Пример #1
        /// <devdoc>
        /// </devdoc>
        private ArrayList CreateAutoGeneratedColumns(PagedDataSource dataSource) {
            if (dataSource == null) {
                // note that we're not throwing an exception in this case, and the calling
                // code should be able to handle a null arraylist being returned
                return null;

            ArrayList generatedColumns = new ArrayList();
            PropertyDescriptorCollection propDescs = null;
            bool throwException = true;

            // try ITypedList first
            // A PagedDataSource implements this, but returns null, if the underlying data source
            // does not implement it.
            propDescs = ((ITypedList)dataSource).GetItemProperties(new PropertyDescriptor[0]);

            if (propDescs == null) {
                Type sampleItemType = null;
                object sampleItem = null;

                IEnumerable realDataSource = dataSource.DataSource;
                Debug.Assert(realDataSource != null, "Must have a real data source when calling CreateAutoGeneratedColumns");

                Type dataSourceType = realDataSource.GetType();

                // try for a typed Item property, which should be present on strongly typed collections
                PropertyInfo itemProp = dataSourceType.GetProperty("Item", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, null, new Type[] { typeof(int) }, null);
                if (itemProp != null) {
                    sampleItemType = itemProp.PropertyType;

                if ((sampleItemType == null) || (sampleItemType == typeof(object))) {
                    // last resort... try to get ahold of the first item by beginning the
                    // enumeration

                    IEnumerator e = dataSource.GetEnumerator();

                    if (e.MoveNext()) {
                        sampleItem = e.Current;
                    else {
                        // we don't want to throw an exception if we're bound to an IEnumerable
                        // data source with no records... we'll simply bail and not show any data
                        throwException = false;
                    if (sampleItem != null) {
                        sampleItemType = sampleItem.GetType();

                    // We must store the enumerator regardless of whether we got back an item from it
                    // because we cannot start the enumeration again, in the case of a DataReader.
                    // Code in CreateControlHierarchy must deal appropriately for the case where
                    // there is a stored enumerator, but a null object as the first item.
                    StoreEnumerator(e, sampleItem);

                if ((sampleItem != null) && (sampleItem is ICustomTypeDescriptor)) {
                    // Get the custom properties of the object
                    propDescs = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(sampleItem);
                else if (sampleItemType != null) {
                    // directly bindable types: strings, ints etc. get treated special, since we
                    // don't care about their properties, but rather we care about them directly
                    if (BaseDataList.IsBindableType(sampleItemType)) {
                        BoundColumn column = new BoundColumn();

                        column.HeaderText = "Item";
                        column.DataField = BoundColumn.thisExpr;
                        column.SortExpression = "Item";

                    else {
                        // complex type... we get its properties
                        propDescs = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(sampleItemType);

            if ((propDescs != null) && (propDescs.Count != 0)) {
                foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in propDescs) {
                    Type propType = pd.PropertyType;

                    if (BaseDataList.IsBindableType(propType)) {
                        BoundColumn column = new BoundColumn();

                        column.HeaderText = pd.Name;
                        column.DataField = pd.Name;
                        column.SortExpression = pd.Name;
                        column.ReadOnly = pd.IsReadOnly;


            if ((generatedColumns.Count == 0) && throwException) {
                // this handles the case where we got back something that either had no
                // properties, or all properties were not bindable.
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGrid_NoAutoGenColumns, ID));

            return generatedColumns;
Пример #2
        /// <internalonly/>
        /// <devdoc>
        /// <para>Loads a saved state of the <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid'/>.</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState) {
            if (savedState != null) {
                object[] myState = (object[])savedState;

                if (myState[0] != null)
                if (myState[1] != null)
                if (myState[2] != null)
                if (myState[3] != null)
                if (myState[4] != null)
                if (myState[5] != null)
                if (myState[6] != null)
                if (myState[7] != null)
                if (myState[8] != null)
                if (myState[9] != null)
                if (myState[10] != null) {
                    object[] autoGenColumnState = (object[])myState[10];
                    int columnCount = autoGenColumnState.Length;

                    if (columnCount != 0)
                        autoGenColumnsArray = new ArrayList();
                        autoGenColumnsArray = null;

                    for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                        BoundColumn column = new BoundColumn();


Пример #3
		protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState)
			if (savedState == null)

			object [] states = (object []) savedState;
			base.LoadViewState (states[0]);
			if(columns != null)
			if(pagerStyle != null)
			if(headerStyle != null)
			if(footerStyle != null)
			if(itemStyle != null)
			if(alternatingItemStyle != null)
			if(selectedItemStyle != null)
			if(editItemStyle != null)

			if (states [9] != null) {
				object[] array = ((object[]) states [9]);
				if (array.Length != 0)
					this.autoGenColsArrayList = new ArrayList ();
					this.autoGenColsArrayList = null; 

				for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) {
					BoundColumn column1 = new BoundColumn ();
					((IStateManager)column1).TrackViewState ();
					((IStateManager)column1).LoadViewState (array [i]);
					column1.SetOwner (this);
					this.autoGenColsArrayList.Add (column1);
Пример #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Generates the columns when AutoGenerateColumns is true.
		/// This method is called by CreateColumnSet when dataSource
		/// is to be used and columns need to be generated automatically.
		/// </summary>
		private ArrayList AutoCreateColumns (PagedDataSource source)
			if (source == null)
				return null;

			ArrayList retVal = null;
			PropertyDescriptorCollection props = source.GetItemProperties (new PropertyDescriptor [0]);
			bool empty_enumerator = false;
			Type prop_type;
			BoundColumn col;

			if (props == null) {
				object fitem = null;
				prop_type   = null;
				PropertyInfo prop_item =  source.DataSource.GetType ().GetProperty ("Item",
					  BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public,
					  null, null, new Type[] { typeof(int) }, null);
				if (prop_item != null)
					prop_type = prop_item.PropertyType;

				if (prop_type == null || prop_type == typeof (object)) {
					IEnumerator en = source.GetEnumerator();
					if (en.MoveNext ()) {
						fitem = en.Current;
						if (fitem != null)
							prop_type = fitem.GetType ();
					} else {
						empty_enumerator = true;

					StoreEnumerator (en, fitem);
				if (fitem is ICustomTypeDescriptor) {
					props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (fitem);
				} else if (prop_type != null) {
					if (IsBindableType  (prop_type)) {
						col = new BoundColumn ();
						((IStateManager) col).TrackViewState ();
						col.HeaderText = "Item";
						col.SortExpression = "Item";
						col.DataField  = BoundColumn.thisExpr;
						col.SetOwner (this);
						if (retVal == null)
							retVal = new ArrayList ();
						retVal.Add (col);
					} else {
						props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (prop_type);

			if (props != null && props.Count > 0) {
				try {
					foreach (PropertyDescriptor current in props) {
						if (!IsBindableType (current.PropertyType))

						col = new BoundColumn ();
						((IStateManager) col).TrackViewState ();
						string name = current.Name;
						col.HeaderText = name;
						col.SortExpression = name;
						col.DataField = name;
						col.ReadOnly = current.IsReadOnly;
						col.SetOwner (this);
						if (retVal == null)
							retVal = new ArrayList ();
						retVal.Add (col);
				} finally {
					if (props is IDisposable)
						((IDisposable) props).Dispose ();

			if (retVal != null && retVal.Count > 0)
				return retVal;

			if (empty_enumerator)
				return null;

			throw new HttpException (HttpRuntime.FormatResourceString ("DataGrid_NoAutoGenColumns", ID));
 protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState)
     if (savedState != null)
         object[] objArray = (object[]) savedState;
         if (objArray[0] != null)
         if (objArray[1] != null)
             ((IStateManager) this.Columns).LoadViewState(objArray[1]);
         if (objArray[2] != null)
             ((IStateManager) this.PagerStyle).LoadViewState(objArray[2]);
         if (objArray[3] != null)
             ((IStateManager) this.HeaderStyle).LoadViewState(objArray[3]);
         if (objArray[4] != null)
             ((IStateManager) this.FooterStyle).LoadViewState(objArray[4]);
         if (objArray[5] != null)
             ((IStateManager) this.ItemStyle).LoadViewState(objArray[5]);
         if (objArray[6] != null)
             ((IStateManager) this.AlternatingItemStyle).LoadViewState(objArray[6]);
         if (objArray[7] != null)
             ((IStateManager) this.SelectedItemStyle).LoadViewState(objArray[7]);
         if (objArray[8] != null)
             ((IStateManager) this.EditItemStyle).LoadViewState(objArray[8]);
         if (objArray[9] != null)
             ((IStateManager) base.ControlStyle).LoadViewState(objArray[9]);
         if (objArray[10] != null)
             object[] objArray2 = (object[]) objArray[10];
             int length = objArray2.Length;
             if (length != 0)
                 this.autoGenColumnsArray = new ArrayList();
                 this.autoGenColumnsArray = null;
             for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                 BoundColumn column = new BoundColumn();
                 ((IStateManager) column).TrackViewState();
                 ((IStateManager) column).LoadViewState(objArray2[i]);
 private ArrayList CreateAutoGeneratedColumns(PagedDataSource dataSource)
     if (dataSource == null)
         return null;
     ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
     PropertyDescriptorCollection itemProperties = null;
     bool flag = true;
     itemProperties = dataSource.GetItemProperties(new PropertyDescriptor[0]);
     if (itemProperties == null)
         Type propertyType = null;
         object firstDataItem = null;
         PropertyInfo info = dataSource.DataSource.GetType().GetProperty("Item", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, null, new Type[] { typeof(int) }, null);
         if (info != null)
             propertyType = info.PropertyType;
         if ((propertyType == null) || (propertyType == typeof(object)))
             IEnumerator enumerator = dataSource.GetEnumerator();
             if (enumerator.MoveNext())
                 firstDataItem = enumerator.Current;
                 flag = false;
             if (firstDataItem != null)
                 propertyType = firstDataItem.GetType();
             this.StoreEnumerator(enumerator, firstDataItem);
         if ((firstDataItem != null) && (firstDataItem is ICustomTypeDescriptor))
             itemProperties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(firstDataItem);
         else if (propertyType != null)
             if (BaseDataList.IsBindableType(propertyType))
                 BoundColumn column = new BoundColumn();
                 ((IStateManager) column).TrackViewState();
                 column.HeaderText = "Item";
                 column.DataField = BoundColumn.thisExpr;
                 column.SortExpression = "Item";
                 itemProperties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(propertyType);
     if ((itemProperties != null) && (itemProperties.Count != 0))
         foreach (PropertyDescriptor descriptor in itemProperties)
             if (BaseDataList.IsBindableType(descriptor.PropertyType))
                 BoundColumn column2 = new BoundColumn();
                 ((IStateManager) column2).TrackViewState();
                 column2.HeaderText = descriptor.Name;
                 column2.DataField = descriptor.Name;
                 column2.SortExpression = descriptor.Name;
                 column2.ReadOnly = descriptor.IsReadOnly;
     if ((list.Count == 0) && flag)
         throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("DataGrid_NoAutoGenColumns", new object[] { this.ID }));
     return list;