDownRegion = GuardedToggleSwitch.GuardDownRegion;
                _guardDownRegion.Scale(scaleX, scaleY);
Пример #8
        internal override void TransformRect(ref Rect rect)
            if (rect.IsEmpty)

            double scaleX = ScaleX;
            double scaleY = ScaleY;
            double centerX = CenterX;
            double centerY = CenterY;

            bool translateCenter = centerX != 0 || centerY != 0;
            if (translateCenter)
                rect.X -= centerX;
                rect.Y -= centerY;

            rect.Scale(scaleX, scaleY);

            if (translateCenter)
                rect.X += centerX;
                rect.Y += centerY;
Пример #9
        protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
            //warning : много хаков!
            if (_diagram == null)

            Rect actualViewport = new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, ActualHeight);

            dc.DrawRectangle(Brushes.White, null, actualViewport);

            Rect boundaries = _diagram.Boundaries;
            Rect viewport = _diagram.Viewport;

            double scale;

            double scaleX = actualViewport.Width / boundaries.Width;
            double scaleY = actualViewport.Height / boundaries.Height;

            scale = scaleX > scaleY ? scaleY : scaleX;

            //прямоугольник с элементами
            Rect viewerBoundaries = new Rect(0, 0, boundaries.Width * scale, boundaries.Height * scale);
            dc.DrawRectangle(Brushes.White, GlobalData.BorderPen, viewerBoundaries);

            Vector offset = new Vector(-boundaries.Left, -boundaries.Top);
            Rect viewerViewport = new Rect(viewport.TopLeft, viewport.BottomRight);
            viewerViewport.Offset(offset.X , offset.Y);
            viewerViewport.Scale(scale, scale);

            RectangleGeometry geometryBoundaries = new RectangleGeometry(viewerBoundaries);
            RectangleGeometry geometryViewport = new RectangleGeometry(viewerViewport);
            CombinedGeometry geometryCombined = new CombinedGeometry(GeometryCombineMode.Exclude,
                geometryBoundaries, geometryViewport);

            SolidColorBrush brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray);

            dc.DrawGeometry(brush, null, geometryCombined);


            dc.PushTransform(new ScaleTransform(scale, scale));
            dc.PushTransform(new TranslateTransform(offset.X, offset.Y));


        /// <summary>
        /// Forces content to scroll until the coordinate space of a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Visual" /> object is visible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visual">A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Visual" /> that becomes visible.</param>
        /// <param name="rectangle">A bounding rectangle that identifies the coordinate space to make visible.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Rect" /> that is visible.</returns>
        public Rect MakeVisible(Visual visual, Rect rectangle)
            if (rectangle.IsEmpty || visual == null
              || visual == this || !base.IsAncestorOf(visual))
            { return Rect.Empty; }

            rectangle = visual.TransformToAncestor(this).TransformBounds(rectangle);

            //rectangle.Inflate(50, 50);
            rectangle.Scale(1.2, 1.2);

            Rect viewRect = new Rect(HorizontalOffset,
              VerticalOffset, ViewportWidth, ViewportHeight);
            rectangle.X += viewRect.X;
            rectangle.Y += viewRect.Y;

            viewRect.X = CalculateNewScrollOffset(viewRect.Left,
              viewRect.Right, rectangle.Left, rectangle.Right);
            viewRect.Y = CalculateNewScrollOffset(viewRect.Top,
              viewRect.Bottom, rectangle.Top, rectangle.Bottom);
            rectangle.X -= viewRect.X;
            rectangle.Y -= viewRect.Y;

            return rectangle;
Пример #11
        internal static Arc Fill(Size availableSize, double start, double end)
            if (availableSize.Width == 0 ||
                double.IsNaN(availableSize.Width) ||
                availableSize.Height == 0 ||
                return new Arc(new Point(0, 0), start, end, 0, false);

            var p0 = new Point(0, 0);
            var arc = new Arc(p0, start, end, 1, false);
            var rect = new Rect();
            var ps = arc.GetPoint(start);
            foreach (var quadrant in arc.GetQuadrants(start, end))
            var wf = availableSize.Width / rect.Width;
            var hf = availableSize.Height / rect.Height;
            var r = Math.Min(wf, hf);
            rect.Scale(r, r);
            var v = rect.FindTranslationToCenter(availableSize);
            return new Arc(p0 + v, start, end, r, false);