GetRuntimeId() публичный Метод

public GetRuntimeId ( ) : int[]
Результат int[]
Пример #1
		public static bool Compare (AutomationElement el1, AutomationElement el2)
			if (el1 == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("el1");
			if (el2 == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("el2");
			return Compare (el1.GetRuntimeId (),
			                el2.GetRuntimeId ());
Пример #2
        internal override bool AppliesTo(AutomationElement element)
            // TODO: Test caching behavior
            object currentVal   = element.GetCurrentPropertyValue(property);
            object conditionVal = val;

            if (currentVal == null || conditionVal == null)
                return(currentVal == conditionVal);

            // Compare AutomationElements against Condition's
            // stored runtime ID array
            if (property == AEIds.LabeledByProperty ||
                property == GridItemPatternIdentifiers.ContainingGridProperty ||
                property == SelectionItemPatternIdentifiers.SelectionContainerProperty)
                AutomationElement elementVal =
                    currentVal as AutomationElement;
                int [] conditionId = conditionVal as int [];
                return(currentVal != null &&
                       conditionId != null &&

            // For some other properties, need to reconstruct proper
            // object for comparison
            if (property == AEIds.BoundingRectangleProperty)
                double [] rectArray = (double [])val;
                conditionVal = new Rect(rectArray [0],
                                        rectArray [1],
                                        rectArray [2],
                                        rectArray [3]);
            else if (property == AEIds.ClickablePointProperty)
                double [] pointArray = (double [])val;
                conditionVal = new Point(pointArray [0],
                                         pointArray [1]);
            else if (property == AEIds.ControlTypeProperty)
                conditionVal = ControlType.LookupById((int)val);
            else if (property == AEIds.CultureProperty)
                conditionVal = new CultureInfo((int)val);

            return(ArePropertyValuesEqual(conditionVal, currentVal));
Пример #3
 public static bool Compare(AutomationElement el1, AutomationElement el2)
     if (el1 == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("el1");
     if (el2 == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("el2");
Пример #4
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors

        internal EventListenerClientSide(AutomationElement elRoot, Delegate clientCallback, EventListener l)
            _eventListener = l;
            _refElement = elRoot;
            // Ensure that RuntimeId is cached on elRoot so that later compares can be done w/o accessing the native element
            _refRid = elRoot.GetRuntimeId();
            _clientCallback = clientCallback;
            _callbackDelegate = new UiaCoreApi.UiaEventCallback(OnEvent);
            _gch = GCHandle.Alloc(_callbackDelegate);


Пример #5
 public static EventListener Remove(AutomationEvent eventId, AutomationElement element, Delegate handler)
     // Create a prototype to seek
     int[] runtimeId = (element == null) ? null : element.GetRuntimeId();
     EventListener prototype = new EventListener(eventId.Id, runtimeId, handler);
     lock (_events)
         LinkedListNode<EventListener> node = _events.Find(prototype);
         if (node == null)
             throw new ArgumentException("event handler not found");
         EventListener result = node.Value;
         return result;
Пример #6
        // IsListeningFor - called by UIAccess client during removal of listeners. Returns
        // true if rid, eventId and clientCallback represent this listener instance.
        internal bool IsListeningFor(AutomationEvent eventId, AutomationElement el, Delegate clientCallback)
            // Removing the event handler using the element RuntimeId prevents problems with dead elements
            int[] rid = null;
                rid = el.GetRuntimeId();
            catch( ElementNotAvailableException )
                // This can't be the element this instance is holding because when
                // creating this instance we caused the RuntimeId to be cached.
                return false;

            if( !Misc.Compare( _refRid, rid ) )
                return false;

            if( _eventListener.EventId != eventId )
                return false;

            if (_clientCallback != clientCallback)
                return false;

            return true;
Пример #7
 public static void AutomationElementGetRuntimeId(AutomationElement element)
     Dump("GetRuntimeId()", true, element);
         object obj = element.GetRuntimeId();
     catch (Exception exception)
         VerifyException(element, exception, typeof(ElementNotAvailableException));
Пример #8
        // OnWindowShowOrOpen - Called by the WindowShowOrOpenTracker class when UI is shown or created
        private static void OnWindowShowOrOpen( IntPtr hwnd, AutomationElement rawEl )
            bool doWindowOpenedEvent = false;
            bool doStructureChangedEvent = false;

            lock ( _classLock )
                if (_listeners != null)

                    // if rawEl is w/in the scope of any listeners then register for events in the new UI
                    for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.Count; i++)
                        EventListenerClientSide ec = (EventListenerClientSide)_listeners[i];

                        EventListener l = ec.EventListener;
                        if ( l.EventId == WindowPattern.WindowOpenedEvent )
                            doWindowOpenedEvent = true;
                        if ( l.EventId == AutomationElement.StructureChangedEvent )
                            doStructureChangedEvent = true;

                        // Only advise UI contexts if the provider might raise that event.
                        if (!ShouldAdviseProviders( l.EventId ))

                        // Only advise UI contexts if the element is w/in scope of the reference element
                        if (!ec.WithinScope( rawEl ))

                        // Notify the server side
                        UiaCoreApi.UiaEventAddWindow(ec.EventHandle, hwnd);

            // Piggy-back on the listener for Windows hiding or closing to raise WindowClosed and StructureChanged events.
            if ( doWindowOpenedEvent )
                if ( HwndProxyElementProvider.IsWindowPatternWindow( NativeMethods.HWND.Cast( hwnd ) ) )
                    // Go ahead and raise a client-side only WindowOpenedEvent (if anyone is listening)
                    AutomationEventArgs e = new AutomationEventArgs( WindowPattern.WindowOpenedEvent );
                    RaiseEventInThisClientOnly( WindowPattern.WindowOpenedEvent, rawEl, e);
            if ( doStructureChangedEvent )
                // Filter on the control elements.  Otherwise, this is extremely noisy.  Consider not filtering if there is feedback.
                //ControlType ct = (ControlType)rawEl.GetPropertyValue( AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty );
                //if ( ct != null )
                    // Last,raise an event for structure changed
                    StructureChangedEventArgs e = new StructureChangedEventArgs( StructureChangeType.ChildAdded, rawEl.GetRuntimeId() );
                    RaiseEventInThisClientOnly(AutomationElement.StructureChangedEvent, rawEl, e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares the two automation elements and returns if
        /// they are identical or not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ele1">first element</param>
        /// <param name="ele2">second element</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsDifferent(AutomationElement ele1, AutomationElement ele2)
            bool retVal;
            if (ele1 == null || ele2 == null)
                return true;

                retVal = !Automation.Compare(ele1.GetRuntimeId(), ele2.GetRuntimeId());
                retVal = true;

            Log.Debug(retVal ? "YES" : "NO");
            return retVal;
Пример #10
 public BasicEventListener(AutomationEvent eventKind, AutomationElement element, AutomationEventHandler handler) :
     base(eventKind.Id, element.GetRuntimeId(), handler)
     Debug.Assert(handler != null);
     this._basicHandler = handler;
Пример #11
 public StructureEventListener(AutomationEvent eventKind, AutomationElement element, StructureChangedEventHandler handler) :
     base(AutomationElement.StructureChangedEvent.Id, element.GetRuntimeId(), handler)
     Debug.Assert(handler != null);
     this._structureChangeHandler = handler;
Пример #12
 public PropertyEventListener(AutomationEvent eventKind, AutomationElement element, AutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler handler) :
     base(AutomationElement.AutomationPropertyChangedEvent.Id, element.GetRuntimeId(), handler)
     Debug.Assert(handler != null);
     this._propChangeHandler = handler;
Пример #13
        public PropertyCondition(AutomationProperty property,
                                 object value,
                                 PropertyConditionFlags flags) : base()
            if (property == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("property");
   = property;

            // NotSupported is handled the same way for all properties
            if (value == AutomationElement.NotSupported)
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                this.val   = value;
                this.flags = flags;

            if (property == AEIds.AcceleratorKeyProperty ||
                property == AEIds.AccessKeyProperty ||
                property == AEIds.AutomationIdProperty ||
                property == AEIds.ClassNameProperty ||
                property == AEIds.HelpTextProperty ||
                property == AEIds.ItemStatusProperty ||
                property == AEIds.ItemTypeProperty ||
                property == AEIds.LocalizedControlTypeProperty ||
                property == AEIds.NameProperty ||
                property == AEIds.FrameworkIdProperty ||
                property == ValuePatternIdentifiers.ValueProperty)
                if (value != null && !(value is string))
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if (value == null && (flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = value;
            else if (property == AEIds.BoundingRectangleProperty)
                Rect?rect = null;
                if (value == null || !(rect = value as Rect?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = new double [] {
            else if (property == AEIds.ClickablePointProperty)
                Point?point = null;
                if (value == null || !(point = value as Point?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = new double [] {
            else if (property == AEIds.ControlTypeProperty)
                ControlType controlType = null;
                if (value != null && (controlType = value as ControlType) == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                if (controlType != null)
                    val = controlType.Id;
            else if (property == AEIds.CultureProperty)
                CultureInfo culture = null;
                if (value != null && (culture = value as CultureInfo) == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                if (culture != null)
                    val = culture.LCID;
            else if (property == AEIds.HasKeyboardFocusProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsContentElementProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsControlElementProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsDockPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsEnabledProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsExpandCollapsePatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsGridItemPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsGridPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsInvokePatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsKeyboardFocusableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsMultipleViewPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsOffscreenProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsPasswordProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsRangeValuePatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsRequiredForFormProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsScrollItemPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsScrollPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsSelectionItemPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsSelectionPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsTableItemPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsTablePatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsTextPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsTogglePatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsTransformPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsValuePatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.IsWindowPatternAvailableProperty ||
                     property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.IsReadOnlyProperty ||
                     property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.HorizontallyScrollableProperty ||
                     property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.VerticallyScrollableProperty ||
                     property == SelectionItemPatternIdentifiers.IsSelectedProperty ||
                     property == SelectionPatternIdentifiers.CanSelectMultipleProperty ||
                     property == SelectionPatternIdentifiers.IsSelectionRequiredProperty ||
                     property == TransformPatternIdentifiers.CanMoveProperty ||
                     property == TransformPatternIdentifiers.CanResizeProperty ||
                     property == TransformPatternIdentifiers.CanRotateProperty ||
                     property == ValuePatternIdentifiers.IsReadOnlyProperty ||
                     property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.CanMaximizeProperty ||
                     property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.CanMinimizeProperty ||
                     property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.IsModalProperty ||
                     property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.IsTopmostProperty)
                bool?boolVal = null;
                if (value == null || !(boolVal = value as bool?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = boolVal.Value;
            else if (property == AEIds.LabeledByProperty ||
                     property == GridItemPatternIdentifiers.ContainingGridProperty ||
                     property == SelectionItemPatternIdentifiers.SelectionContainerProperty)
                AutomationElement element = null;
                if (value != null && (element = value as AutomationElement) == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                if (element != null)
                    val = element.GetRuntimeId();
            else if (property == AEIds.NativeWindowHandleProperty ||
                     property == AEIds.ProcessIdProperty ||
                     property == GridItemPatternIdentifiers.ColumnProperty ||
                     property == GridItemPatternIdentifiers.ColumnSpanProperty ||
                     property == GridItemPatternIdentifiers.RowProperty ||
                     property == GridItemPatternIdentifiers.RowSpanProperty ||
                     property == GridPatternIdentifiers.ColumnCountProperty ||
                     property == GridPatternIdentifiers.RowCountProperty ||
                     property == MultipleViewPatternIdentifiers.CurrentViewProperty)
                int?intVal = null;
                if (value == null || !(intVal = value as int?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = intVal.Value;
            else if (property == AEIds.OrientationProperty)
                OrientationType?orientation = null;
                if (value == null || !(orientation = value as OrientationType?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = orientation.Value;
            else if (property == AEIds.RuntimeIdProperty ||
                     property == MultipleViewPatternIdentifiers.SupportedViewsProperty)
                int [] runtimeId = null;
                if (value != null && (runtimeId = value as int []) == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                if (runtimeId != null)
                    val = runtimeId;
            else if (property == DockPatternIdentifiers.DockPositionProperty)
                DockPosition?position = null;
                if (value == null || !(position = value as DockPosition?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = position.Value;
            else if (property == ExpandCollapsePatternIdentifiers.ExpandCollapseStateProperty)
                ExpandCollapseState?state = null;
                if (value == null || !(state = value as ExpandCollapseState?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = state.Value;
            else if (property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.LargeChangeProperty ||
                     property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.SmallChangeProperty ||
                     property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.ValueProperty ||
                     property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.HorizontalScrollPercentProperty ||
                     property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.HorizontalViewSizeProperty ||
                     property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.VerticalScrollPercentProperty ||
                     property == ScrollPatternIdentifiers.VerticalViewSizeProperty)
                double?doubleVal = null;
                if (value == null || !(doubleVal = value as double?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = doubleVal.Value;
            else if (property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.MaximumProperty ||
                     property == RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.MinimumProperty)
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase &&
                    !(value is string))
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = value;
            else if (property == SelectionPatternIdentifiers.SelectionProperty ||
                     property == TableItemPatternIdentifiers.ColumnHeaderItemsProperty ||
                     property == TableItemPatternIdentifiers.RowHeaderItemsProperty ||
                     property == TablePatternIdentifiers.ColumnHeadersProperty ||
                     property == TablePatternIdentifiers.RowHeadersProperty)
                AutomationElement [] elements = null;
                if (value != null && (elements = value as AutomationElement []) == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                if (elements != null)
                    val = elements;
            else if (property == TablePatternIdentifiers.RowOrColumnMajorProperty)
                RowOrColumnMajor?state = null;
                if (value == null || !(state = value as RowOrColumnMajor?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = state.Value;
            else if (property == TogglePatternIdentifiers.ToggleStateProperty)
                ToggleState?state = null;
                if (value == null || !(state = value as ToggleState?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = state.Value;
            else if (property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.WindowInteractionStateProperty)
                WindowInteractionState?state = null;
                if (value == null || !(state = value as WindowInteractionState?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = state.Value;
            else if (property == WindowPatternIdentifiers.WindowVisualStateProperty)
                WindowVisualState?state = null;
                if (value == null || !(state = value as WindowVisualState?).HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException("value");
                if ((flags & PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase) == PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)
                    throw new ArgumentException("flags");
                val = state.Value;

            this.flags = flags;
Пример #14
 // compare two AutomationElements
 internal static bool Compare(AutomationElement el1, AutomationElement el2)
     CheckNonNull(el1, el2);
     return Compare(el1.GetRuntimeId(), el2.GetRuntimeId());
Пример #15
        static void Main_2()
            bool isOpened = false;

                //Initializing mandatory parameters for application

                SystemLog.LogAuditMessage(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, DiagnosticLevel.level1, EntityGlobal.ROBO_START, typeof(MainframeAutomation).Name);


                //isOpened = MainFrameAdapter.OpenPcomSessionAndConnect();
                //Process p = Process.GetProcesses().SingleOrDefault(item => item.ProcessName == "pcsws");
//                Process.GetProcessById("")
                Process p = Process.GetProcesses().SingleOrDefault(item => item.ProcessName == "filezilla");
                System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement t = WinFormAdapter.GetAEFromHandle(p.MainWindowHandle);

                System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement fdsfasdf = WinFormAdapter.GetAEOnChildByName(t, "ID_QUICKCONNECTBAR");
                //System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement fdsfasdf = WinFormAdapter.GetAEOnChildByName(t, "Servidor:");

                WinFormAdapter.SetTextInTextArea(t, "fdsafsafasfdasfdsafdasfasfasdfasdfdsafsdafdasfdasfasd " + "\r\n" + "gfsdfdafs" + "\t" + "gadsfdad");
                WinFormAdapter.SetTextInTextArea(t, "servidor" + "\t" + "usuario" + "\t" + "contraseña");

                /*System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement Servidor = WinFormAdapter.GetAEOnChildById(fdsfasdf, "-31800");
                *  System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement Servidor1 = WinFormAdapter.GetAEOnChildById(fdsfasdf, "31801");*/
                System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement Servidor       = WinFormAdapter.GetAEOnChildByName(fdsfasdf, ControlType.Edit, "Servidor:");
                System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement conexionRapida = WinFormAdapter.GetAEOnChildById(fdsfasdf, "-31925");
                //System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement conexionRapida = WinFormAdapter.GetAEOnChildByName(fdsfasdf, "Conexión rápida");
                WinFormAdapter.SetText(Servidor, "hola");

                //Point conexionRapida.GetClickablePoint();


                //WinFormAdapter.SetText(WinFormAdapter.GetAEOnChildByName(fdsfasdf, "Conexión rápida"), "rrorro");

                //System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement t2 = WinFormAdapter.GetDialogBox("");

                //WinFormAdapter.SetText(t, "eeee");
                WinFormAdapter.SetTextInTextArea(t, "fdsafsafasfdasfdsafdasfasfasdfasdfdsafsdafdasfdasfasd " + "\r\n" + "gfsdfdafs" + "\t" + "gadsfdad");
                string texto = WinFormAdapter.GetText(t); //>> devuelve:  //Microsoft Excel - Libro1

                System.Windows.Point punto = new System.Windows.Point(40, 40);

                System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement xx = WinFormAdapter.GetAEFromBoundingRectangle(punto);

                string www = WinFormAdapter.GetText(xx);
                //WinFormAdapter.SetTextInTextArea(xx, "EFDSFSDAFSFDSAFASFA");
                IntPtr e = WinFormAdapter.GetHandleForAE(t);

                const uint WM_KEYDOWN      = 0x100;
                const uint KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = 0x0002;
                /*IntPtr result3 = SendMessage(WindowToFind, WM_KEYDOWN, ((IntPtr)k), (IntPtr)0);*/
                SendMessage(e, WM_KEYDOWN, (IntPtr)Keys.Enter, (IntPtr)0);

                bool eeee = SetForegroundWindow(e);
                keybd_event((byte)((char)Keys.Enter), 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, IntPtr.Zero);
                keybd_event((byte)((char)Keys.Enter), 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, IntPtr.Zero);
                keybd_event((byte)((char)Keys.Enter), 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, IntPtr.Zero);
                keybd_event((byte)((char)Keys.A), 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, IntPtr.Zero);
                keybd_event((byte)((char)Keys.A), 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, IntPtr.Zero);
                keybd_event((byte)((char)Keys.A), 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, IntPtr.Zero);
                keybd_event((byte)((char)Keys.A), 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, IntPtr.Zero);
                keybd_event((byte)((char)Keys.A), 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, IntPtr.Zero);
                keybd_event((byte)((char)Keys.Enter), 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, IntPtr.Zero);
                keybd_event((byte)((char)Keys.Enter), 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, IntPtr.Zero);


                 * SendKeys.Send(Keys.Enter.ToString());
                 * SendKeys.Send(Keys.Enter.ToString());
                 * SendKeys.Send(Keys.Enter.ToString());
                 * SendKeys.Send(Keys.Enter.ToString());
                 * SendKeys.Send(Keys.Enter.ToString());
                 * SendKeys.Send(Keys.Enter.ToString());*/


                //System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement t3 = WinFormAdapter.GetAEOnChildByName(t, "");


                /*System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement t3 = WinFormAdapter.GetAE()
                 * WinFormAdapter.SetText(t2, "BFPJUARUI");*/

                /*if (isOpened)
                 * {
                 *  new BusinessLogic.BLIspfValidator().DoActivities();
                 * }**/
            catch (TcsRpaException e)
                SystemLog.LogErrorMessage(e, typeof(MainframeAutomation).Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
            catch (Exception e)
                SystemLog.LogErrorMessage(e, typeof(MainframeAutomation).Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
                if (isOpened)

            SystemLog.LogAuditMessage(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, DiagnosticLevel.level1, EntityGlobal.ROBO_END, typeof(MainframeAutomation).Name);