Пример #1
        private void LayoutRoot_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            txbSubId.Text      = subjectViewInfo.SubjectInfo.SUBJECTID.ToString() + ".";
            txbSubContent.Text = subjectViewInfo.SubjectInfo.CONTENT;

            System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable <T_OA_REQUIREDETAIL> oanswerList = subjectViewInfo.AnswerList.OrderBy(ee => ee.CODE);
            foreach (T_OA_REQUIREDETAIL i in oanswerList)
                if (i.CONTENT != "无")
                    //根据答案 获取每个答案的统计结果
                    V_SSubjectAnswerResult v = null;
                    if (_SubAnswerResult != null)
                        v = _SubAnswerResult.LstAnswer.FirstOrDefault(ee => ee.AnswerCode == i.CODE);
                    if (v == null)
                        v = new V_SSubjectAnswerResult();

                    SurveyAnswer_1 sa = new SurveyAnswer_1(i.CODE, i.CONTENT, v.Count);
        public void NullSourceComparer()
            System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable <int> source = null;
            AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("source", () => source.ThenByDescending(i => i, null));
Пример #3
        //internal static TextStyle ToMekanik(this SFML.Graphics.Text.Styles @this) { return (TextStyle)((int)@this); }
        ////internal static SFML.Graphics.Text.Styles ToSfml(this TextStyle @this) { return (SFML.Graphics.Text.Styles)((int)@this); }
        //internal static SFML.Graphics.Text.Styles ToSfml(this TextStyle @this)
        //	SFML.Graphics.Text.Styles @out = SFML.Graphics.Text.Styles.Regular;
        //	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        //	{
        //		if (@this.HasFlag((TextStyle)i))
        //			@out |= (SFML.Graphics.Text.Styles)i;
        //	}
        //	return @out;

        public static Bunch <T> ToBunch <T>(this System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable <T> @this)
            return(new Bunch <T>()
Пример #4
        // Sort notes into 2 groups- the one below center and one above
        void Sort(DateTime lower, DateTime upper)
            List <CwaNote> notes = _Notes.Values.ToList();

            _NotesSortedUpper = notes
                                .Where(note => note.dtUnified > upper)
                                .OrderBy(note => note.dtUnified);

            _NotesSortedLower = notes
                                .Where(note => note.dtUnified < lower)
                                .OrderByDescending(note => note.dtUnified);
Пример #5
        void OrderSource_QueryFBEntitiesCompleted(object sender, QueryFBEntitiesCompletedEventArgs e)
            List <OrderEntity> list = e.Result.ToEntityAdapterList <OrderEntity>().ToList <OrderEntity>();

            //this.OrderEntities = e.Result.ToEntityAdapterList<OrderEntity>();
            //this.OrderEntities = e.Result.ToEntityAdapterList<OrderEntity>();

            System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable <OrderEntity> itest = from item in list
                                                                 orderby item.Entity.GetObjValue("UPDATEDATE") descending
                                                                 select item;

            this.OrderEntities = itest.ToList();
Пример #6
        public static double MedianLow
            this Memory <uint> x
            int n = x.Length;

            System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable <uint> x_ordered = x.ToArray().OrderBy(x_i => x_i);
            int n2 = n / 2 - 1;

            if (n % 2 == 1)
                return(x_ordered.ElementAt((n + 1) / 2 - 1));

Пример #7
        public void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("{0,55}", "///   SHOW ALL LESSONS.   ///");

            List <Lesson> _lessons = new Database.CRUD().SelectLessons();

            System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable <Lesson> _sortedLesson = from u in _lessons orderby u.Name ascending select u;

            Console.WriteLine("{0,55}", "TABLE 'LESSONS'\n");
            Console.WriteLine("| {0,-5} | {1,26} |", "ID", "NAME");

            foreach (Lesson i in _sortedLesson)
                Console.WriteLine("| {0,-5} | {1,26} |", i.LessonId, i.Name);
        public void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("{0,55}", "///   SHOW ALL AUTHORS.   ///");

            List <Author> _authors = new Database.CRUD().SelectAuthors();

            System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable <Author> _sortedAuthors = from u in _authors orderby u.AuthorId ascending select u;
            Console.WriteLine("{0,55}", "TABLE 'AUTHORS'\n");
            Console.WriteLine("| {0,-5} | {1,15}  |  {2,15}  |",
                              "ID", "NAME", "SURNAME");
            foreach (Author i in _authors)
                Console.WriteLine("| {0,-5} | {1,15}  |  {2,15}  |",
                                  i.AuthorId, i.Name, i.Surname);
Пример #9
    public float GetValue(int x, int y, int z = 0, int pointIndex = 0)
        if (_points == null)
            throw new Exception("Call the Generate map method first.");

        int max = Math.Max(Math.Max(Width, Height), Depth);

        int index = x + (y * Width) + (z * Width * Height);

        float[] distances = new float[_points.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < distances.Length; i++)
            distances[i] = Map(Vector3.Distance(new Vector3(x, y, z), _points[i]), 0, max / 2, 0, 1);
        System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable <float> ordered = distances.OrderBy(d => d);

        return(ordered.ElementAt(pointIndex % NbOfPoints));
Пример #10
        public void Preset()
            _Dates = new Dates();

            dtCalcCenter = dtCalcCenterRequested = DateTime.MinValue;

            Result = new Dictionary <StatProperty, int>();

            _idPrev = String.Empty;
            _idNext = String.Empty;

            _NotesSortedUpper = null;
            _NotesSortedLower = null;

            _Worker = new BackgroundWorker();
            _Worker.WorkerReportsProgress      = false;
            _Worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = false;
            _Worker.DoWork             += Worker_DoWork;
            _Worker.RunWorkerCompleted += Worker_RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler;
        public void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("{0,55}", "///   SHOW ALL BOOKS.   ///");

            List <Book> _books = new List <Book>();

            _books = new Database.CRUD().SelectBooks();

            System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable <Book> _sortedBooks = from u in _books orderby u.Author.Surname ascending select u;

            Console.WriteLine("{0,55}", "TABLE 'BOOKS'\n");
            Console.WriteLine("| {0,-5} | {1,25} | {2,15} | {3,15} | {4,20} | {5,20} |",
                              "ID", "NAME", "YEAR OF PUBLISH", "AUTHOR NAME", "AUTHOR SURNAME", "IS AVAILABLE");

            foreach (Book i in _sortedBooks)
                Console.WriteLine("| {0,-5} | {1,25} | {2,15} | {3,15} | {4,20} | {5,20} |",
                                  i.BookId, i.Name, i.YearOfPublish, i.Author.Name, i.Author.Surname, i.IsAvailable);
        public void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("{0,55}", "///   SHOW ALL STUDENTS.   ///");

            List <Student> _studentList = new List <Student>();

            _studentList = new Database.CRUD().SelectStudents();

            System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable <Student> _sortedStudentList = from u in _studentList orderby u.Course ascending select u;

            Console.WriteLine("{0,55}", "TABLE 'STUDENTS'\n");
            Console.WriteLine("| {0,-5} | {1,15}  |  {2,15}  |  {3,20}  |  {4,8}  |  {5,15} |",
                              "ID", "NAME", "SURNAME", "DATE OF BIRTH", "COURSE", "FACULTY");
            foreach (Student i in _sortedStudentList)
                Console.WriteLine("| {0,-5} | {1,15}  |  {2,15}  |  {3,20}  |  {4,8}  |  {5,15} |",
                                  i.StudentId, i.Name, i.Surname, i.BirthDate.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd"), i.Course, i.Faculty.Name);

Пример #13
        private void LayoutRoot_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            txbSubId.Text      = subjectViewInfo.SubjectInfo.SUBJECTID.ToString() + ".";
            txbSubContent.Text = subjectViewInfo.SubjectInfo.CONTENT;
            System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable <T_OA_REQUIREDETAIL> oanswerList = subjectViewInfo.AnswerList.OrderBy(ee => ee.CODE);
            foreach (T_OA_REQUIREDETAIL anserInfo in oanswerList)
                if (anserInfo.CONTENT != "无")
                    SurveyAnswer sa = new SurveyAnswer(anserInfo);
                    sa.IsShowResult = isShowResult;
                    if (isShowResult != 0 && isShowResult != 3)
                        txtComments.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                    if (resultDetail != null)
                        if (resultDetail.RESULT == anserInfo.CODE)
                            sa.IsSelected = true;
                            if (resultDetail.CONTENT != null)
                                txtComments.Text = resultDetail.CONTENT;
            ImageButton btn = new ImageButton();

            btn.Margin = new Thickness(0);
            btn.AddButtonAction("/SMT.SaaS.FrameworkUI;Component/Images/ToolBar/ico_16_4406in.png", Utility.GetResourceStr("OTHERSUGGEST"));
            btn.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(chk_Other);
Пример #14
    private void ProcessSeatlist(JSONObject messageObj)
        List <JSONObject> tempDeskInfos = messageObj["body"]["desks"].list;

        System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable <JSONObject> deskInfos = tempDeskInfos.OrderBy(obj => int.Parse(obj[0].ToString()));

        GameObject deskPrefab = DeskPrefab();
        UIGrid     desksGrid  = (UIGrid)vDesks.GetComponent(typeof(UIGrid));

        Vector2 padding = DeskPadding();

        desksGrid.cellWidth  = padding.x;
        desksGrid.cellHeight = padding.y;
        desksGrid.maxPerLine = DeskRowCount();

        foreach (JSONObject deskInfo in deskInfos)
            if (deskInfo.type == JSONObject.Type.NULL)

            string            deskId    = deskInfo[0].ToString();
            bool              isPlaying = deskInfo[1].b;
            List <JSONObject> seatInfos = deskInfo[2].list;

            GameObject desk = (GameObject)Instantiate(deskPrefab);
            desk.name                 = "Desk_" + deskId;
            desk.transform.parent     = vDesks;
            desk.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;

            ((UILabel)desk.transform.Find("ID").GetComponentInChildren(typeof(UILabel))).text = deskId;
            UpdateDeskState(desk.transform, isPlaying);
            for (int j = 0; j < seatInfos.Count; j++)
                Transform deskSeat = desk.transform.Find("Seat_" + j);
                if (deskSeat == null)

                DeskSeatInfo seatInfo = (DeskSeatInfo)deskSeat.GetComponent(typeof(DeskSeatInfo));
                seatInfo.deskId = deskId;
                seatInfo.seatId = j;

                UIButtonMessage messageButton = (UIButtonMessage)deskSeat.GetComponent(typeof(UIButtonMessage));
                messageButton.target       = this.gameObject;
                messageButton.functionName = "OnSeatButtonClick";

                if (seatInfos[j].type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY)
                    DoSitdown(deskSeat, seatInfos[j][0].ToString(), j, (int)seatInfos[j][1].n);
        desksGrid.repositionNow = true;
        private void contextMenu_BuildMenu(bool pbRebuild = true)
            //{            // Remove any old column name items
            for (int i = theContextMenu.Items.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                if (((MenuItem)theContextMenu.Items[i]).FontWeight != FontWeights.Bold)

            nBaseItems = theContextMenu.Items.Count;

            // Attach the context menu to the DataGrid ColumnHeaders
            var headersPresenter = WPFDataGridConfigurationBehaviorFinder.FindChild <DataGridColumnHeadersPresenter>(dataGrid);

            if (headersPresenter == null)
                return; // dirty hack to fix a creahs when loading first different pages than the one containing this element
            ContextMenuService.SetContextMenu(headersPresenter, theContextMenu);

            if (VisibleColumns == null)
                throw (new SettingsPropertyNotFoundException("User's VisibleColumns setting not found."));

            // Get the current column ordering from user.config

            if (DisplayIndexes == null)
                throw (new SettingsPropertyNotFoundException("User's DisplayIndexes setting not found."));

            AllColumnDisplayIndexes = DisplayIndexes;
            string[] colIndexes = AllColumnDisplayIndexes.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable <DataGridColumn> dataGridColumns = dataGrid.Columns.OrderBy(x => x.DisplayIndex);

            // Sort the columns in display index order so menu header order matchs display column order
            if (pbRebuild == false)
                // Initially the datagrid column order is such that display indexes are the same as the col indexes
                if (colIndexes.Length > 0)
                    dataGridColumns = dataGrid.Columns.OrderBy(x => Convert.ToInt16(colIndexes[x.DisplayIndex]));

            if (mnuAlpha.IsChecked)
                dataGridColumns = dataGrid.Columns.OrderBy(x => x.Header.ToString());

            System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable <DataGridColumn> filteredDataGridColumns = null;
            if (wordFilter.Length > 1)
                filteredDataGridColumns = dataGrid.Columns
                                          .Where(x => x.Header.ToString().Contains(wordFilter) == true).OrderBy(x => x.Header.ToString());
            if (filteredDataGridColumns != null)
                dataGridColumns = filteredDataGridColumns;

            if (wordFilter.Length == 1)
                dataGridColumns = dataGrid.Columns
                                  .Where(x => x.Header.ToString().ToUpper().StartsWith(wordFilter.ToUpper()) == true).OrderBy(x => x.Header.ToString());

            AllColumnsHeaders = "";
            foreach (DataGridColumn col in dataGridColumns)
                // All column name to a list of all column headers for later use.
                AllColumnsHeaders = String.Format("{0};{1}", col.Header.ToString().Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\r", " "), AllColumnsHeaders);

                // Add new menu item in display order.

            string sTemp = VisibleColumns;

            VisibleColumns = null;
            VisibleColumns = sTemp;
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //{ StdErrOut(ex, MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name); }