Пример #1
    internal Group( GroupGeneratorNode node, CollectionViewGroup group, IList<GroupLevelDescription> groupLevelDescriptions, DataGridContext dataGridContext )
      if( node == null )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "node" );

      if( group == null )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "group" );

      if( groupLevelDescriptions == null )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "groupLevelDescriptions" );

      if( dataGridContext == null )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "dataGridContext" );

      m_generatorNode = node;
      m_collectionViewGroup = group;
      m_groupDescriptionsCollection = groupLevelDescriptions;
      m_dataGridContext = dataGridContext;

      //In case no late bingding is to happen, and if we already have everything to get the groupLevelDescription immediately, let's do!
      int level = m_generatorNode.Level;
      if( m_groupDescriptionsCollection.Count > level )
        m_groupLevelDescription = m_groupDescriptionsCollection[ level ];
      m_lateGroupLevelDescriptionBindingPerformed = false;

      m_generatorNode.TotalLeafCountChanged += OnTotalItemCountChanged;
      m_generatorNode.IsExpandedChanged += OnIsExpandedChanged;
    public override GroupConfiguration SelectGroupConfiguration( int groupLevel, CollectionViewGroup collectionViewGroup, System.ComponentModel.GroupDescription groupDescription )
      if( m_groupConfigurationSelectorItems.Count == 0 )
        return base.SelectGroupConfiguration( groupLevel, collectionViewGroup, groupDescription );

      string fieldName = string.Empty;

      DataGridGroupDescription dataGridGroupDescription = groupDescription as DataGridGroupDescription;
      if( dataGridGroupDescription != null )
        fieldName = dataGridGroupDescription.PropertyName;
        PropertyGroupDescription propertyGroupDescription = groupDescription as PropertyGroupDescription;
        if( propertyGroupDescription != null )
          fieldName = propertyGroupDescription.PropertyName;

      if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( fieldName ) == true )
        return base.SelectGroupConfiguration( groupLevel, collectionViewGroup, groupDescription );

      FieldNameGroupConfigurationSelectorItem groupConfig = m_groupConfigurationSelectorItems.GetGroupConfigurationSelectorItem( fieldName );
      if( groupConfig != null )
        return groupConfig.GroupConfiguration;

      return base.SelectGroupConfiguration( groupLevel, collectionViewGroup, groupDescription );
Пример #3
        private void CollapseOrExpandAll(CollectionViewGroup group, bool ifCollapse)
            ReadOnlyObservableCollection<Object> groupSubGroups = null;

            if (group == null)
                if (this.JobDataGrid.Items.Groups != null)
                    groupSubGroups = JobDataGrid.Items.Groups;
                groupSubGroups = group.Items;

            if (groupSubGroups == null) return;
            foreach(CollectionViewGroup g in groupSubGroups)

                //recursve call
Пример #4
    internal Group(
      GroupGeneratorNode node,
      CollectionViewGroup group,
      LateGroupLevelDescription groupLevelDescription,
      DataGridContext dataGridContext )
      if( node == null )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "node" );

      if( group == null )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "group" );

      if( groupLevelDescription == null )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "groupLevelDescription" );

      if( dataGridContext == null )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "dataGridContext" );

      m_collectionViewGroup = group;

      // Initialization is done through setters to register for events.
      this.DataGridContext = dataGridContext;
      this.GeneratorNode = node;
      this.GroupLevelDescription = groupLevelDescription;
    public GroupHeaderFooterItem( CollectionViewGroup collectionViewGroup, object template )
      if( !( template is DataTemplate ) && !( template is GroupHeaderFooterItemTemplate ) )
        throw new ArgumentException( "A GroupHeaderFooterItem can only be created with a DataTemplate or VisibleWhenCollapsed objects.", "template" );

      m_template = template;
      m_weakGroup = new WeakReference( collectionViewGroup );
    public GroupGeneratorNode( CollectionViewGroup group, GeneratorNode parent, GroupConfiguration groupConfig )
      : base( parent )
      Debug.Assert( group != null, "group cannot be null for GroupGeneratorNode" );
      Debug.Assert( groupConfig != null );

      m_group = group;
      m_groupConfig = groupConfig;
    public void Visit( DataGridContext sourceContext, System.Windows.Data.CollectionViewGroup group, object[] namesTree, int groupLevel, bool isExpanded, bool isComputedExpanded, ref bool stopVisit )
      if( this.Group == null )
        GroupNamesTreeKey currentGroupKey = new GroupNamesTreeKey( namesTree );

        if( currentGroupKey.Equals( m_groupNamesTreeKey ) == true )
          this.Group = group;

        private static string GetGroupIdentifier(CollectionViewGroup collectionViewGroup)
            object groupId = collectionViewGroup.Name;
            if (groupId == null)
                return null;

            if (groupId is string)
                return (string)groupId;

            return groupId.ToString();
Пример #9
    internal DataGridGroupInfo( GroupDescription groupDescription, CollectionViewGroup collectionViewGroup )
      if( groupDescription == null )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "groupDescription" );

      if( collectionViewGroup == null )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "collectionViewGroup" );

      this.GroupDescription = groupDescription;
      this.PropertyName = DataGridCollectionViewBase.GetPropertyNameFromGroupDescription( groupDescription );
      this.Value = collectionViewGroup.Name;
Пример #10
        public static string FormViewGroupIdentifier(CollectionViewGroup collectionViewGroup, string sufix)
            string formViewGroupIdentifier = collectionViewGroup.Name + sufix;
            CollectionViewGroup parentgroup = GetParent(collectionViewGroup);

            if (parentgroup == null)
                return formViewGroupIdentifier;

            return FormViewGroupIdentifier(parentgroup, StringForSufix + formViewGroupIdentifier);
        public void Visit(DataGridContext sourceContext, System.Windows.Data.CollectionViewGroup group, object[] namesTree, int groupLevel, bool isExpanded, bool isComputedExpanded, ref bool stopVisit)
            if (this.Group == null)
                GroupNamesTreeKey currentGroupKey = new GroupNamesTreeKey(namesTree);

                if (currentGroupKey.Equals(m_groupNamesTreeKey) == true)
                    this.Group = group;
    public override GroupConfiguration SelectGroupConfiguration(int groupLevel, CollectionViewGroup collectionViewGroup, System.ComponentModel.GroupDescription groupDescription)
      if (m_groupConfigurationSelectorItems.Count == 0)
        return base.SelectGroupConfiguration( groupLevel, collectionViewGroup, groupDescription );

      LevelGroupConfigurationSelectorItem levelGroupConfig = m_groupConfigurationSelectorItems.GetGroupConfigurationSelectorItem( groupLevel );
      if( levelGroupConfig != null )
        return levelGroupConfig.GroupConfiguration;

      return base.SelectGroupConfiguration( groupLevel, collectionViewGroup, groupDescription );
 public DataGridRowGroupInfo(
     CollectionViewGroup collectionViewGroup, 
     Visibility visibility, 
     int level,
     int slot,
     int lastSubItemSlot)
     this.CollectionViewGroup = collectionViewGroup;
     this.Visibility = visibility;
     this.Level = level;
     this.Slot = slot;
     this.LastSubItemSlot = lastSubItemSlot;
Пример #14
            // Token: 0x06008330 RID: 33584 RVA: 0x00244BF8 File Offset: 0x00242DF8
            int IComparer.Compare(object x, object y)
                CollectionViewGroup collectionViewGroup = x as CollectionViewGroup;
                object a = ((collectionViewGroup != null) ? collectionViewGroup.Name : null) ?? x;

                collectionViewGroup = (y as CollectionViewGroup);
                object b   = ((collectionViewGroup != null) ? collectionViewGroup.Name : null) ?? y;
                int    num = Comparer.DefaultInvariant.Compare(a, b);

                if (this._direction != ListSortDirection.Ascending)
    private readonly WeakReference m_dataGridControl; //null


    public GeneratorNode CreateGroupGeneratorNode(
      CollectionViewGroup collectionViewGroup,
      GeneratorNode parent,
      GeneratorNode previous,
      GeneratorNode next,
      GroupConfiguration groupConfig )
      Debug.Assert( collectionViewGroup != null, "collectionViewGroup cannot be null for CreateGroupGeneratorNode()" );

      GroupGeneratorNode node = new GroupGeneratorNode( collectionViewGroup, parent, groupConfig );

      if( previous != null )
        previous.Next = node;
      node.Previous = previous;

      if( next != null )
        next.Previous = node;
      node.Next = next;

      node.IsExpanded = groupConfig.InitiallyExpanded;

      if( !collectionViewGroup.IsBottomLevel )
          ( INotifyCollectionChanged )collectionViewGroup.GetItems(),
          new NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler( node.OnCollectionChanged ) );

        node.CollectionChanged += m_groupsChangedHandler;

      node.ExpansionStateChanged += m_expansionStateChangedHandler;
      node.IsExpandedChanging += m_isExpandedChangingHandler;
      node.IsExpandedChanged += m_isExpandedChangedHandler;

      node.AdjustItemCount( node.ItemCount );


      return node;
        /// <summary>
        /// AutomationPeer for a group of items in a DataGrid
        /// </summary>
        public DataGridGroupItemAutomationPeer(CollectionViewGroup group, DataGrid dataGrid)
            : base(dataGrid)
            if (group == null)

                throw new ElementNotAvailableException();
            if (dataGrid == null)

                throw new ElementNotAvailableException();

            _group = group;
            _dataGridAutomationPeer = FrameworkElementAutomationPeer.CreatePeerForElement(dataGrid);
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the description of how to divide the given group into subgroups
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="group">CollectionViewGroup to get group description from</param>
        /// <param name="level">The level of grouping</param>
        /// <returns>GroupDescription of how to divide the given group</returns>
        private GroupDescription GetGroupDescription(CollectionViewGroup group, int level)
            GroupDescription result = null;

            if (group == this)
                group = null;

            if (result == null && this.GroupBySelector != null)
                result = this.GroupBySelector(group, level);

            if (result == null && level < this.GroupDescriptions.Count)
                result = this.GroupDescriptions[level];

        void IDataGridContextVisitor.Visit(DataGridContext sourceContext, System.Windows.Data.CollectionViewGroup group, object[] namesTree, int groupLevel, bool isExpanded, bool isComputedExpanded, ref bool stopVisit)
            switch (m_status)
            case SaveRestoreStateVisitorStatus.Saving:
                this.SavingVisit(sourceContext, group, namesTree, groupLevel, isExpanded, isComputedExpanded);

            case SaveRestoreStateVisitorStatus.Restoring:
                this.RestoringVisit(sourceContext, group, namesTree, groupLevel, isExpanded, isComputedExpanded);

                throw new InvalidOperationException("An attempt was made to visit using a method other than the SaveRestoreStateVisitor's Save and Restore methods.");
Пример #19
 // should the given group be hidden?
 bool ShouldHide(CollectionViewGroup group)
     return GroupStyle.HidesIfEmpty &&      // user asked to hide
             group.ItemCount == 0;           // group is empty
Пример #20
        // create a group item for the given group
        DependencyObject ContainerForGroup(CollectionViewGroup group)
            _generatesGroupItems = true;
            if (!ShouldHide(group))
                // normal group - link a new GroupItem
                GroupItem groupItem = new GroupItem();

                LinkContainerToItem(groupItem, group);

                // create the generator
                groupItem.Generator = new ItemContainerGenerator(this, groupItem);

                return groupItem;
                // hidden empty group - link a new EmptyGroupItem

                // but don't return it to layout
                return null;
    internal bool IsGroupExpandedCore( CollectionViewGroup group, bool recurseDetails )
      if( group == null )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "group" );


      if( m_firstItem == null )
        throw new DataGridInternalException();

      Group uiGroup = this.GetGroupFromCollectionViewGroup( group );
      if( uiGroup != null )
        return uiGroup.GeneratorNode.IsExpanded;

      if( recurseDetails )
        //the group was not found in this generator, check in all the child generators for the group.
        foreach( KeyValuePair<object, List<DetailGeneratorNode>> itemToDetails in m_masterToDetails )
          foreach( DetailGeneratorNode detail in itemToDetails.Value )
              return detail.DetailGenerator.IsGroupExpandedCore( group, recurseDetails );
            catch( InvalidOperationException )
              //if the item is not found in the detail generator, it will throw 
              //an invalid operation exception. If it doesn't throw, then it is 
              //safe to return the return value of the function.

              //otherwise, suppress this exception as ultimately, the "root" function call will 
              //throw if item is never found in itself or its details.

      throw new InvalidOperationException( "An attempt was made to consult the expansion state of a group that does not exist." );
 public bool IsGroupExpanded( CollectionViewGroup group )
   return this.IsGroupExpandedCore( group, false );
    internal bool ToggleGroupExpansionCore( CollectionViewGroup group, bool recurseDetails )
      if( this.Status == GeneratorStatus.GeneratingContainers )
        throw new InvalidOperationException( "An attempt was made to a toggle a group's expansion while the generator is busy generating items." );

      if( group == null )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "group" );


      if( m_firstItem == null )
        throw new DataGridInternalException();

      Group uiGroup = this.GetGroupFromCollectionViewGroup( group );
      if( uiGroup != null )
        GroupGeneratorNode groupNode = uiGroup.GeneratorNode;
        groupNode.IsExpanded = !groupNode.IsExpanded;
        return true;

      if( recurseDetails )
        //the item was not found in this generator's content... check all the detail generators
        foreach( KeyValuePair<object, List<DetailGeneratorNode>> itemToDetails in m_masterToDetails )
          foreach( DetailGeneratorNode detail in itemToDetails.Value )
              return detail.DetailGenerator.ToggleGroupExpansionCore( group, recurseDetails );
            catch( InvalidOperationException )
              //if the item is not found in the detail generator, it will throw 
              //an invalid operation exception. If it doesn't throw, then it is 
              //safe to return the return value of the function.

              //otherwise, suppress this exception as ultimately, the "root" function call will 
              //throw if item is never found in itself or its details.

      return false;
    public bool CollapseGroup( CollectionViewGroup group )
      bool groupCollapsed = this.CollapseGroupCore( group, false );

      if( !groupCollapsed )
        throw new InvalidOperationException( "An attempt was made to collapse a group that does not exist." );

      return groupCollapsed;
Пример #25
        // notification that a subgroup has become empty
        void OnSubgroupBecameEmpty(CollectionViewGroup group)
            if (ShouldHide(group))
                GeneratorPosition position = PositionFromIndex(ItemsInternal.IndexOf(group));

                // if the group is realized, un-realize it and notify layout
                if (position.Offset == 0 && position.Index >= 0)
                    // un-realize
                    ((IItemContainerGenerator)this).Remove(position, 1);

                    // inform layout as if the group just got removed
                    if (ItemsChanged != null)
                        ItemsChanged(this, new ItemsChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, position, 1, 1));

                    // create the placeholder
    public bool TryGetParentGroupFromItem( object item, bool recurseDetails, out CollectionViewGroup collectionViewGroup )
      collectionViewGroup = null;

      if( item == null )
        return false;


      if( m_startNode == null )
        throw new DataGridInternalException();

      //Invoke the helper that will check for the parent group within the local generator.
      if( this.TryGetParentGroupFromItemHelper( item, out collectionViewGroup ) )
        //if the item was found within the local generator, then return.
        return true;
      //If the item was not in the local generator, continue with method.

      if( recurseDetails )
        //the item was not found in this generator's content... check all the detail generators
        foreach( KeyValuePair<object, List<DetailGeneratorNode>> itemToDetails in m_masterToDetails )
          foreach( DetailGeneratorNode detail in itemToDetails.Value )
            if( detail.DetailGenerator.TryGetParentGroupFromItem( item, recurseDetails, out collectionViewGroup ) )
              return true;

      return false;
    private bool TryGetParentGroupFromItemHelper( object item, out CollectionViewGroup collectionViewGroup )
      //This helper method is used to simplify previous code flow of the TryGetParentGroupFromItem method.
      collectionViewGroup = null;

      //1 - First check is to see of the item is a CVG.
      CollectionViewGroup groupItem = item as CollectionViewGroup;
      if( groupItem != null )
        Group group = this.GetGroupFromCollectionViewGroup( groupItem );
        if( group != null )
          GroupGeneratorNode groupGeneratorNode = group.GeneratorNode;
          if( groupGeneratorNode.Parent == null )
            //no parent for speficied item.
            return true;
          //if the nodeHelper was able to locate the content, use the nodeHelper's CurrentNode as the node for the item.
          collectionViewGroup = ( ( GroupGeneratorNode )groupGeneratorNode.Parent ).CollectionViewGroup;
          return true;

        //item is a CVG, but is not present in the generator!
        return false;

      //2 - Second check is to see if the item is already in the generated list

      //item might be in the "generated" list... much quicker to find-out if it is!
      //note: if the item belongs to a detail, then it will be excluded from the "fast" algo.
      int itemGenPosIndex = this.FindFirstGeneratedIndexForLocalItem( item );
      if( itemGenPosIndex != -1 )
        //item was generated and was not from a DetailGeneratorNode
        if( m_genPosToNode[ itemGenPosIndex ].Parent == null )
          //no parent for speficied item.
          return true;
        collectionViewGroup = ( ( GroupGeneratorNode )m_genPosToNode[ itemGenPosIndex ].Parent ).CollectionViewGroup;
        return true;

      //3 - Third check is to check of the item is a GroupHeaderFooterItem
      if( item.GetType() == typeof( GroupHeaderFooterItem ) )
        GroupHeaderFooterItem groupHeaderFooterItem = ( GroupHeaderFooterItem )item;
        CollectionViewGroup parentGroup = groupHeaderFooterItem.Group;

        if( this.GetGroupFromCollectionViewGroup( parentGroup ) != null )
          //since the goal is the find the parentGroup from the item passed (which is a GroupHeader or GroupFooter), then the Group
          //is what I am looking for.
          collectionViewGroup = parentGroup;

          return true;

        //Item was a GroupHeaderFooterItem but was not part of the genreator!
        return false;

      //4 - Final Check

      //if the item was not generated, then try to find the item as is within the generator's content  
      GeneratorNodeHelper finalNodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 );
      if( finalNodeHelper.AbsoluteFindItem( item ) )
        //item was not generated but was part of this generator
        if( finalNodeHelper.CurrentNode.Parent == null )
          //no parent for speficied item.
          return true;
        collectionViewGroup = ( ( GroupGeneratorNode )finalNodeHelper.CurrentNode.Parent ).CollectionViewGroup;
        return true;
        return false;

      //Default function behavior, if nobody else returned, then the function did not work as intended... as each "block" is supposed to return a value...
      throw new DataGridInternalException();
    public Group GetGroupFromCollectionViewGroup( Group parentUIGroup, CollectionViewGroup collectionViewGroup )
      GroupGeneratorNode groupGeneratorNode = null;

      if( m_groupNodeMappingCache.TryGetValue( collectionViewGroup, out groupGeneratorNode ) )
        return groupGeneratorNode.UIGroup;

      return null;
 public Group GetGroupFromCollectionViewGroup( CollectionViewGroup collectionViewGroup )
   return this.GetGroupFromCollectionViewGroup( null, collectionViewGroup );
Пример #30
 public GroupEnumerator(CollectionViewGroup root)
     Groups = new List <object> ();
     Root   = root;
Пример #31
        // create an empty-group placeholder item
        void AddEmptyGroupItem(CollectionViewGroup group)
            EmptyGroupItem emptyGroupItem = new EmptyGroupItem();

            LinkContainerToItem(emptyGroupItem, group);

            emptyGroupItem.SetGenerator(new ItemContainerGenerator(this, emptyGroupItem));

            // add it to the list of placeholder items (this keeps it from being GC'd)
            if (_emptyGroupItems == null)
                _emptyGroupItems = new ArrayList();
    internal bool CollapseGroupCore( CollectionViewGroup group, bool recurseDetails )
      if( this.Status == GeneratorStatus.GeneratingContainers )
        throw new InvalidOperationException( "An attempt was made to collapse a group while the generator is busy generating items." );

      if( group == null )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "group" );


      if( m_firstItem == null )
        throw new DataGridInternalException();

      Group uiGroup = this.GetGroupFromCollectionViewGroup( group );
      if( uiGroup != null )
        uiGroup.GeneratorNode.IsExpanded = false;
        return true;

      if( recurseDetails )
        //the item was not found in this generator's content... check all the detail generators
        foreach( KeyValuePair<object, List<DetailGeneratorNode>> itemToDetails in m_masterToDetails )
          foreach( DetailGeneratorNode detail in itemToDetails.Value )
            // If the item is not found in the detail generator, it will return false;
            // The "public" function call will throw if item is never found in itself or its details.
            if( detail.DetailGenerator.CollapseGroupCore( group, recurseDetails ) )
              return true;

      return false;
Пример #33
        // notification that a subgroup has become non-empty
        void OnSubgroupBecameNonEmpty(EmptyGroupItem groupItem, CollectionViewGroup group)
            // Discard placeholder container.
            UnlinkContainerFromItem(groupItem, group);
            if (_emptyGroupItems != null)

            // inform layout as if the group just got added
            if (ItemsChanged != null)
                GeneratorPosition position = PositionFromIndex(ItemsInternal.IndexOf(group));
                ItemsChanged(this, new ItemsChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, position, 1, 0));
    public bool ToggleGroupExpansion( CollectionViewGroup group )
      bool groupToggled = this.ToggleGroupExpansionCore( group, false );

      if( !groupToggled )
        throw new InvalidOperationException( "An attempt was made to toggle a group that does not exist." );

      return groupToggled;
    public object[] GetNamesTreeFromGroup( CollectionViewGroup group )

      Group uiGroup = this.GetGroupFromCollectionViewGroup( group );
      if( uiGroup != null )
        return uiGroup.GeneratorNode.NamesTree;

      return null;
Пример #36
 public void Visit(DataGridContext sourceContext, System.Windows.Data.CollectionViewGroup group, object[] namesTree, int groupLevel, bool isExpanded, bool isComputedExpanded, ref bool stopVisit)
     throw new NotSupportedException("Only DataGridContexts can be visited by this visitor.");