Пример #1
 public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext typeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo cultureInfo, object value, Type destinationType)
     if (destinationType == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("destinationType");
     if (value != null && value is GridLength)
         GridLength gl = (GridLength)value;
         if (destinationType == typeof(string))
             return(GridLengthConverter.ToString(gl, cultureInfo));
         if (destinationType == typeof(InstanceDescriptor))
             ConstructorInfo constructor = typeof(GridLength).GetConstructor(new Type[]
             return(new InstanceDescriptor(constructor, new object[]
     throw base.GetConvertToException(value, destinationType);
Пример #2
		public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
			double val = (double)value;
			GridLengthConverter GLConverter = new GridLengthConverter();
			GridLength gridLength = (GridLength)(GLConverter.ConvertFromString (val.ToString() + "*"));

			return gridLength;
Пример #3
 private void r180_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (beforeRotate != 180)
         ArcadeMenu.Display.Rotate(1, Display.Orientations.DEGREES_CW_180);
         var    gridLengthConverter = new System.Windows.GridLengthConverter();
         string ww = (this.Width / 4).ToString();
         colwidth.Width = (GridLength)gridLengthConverter.ConvertFromString(ww);
         beforeRotate   = 180;
Пример #4
        public MainWindow()

            this.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None;
            this.Topmost = true;

            //Get Current Rotation
            int i = ArcadeMenu.Display.GetCurrentRotate(1);

            //Sizing tiles to monitor
            if (i == 3)
                var    gridLengthConverter1 = new System.Windows.GridLengthConverter();
                string ww1 = (this.Width / 20).ToString();
                colwidth.Width = (GridLength)gridLengthConverter1.ConvertFromString(ww1);
                beforeRotate   = 270;
            if (i == 1)
                var    gridLengthConverter2 = new System.Windows.GridLengthConverter();
                string ww2 = (this.Width / 20).ToString();
                colwidth.Width = (GridLength)gridLengthConverter2.ConvertFromString(ww2);
                beforeRotate   = 90;
            if (i == 2)
                var    gridLengthConverter3 = new System.Windows.GridLengthConverter();
                string ww3 = (this.Width / 4).ToString();
                colwidth.Width = (GridLength)gridLengthConverter3.ConvertFromString(ww3);
                beforeRotate   = 180;
            if (i == 0)
                var    gridLengthConverter = new System.Windows.GridLengthConverter();
                string ww = (this.Width / 4).ToString();
                colwidth.Width = (GridLength)gridLengthConverter.ConvertFromString(ww);
                beforeRotate   = 0;

            //Defaults on startup
            // beforeRotate = ArcadeMenu.Display.GetCurrentRotate(1);
            dispatcherTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(dispatcherTimer_Tick);
            dispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);

            this.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a grid length from a string, consistently in WPF, WP7 and SL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridLength">The grid length, e.g. 4*, Auto, 23 etc.</param>
        /// <returns>A gridlength.</returns>
        public GridLength ConvertFromString(string gridLength)
            //  If we're NOT in silverlight, we have a gridlength converter
            //  we can use.
            //  Create the standard windows grid length converter.
            var gridLengthConverter = new System.Windows.GridLengthConverter();

            //  Return the converted grid length.
            //   We are in silverlight and do not have a grid length converter.
            //  We can do the conversion by hand.

            //  Auto is easy.
            if (gridLength == "Auto")
                return(new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Auto));
            else if (gridLength.Contains("*"))
                //  It's a starred value, remove the star and get the coefficient as a double.
                double coefficient = 1;
                string starVal     = gridLength.Replace("*", "");

                //  If there is a coefficient, try and convert it.
                //  If we fail, throw an exception.
                if (starVal.Length > 0 && double.TryParse(starVal, out coefficient) == false)
                    throw new Exception("'" + gridLength + "' is not a valid value.");

                //  We've handled the star value.
                return(new GridLength(coefficient, GridUnitType.Star));
                //  It's not auto or star, so unless it's a plain old pixel
                //  value we must throw an exception.
                double pixelVal = 0;
                if (double.TryParse(gridLength, out pixelVal) == false)
                    throw new Exception("'" + gridLength + "' is not a valid value.");

                //  We've handled the star value.
                return(new GridLength(pixelVal, GridUnitType.Pixel));
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a grid length from a string, consistently in WPF, WP7 and SL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridLength">The grid length, e.g. 4*, Auto, 23 etc.</param>
        /// <returns>A grid length.</returns>
        public GridLength ConvertFromString(string gridLength)
            // If we're NOT in silverlight, we have a gridlength converter
            // we can use.
            // Create the standard windows grid length converter.
            var gridLengthConverter = new System.Windows.GridLengthConverter();

            // Return the converted grid length.
            return (GridLength)gridLengthConverter.ConvertFromString(gridLength);

            // We are in silverlight and do not have a grid length converter.
            // We can do the conversion by hand.

            // Auto is easy.
            if (gridLength == "Auto")
                return new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Auto);
            } // if

            if (gridLength.Contains("*"))
                // It's a starred value, remove the star and get the coefficient as a double.
                double coefficient = 1;
                var starVal = gridLength.Replace("*", string.Empty);

                // If there is a coefficient, try and convert it.
                // If we fail, throw an exception.
                if (starVal.Length > 0 && double.TryParse(starVal, out coefficient) == false)
                    throw new Exception("'" + gridLength + "' is not a valid value.");
                } // if

                // We've handled the star value.
                return new GridLength(coefficient, GridUnitType.Star);
            } // if

            // It's not auto or star, so unless it's a plain old pixel 
            // value we must throw an exception.
            double pixelVal;
            if (double.TryParse(gridLength, out pixelVal) == false)
                throw new Exception("'" + gridLength + "' is not a valid value.");
            } // if

            // We've handled the star value.
            return new GridLength(pixelVal, GridUnitType.Pixel);
        } // ConvertFromString
		public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
			var gridLengthConverter = new GridLengthConverter();

			var gridLengthRaw = gridLengthConverter.ConvertFrom(parameter);
			if (gridLengthRaw == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Parameter must be convertable to GridLength");

			var defaultGridLength = (GridLength)gridLengthRaw;

			var boolValue = (bool) value;

			return boolValue ? defaultGridLength : new GridLength(0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the given object to the type of this converter, using the specified context and culture information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">An <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext" /> that provides a format context.</param>
        /// <param name="culture">The <see cref="T:System.Globalization.CultureInfo" /> to use as the current culture.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to convert.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// An <see cref="T:System.Object" /> that represents the converted value.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The conversion cannot be performed.</exception>
        public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value)
            var s = value as string;
            if (s != null)
                var glc = new GridLengthConverter();
                var c = new List<GridLength>();
                foreach (var item in s.Split(SplitterChars))

                return c;

            return base.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value);
Пример #9
        public Main()
            var userPrefs = new UserPreferences();
            GridLengthConverter myGridLengthConverter = new GridLengthConverter();
            GridLength gl1 = (GridLength)myGridLengthConverter.ConvertFromString(userPrefs.WindowLeftColumn.ToString());
            this.columnLeft.Width = gl1;

            gl1 = (GridLength)myGridLengthConverter.ConvertFromString(userPrefs.WindowRightColumn.ToString());
            this.columnRight.Width = gl1;

            this.F1.AddHandler(Favorites.TargetSetClick, new RoutedEventHandler(this.TargetSetClickHandler));
            this.F1.AddHandler(Favorites.FavoriteClick, new RoutedEventHandler(this.FavoriteClickEventHandler));
            this.T1.AddHandler(TreeExplorer.PopulateEverything, new RoutedEventHandler(this.PopulateEverythingHandler));
            this.T1.AddHandler(TreeExplorer.TargetDoubleClick, new RoutedEventHandler(this.TargetDoubleClickHandler));
            this.T1.AddHandler(TreeExplorer.TargetClick, new RoutedEventHandler(this.TargetClickHandler));
            this.T1.AddHandler(TreeExplorer.StartExplore, new RoutedEventHandler(this.StartExploreHandler));
            this.T1.AddHandler(TreeExplorer.FinishedExplore, new RoutedEventHandler(this.FinishedExploreHandler));
            this.T1.AddHandler(TreeExplorer.FailedExplore, new RoutedEventHandler(this.FailedExploreHandler));
Пример #10
        /// <summary>Attempts to convert a specified object to an instance of <see cref="T:System.Windows.GridLength" />. </summary>
        /// <param name="typeDescriptorContext">Describes the context information of a type.</param>
        /// <param name="cultureInfo">Cultural specific information that should be respected during conversion.</param>
        /// <param name="source">The object being converted.</param>
        /// <returns>The instance of <see cref="T:System.Windows.GridLength" /> that is created from the converted <paramref name="source" />.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        ///         <paramref name="source" /> object is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        ///         <paramref name="source" /> object is not <see langword="null" /> and is not a valid type that can be converted to a <see cref="T:System.Windows.GridLength" />.</exception>
        // Token: 0x06000728 RID: 1832 RVA: 0x00016A10 File Offset: 0x00014C10
        public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext typeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo cultureInfo, object source)
            if (source == null)
                throw base.GetConvertFromException(source);
            if (source is string)
                return(GridLengthConverter.FromString((string)source, cultureInfo));
            double       value = Convert.ToDouble(source, cultureInfo);
            GridUnitType type;

            if (DoubleUtil.IsNaN(value))
                value = 1.0;
                type  = GridUnitType.Auto;
                type = GridUnitType.Pixel;
            return(new GridLength(value, type));
Пример #11
 // Initialize known object types
 internal static TypeConverter CreateKnownTypeConverter(Int16 converterId)
     TypeConverter o = null;
     switch (converterId) 
         case -42: o = new System.Windows.Media.Converters.BoolIListConverter(); break;
         case -46: o = new System.ComponentModel.BooleanConverter(); break; 
         case -53: o = new System.Windows.Media.BrushConverter(); break;
         case -61: o = new System.ComponentModel.ByteConverter(); break;
         case -70: o = new System.ComponentModel.CharConverter(); break;
         case -71: o = new System.Windows.Media.Converters.CharIListConverter(); break; 
         case -87: o = new System.Windows.Media.ColorConverter(); break;
         case -94: o = new System.Windows.Input.CommandConverter(); break; 
         case -96: o = new System.Windows.Markup.ComponentResourceKeyConverter(); break; 
         case -111: o = new System.Windows.CornerRadiusConverter(); break;
         case -114: o = new System.ComponentModel.CultureInfoConverter(); break; 
         case -115: o = new System.Windows.CultureInfoIetfLanguageTagConverter(); break;
         case -117: o = new System.Windows.Input.CursorConverter(); break;
         case -124: o = new System.ComponentModel.DateTimeConverter(); break;
         case -125: o = new System.Windows.Markup.DateTimeConverter2(); break; 
         case -130: o = new System.ComponentModel.DecimalConverter(); break;
         case -137: o = new System.Windows.Markup.DependencyPropertyConverter(); break; 
         case -138: o = new System.Windows.DialogResultConverter(); break; 
         case -174: o = new System.Windows.Media.DoubleCollectionConverter(); break;
         case -175: o = new System.ComponentModel.DoubleConverter(); break; 
         case -176: o = new System.Windows.Media.Converters.DoubleIListConverter(); break;
         case -188: o = new System.Windows.DurationConverter(); break;
         case -190: o = new System.Windows.DynamicResourceExtensionConverter(); break;
         case -201: o = new System.Windows.ExpressionConverter(); break; 
         case -204: o = new System.Windows.FigureLengthConverter(); break;
         case -215: o = new System.Windows.Media.FontFamilyConverter(); break; 
         case -216: o = new System.Windows.FontSizeConverter(); break; 
         case -218: o = new System.Windows.FontStretchConverter(); break;
         case -220: o = new System.Windows.FontStyleConverter(); break; 
         case -222: o = new System.Windows.FontWeightConverter(); break;
         case -240: o = new System.Windows.Media.GeometryConverter(); break;
         case -256: o = new System.Windows.GridLengthConverter(); break;
         case -267: o = new System.ComponentModel.GuidConverter(); break; 
         case -286: o = new System.Windows.Media.ImageSourceConverter(); break;
         case -299: o = new System.Windows.Input.InputScopeConverter(); break; 
         case -301: o = new System.Windows.Input.InputScopeNameConverter(); break; 
         case -306: o = new System.ComponentModel.Int16Converter(); break;
         case -314: o = new System.Windows.Media.Int32CollectionConverter(); break; 
         case -315: o = new System.ComponentModel.Int32Converter(); break;
         case -319: o = new System.Windows.Int32RectConverter(); break;
         case -324: o = new System.ComponentModel.Int64Converter(); break;
         case -338: o = new System.Windows.Input.KeyConverter(); break; 
         case -340: o = new System.Windows.Input.KeyGestureConverter(); break;
         case -342: o = new System.Windows.KeySplineConverter(); break; 
         case -344: o = new System.Windows.KeyTimeConverter(); break; 
         case -348: o = new System.Windows.LengthConverter(); break;
         case -387: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Matrix3DConverter(); break; 
         case -392: o = new System.Windows.Media.MatrixConverter(); break;
         case -410: o = new System.Windows.Input.ModifierKeysConverter(); break;
         case -411: o = new System.Windows.Input.MouseActionConverter(); break;
         case -415: o = new System.Windows.Input.MouseGestureConverter(); break; 
         case -423: o = new System.Windows.NullableBoolConverter(); break;
         case -445: o = new System.Windows.Media.PathFigureCollectionConverter(); break; 
         case -453: o = new System.Windows.Media.PixelFormatConverter(); break; 
         case -462: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3DCollectionConverter(); break;
         case -463: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3DConverter(); break; 
         case -467: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point4DConverter(); break;
         case -473: o = new System.Windows.Media.PointCollectionConverter(); break;
         case -474: o = new System.Windows.PointConverter(); break;
         case -475: o = new System.Windows.Media.Converters.PointIListConverter(); break; 
         case -492: o = new System.Windows.PropertyPathConverter(); break;
         case -498: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.QuaternionConverter(); break; 
         case -507: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Rect3DConverter(); break; 
         case -511: o = new System.Windows.RectConverter(); break;
         case -521: o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.RepeatBehaviorConverter(); break; 
         case -538: o = new System.Windows.Markup.RoutedEventConverter(); break;
         case -545: o = new System.ComponentModel.SByteConverter(); break;
         case -563: o = new System.ComponentModel.SingleConverter(); break;
         case -568: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Size3DConverter(); break; 
         case -572: o = new System.Windows.SizeConverter(); break;
         case -615: o = new System.ComponentModel.StringConverter(); break; 
         case -619: o = new System.Windows.StrokeCollectionConverter(); break; 
         case -633: o = new System.Windows.TemplateBindingExpressionConverter(); break;
         case -635: o = new System.Windows.TemplateBindingExtensionConverter(); break; 
         case -637: o = new System.Windows.Markup.TemplateKeyConverter(); break;
         case -645: o = new System.Windows.TextDecorationCollectionConverter(); break;
         case -655: o = new System.Windows.ThicknessConverter(); break;
         case -664: o = new System.ComponentModel.TimeSpanConverter(); break; 
         case -681: o = new System.Windows.Media.TransformConverter(); break;
         case -692: o = new System.Windows.Markup.TypeTypeConverter(); break; 
         case -696: o = new System.ComponentModel.UInt16Converter(); break; 
         case -698: o = new System.ComponentModel.UInt32Converter(); break;
         case -700: o = new System.ComponentModel.UInt64Converter(); break; 
         case -701: o = new System.Windows.Media.Converters.UShortIListConverter(); break;
         case -705: o = new System.UriTypeConverter(); break;
         case -714: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3DCollectionConverter(); break;
         case -715: o = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3DConverter(); break; 
         case -722: o = new System.Windows.Media.VectorCollectionConverter(); break;
         case -723: o = new System.Windows.VectorConverter(); break; 
         case -757: o = new System.Windows.Markup.XmlLanguageConverter(); break; 
     return o; 
Пример #12
 /// <summary>Returns a <see cref="T:System.String" /> representation of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.GridLength" />.</summary>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> representation of the current <see cref="T:System.Windows.GridLength" /> structure.</returns>
 // Token: 0x06000723 RID: 1827 RVA: 0x000169BB File Offset: 0x00014BBB
 public override string ToString()
     return(GridLengthConverter.ToString(this, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            var converter = new System.Windows.GridLengthConverter();

Пример #14
 public GridLengthConverter()
     internalGridLengthConverter = new InternalGridLengthConverter();
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the attribute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attribute">The attribute.</param>
        /// <param name="pi">The pi.</param>
        /// <param name="instance">The instance.</param>
        protected virtual void SetAttribute(Attribute attribute, PropertyItem pi, object instance)
            var ssa = attribute as SelectorStyleAttribute;
            if (ssa != null)
                pi.SelectorStyle = ssa.SelectorStyle;

            var svpa = attribute as SelectedValuePathAttribute;
            if (svpa != null)
                pi.SelectedValuePath = svpa.Path;

            var f = attribute as FontAttribute;
            if (f != null)
                pi.FontSize = f.FontSize;
                pi.FontWeight = f.FontWeight;
                pi.FontFamily = f.FontFamily;

            var fp = attribute as FontPreviewAttribute;
            if (fp != null)
                pi.PreviewFonts = true;
                pi.FontSize = fp.Size;
                pi.FontWeight = fp.Weight;
                pi.FontFamilyPropertyDescriptor = pi.GetDescriptor(fp.FontFamilyPropertyName);

            if (attribute is FontFamilySelectorAttribute)
                pi.IsFontFamilySelector = true;

            var ifpa = attribute as InputFilePathAttribute;
            if (ifpa != null)
                pi.IsFilePath = true;
                pi.IsFileOpenDialog = true;
                pi.FilePathFilter = ifpa.Filter;
                pi.FilePathDefaultExtension = ifpa.DefaultExtension;

            var ofpa = attribute as OutputFilePathAttribute;
            if (ofpa != null)
                pi.IsFilePath = true;
                pi.IsFileOpenDialog = false;
                pi.FilePathFilter = ofpa.Filter;
                pi.FilePathDefaultExtension = ofpa.DefaultExtension;

            if (attribute is DirectoryPathAttribute)
                pi.IsDirectoryPath = true;

            var da = attribute as DataTypeAttribute;
            if (da != null)
                switch (da.DataType)
                    case DataType.MultilineText:
                        pi.AcceptsReturn = true;
                    case DataType.Password:
                        pi.IsPassword = true;

            var ca = attribute as ColumnAttribute;
            if (ca != null)
                var glc = new GridLengthConverter();
                var cd = new ColumnDefinition
                    PropertyName = ca.PropertyName,
                    Header = ca.Header,
                    FormatString = ca.FormatString,
                    Width = (GridLength)(glc.ConvertFromInvariantString(ca.Width) ?? GridLength.Auto),
                    IsReadOnly = ca.IsReadOnly,
                    HorizontalAlignment = StringUtilities.ToHorizontalAlignment(ca.Alignment.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))

                // TODO: sort by index

            var la = attribute as ListAttribute;
            if (la != null)
                pi.ListCanAdd = la.CanAdd;
                pi.ListCanRemove = la.CanRemove;
                pi.ListMaximumNumberOfItems = la.MaximumNumberOfItems;

            var ida = attribute as InputDirectionAttribute;
            if (ida != null)
                pi.InputDirection = ida.InputDirection;

            var eia = attribute as EasyInsertAttribute;
            if (eia != null)
                pi.EasyInsert = eia.EasyInsert;

            var sia = attribute as SortIndexAttribute;
            if (sia != null)
                pi.SortIndex = sia.SortIndex;

            var eba = attribute as EnableByAttribute;
            if (eba != null)
                pi.IsEnabledDescriptor = pi.GetDescriptor(eba.PropertyName);
                pi.IsEnabledValue = eba.PropertyValue;

            var vba = attribute as VisibleByAttribute;
            if (vba != null)
                pi.IsVisibleDescriptor = pi.GetDescriptor(vba.PropertyName);
                pi.IsVisibleValue = vba.PropertyValue;

            var oa = attribute as OptionalAttribute;
            if (oa != null)
                pi.IsOptional = true;
                if (oa.PropertyName != null)
                    pi.OptionalDescriptor = pi.GetDescriptor(oa.PropertyName);

            var ila = attribute as IndentationLevelAttribute;
            if (ila != null)
                pi.IndentationLevel = ila.IndentationLevel;

            var ra = attribute as EnableByRadioButtonAttribute;
            if (ra != null)
                pi.RadioDescriptor = pi.GetDescriptor(ra.PropertyName);
                pi.RadioValue = ra.Value;

            if (attribute is CommentAttribute)
                pi.IsComment = true;

            if (attribute is ContentAttribute)
                pi.IsContent = true;

            var ea = attribute as EditableAttribute;
            if (ea != null)
                pi.IsEditable = ea.AllowEdit;

            if (attribute is AutoUpdateTextAttribute)
                pi.AutoUpdateText = true;

            var ispa = attribute as ItemsSourcePropertyAttribute;
            if (ispa != null)
                pi.ItemsSourceDescriptor = pi.GetDescriptor(ispa.PropertyName);

            var liispa = attribute as ListItemItemsSourcePropertyAttribute;
            if (liispa != null)
                var p = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(instance)[liispa.PropertyName];
                var listItemItemsSource = p != null ? p.GetValue(instance) as IEnumerable : null;
                pi.ListItemItemsSource = listItemItemsSource;

            var clpa = attribute as CheckableItemsAttribute;
            if (clpa != null)
                pi.CheckableItemsIsCheckedPropertyName = clpa.IsCheckedPropertyName;
                pi.CheckableItemsContentPropertyName = clpa.ContentPropertyName;

            var rpa = attribute as BasePathPropertyAttribute;
            if (rpa != null)
                pi.RelativePathDescriptor = pi.GetDescriptor(rpa.BasePathPropertyName);

            var fa = attribute as FilterPropertyAttribute;
            if (fa != null)
                pi.FilterDescriptor = pi.GetDescriptor(fa.PropertyName);

            var dea = attribute as DefaultExtensionPropertyAttribute;
            if (dea != null)
                pi.DefaultExtensionDescriptor = pi.GetDescriptor(dea.PropertyName);

            var fsa = attribute as FormatStringAttribute;
            if (fsa != null)
                pi.FormatString = fsa.FormatString;

            var coa = attribute as ConverterAttribute;
            if (coa != null)
                pi.Converter = Activator.CreateInstance(coa.ConverterType) as IValueConverter;

            var sa = attribute as SlidableAttribute;
            if (sa != null)
                pi.IsSlidable = true;
                pi.SliderMinimum = sa.Minimum;
                pi.SliderMaximum = sa.Maximum;
                pi.SliderSmallChange = sa.SmallChange;
                pi.SliderLargeChange = sa.LargeChange;
                pi.SliderSnapToTicks = sa.SnapToTicks;
                pi.SliderTickFrequency = sa.TickFrequency;

            var spa = attribute as SpinnableAttribute;
            if (spa != null)
                pi.IsSpinnable = true;
                pi.SpinMinimum = spa.Minimum;
                pi.SpinMaximum = spa.Maximum;
                pi.SpinSmallChange = spa.SmallChange;
                pi.SpinLargeChange = spa.LargeChange;

            var wpa = attribute as WidePropertyAttribute;
            if (wpa != null)
                pi.HeaderPlacement = wpa.ShowHeader ? HeaderPlacement.Above : HeaderPlacement.Hidden;

            var wia = attribute as WidthAttribute;
            if (wia != null)
                pi.Width = wia.Width;

            var hpa = attribute as HeaderPlacementAttribute;
            if (hpa != null)
                pi.HeaderPlacement = hpa.HeaderPlacement;

            var ha = attribute as HorizontalAlignmentAttribute;
            if (ha != null)
                pi.HorizontalAlignment = ha.HorizontalAlignment;

            var hea = attribute as HeightAttribute;
            if (hea != null)
                pi.Height = hea.Height;
                pi.MinimumHeight = hea.MinimumHeight;
                pi.MaximumHeight = hea.MaximumHeight;
                pi.AcceptsReturn = true;

            var fta = attribute as FillTabAttribute;
            if (fta != null)
                pi.FillTab = true;
                pi.AcceptsReturn = true;