Наследование: System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension
Пример #1
		public void ProvideValueConst ()
			var x = new StaticExtension ();
			x.MemberType = typeof (XamlLanguage);
			x.Member = "Xaml2006Namespace";
			Assert.AreEqual (XamlLanguage.Xaml2006Namespace, x.ProvideValue (null), "#1");
Пример #2
		public void ProvideValueStaticProperty ()
			var x = new StaticExtension ();
			x.MemberType = typeof (XamlLanguage);
			x.Member = "Array";
			Assert.AreEqual (XamlLanguage.Array, x.ProvideValue (null), "#1");
Пример #3
		public void ProvideValueInstanceProperty ()
			var x = new StaticExtension ();
			x.MemberType = typeof (StaticExtension);
			x.Member = "MemberType"; // instance property is out of scope.
			x.ProvideValue (null);
Пример #4
		public void ProvideValueTest_nonIXamlTypeResolver ()
			StaticExtension se = new StaticExtension ("Test.Field");

			ProviderPoker p = new ProviderPoker (new object());

			Assert.IsNull (se.ProvideValue (p));
Пример #5
		public void CtorTest ()
			StaticExtension s = new StaticExtension ();
			Assert.IsNull (s.Member);

			s = new StaticExtension ("hi");
			Assert.AreEqual ("hi", s.Member);
Пример #6
		public void ProvideValueTest_nullService ()
			StaticExtension se = new StaticExtension ("Test.Field");

			ProviderPoker p = new ProviderPoker (null);

			Assert.IsNull (se.ProvideValue (p));
Пример #7
		public void ProvideValueWithoutType ()
			var x = new StaticExtension ();
			// it fails because it cannot be resolved to a static member.
			// This possibly mean, there might be a member that 
			// could be resolved only with the name, without type.
			x.Member = "Foo";
			x.ProvideValue (null);
Пример #8
 public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType)
     if (destinationType == typeof(InstanceDescriptor))
         StaticExtension staticExtension = value as StaticExtension;
         if (staticExtension == null)
             throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.MustBeOfType, "value", "StaticExtension"));
         return(new InstanceDescriptor(typeof(StaticExtension).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) }),
                                       new object[] { staticExtension.Member }));
     return(base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType));
Пример #9
		public void ProvideValueTest_IXamlTypeResolver_PrivateStaticProperty ()
			StaticExtension ne = new StaticExtension ("Test.Property");

			ProviderPoker2 p = new ProviderPoker2 (typeof (PrivateStaticPropertyTest));

			Assert.AreEqual (5, ne.ProvideValue (p));
Пример #10
		public void ProvideValueTest_IXamlTypeResolver_Enum ()
			StaticExtension ne = new StaticExtension ("Test.Foo");

			ProviderPoker2 p = new ProviderPoker2 (typeof (EnumTest));

			Assert.AreEqual (EnumTest.Foo, ne.ProvideValue (p));
Пример #11
		public void ProvideValueTest_IXamlTypeResolver_StaticField ()
			StaticExtension ne = new StaticExtension ("Test.Field");

			ProviderPoker2 p = new ProviderPoker2 (typeof (StaticFieldTest));

			Assert.AreEqual (5, ne.ProvideValue (p));
Пример #12
		public void ProvideValueTest_IXamlTypeResolver_MissingField ()
			StaticExtension ne = new StaticExtension ("Test.Field2");

			ProviderPoker2 p = new ProviderPoker2 (typeof (StaticFieldTest));

			ne.ProvideValue (p);
Пример #13
        // The end of the constructor parameter section has been reached.  Create an
        // instance of the object after finding the appropriate constructor and converting 
        // all of the objects held on the stack. 
        internal virtual void ReadConstructorParametersEndRecord()
            Type   elementType = ParentContext.ExpectedType;
            short  positiveElementTypeId = (short)-ParentContext.ExpectedTypeId;

            object param = null; 
            ArrayList paramList = null;
            int paramCount; 
            object instance = null; 
            bool foundInstance = false;
            if( TraceMarkup.IsEnabled )
                TraceMarkup.Trace( TraceEventType.Start,
                                 elementType );
            if (CurrentContext.CheckFlag(ReaderFlags.SingletonConstructorParam))
                param = CurrentContext.ObjectData;
                paramCount = 1;

                // Fast code path for [static/dynamic] resource extensions & 
                // Type/Static/TemplateBinding extensions
                switch (positiveElementTypeId) 
                    case (short)KnownElements.TypeExtension:
                        // Note that this assumes that TypeExtension has a
                        // constructor with one param of type Type or String.
                        Type t = param as Type;
                        if (t != null) 
                            instance = new TypeExtension(t); 
                            Debug.Assert(param is String);
                            instance = new TypeExtension((String)param);
                        foundInstance = true;
                    case (short)KnownElements.StaticResourceExtension:
                        // Note that this assumes that StaticResourceExtension has a
                        // constructor with one param of type object.
                        instance = new StaticResourceExtension(param);
                        foundInstance = true; 
                    case (short)KnownElements.DynamicResourceExtension: 

                        // Note that this assumes that DynamicResourceExtension has a 
                        // constructor with one param of type object.
                        instance = new DynamicResourceExtension(param);
                        foundInstance = true;

                    case (short)KnownElements.StaticExtension: 
                        // Note that this assumes that StaticExtension has a default
                        // constructor and one public property of type string and one 
                        // internal property of type object for optimized member info.
                        instance = new StaticExtension((string)param);
                        foundInstance = true;

                    case (short)KnownElements.TemplateBindingExtension: 
                        // Note that this assumes that TemplateBindingExtension has a
                        // constructor with one param of type DependencyProperty. If a 
                        // string is passed in due to there being other attributes like
                        // converter being set, then that needs to be converted now first.
                        DependencyProperty dp = param as DependencyProperty;
                        if (dp == null) 
                            string paramString = param as string; 
                            Type ownerType = ParserContext.TargetType; 
                            Debug.Assert(paramString != null);
                            dp = XamlTypeMapper.ParsePropertyName(ParserContext,
                                                                  ref ownerType);
                            if (dp == null)
                                ThrowException(SRID.ParserNoDPOnOwner, paramString, ownerType.FullName); 

                        instance = new TemplateBindingExtension(dp);
                        foundInstance = true;
                paramList = (ArrayList)CurrentContext.ObjectData; 
                paramCount = paramList.Count;

            if (!foundInstance) 
                // Find the constructor based on the number of parameters stored in paramList 
                XamlTypeMapper.ConstructorData data = XamlTypeMapper.GetConstructors(elementType); 
                ConstructorInfo[] infos = data.Constructors;
                for (int i=0; i<infos.Length; i++) 
                    ConstructorInfo info = infos[i];
                    ParameterInfo[] paramInfos = data.GetParameters(i);
                    if (paramInfos.Length == paramCount) 
                        object[] paramArray = new object[paramInfos.Length]; 
                        if (paramCount == 1)
                            Debug.Assert(param != null && paramList == null, "Must have a single param");
                            ProcessConstructorParameter(paramInfos[0], param, ref paramArray[0]);

                            // Fast code path for other markupextensions 
                            if (positiveElementTypeId == (short)KnownElements.RelativeSource)
                                // Note that this assumes that RelativeSource has a 
                                // constructor with one param of type RelativeSourceMode.
                                instance = new System.Windows.Data.RelativeSource((System.Windows.Data.RelativeSourceMode)paramArray[0]); 
                                foundInstance = true;
                            Debug.Assert(param == null && paramList != null, "Must have a paramList"); 
                            // Check each type and attempt to convert the paramList using
                            // the type converter associated with each parameter type. 
                            for (int j=0; j<paramInfos.Length; j++)
                                ProcessConstructorParameter(paramInfos[j], paramList[j], ref paramArray[j]);
                        if (!foundInstance) 
                            // If we make it to here we have a list of converted parameters, so 
                            // invoke the constructor with that list.
                                instance = info.Invoke(paramArray); 
                                foundInstance = true; 
                            catch (Exception e)
                                if (CriticalExceptions.IsCriticalException(e) || e is XamlParseException)
                                TargetInvocationException tie = e as TargetInvocationException;
                                if( tie != null ) 
                                    e = tie.InnerException;
                                ThrowExceptionWithLine(SR.Get(SRID.ParserFailedToCreateFromConstructor, info.DeclaringType.Name),  e);
            if (foundInstance)
                ParentContext.ObjectData = instance; 
                ParentContext.ExpectedType = null;
                // If we get to here, then no matching constructor was found, so complain 
                ThrowException(SRID.ParserBadConstructorParams, elementType.Name, paramCount.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
            if( TraceMarkup.IsEnabled )
                TraceMarkup.Trace( TraceEventType.Stop,
                                 instance ); 
Пример #14
		public void ProvideValuePrivateConst ()
			var x = new StaticExtension ();
			x.MemberType = GetType ();
			x.Member = "FooBar"; // private const could not be resolved.
			Assert.AreEqual ("foobar", x.ProvideValue (null), "#1");
Пример #15
		public void ProvideValueWithoutMember ()
			var x = new StaticExtension ();
			x.MemberType = typeof (int);
			x.ProvideValue (null);
Пример #16
        private object GetStaticExtensionValue(short memberId) 
            object valueObject = null; 
            if (memberId < 0)
                short keyId = (short)-memberId;
                // if keyId is more than the range it is the actual resource, else it is the key.
                if (keyId > (short)SystemResourceKeyID.InternalSystemThemeStylesEnd)
                    keyId -= (short)SystemResourceKeyID.InternalSystemThemeStylesEnd;
                    valueObject = SystemResourceKey.GetResource(keyId); 
                    valueObject = SystemResourceKey.GetResourceKey(keyId);
                BamlAttributeInfoRecord attribInfo = MapTable.GetAttributeInfoFromId(memberId); 
                if (attribInfo != null) 
                    StaticExtension se = new StaticExtension(); 
                    se.MemberType = MapTable.GetTypeFromId(attribInfo.OwnerTypeId);
                    se.Member = attribInfo.Name;
                    valueObject = se.ProvideValue(null);
            return valueObject; 
Пример #17
		public void ProvideValueEvent ()
			var x = new StaticExtension ();
			x.MemberType = GetType ();
			x.Member = "FooEvent"; // private const could not be resolved.
			Assert.IsNotNull (x.ProvideValue (null), "#1");