internal void OnPingAckReceived(long payload, Http2Connection connection)
                if (_state != State.PingSent && _state != State.TerminatingMayReceivePingAck)
                    if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                        connection.Trace($"[FlowControl] Unexpected PING ACK in state {_state}");

                if (_state == State.TerminatingMayReceivePingAck)
                    _state = State.Disabled;

                // RTT PINGs always carry negative payload, positive values indicate a response to KeepAlive PING.
                Debug.Assert(payload < 0);

                if (_pingCounter != payload)
                    if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                        connection.Trace($"[FlowControl] Unexpected RTT PING ACK payload {payload}, should be {_pingCounter}.");

                _state = State.Waiting;
            internal void OnDataOrHeadersReceived(Http2Connection connection)
                if (_state != State.Waiting)

                long now     = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                bool initial = _initialBurst > 0;

                if (initial || now - _pingSentTimestamp > PingIntervalInTicks)
                    if (initial)

                    // Send a PING
                    if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                        connection.Trace($"[FlowControl] Sending RTT PING with payload {_pingCounter}");
                    connection.LogExceptions(connection.SendPingAsync(_pingCounter, isAck: false));
                    _pingSentTimestamp = now;
                    _state             = State.PingSent;
            private void RefreshRtt(Http2Connection connection)
                long     prevRtt    = _minRtt == 0 ? long.MaxValue : _minRtt;
                TimeSpan currentRtt = Stopwatch.GetElapsedTime(_pingSentTimestamp);
                long     minRtt     = Math.Min(prevRtt, currentRtt.Ticks);

                Interlocked.Exchange(ref _minRtt, minRtt); // MinRtt is being queried from another thread

                if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                    connection.Trace($"[FlowControl] Updated MinRtt: {MinRtt.TotalMilliseconds} ms");