Пример #1
        // This is the static internal callback that will be called when
        // the IO we issued for the user to winsock has completed, either
        // synchronously (Signaled=false) or asynchronously (Signaled=true)
        // when this function gets called it must:
        // 1) update the AsyncResult object with the results of the completed IO
        // 2) signal events that the user might be waiting on
        // 3) cal the callback function that the user might have specified
        internal static void ConnectCallback(object stateObject, bool Signaled)
            ConnectAsyncResult asyncResult = stateObject as ConnectAsyncResult;
            Socket             socket      = asyncResult.AsyncObject as Socket;

            GlobalLog.Enter("Socket#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(socket) + "::ConnectCallback", "Signaled:" + Signaled.ToString());

            GlobalLog.Assert(!asyncResult.IsCompleted, "Socket#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(socket) + "::ConnectCallback() asyncResult.IsCompleted", "");

            // we now need to get the status of the async completion, we had an easy implementation
            // that uses GetSocketOption(), but VadimE suggested not to use this 'cause it may be
            // buggy on some platforms, so we use WSAEnumNetworkEvents() instead:
            // The best way to do this is to call WSAEnumNetworkEvents and use the error code iError
            // array corresponding to FD_CONNECT. getsockopt (SO_ERROR) may return NO_ERROR under
            // stress even in case of error at least on Winnt4.0 (I don't remember whether I fixed
            // it on Win2000 or WinXP).

            // get async completion

             * int errorCode = (int)socket.GetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.Error);
             * GlobalLog.Print("Socket#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(socket) + "::ConnectCallback() GetSocketOption() returns errorCode:" + errorCode.ToString());

            NetworkEvents networkEvents = new NetworkEvents();

            networkEvents.Events = AsyncEventBits.FdConnect;

            AutoResetEvent chkAsyncEvent = socket.m_AsyncEvent;

            int errorCode = SocketErrors.WSAENOTSOCK;

            if (chkAsyncEvent != null)
                errorCode =
                        ref networkEvents);

                if (errorCode != SocketErrors.Success)
                    errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                    GlobalLog.Print("Socket#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(socket) + "::ConnectCallback() WSAEnumNetworkEvents() failed with errorCode:" + errorCode.ToString());
                    errorCode = networkEvents.ErrorCodes[(int)AsyncEventBitsPos.FdConnectBit];
                    GlobalLog.Print("Socket#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(socket) + "::ConnectCallback() ErrorCodes(FdConnect) got errorCode:" + errorCode.ToString());

            try {
                // cancel async event
                // go back to blocking mode
            catch (Exception exception) {
                GlobalLog.Print("Socket#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(socket) + "::ConnectCallback() caught exception::" + exception.Message);
                asyncResult.Result = exception;

            // if the native non-blocking call failed we'll throw a SocketException in EndConnect()
            if (errorCode != SocketErrors.Success)
                // just save the error code, the SocketException will be thrown in EndConnect()
                asyncResult.ErrorCode = errorCode;
                // the Socket is connected, update our state and performance counter

            // call the user's callback now, if there is one.

            GlobalLog.Leave("Socket#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(socket) + "::ConnectCallback", errorCode.ToString());
Пример #2
        internal IAsyncResult UnsafeBeginConnect(IPEndPoint remoteEP, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            if (CanUseConnectEx(remoteEP))
                return BeginConnectEx(remoteEP, false, callback, state);

            EndPoint endPointSnapshot = remoteEP;
            var asyncResult = new ConnectAsyncResult(this, endPointSnapshot, state, callback);

            // For connectionless protocols, Connect is not an I/O call.

            // Synchronously complete the I/O and call the user's callback.
            return asyncResult;
Пример #3
        // This is the static internal callback that will be called when
        // the IO we issued for the user to winsock has completed, either
        // synchronously (Signaled=false) or asynchronously (Signaled=true)
        // when this function gets called it must:
        // 1) update the AsyncResult object with the results of the completed IO
        // 2) signal events that the user might be waiting on
        // 3) cal the callback function that the user might have specified
        internal static void ConnectCallback(object stateObject, bool Signaled)
            ConnectAsyncResult asyncResult = stateObject as ConnectAsyncResult;
            Socket             socket      = asyncResult.AsyncObject as Socket;

            GlobalLog.Enter("Socket#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(socket) + "::ConnectCallback", "Signaled:" + Signaled.ToString());

            GlobalLog.Assert(!asyncResult.IsCompleted, "Socket#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(socket) + "::ConnectCallback() asyncResult.IsCompleted", "");


            // get async completion

             * int errorCode = (int)socket.GetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.Error);
             * GlobalLog.Print("Socket#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(socket) + "::ConnectCallback() GetSocketOption() returns errorCode:" + errorCode.ToString());

            NetworkEvents networkEvents = new NetworkEvents();

            networkEvents.Events = AsyncEventBits.FdConnect;

            AutoResetEvent chkAsyncEvent = socket.m_AsyncEvent;

            int errorCode = SocketErrors.WSAENOTSOCK;

            if (chkAsyncEvent != null)
                errorCode =
                        ref networkEvents);

                if (errorCode != SocketErrors.Success)
                    errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                    GlobalLog.Print("Socket#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(socket) + "::ConnectCallback() WSAEnumNetworkEvents() failed with errorCode:" + errorCode.ToString());
                    errorCode = networkEvents.ErrorCodes[(int)AsyncEventBitsPos.FdConnectBit];
                    GlobalLog.Print("Socket#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(socket) + "::ConnectCallback() ErrorCodes(FdConnect) got errorCode:" + errorCode.ToString());

            try {
                // cancel async event
                // go back to blocking mode
            catch (Exception exception) {
                GlobalLog.Print("Socket#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(socket) + "::ConnectCallback() caught exception::" + exception.Message);
                asyncResult.Result = exception;

            // if the native non-blocking call failed we'll throw a SocketException in EndConnect()
            if (errorCode != SocketErrors.Success)
                // just save the error code, the SocketException will be thrown in EndConnect()
                asyncResult.ErrorCode = errorCode;
                // the Socket is connected, update our state and performance counter

            // call the user's callback now, if there is one.

            GlobalLog.Leave("Socket#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(socket) + "::ConnectCallback", errorCode.ToString());