CreateClientWebSocket() приватный Метод

private CreateClientWebSocket ( System innerStream, string subProtocol, int receiveBufferSize, int sendBufferSize, System keepAliveInterval, bool useZeroMaskingKey, System internalBuffer ) : System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket
innerStream System
subProtocol string
receiveBufferSize int
sendBufferSize int
keepAliveInterval System
useZeroMaskingKey bool
internalBuffer System
Результат System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket
Пример #1
        private async Task ConnectAsyncCore(Uri uri, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            HttpWebResponse response = null;
            CancellationTokenRegistration connectCancellation = new CancellationTokenRegistration();

            // Any errors from here on out are fatal and this instance will be disposed.
                HttpWebRequest request = CreateAndConfigureRequest(uri);
                if (Logging.On)
                    Logging.Associate(Logging.WebSockets, this, request);

                connectCancellation = cancellationToken.Register(AbortRequest, request, false);

                response = await request.GetResponseAsync().SuppressContextFlow() as HttpWebResponse;

                Contract.Assert(response != null, "Not an HttpWebResponse");

                if (Logging.On)
                    Logging.Associate(Logging.WebSockets, this, response);

                string subprotocol = ValidateResponse(request, response);

                innerWebSocket = WebSocket.CreateClientWebSocket(response.GetResponseStream(), subprotocol,
                                                                 options.ReceiveBufferSize, options.SendBufferSize, options.KeepAliveInterval, false,

                if (Logging.On)
                    Logging.Associate(Logging.WebSockets, this, innerWebSocket);

                // Change internal state to 'connected' to enable the other methods
                if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref state, connected, connecting) != connecting)
                    // Aborted/Disposed during connect.
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().FullName);
            catch (WebException ex)
                WebSocketException wex = new WebSocketException(SR.GetString(SR.net_webstatus_ConnectFailure), ex);
                if (Logging.On)
                    Logging.Exception(Logging.WebSockets, this, "ConnectAsync", wex);
                throw wex;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (Logging.On)
                    Logging.Exception(Logging.WebSockets, this, "ConnectAsync", ex);
                // We successfully connected (or failed trying), disengage from this token.
                // Otherwise any timeout/cancellation would apply to the full session.
                // In the failure case we need to release the reference to HWR.