Пример #1
 private void AddBlock(Block block, TextSelection selection)
     if (selection == null || selection.End == null)
         _flowDocument.Blocks.InsertAfter(selection.End.GetInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward).Paragraph, block);
Пример #2
        public FontFamilyHandler(swd.TextSelection range, sw.Controls.RichTextBox control)
            Control = range.GetPropertyValue(swd.TextElement.FontFamilyProperty) as swm.FontFamily ?? swd.TextElement.GetFontFamily(control);
            var familyMapName = Control.FamilyNames.Select(r => r.Value).FirstOrDefault();

            Name = familyMapName ?? Control.Source;
Пример #3
        //  Constructors 
        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the TextEditor 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textContainer"> 
        /// TextContainer representing a content to edit. 
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="uiScope"> 
        /// FrameworkElement on which all events for the user interaction will be
        /// processed.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="isUndoEnabled"> 
        /// If true the TextEditor will enable undo support
        /// </param> 
        internal TextEditor(ITextContainer textContainer, FrameworkElement uiScope, bool isUndoEnabled) 
            // Validate parameters 
            Invariant.Assert(uiScope != null);

            // Set non-zero property defaults.
            _acceptsRichContent = true; 

            // Attach the editor  instance to the scope 
            _textContainer = textContainer; 
            _uiScope = uiScope;
            // Enable undo manager for this uiScope
            if (isUndoEnabled && _textContainer is TextContainer)
            // Create TextSelection and link it to text container 
            _selection = new TextSelection(this);
            textContainer.TextSelection = _selection; 

            // Create DragDropProcess
            _dragDropProcess = new TextEditorDragDrop._DragDropProcess(this);
            // By default we use IBeam cursor 
            _cursor = Cursors.IBeam;
            // Add InputLanguageChanged event handler

            // Listen to both TextContainer.EndChanging and TextContainer.Changed events 
            TextContainer.Changed += new TextContainerChangedEventHandler(OnTextContainerChanged);
            // Add IsEnabled event handler for cleaning the caret element when uiScope is disabled 
            _uiScope.IsEnabledChanged += new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnIsEnabledChanged);
            // Attach this instance of text editor to its uiScope
            _uiScope.SetValue(TextEditor.InstanceProperty, this);

            // The IsSpellerEnabled property might have been set before this 
            // TextEditor was instantiated -- check if we need to rev
            // up speller support. 
            if ((bool)_uiScope.GetValue(SpellCheck.IsEnabledProperty)) 

            // If no IME/TextServices are installed, we have no native reasources 
            // to clean up at Finalizer.
            if (!TextServicesLoader.ServicesInstalled) 
Пример #4
        public FontTypefaceHandler(swd.TextSelection range, sw.Controls.RichTextBox control)
            var family  = range.GetPropertyValue(swd.TextElement.FontFamilyProperty) as swm.FontFamily ?? swd.TextElement.GetFontFamily(control);
            var style   = range.GetPropertyValue(swd.TextElement.FontStyleProperty) as sw.FontStyle? ?? swd.TextElement.GetFontStyle(control);
            var weight  = range.GetPropertyValue(swd.TextElement.FontWeightProperty) as sw.FontWeight? ?? swd.TextElement.GetFontWeight(control);
            var stretch = range.GetPropertyValue(swd.TextElement.FontStretchProperty) as sw.FontStretch? ?? swd.TextElement.GetFontStretch(control);

            Control = new swm.Typeface(family, style, weight, stretch);
Пример #5
        public FontHandler(swd.TextSelection range, sw.FrameworkElement control)
            var wpfFamily = range.GetPropertyValue(swd.TextElement.FontFamilyProperty) as swm.FontFamily ?? swd.TextElement.GetFontFamily(control);

            this.Family        = new FontFamily(new FontFamilyHandler(wpfFamily));
            this.Size          = PixelsToPoints(range.GetPropertyValue(swd.TextElement.FontSizeProperty) as double? ?? swd.TextElement.GetFontSize(control), control);
            this.WpfFontStyle  = range.GetPropertyValue(swd.TextElement.FontStyleProperty) as sw.FontStyle? ?? swd.TextElement.GetFontStyle(control);
            this.WpfFontWeight = range.GetPropertyValue(swd.TextElement.FontWeightProperty) as sw.FontWeight? ?? swd.TextElement.GetFontWeight(control);
            var decorations = range.GetPropertyValue(swd.Inline.TextDecorationsProperty) as sw.TextDecorationCollection;

            if (decorations != null)
                this.WpfTextDecorations = new sw.TextDecorationCollection(decorations);
Пример #6
 public static void GenerateClipBoardData(DataObjectCopyingEventArgs e, TextSelection selection)
     string str;
     using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
         TextRange range = new TextRange(selection.Start, selection.End);
         range.Save(stream, DataFormats.Xaml, true);
         stream.Position = 0L;
         using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
             str = reader.ReadToEnd();
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
         string str2 = ReplaceControls.ReplaceGUIWithClipboardControl(str, selection.Start, selection.End);
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2) && (str2 != str))
             e.DataObject.SetData(BamaDataFormat, str2);
Пример #7
        private static void DecreaseIndentation(TextSelection thisSelection, ListItem parentListItem, ListItem immediateListItem)
            if (immediateListItem != null)
            else if (parentListItem != null) 
                TextRangeEditLists.ConvertParagraphsToListItems(thisSelection, TextMarkerStyle.Disc);
                if (thisSelection.IsEmpty) 
                    // When selection is empty, handle indentation based on current TextIndent property of the paragraph. 
                    Block paragraphOrBlockUIContainer = thisSelection.Start.ParagraphOrBlockUIContainer;
                    if (paragraphOrBlockUIContainer is BlockUIContainer)
                        // Decrement BlockUIContainer's leading margin. 
                        TextRangeEdit.IncrementParagraphLeadingMargin(thisSelection, /*increment:*/20, PropertyValueAction.DecreaseByAbsoluteValue);
                        // Create implicit paragraph if at a potential paragraph position, such as empty FlowDocument, TableCell. 

                        Paragraph paragraph = thisSelection.Start.Paragraph;
                        Invariant.Assert(paragraph != null, "EnsureInsertionPosition must guarantee a position in text content"); 

                        // When selection is empty, handle indentation based on current TextIndent property of the paragraph. 
                        if (paragraph.TextIndent > 20) 
                            // Reset text indent to 20. 
                            TextRangeEdit.SetParagraphProperty(thisSelection.Start, thisSelection.End, Paragraph.TextIndentProperty, 20.0, PropertyValueAction.SetValue);
                        else if (paragraph.TextIndent > 0)
                            // Reset text indent to 0.
                            TextRangeEdit.SetParagraphProperty(thisSelection.Start, thisSelection.End, Paragraph.TextIndentProperty, 0.0, PropertyValueAction.SetValue); 
                            // Decrement paragraph leading margin.
                            TextRangeEdit.IncrementParagraphLeadingMargin(thisSelection, /*increment:*/20, PropertyValueAction.DecreaseByAbsoluteValue);
                    // For non-empty selection, always decrement paragraph margin.
                    TextRangeEdit.IncrementParagraphLeadingMargin(thisSelection, /*increment:*/20, PropertyValueAction.DecreaseByAbsoluteValue); 
Пример #8
 private static void ToggleNumbering(TextSelection thisSelection, ListItem parentListItem, ListItem immediateListItem, List list) 
     if (immediateListItem != null && HasNumericMarker(list))
         if (list.Parent is ListItem) 
     else if (immediateListItem != null)
         list.MarkerStyle = TextMarkerStyle.Decimal; 
     else if (parentListItem != null) 
         TextRangeEditLists.ConvertParagraphsToListItems(thisSelection, TextMarkerStyle.Decimal);
         TextRangeEditLists.ConvertParagraphsToListItems(thisSelection, TextMarkerStyle.Decimal); 
        protected override void OnSelectionChanged(RoutedEventArgs e)

            BindableTextSelection = Selection;
Пример #10
        // Returns a new movingPosition at the first insertion position of the next Table row.
        // Will return null when end-of-doc is encountered.
        // This method is only called when the selection's anchor position is not 
        // within a Table.
        internal static TextPointer GetNextRowStartMovingPosition(TextSelection selection, LogicalDirection direction) 
            // We only support table selection in TextContainers.
            Invariant.Assert(((ITextSelection)selection).Start is TextPointer); 
            // This method is called when the selection anchor is outside the scope of
            // a Table and the selection moving position is within the scope of a Table.
            TableCell cell = GetTableCellFromPosition(selection.MovingPosition);
            Invariant.Assert(cell != null); 
            TableRow row = cell.Row; 

            return (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward) ? row.ContentEnd.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward) : 
Пример #11
        // Returns true iff selection.MovingPosition is within the scope of a TableCell
        // and selection.AnchorPosition is not scoped by the same TableCell. 
        internal static bool MovingPositionCrossesCellBoundary(TextSelection selection)
            // We only support table selection in TextContainers.
            Invariant.Assert(((ITextSelection)selection).Start is TextPointer); 

            TableCell cell = GetTableCellFromPosition(selection.MovingPosition); 
            return (cell == null) ? false : !cell.Contains(selection.AnchorPosition);
Пример #12
        // Returns a new movingPosition at the next Table row end. 
        // Will return null when end-of-doc is encountered.
        // This method is only called when the selection's anchor position is not
        // within a Table.
        internal static TextPointer GetNextRowEndMovingPosition(TextSelection selection, LogicalDirection direction) 
            // This method is called when the selection anchor is outside the scope of 
            // a Table and the selection moving position is within the scope of a Table. 

            TableRow row = (TableRow)selection.MovingPosition.Parent;

            return (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward) ? row.ContentEnd.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward) : 
Пример #13
 public void AddPlot(TextSelection currentSelection)
     AddBlock(new PlotBlock(), currentSelection);
Пример #14
 public void AddFormula(TextSelection selection)
     AddBlock(new FormulaBlock {Formula = "f(x)"}, selection);
Пример #15
 public void AddImage(TextSelection currentSelection, ImageSource source)
     AddBlock(new ImageBlock { Source = source }, currentSelection);
Пример #16
 bool swEstáEnNegrita(TextSelection texto)
     if ((FontWeight)texto.GetPropertyValue(Run.FontWeightProperty) == FontWeights.Bold)
         return true;
         return false;
Пример #17
 public void AddOrderedList(TextSelection selection)
     AddBlock(new List {ListItems = {new ListItem()}, MarkerStyle = TextMarkerStyle.Decimal}, selection);
Пример #18
            /// A handler for an event reporting that the drag over during drag-and-drop operation.
            internal void TargetOnDragOver(DragEventArgs e)
                if (!AllowDragDrop(e))

                // Ok, there's data to move or copy here.
                if ((e.AllowedEffects & DragDropEffects.Move) != 0)
                    e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Move;

                bool ctrlKeyDown = ((int)(e.KeyStates & DragDropKeyStates.ControlKey) != 0);

                if (ctrlKeyDown)
                    e.Effects |= DragDropEffects.Copy;

                // Show the caret on the drag over target position.
                if (_caretDragDrop != null)
                    // Update the layout to get the corrected text position. Otherwise, we can get the
                    // incorrected text position.
                    if (!_textEditor.TextView.Validate(e.GetPosition(_textEditor.TextView.RenderScope)))

                    // Find the scroller from the render scope
                    FrameworkElement scroller = _textEditor._Scroller;

                    // Automatically scroll the dropable content(line or page up/down) if scroller is available
                    if (scroller != null)
                        // Get the ScrollInfo to scroll a line or page up/down
                        IScrollInfo scrollInfo = scroller as IScrollInfo;

                        if (scrollInfo == null && scroller is ScrollViewer)
                            scrollInfo = ((ScrollViewer)scroller).ScrollInfo;

                        Invariant.Assert(scrollInfo != null);

                        // Takes care of scrolling mechanism when vertical scrollbar is available, it creates a virtual
                        // block within the viewport where if you position your mouse during drag leads to scrolling,here
                        // it is of 16pixels and within first 8pixels it does scrolling by line and for next it scrolls by page.

                        Point  pointScroller  = e.GetPosition((IInputElement)scroller);
                        double pageHeight     = (double)_textEditor.UiScope.GetValue(TextEditor.PageHeightProperty);
                        double slowAreaHeight = ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta;

                        if (pointScroller.Y < slowAreaHeight)
                            // Drag position is on the scroll area that we need to scroll up
                            if (pointScroller.Y > slowAreaHeight / 2)
                                // scroll a line up
                                // scroll a page up
                        else if (pointScroller.Y > (pageHeight - slowAreaHeight))
                            // Drag position is on the scroll area that we need to scroll down
                            if (pointScroller.Y < (pageHeight - slowAreaHeight / 2))
                                // scroll a line down
                                // scroll a page down

                    // Get the current text position from the dropable mouse point.
                    _textEditor.TextView.RenderScope.UpdateLayout(); // REVIEW:benwest:6/27/2006: This should use TextView.Validate, and check the return value instead of using IsValid below.

                    if (_textEditor.TextView.IsValid)
                        ITextPointer dragPosition = GetDropPosition(_textEditor.TextView.RenderScope as Visual, e.GetPosition(_textEditor.TextView.RenderScope));

                        if (dragPosition != null)
                            // Get the caret position to show the dropable point.
                            Rect caretRectangle = this.TextView.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(dragPosition);

                            // NOTE: We DO NOT use GetCurrentValue because springload formatting should NOT be involved for drop caret.
                            object fontStylePropertyValue = dragPosition.GetValue(TextElement.FontStyleProperty);
                            bool   italic     = (_textEditor.AcceptsRichContent && fontStylePropertyValue != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue && (FontStyle)fontStylePropertyValue == FontStyles.Italic);
                            Brush  caretBrush = TextSelection.GetCaretBrush(_textEditor);

                            // Show the caret on the dropable position.
                            _caretDragDrop.Update(/*visible:*/ true, caretRectangle, caretBrush, 0.5, italic, CaretScrollMethod.None, /*wordWrappingPosition*/ double.NaN);
Пример #19
        private void GetTextProperties(TextSelection ts)
            var size = ts.GetPropertyValue(Inline.FontSizeProperty);
            if (size != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                fontsize.Text = size.ToString();

            var font = ts.GetPropertyValue(Inline.FontFamilyProperty);
            if (font != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                Font.SelectedIndex = Font.Items.IndexOf(font);

            var bold = ts.GetPropertyValue(Inline.FontWeightProperty);
            if (bold != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                if ((FontWeight)bold == FontWeights.Bold)
                    btnBold.IsChecked = true;
                    btnBold.IsChecked = false;

            var td = ts.GetPropertyValue(Inline.TextDecorationsProperty);
            if (td != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue && td is TextDecorationCollection)
                foreach (TextDecoration tdec in (TextDecorationCollection)td)

                        if (tdec == TextDecorations.Underline[0])
                        btnUnderLine.IsChecked = true;
                            btnUnderLine.IsChecked = false ;

                btnUnderLine.IsChecked = false;

            var italic = ts.GetPropertyValue(Inline.FontStyleProperty);
            if (italic != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                if ((FontStyle)italic == FontStyles.Italic)
                    btnItalic.IsChecked = true;
                    btnItalic.IsChecked = false;

            var colorValue = ts.GetPropertyValue(Inline.ForegroundProperty);
            if (colorValue != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                SolidColorBrush b = (SolidColorBrush)colorValue;
                color.SelectedColor = b.Color;
Пример #20
 private static void CreateImplicitParagraphIfNeededAndUpdateSelection(TextSelection thisSelection)
     // Create implicit paragraph if we are at a potential paragraph position, such as empty FlowDocument, TableCell. 
     TextPointer position = thisSelection.Start;
     if (TextPointerBase.IsAtPotentialParagraphPosition(position)) 
         position = TextRangeEditTables.EnsureInsertionPosition(position);
         thisSelection.Select(position, position);
Пример #21
        // Finds new movingPosition for the selection when it is in TableCellRange state. 
        // Returns null if there is no next insertion position in the requested direction.
        internal static TextPointer GetNextTableCellRangeInsertionPosition(TextSelection selection, LogicalDirection direction) 
            Invariant.Assert(selection.IsTableCellRange, "TextSelection call this method only if selection is in TableCellRange state");

            TextPointer movingPosition = selection.MovingPosition; 

            // Table range could disappear if some content change happened after last range building; 
            // so try building again 
            TableCell anchorCell;
            TableCell movingCell; 
            if (TextRangeEditTables.IsTableCellRange(selection.AnchorPosition, (TextPointer)movingPosition,
                out anchorCell, out movingCell))
                // anchorCell is a corner cell of a table where selection has been started.
                // movingCell is a diagonally oppoosite cell from which we need to find next movingPosition. 
                // Note that movingCell is a cell *included* into selection (not the "next position after the last selected cell"). 

                Invariant.Assert(anchorCell != null && movingCell != null, "anchorCell != null && movingCell != null"); 
                Invariant.Assert(anchorCell.Row.RowGroup == movingCell.Row.RowGroup, "anchorCell.Row.RowGroup == movingCell.Row.RowGroup");

                if (direction == LogicalDirection.Backward && movingCell == anchorCell)
                    // This is a case when selection returns back to acnhor cell from the next cell
                    movingPosition = anchorCell.ContentEnd.GetInsertionPosition(); 
                else if (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward &&
                    (movingCell.Row == anchorCell.Row && movingCell.Index + 1 == anchorCell.Index || 
                    anchorCell.Index == 0 && movingCell.Index == movingCell.Row.Cells.Count - 1 && movingCell.Row.Index + 1 == anchorCell.Row.Index))
                    // This is a case when selection returns back to acnhor cell from the previous cell
                    movingPosition = anchorCell.ContentStart.GetInsertionPosition(); 
                    // Find out what should be new movingCell after selection extension in requested direction
                    TableRow row = movingCell.Row; 
                    TableCellCollection cells = row.Cells;
                    TableRowCollection rows = row.RowGroup.Rows;
                    if (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward)
                        if (movingCell.Index + 1 < cells.Count)
                            // There is at least one cell in this direction; take it as a movingCell 
                            movingCell = cells[movingCell.Index + 1];
                            // Select first cell in the first following nonempty row
                            int rowIndex = row.Index + 1; 

                            // Skip empty rows 
                            while (rowIndex < rows.Count && rows[rowIndex].Cells.Count == 0) 

                            if (rowIndex < rows.Count)
                                movingCell = rows[rowIndex].Cells[0];
                                movingCell = null; 
                    else // extending in LogicalDirection.Backward 
                        if (movingCell.Index > 0) 
                            movingCell = cells[movingCell.Index - 1];
                            // Select the last cell in the first preceding nonempty row
                            int rowIndex = row.Index - 1; 

                            // Skip empty rows 
                            while (rowIndex >= 0 && rows[rowIndex].Cells.Count == 0) 

                            if (rowIndex >= 0)
                                movingCell = rows[rowIndex].Cells[rows[rowIndex].Cells.Count - 1];
                                movingCell = null; 
                    // Calculate movingPosition that would represent this movingCell
                    if (movingCell != null) 
                        if (movingCell.ColumnIndex >= anchorCell.ColumnIndex)
                            movingPosition = movingCell.ContentEnd.GetInsertionPosition().GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                            movingPosition = movingCell.ContentStart.GetInsertionPosition();
                        // We have reached a table boundary
                        if (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward)
                            movingPosition = anchorCell.Table.ContentEnd; 
                            movingPosition = anchorCell.Table.ContentStart;
                        movingPosition = movingPosition.GetNextInsertionPosition(direction);

            return movingPosition; 
Пример #22
 public void AddUnorderedList(TextSelection selection)
     AddBlock(new List {ListItems = {new ListItem()}}, selection);
Пример #23
        public List<TableCell> GetSelectedCells(TextSelection selection, out Table t)
            t = TryFindParent<Table>(rtb.Selection.Start.Parent as DependencyObject);
            List<TableCell> selectedCells = new List<TableCell>();
            if (t == null) return selectedCells;

            minc = 0;
            maxc = int.MaxValue;

            minr = 0;
            maxr = int.MaxValue;

            TableCell find = GetTableCell(rtb.Selection.Start);

            if (find != null)
                TableRow findr = (find.Parent as TableRow);
                minc = findr.Cells.IndexOf(find);
                minr = (findr.Parent as TableRowGroup).Rows.IndexOf(findr);

            find = GetTableCell(rtb.Selection.End);
            if (find != null)
                maxc = (find.Parent as TableRow).Cells.IndexOf(find);
                int ssc = rtb.Selection.End.CompareTo(find.ContentStart);
                if (ssc == 1 && maxc > 0)
                    maxc = maxc - 1;

            foreach (TableRowGroup rg in t.RowGroups)
                foreach (TableRow tr in rg.Rows)
                    for (int i = 0; i < tr.Cells.Count; i++)
                        TableCell tc = tr.Cells[i];
                        if (i >= minc && i <= maxc)

                            int ss = rtb.Selection.Start.CompareTo(tc.ContentStart);
                            int se = rtb.Selection.Start.CompareTo(tc.ContentEnd);

                            int es = rtb.Selection.End.CompareTo(tc.ContentStart);
                            int ee = rtb.Selection.End.CompareTo(tc.ContentEnd);

                            if (
                                    (ss >= 0 && se <= 0)
                                 || (es > 0 && ee < 0)
                                 || (ss < 0 && ee > 0)

            return selectedCells;

Пример #24
 public void AddDrawing(TextSelection currentSelection)
     AddBlock(new DrawerBlock(), currentSelection);