Наследование: ICryptoTransform, IDisposable
Пример #1
		/// <summary> Encodes a FileStream using Base64 (see RFC 1521)</summary>
		/// <param name="inputStream">The stream that needs to be encoded</param>
		/// <param name="outputFilePath">UNC path to file will store Base64 encoded ASCII text</param>
		/// <example>
		/// <code>
		/// MailEncoder.ConvertBase64(Stream, "file.txt");
		/// </code>
		/// </example>
		internal static void ConvertToBase64(Stream inputStream, string outputFilePath)
			//Create the file streams to handle the input and output files.
			FileStream fout = new FileStream(outputFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);

			ToBase64Transform transformer = new ToBase64Transform();

			//Create variables to help with read and write below.
			//This is intermediate storage for the encryption:
			byte[] bin = new byte[inputStream.Length / transformer.InputBlockSize * transformer.OutputBlockSize]; 
			long rdlen = 0;              //This is the total number of bytes written.
			long totlen = inputStream.Length;    //This is the total length of the input file.
			int len;                     //This is the number of bytes to be written at a time.

			CryptoStream encStream = new CryptoStream(fout, transformer, CryptoStreamMode.Write);

			//Read from the input file, then encrypt and write to the output file.
			while(rdlen < totlen)
				len = inputStream.Read(bin, 0, (int)inputStream.Length);
				encStream.Write(bin, 0, len);
				//inputBlock size(3)
				rdlen = (rdlen + ((len / transformer.InputBlockSize) * transformer.OutputBlockSize));

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts byte-array to Base64 string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputBytes">Byte array to convert.</param>
        /// <returns>A Base64 string representing the input byte-array.</returns>
        static public string ToBase64String(byte[] inputBytes)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            ToBase64Transform base64Transform = new ToBase64Transform();
            byte[] outputBytes = new byte[base64Transform.OutputBlockSize];
            // Initializie the offset size.
            int inputOffset = 0;
            // Iterate through inputBytes transforming by blockSize.
            int inputBlockSize = base64Transform.InputBlockSize;
            while ((inputBytes.Length - inputOffset) > inputBlockSize)
                    inputBytes, inputOffset, inputBlockSize, outputBytes, 0);

                inputOffset += base64Transform.InputBlockSize;
                        outputBytes, 0, base64Transform.OutputBlockSize));

            // Transform the final block of data.
            outputBytes = base64Transform.TransformFinalBlock(
                inputBytes, inputOffset, (inputBytes.Length - inputOffset));
            sb.Append(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(outputBytes, 0, outputBytes.Length));

            return sb.ToString();
Пример #3
        public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
            var responsetOutStream = context.HttpContext.Response.OutputStream;
            var base64Transformer = new ToBase64Transform();
            var inputSize = base64Transformer.InputBlockSize;
            var outputSize = base64Transformer.OutputBlockSize;
            var outputBuffer = new byte[outputSize];
            var inputBuffer = new byte[inputSize];

            int eof = _stream.ReadByte(), bytesRead;

            inputBuffer[0] = (byte)eof;
            while ((bytesRead = _stream.Read(inputBuffer, 1, inputBuffer.Length - 1)) != 0)
                if ((eof = _stream.ReadByte()) == -1)

                base64Transformer.TransformBlock(inputBuffer, 0, bytesRead + 1, outputBuffer, 0);
                responsetOutStream.Write(outputBuffer, 0, outputBuffer.Length);

                inputBuffer[0] = (byte)eof;

            var finalBlock = base64Transformer.TransformFinalBlock(inputBuffer, 0, bytesRead);
            responsetOutStream.Write(finalBlock, 0, finalBlock.Length);
Пример #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Encodes a Specific part of a Byte Array as Base64
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="buffer">The Byte Array to Encode</param>
		/// <param name="offset">The offset to begin encoding</param>
		/// <param name="length">The number of bytes to encode</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static String Encode(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)
			length += offset;
			ToBase64Transform x = new ToBase64Transform();
			byte[] OutBuf;
			MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
			int pos=offset;
			int size = 3;
			if (length<3)
				size = length;
				OutBuf = x.TransformFinalBlock(buffer,pos,size);
				pos += size;
				if (length-pos<size)
					size = length-pos;
			OutBuf = ms.ToArray();

			UTF8Encoding y = new UTF8Encoding();
Пример #5
		public void TransformBlock_Dispose () 
			byte[] input = new byte [3];
			byte[] output = new byte [4];
			ToBase64Transform t = new ToBase64Transform ();
			t.Clear ();
			t.TransformBlock (input, 0, input.Length, output, 0);
		public void Properties ()
			ICryptoTransform t = new ToBase64Transform ();
			Assert ("CanReuseTransform", t.CanReuseTransform);
			Assert ("CanTransformMultipleBlocks", !t.CanTransformMultipleBlocks);
			AssertEquals ("InputBlockSize", 3, t.InputBlockSize);
			AssertEquals ("OutputBlockSize", 4, t.OutputBlockSize);
Пример #7
		public void Properties ()
			ICryptoTransform t = new ToBase64Transform ();
			Assert.IsTrue (t.CanReuseTransform, "CanReuseTransform");
			Assert.IsTrue (!t.CanTransformMultipleBlocks, "CanTransformMultipleBlocks");
			Assert.AreEqual (3, t.InputBlockSize, "InputBlockSize");
			Assert.AreEqual (4, t.OutputBlockSize, "OutputBlockSize");
Пример #8
	// reads bytes from a stream and writes the encoded
        // as base64 encoded characters. ( 60 chars on each row)
	public void EncodeStream(  Stream ins , Stream outs ) {
	    if( ( ins == null ) || ( outs == null ) )
		throw new ArgumentNullException( "The input and output streams may not " +
						 "be null.");
            ICryptoTransform base64 = new ToBase64Transform();
            // the buffers
            byte[] plainText = new byte[ base64.InputBlockSize ];
            byte[] cipherText = new byte[ base64.OutputBlockSize ];

            int readLength = 0;
	    int count = 0;
	    byte[] newln = new byte[] { 13 , 10 }; //CR LF with mail

            // read through the stream until there 
            // are no more bytes left
            while( true ) {
		// read some bytes
		readLength = ins.Read( plainText , 0 , plainText.Length );
                // break when there is no more data
                if( readLength < 1 ) break;
                // transfrom and write the blocks. If the block size
                // is less than the InputBlockSize then write the final block
                if( readLength == plainText.Length ) {
                    base64.TransformBlock( plainText , 0 , 
                                                      plainText.Length ,
                                                      cipherText , 0 );
		    // write the data
		    outs.Write( cipherText , 0 , cipherText.Length );

		    // do this to output lines that
		    // are 60 chars long
		    count += cipherText.Length;
		    if( count == 60 ) {
			outs.Write( newln , 0 , newln.Length );
			count = 0;
                } else {
                    // convert the final blocks of bytes and write them
                    cipherText = base64.TransformFinalBlock( plainText , 0 , readLength );
		    outs.Write( cipherText , 0 , cipherText.Length );
	    outs.Write( newln , 0 , newln.Length );
Пример #9
		public void TransformBlock_WrongLength () 
			byte[] input = new byte [6];
			byte[] output = new byte [8];
			ToBase64Transform t = new ToBase64Transform ();
			t.TransformBlock (input, 0, 6, output, 0);
			// note only the first block has been processed
			Assert.AreEqual ("41-41-41-41-00-00-00-00", BitConverter.ToString (output));
Пример #10
        public void Encode(string inFileName, string outFileName)
            var transform = new ToBase64Transform();
            using (FileStream inFile = File.OpenRead(inFileName),
                                        outFile = File.Create(outFileName))
            using (var cryptStream = new CryptoStream(outFile, transform, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                // I'm going to use a 4k buffer, tune this as needed
                byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
                int bytesRead;

                while ((bytesRead = inFile.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                    cryptStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

Пример #11
        internal static byte[] InternalTransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount)
            int num  = 3;
            int num2 = 4;
            int num3 = inputCount / num;
            int num4 = inputCount % num;

            byte[] array = new byte[(inputCount == 0) ? 0 : ((inputCount + 2) / num * num2)];
            int    num5  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++)
                ToBase64Transform.InternalTransformBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, num, array, num5);
                inputOffset += num;
                num5        += num2;
            byte[] encodeTable = Base64Constants.EncodeTable;
            switch (num4)
            case 1:
                int num6 = (int)inputBuffer[inputOffset];
                array[num5]     = encodeTable[num6 >> 2];
                array[num5 + 1] = encodeTable[num6 << 4 & 48];
                array[num5 + 2] = 61;
                array[num5 + 3] = 61;

            case 2:
                int num6 = (int)inputBuffer[inputOffset];
                int num7 = (int)inputBuffer[inputOffset + 1];
                array[num5]     = encodeTable[num6 >> 2];
                array[num5 + 1] = encodeTable[(num6 << 4 & 48) | num7 >> 4];
                array[num5 + 2] = encodeTable[num7 << 2 & 60];
                array[num5 + 3] = 61;
Пример #12
 /// <summary>Converts the specified region of the input byte array to base 64 and copies the result to the specified region of the output byte array.</summary>
 /// <returns>The number of bytes written.</returns>
 /// <param name="inputBuffer">The input to compute to base 64. </param>
 /// <param name="inputOffset">The offset into the input byte array from which to begin using data. </param>
 /// <param name="inputCount">The number of bytes in the input byte array to use as data. </param>
 /// <param name="outputBuffer">The output to which to write the result. </param>
 /// <param name="outputOffset">The offset into the output byte array from which to begin writing data. </param>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">The current <see cref="T:System.Security.Cryptography.ToBase64Transform" /> object has already been disposed. </exception>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException">The data size is not valid. </exception>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The <paramref name="inputBuffer" /> parameter contains an invalid offset length.-or-The <paramref name="inputCount" /> parameter contains an invalid value.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="inputBuffer" /> parameter is null.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The <paramref name="inputBuffer" /> parameter requires a non-negative number.</exception>
 public int TransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset)
     if (this.m_disposed)
         throw new ObjectDisposedException("TransformBlock");
     if (inputBuffer == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("inputBuffer");
     if (outputBuffer == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("outputBuffer");
     if (inputCount < 0)
         throw new ArgumentException("inputCount", "< 0");
     if (inputCount > inputBuffer.Length)
         throw new ArgumentException("inputCount", Locale.GetText("Overflow"));
     if (inputOffset < 0)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputOffset", "< 0");
     if (inputOffset > inputBuffer.Length - inputCount)
         throw new ArgumentException("inputOffset", Locale.GetText("Overflow"));
     if (outputOffset < 0)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("outputOffset", "< 0");
     if (outputOffset > outputBuffer.Length - inputCount)
         throw new ArgumentException("outputOffset", Locale.GetText("Overflow"));
     ToBase64Transform.InternalTransformBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, outputBuffer, outputOffset);
Пример #13
 /// <summary>Converts the specified region of the specified byte array to base 64.</summary>
 /// <returns>The computed base 64 conversion.</returns>
 /// <param name="inputBuffer">The input to convert to base 64. </param>
 /// <param name="inputOffset">The offset into the byte array from which to begin using data. </param>
 /// <param name="inputCount">The number of bytes in the byte array to use as data. </param>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">The current <see cref="T:System.Security.Cryptography.ToBase64Transform" /> object has already been disposed. </exception>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The <paramref name="inputBuffer" /> parameter contains an invalid offset length.-or-The <paramref name="inputCount" /> parameter contains an invalid value.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="inputBuffer" /> parameter is null.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The <paramref name="inputBuffer" /> parameter requires a non-negative number.</exception>
 public byte[] TransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount)
     if (this.m_disposed)
         throw new ObjectDisposedException("TransformFinalBlock");
     if (inputBuffer == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("inputBuffer");
     if (inputCount < 0)
         throw new ArgumentException("inputCount", "< 0");
     if (inputOffset > inputBuffer.Length - inputCount)
         throw new ArgumentException("inputCount", Locale.GetText("Overflow"));
     if (inputCount > this.InputBlockSize)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(Locale.GetText("Invalid input length"));
     return(ToBase64Transform.InternalTransformFinalBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount));
Пример #14
		public void TransformBlock_NullInput () 
			byte[] output = new byte [4];
			ToBase64Transform t = new ToBase64Transform ();
			t.TransformBlock (null, 0, 0, output, 0);
Пример #15
		public void TransformBlock_OutputOffset_Overflow () 
			byte[] input = new byte [15];
			byte[] output = new byte [16];
			using (ICryptoTransform t = new ToBase64Transform ()) {
				t.TransformBlock (input, 0, input.Length, output, Int32.MaxValue);
Пример #16
		public void TransformFinalBlock_InputCount_Overflow () 
			byte[] input = new byte [15];
			using (ICryptoTransform t = new ToBase64Transform ()) {
				t.TransformFinalBlock (input, 0, Int32.MaxValue);
Пример #17
        public static byte[] Base64Encode(byte[] source)
            if ((source == null) || (source.Length == 0))
                throw new ArgumentException("source is not valid");

            ToBase64Transform tb64 = new ToBase64Transform();
            MemoryStream stm = new MemoryStream();
            int pos = 0;
            byte[] buff;

            while (pos + 3 < source.Length)
                buff = tb64.TransformFinalBlock(source, pos, 3);
                stm.Write(buff, 0, buff.Length);
                pos += 3;

            buff = tb64.TransformFinalBlock(source, pos, source.Length - pos);
            stm.Write(buff, 0, buff.Length);

            return stm.ToArray();
Пример #18
		public void TransformFinalBlock_InputOffset_Overflow () 
			byte[] input = new byte [15];
			using (ICryptoTransform t = new ToBase64Transform ()) {
				t.TransformFinalBlock (input, Int32.MaxValue, input.Length);
Пример #19
		public void TransformFinalBlock_InputCount_Negative () 
			byte[] input = new byte [15];
			using (ICryptoTransform t = new ToBase64Transform ()) {
				t.TransformFinalBlock (input, 0, -1);
Пример #20
		public void TransformFinalBlock_Input_Null () 
			using (ICryptoTransform t = new ToBase64Transform ()) {
				t.TransformFinalBlock (null, 0, 15);
Пример #21
		public void TransformFinalBlock_InputOffset_Negative () 
			byte[] input = new byte [15];
			using (ICryptoTransform t = new ToBase64Transform ()) {
				t.TransformFinalBlock (input, -1, input.Length);
Пример #22
		public void ToBase64_Write () 
			byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes ("http://www.go-mono.com/");

			DebugStream debug = new DebugStream ();
			ICryptoTransform base64 = new ToBase64Transform ();
			cs = new CryptoStream (debug, base64, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
			cs.Write (data, 0, data.Length);
			cs.FlushFinalBlock ();
			byte[] encoded = debug.ToArray ();

			string result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString (encoded);
			Assert.AreEqual ("aHR0cDovL3d3dy5nby1tb25vLmNvbS8=", result, "ToBase64_Write");
Пример #23
		public void TransformBlock_NullOutput () 
			byte[] input = new byte [3];
			ToBase64Transform t = new ToBase64Transform ();
			t.TransformBlock (input, 0, 3, null, 0);
Пример #24
		public void ToBase64_Read () 
			byte[] original = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes ("http://www.go-mono.com/");
			DebugStream debug = new DebugStream (original);

			ICryptoTransform base64 = new ToBase64Transform ();
			cs = new CryptoStream (debug, base64, CryptoStreamMode.Read);
			byte[] data = new byte [1024];
			int length = cs.Read (data, 0, data.Length);
			cs.Close ();

			string result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString (data, 0, length);
			Assert.AreEqual ("aHR0cDovL3d3dy5nby1tb25vLmNvbS8=", result, "ToBase64_Read");
Пример #25
		public void TransformFinalBlock_Null () 
			byte[] input = new byte [3];
			ToBase64Transform t = new ToBase64Transform ();
			t.TransformFinalBlock (null, 0, 3);
Пример #26
 public string shadow_encrypt(string plainText)
     fish = new Twofish();
     fish.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
     ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
     //form.log("we were guna send the IM with " + plainText);
     byte [] plainBytes = Utils.StringToBytes(plainText);
     ICryptoTransform encode = new ToBase64Transform();
     ICryptoTransform encrypt = fish.CreateEncryptor(form.getKey(),plainBytes);
     CryptoStream cryptostream = new CryptoStream(new CryptoStream(ms,encode,CryptoStreamMode.Write),encrypt,CryptoStreamMode.Write);
     byte[] bytOut = ms.ToArray();
     form.log("We encrypted "+plainText+" to "+Utils.BytesToString(bytOut),Color.DarkRed);
     return Utils.BytesToString(bytOut);
Пример #27
		public void TransformFinalBlock_WrongLength () 
			byte[] input = new byte [6];
			ToBase64Transform t = new ToBase64Transform ();
			t.TransformFinalBlock (input, 0, 6);
Пример #28
 public static byte[] ToBase64(this byte[] binaryData)
     using (ToBase64Transform base64Transform = new ToBase64Transform()) {
     return GenericTransform(base64Transform, binaryData);
Пример #29
		public void TransformFinalBlock_SmallLength () 
			byte[] input = new byte [2]; // smaller than InputBlockSize
			ToBase64Transform t = new ToBase64Transform ();
			t.TransformFinalBlock (input, 0, 2);
Пример #30
		public void TransformFinalBlock_Dispose () 
			byte[] input = new byte [3];
			ToBase64Transform t = new ToBase64Transform ();
			t.Clear ();
			t.TransformFinalBlock (input, 0, input.Length);
Пример #31
        private static string Encode(string str, MimeEncodingMethod encoding, Encoding charset, bool doFold, int foldingLimit, int foldingOffset, string foldingString)
            if (str == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("str");
              if (charset == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("charset");
              if (doFold) {
            if (foldingLimit < 1)
              throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("foldingLimit", foldingLimit, "must be greater than 1");
            if (foldingOffset < 0)
              throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("foldingOffset", foldingOffset, "must be greater than zero");
            if (foldingLimit <= foldingOffset)
              throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("foldingOffset", foldingOffset, "must be less than foldingLimit");
            if (foldingString == null)
              throw new ArgumentNullException("foldingString");

              ICryptoTransform transform;
              char encodingChar;

              switch (encoding) {
            case MimeEncodingMethod.Base64:
              transform = new ToBase64Transform();
              encodingChar = 'b';
            case MimeEncodingMethod.QuotedPrintable:
              transform = new ToQuotedPrintableTransform();
              encodingChar = 'q';
              throw new System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException("encoding", (int)encoding, typeof(MimeEncodingMethod));

              var preambleText = string.Format("=?{0}?{1}?", charset.BodyName, encodingChar);

              if (!doFold)
            return preambleText + transform.TransformStringTo(str, charset) + "?=";

              // folding
              var ret = new StringBuilder();
              var preamble = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(preambleText);
              var firstLine = true;
              var inputCharBuffer = str.ToCharArray();
              var inputCharOffset = 0;
              var outputBuffer = new byte[foldingLimit];
              var ambleLength = preamble.Length + mimeEncodingPostamble.Length;
              var outputLimit = foldingLimit - (foldingOffset + ambleLength);

              if (outputLimit <= 0)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("foldingLimit", foldingLimit, "too short");

              // copy preamble to buffer
              Buffer.BlockCopy(preamble, 0, outputBuffer, 0, preamble.Length);

              for (;;) {
            var inputBlockSizeLimit = (outputLimit * transform.InputBlockSize) / transform.OutputBlockSize - 1;
            var transformCharCount = 0;
            var outputCount = preamble.Length;

            // decide char count to transform
            for (transformCharCount = inputBlockSizeLimit / charset.GetMaxByteCount(1);; transformCharCount++) {
              if (inputCharBuffer.Length <= inputCharOffset + transformCharCount) {
            transformCharCount = inputCharBuffer.Length - inputCharOffset;

              if (inputBlockSizeLimit <= charset.GetByteCount(inputCharBuffer, inputCharOffset, transformCharCount + 1))

            // transform chars
            byte[] transformed = null;

            for (;;) {
              var t = transform.TransformBytes(charset.GetBytes(inputCharBuffer, inputCharOffset, transformCharCount));

              if (transformed == null || t.Length <= outputLimit) {
            transformed = t;

            if (inputCharBuffer.Length <= inputCharOffset + transformCharCount + 1)

              else {

            if (outputBuffer.Length < ambleLength + transformed.Length)
              throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("foldingLimit",
                                                string.Format("too short, at least {0} is required", ambleLength + transformed.Length));

            // copy transformed chars to buffer
            Buffer.BlockCopy(transformed, 0, outputBuffer, outputCount, transformed.Length);

            outputCount += transformed.Length;

            // copy postanble to buffer
            Buffer.BlockCopy(mimeEncodingPostamble, 0, outputBuffer, outputCount, mimeEncodingPostamble.Length);

            outputCount += mimeEncodingPostamble.Length;

            ret.Append(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(outputBuffer, 0, outputCount));

            inputCharOffset += transformCharCount;

            if (inputCharOffset < inputCharBuffer.Length) {

              if (firstLine) {
            outputLimit = foldingLimit - ambleLength;
            firstLine = false;
            else {

              return ret.ToString();
Пример #32
		public void TransformBlock_OutputOffset_Negative () 
			byte[] input = new byte [15];
			byte[] output = new byte [16];
			using (ICryptoTransform t = new ToBase64Transform ()) {
				t.TransformBlock (input, 0, input.Length, output, -1);