// Token: 0x060021BA RID: 8634 RVA: 0x000A8248 File Offset: 0x000A6448
        internal void CompileAttribute(ArrayList xamlNodes, AttributeData data)
            string fullName  = data.DeclaringType.Assembly.FullName;
            string fullName2 = data.DeclaringType.FullName;
            Type   propertyType;
            bool   propertyCanWrite;

            XamlTypeMapper.GetPropertyType(data.Info, out propertyType, out propertyCanWrite);
            XamlNode value;
            XamlNode value2;

            switch (BamlRecordManager.GetPropertyStartRecordType(propertyType, propertyCanWrite))
            case BamlRecordType.PropertyArrayStart:
                value  = new XamlPropertyArrayStartNode(data.LineNumber, data.LinePosition, data.Depth, data.Info, fullName, fullName2, data.PropertyName);
                value2 = new XamlPropertyArrayEndNode(data.LineNumber, data.LinePosition, data.Depth);
                goto IL_164;

            case BamlRecordType.PropertyIListStart:
                value  = new XamlPropertyIListStartNode(data.LineNumber, data.LinePosition, data.Depth, data.Info, fullName, fullName2, data.PropertyName);
                value2 = new XamlPropertyIListEndNode(data.LineNumber, data.LinePosition, data.Depth);
                goto IL_164;

            case BamlRecordType.PropertyIDictionaryStart:
                value  = new XamlPropertyIDictionaryStartNode(data.LineNumber, data.LinePosition, data.Depth, data.Info, fullName, fullName2, data.PropertyName);
                value2 = new XamlPropertyIDictionaryEndNode(data.LineNumber, data.LinePosition, data.Depth);
                goto IL_164;
            value  = new XamlPropertyComplexStartNode(data.LineNumber, data.LinePosition, data.Depth, data.Info, fullName, fullName2, data.PropertyName);
            value2 = new XamlPropertyComplexEndNode(data.LineNumber, data.LinePosition, data.Depth);
            this.CompileAttributeCore(xamlNodes, data);
Пример #2
        // Initialize the collection holder, by setting its property definition and default value (retrieved
        // from the property definition).
        internal void InitDefaultValue()
            if (AttributeName == "Resources" &&
                Parent is IHaveResources)
                // "Fast Path" handling of Resources non-DP property
                _resourcesParent   = ((IHaveResources)Parent);
                _defaultCollection = _resourcesParent.Resources;

            // the order of precedence according to the spec is DP, then attached property, then PropertyInfo
            else if (PropertyDefinition.DependencyProperty != null)
                _defaultCollection = ((DependencyObject)Parent).GetValue(PropertyDefinition.DependencyProperty);
            else if (PropertyDefinition.AttachedPropertyGetter != null)
                _defaultCollection = PropertyDefinition.AttachedPropertyGetter.Invoke(null, new object[] { Parent });
            else if (PropertyDefinition.PropertyInfo != null)
                if (PropertyDefinition.IsInternal)
                    _defaultCollection = XamlTypeMapper.GetInternalPropertyValue(_reader.ParserContext,

                    if (_defaultCollection == null)
                        _reader.ThrowException(SRID.ParserCantGetProperty, PropertyDefinition.Name);
                    _defaultCollection = PropertyDefinition.PropertyInfo.GetValue(
                        Parent, BindingFlags.Instance |
                        BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy,
                        null, null, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS);
                _reader.ThrowException(SRID.ParserCantGetDPOrPi, AttributeName);
 // Token: 0x06001D22 RID: 7458 RVA: 0x00087C30 File Offset: 0x00085E30
 internal void InitDefaultValue()
     if (this.AttributeName == "Resources" && this.Parent is IHaveResources)
         this._resourcesParent   = (IHaveResources)this.Parent;
         this._defaultCollection = this._resourcesParent.Resources;
     if (this.PropertyDefinition.DependencyProperty != null)
         this._defaultCollection = ((DependencyObject)this.Parent).GetValue(this.PropertyDefinition.DependencyProperty);
     if (this.PropertyDefinition.AttachedPropertyGetter != null)
         this._defaultCollection = this.PropertyDefinition.AttachedPropertyGetter.Invoke(null, new object[]
     if (this.PropertyDefinition.PropertyInfo != null)
         if (!this.PropertyDefinition.IsInternal)
             this._defaultCollection = this.PropertyDefinition.PropertyInfo.GetValue(this.Parent, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy, null, null, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS);
         this._defaultCollection = XamlTypeMapper.GetInternalPropertyValue(this._reader.ParserContext, this._reader.ParserContext.RootElement, this.PropertyDefinition.PropertyInfo, this.Parent);
         if (this._defaultCollection == null)
             this._reader.ThrowException("ParserCantGetProperty", this.PropertyDefinition.Name);
         this._reader.ThrowException("ParserCantGetDPOrPi", this.AttributeName);
Пример #4
            internal XamlTypeMapperSchemaContext(XamlTypeMapper typeMapper)
                : base()
                _typeMapper          = typeMapper;
                _sharedSchemaContext = (WpfSharedXamlSchemaContext)XamlReader.GetWpfSchemaContext();

                // Copy all the NamespaceMapEntrys from our parent into _nsDefinitions
                if (typeMapper._namespaceMaps != null)
                    _nsDefinitions = new Dictionary <string, FrugalObjectList <string> >();
                    foreach (NamespaceMapEntry mapEntry in _typeMapper._namespaceMaps)
                        FrugalObjectList <string> clrNsList;
                        if (!_nsDefinitions.TryGetValue(mapEntry.XmlNamespace, out clrNsList))
                            clrNsList = new FrugalObjectList <string>(1);
                            _nsDefinitions.Add(mapEntry.XmlNamespace, clrNsList);
                        string clrNs = GetClrNsUri(mapEntry.ClrNamespace, mapEntry.AssemblyName);

                // Copy all the PIs from our parent into _piNamespaces
                if (typeMapper.PITable.Count > 0)
                    _piNamespaces = new Dictionary <string, string>(typeMapper.PITable.Count);
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in typeMapper.PITable)
                        ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair pair = (ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair)entry.Value;
                        string clrNs = GetClrNsUri(pair.ClrNamespace, pair.AssemblyName);
                        _piNamespaces.Add((string)entry.Key, clrNs);

                _clrNamespaces = new HashSet <string>();
        // Write columns related to the given table cell range.
        private static void WriteTableColumnsInformation(ITextRange range, Table table, XmlWriter xmlWriter, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper)
            TableColumnCollection columns = table.Columns;
            int startColumn;
            int endColumn;

            if (!TextRangeEditTables.GetColumnRange(range, table, out startColumn, out endColumn))
                startColumn = 0;
                endColumn = columns.Count - 1;

            Invariant.Assert(startColumn >= 0, "startColumn index is supposed to be non-negative");

            if(columns.Count > 0)
                // Build an appropriate name for the complex property
                string complexPropertyName = table.GetType().Name + ".Columns";

                // Write the start element for the complex property.

                for (int i = startColumn; i <= endColumn && i < columns.Count; i++)
                    WriteXamlAtomicElement(columns[i], xmlWriter, /*reduceElement:*/false);

                // Close the element for the complex property

        /// <summary>
        /// Writes an opening tag of an element together with all attributes
        /// representing Avalon properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="range">
        /// Parameter used for top-level Table element - to decide what columns to output.
        /// For all other elements it's ignored.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="textReader">
        /// TextPointer positioned in the scope of element whose
        /// start tag is going to be written.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="xmlWriter">
        /// XmlWriter to output element opening tag.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="xamlTypeMapper"></param>
        /// <param name="reduceElement">
        /// True value of this parameter indicates that
        /// serialization goes into XamlPackage, so all elements
        /// can be preserved as is; otherwise some of them must be
        /// reduced into simpler representations (such as InlineUIContainer -> Run
        /// and BlockUIContainer -> Paragraph).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="preserveTextElements">
        /// If TRUE, TextElements are serialized as-is.  If FALSE, they're upcast
        /// to their base types.
        /// </param>
        private static void WriteStartXamlElement(ITextRange range, ITextPointer textReader, XmlWriter xmlWriter, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper, bool reduceElement, bool preserveTextElements)
            Type elementType = textReader.ParentType;

            Type elementTypeStandardized = TextSchema.GetStandardElementType(elementType, reduceElement);

            // Get rid f UIContainers when their child is not an image
            if (elementTypeStandardized == typeof(InlineUIContainer) || elementTypeStandardized == typeof(BlockUIContainer))

                InlineUIContainer inlineUIContainer = textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Backward) as InlineUIContainer;
                BlockUIContainer blockUIContainer = textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Backward) as BlockUIContainer;

                if ((inlineUIContainer == null || !(inlineUIContainer.Child is Image)) &&
                    (blockUIContainer == null || !(blockUIContainer.Child is Image)))
                    // Even when we serialize for DataFormats.XamlPackage we strip out UIElement
                    // different from Images. 
                    // Note that this condition is consistent with the one in WriteEmbeddedObject -
                    // so that when we reduce the element type fromm UIContainer to Run/Paragraph
                    // we also output just a space instead of the embedded object conntained in it.
                    elementTypeStandardized = TextSchema.GetStandardElementType(elementType, /*reduceElement:*/true);
            else if (preserveTextElements)
                elementTypeStandardized = elementType;

            bool customTextElement = preserveTextElements && !TextSchema.IsKnownType(elementType);
            if (customTextElement)
                // If the element is not from PresentationFramework, we'll need to serialize a namespace
                int index = elementTypeStandardized.Module.Name.LastIndexOf('.');
                string assembly = (index == -1 ? elementTypeStandardized.Module.Name : elementTypeStandardized.Module.Name.Substring(0, index));
                string nameSpace = "clr-namespace:" + elementTypeStandardized.Namespace + ";" + "assembly=" + assembly;
                string prefix = elementTypeStandardized.Namespace;
                xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(prefix, elementTypeStandardized.Name, nameSpace);

            // Write properties
            DependencyObject complexProperties = new DependencyObject();
            WriteInheritableProperties(elementTypeStandardized, textReader, xmlWriter, /*onlyAffected:*/true, complexProperties);
            WriteNoninheritableProperties(elementTypeStandardized, textReader, xmlWriter, /*onlyAffected:*/true, complexProperties);
            if (customTextElement)
                WriteLocallySetProperties(elementTypeStandardized, textReader, xmlWriter, complexProperties);
            WriteComplexProperties(xmlWriter, complexProperties, elementTypeStandardized);

            // Special case for Table element serialization
            if (elementTypeStandardized == typeof(Table) && textReader is TextPointer)
                // Write the columns text.
                WriteTableColumnsInformation(range, (Table)((TextPointer)textReader).Parent, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper);
        /// <summary>
        /// Walks the tree up from current position and writes all scoping tags
        /// in their natural order - from root to leafs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="range">
        /// Range identifying the whole selection.
        /// Needed for
        /// - table cell range case: proper column processing: to output only columns related to the selection
        /// - text segement case: hyperlink serialization heuristics
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="thisElement">
        /// ITextPointer identifying an element.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scope">
        /// A position identifying the scope which should be used for serialization.
        /// All tags outside of this scope will be ignored.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="xmlWriter">
        /// XmlWriter to write element tags.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="xamlTypeMapper"></param>
        /// <param name="reduceElement">
        /// <see cref="WriteStartXamlElement"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd"></param>
        /// <param name="ignoreList"></param>
        /// <param name="preserveTextElements"></param>
        /// /// <returns>
        /// Number of opening tags written into XmlWriter.
        /// This number should be used afterwards to close all opened tags.
        /// </returns>
        private static int WriteOpeningTags(ITextRange range, ITextPointer thisElement, ITextPointer scope, XmlWriter xmlWriter, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper, bool reduceElement, out bool ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, ref List<int> ignoreList, bool preserveTextElements)
            ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd = false;

            // Recursion ends when we reach the scope level. We will write tags on returing path from the recursion
            if (thisElement.HasEqualScope(scope))
                return 0; // no elements have opened at this level. Return elementCount==0.

            Invariant.Assert(typeof(TextElement).IsAssignableFrom(thisElement.ParentType), "thisElement is expected to be a TextElement");

            ITextPointer previousLevel = thisElement.CreatePointer();

            // Recurse into the parent element
            int elementLevel = WriteOpeningTags(range, previousLevel, scope, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper, reduceElement, out ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, ref ignoreList, preserveTextElements);

            // After returning from the recursion - when all parent tags have been written,
            // write the opening tag for this element

            // Hyperlink open tag will be skipped since the range selection of Hyperlink is the partial
            // of Hyperlink range or Hyperlink include invalid UIElement except Image.
            bool ignoreHyperlink = false;
            bool isPartialNonTypographic = false;

            if (thisElement.ParentType == typeof(Hyperlink))
                if (TextPointerBase.IsAtNonMergeableInlineStart(range.Start))
                    ITextPointer position = thisElement.CreatePointer();

                    ignoreHyperlink = IsHyperlinkInvalid(position, range.End);
                    ignoreHyperlink = true;

                TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute att = (TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(thisElement.ParentType, typeof(TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute));
                if (att != null && !att.IsTypographicOnly)
                    if (TextPointerBase.IsAtNonMergeableInlineStart(range.Start))
                        ITextPointer position = thisElement.CreatePointer();

                        isPartialNonTypographic = IsPartialNonTypographic(position, range.End);
                        isPartialNonTypographic = true;
            int count;

            if (ignoreHyperlink)
                // Ignore writing Hyperlink opening tag
                ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd = true;

                // Set elementLevel without adding it
                count = elementLevel;
            else if (isPartialNonTypographic)
                // Add the end pointer to the list
                ITextPointer position = thisElement.CreatePointer();

                // Set elementLevel without adding to it
                count = elementLevel;
                // Write the opening tag 
                WriteStartXamlElement(range, thisElement, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper, reduceElement, preserveTextElements);

                // Each opening tag adds one to the level count
                count = elementLevel + 1;

            // Return the opening tag count
            return count;
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes a rectagular table range
        /// </summary>
        private static void WriteXamlTableCellRange(XmlWriter xmlWriter, ITextRange range, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper, ref int elementLevel, WpfPayload wpfPayload, bool preserveTextElements)
            Invariant.Assert(range.IsTableCellRange, "range is expected to be in IsTableCellRange state");

            List<TextSegment> textSegments = range.TextSegments;

            int checkElementLevel = -1; // negative value as an indicator that it is not yet initialized

            // Set ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd as false initially
            bool ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd = false;
            List<int> ignoreList = new List<int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < textSegments.Count; i++)
                TextSegment textSegment = textSegments[i];

                // Open a row for this segment (except for the very first one, for which we opened a row in a WriteOpeningTags method)
                if (i > 0)
                    ITextPointer pointer = textSegment.Start.CreatePointer();
                    while (!typeof(TableRow).IsAssignableFrom(pointer.ParentType))
                        Invariant.Assert(typeof(TextElement).IsAssignableFrom(pointer.ParentType), "pointer must be still in a scope of TextElement");
                    Invariant.Assert(typeof(TableRow).IsAssignableFrom(pointer.ParentType), "pointer must be in a scope of TableRow");
                    ITextRange textRange = new TextRange(textSegment.Start, textSegment.End);

                    elementLevel += WriteOpeningTags(textRange, textSegment.Start, pointer, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper, /*reduceElement:*/wpfPayload == null, out ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, ref ignoreList, preserveTextElements);

                // Output the cell segment for one row
                WriteXamlTextSegment(xmlWriter, textSegment.Start, textSegment.End, xamlTypeMapper, ref elementLevel, wpfPayload, ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, ignoreList, preserveTextElements);

                Invariant.Assert(elementLevel >= 4, "At the minimun we expected to stay within four elements: Section(wrapper),Table,TableRowGroup,TableRow");
                if (checkElementLevel < 0) checkElementLevel = elementLevel; // initialize level checking variable
                Invariant.Assert(checkElementLevel == elementLevel, "elementLevel is supposed to be unchanged between segments of table cell range");

                // Assuming that the element is TableRow - close it.
                // NOTE: Such assumption is valid because WriteXamlTextSegment moves end pointer out of all opening tags,
                // so it ends serialization immediately after the last cell's closing tag.
                // This means that we only need to close one level - for TableRow.
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        // Private Methods
        // -------------------------------------------------------------

        #region Private Methods

        // .............................................................
        // Serialization
        // .............................................................

        /// <summary>
        /// This function serializes text segment formed by rangeStart and rangeEnd to valid xml using xmlWriter.
        /// </summary>        
        /// <SecurityNote>
        /// To mask the security exception from XamlWriter.Save in partial trust case, 
        /// this function checks if the current call stack has the all clipboard permission.
        /// </SecurityNote>
        private static void WriteXamlTextSegment(XmlWriter xmlWriter, ITextPointer rangeStart, ITextPointer rangeEnd, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper, ref int elementLevel, WpfPayload wpfPayload, bool ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, List<int> ignoreList, bool preserveTextElements)
            // Special case for pure text selection - we need a Run wrapper for it.
            if (elementLevel == EmptyDocumentDepth && typeof(Run).IsAssignableFrom(rangeStart.ParentType))

            // Create text navigator for reading the range's content
            ITextPointer textReader = rangeStart.CreatePointer();

            // Exclude last opening tag from serialization - we don't need to create extra element
            // is cases when we have whole paragraphs/cells selected.
            // NOTE: We do this slightly differently than in TextRangeEdit.AdjustRangeEnd, where we use normalization for adjusted position.
            // In this case normalized position does not work, because we need to keep information about crossed paragraph boundary.
            while (rangeEnd.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart)
                rangeEnd = rangeEnd.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);

            // Write the range internal contents
            while (textReader.CompareTo(rangeEnd) < 0)
                TextPointerContext runType = textReader.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward);

                switch (runType)
                    case TextPointerContext.ElementStart:
                        TextElement nextElement = (TextElement)textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                        if (nextElement is Hyperlink)
                            // Don't write Hyperlink start element if Hyperlink is invalid
                            // in case of having a UiElement except Image or stated the range end
                            // position before the end position of the Hyperlink.
                            if (IsHyperlinkInvalid(textReader, rangeEnd))
                                ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd = true;

                        else if (nextElement != null)

                            TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute att = (TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(nextElement.GetType(), typeof(TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute));
                            if (att != null && !att.IsTypographicOnly)
                                if (IsPartialNonTypographic(textReader, rangeEnd))
                                    // Add pointer to ignore list
                                    ITextPointer ptr = textReader.CreatePointer();



                        WriteStartXamlElement(/*range:*/null, textReader, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper, /*reduceElement:*/wpfPayload == null, preserveTextElements);


                    case TextPointerContext.ElementEnd:
                        // Don't write Hyperlink end element if Hyperlink include the invalid
                        // in case of having a UiElement except Image or stated the range end
                        // before the end position of the Hyperlink or Hyperlink opening tag is 
                        // skipped from WriteOpeningTags by selecting of the partial of Hyperlink.
                        if (ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd && (textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward) is Hyperlink))
                            // Reset the flag to keep walk up the next Hyperlink tag
                            ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd = false;

                        // Check the ignore list
                        ITextPointer endPointer = textReader.CreatePointer();
                        endPointer.MoveToElementEdge(ElementEdge.BeforeEnd);  // 
                        if (ignoreList.Contains(endPointer.Offset))


                        if (TextSchema.IsBreak(textReader.ParentType))
                            // For LineBreak, etc. use empty element syntax
                        {   // 
                            // For all other textelements use explicit closing tag.

                    case TextPointerContext.Text:
                        int textLength = textReader.GetTextRunLength(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                        char[] text = new Char[textLength];

                        textLength = TextPointerBase.GetTextWithLimit(textReader, LogicalDirection.Forward, text, 0, textLength, rangeEnd);

                        // XmlWriter will throw an ArgumentException if text contains
                        // any invalid surrogates, so strip them out now.
                        textLength = StripInvalidSurrogateChars(text, textLength);

                        xmlWriter.WriteChars(text, 0, textLength);

                    case TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement:
                        object embeddedObject = textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward);

                        WriteEmbeddedObject(embeddedObject, xmlWriter, wpfPayload);

                        Invariant.Assert(false, "unexpected value of runType");
        // Token: 0x060020F0 RID: 8432 RVA: 0x000975CC File Offset: 0x000957CC
        public void WriteStartComplexProperty(string assemblyName, string ownerTypeFullName, string propName)
            Type   type             = null;
            bool   propertyCanWrite = true;
            object obj;
            Type   type2;

            this.GetDpOrPi(assemblyName, ownerTypeFullName, propName, out obj, out type2);
            if (obj == null)
                MethodInfo mi = this.GetMi(assemblyName, ownerTypeFullName, propName, out type2);
                if (mi != null)
                    XamlTypeMapper.GetPropertyType(mi, out type, out propertyCanWrite);
                type = XamlTypeMapper.GetPropertyType(obj);
                PropertyInfo propertyInfo = obj as PropertyInfo;
                if (propertyInfo != null)
                    propertyCanWrite = propertyInfo.CanWrite;
                    DependencyProperty dependencyProperty = obj as DependencyProperty;
                    if (dependencyProperty != null)
                        propertyCanWrite = !dependencyProperty.ReadOnly;
            int depth;

            if (type == null)
                int lineNumber   = 0;
                int linePosition = 0;
                depth       = this._depth;
                this._depth = depth + 1;
                XamlPropertyComplexStartNode xamlComplexPropertyNode = new XamlPropertyComplexStartNode(lineNumber, linePosition, depth, null, assemblyName, ownerTypeFullName, propName);
            BamlRecordType propertyStartRecordType = BamlRecordManager.GetPropertyStartRecordType(type, propertyCanWrite);

            switch (propertyStartRecordType)
            case BamlRecordType.PropertyArrayStart:
                int lineNumber2   = 0;
                int linePosition2 = 0;
                depth       = this._depth;
                this._depth = depth + 1;
                XamlPropertyArrayStartNode xamlPropertyArrayStartNode = new XamlPropertyArrayStartNode(lineNumber2, linePosition2, depth, obj, assemblyName, ownerTypeFullName, propName);

            case BamlRecordType.PropertyIListStart:
                int lineNumber3   = 0;
                int linePosition3 = 0;
                depth       = this._depth;
                this._depth = depth + 1;
                XamlPropertyIListStartNode xamlPropertyIListStart = new XamlPropertyIListStartNode(lineNumber3, linePosition3, depth, obj, assemblyName, ownerTypeFullName, propName);

            case BamlRecordType.PropertyIDictionaryStart:
                int lineNumber4   = 0;
                int linePosition4 = 0;
                depth       = this._depth;
                this._depth = depth + 1;
                XamlPropertyIDictionaryStartNode xamlPropertyIDictionaryStartNode = new XamlPropertyIDictionaryStartNode(lineNumber4, linePosition4, depth, obj, assemblyName, ownerTypeFullName, propName);
            int lineNumber5   = 0;
            int linePosition5 = 0;

            depth       = this._depth;
            this._depth = depth + 1;
            XamlPropertyComplexStartNode xamlComplexPropertyNode2 = new XamlPropertyComplexStartNode(lineNumber5, linePosition5, depth, obj, assemblyName, ownerTypeFullName, propName);

Пример #11
        internal BamlMapTable(XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper)
            Debug.Assert(null != xamlTypeMapper);

            _xamlTypeMapper = xamlTypeMapper;
Пример #12
        // Return a new XamlTypeMapper that has the same instance variables as this instance,
        // will all complex properties deep copied.
        internal XamlTypeMapper Clone()
            XamlTypeMapper newMapper = new XamlTypeMapper(_assemblyNames.Clone() as string[]);

            newMapper._mapTable = _mapTable;
            newMapper._referenceAssembliesLoaded = _referenceAssembliesLoaded;
            newMapper._lineNumber = _lineNumber;
            newMapper._linePosition = _linePosition;

            newMapper._namespaceMaps = _namespaceMaps.Clone() as NamespaceMapEntry[];
            newMapper._typeLookupFromXmlHashtable = _typeLookupFromXmlHashtable.Clone() as Hashtable;
            newMapper._namespaceMapHashList = _namespaceMapHashList.Clone() as Hashtable;
            newMapper._typeInformationCache = CloneHybridDictionary(_typeInformationCache);
            newMapper._piTable = CloneHybridDictionary(_piTable);
            newMapper._piReverseTable = CloneStringDictionary(_piReverseTable);
            newMapper._assemblyPathTable = CloneHybridDictionary(_assemblyPathTable);

            return newMapper;
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the <see cref="FrameworkElement"/> a specific style is based on.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resourceDictionaryUri">The resource dictionary URI.</param>
        /// <param name="styleKey">The style key.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <see cref="Type"/> or <c>null</c> if the style is not based on a <see cref="FrameworkElement"/>.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="resourceDictionaryUri"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="styleKey"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is introduced due to the lack of the ability to use DynamicResource for the BasedOn property when
        /// defining styles inside a derived theme.
        /// Should be used in combination with the <see cref="RecreateDefaultStylesBasedOnTheme"/> method.
        /// </remarks>
        private static Type FindFrameworkElementStyleIsBasedOn(Uri resourceDictionaryUri, string styleKey)
            Argument.IsNotNull("resourceDictionaryUri", resourceDictionaryUri);
            Argument.IsNotNull("styleKey", styleKey);

            if (_styleToFrameworkElementTypeCache.ContainsKey(styleKey))
                return _styleToFrameworkElementTypeCache[styleKey];

                XmlDocument doc;

                if (_resourceDictionaryCache.ContainsKey(resourceDictionaryUri))
                    doc = _resourceDictionaryCache[resourceDictionaryUri];
                    StreamResourceInfo streamResourceInfo = Application.GetResourceStream(resourceDictionaryUri);
                    var reader = new XmlBamlReader(streamResourceInfo.Stream);

                    doc = new XmlDocument();

                    _resourceDictionaryCache.Add(resourceDictionaryUri, doc);

                #region Create xml namespace manager
                // Create namespace manager (all namespaces are required)
                var xmlNamespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
                foreach (XmlAttribute namespaceAttribute in doc.DocumentElement.Attributes)
                    // Clean up namespace (remove xmlns prefix)
                    string xmlNamespace = namespaceAttribute.Name.Replace("xmlns", "").TrimStart(new char[] { ':' });
                    xmlNamespaceManager.AddNamespace(xmlNamespace, namespaceAttribute.Value);

                // Add a dummy node
                xmlNamespaceManager.AddNamespace("x", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml");
                xmlNamespaceManager.AddNamespace("ctl", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation");

                string xpath = string.Format("/ctl:ResourceDictionary/ctl:Style[@x:Key='{0}']/@BasedOn", styleKey);
                var xmlAttribute = doc.SelectSingleNode(xpath, xmlNamespaceManager) as XmlAttribute;
                if (xmlAttribute == null)
                    Log.Warning("Style '{0}' does not have the 'BasedOn' attribute defined", styleKey);

                    _styleToFrameworkElementTypeCache.Add(styleKey, null);

                    return null;

                string basedOnValue = xmlAttribute.Value;
                basedOnValue = basedOnValue.Replace("StaticResource", "");
                basedOnValue = basedOnValue.Replace("x:Type", "").Trim(new[] { ' ', '{', '}' });

                #region Create xml type mapper
                var xamlTypeMapper = new XamlTypeMapper(new[] { "PresentationFramework" });
                foreach (XmlAttribute namespaceAttribute in doc.DocumentElement.Attributes)
                    string xmlNamespace = namespaceAttribute.Name.Replace("xmlns", "").TrimStart(new char[] { ':' });

                    string value = namespaceAttribute.Value;
                    string clrNamespace = value;
                    string assemblyName = string.Empty;

                    if (clrNamespace.StartsWith("clr-namespace:"))
                        // We have a hit (formatting is normally one of the 2 below):
                        // * clr-namespace:[NAMESPACE]
                        // * clr-namespace:[NAMESPACE];assembly=[ASSEMBLY]
                        if (clrNamespace.Contains(";"))
                            clrNamespace = clrNamespace.Split(new char[] { ';' })[0];
                        clrNamespace = clrNamespace.Replace("clr-namespace:", "");

                        if (value.Contains(";"))
                            assemblyName = value.Split(new char[] { ';' })[1].Replace("assembly:", "");

                        xamlTypeMapper.AddMappingProcessingInstruction(xmlNamespace, clrNamespace, assemblyName);

                string[] splittedType = basedOnValue.Split(new[] { ':' });
                string typeNamespace = (splittedType.Length == 2) ? splittedType[0] : "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation";
                string typeName = (splittedType.Length == 2) ? splittedType[1] : splittedType[0];
                var type = xamlTypeMapper.GetType(typeNamespace, typeName);
                if (type == null)
                    _styleToFrameworkElementTypeCache.Add(styleKey, null);
                    return null;

                Log.Debug("Style '{0}' is based on type '{1}'", styleKey, type);

                if ((type == typeof(FrameworkElement)) || type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(FrameworkElement)))
                    _styleToFrameworkElementTypeCache.Add(styleKey, type);
                    return type;

                _styleToFrameworkElementTypeCache.Add(styleKey, null);
                return null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error(ex, "Failed to find the framework element where style '{0}' is based on", styleKey);
                return null;
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the <see cref="FrameworkElement"/> a specific style is based on.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resourceDictionaryUri">The resource dictionary URI.</param>
        /// <param name="styleKey">The style key.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <see cref="Type"/> or <c>null</c> if the style is not based on a <see cref="FrameworkElement"/>.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="resourceDictionaryUri"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="styleKey"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is introduced due to the lack of the ability to use DynamicResource for the BasedOn property when
        /// defining styles inside a derived theme.
        /// Should be used in combination with the <see cref="RecreateDefaultStylesBasedOnTheme"/> method.
        /// </remarks>
        private static Type FindFrameworkElementStyleIsBasedOn(Uri resourceDictionaryUri, string styleKey)
            Argument.IsNotNull("resourceDictionaryUri", resourceDictionaryUri);
            Argument.IsNotNull("styleKey", styleKey);

            return _styleToFrameworkElementTypeCache.GetFromCacheOrFetch(styleKey, () =>
                    var xmlDocInfo = GetResourceXmlDocument(resourceDictionaryUri);
                    var doc = xmlDocInfo.Item1;
                    var xmlNamespaceManager = xmlDocInfo.Item2;

                    string xpath = string.Format("/ctl:ResourceDictionary/ctl:Style[@x:Key='{0}']/@BasedOn", styleKey);
                    var xmlAttribute = doc.SelectSingleNode(xpath, xmlNamespaceManager) as XmlAttribute;
                    if (xmlAttribute == null)
                        Log.Warning("Style '{0}' does not have the 'BasedOn' attribute defined", styleKey);
                        return null;

                    string basedOnValue = xmlAttribute.Value;
                    basedOnValue = basedOnValue.Replace("StaticResource", "");
                    basedOnValue = basedOnValue.Replace("x:Type", "").Trim(new[] { ' ', '{', '}' });

                    #region Create xml type mapper
                    var xamlTypeMapper = new XamlTypeMapper(new[] { "PresentationFramework" });
                    foreach (XmlAttribute namespaceAttribute in doc.DocumentElement.Attributes)
                        string xmlNamespace = namespaceAttribute.Name.Replace("xmlns", string.Empty).TrimStart(new[] { ':' });

                        string value = namespaceAttribute.Value;
                        string clrNamespace = value;
                        string assemblyName = string.Empty;

                        if (clrNamespace.StartsWith("clr-namespace:"))
                            // We have a hit (formatting is normally one of the 2 below):
                            // * clr-namespace:[NAMESPACE]
                            // * clr-namespace:[NAMESPACE];assembly=[ASSEMBLY]
                            if (clrNamespace.Contains(";"))
                                clrNamespace = clrNamespace.Split(new[] { ';' })[0];
                            clrNamespace = clrNamespace.Replace("clr-namespace:", string.Empty);

                            if (value.Contains(";"))
                                assemblyName = value.Split(new[] { ';' })[1].Replace("assembly:", string.Empty);

                            xamlTypeMapper.AddMappingProcessingInstruction(xmlNamespace, clrNamespace, assemblyName);

                    string[] splittedType = basedOnValue.Split(new[] { ':' });
                    string typeNamespace = (splittedType.Length == 2) ? splittedType[0] : "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation";
                    string typeName = (splittedType.Length == 2) ? splittedType[1] : splittedType[0];
                    var type = xamlTypeMapper.GetType(typeNamespace, typeName);
                    if (type == null)
                        return null;

                    Log.Debug("Style '{0}' is based on type '{1}'", styleKey, type);

                    if ((type == typeof(FrameworkElement)) || type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(FrameworkElement)))
                        return type;

                    return null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Error(ex, "Failed to find the framework element where style '{0}' is based on", styleKey);
                    return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a FlowDocument element wrapping copied content and storing its contextual properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="range"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="xmlWriter"></param>
        /// <param name="xamlTypeMapper"></param>
        /// <param name="lastParagraphMustBeMerged"></param>
        /// <param name="useFlowDocumentAsRoot">
        /// true means that we need to serialize the whole FlowDocument - used in FileSave scenario;
        /// false means that we are in copy-paste scenario and will use Section or Span as a root - depending on context.
        /// </param>
        private static void WriteRootFlowDocument(ITextRange range, ITextPointer context, XmlWriter xmlWriter, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper, bool lastParagraphMustBeMerged, bool useFlowDocumentAsRoot)
            Type rootType;
            const string xmlNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation";
            const string xmlns = "xmlns";

            // Decide what root element to use
            if (useFlowDocumentAsRoot)
                rootType = typeof(FlowDocument);
                Type contextType = context.ParentType;
                if (contextType == null || 
                    typeof(Paragraph).IsAssignableFrom(contextType) ||
                    typeof(Inline).IsAssignableFrom(contextType) && !typeof(AnchoredBlock).IsAssignableFrom(contextType)) 
                    rootType = typeof(Span);
                    rootType = typeof(Section);

            // Create a root element FlowDocument
            xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(rootType.Name, xmlNamespace);

            // Define default namespace as Avalon namespace
            xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(xmlns, xmlNamespace);

            // Set the value of xml:space to "preserve" to consider all spaces as significant
            // Note that Xml treats whitespaces as significant if they belong to some nonempty line
            // (neighbored by non-whitespace characters at least from one side)
            // That's why we only loose whitespaces if they occupy the whole textrun in xml.
            // So alternative solution for whitespace preservation could be setting xml:space="preserve"
            // attribute to only empty runs - this would make our whitespace preservation more
            // narrowed...

            xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("xml:space", "preserve");

            // Write all contextual properties as attributes of root fragment
            DependencyObject complexProperties = new DependencyObject();
            if (useFlowDocumentAsRoot)
                WriteInheritablePropertiesForFlowDocument((DependencyObject)((TextPointer)context).Parent, xmlWriter, complexProperties);
                WriteInheritableProperties(rootType, context, xmlWriter, /*onlyAffected:*/false, complexProperties);

            if (rootType == typeof(Span))
                // Root element is not real element to paste. It is just a property bag for contextual properties.
                // So we collect non-inheritable properties only for inline content; not needing it for block one.
                WriteNoninheritableProperties(typeof(Span), context, xmlWriter, /*onlyAffected:*/false, complexProperties);

            // Write an indicator that last paragraph must be merged on paste
            if (rootType == typeof(Section) && lastParagraphMustBeMerged)
                xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(Section.HasTrailingParagraphBreakOnPastePropertyName, "False");

            // Note that we are skipping background property, because we only want to transfer it for the whole document.

            WriteComplexProperties(xmlWriter, complexProperties, rootType);
Пример #16
        //[CodeAnalysis("AptcaMethodsShouldOnlyCallAptcaMethods")] //Tracking Bug: 29647
        internal static object LoadBaml(
            Stream stream,
            ParserContext parserContext,
            object parent,
            bool closeStream)
            object root = null;

            bool clrTracingEnabled = false;
            // Use local pass variable to correctly log nested parses.
            int pass = 0;

            if (CLRProfilerControl.ProcessIsUnderCLRProfiler &&
                (CLRProfilerControl.CLRLoggingLevel >= CLRProfilerControl.CLRLogState.Performance))
                clrTracingEnabled = true;
                pass = ++_CLRBamlPass;
                CLRProfilerControl.CLRLogWriteLine("Begin_BamlParse_{0}", pass);
#endif // DEBUG_CLR_MEM

            EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordXamlBaml | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Event.WClientParseBamlBegin, parserContext.BaseUri);

            if (TraceMarkup.IsEnabled)
                TraceMarkup.Trace(TraceEventType.Start, TraceMarkup.Load);

                // If the stream contains info about the Assembly that created it,
                // set StreamCreatedAssembly from the stream instance.
                IStreamInfo streamInfo = stream as IStreamInfo;
                if (streamInfo != null)
                    parserContext.StreamCreatedAssembly = streamInfo.Assembly;

                Baml2006ReaderSettings readerSettings = XamlReader.CreateBamlReaderSettings();
                readerSettings.BaseUri       = parserContext.BaseUri;
                readerSettings.LocalAssembly = streamInfo.Assembly;
                // We do not set OwnsStream = true so the Baml2006Reader will not close the stream.
                // Calling code is responsible for disposing the stream
                if (readerSettings.BaseUri == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(readerSettings.BaseUri.ToString()))
                    readerSettings.BaseUri = BaseUriHelper.PackAppBaseUri;

                var reader = new Baml2006ReaderInternal(stream, new Baml2006SchemaContext(readerSettings.LocalAssembly), readerSettings, parent);

                // We don't actually use the GeneratedInternalTypeHelper any more.
                // But for v3 compat, don't allow loading of internals in PT unless there is one.
                Type internalTypeHelper = null;
                if (streamInfo.Assembly != null)
                        internalTypeHelper = XamlTypeMapper.GetInternalTypeHelperTypeFromAssembly(parserContext);
                    // This can perform attribute reflection which will fail if the assembly has unresolvable
                    // attributes. If that happens, just assume there is no helper.
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (MS.Internal.CriticalExceptions.IsCriticalException(e))

                if (internalTypeHelper != null)
                    XamlAccessLevel    accessLevel    = XamlAccessLevel.AssemblyAccessTo(streamInfo.Assembly);
                    XamlLoadPermission loadPermission = new XamlLoadPermission(accessLevel);
                        root = WpfXamlLoader.LoadBaml(reader, parserContext.SkipJournaledProperties, parent, accessLevel, parserContext.BaseUri);
                    root = WpfXamlLoader.LoadBaml(reader, parserContext.SkipJournaledProperties, parent, null, parserContext.BaseUri);

                DependencyObject dObject = root as DependencyObject;
                if (dObject != null)
                    dObject.SetValue(BaseUriHelper.BaseUriProperty, readerSettings.BaseUri);

                Application app = root as Application;
                if (app != null)
                    app.ApplicationMarkupBaseUri = GetBaseUri(readerSettings.BaseUri);

                Debug.Assert(parent == null || root == parent);

                if (TraceMarkup.IsEnabled)
                    TraceMarkup.Trace(TraceEventType.Stop, TraceMarkup.Load, root);

                EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordXamlBaml | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Event.WClientParseBamlEnd, parserContext.BaseUri);

                if (closeStream && stream != null)

                if (clrTracingEnabled && (CLRProfilerControl.CLRLoggingLevel >= CLRProfilerControl.CLRLogState.Performance))
                    CLRProfilerControl.CLRLogWriteLine("End_BamlParse_{0}", pass);
#endif // DEBUG_CLR_MEM

        // Token: 0x060020EB RID: 8427 RVA: 0x000970C0 File Offset: 0x000952C0
        public void WriteProperty(string assemblyName, string ownerTypeFullName, string propName, string value, BamlAttributeUsage propUsage)
            BamlRecordType bamlRecordType = this.PeekRecordType();

            if (bamlRecordType != BamlRecordType.ElementStart)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get("BamlWriterNoInElement", new object[]
            object obj;
            Type   declaringType;

            this.GetDpOrPi(assemblyName, ownerTypeFullName, propName, out obj, out declaringType);
            AttributeData attributeData = this._extensionParser.IsMarkupExtensionAttribute(declaringType, propName, ref value, 0, 0, 0, obj);

            if (attributeData == null)
                XamlPropertyNode xamlPropertyNode = new XamlPropertyNode(0, 0, this._depth, obj, assemblyName, ownerTypeFullName, propName, value, propUsage, false);
                Type             propertyType     = XamlTypeMapper.GetPropertyType(obj);
                if (propertyType == typeof(DependencyProperty))
                    Type declaringType2 = null;
                    this._dpProperty = XamlTypeMapper.ParsePropertyName(this._parserContext, value, ref declaringType2);
                    if (this._bamlRecordWriter != null && this._dpProperty != null)
                        short valueId;
                        short attributeOrTypeId = this._parserContext.MapTable.GetAttributeOrTypeId(this._bamlRecordWriter.BinaryWriter, declaringType2, this._dpProperty.Name, out valueId);
                        if (attributeOrTypeId < 0)
                            xamlPropertyNode.ValueId    = attributeOrTypeId;
                            xamlPropertyNode.MemberName = null;
                            xamlPropertyNode.ValueId    = valueId;
                            xamlPropertyNode.MemberName = this._dpProperty.Name;
                else if (this._dpProperty != null)
                    xamlPropertyNode.ValuePropertyType   = this._dpProperty.PropertyType;
                    xamlPropertyNode.ValuePropertyMember = this._dpProperty;
                    xamlPropertyNode.ValuePropertyName   = this._dpProperty.Name;
                    xamlPropertyNode.ValueDeclaringType  = this._dpProperty.OwnerType;
                    string fullName = this._dpProperty.OwnerType.Assembly.FullName;
                    this._dpProperty = null;
            if (!attributeData.IsSimple)
                this._extensionParser.CompileAttribute(this._markupExtensionNodes, attributeData);
            if (attributeData.IsTypeExtension)
                Type typeFromBaseString = this._xamlTypeMapper.GetTypeFromBaseString(attributeData.Args, this._parserContext, true);
                XamlPropertyWithTypeNode xamlPropertyWithType = new XamlPropertyWithTypeNode(0, 0, this._depth, obj, assemblyName, ownerTypeFullName, propName, typeFromBaseString.FullName, typeFromBaseString.Assembly.FullName, typeFromBaseString, string.Empty, string.Empty);
            XamlPropertyWithExtensionNode xamlPropertyNode2 = new XamlPropertyWithExtensionNode(0, 0, this._depth, obj, assemblyName, ownerTypeFullName, propName, attributeData.Args, attributeData.ExtensionTypeId, attributeData.IsValueNestedExtension, attributeData.IsValueTypeExtension);
