Пример #1
        /// <summary>Checks if the given object is an instance of TypeToken and is equal to this instance.</summary>
        /// <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is an instance of TypeToken and is equal to this object; otherwise, false.</returns>
        /// <param name="obj">The object to compare with this TypeToken. </param>
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            bool flag = obj is TypeToken;

            if (flag)
                TypeToken typeToken = (TypeToken)obj;
                flag = (this.tokValue == typeToken.tokValue);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            bool res = obj is TypeToken;

            if (res)
                TypeToken that = (TypeToken)obj;
                res = (this.tokValue == that.tokValue);

Пример #3
 // Add a type token into signature. CorType will be either ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS or ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUECLASS
 private void InternalAddTypeToken(TypeToken clsToken, int CorType)
Пример #4
 extern private static void ClrTypeSetParent
     (IntPtr classInfo, TypeToken parent);
Пример #5
 // Add a type token into signature. CorType will be either ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS or ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUECLASS
 private void InternalAddTypeToken(TypeToken clsToken, int CorType) 
Пример #6
 public bool Equals(TypeToken obj)
     return(this.tokValue == obj.tokValue);
 private void InternalAddTypeToken(TypeToken clsToken, int CorType)
     // Add a type token into signature. CorType will be either ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS or ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUECLASS
Пример #8
 public bool Equals(TypeToken obj)
     return obj.m_class == m_class;
Пример #9
 /// <summary>Indicates whether the current instance is equal to the specified <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken" />.</summary><returns>true if the value of <paramref name="obj" /> is equal to the value of the current instance; otherwise, false.</returns><param name="obj">The <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken" /> to compare to the current instance.</param>
 public bool Equals(TypeToken obj)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #10
 private void InternalAddTypeToken(TypeToken clsToken, CorElementType CorType)
     // Add a type token into signature. CorType will be either CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS or CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Пример #11
	extern private static void ClrTypeAddInterface
			(IntPtr classInfo, TypeToken iface);
        private TypeToken GetTypeTokenNoLock(Type type)
            // Return a token for the class relative to the Module.  Tokens
            // are used to indentify objects when the objects are used in IL
            // instructions.  Tokens are always relative to the Module.  For example,
            // the token value for System.String is likely to be different from
            // Module to Module.  Calling GetTypeToken will cause a reference to be
            // added to the Module.  This reference becomes a perminate part of the Module,
            // multiple calles to this method with the same class have no additional side affects.
            // This function is optimized to use the TypeDef token if Type is within the same module.
            // We should also be aware of multiple dynamic modules and multiple implementation of Type!!!

            TypeToken tkToken;
            bool isSameAssembly;
            bool isSameModule;
            Module refedModule;
            String strRefedModuleFileName = String.Empty;
            // assume that referenced module is non-transient. Only if the referenced module is dynamic,
            // and transient, this variable will be set to true.
            bool isRefedModuleTransient = false;

            if (type == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("type");

            refedModule = type.Module;
            isSameModule = refedModule.Equals(this);

            if (type.IsByRef)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_CannotGetTypeTokenForByRef"));   
            if ((type.IsGenericType && !type.IsGenericTypeDefinition) || type.IsGenericParameter || 
                type.IsArray || type.IsPointer)
                int length; 
                byte[] sig = SignatureHelper.GetTypeSigToken(this, type).InternalGetSignature(out length);
                return new TypeToken(InternalGetTypeSpecTokenWithBytes(sig, length));

            // After this point, it is not an array type nor Pointer type

            if (isSameModule)
                // no need to do anything additional other than defining the TypeRef Token
                if (type is TypeBuilder)
                    // optimization: if the type is defined in this module,
                    // just return the token
                    TypeBuilder typeBuilder = (TypeBuilder) type;
                    return typeBuilder.TypeToken;
                else if (type is EnumBuilder)
                    TypeBuilder typeBuilder = ((EnumBuilder) type).m_typeBuilder; 
                    return typeBuilder.TypeToken; 
                else if (type is GenericTypeParameterBuilder)
                    return new TypeToken(type.MetadataTokenInternal);
                return new TypeToken(GetTypeRefNested(type, this, String.Empty));
            // After this point, the referenced module is not the same as the referencing
            // module.
            isSameAssembly = refedModule.Assembly.Equals(Assembly);
            if (refedModule is ModuleBuilder)
                ModuleBuilder       refedModuleBuilder = (ModuleBuilder) refedModule;
                if (refedModuleBuilder.IsTransient())
                    isRefedModuleTransient = true;
                // get the referenced module's file name
                strRefedModuleFileName = refedModuleBuilder.m_moduleData.m_strFileName;
                strRefedModuleFileName = refedModule.ScopeName;
            // We cannot have a non-transient module referencing to a transient module.
            if (IsTransient() == false && isRefedModuleTransient)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_BadTransientModuleReference"));   
            tkToken = new TypeToken(GetTypeRefNested(type, refedModule, strRefedModuleFileName));
            return tkToken;
Пример #13
	extern private static void ClrTypeSetParent
			(IntPtr classInfo, TypeToken parent);
Пример #14
	extern private static IntPtr ClrTypeCreate
			(IntPtr module, IntPtr nestedParent, String name, String nspace,
			 TypeAttributes attr, TypeToken parent);
Пример #15
 // Used to construct the place holder for global functions and data members
 internal TypeBuilder(
     ModuleBuilder  module)                     // module containing this type
     // set the token to be the null TypeDef token
     m_tdType = new TypeToken(SignatureHelper.mdtTypeDef);
     m_isHiddenGlobalType = true;
     m_module = (ModuleBuilder) module;
     m_listMethods = new ArrayList();
Пример #16
        // Add an interface to this type's implementation list.
        public void AddInterfaceImplementation(Type interfaceType)
                // Start builder synchronization.

                // Validate the parameters.
                if (interfaceType == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("interfaceType");

                // Bail out if the supplied parameter is not an interface.
                // We should probably throw an exception, but MS doesn't.
                if (!interfaceType.IsInterface)

                // Bail out if this type is inherited by the interface
                // so that we cannot create circular class structures.
                if (IsAssignableFrom(interfaceType))

                // Determine if we already have this interface.
                if (interfaces != null)
                    int index;
                    for (index = 0; index < interfaces.Length; ++index)
                        if (interfaceType.Equals(interfaces[index]))

                // Convert the interface into a token, which may throw
                // an exception if it cannot be imported.
                TypeToken token = module.GetTypeToken(interfaceType);

                // Add the interface to the list.
                Type[] newInterfaces;
                if (interfaces != null)
                    newInterfaces = new Type [interfaces.Length + 1];
                    Array.Copy(interfaces, newInterfaces,
                    newInterfaces[interfaces.Length] = interfaceType;
                    newInterfaces    = new Type [1];
                    newInterfaces[0] = interfaceType;
                interfaces = newInterfaces;

                // Call the runtime engine to add the interface.
                lock (typeof(AssemblyBuilder))
                    ClrTypeAddInterface(privateData, token);
 private void InternalAddTypeToken(TypeToken clsToken, CorElementType CorType)
Пример #18
 // ctor for the global (module) type
 internal TypeBuilder(ModuleBuilder module)
     m_tdType = new TypeToken((int)MetadataTokenType.TypeDef);
     m_isHiddenGlobalType = true;
     m_module = (ModuleBuilder)module;
     m_listMethods = new List<MethodBuilder>();
     // No token has been created so let's initialize it to -1
     // The first time we call MethodBuilder.GetToken this will incremented.
     m_lastTokenizedMethod = -1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Emits the typeof(Type)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="generator">The generator.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        public static void EmitTypeOf(this ILGenerator generator, TypeToken type)

            generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, type.Token);
            var tTypeMeth = typeof(Type).GetMethod("GetTypeFromHandle", new[] { typeof(RuntimeTypeHandle) });
            generator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, tTypeMeth);
 public bool Equals(TypeToken obj)
   return default(bool);
 public bool Equals(TypeToken obj)
Пример #22
 private void InternalAddTypeToken(TypeToken clsToken, CorElementType CorType)
     // Add a type token into signature. CorType will be either CorElementType.Class or CorElementType.ValueType
Пример #23
        private Type CreateTypeNoLock()
            if (IsCreated())
                return m_runtimeType;


            if (m_typeInterfaces == null)
                m_typeInterfaces = new Type[0];

            int[] interfaceTokens = new int[m_typeInterfaces.Length];
            for(int i = 0; i < m_typeInterfaces.Length; i++)
                interfaceTokens[i] = m_module.GetTypeToken(m_typeInterfaces[i]).Token;

            int tkParent = 0;
            if (m_typeParent != null)
                tkParent = m_module.GetTypeToken(m_typeParent).Token;

            if (IsGenericParameter)
                int[] constraints = new int[m_typeInterfaces.Length];

                if (m_typeParent != null)
                    constraints = new int[m_typeInterfaces.Length + 1];
                    constraints[constraints.Length - 1] = tkParent;

                for(int i = 0; i < m_typeInterfaces.Length; i++)
                    constraints[i] = m_module.GetTypeToken(m_typeInterfaces[i]).Token;

                int declMember = m_declMeth == null ? m_DeclaringType.m_tdType.Token : m_declMeth.GetToken().Token;
                m_tdType = new TypeToken(InternalDefineGenParam(
                    m_strName, declMember, m_genParamPos, (int)m_genParamAttributes, constraints, m_module, 0));

                if (m_ca != null)
                    foreach (CustAttr ca in m_ca)
                        ca.Bake(m_module, MetadataTokenInternal);

                m_hasBeenCreated = true;
                return this;
                // Check for global typebuilder
                if (((m_tdType.Token & 0x00FFFFFF) != 0) && ((tkParent & 0x00FFFFFF) != 0))
                    InternalSetParentType(m_tdType.Token, tkParent, m_module);
                if (m_inst != null)
                    foreach (Type tb in m_inst)
                        if (tb is GenericTypeParameterBuilder)

            byte [] body;
            MethodAttributes methodAttrs;
            int maxstack;
            if (!m_isHiddenGlobalType)
                // create a public default constructor if this class has no constructor.
                // except if the type is Interface, ValueType, Enum, or a static class.
                if (m_constructorCount == 0 && ((m_iAttr & TypeAttributes.Interface) == 0) && !IsValueType && ((m_iAttr & (TypeAttributes.Abstract | TypeAttributes.Sealed)) != (TypeAttributes.Abstract | TypeAttributes.Sealed)))

            int size = m_listMethods.Count;

            for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                MethodBuilder meth =(MethodBuilder)m_listMethods[i];

                if (meth.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
                    meth.GetToken(); // Doubles as "CreateMethod" for MethodBuilder -- analagous to CreateType()

                methodAttrs = meth.Attributes;

                // Any of these flags in the implemenation flags is set, we will not attach the IL method body
                if (((meth.GetMethodImplementationFlags() &(MethodImplAttributes.CodeTypeMask|MethodImplAttributes.PreserveSig|MethodImplAttributes.Unmanaged)) != MethodImplAttributes.IL) ||
                    ((methodAttrs & MethodAttributes.PinvokeImpl) !=(MethodAttributes) 0))

                int sigLength;
                byte[] LocalSig= meth.GetLocalsSignature().InternalGetSignature(out sigLength);

                // Check that they haven't declared an abstract method on a non-abstract class
                if (((methodAttrs & MethodAttributes.Abstract) != 0) &&((m_iAttr & TypeAttributes.Abstract) == 0))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_BadTypeAttributesNotAbstract"));

                body = meth.GetBody();

                // If this is an abstract method or an interface, we don't need to set the IL.

                if ((methodAttrs & MethodAttributes.Abstract) != 0)
                    // We won't check on Interface because we can have class static initializer on interface.
                    // We will just let EE or validator to catch the problem.

                    //((m_iAttr & TypeAttributes.ClassSemanticsMask) == TypeAttributes.Interface))

                    if (body != null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_BadMethodBody"));
                else if (body == null || body.Length == 0)
                    // If it's not an abstract or an interface, set the IL.
                    if (meth.m_ilGenerator != null)
                        // we need to bake the method here.

                    body = meth.GetBody();

                    if ((body == null || body.Length == 0) && !meth.m_canBeRuntimeImpl)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                            String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_BadEmptyMethodBody"), meth.Name) ); 

                if (meth.m_ilGenerator != null)
                    maxstack = meth.m_ilGenerator.GetMaxStackSize();
                    // this is the case when client provide an array of IL byte stream rather than going through ILGenerator.
                    maxstack = 16;

                __ExceptionInstance[] Exceptions = meth.GetExceptionInstances();
                int[] TokenFixups = meth.GetTokenFixups();
                int[] RVAFixups = meth.GetRVAFixups();

                __ExceptionInstance[] localExceptions = null;
                int[] localTokenFixups = null;
                int[] localRVAFixups = null;
                if (Exceptions != null)
                    localExceptions = new __ExceptionInstance[Exceptions.Length];
                    Array.Copy(Exceptions, localExceptions, Exceptions.Length);

                if (TokenFixups != null)
                    localTokenFixups = new int[TokenFixups.Length];
                    Array.Copy(TokenFixups, localTokenFixups, TokenFixups.Length);
                if (RVAFixups != null)
                    localRVAFixups = new int[RVAFixups.Length];
                    Array.Copy(RVAFixups, localRVAFixups, RVAFixups.Length);

                InternalSetMethodIL(meth.GetToken().Token, meth.InitLocals, body, LocalSig, sigLength, maxstack,
                    meth.GetNumberOfExceptions(), localExceptions, localTokenFixups, localRVAFixups, m_module);

            m_hasBeenCreated = true;

            // Terminate the process.
            Type cls = TermCreateClass(m_tdType.Token, m_module);

            if (!m_isHiddenGlobalType)
                m_runtimeType =(RuntimeType) cls;
                // if this type is a nested type, we need to invalidate the cached nested runtime type on the nesting type
                if (m_DeclaringType != null &&(RuntimeType)m_DeclaringType.m_runtimeType != null)

                return cls;
                return null;
Пример #24
        // Return a token for the class relative to the Module.  Tokens
        // are used to indentify objects when the objects are used in IL
        // instructions.  Tokens are always relative to the Module.  For example,
        // the token value for System.String is likely to be different from
        // Module to Module.  Calling GetTypeToken will cause a reference to be
        // added to the Module.  This reference becomes a perminate part of the Module,
        // multiple calles to this method with the same class have no additional side affects.
        // This function is optimized to use the TypeDef token if Type is within the same module.
        // We should also be aware of multiple dynamic modules and multiple implementation of Type!!!
        /// <include file='doc\ModuleBuilder.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ModuleBuilder.GetTypeToken"]/*' />
        public TypeToken GetTypeToken(Type type)

                TypeToken   tkToken;
                bool        isSameAssembly;
                bool        isSameModule;
                Module      refedModule;
                String      strRefedModuleFileName = String.Empty;
                // assume that referenced module is non-transient. Only if the referenced module is dynamic,
                // and transient, this variable will be set to true.
                bool     isRefedModuleTransient = false;
                if (type == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("type");

                BCLDebug.Log("DYNIL","## DYNIL LOGGING: ModuleBuilder.GetTypeToken( " + type.FullName + " )");
                refedModule = type.Module;
                isSameModule = refedModule.Equals(this);
    // Console.WriteLine("***** " + type.FullName);     
                if (type.IsByRef)
                    // cannot be by ref!!! Throw exception
                    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_CannotGetTypeTokenForByRef"));   
                if (type is SymbolType)
                    if (type.IsPointer || type.IsArray)
                        SignatureBuffer sigBuf = new SignatureBuffer();
                        SymbolType      symType = (SymbolType) type;

                        // convert SymbolType to blob form
                        symType.ToSigBytes(this, sigBuf);

                        return new TypeToken( InternalGetTypeSpecTokenWithBytes(sigBuf.m_buf, sigBuf.m_curPos) );
                        throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_UnknownTypeForGetTypeToken"));   

                Type        baseType;
                baseType = GetBaseType(type);

                if ( (type.IsArray || type.IsPointer) && baseType != type)
                    // We will at most recursive once. 
                    int         baseToken;
                    baseToken = GetTypeToken(baseType).Token;
                    if (!(type is RuntimeType))
                        throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_MustBeRuntimeType"), "type");
                    return new TypeToken( InternalGetTypeSpecToken((RuntimeType)type, baseToken) );

                // After this point, it is not an array type nor Pointer type

                if (isSameModule)
                    // no need to do anything additional other than defining the TypeRef Token
                    if (type is TypeBuilder)
                        // optimization: if the type is defined in this module,
                        // just return the token
                        TypeBuilder typeBuilder = (TypeBuilder) type;
                        return typeBuilder.TypeToken;
                    else if (type is EnumBuilder)
                        TypeBuilder typeBuilder = ((EnumBuilder) type).m_typeBuilder; 
                        return typeBuilder.TypeToken; 
                    return new TypeToken(GetTypeRefNested(type, this, String.Empty));
                // After this point, the referenced module is not the same as the referencing
                // module.
                isSameAssembly = refedModule.Assembly.Equals(Assembly);
                if (refedModule is ModuleBuilder)
                    ModuleBuilder       refedModuleBuilder = (ModuleBuilder) refedModule;
                    if (refedModuleBuilder.IsTransient())
                        isRefedModuleTransient = true;
                    // get the referenced module's file name
                    strRefedModuleFileName = refedModuleBuilder.m_moduleData.m_strFileName;
                    strRefedModuleFileName = refedModule.ScopeName;
                // We cannot have a non-transient module referencing to a transient module.
                if (IsTransient() == false && isRefedModuleTransient)
                    // we got problem here.
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_BadTransientModuleReference"));   
                tkToken = new TypeToken(GetTypeRefNested(type, refedModule, strRefedModuleFileName));
                return tkToken;
Пример #25
 private TypeBuilder(TypeBuilder genTypeDef, GenericTypeParameterBuilder[] inst)
     m_genTypeDef = genTypeDef;
     m_DeclaringType = genTypeDef.m_DeclaringType;
     m_typeParent = genTypeDef.m_typeParent;
     m_runtimeType = genTypeDef.m_runtimeType;
     m_tdType = genTypeDef.m_tdType;
     m_strName = genTypeDef.m_strName;
     m_bIsGenParam = false;
     m_bIsGenTypeDef = false;
     m_module = genTypeDef.m_module;
     m_inst = inst;
     m_hasBeenCreated = true;
Пример #26
 public bool Equals(TypeToken obj)
     return(obj.m_class == m_class);
Пример #27
 internal TypeBuilder(ModuleBuilder module)
     m_tdType = new TypeToken(SignatureHelper.mdtTypeDef);
     m_isHiddenGlobalType = true;
     m_module =(ModuleBuilder)module;
     m_listMethods = new ArrayList();
Пример #28
        private void Init(String fullname, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent, Type[] interfaces, Module module,
            PackingSize iPackingSize, int iTypeSize, TypeBuilder enclosingType)
            int i;
            int[] interfaceTokens;
            m_bIsGenTypeDef = false;
            interfaceTokens = null;
            m_bIsGenParam = false;
            m_hasBeenCreated = false;
            m_runtimeType = null;
            m_isHiddenGlobalType = false;
            m_isHiddenType = false;
            m_module =(ModuleBuilder) module;
            m_DeclaringType = enclosingType;
            Assembly containingAssem = m_module.Assembly;
            m_underlyingSystemType = null;          // used when client use TypeBuilder to define Enum

            if (fullname == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fullname");

            if (fullname.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_EmptyName"), "fullname");

            if (fullname[0] == '\0')
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_IllegalName"), "fullname");
            if (fullname.Length > 1023)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_TypeNameTooLong"), "fullname");

            // cannot have two types within the same assembly of the same name
            containingAssem.m_assemblyData.CheckTypeNameConflict(fullname, enclosingType);

            if (enclosingType != null)
                // Nested Type should have nested attribute set.
                // If we are renumbering TypeAttributes' bit, we need to change the logic here.
                if (((attr & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.Public) ||((attr & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.NotPublic))
                    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_BadNestedTypeFlags"), "attr");

            if (interfaces != null)
                for(i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++)
                    if (interfaces[i] == null)
                        // cannot contain null in the interface list
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("interfaces");
                interfaceTokens = new int[interfaces.Length];
                for(i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++)
                    interfaceTokens[i] = m_module.GetTypeToken(interfaces[i]).Token;

            int iLast = fullname.LastIndexOf('.');
            if (iLast == -1 || iLast == 0)
                // no name space
                m_strNameSpace = String.Empty;
                m_strName = fullname;
                // split the name space
                m_strNameSpace = fullname.Substring(0, iLast);
                m_strName = fullname.Substring(iLast + 1);


            m_iAttr = attr;


            m_listMethods = new ArrayList();



            int tkParent = 0;
            if (m_typeParent != null)
                tkParent = m_module.GetTypeToken(m_typeParent).Token;

            int tkEnclosingType = 0;
            if (enclosingType != null)
                tkEnclosingType = enclosingType.m_tdType.Token;

            m_tdType = new TypeToken(InternalDefineClass(
                fullname, tkParent, interfaceTokens, m_iAttr, m_module, Guid.Empty, tkEnclosingType, 0));

            m_iPackingSize = iPackingSize;
            m_iTypeSize = iTypeSize;
            if ((m_iPackingSize != 0) ||(m_iTypeSize != 0))
                InternalSetClassLayout(Module, m_tdType.Token, m_iPackingSize, m_iTypeSize);

            // If the type is public and it is contained in a assemblyBuilder,
            // update the public COMType list.
            if (IsPublicComType(this))
                if (containingAssem is AssemblyBuilder)
                    AssemblyBuilder assemBuilder =(AssemblyBuilder) containingAssem;
                    if (assemBuilder.IsPersistable() && m_module.IsTransient() == false)
 // Summary:
 //     Indicates whether the current instance is equal to the specified System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken.
 // Parameters:
 //   obj:
 //     The System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken to compare to the current instance.
 // Returns:
 //     true if the value of obj is equal to the value of the current instance; otherwise,
 //     false.
 public bool Equals(TypeToken obj);
 // Summary:
 //     Indicates whether the current instance is equal to the specified System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken.
 // Parameters:
 //   obj:
 //     The System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken to compare to the current instance.
 // Returns:
 //     true if the value of obj is equal to the value of the current instance; otherwise,
 //     false.
 public bool Equals(TypeToken obj);
 public bool Equals(TypeToken obj)
     return (obj.m_class == this.m_class);
Пример #32
 extern private static IntPtr ClrTypeCreate
     (IntPtr module, IntPtr nestedParent, String name, String nspace,
     TypeAttributes attr, TypeToken parent);
Пример #33
        private void Init(String fullname, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent, Type[] interfaces, ModuleBuilder module,
            PackingSize iPackingSize, int iTypeSize, TypeBuilder enclosingType)
            if (fullname == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fullname));

            if (fullname.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_EmptyName"), nameof(fullname));

            if (fullname[0] == '\0')
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_IllegalName"), nameof(fullname));

            if (fullname.Length > 1023)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_TypeNameTooLong"), nameof(fullname));

            int i;
            m_module = module;
            m_DeclaringType = enclosingType;
            AssemblyBuilder containingAssem = m_module.ContainingAssemblyBuilder;

            // cannot have two types within the same assembly of the same name
            containingAssem.m_assemblyData.CheckTypeNameConflict(fullname, enclosingType);

            if (enclosingType != null)
                // Nested Type should have nested attribute set.
                // If we are renumbering TypeAttributes' bit, we need to change the logic here.
                if (((attr & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.Public) ||((attr & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.NotPublic))
                    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_BadNestedTypeFlags"), nameof(attr));

            int[] interfaceTokens = null;
            if (interfaces != null)
                for(i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++)
                    if (interfaces[i] == null)
                        // cannot contain null in the interface list
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(interfaces));
                interfaceTokens = new int[interfaces.Length + 1];
                for(i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++)
                    interfaceTokens[i] = m_module.GetTypeTokenInternal(interfaces[i]).Token;

            int iLast = fullname.LastIndexOf('.');
            if (iLast == -1 || iLast == 0)
                // no name space
                m_strNameSpace = String.Empty;
                m_strName = fullname;
                // split the name space
                m_strNameSpace = fullname.Substring(0, iLast);
                m_strName = fullname.Substring(iLast + 1);


            m_iAttr = attr;


            m_listMethods = new List<MethodBuilder>();
            m_lastTokenizedMethod = -1;


            int tkParent = 0;
            if (m_typeParent != null)
                tkParent = m_module.GetTypeTokenInternal(m_typeParent).Token;

            int tkEnclosingType = 0;
            if (enclosingType != null)
                tkEnclosingType = enclosingType.m_tdType.Token;

            m_tdType = new TypeToken(DefineType(m_module.GetNativeHandle(),
                fullname, tkParent, m_iAttr, tkEnclosingType, interfaceTokens));

            m_iPackingSize = iPackingSize;
            m_iTypeSize = iTypeSize;
            if ((m_iPackingSize != 0) ||(m_iTypeSize != 0))
                SetClassLayout(GetModuleBuilder().GetNativeHandle(), m_tdType.Token, m_iPackingSize, m_iTypeSize);

            m_module.AddType(FullName, this);
Пример #34
 extern private static void ClrTypeAddInterface
     (IntPtr classInfo, TypeToken iface);
Пример #35
		static TypeToken ()
			Empty = new TypeToken ();
Пример #36
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated
        private TypeInfo CreateTypeNoLock()
            if (IsCreated())
                return m_bakedRuntimeType;


            if (m_typeInterfaces == null)
                m_typeInterfaces = new List<Type>();

            int[] interfaceTokens = new int[m_typeInterfaces.Count];
            for(int i = 0; i < m_typeInterfaces.Count; i++)
                interfaceTokens[i] = m_module.GetTypeTokenInternal(m_typeInterfaces[i]).Token;

            int tkParent = 0;
            if (m_typeParent != null)
                tkParent = m_module.GetTypeTokenInternal(m_typeParent).Token;

            if (IsGenericParameter)
                int[] constraints; // Array of token constrains terminated by null token

                if (m_typeParent != null)
                    constraints = new int[m_typeInterfaces.Count + 2];
                    constraints[constraints.Length - 2] = tkParent;
                    constraints = new int[m_typeInterfaces.Count + 1];

                for (int i = 0; i < m_typeInterfaces.Count; i++)
                    constraints[i] = m_module.GetTypeTokenInternal(m_typeInterfaces[i]).Token;

                int declMember = m_declMeth == null ? m_DeclaringType.m_tdType.Token : m_declMeth.GetToken().Token;
                m_tdType = new TypeToken(DefineGenericParam(m_module.GetNativeHandle(),
                    m_strName, declMember, m_genParamAttributes, m_genParamPos, constraints));

                if (m_ca != null)
                    foreach (CustAttr ca in m_ca)
                        ca.Bake(m_module, MetadataTokenInternal);

                m_hasBeenCreated = true;

                // Baking a generic parameter does not put sufficient information into the metadata to actually be able to load it as a type,
                // the associated generic type/method needs to be baked first. So we return this rather than the baked type.
                return this;
                // Check for global typebuilder
                if (((m_tdType.Token & 0x00FFFFFF) != 0) && ((tkParent & 0x00FFFFFF) != 0))
                    SetParentType(m_module.GetNativeHandle(), m_tdType.Token, tkParent);
                if (m_inst != null)
                    foreach (Type tb in m_inst)
                        if (tb is GenericTypeParameterBuilder)

            byte [] body;
            MethodAttributes methodAttrs;
            if (!m_isHiddenGlobalType)
                // create a public default constructor if this class has no constructor.
                // except if the type is Interface, ValueType, Enum, or a static class.
                if (m_constructorCount == 0 && ((m_iAttr & TypeAttributes.Interface) == 0) && !IsValueType && ((m_iAttr & (TypeAttributes.Abstract | TypeAttributes.Sealed)) != (TypeAttributes.Abstract | TypeAttributes.Sealed)))

            int size = m_listMethods.Count;

            for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                MethodBuilder meth = m_listMethods[i];

                if (meth.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
                    meth.GetToken(); // Doubles as "CreateMethod" for MethodBuilder -- analagous to CreateType()

                methodAttrs = meth.Attributes;

                // Any of these flags in the implemenation flags is set, we will not attach the IL method body
                if (((meth.GetMethodImplementationFlags() &(MethodImplAttributes.CodeTypeMask|MethodImplAttributes.PreserveSig|MethodImplAttributes.Unmanaged)) != MethodImplAttributes.IL) ||
                    ((methodAttrs & MethodAttributes.PinvokeImpl) !=(MethodAttributes) 0))

                int sigLength;
                byte[] localSig = meth.GetLocalSignature(out sigLength);
                // Check that they haven't declared an abstract method on a non-abstract class
                if (((methodAttrs & MethodAttributes.Abstract) != 0) &&((m_iAttr & TypeAttributes.Abstract) == 0))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_BadTypeAttributesNotAbstract"));

                body = meth.GetBody();

                // If this is an abstract method or an interface, we don't need to set the IL.

                if ((methodAttrs & MethodAttributes.Abstract) != 0)
                    // We won't check on Interface because we can have class static initializer on interface.
                    // We will just let EE or validator to catch the problem.

                    //((m_iAttr & TypeAttributes.ClassSemanticsMask) == TypeAttributes.Interface))

                    if (body != null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_BadMethodBody"));
                else if (body == null || body.Length == 0)
                    // If it's not an abstract or an interface, set the IL.
                    if (meth.m_ilGenerator != null)
                        // we need to bake the method here.

                    body = meth.GetBody();

                    if ((body == null || body.Length == 0) && !meth.m_canBeRuntimeImpl)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                            Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_BadEmptyMethodBody", meth.Name) ); 

                int maxStack = meth.GetMaxStack();

                ExceptionHandler[] exceptions = meth.GetExceptionHandlers();
                int[] tokenFixups = meth.GetTokenFixups();

                SetMethodIL(m_module.GetNativeHandle(), meth.GetToken().Token, meth.InitLocals, 
                    body, (body != null) ? body.Length : 0,
                    localSig, sigLength, maxStack,
                    exceptions, (exceptions != null) ? exceptions.Length : 0,
                    tokenFixups, (tokenFixups != null) ? tokenFixups.Length : 0);

                if (m_module.ContainingAssemblyBuilder.m_assemblyData.m_access == AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run)
                    // if we don't need the data structures to build the method any more
                    // throw them away.

            m_hasBeenCreated = true;

            // Terminate the process.
            RuntimeType cls = null;
            TermCreateClass(m_module.GetNativeHandle(), m_tdType.Token, JitHelpers.GetObjectHandleOnStack(ref cls));

            if (!m_isHiddenGlobalType)
                m_bakedRuntimeType = cls;

                // if this type is a nested type, we need to invalidate the cached nested runtime type on the nesting type
                if (m_DeclaringType != null && m_DeclaringType.m_bakedRuntimeType != null)

                return cls;
                return null;
Пример #37
		public bool Equals (TypeToken obj)
			return (this.tokValue == obj.tokValue);
Пример #38
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated
        private void Init(String fullname, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent, Type[] interfaces, ModuleBuilder module,
            PackingSize iPackingSize, int iTypeSize, TypeBuilder enclosingType)
            if (fullname == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fullname");

            if (fullname.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_EmptyName"), "fullname");

            if (fullname[0] == '\0')
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_IllegalName"), "fullname");

            if (fullname.Length > 1023)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_TypeNameTooLong"), "fullname");

            int i;
            m_module = module;
            m_DeclaringType = enclosingType;
            AssemblyBuilder containingAssem = m_module.ContainingAssemblyBuilder;

            // cannot have two types within the same assembly of the same name
            containingAssem.m_assemblyData.CheckTypeNameConflict(fullname, enclosingType);

            if (enclosingType != null)
                // Nested Type should have nested attribute set.
                // If we are renumbering TypeAttributes' bit, we need to change the logic here.
                if (((attr & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.Public) ||((attr & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.NotPublic))
                    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_BadNestedTypeFlags"), "attr");

            int[] interfaceTokens = null;
            if (interfaces != null)
                for(i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++)
                    if (interfaces[i] == null)
                        // cannot contain null in the interface list
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("interfaces");
                interfaceTokens = new int[interfaces.Length + 1];
                for(i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++)
                    interfaceTokens[i] = m_module.GetTypeTokenInternal(interfaces[i]).Token;

            int iLast = fullname.LastIndexOf('.');
            if (iLast == -1 || iLast == 0)
                // no name space
                m_strNameSpace = String.Empty;
                m_strName = fullname;
                // split the name space
                m_strNameSpace = fullname.Substring(0, iLast);
                m_strName = fullname.Substring(iLast + 1);


            m_iAttr = attr;


            m_listMethods = new List<MethodBuilder>();
            m_lastTokenizedMethod = -1;


            int tkParent = 0;
            if (m_typeParent != null)
                tkParent = m_module.GetTypeTokenInternal(m_typeParent).Token;

            int tkEnclosingType = 0;
            if (enclosingType != null)
                tkEnclosingType = enclosingType.m_tdType.Token;

            m_tdType = new TypeToken(DefineType(m_module.GetNativeHandle(),
                fullname, tkParent, m_iAttr, tkEnclosingType, interfaceTokens));

            m_iPackingSize = iPackingSize;
            m_iTypeSize = iTypeSize;
            if ((m_iPackingSize != 0) ||(m_iTypeSize != 0))
                SetClassLayout(GetModuleBuilder().GetNativeHandle(), m_tdType.Token, m_iPackingSize, m_iTypeSize);

            // If the type is public and it is contained in a assemblyBuilder,
            // update the public COMType list.
            if (IsPublicComType(this))
                if (containingAssem.IsPersistable() && m_module.IsTransient() == false)
                    // This will throw InvalidOperationException if the assembly has been saved
                    // Ideally we should reject all emit operations if the assembly has been saved,
                    // but that would be a breaking change for some. Currently you cannot define 
                    // modules and public types, but you can still define private types and global methods.

                // Now add the type to the ExportedType table
                if (!m_module.Equals(containingAssem.ManifestModule))
                    containingAssem.DefineExportedTypeInMemory(this, m_module.m_moduleData.FileToken, m_tdType.Token);
            m_module.AddType(FullName, this);
Пример #39
 static TypeToken()
     Empty = new TypeToken();
Пример #40
 private void InternalAddTypeToken(TypeToken clsToken, CorElementType CorType)
     // Add a type token into signature. CorType will be either CorElementType.Class or CorElementType.ValueType
 private void InternalAddTypeToken(TypeToken clsToken, CorElementType CorType)