Пример #1
            // This is a port of InvokeUtil::CanPrimitiveWiden() in the desktop runtime. This is used by various apis such as Array.SetValue()
            // and Delegate.DynamicInvoke() which allow value-preserving widenings from one primitive type to another.
            public bool CanWidenTo(RuntimeImports.RhCorElementType targetElementType)
                // Caller expected to ensure that both sides are primitive before calling us.

                // Once we've asserted that the target is a primitive, we can also assert that it is >= ET_BOOLEAN.
                Debug.Assert(targetElementType >= RuntimeImports.RhCorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
                byte targetElementTypeAsByte = (byte)targetElementType;
                ushort mask = (ushort)(1 << targetElementTypeAsByte);  // This is expected to overflow on larger ET_I and ET_U - this is ok and anticipated.
                if (0 != (_widenMask & mask))
                    return true;
                return false;
Пример #2
            internal static RhCorElementTypeInfo GetRhCorElementTypeInfo(RuntimeImports.RhCorElementType elementType)
                // The _lookupTable array only covers a subset of RhCorElementTypes, so we return a default 
                // info when someone asks for an elementType which does not have an entry in the table.
                if ((int)elementType > s_lookupTable.Length)
                    return default(RhCorElementTypeInfo);

                return s_lookupTable[(int)elementType];
Пример #3
 internal static RhCorElementTypeInfo GetRhCorElementTypeInfo(RuntimeImports.RhCorElementType elementType)
     return RhCorElementTypeInfo.GetRhCorElementTypeInfo(elementType);