public void ReadLiftFile_CurrentVersion_Happy() { using (TempFile f = new TempFile(string.Format("<lift version='{0}'></lift>", Validator.LiftVersion))) { _parser.ReadLiftFile(f.Path); } }
public void FileSystemWatcher_Renamed_Negative() { using (var testDirectory = new TempDirectory(GetTestFilePath())) using (var dir = new TempDirectory(Path.Combine(testDirectory.Path, GetTestFileName()))) using (var watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(testDirectory.Path)) { // put everything in our own directory to avoid collisions watcher.Path = Path.GetFullPath(dir.Path); watcher.Filter = "*.*"; AutoResetEvent eventOccurred = WatchForEvents(watcher, WatcherChangeTypes.Renamed); watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; // run all scenarios together to avoid unnecessary waits, // assert information is verbose enough to trace to failure cause // create a file using (var testFile = new TempFile(Path.Combine(dir.Path, "file"))) using (var testDir = new TempDirectory(Path.Combine(dir.Path, "dir"))) { // change a file File.WriteAllText(testFile.Path, "changed"); // deleting a file & directory by leaving the using block } ExpectNoEvent(eventOccurred, "created"); } }
public void Should_create_temporary_file() { using( var file = new TempFile() ) { Assert.IsTrue(file.FileInfo.Exists); } }
public void Creating_thumbnail_creates_new_entry_in_cache() { var cache = generator.Cache as ThumbnailCache; Assert.IsNotNull(cache); Assert.AreEqual(0, cache.CacheDirectory.GetFiles().Length); using( var thumb = new TempFile()) // This will be the location of the thumbnail using (var image = new TempFile("{0}.jpg")) // This is the test image we will make a thumb out of using (var destStream = image.FileInfo.OpenWrite()) // Writes the test image data to the test image file using (var imageStream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Foundation.Tests.Resources.TestImage.jpg")) { var buffer = new byte[9012]; var bytesRead = imageStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); while (bytesRead > 0) { destStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); bytesRead = imageStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } destStream.Close(); imageStream.Close(); // Create thumbnail generator.Generate(image.FileInfo.FullName, thumb.FileInfo.FullName); } Assert.AreEqual(1, ((ThumbnailCache) generator.Cache).CacheDirectory.GetFiles().Length); }
public void IsMigrationNeeded_ReturnsTrue() { using (TempFile f = new TempFile("<lift version='0.10'></lift>")) { Assert.IsTrue(Migrator.IsMigrationNeeded(f.Path)); } }
public void IsMigrationNeeded_Latest_ReturnsFalse() { using (TempFile f = new TempFile(string.Format("<lift version='{0}'></lift>", Validator.LiftVersion))) { Assert.IsFalse(Migrator.IsMigrationNeeded(f.Path)); } }
public void DataShared() { // Create a new file and load it into an MMF using (TempFile file = new TempFile(GetTestFilePath(), 4096)) using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(file.Path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite)) using (MemoryMappedFile mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(fs, null, fs.Length, MemoryMappedFileAccess.ReadWrite, HandleInheritability.None, true)) using (MemoryMappedViewAccessor acc = mmf.CreateViewAccessor()) { // Write some known data to the map long capacity = acc.Capacity; for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) { acc.Write(i, (byte)i); } acc.Flush(); // Spawn and then wait for the other process, which will verify the data and write its own known pattern RemoteInvoke("DataShared_OtherProcess", file.Path).Dispose(); // Now verify we're seeing the data from the other process for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) { Assert.Equal((byte)(capacity - i - 1), acc.ReadByte(i)); } } }
internal void AddBytes(byte[] data, int offset, int length) { if (this._completed) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (length > 0) { if (this._file == null) { if ((this._length + length) <= this._data.Length) { Array.Copy(data, offset, this._data, this._length, length); this._length += length; return; } if ((this._length + length) <= this._fileThreshold) { byte[] destinationArray = new byte[this._fileThreshold]; if (this._length > 0) { Array.Copy(this._data, 0, destinationArray, 0, this._length); } Array.Copy(data, offset, destinationArray, this._length, length); this._data = destinationArray; this._length += length; return; } this._file = new TempFile(); this._file.AddBytes(this._data, 0, this._length); } this._file.AddBytes(data, offset, length); this._length += length; } }
public void DeleteWritingSystemId(string id) { var fileToBeWrittenTo = new IO.TempFile(); var reader = XmlReader.Create(_liftFilePath, Xml.CanonicalXmlSettings.CreateXmlReaderSettings()); var writer = XmlWriter.Create(fileToBeWrittenTo.Path, Xml.CanonicalXmlSettings.CreateXmlWriterSettings()); //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(fileToBeWrittenTo.Path); try { bool readerMovedByXmlDocument = false; while (readerMovedByXmlDocument || reader.Read()) { readerMovedByXmlDocument = false; var xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Name == "entry") { var entryFragment = xmldoc.ReadNode(reader); readerMovedByXmlDocument = true; var nodesWithLangId = entryFragment.SelectNodes(String.Format("//*[@lang='{0}']", id)); if (nodesWithLangId != null) { foreach (XmlNode node in nodesWithLangId) { var parent = node.SelectSingleNode("parent::*"); if (node.Name == "gloss") { parent.RemoveChild(node); } else { var siblingNodes = node.SelectNodes("following-sibling::form | preceding-sibling::form"); if (siblingNodes.Count == 0) { var grandParent = parent.SelectSingleNode("parent::*"); grandParent.RemoveChild(parent); } else { parent.RemoveChild(node); } } } } entryFragment.WriteTo(writer); } else { writer.WriteNodeShallow(reader); } //writer.Flush(); } } finally { reader.Close(); writer.Close(); } File.Delete(_liftFilePath); fileToBeWrittenTo.MoveTo(_liftFilePath); }
public void SenseLiteralDefinition_WasOnSense_MovedToEntry() { using (TempFile f = new TempFile("<lift version='0.12' producer='tester'>" + "<entry>" + "<sense>" + "<field type='LiteralMeaning' dateCreated='2009-03-31T08:28:37Z'><form lang='en'><text>trial</text></form></field>" + "<trait name='SemanticDomainDdp4' value=' Opportunity'/>" + "</sense>" + "</entry>" + "</lift>")) { var path = Migrator.MigrateToLatestVersion(f.Path); try { Assert.AreEqual(Validator.LiftVersion, Validator.GetLiftVersion(path)); AssertXPathAtLeastOne("//lift[@producer='tester']", path); AssertXPathAtLeastOne("//entry/field[@type='literal-meaning']", path); AssertXPathNotFound("//entry/sense/field", path); AssertXPathAtLeastOne("//entry/sense/trait[@name='semantic-domain-ddp4']", path); AssertXPathNotFound("//entry/sense/trait[@name='SemanticDomainDdp4']", path); } finally { File.Delete(path); } } }
public TestEnvironment(string rfctag, string rfctag2) { _folder = new TemporaryFolder("WritingSystemsInoptionListFileHelper"); var pathtoOptionsListFile1 = Path.Combine(_folder.Path, "test1.xml"); _optionListFile = new IO.TempFile(String.Format(_optionListFileContent, rfctag, rfctag2)); _optionListFile.MoveTo(pathtoOptionsListFile1); }
public void MigrateToLatestVersion_HasCurrentVersion_Throws() { using (TempFile f = new TempFile(string.Format("<lift version='{0}'></lift>", Validator.LiftVersion))) { Migrator.MigrateToLatestVersion(f.Path); } }
public void MigrateToLatestVersion_VersionWithoutMigrationXsl_Throws() { using (TempFile f = new TempFile("<lift version='0.5'></lift>")) { Migrator.MigrateToLatestVersion(f.Path); } }
public void ReadLiftFile_OldVersion_Throws() { using (TempFile f = new TempFile(string.Format("<lift version='{0}'></lift>", /*Validator.LiftVersion*/ "0.0"))) { _parser.ReadLiftFile(f.Path); } }
public TestEnvironment(string liftFileContent) { _folder = new TemporaryFolder("WritingSystemsInLiftFileHelper"); var pathtoLiftFile1 = Path.Combine(_folder.Path, "test1.lift"); _liftFile1 = new IO.TempFile(liftFileContent); _liftFile1.MoveTo(pathtoLiftFile1); Helper = new WritingSystemsInLiftFileHelper(WritingSystems, _liftFile1.Path); }
public void Can_read_and_write_text() { using( var file = new TempFile() ) { var text = TestStrings.Internationalisation; file.WriteAllText(text); Assert.AreEqual(text, file.ReadAllText()); } }
public void Allows_constructor_argument_to_choose_filename() { using( var file = new TempFile("{0}.gif")) { file.FileInfo.Refresh(); Assert.IsTrue(file.FileInfo.Name.EndsWith(".gif", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); Assert.IsTrue(file.FileInfo.Exists); } }
public void GetMappingCollection_returns_mapping() { var edmxContents = @"<?xml version='1.0'?> <Edmx Version='3.0' xmlns=''> <Runtime> <ConceptualModels> <Schema Namespace='Model' Alias='Self' annotation:UseStrongSpatialTypes='false' xmlns:annotation='' xmlns=''> <EntityContainer Name='DatabaseEntities' annotation:LazyLoadingEnabled='true'> <EntitySet Name='Entities' EntityType='Model.Entity' /> </EntityContainer> <EntityType Name='Entity'> <Key> <PropertyRef Name='Id' /> </Key> <Property Name='Id' Type='Int32' Nullable='false' annotation:StoreGeneratedPattern='Identity' /> </EntityType> </Schema> </ConceptualModels> <Mappings> <Mapping Space='C-S' xmlns=''> <EntityContainerMapping StorageEntityContainer='ModelStoreContainer' CdmEntityContainer='DatabaseEntities'> <EntitySetMapping Name='Entities'> <EntityTypeMapping TypeName='Model.Entity'> <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet='Entities'> <ScalarProperty Name='Id' ColumnName='Id' /> </MappingFragment> </EntityTypeMapping> </EntitySetMapping> </EntityContainerMapping> </Mapping> </Mappings> <StorageModels> <Schema Namespace='Model.Store' Alias='Self' Provider='System.Data.SqlClient' ProviderManifestToken='2008' xmlns:store='' xmlns=''> <EntityContainer Name='ModelStoreContainer'> <EntitySet Name='Entities' EntityType='Model.Store.Entities' store:Type='Tables' Schema='dbo' /> </EntityContainer> <EntityType Name='Entities'> <Key> <PropertyRef Name='Id' /> </Key> <Property Name='Id' Type='int' Nullable='false' StoreGeneratedPattern='Identity' /> </EntityType> </Schema> </StorageModels> </Runtime> </Edmx>"; StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection; using (var edmx = new TempFile(edmxContents)) { mappingCollection = new EdmxUtility(edmx.FileName) .GetMappingCollection(); } Assert.True(mappingCollection.Contains("DatabaseEntities")); }
public void AddNewPath_PathExists_PathAtTopOfList() { using (TempFile existingFile = new TempFile()) { _MostRecentPathsList.AddNewPath(existingFile.FileName); string[] mruPaths = _MostRecentPathsList.Paths; Assert.AreEqual(1, mruPaths.Length); Assert.AreEqual(existingFile.FileName, mruPaths[0]); } }
public void WrapScriptBlockWithScriptTag() { using (var tempFile = new TempFile()) { Assert.Equal( String.Format(ScriptResources.ScriptIncludeFormat, tempFile.FileName), new ScriptInclude(tempFile.FileName).ToScriptFragment() ); } }
public void Add_takes_filename_and_dimensions_and_creates_new_file_in_cache() { using( var temp = new TempFile()) { File.WriteAllText( temp.FileInfo.FullName, "Test Data"); cache.Add(temp.FileInfo.FullName, 100, 100); var cached = cache.GetCacheFile(temp.FileInfo.FullName, 100, 100); Assert.IsNotNull(cached); Assert.AreEqual("Test Data", File.ReadAllText(cached.FullName)); } }
public void SetPaths_InitializeWithValues_ValuesWereInitialized() { using (TempFile file1 = new TempFile(), file2 = new TempFile(), file3 = new TempFile()) { _MostRecentPathsList.Paths = new string[] {file1.FileName, file2.FileName, file3.FileName}; Assert.AreEqual(3, _MostRecentPathsList.Paths.Length); Assert.AreEqual(file1.FileName, _MostRecentPathsList.Paths[0]); Assert.AreEqual(file2.FileName, _MostRecentPathsList.Paths[1]); Assert.AreEqual(file3.FileName, _MostRecentPathsList.Paths[2]); } }
public void CreateFromFile(int capacity) { // Note that the test results will include the disposal overhead of both the MemoryMappedFile // as well as the Accessor for it foreach (var iteration in Benchmark.Iterations) using (TempFile file = new TempFile(GetTestFilePath(), capacity)) using (iteration.StartMeasurement()) using (MemoryMappedFile mmfile = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(file.Path)) using (mmfile.CreateViewAccessor(capacity / 4, capacity / 2)) { } }
public void CanImplicitlyConvertToString() { using (var tempFile = new TempFile()) { var scriptInclude = new ScriptInclude(tempFile.FileName); String script = scriptInclude; Assert.Equal(scriptInclude.ToScriptFragment(), script); } }
public void FileSystemWatcher_EmptyAction_TriggersNothing() { using (var testDirectory = new TempDirectory(GetTestFilePath())) using (var file = new TempFile(Path.Combine(testDirectory.Path, "file"))) using (var watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(testDirectory.Path, Path.GetFileName(file.Path))) { Action action = () => { }; ExpectEvent(watcher, 0, action, expectedPath: file.Path); } }
public void CanProvideChangeRecord_AfterReset_True() { using (TempFile working = new TempFile("<lift version='0.12'/>")) { using (TempFolder cache = new TempFolder("LiftChangeDetectorTestsCache")) { LiftChangeDetector detector = new LiftChangeDetector(working.Path, cache.Path); detector.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue(detector.CanProvideChangeRecord); } } }
public void FileSystemWatcher_Renamed_FileInNestedDirectory() { TestNestedDirectoriesHelper(GetTestFilePath(), WatcherChangeTypes.Renamed | WatcherChangeTypes.Created, (AutoResetEvent are, TempDirectory ttd) => { using (var nestedFile = new TempFile(Path.Combine(ttd.Path, "nestedFile"))) { ExpectEvent(are, "file created"); File.Move(nestedFile.Path, nestedFile.Path + "_2"); ExpectEvent(are, "renamed"); } }); }
public void Should_delete_temporary_file_when_finished() { string filename; using( var file = new TempFile() ) { filename = file.FileInfo.FullName; Assert.IsTrue(file.FileInfo.Exists); } Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(filename)); }
public void FileSystemWatcher_FileInfoGetter_TriggersNothing() { using (var testDirectory = new TempDirectory(GetTestFilePath())) using (var file = new TempFile(Path.Combine(testDirectory.Path, "file"))) using (var watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(testDirectory.Path, Path.GetFileName(file.Path))) { FileAttributes res; Action action = () => res = new FileInfo(file.Path).Attributes; ExpectEvent(watcher, 0, action, expectedPath: file.Path); } }
public void GetChangeReport_NoChanges_PerformanceTest() { using (TempFile working = new TempFile(_originalLift)) { int howManyEntries = 10000; Debug.WriteLine("running test using "+howManyEntries.ToString()+" entries"); using (XmlWriter w = XmlWriter.Create(working.Path)) { w.WriteStartElement("lift"); for (int i = 0; i < howManyEntries; i++) { w.WriteStartElement("entry"); w.WriteAttributeString("id", i.ToString()); w.WriteElementString("lexical-unit", "<form lang='x'><text>" + Path.GetRandomFileName() //just a way to get some random text + "</text></form>"); w.WriteElementString("gloss", "<form lang='y'><text>" + Path.GetRandomFileName() //just a way to get some random text + "</text></form>"); w.WriteEndElement(); } w.WriteEndElement(); } using (TempFolder cache = new TempFolder("LiftChangeDetectorTestsCache")) { LiftChangeDetector detector = new LiftChangeDetector(working.Path, cache.Path); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); detector.Reset(); timer.Stop(); Debug.WriteLine("reset took "+timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds+" seconds"); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); ILiftChangeReport report = detector.GetChangeReport(null); timer.Stop(); Debug.WriteLine("getting report took " + timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " seconds"); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < howManyEntries; i++) { report.GetChangeType(i.ToString()); } timer.Stop(); Debug.WriteLine("Time to inquire about each entry " + timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " seconds"); } } }