A type representing the set of command parameters for a cmdlet.
Пример #1
        private void HandleMissingMandatoryParameters(CommandParameterSetInfo parameterSet, bool considerPipeline, bool askUser)
            // select mandatory parametes
            var unsetMandatories = GetMandatoryUnboundParameters(parameterSet, considerPipeline);

            foreach (var curParam in unsetMandatories)
                object value = null;
                // check if we should try to gather it
                if (askUser)
                    // try to get this value from UI
                // check if we had success, fail otherwise
                if (value == null)
                    // WORKAROUND: PS throws a MethodInvocationException when binding pipeline parameters
                    // that is when a user shouldn't be asked anymore... let's do the same
                    if (askUser)
                        var msg = String.Format("Missing value for mandatory parameter '{0}'.", curParam.Name);
                        throw new ParameterBindingException(msg, "MissingMandatoryParameter");
                        var msg = "The input object cannot be bound as it doesn't provide some mandatory information: "
                                  + curParam.Name;
                        throw new MethodInvocationException(msg);
                BindParameter(curParam, value, true);
Пример #2
 private void ChooseParameterSet(CommandParameterSetInfo chosenSet)
     _activeSet = chosenSet;
Пример #3
        private void ThrowMissingParametersExcpetion(CommandParameterSetInfo paramSet)
            var missing = GetMandatoryUnboundParameters(paramSet, true);
            var msg     = "Missing value for mandatory parameter(s): " + String.Join(", ", missing);

            throw new ParameterBindingException(msg, "MissingMandatoryParameter");
Пример #4
        private CommandParameterSetInfo SelectObviousActiveParameterSet()
            // if we only have one parameter set, this is always the active one (e.g. AllParametersSets)
            CommandParameterSetInfo active = null;
            var setCount = _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets.Count;

            if (setCount == 1)
                active = _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets[0];
            // if we have two sets and one is AllParametersSets, then the other one is naturally the default
            else if (setCount == 2)
                var firstSet  = _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets[0];
                var secondSet = _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets[1];
                if (firstSet.IsAllParameterSets)
                    active = secondSet;
                else if (secondSet.IsAllParameterSets)
                    active = firstSet;
            if (active != null)
                _candidateParameterSets = new List <CommandParameterSetInfo>()
Пример #5
 private void ChooseParameterSet(CommandParameterSetInfo chosenSet)
     if (chosenSet != null)
         _cmdlet.ParameterSetName = chosenSet.Name;
Пример #6
        private CommandParameterCollection BindDynamicParameters(CommandParameterCollection parameters)
            var dynamicParamsCmdlet = _cmdlet as IDynamicParameters;

            if (dynamicParamsCmdlet == null) // no support for dynamic parameters
            // get the object with dynamic parameters
            var parameterObject = dynamicParamsCmdlet.GetDynamicParameters();

            if (parameterObject == null)

            var discovery = new CommandParameterDiscovery(parameterObject.GetType());

            // add the parameters to the cmdletInfo
            // as we updated parameter sets, we need to rebuild some cached values
            _activeSet              = _activeSet == null ? null : GetParameterSet(_activeSet.Name);
            _defaultSet             = _defaultSet == null ? null : GetParameterSet(_defaultSet.Name);
            _candidateParameterSets = (from p in _candidateParameterSets select GetParameterSet(p.Name)).ToList();

            AddBindDestionations(discovery, parameterObject);
            // now try to rebind the parameters
            parameters = BindNamedParameters(parameters);
            return(BindPositionalParameters(parameters, ActiveOrDefaultParameterSet));
Пример #7
 private void SetCmdletParameterSetName(CommandParameterSetInfo chosenSet)
     if (_cmdlet is PSCmdlet)
         ((PSCmdlet)_cmdlet).ParameterSetName = chosenSet != null ? chosenSet.Name
             : ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets;
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the parameters from the command line to the command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// All abount Cmdlet parameters: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms714433(VS.85).aspx
        /// About the lifecycle: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms714429(v=vs.85).aspx
        /// </remarks>
        public void BindCommandLineParameters(CommandParameterCollection parameters)
            // How command line parameters are bound:
            // In general: We will bind first named parameters, then positionals, and then maybe gather some.
            // While parameters are being bound, a list of _candidateParameterSets is maintained that keeps track
            // of those sets that are eligible for being taken.
            // As we might have an early choice that can be handled, an _activeSet is maintained in addition.
            // The _candidateSet will be restricted to the _activeSet if we found one early

            // Check if one obvious choice for a parameter set to be chosen (e.g. if there is only one)
            _activeSet = SelectObviousActiveParameterSet();

            // Bind all named parameters, fail if some name is bound twice or if the selection is already ambiguos
            parameters = BindNamedParameters(parameters);

            // Bind positional parameters per parameter set
            // To do so, sort parameters of set by position, ignore bound parameters and set the first unbound position
            // Note: if we don't know the active parameter set, yet, we will bind it by Default, this is PS behavior
            // Binding will also restrict the candidate set and check for ambiguity 
            parameters = BindPositionalParameters(parameters, ActiveOrDefaultParameterSet);

            // Bind dynamic parameters based on what's already bound.
            // TODO: this is also the place to support ShouldProcess
            parameters = BindDynamicParameters(parameters);

            // Make sure that there are no parameters that couldn't be bound

            // There might be parameter sets with parameters that are still unbound but will be set by pipeline.
            // If not, and if we have an (active or default) parameter set that is still a candidate, then get the
            // missing parameters.
            if (!HasParameterSetsWithUnboundMandatoryPipelineParameters() &&
                HandleMissingMandatoryParameters(ActiveOrDefaultParameterSet, false, true);

            // We finished binding parameters without pipeline. Therefore we can restrict the candidate set to those
            // sets that have all mandatory parameters set or are able to set them by pipeline

            // Check if we have unbound parameters that can be set by pipeline. If not and we can already do
            // our final choice (and throw an error on problems)
            if (!HasUnboundPipelineParameters())

            // Back up the bound parameters

            // For the beginning phase: Tell the cmdlet which parameter set is likely to be used (if we know it)
            // If there is only one candidate, use it at least temporarily. Otherwise the active or default
            SetCmdletParameterSetName(_candidateParameterSets.Count == 1 ? _candidateParameterSets[0]
                                                                         : ActiveOrDefaultParameterSet);
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the parameters from the command line to the command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// All abount Cmdlet parameters: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms714433(VS.85).aspx
        /// About the lifecycle: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms714429(v=vs.85).aspx
        /// </remarks>
        public void BindCommandLineParameters(CommandParameterCollection parameters)
            // How command line parameters are bound:
            // In general: We will bind first named parameters, then positionals, and then maybe gather some.
            // While parameters are being bound, a list of _candidateParameterSets is maintained that keeps track
            // of those sets that are eligible for being taken.
            // As we might have an early choice that can be handled, an _activeSet is maintained in addition.
            // The _candidateSet will be restricted to the _activeSet if we found one early

            // Check if one obvious choice for a parameter set to be chosen (e.g. if there is only one)
            _activeSet = SelectObviousActiveParameterSet();

            // Bind all named parameters, fail if some name is bound twice or if the selection is already ambiguos
            parameters = BindNamedParameters(parameters);

            // Bind positional parameters per parameter set
            // To do so, sort parameters of set by position, ignore bound parameters and set the first unbound position
            // Note: if we don't know the active parameter set, yet, we will bind it by Default, this is PS behavior
            // Binding will also restrict the candidate set and check for ambiguity
            parameters = BindPositionalParameters(parameters, ActiveOrDefaultParameterSet);

            // Bind dynamic parameters based on what's already bound.
            // TODO: this is also the place to support ShouldProcess
            parameters = BindDynamicParameters(parameters);

            // Make sure that there are no parameters that couldn't be bound

            // There might be parameter sets with parameters that are still unbound but will be set by pipeline.
            // If not, and if we have an (active or default) parameter set that is still a candidate, then get the
            // missing parameters.
            if (!HasParameterSetsWithUnboundMandatoryPipelineParameters() &&
                HandleMissingMandatoryParameters(ActiveOrDefaultParameterSet, false, true);

            // We finished binding parameters without pipeline. Therefore we can restrict the candidate set to those
            // sets that have all mandatory parameters set or are able to set them by pipeline

            // Check if we have unbound parameters that can be set by pipeline. If not and we can already do
            // our final choice (and throw an error on problems)
            if (!HasUnboundPipelineParameters())

            // Back up the bound parameters

            // For the beginning phase: Tell the cmdlet which parameter set is likely to be used (if we know it)
            // If there is only one candidate, use it at least temporarily. Otherwise the active or default
            SetCmdletParameterSetName(_candidateParameterSets.Count == 1 ? _candidateParameterSets[0]
                                                                         : ActiveOrDefaultParameterSet);
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of the ShowCommandParameterSetInfo class based on a CommandParameterSetInfo object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">
        /// The object to wrap.
        /// </param>
        public ShowCommandParameterSetInfo(CommandParameterSetInfo other)
            if (null == other)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("other");

            this.Name = other.Name;
            this.IsDefault = other.IsDefault;
            this.Parameters = other.Parameters.Select(x => new ShowCommandParameterInfo(x)).ToArray();
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// All abount Cmdlet parameters: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms714433(VS.85).aspx
        /// </remarks>
        internal override void BindArguments(PSObject obj)
            if ((obj == null) && (Parameters.Count == 0))

            // TODO: bind the arguments to the parameters
            CommandParameterSetInfo paramSetInfo = _cmdletInfo.GetDefaultParameterSet();

            // TODO: refer to the Command._ParameterSetName for a param set name

            if (obj != null)
                foreach (CommandParameterInfo paramInfo in paramSetInfo.Parameters)
                    if (paramInfo.ValueFromPipeline)
                        BindArgument(paramInfo.Name, obj, paramInfo.ParameterType);

            if (Parameters.Count > 0)
                // bind by position location
                for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.Count; i++)
                    CommandParameterInfo paramInfo = null;

                    CommandParameter parameter = Parameters[i];

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.Name))
                        paramInfo = paramSetInfo.GetParameterByPosition(i);

                        if (paramInfo != null)
                            BindArgument(paramInfo.Name, parameter.Value, paramInfo.ParameterType);
                        paramInfo = paramSetInfo.GetParameterByName(parameter.Name);

                        if (paramInfo != null)
                            BindArgument(paramInfo.Name, parameter.Value, paramInfo.ParameterType);
Пример #12
 public CmdletParameterBinder(CmdletInfo cmdletInfo, Cmdlet cmdlet)
     _cmdletInfo              = cmdletInfo;
     _cmdlet                  = cmdlet;
     _defaultValues           = new Dictionary <MemberInfo, object>();
     _boundParameters         = new Collection <MemberInfo>();
     _candidateParameterSets  = new Collection <CommandParameterSetInfo>();
     _commandLineValuesBackup = new Dictionary <MemberInfo, object>();
     _activeSet               = null;
     _defaultSet              = null;
     _hasDefaultSet           = true;
Пример #13
 public CmdletParameterBinder(CmdletInfo cmdletInfo, Cmdlet cmdlet)
     _cmdletInfo = cmdletInfo;
     _cmdlet = cmdlet;
     _defaultValues = new Dictionary<MemberInfo, object>();
     _boundParameters = new Collection<MemberInfo>();
     _candidateParameterSets = new Collection<CommandParameterSetInfo>();
     _commandLineValuesBackup = new Dictionary<MemberInfo, object>();
     _activeSet = null;
     _defaultSet = null;
     _hasDefaultSet = true;
Пример #14
 private IEnumerable <CommandParameterInfo> GetMandatoryUnboundParameters(CommandParameterSetInfo parameterSet, bool considerPipeline)
     if (parameterSet == null)
         return(Enumerable.Empty <CommandParameterInfo>());
     return(from param in parameterSet.Parameters
            where param.IsMandatory &&
            !_boundParameters.Contains(param.MemberInfo) &&
            (considerPipeline ||
             !(param.ValueFromPipeline || param.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)
            select param);
Пример #15
        // restricts the candidate parameter sets by the newly bound parameters
        private void RestrictCandidatesByBoundParameter(CommandParameterInfo info)
            var setsContaining = from paramSet in _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets
                                 where paramSet.Contains(info) select paramSet;

            _candidateParameterSets = _candidateParameterSets.Intersect(setsContaining).ToList();
            if (_candidateParameterSets.Count == 0)
            else if (_candidateParameterSets.Count == 1)
                _activeSet = _candidateParameterSets[0];
Пример #16
 public CmdletParameterBinder(CmdletInfo cmdletInfo, Cmdlet cmdlet)
     _cmdletInfo              = cmdletInfo;
     _cmdlet                  = cmdlet;
     _defaultValues           = new Dictionary <MemberInfo, object>();
     _boundParameters         = new Collection <MemberInfo>();
     _candidateParameterSets  = _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets.ToList();
     _commandLineValuesBackup = new Dictionary <MemberInfo, object>();
     _activeSet               = null;
     _defaultSet              = null;
     _hasDefaultSet           = true;
     _commonParameters        = (from parameter in CommonCmdletParameters.CommonParameterSetInfo.Parameters
                                 select parameter.MemberInfo).ToList();
     _engineIntrinsics = new EngineIntrinsics(_cmdlet.ExecutionContext);
Пример #17
 public CmdletParameterBinder(CmdletInfo cmdletInfo, Cmdlet cmdlet)
     _cmdletInfo = cmdletInfo;
     _cmdlet = cmdlet;
     _defaultValues = new Dictionary<MemberInfo, object>();
     _boundParameters = new Collection<MemberInfo>();
     _candidateParameterSets = _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets.ToList();
     _commandLineValuesBackup = new Dictionary<MemberInfo, object>();
     _activeSet = null;
     _defaultSet = null;
     _hasDefaultSet = true;
     _commonParameters = (from parameter in CommonCmdletParameters.CommonParameterSetInfo.Parameters
                          select parameter.MemberInfo).ToList();
     _engineIntrinsics = new EngineIntrinsics(_cmdlet.ExecutionContext);
Пример #18
 public CmdletParameterBinder(CmdletInfo cmdletInfo, Cmdlet cmdlet)
     _cmdletInfo              = cmdletInfo;
     _cmdlet                  = cmdlet;
     _defaultValues           = new Dictionary <MemberInfo, object>();
     _boundParameters         = new Collection <MemberInfo>();
     _candidateParameterSets  = _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets.ToList();
     _commandLineValuesBackup = new Dictionary <MemberInfo, object>();
     _activeSet               = null;
     _defaultSet              = null;
     _hasDefaultSet           = true;
     _bindDestinationLookup   = new Dictionary <MemberInfo, object>();
     _engineIntrinsics        = new EngineIntrinsics(_cmdlet.ExecutionContext);
     // make sure common parameters are set in the CommonParameter member object, not the cmdlet itself
     AddBindDestionations(CommonCmdletParameters.ParameterDiscovery, _cmdlet.CommonParameters);
Пример #19
 public CmdletParameterBinder(CmdletInfo cmdletInfo, Cmdlet cmdlet)
     _cmdletInfo = cmdletInfo;
     _cmdlet = cmdlet;
     _defaultValues = new Dictionary<MemberInfo, object>();
     _boundParameters = new Collection<MemberInfo>();
     _candidateParameterSets = _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets.ToList();
     _commandLineValuesBackup = new Dictionary<MemberInfo, object>();
     _activeSet = null;
     _defaultSet = null;
     _hasDefaultSet = true;
     _bindDestinationLookup = new Dictionary<MemberInfo, object>();
     _engineIntrinsics = new EngineIntrinsics(_cmdlet.ExecutionContext);
     // make sure common parameters are set in the CommonParameter member object, not the cmdlet itself
     AddBindDestionations(CommonCmdletParameters.ParameterDiscovery, _cmdlet.CommonParameters);
Пример #20
        private void HandleMissingMandatoryParameters(CommandParameterSetInfo parameterSet, bool considerPipeline, bool askUser)
            // select mandatory parametes
            var unsetMandatories = GetMandatoryUnboundParameters(parameterSet, considerPipeline).ToList();

            // check if we got something to do, otherwise we're fine
            if (unsetMandatories.Count == 0)
            Dictionary <CommandParameterInfo, PSObject> values = null;

            if (askUser)
                // try to get this value from UI
                values = GatherParameterValues(unsetMandatories);
            if (values == null)
                var parameterNames = from cmdInfo in unsetMandatories select "'" + cmdInfo.Name + "'";
                var missingNames   = String.Join(", ", parameterNames);
                var msg            = String.Format("Missing value for mandatory parameters {0}.", missingNames);
                throw new ParameterBindingException(msg, "MissingMandatoryParameters");
            foreach (var pair in values)
                if (pair.Value == null)
                    // WORKAROUND: PS throws a MethodInvocationException when binding pipeline parameters
                    // that is when a user shouldn't be asked anymore... let's do the same
                    if (askUser)
                        var msg = String.Format("Missing value for mandatory parameter '{0}'.", pair.Key.Name);
                        throw new ParameterBindingException(msg, "MissingMandatoryParameter");
                        var msg = "The input object cannot be bound as it doesn't provide some mandatory information: "
                                  + pair.Key.Name;
                        throw new MethodInvocationException(msg);
                BindParameter(pair.Key, pair.Value, true);
Пример #21
        private void CheckForActiveParameterSet()
            // if we only have one parameter set, this is always the active one (e.g. AllParametersSets)
            var setCount = _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets.Count;

            if (setCount == 1)
                if (_activeSet == null)
                    _activeSet = _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets[0];
            // if we have two sets and one is AllParametersSets, then the other one is naturally the default
            else if (setCount == 2)
                var firstSet  = _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets[0];
                var secondSet = _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets[1];
                if (firstSet.Name.Equals(ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets))
                    _activeSet = secondSet;
                else if (secondSet.Name.Equals(ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets))
                    _activeSet = firstSet;
            // otherwise we have more than one parameter set with name
            // even if an activeSet was already chosen, make sure there ist at most one active set
            foreach (var param in _boundParameters)
                string activeSetName;
                if (_cmdletInfo.UniqueSetParameters.TryGetValue(param.Name, out activeSetName))
                    if (_activeSet != null && !_activeSet.Name.Equals(activeSetName))
                        throw new ParameterBindingException("The parameter set selection is ambiguous!",
                    _activeSet = _cmdletInfo.GetParameterSetByName(activeSetName);
Пример #22
        private void BindPositionalParameters(CommandParameterCollection parameters, CommandParameterSetInfo parameterSet)
            var parametersWithoutName = from param in parameters
                                        where String.IsNullOrEmpty(param.Name)
                                        select param;

            if (parameterSet == null)
                if (parametersWithoutName.Any())
            var positionals = (from param in parameterSet.Parameters
                               where param.Position >= 0
                               orderby param.Position ascending
                               select param).ToList();
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var curParam in parametersWithoutName)
                bool bound = false;
                while (!bound)
                    if (i < positionals.Count)
                        var affectedParam = positionals[i];
                        if (!_boundParameters.Contains(affectedParam.MemberInfo))
                            BindParameter(affectedParam, curParam.Value, true);
                            bound = true;
                        var msg = String.Format("Positional parameter not found for provided argument '{0}'", curParam.Value);
                        throw new ParameterBindingException(msg, "PositionalParameterNotFound");
Пример #23
        private void CheckForAllSetsParameters(CommandParameterSetInfo set)
            CommandParameterInfo inputObjectParam = set.GetParameterByName("InputObject");
            Assert.AreEqual("InputObject", inputObjectParam.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, inputObjectParam.Position);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, inputObjectParam.IsMandatory);

            CommandParameterInfo nameParam = set.GetParameterByName("Name");
            Assert.AreEqual("Name", nameParam.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, nameParam.Position);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, nameParam.IsMandatory);

            CommandParameterInfo recurseParam = set.GetParameterByName("Recurse");
            Assert.AreEqual("Recurse", recurseParam.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, recurseParam.Position);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, recurseParam.IsMandatory);
        public override string ToString()
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
            List <CommandParameterInfo> commandParameterInfoList1 = new List <CommandParameterInfo>();
            List <CommandParameterInfo> commandParameterInfoList2 = new List <CommandParameterInfo>();

            foreach (CommandParameterInfo parameter in this.parameters)
                if (parameter.Position == int.MinValue)
                    if (parameter.Position >= commandParameterInfoList1.Count)
                        for (int count = commandParameterInfoList1.Count; count <= parameter.Position; ++count)
                    commandParameterInfoList1[parameter.Position] = parameter;
            foreach (CommandParameterInfo parameter in commandParameterInfoList1)
                if (parameter != null)
                    CommandParameterSetInfo.AppendFormatCommandParameterInfo(parameter, ref result);
            foreach (CommandParameterInfo parameter in commandParameterInfoList2)
                if (parameter != null)
                    CommandParameterSetInfo.AppendFormatCommandParameterInfo(parameter, ref result);
            CommandParameterSetInfo.tracer.WriteLine("ToString = {0}", (object)result.ToString());
Пример #25
        private void BindPositionalParameters(CommandParameterCollection parameters, CommandParameterSetInfo parameterSet)
            var parametersWithoutName = from param in parameters
                                        where String.IsNullOrEmpty(param.Name)
                                        select param;

            if (parameterSet == null)
                if (parametersWithoutName.Any())
                    throw new ParameterBindingException("The parameter set to be used cannot be resolved.",
            var positionals = (from param in parameterSet.Parameters
                               where param.Position >= 0
                               orderby param.Position ascending
                               select param).ToList();
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var curParam in parametersWithoutName)
                if (i < positionals.Count)
                    var affectedParam = positionals[i];
                    BindParameter(affectedParam, curParam.Value, true);
                    var msg = String.Format("Positional parameter not found for provided argument '{0}'", curParam.Value);
                    throw new ParameterBindingException(msg, "PositionalParameterNotFound");
Пример #26
        private void CheckForActiveParameterSet()
            // if we only have one parameter set, this is always the active one (e.g. AllParametersSets)
            var setCount = _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets.Count;
            if (setCount == 1)
                if (_activeSet == null)
                    _activeSet = _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets[0];
            // if we have two sets and one is AllParametersSets, then the other one is naturally the default
            else if (setCount == 2)
                var firstSet = _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets[0];
                var secondSet = _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets[1];
                if (firstSet.Name.Equals(ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets))
                    _activeSet = secondSet;
                else if (secondSet.Name.Equals(ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets))
                    _activeSet = firstSet;

            // otherwise we have more than one parameter set with name
            // even if an activeSet was already chosen, make sure there ist at most one active set
            foreach (var param in _boundParameters)
                string activeSetName;
                if (_cmdletInfo.UniqueSetParameters.TryGetValue(param.Name, out activeSetName))
                    if (_activeSet != null && !_activeSet.Name.Equals(activeSetName))
                        throw new ParameterBindingException("The parameter set selection is ambiguous!",
                    _activeSet = _cmdletInfo.GetParameterSetByName(activeSetName);
Пример #27
 private void ChooseParameterSet(CommandParameterSetInfo chosenSet)
     if (chosenSet != null)
         _cmdlet.ParameterSetName = chosenSet.Name;
Пример #28
 private void BindPositionalParameters(CommandParameterCollection parameters, CommandParameterSetInfo parameterSet)
     var parametersWithoutName = from param in parameters
                                     where String.IsNullOrEmpty(param.Name)
                                 select param;
     if (parameterSet == null)
         if (parametersWithoutName.Any())
             throw new ParameterBindingException("The parameter set to be used cannot be resolved.",
     var positionals = (from param in parameterSet.Parameters
         where param.Position >= 0
         orderby param.Position ascending
         select param).ToList();
     int i = 0;
     foreach (var curParam in parametersWithoutName)
         if (i < positionals.Count)
             var affectedParam = positionals[i];
             BindParameter(affectedParam, curParam.Value, true);
             var msg = String.Format("Positional parameter not found for provided argument '{0}'", curParam.Value);
             throw new ParameterBindingException(msg, "PositionalParameterNotFound");
Пример #29
 private void HandleMissingMandatoryParameters(CommandParameterSetInfo parameterSet, bool considerPipeline, bool askUser)
     // select mandatory parametes
     var unsetMandatories = GetMandatoryUnboundParameters(parameterSet, considerPipeline);
     foreach (var curParam in unsetMandatories)
         object value = null;
         // check if we should try to gather it
         if (askUser)
             // try to get this value from UI
         // check if we had success, fail otherwise
         if (value == null)
             // WORKAROUND: PS throws a MethodInvocationException when binding pipeline parameters
             // that is when a user shouldn't be asked anymore... let's do the same
             if (askUser)
                 var msg = String.Format("Missing value for mandatory parameter '{0}'.", curParam.Name);
                 throw new ParameterBindingException(msg, "MissingMandatoryParameter");
                 var msg = "The input object cannot be bound as it doesn't provide some mandatory information: "
                     + curParam.Name;
                 throw new MethodInvocationException(msg);
         BindParameter(curParam, value, true);
Пример #30
 private void SetCmdletParameterSetName(CommandParameterSetInfo chosenSet)
     if (_cmdlet is PSCmdlet)
         ((PSCmdlet)_cmdlet).ParameterSetName = chosenSet != null ? chosenSet.Name
             : ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets;
Пример #31
        private CommandParameterCollection BindDynamicParameters(CommandParameterCollection parameters)
            var dynamicParamsCmdlet = _cmdlet as IDynamicParameters;
            if (dynamicParamsCmdlet == null) // no support for dynamic parameters
                return parameters;
            // get the object with dynamic parameters
            var parameterObject = dynamicParamsCmdlet.GetDynamicParameters();
            if (parameterObject == null)
                return parameters;

            var discovery = new CommandParameterDiscovery(parameterObject.GetType());
            // add the parameters to the cmdletInfo
            // as we updated parameter sets, we need to rebuild some cached values
            _activeSet = _activeSet == null ? null : GetParameterSet(_activeSet.Name);
            _defaultSet = _defaultSet == null ? null : GetParameterSet(_defaultSet.Name);
            _candidateParameterSets = (from p in _candidateParameterSets select GetParameterSet(p.Name)).ToList();

            AddBindDestionations(discovery, parameterObject);
            // now try to rebind the parameters
            parameters = BindNamedParameters(parameters);
            return BindPositionalParameters(parameters, ActiveOrDefaultParameterSet);
Пример #32
        private CommandParameterCollection BindPositionalParameters(CommandParameterCollection parameters, CommandParameterSetInfo parameterSet)
            var parametersWithoutName = from param in parameters
                                        where String.IsNullOrEmpty(param.Name)
                                        select param;
            if (parameterSet == null)
                if (parametersWithoutName.Any())
                return parameters;
            var positionals = (from param in parameterSet.Parameters
                where param.Position >= 0 && !_boundParameters.Contains(param.MemberInfo)
                orderby param.Position ascending
                select param).ToList();
            int i = 0;
            var parametersLeft = new CommandParameterCollection(parameters);
            foreach (var curParam in parametersWithoutName)
                if (i >= positionals.Count)
                    break; // can't bind it

                BindParameter(positionals[i], curParam.Value, true);
            return parametersLeft;
Пример #33
 private void ChooseParameterSet(CommandParameterSetInfo chosenSet)
     _activeSet = chosenSet;
Пример #34
 // restricts the candidate parameter sets by the newly bound parameters
 private void RestrictCandidatesByBoundParameter(CommandParameterInfo info)
     var setsContaining = from paramSet in _cmdletInfo.ParameterSets
         where paramSet.Contains(info) select paramSet;
     _candidateParameterSets = _candidateParameterSets.Intersect(setsContaining).ToList();
     if (_candidateParameterSets.Count == 0)
     else if (_candidateParameterSets.Count == 1)
         _activeSet = _candidateParameterSets[0];
Пример #35
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// All abount Cmdlet parameters: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms714433(VS.85).aspx
        /// </remarks>
        internal override void BindArguments(PSObject obj)
            // TODO: Bind obj properties to ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName parameters
            // TODO: If parameter has ValueFromRemainingArguments any unmatched arguments should be bound to this parameter as an array
            // TODO: If no parameter has ValueFromRemainingArguments any supplied parameters are unmatched then fail with exception

            if ((obj == null) && (Parameters.Count == 0))

            // TODO: Perform analysis on passed arguments and obj to identify which parameter set to select for binding
            CommandParameterSetInfo paramSetInfo = _cmdletInfo.GetDefaultParameterSet();

            if (obj != null)
                var valueFromPipelineParameter = paramSetInfo.Parameters.Where(paramInfo => paramInfo.ValueFromPipeline).SingleOrDefault();

                if (valueFromPipelineParameter != null)
                    BindArgument(valueFromPipelineParameter.Name, obj, valueFromPipelineParameter.ParameterType);

            if (Parameters.Count > 0)
                // bind by position location
                for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.Count; i++)
                    CommandParameterInfo paramInfo = null;

                    CommandParameter parameter = Parameters[i];

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.Name))
                        paramInfo = paramSetInfo.GetParameterByPosition(i);

                        if (paramInfo != null)
                            BindArgument(paramInfo.Name, parameter.Value, paramInfo.ParameterType);
                        paramInfo = paramSetInfo.LookupParameter(parameter.Name);

                        if (paramInfo != null)
                            if (parameter.Value == null && paramInfo.ParameterType != typeof(SwitchParameter) &&
                                i < Parameters.Count - 1 && Parameters[i + 1].Name == null)
                                BindArgument(paramInfo.Name, Parameters[i + 1].Value, paramInfo.ParameterType);
                                BindArgument(paramInfo.Name, parameter.Value, paramInfo.ParameterType);
                            //TODO: Throw ParameterBindingException when implemented
                            throw(new Exception("No parameter found matching '" + parameter.Name + "'"));
Пример #36
        private CommandParameterCollection BindPositionalParameters(CommandParameterCollection parameters, CommandParameterSetInfo parameterSet)
            var parametersWithoutName = from param in parameters
                                        where String.IsNullOrEmpty(param.Name)
                                        select param;

            if (parameterSet == null)
                if (parametersWithoutName.Any())
            var positionals = (from param in parameterSet.Parameters
                               where param.Position >= 0 && !_boundParameters.Contains(param.MemberInfo)
                               orderby param.Position ascending
                               select param).ToList();
            int i = 0;
            var parametersLeft = new CommandParameterCollection(parameters);

            foreach (var curParam in parametersWithoutName)
                if (i >= positionals.Count)
                    break; // can't bind it

                BindParameter(positionals[i], curParam.Value, true);
Пример #37
 private IEnumerable<CommandParameterInfo> GetMandatoryUnboundParameters(CommandParameterSetInfo parameterSet, bool considerPipeline)
     if (parameterSet == null)
         return Enumerable.Empty<CommandParameterInfo>();
     return from param in parameterSet.Parameters
             where param.IsMandatory &&
         !_boundParameters.Contains(param.MemberInfo) &&
         (considerPipeline ||
             !(param.ValueFromPipeline || param.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)
         select param;
Пример #38
 private void ThrowMissingParametersExcpetion(CommandParameterSetInfo paramSet)
     var missing = GetMandatoryUnboundParameters(paramSet, true);
     var msg = "Missing value for mandatory parameter(s): " + String.Join(", ", missing);
     throw new ParameterBindingException(msg, "MissingMandatoryParameter");
Пример #39
 private void HandleMissingMandatoryParameters(CommandParameterSetInfo parameterSet, bool considerPipeline, bool askUser)
     // select mandatory parametes
     var unsetMandatories = GetMandatoryUnboundParameters(parameterSet, considerPipeline).ToList();
     // check if we got something to do, otherwise we're fine
     if (unsetMandatories.Count == 0)
     Dictionary<CommandParameterInfo, PSObject> values = null;
     if (askUser)
         // try to get this value from UI
         values = GatherParameterValues(unsetMandatories);
     if (values == null)
         var parameterNames = from cmdInfo in unsetMandatories select "'" + cmdInfo.Name + "'";
         var missingNames = String.Join(", ", parameterNames);
         var msg = String.Format("Missing value for mandatory parameters {0}.", missingNames);
         throw new ParameterBindingException(msg, "MissingMandatoryParameters");
     foreach (var pair in values)
         if (pair.Value == null)
             // WORKAROUND: PS throws a MethodInvocationException when binding pipeline parameters
             // that is when a user shouldn't be asked anymore... let's do the same
             if (askUser)
                 var msg = String.Format("Missing value for mandatory parameter '{0}'.", pair.Key.Name);
                 throw new ParameterBindingException(msg, "MissingMandatoryParameter");
                 var msg = "The input object cannot be bound as it doesn't provide some mandatory information: "
                     + pair.Key.Name;
                 throw new MethodInvocationException(msg);
         BindParameter(pair.Key, pair.Value, true);
Пример #40
 private void BindPositionalParameters(CommandParameterCollection parameters, CommandParameterSetInfo parameterSet)
     var parametersWithoutName = from param in parameters
                                     where String.IsNullOrEmpty(param.Name)
                                 select param;
     if (parameterSet == null)
         if (parametersWithoutName.Any())
     var positionals = (from param in parameterSet.Parameters
         where param.Position >= 0
         orderby param.Position ascending
         select param).ToList();
     int i = 0;
     foreach (var curParam in parametersWithoutName)
         bool bound = false;
         while (!bound)
             if (i < positionals.Count)
                 var affectedParam = positionals[i];
                 if (!_boundParameters.Contains(affectedParam.MemberInfo))
                     BindParameter(affectedParam, curParam.Value, true);
                     bound = true;
                 var msg = String.Format("Positional parameter not found for provided argument '{0}'", curParam.Value);
                 throw new ParameterBindingException(msg, "PositionalParameterNotFound");
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs an instance of a ParameterSetSignature
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandParamInfoSet">Collection of parameter info</param>
        public ParameterSetSignature(CommandParameterSetInfo commandParamInfoSet)
            List<ParameterInfo> parameterInfo = new List<ParameterInfo>();
            foreach (CommandParameterInfo commandParameterInfo in commandParamInfoSet.Parameters)
                if (!commonParameterNames.Contains(commandParameterInfo.Name))
                    parameterInfo.Add(new ParameterInfo(commandParameterInfo));

            SignatureText = commandParamInfoSet.ToString();
            Parameters = parameterInfo.ToArray();
Пример #42
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// All abount Cmdlet parameters: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms714433(VS.85).aspx
        /// </remarks>
        internal override void BindArguments(PSObject obj)
            if ((obj == null) && (Parameters.Count == 0))

            // TODO: bind the arguments to the parameters
            CommandParameterSetInfo paramSetInfo = _cmdletInfo.GetDefaultParameterSet();

            // TODO: refer to the Command._ParameterSetName for a param set name

            if (obj != null)
                foreach (CommandParameterInfo paramInfo in paramSetInfo.Parameters)
                    if (paramInfo.ValueFromPipeline)
                        // TODO: extract this into a method
                        PropertyInfo pi = Command.GetType().GetProperty(paramInfo.Name, paramInfo.ParameterType);
                        pi.SetValue(Command, obj, null);

            if (Parameters.Count > 0)
                // bind by position location
                for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.Count; i++)
                    CommandParameterInfo paramInfo = null;

                    CommandParameter parameter = Parameters[i];

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.Name))
                        paramInfo = paramSetInfo.GetParameterByPosition(i);

                        if (paramInfo != null)
                            // TODO: extract this into a method
                            PropertyInfo pi = Command.GetType().GetProperty(paramInfo.Name, paramInfo.ParameterType);
                            // TODO: make this generic
                            if (pi.PropertyType == typeof(PSObject[]))
                                PSObject[] arr = new PSObject[] { PSObject.AsPSObject(Parameters[i].Value) };
                                pi.SetValue(Command, arr, null);
                            else if (pi.PropertyType == typeof(String[]))
                                String[] arr = new String[] { Parameters[i].Value.ToString() };
                                pi.SetValue(Command, arr, null);
                                pi.SetValue(Command, Parameters[i].Value, null);
                        paramInfo = paramSetInfo.GetParameterByName(parameter.Name);

                        if (paramInfo != null)
                            // TODO: extract this into a method
                            PropertyInfo pi = Command.GetType().GetProperty(paramInfo.Name, paramInfo.ParameterType);
                            pi.SetValue(Command, Parameters[i].Value, null);