Пример #1
		public void Deny_Unrestricted ()
			TemplateBuilder tb = new TemplateBuilder ();
			tb.Text = "mono";
			Assert.AreEqual ("mono", tb.Text, "Text");
			tb.InstantiateIn (new Control ());
			tb.Init (new PageParser (), new ControlBuilder (), null, null, null, null);
			Assert.IsFalse (tb.NeedsTagInnerText (), "NeedsTagInnerText");
			tb.SetTagInnerText ("mono");
			Assert.IsNotNull (tb.BuildObject (), "BuildObject");
Пример #2
        /// <include file='doc\ControlBuilder.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlBuilder.AppendSubBuilder"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public virtual void AppendSubBuilder(ControlBuilder subBuilder)
            // Tell the sub builder that it's about to be appended to its parent

            if (FChildrenAsProperties)
                // Don't allow code blocks when properties are expected (ASURT 97838)
                if (subBuilder is CodeBlockBuilder)
                    throw new HttpException(

                // If there is a default property, delegate to its builder
                if (_defaultPropBuilder != null)

                // The tagname is the property name
                string propName = subBuilder.TagName;

                if (subBuilder is TemplateBuilder)     // The subBuilder is for building a template

                    TemplateBuilder tplBuilder = (TemplateBuilder)subBuilder;

                    if (_templateSetter == null)
                        _templateSetter = new PropertySetter(_ctrlType, InDesigner || NonCompiledPage);

                    // Add TemplateBuilder to the template setter.
                    _templateSetter.AddTemplateProperty(propName, tplBuilder);

                if (subBuilder is CollectionBuilder)     // The subBuilder is for building a collection

                // If there are no items in the collection, we're done
                    if (subBuilder.SubBuilders == null || subBuilder.SubBuilders.Count == 0)

                    IEnumerator subBuilders = subBuilder.SubBuilders.GetEnumerator();
                    while (subBuilders.MoveNext())
                        ControlBuilder builder = (ControlBuilder)subBuilders.Current;

                    ComplexAttribSetter.AddComplexProperty(propName, subBuilder);

                ComplexAttribSetter.AddComplexProperty(propName, subBuilder);

            CodeBlockBuilder codeBlockBuilder = subBuilder as CodeBlockBuilder;

            if (codeBlockBuilder != null)
                // Don't allow code blocks inside non-control tags (ASURT 76719)
                if (ControlType != null && !typeof(Control).IsAssignableFrom(ControlType))
                    throw new HttpException(

                // Is it a databinding expression?  <%# ... %>
                if (codeBlockBuilder.BlockType == CodeBlockType.DataBinding)
                    if (InDesigner)
                        // In the designer, don't use the fancy multipart DataBoundLiteralControl,
                        // which breaks a number of things (ASURT 82925,86738).  Instead, use the
                        // simpler DesignerDataBoundLiteralControl, and do standard databinding
                        // on its Text property.
                        IDictionary attribs = new SortedList();
                        attribs.Add("Text", "<%#" + codeBlockBuilder.Content + "%>");
                        subBuilder = CreateBuilderFromType(
                            Parser, this, typeof(DesignerDataBoundLiteralControl),
                            null, null, attribs, codeBlockBuilder.Line, codeBlockBuilder.SourceFileName);
                        // Get the last builder, and check if it's a DataBoundLiteralControlBuilder
                        object lastBuilder = GetLastBuilder();
                        DataBoundLiteralControlBuilder dataBoundBuilder = lastBuilder as DataBoundLiteralControlBuilder;

                        // If not, then we need to create one.  Otherwise, just append to the
                        // existing one
                        bool fNewDataBoundLiteralControl = false;
                        if (dataBoundBuilder == null)
                            dataBoundBuilder = new DataBoundLiteralControlBuilder();
                            dataBoundBuilder.Init(_parser, this, typeof(DataBoundLiteralControl),
                                                  null, null, null);

                            fNewDataBoundLiteralControl = true;

                            // If the previous builder was a string, add it as the first
                            // entry in the composite control.
                            string s = lastBuilder as string;
                            if (s != null)
                                _subBuilders.RemoveAt(_subBuilders.Count - 1);


                        if (!fNewDataBoundLiteralControl)

                        subBuilder = dataBoundBuilder;
                    // Set a flag if there is at least one block of ASP code
                    _fHasAspCode = true;

            if (FIsNonParserAccessor)
                throw new HttpException(

Пример #3
		string CreateExtractValuesMethod (TemplateBuilder builder)
			CodeMemberMethod method = new CodeMemberMethod ();
			method.Name = "__ExtractValues_" + builder.ID;
			method.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Private | MemberAttributes.Final;
			method.ReturnType = new CodeTypeReference (typeof(IOrderedDictionary));
			CodeParameterDeclarationExpression arg = new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression ();
			arg.Type = new CodeTypeReference (typeof (Control));
			arg.Name = "__container";
			method.Parameters.Add (arg);
			mainClass.Members.Add (method);
			CodeObjectCreateExpression newTable = new CodeObjectCreateExpression ();
			newTable.CreateType = new CodeTypeReference (typeof(OrderedDictionary));
			method.Statements.Add (new CodeVariableDeclarationStatement (typeof(OrderedDictionary), "__table", newTable));
			CodeVariableReferenceExpression tableExp = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression ("__table");
			if (builder.Bindings != null) {
				Hashtable hash = new Hashtable ();
				foreach (TemplateBinding binding in builder.Bindings) {
					CodeConditionStatement sif;
					CodeVariableReferenceExpression control;
					CodeAssignStatement assign;

					if (hash [binding.ControlId] == null) {

						CodeVariableDeclarationStatement dec = new CodeVariableDeclarationStatement (binding.ControlType, binding.ControlId);
						method.Statements.Add (dec);
						CodeVariableReferenceExpression cter = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression ("__container");
						CodeMethodInvokeExpression invoke = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (cter, "FindControl");
						invoke.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (binding.ControlId));

						assign = new CodeAssignStatement ();
						control = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression (binding.ControlId);
						assign.Left = control;
						assign.Right = new CodeCastExpression (binding.ControlType, invoke);
						method.Statements.Add (assign);

						sif = new CodeConditionStatement ();
						sif.Condition = new CodeBinaryOperatorExpression (control, CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityInequality, new CodePrimitiveExpression (null));

						method.Statements.Add (sif);

						hash [binding.ControlId] = sif;

					sif = (CodeConditionStatement) hash [binding.ControlId];
					control = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression (binding.ControlId);
					assign = new CodeAssignStatement ();
					assign.Left = new CodeIndexerExpression (tableExp, new CodePrimitiveExpression (binding.FieldName));
					assign.Right = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (control, binding.ControlProperty);
					sif.TrueStatements.Add (assign);

			method.Statements.Add (new CodeMethodReturnStatement (tableExp));
			return method.Name;
Пример #4
		ControlBuilder CreatePropertyBuilder (string propName, TemplateParser parser, IDictionary atts)
			int idx;
			string propertyName;
			if ((idx = propName.IndexOf (':')) >= 0)
				propertyName = propName.Substring (idx + 1);
				propertyName = propName;
			PropertyInfo prop = type.GetProperty (propertyName, FlagsNoCase);
			if (prop == null) {
				string msg = String.Format ("Property {0} not found in type {1}", propertyName, type);
				throw new HttpException (msg);

			Type propType = prop.PropertyType;
			ControlBuilder builder = null;
			if (typeof (ICollection).IsAssignableFrom (propType)) {
				builder = new CollectionBuilder ();
			} else if (typeof (ITemplate).IsAssignableFrom (propType)) {
				builder = new TemplateBuilder (prop);
			} else if (typeof (string) == propType) {
				builder = new StringPropertyBuilder (prop.Name);
			} else {
				builder = CreateBuilderFromType (parser, parentBuilder, propType, prop.Name,
								 null, atts, line, fileName);
				builder.isProperty = true;
				if (idx >= 0)
					builder.originalTagName = propName;
				return builder;

			builder.Init (parser, this, null, prop.Name, null, atts);
			builder.fileName = fileName;
			builder.line = line;
			builder.isProperty = true;
			if (idx >= 0)
				builder.originalTagName = propName;
			return builder;
        private ControlBuilder GetChildPropertyBuilder(string tagName, IDictionary attribs, ref Type childType, TemplateParser templateParser, bool defaultProperty) {
            Debug.Assert(FChildrenAsProperties, "ChildrenAsProperties");

            // Parse the device filter if any
            // The child is supposed to be a property, so look for it
            PropertyInfo pInfo = TargetFrameworkUtil.GetProperty(_controlType, tagName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);

            if (pInfo == null) {
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Type_doesnt_have_property, _controlType.FullName, tagName));

            // Get its type
            childType = pInfo.PropertyType;

            ControlBuilder builder = null;

            // If it's a collection, return the collection builder
            if (typeof(ICollection).IsAssignableFrom(childType)) {
                // Check whether the prop has an IgnoreUnknownContentAttribute
                IgnoreUnknownContentAttribute attr = (IgnoreUnknownContentAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfo, typeof(IgnoreUnknownContentAttribute), true);

                builder = new CollectionBuilder(attr != null /*ignoreUnknownContent*/);
            else if (typeof(ITemplate).IsAssignableFrom(childType)) {
                bool useBindableTemplate = false;
                bool allowMultipleInstances = true;
                object[] containerAttrs = pInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TemplateContainerAttribute), /*inherits*/ false);

                if ((containerAttrs != null) && (containerAttrs.Length > 0)) {
                    Debug.Assert(containerAttrs[0] is TemplateContainerAttribute);
                    useBindableTemplate = (((TemplateContainerAttribute)containerAttrs[0]).BindingDirection == BindingDirection.TwoWay);

                allowMultipleInstances = Util.IsMultiInstanceTemplateProperty(pInfo);

                if (useBindableTemplate) {  // If it's a bindable template, return the bindable template builder
                    builder = new BindableTemplateBuilder();
                else {  // If it's a template, return the template builder
                    builder = new TemplateBuilder();

                if (builder is TemplateBuilder) {
                    ((TemplateBuilder)builder).AllowMultipleInstances = allowMultipleInstances;
                    // If we're in the designer, set a reference to the designer host
                    // so we can get to a filter resolution service later
                    if (InDesigner) {
            else if (childType == typeof(string)) {
                PersistenceModeAttribute persistenceAttr = (PersistenceModeAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfo, typeof(PersistenceModeAttribute), true);

                if (((persistenceAttr == null) || (persistenceAttr.Mode == PersistenceMode.Attribute)) && !defaultProperty) {
                    // If the property is supposed to be declared as an attribute on a control tag, throw if it was declared as an inner property
                    // We don't throw if we are simply building the DefaultPropertyBuilder.
                    throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.ControlBuilder_CannotHaveComplexString, _controlType.FullName, tagName));
                builder = new StringPropertyBuilder();

            if (builder != null) {
                builder.Line = Line;
                builder.VirtualPath = VirtualPath;

                // Initialize the builder
                builder.Init(Parser, (ControlBuilder)this, null, tagName, null, attribs);
                return builder;

            // Otherwise, simply return the builder for the property
            builder = CreateBuilderFromType(Parser, this, childType, tagName, null,
                attribs, Line, PageVirtualPath);
            return builder;
        /// <devdoc>
        /// </devdoc>
        private void AddTemplateProperty(string filter, string name, TemplateBuilder builder) {

            /* Do not ignore template properties since we do want to generate IDs for controls defined
               inside SingleInstanceTemplates. VSWhidbey 243341
            if (IgnoreControlProperty) {

            Debug.Assert(builder != null);

            // Look for a MemberInfo
            string objectModelName = String.Empty;
            MemberInfo memberInfo = PropertyMapper.GetMemberInfo(_controlType, name, out objectModelName);

            // Setup a template entry
            bool bindableTemplate = builder is BindableTemplateBuilder;
            TemplatePropertyEntry entry = new TemplatePropertyEntry(bindableTemplate);

            entry.Builder = builder;
            entry.Filter = filter;
            entry.Name = objectModelName;

            Type memberType = null;

            if (memberInfo != null) {
                if (memberInfo is PropertyInfo) {

                    PropertyInfo propInfo = ((PropertyInfo)memberInfo);

                    entry.PropertyInfo = propInfo;

                    ValidatePersistable(propInfo, false, false, false, filter);

                    // Check the attribute on the property to see if it has a ContainerType
                    TemplateContainerAttribute templateAttrib = (TemplateContainerAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(propInfo, typeof(TemplateContainerAttribute), false);

                    if (templateAttrib != null) {
                        if (!typeof(INamingContainer).IsAssignableFrom(templateAttrib.ContainerType)) {
                            throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_template_container, name, templateAttrib.ContainerType.FullName));

                        // If it had one, make sure the builder knows what type it is

                    entry.Type = propInfo.PropertyType;
                else {
                    Debug.Assert(memberInfo is FieldInfo);
                    memberType = ((FieldInfo)memberInfo).FieldType;

                entry.Type = memberType;
            else {
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Type_doesnt_have_property, _controlType.FullName, name));

            // Add it to the template entries
            AddEntry(TemplatePropertyEntriesInternal, entry);
 private ControlBuilder GetChildPropertyBuilder(string tagName, IDictionary attribs, ref Type childType, TemplateParser templateParser, bool defaultProperty)
     PropertyInfo element = TargetFrameworkUtil.GetProperty(this._controlType, tagName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);
     if (element == null)
         throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Type_doesnt_have_property", new object[] { this._controlType.FullName, tagName }));
     childType = element.PropertyType;
     ControlBuilder builder = null;
     if (typeof(ICollection).IsAssignableFrom(childType))
         IgnoreUnknownContentAttribute attribute = (IgnoreUnknownContentAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(element, typeof(IgnoreUnknownContentAttribute), true);
         builder = new CollectionBuilder(attribute != null);
     else if (typeof(ITemplate).IsAssignableFrom(childType))
         bool flag = false;
         bool flag2 = true;
         object[] customAttributes = element.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TemplateContainerAttribute), false);
         if ((customAttributes != null) && (customAttributes.Length > 0))
             flag = ((TemplateContainerAttribute) customAttributes[0]).BindingDirection == BindingDirection.TwoWay;
         flag2 = System.Web.UI.Util.IsMultiInstanceTemplateProperty(element);
         if (flag)
             builder = new BindableTemplateBuilder();
             builder = new TemplateBuilder();
         if (builder is TemplateBuilder)
             ((TemplateBuilder) builder).AllowMultipleInstances = flag2;
             if (this.InDesigner)
                 ((TemplateBuilder) builder).SetDesignerHost(templateParser.DesignerHost);
     else if (childType == typeof(string))
         PersistenceModeAttribute attribute2 = (PersistenceModeAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(element, typeof(PersistenceModeAttribute), true);
         if (((attribute2 == null) || (attribute2.Mode == PersistenceMode.Attribute)) && !defaultProperty)
             throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("ControlBuilder_CannotHaveComplexString", new object[] { this._controlType.FullName, tagName }));
         builder = new StringPropertyBuilder();
     if (builder != null)
         builder.Line = this.Line;
         builder.VirtualPath = this.VirtualPath;
         builder.Init(this.Parser, this, null, tagName, null, attribs);
         return builder;
     return CreateBuilderFromType(this.Parser, this, childType, tagName, null, attribs, this.Line, this.PageVirtualPath);
 private void AddTemplateProperty(string filter, string name, TemplateBuilder builder)
     string nameForCodeGen = string.Empty;
     MemberInfo info = PropertyMapper.GetMemberInfo(this._controlType, name, out nameForCodeGen);
     bool bindableTemplate = builder is BindableTemplateBuilder;
     TemplatePropertyEntry entry = new TemplatePropertyEntry(bindableTemplate) {
         Builder = builder,
         Filter = filter,
         Name = nameForCodeGen
     Type fieldType = null;
     if (info == null)
         throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Type_doesnt_have_property", new object[] { this._controlType.FullName, name }));
     if (info is PropertyInfo)
         PropertyInfo propInfo = (PropertyInfo) info;
         entry.PropertyInfo = propInfo;
         this.ValidatePersistable(propInfo, false, false, false, filter);
         TemplateContainerAttribute attribute = (TemplateContainerAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(propInfo, typeof(TemplateContainerAttribute), false);
         if (attribute != null)
             if (!typeof(INamingContainer).IsAssignableFrom(attribute.ContainerType))
                 throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Invalid_template_container", new object[] { name, attribute.ContainerType.FullName }));
         entry.Type = propInfo.PropertyType;
         fieldType = ((FieldInfo) info).FieldType;
     entry.Type = fieldType;
     this.AddEntry(this.TemplatePropertyEntriesInternal, entry);
Пример #9
        ControlBuilder CreatePropertyBuilder(string propName, TemplateParser parser, IDictionary atts)
            int    idx;
            string propertyName;

            if ((idx = propName.IndexOf(':')) >= 0)
                propertyName = propName.Substring(idx + 1);
                propertyName = propName;

            PropertyInfo prop = type.GetProperty(propertyName, FlagsNoCase);

            if (prop == null)
                string msg = String.Format("Property {0} not found in type {1}", propertyName, type);
                throw new HttpException(msg);

            Type           propType = prop.PropertyType;
            ControlBuilder builder  = null;

            if (typeof(ICollection).IsAssignableFrom(propType))
                builder = new CollectionBuilder();
            else if (typeof(ITemplate).IsAssignableFrom(propType))
                builder = new TemplateBuilder(prop);
            else if (typeof(string) == propType)
                builder = new StringPropertyBuilder(prop.Name);
                builder = CreateBuilderFromType(parser, parentBuilder, propType, prop.Name,
                                                null, atts, line, fileName);
                builder.isProperty         = true;
                builder.isPropertyWritable = prop.CanWrite;
                if (idx >= 0)
                    builder.originalTagName = propName;

            builder.Init(parser, this, null, prop.Name, null, atts);
            builder.fileName           = fileName;
            builder.line               = line;
            builder.isProperty         = true;
            builder.isPropertyWritable = prop.CanWrite;
            if (idx >= 0)
                builder.originalTagName = propName;
Пример #10
  * Add a template property to the setter
 internal void AddTemplateProperty(string name, TemplateBuilder builder)
     AddPropertyInternal(name, null /*value*/, builder, false /*fItemProp*/);