public LocalMarketDataStorageDrive(LocalMarketDataDrive parent, SecurityId securityId, string fileName, StorageFormats format, IMarketDataDrive drive) { if (parent == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("parent"); } if (securityId.IsDefault()) { throw new ArgumentNullException("securityId"); } if (drive == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("drive"); } if (fileName.IsEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName"); } _parent = parent; _securityId = securityId; _fileName = fileName; _format = format; _drive = drive; _fileNameWithExtension = _fileName + GetExtension(_format); _datesDict = new Lazy <CachedSynchronizedOrderedDictionary <DateTime, DateTime> >(() => { var retVal = new CachedSynchronizedOrderedDictionary <DateTime, DateTime>(); var datesPath = GetDatesCachePath(); if (File.Exists(datesPath)) { foreach (var date in LoadDates()) { retVal.Add(date, date); } } else { var rootDir = Path; var dates = InteropHelper .GetDirectories(rootDir) .Where(dir => File.Exists(IOPath.Combine(dir, _fileNameWithExtension))) .Select(dir => IOPath.GetFileName(dir).ToDateTime(_dateFormat)); foreach (var date in dates) { retVal.Add(date, date); } SaveDates(retVal.CachedValues); } return(retVal); }).Track(); }
public TempDirectory() { Path = IOPath.Combine(IOPath.GetTempPath(), IOPath.GetRandomFileName()); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path); }
private void RenderPreviews() { //render the segment previews for the visualization Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(outdir, "\\previews\\")); //read in the patterns and save out their layers List <PatternItem> patterns = PatternIO.GetPatterns(imagedir); int hpadding = 30; foreach (PatternItem p in patterns) { Bitmap image = new Bitmap(p.FullPath); String basename = p.Name; if (!palettes.ContainsKey(basename)) { continue; } PaletteData palette = palettes[basename]; ColorTemplate template = new ColorTemplate(image, palette); SegmentMesh mesh = new SegmentMesh(template); //create a pattern directory (Not using PatternIO here, since each pattern has its own directory anyways) String patternDir = Path.Combine(outdir, "previews", Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "", "")); Directory.CreateDirectory(patternDir); //for each segment, pair of adjacent segments, and group, output a preview image List <Segment> segs = mesh.getSegments(); List <SegmentGroup> groups = mesh.getGroups(); Bitmap original = (renderFinal)? image : template.DebugQuantization(); Bitmap previewBase = new Bitmap(original.Width * 2 + hpadding, original.Height); //draw the original image on the right Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(previewBase); g.DrawImage(original, original.Width + hpadding, 0); //draw a grayscaled image on the left for (int i = 0; i < original.Width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < original.Height; j++) { int gray = (int)Math.Round(255 * original.GetPixel(i, j).GetBrightness()); previewBase.SetPixel(i, j, Color.FromArgb(gray, gray, gray)); } } //color in orange and blue for (int i = 0; i < segs.Count(); i++) { Bitmap unary = new Bitmap(previewBase); foreach (var point in segs[i].points) { unary.SetPixel(point.X, point.Y, Color.Orange); } unary.Save(Path.Combine(patternDir, "s" + i + ".png")); foreach (int j in segs[i].adjacencies) { if (j > i) { Bitmap binary = new Bitmap(unary); Segment neighbor = segs[j]; foreach (var point in neighbor.points) { binary.SetPixel(point.X, point.Y, Color.ForestGreen); } binary.Save(Path.Combine(patternDir, "s" + i + "-s" + j + ".png")); binary.Dispose(); } } unary.Dispose(); } for (int i = 0; i < groups.Count(); i++) { Bitmap group = new Bitmap(previewBase); foreach (int j in groups[i].members) { Segment member = segs[j]; //color in the points foreach (var point in member.points) { group.SetPixel(point.X, point.Y, Color.Orange); } } group.Save(Path.Combine(patternDir, "g" + i + ".png")); group.Dispose(); } original.Dispose(); previewBase.Dispose(); } }
private string GetDatesCachePath() { return(IOPath.Combine(Path, GetDatesCacheFileName())); }
private void _ExportBeginImpl(string[] features, bool isDebug, string path, int flags) { if (!File.Exists(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath)) { return; } string platform = DeterminePlatformFromFeatures(features); if (platform == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Target platform not supported"); } string outputDir = new FileInfo(path).Directory?.FullName ?? throw new FileNotFoundException("Base directory not found"); string buildConfig = isDebug ? "Debug" : "Release"; string scriptsMetadataPath = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.ResMetadataDir, $"scripts_metadata.{(isDebug ? "debug" : "release")}"); CsProjOperations.GenerateScriptsMetadata(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectCsProjPath, scriptsMetadataPath); AddFile(scriptsMetadataPath, scriptsMetadataPath); // Turn export features into defines var godotDefines = features; if (!BuildManager.BuildProjectBlocking(buildConfig, godotDefines)) { throw new Exception("Failed to build project"); } // Add dependency assemblies var dependencies = new Godot.Collections.Dictionary <string, string>(); var projectDllName = (string)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("application/config/name"); if (projectDllName.Empty()) { projectDllName = "UnnamedProject"; } string projectDllSrcDir = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.ResTempAssembliesBaseDir, buildConfig); string projectDllSrcPath = Path.Combine(projectDllSrcDir, $"{projectDllName}.dll"); dependencies[projectDllName] = projectDllSrcPath; { string platformBclDir = DeterminePlatformBclDir(platform); internal_GetExportedAssemblyDependencies(projectDllName, projectDllSrcPath, buildConfig, platformBclDir, dependencies); } string apiConfig = isDebug ? "Debug" : "Release"; string resAssembliesDir = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.ResAssembliesBaseDir, apiConfig); foreach (var dependency in dependencies) { string dependSrcPath = dependency.Value; string dependDstPath = Path.Combine(resAssembliesDir, dependSrcPath.GetFile()); AddFile(dependSrcPath, dependDstPath); } // Mono specific export template extras (data dir) string outputDataDir = null; if (PlatformHasTemplateDir(platform)) { outputDataDir = ExportDataDirectory(features, platform, isDebug, outputDir); } // AOT if ((bool)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/enabled")) { AotCompileDependencies(features, platform, isDebug, outputDir, outputDataDir, dependencies); } }
private void Vis(bool figureQuality = false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outdir + "\\viscolor\\"); Directory.CreateDirectory(outdir + "\\vis\\"); //read in the patterns and save out their layers List <PatternItem> patterns = PatternIO.GetPatterns(imagedir); foreach (PatternItem p in patterns) { String basename = p.Name; //Read the vis permutation description if available String specs = Path.Combine(outdir, "vis", p.Directory, Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "", ".txt")); if (!File.Exists(specs)) { continue; } Bitmap image = new Bitmap(p.FullPath); if (!palettes.ContainsKey(basename)) { continue; } PaletteData palette = palettes[basename]; ColorTemplate template = new ColorTemplate(image, palette); int[] slotToColor = new int[template.NumSlots()]; for (int i = 0; i < slotToColor.Count(); i++) { slotToColor[i] = i; } Dictionary <int, int> groupToSlot = new Dictionary <int, int>(); PaletteData data = new PaletteData(); int ngroups = 0; for (int i = 0; i < slotToColor.Count(); i++) { slotToColor[i] = i; data.colors.Add(new Color()); data.lab.Add(new CIELAB()); if (template.PixelsInSlot(i) > 0) { groupToSlot.Add(ngroups++, i); } } Bitmap vis = null; Graphics g = null; String[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(specs); //read the score and if it's the original or not double score = 0; bool orig = false; int nresult = 0; int y = 0; int x = 0; int ncol = 8; int iwidth = 200; int iheight = 200; int padding = (figureQuality) ? 8 : 15; Font font = new Font("Arial", 8); int colorIdx = 0; foreach (String line in lines) { if (line.StartsWith("Count")) { int count = Int32.Parse(line.Split(' ').Last()); //initialize the result image int nrow = count / ncol + 1; vis = new Bitmap(ncol * iwidth, nrow * iheight); g = Graphics.FromImage(vis); } else if (line.StartsWith("Score")) { //add the result to the visualization x = (nresult % ncol) * iwidth; y = (nresult / ncol) * iheight; if (colorIdx > 0) { Bitmap result = (renderFinal) ? GetFinalRendering(Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "", ""), data): template.SolidColor(data, slotToColor); //sometimes we can't get the nice image, so render the quantized image in this case if (result == null) { result = template.SolidColor(data, slotToColor); } g.DrawImage(result, x, y, iwidth - padding, iheight - padding); String label = String.Format("{0:0.00}", score); Color color = Color.Black; if (orig) { label += ", ***"; color = Color.Red; } if (!figureQuality) { g.DrawString(label, font, new SolidBrush(color), x, y + iheight - padding); } result.Dispose(); colorIdx = 0; //data.colors.Clear(); //data.lab.Clear(); nresult++; } score = Double.Parse(line.Split(' ')[1]); orig = Boolean.Parse(line.Split(' ')[2]); } else { //rgb floats int[] fields = line.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select <String, int>(s => ((int)(Math.Round(double.Parse(s) * 255)))).ToArray <int>(); Color color = Color.FromArgb(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2]); data.colors[groupToSlot[colorIdx]] = color; data.lab[groupToSlot[colorIdx]] = Util.RGBtoLAB(color); colorIdx++; } } //save the last image if (data.colors.Count() > 0) { x = (nresult % ncol) * iwidth; y = (nresult / ncol) * iheight; Bitmap result = (renderFinal)? GetFinalRendering(Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "", ""), data): template.SolidColor(data, slotToColor); //sometimes we can't get the nice image, so render the quantized image in this case if (result == null) { result = template.SolidColor(data, slotToColor); } g.DrawImage(result, x, y, iwidth - padding, iheight - padding); Color color = Color.Black; String label = String.Format("{0:0.00}", score); if (orig) { label += ", ***"; color = Color.Red; } if (!figureQuality) { g.DrawString(label, font, new SolidBrush(color), x, y + iheight - padding); } result.Dispose(); //data.colors.Clear(); //data.lab.Clear(); colorIdx = 0; nresult++; } PatternIO.SavePattern(vis, p, Path.Combine(outdir, "viscolor")); vis.Dispose(); } }
public static void Go() { Texture fntTex = (Texture)Selection.activeObject; var fontName =; var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(fntTex); Sprite[] spts = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(path).OfType <Sprite>().ToArray(); var dirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); var matPath = Path.Combine(dirPath, fontName + ".mat"); var fntMat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(matPath); if (fntMat == null) { fntMat = new Material(Shader.Find("UI/Default")); fntMat.mainTexture = fntTex; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(fntMat, matPath); } var fontPath = Path.Combine(dirPath, + ".fontsettings"); var font = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Font>(fontPath); if (font == null) { font = new Font(; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(font, fontPath); } CharacterInfo[] infos = new CharacterInfo[spts.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < spts.Length; i++) { var spt = spts[i]; if (i == 0) { Debug.Log("rect:" + spt.rect); Debug.Log("textureRect:" + spt.textureRect); Debug.Log("textureRectOffset:" + spt.textureRectOffset); } var uvRect = spt.rect; uvRect.x = (float)uvRect.x / fntTex.width; uvRect.y = (float)uvRect.y / fntTex.height; uvRect.width = (float)uvRect.width / fntTex.width; uvRect.height = ((float)uvRect.height / fntTex.height); // uvRect.y -= uvRect.height; var info = new CharacterInfo(); info.index =[0]; Debug.Log([0]); info.glyphWidth = (int)spt.rect.width; info.glyphHeight = (int)spt.rect.height; info.advance = (int)(spt.textureRect.width + 1); Debug.Log(info.glyphWidth); Debug.Log(info.glyphHeight); info.uvBottomLeft = uvRect.min; info.uvTopRight = uvRect.max; // info.uvTopLeft = new Vector2(uvRect.xMin, uvRect.yMin); // info.uvBottomRight = new Vector2(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMin); // info.uvTopLeft = new Vector2(uvRect.xMin, uvRect.yMax); // info.uvBottomRight = uvRect.max; // new Vector2(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMax); infos[i] = info; } font.characterInfo = infos; EditorUtility.SetDirty(font); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); //EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("提示", string.Format("功能未实现\nNot Implemented\n実装されていない\nKeine umsetzung"), "确定"); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("提示", string.Format("字体创建完成:{0}。\n注意:需要手动修改一下字体配置,否则退出后不会保存!", fontPath), "确定"); }
private void AotCompileDependencies(string[] features, string platform, bool isDebug, string outputDir, string outputDataDir, IDictionary <string, string> dependencies) { // TODO: WASM string bclDir = DeterminePlatformBclDir(platform) ?? typeof(object).Assembly.Location.GetBaseDir(); string aotTempDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), $"godot-aot-{Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id}"); if (!Directory.Exists(aotTempDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(aotTempDir); } var assemblies = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var dependency in dependencies) { string assemblyName = dependency.Key; string assemblyPath = dependency.Value; string assemblyPathInBcl = Path.Combine(bclDir, assemblyName + ".dll"); if (File.Exists(assemblyPathInBcl)) { // Don't create teporaries for assemblies from the BCL assemblies.Add(assemblyName, assemblyPathInBcl); } else { string tempAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(aotTempDir, assemblyName + ".dll"); File.Copy(assemblyPath, tempAssemblyPath); assemblies.Add(assemblyName, tempAssemblyPath); } } foreach (var assembly in assemblies) { string assemblyName = assembly.Key; string assemblyPath = assembly.Value; string sharedLibExtension = platform == OS.Platforms.Windows ? ".dll" : platform == OS.Platforms.OSX ? ".dylib" : platform == OS.Platforms.HTML5 ? ".wasm" : ".so"; string outputFileName = assemblyName + ".dll" + sharedLibExtension; if (platform == OS.Platforms.Android) { // Not sure if the 'lib' prefix is an Android thing or just Godot being picky, // but we use '-aot-' as well just in case to avoid conflicts with other libs. outputFileName = "lib-aot-" + outputFileName; } string outputFilePath = null; string tempOutputFilePath; switch (platform) { case OS.Platforms.OSX: tempOutputFilePath = Path.Combine(aotTempDir, outputFileName); break; case OS.Platforms.Android: tempOutputFilePath = Path.Combine(aotTempDir, "%%ANDROID_ABI%%", outputFileName); break; case OS.Platforms.HTML5: tempOutputFilePath = Path.Combine(aotTempDir, outputFileName); outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputDir, outputFileName); break; default: tempOutputFilePath = Path.Combine(aotTempDir, outputFileName); outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputDataDir, "Mono", platform == OS.Platforms.Windows ? "bin" : "lib", outputFileName); break; } var data = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var enabledAndroidAbis = platform == OS.Platforms.Android ? GetEnabledAndroidAbis(features).ToArray() : null; if (platform == OS.Platforms.Android) { Debug.Assert(enabledAndroidAbis != null); foreach (var abi in enabledAndroidAbis) { data["abi"] = abi; var outputFilePathForThisAbi = tempOutputFilePath.Replace("%%ANDROID_ABI%%", abi); AotCompileAssembly(platform, isDebug, data, assemblyPath, outputFilePathForThisAbi); AddSharedObject(outputFilePathForThisAbi, tags: new[] { abi }); } } else { string bits = features.Contains("64") ? "64" : features.Contains("64") ? "32" : null; if (bits != null) { data["bits"] = bits; } AotCompileAssembly(platform, isDebug, data, assemblyPath, tempOutputFilePath); if (platform == OS.Platforms.OSX) { AddSharedObject(tempOutputFilePath, tags: null); } else { Debug.Assert(outputFilePath != null); File.Copy(tempOutputFilePath, outputFilePath); } } } }
private void _ExportBeginImpl(string[] features, bool isDebug, string path, int flags) { if (!File.Exists(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath)) { return; } string platform = DeterminePlatformFromFeatures(features); if (platform == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Target platform not supported"); } string outputDir = new FileInfo(path).Directory?.FullName ?? throw new FileNotFoundException("Base directory not found"); string buildConfig = isDebug ? "Debug" : "Release"; string scriptsMetadataPath = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.ResMetadataDir, $"scripts_metadata.{(isDebug ? "debug" : "release")}"); CsProjOperations.GenerateScriptsMetadata(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectCsProjPath, scriptsMetadataPath); AddFile(scriptsMetadataPath, scriptsMetadataPath); // Turn export features into defines var godotDefines = features; if (!BuildManager.BuildProjectBlocking(buildConfig, godotDefines)) { throw new Exception("Failed to build project"); } // Add dependency assemblies var dependencies = new Godot.Collections.Dictionary <string, string>(); var projectDllName = (string)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("application/config/name"); if (projectDllName.Empty()) { projectDllName = "UnnamedProject"; } string projectDllSrcDir = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.ResTempAssembliesBaseDir, buildConfig); string projectDllSrcPath = Path.Combine(projectDllSrcDir, $"{projectDllName}.dll"); dependencies[projectDllName] = projectDllSrcPath; if (platform == OS.Platforms.Android) { string godotAndroidExtProfileDir = GetBclProfileDir("godot_android_ext"); string monoAndroidAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(godotAndroidExtProfileDir, "Mono.Android.dll"); if (!File.Exists(monoAndroidAssemblyPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Assembly not found: 'Mono.Android'", monoAndroidAssemblyPath); } dependencies["Mono.Android"] = monoAndroidAssemblyPath; } var initialDependencies = dependencies.Duplicate(); internal_GetExportedAssemblyDependencies(initialDependencies, buildConfig, DeterminePlatformBclDir(platform), dependencies); AddI18NAssemblies(dependencies, platform); string outputDataDir = null; if (PlatformHasTemplateDir(platform)) { outputDataDir = ExportDataDirectory(features, platform, isDebug, outputDir); } string apiConfig = isDebug ? "Debug" : "Release"; string resAssembliesDir = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.ResAssembliesBaseDir, apiConfig); bool assembliesInsidePck = (bool)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/export_assemblies_inside_pck") || outputDataDir == null; if (!assembliesInsidePck) { string outputDataGameAssembliesDir = Path.Combine(outputDataDir, "Assemblies"); if (!Directory.Exists(outputDataGameAssembliesDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDataGameAssembliesDir); } } foreach (var dependency in dependencies) { string dependSrcPath = dependency.Value; if (assembliesInsidePck) { string dependDstPath = Path.Combine(resAssembliesDir, dependSrcPath.GetFile()); AddFile(dependSrcPath, dependDstPath); } else { string dependDstPath = Path.Combine(outputDataDir, "Assemblies", dependSrcPath.GetFile()); File.Copy(dependSrcPath, dependDstPath); } } // AOT if ((bool)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/enabled")) { AotCompileDependencies(features, platform, isDebug, outputDir, outputDataDir, dependencies); } }
private static string GetBclProfileDir(string profile) { string templatesDir = Internal.FullTemplatesDir; return(Path.Combine(templatesDir, "bcl", profile)); }
public Task Run(string[] args) { if (!ParseArgs(args)) { PrintUsage(); Environment.Exit(1); } var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); var ct = cts.Token; Console.CancelKeyPress += (s, e) => { e.Cancel = true; cts.Cancel(); }; return(Task.Run(async() => { var res = await Toolkit.Exec("btrfs", new[] { "sub", "list", SourcePath }, ct, development); var nfos = new BtrfsNfos(); var sourcePaths = new List <string>(); foreach (var x in res.output.Lines()) { var q = x.IndexOf("path "); if (q != -1) { var relpath = x.Substring(q + "path ".Length); var subvolFullpath = Path.Combine(SourcePath, relpath); var subvolInfo = await GetSubVolumeInfo(subvolFullpath, ct); nfos.Add(SourcePath, relpath, subvolInfo.uuid, subvolInfo.parentUUID, subvolInfo.generation, subvolInfo.genAtCreation); } } #region log helper var indent = 0; Action <BtrfsNfo> logNfo = null; logNfo = (entry) => { var indentSpaces = " ".Repeat(2 * indent); System.Console.WriteLine($@" {indentSpaces}path:[{entry.Fullpath}] {indentSpaces}uuid:[{entry.UUID}] {indentSpaces}parentUUID:[{entry.ParentUUID}]=[{entry.Parent?.Fullpath}] {indentSpaces}generation:[{entry.Generation}] {indentSpaces}genAtCreation:[{entry.GenAtCreation}] {indentSpaces}children:[{entry.Children.Count()}]"); ++indent; foreach (var c in entry.Children.OrderBy(w => w.GenAtCreation)) { logNfo(c); } --indent; }; Action header1 = () => { System.Console.WriteLine("=".Repeat(78)); }; Action header2 = () => { System.Console.WriteLine("-".Repeat(78)); }; #endregion // log foreach (var entry in nfos.Entries.Where(r => r.Parent == null)) { logNfo(entry); } // plan work var workPlan = new List <BtrfsResynActionNfo>(); Action <BtrfsNfo> planWorkAct = null; planWorkAct = (entry) => { var entryCounterPart = entry.CounterPart(TargetPath); if (entry.Parent == null && !Directory.Exists(entryCounterPart)) { var dstPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(entryCounterPart); if (!Directory.Exists(dstPath)) { workPlan.Add(new BtrfsResynActionNfo(BtrfsRsyncActionMode.ensurePath, Path.GetDirectoryName(entry.Fullpath), dstPath)); } workPlan.Add(new BtrfsResynActionNfo(BtrfsRsyncActionMode.createSubvol, entry.Fullpath, entryCounterPart)); } if (entry.Children.Any()) { foreach (var(child, idx, isLast) in entry.Children.OrderBy(w => w.GenAtCreation).WithIndexIsLast()) { var childCounterPart = child.CounterPart(TargetPath); var childCounterPartExists = Directory.Exists(childCounterPart); if (childCounterPartExists) { if (!SkipSubVolResync) { workPlan.Add(new BtrfsResynActionNfo(BtrfsRsyncActionMode.rsync, child.Fullpath, childCounterPart)); } } else if (entry.Parent == null) { workPlan.Add(new BtrfsResynActionNfo(BtrfsRsyncActionMode.rsync, child.Fullpath, entryCounterPart)); workPlan.Add(new BtrfsResynActionNfo(BtrfsRsyncActionMode.snap, entryCounterPart, childCounterPart)); } if (child.Children.Any()) { planWorkAct(child); } if (isLast) { workPlan.Add(new BtrfsResynActionNfo(BtrfsRsyncActionMode.rsync, entry.Fullpath, entryCounterPart, entry.Children.Select(w => w.CounterPart(TargetPath)))); } } } else { workPlan.Add(new BtrfsResynActionNfo(BtrfsRsyncActionMode.rsync, entry.Fullpath, entryCounterPart)); } }; foreach (var entry in nfos.Entries.Where(r => r.Parent == null)) { planWorkAct(entry); } #region log workplane { System.Console.WriteLine(); header1(); System.Console.WriteLine($"WORKPLAN"); header1(); foreach (var wp in workPlan) { System.Console.WriteLine(wp.ToString()); } } #endregion #region dryrun log helper Action <string, IEnumerable <string> > dryRunProg = (p, a) => { System.Console.WriteLine($"{p} {string.Join(" ", a)}"); }; #endregion System.Console.WriteLine(); header1(); System.Console.WriteLine($"RUNNING"); header1(); foreach (var wp in workPlan) { switch (wp.Mode) { case BtrfsRsyncActionMode.ensurePath: { // TODO: acl and permission set var cmdprog = "mkdir"; var cmdargs = new List <string>() { "-p", wp.DestPath }; if (RunMode == RunMode.dryRun) { dryRunProg(cmdprog, cmdargs); } else { var cmdres = await Toolkit.ExecNoRedirect(cmdprog, cmdargs, ct, development); } } break; case BtrfsRsyncActionMode.createSubvol: { var cmdprog = "btrfs"; var cmdargs = new List <string>() { "sub", "create", wp.DestPath }; if (RunMode == RunMode.dryRun) { dryRunProg(cmdprog, cmdargs); } else { var cmdres = await Toolkit.ExecNoRedirect(cmdprog, cmdargs, ct, development); } } break; case BtrfsRsyncActionMode.rsync: { var cmdprog = "rsync"; var cmdargs = new List <string>(); cmdargs.Add("-Aav"); cmdargs.Add("--delete"); foreach (var excl in wp.rsyncExclusions) { cmdargs.Add($"--exclude={excl}"); } cmdargs.Add(wp.SourcePath + "/"); cmdargs.Add(wp.DestPath + "/"); if (RunMode == RunMode.dryRun) { dryRunProg(cmdprog, cmdargs); } else { var cmdres = await Toolkit.ExecNoRedirect(cmdprog, cmdargs, ct, development); } } break; case BtrfsRsyncActionMode.snap: { var cmdprog = "btrfs"; var cmdargs = new List <string>() { "sub", "snap", wp.SourcePath, wp.DestPath }; if (RunMode == RunMode.dryRun) { dryRunProg(cmdprog, cmdargs); } else { var cmdres = await Toolkit.ExecNoRedirect(cmdprog, cmdargs, ct, development); } } break; } } })); }
public void SetEvisaArabicFieldValue(string fieldName, string fieldValue) { try { _reader = new PdfReader(fileName); pdfFormFields = _reader.AcroFields; var field = pdfFormFields.GetFieldItem(fieldName).GetValue(0); Console.WriteLine(field.ToString()); var outfileName = fileName.Replace(".pdf", DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".pdf"); _pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(_reader, new FileStream(outfileName, FileMode.Create)); var ARIALUNI_TFF = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts), "trado.TTF"); var bf = BaseFont.CreateFont(ARIALUNI_TFF, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); var f = new iTextSharp.text.Font(bf); var overContent = _pdfStamper.GetOverContent(1); //1 means page 1 var fieldPosition = pdfFormFields.GetFieldPositions(fieldName)[0].position; var ct = new ColumnText(overContent) { RunDirection = PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL, YLine = 5 }; if (rdCenter.Checked) { ct.SetSimpleColumn(fieldPosition.Left, fieldPosition.Bottom - fieldPosition.Height / 2, fieldPosition.Right, fieldPosition.Top - fieldPosition.Height / 2, 0, Element.ALIGN_CENTER); } else if (rdRight.Checked) { ct.SetSimpleColumn(fieldPosition.Left, fieldPosition.Bottom - fieldPosition.Height / 2, fieldPosition.Right, fieldPosition.Top - fieldPosition.Height / 2, 0, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); } if (rdLeft.Checked) { ct.SetSimpleColumn(fieldPosition.Left, fieldPosition.Bottom - fieldPosition.Height / 2, fieldPosition.Right, fieldPosition.Top - fieldPosition.Height / 2, 0, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); } if (rdUseFieldAlignment.Checked) { ct.SetSimpleColumn(fieldPosition.Left, fieldPosition.Bottom - fieldPosition.Height / 2, fieldPosition.Right, fieldPosition.Top - fieldPosition.Height / 2, 0, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); } ct.SetText(new Phrase(fieldValue, f)); ct.Go(); //uncomment to draw rectangle //var rect = new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(fieldPosition.Left, fieldPosition.Bottom - fieldPosition.Height / 2, fieldPosition.Right, fieldPosition.Top - fieldPosition.Height / 2); //rect.Border = iTextSharp.text.Rectangle.LEFT_BORDER | iTextSharp.text.Rectangle.RIGHT_BORDER; //rect.BorderWidth = 5; //rect.BorderColor = new BaseColor(0, 0, 0); //overContent.Rectangle(rect); _pdfStamper.Close(); Process.Start(outfileName); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.ReadLine(); } }
//科大讯飞 private void btnKeda_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string url = ""; string appId = "5b3c9b38"; string apiKey = "6d3122d48c1b5309eb60eda4fb7f354b"; Parameter parameter = new Parameter(); //parameter.speed = ((int)sldSpeed.Value * 10) + ""; //parameter.volume = ((int)sldVol.Value * 10) + ""; var json_str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parameter); var base64_str = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json_str)); HttpWebRequest httpwebrequest = null; HttpWebResponse httpwebresponse = null; httpwebrequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); httpwebrequest.Method = "POST"; String t_s_1970 = TimestampSince1970; String checksum = Helpers.GetMD5(apiKey + t_s_1970 + base64_str);//准备好一个checksum备用 httpwebrequest.Headers.Clear(); httpwebrequest.Headers.Add("X-Param", base64_str); httpwebrequest.Headers.Add("X-CurTime", t_s_1970); httpwebrequest.Headers.Add("X-Appid", appId); httpwebrequest.Headers.Add("X-CheckSum", checksum); httpwebrequest.Headers.Add("X-Real-Ip", ""); httpwebrequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; httpwebrequest.Headers.Add("charset", "utf-8"); using (Stream stream = httpwebrequest.GetRequestStream()) { byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"text={txtMsg.Text}");//更改生成内容时,text= 要保留 stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } httpwebresponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpwebrequest.GetResponse(); Stream res_strem = httpwebresponse.GetResponseStream(); if (httpwebresponse.ContentType == "text/plain")//ContentType等于"text/plain"即表示生成失败,等于"audio/mpeg"即生成成功 { using (StreamReader s_reader = new StreamReader(res_strem, Encoding.UTF8)) { String a = s_reader.ReadToEnd(); MessageBox.Show($"生成失败:{a}"); } } else { var outputDic = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Output"); if (!Directory.Exists(outputDic)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDic); } var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(outputDic, $"{txtMsg.Text}科大讯飞{DateTime.Now:yyyyMMddHHmmssffff}.mp3"); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path)) { res_strem.CopyTo(sw.BaseStream); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); res_strem.Dispose(); } if (chkOpenDir.IsChecked == true) { OpenDir(); } else { MessageBox.Show("生成成功"); } } }
private string GetDataPath(DateTime date) { return(IOPath.Combine(_path, GetDirName(date))); }
public void IsSymlink_WithMissingFile_ReturnsFalse() { var path = new PosixPath(Path.Combine(_fixture.TempFolder, "does-not-exist")); Assert.False(path.IsSymlink()); }
private async Task LoadFile(string fileName) { string fileExt = IoPath.GetExtension(fileName); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileExt)) { return; } bool generateXaml = _optionSettings.ShowOutputFile; if (string.Equals(fileExt, SvgConverter.SvgExt, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || string.Equals(fileExt, SvgConverter.CompressedSvgExt, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { _svgFilePath = fileName; if (_svgPage != null && _optionSettings.ShowInputFile) { _svgPage.LoadDocument(fileName); } if (_drawingPage == null) { return; } _drawingPage.SaveXaml = generateXaml; try { if (await _drawingPage.LoadDocumentAsync(fileName)) { this.Title = AppTitle + " - " + IoPath.GetFileName(fileName); if (_xamlPage != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_drawingDir)) { string xamlFilePath = IoPath.Combine(_drawingDir, IoPath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + SvgConverter.XamlExt); _xamlFilePath = xamlFilePath; _canDeleteXaml = true; if (File.Exists(xamlFilePath) && _optionSettings.ShowOutputFile) { _xamlPage.LoadDocument(xamlFilePath); } } _fileWatcher.Path = IoPath.GetDirectoryName(fileName); // Only watch current file _fileWatcher.Filter = IoPath.GetFileName(fileName); // Begin watching. _fileWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; } } catch { // Try loading the XAML, if generated but the rendering failed... if (_xamlPage != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_drawingDir)) { string xamlFilePath = IoPath.Combine(_drawingDir, IoPath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + SvgConverter.XamlExt); _xamlFilePath = xamlFilePath; _canDeleteXaml = true; if (File.Exists(xamlFilePath) && _optionSettings.ShowOutputFile) { _xamlPage.LoadDocument(xamlFilePath); } } throw; } } }
public static List <Equip> LoadEquipData(string chosenPath, string category) { List <Equip> equips = new List <Equip>(); WzFile characterFile = new WzFile(PathIO.Combine(chosenPath, "Character.wz"), WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC); WzFile stringFile = new WzFile(PathIO.Combine(chosenPath, "String.wz"), WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC); CharacterWz character = new CharacterWz(characterFile, category); StringWz stringM = new StringWz(stringFile, false); int loopNumber = character.GetEquipQuantity(); for (int i = 0; i < loopNumber; i++) { int equipID = character.GetEquipID(i); string equipName = stringM.GetEquipName(equipID, category); string equipClassification = character.GetEquipClassification(); Bitmap equipImage = character.GetEquipImage(characterFile); int hasEquipImage = 1; if (equipImage.Height <= 1) { hasEquipImage = 0; } if (equipClassification == "Cash") { equips.Add(new Equip() { /* Missing Int Properties don't make the program crash, like Level. * But I'll put it anyway for organization sake. */ EquipID = equipID, EquipName = equipName, EquipImage = equipImage, HasEquipImage = hasEquipImage, EquipLevel = 0, EquipClassification = equipClassification, EquipType = "", RequiredStats = "", RequiredJob = "", TotalUpgradeCount = 0, EquipStats = "", }); continue; } equips.Add(new Equip() { EquipID = equipID, EquipName = equipName, EquipImage = equipImage, HasEquipImage = hasEquipImage, EquipLevel = character.GetEquipLevel(), EquipClassification = equipClassification, EquipType = character.GetEquipType(equipID), RequiredStats = character.GetRequiredStats(), RequiredJob = character.GetRequiredJob(equipID), TotalUpgradeCount = character.GetTotalUpgradeCount(), EquipStats = character.GetEquipStats(), }); } characterFile.Dispose(); stringFile.Dispose(); return(equips); }
private static void AotCompileAssembly(string platform, bool isDebug, Dictionary <string, string> data, string assemblyPath, string outputFilePath) { // Make sure the output directory exists Directory.CreateDirectory(outputFilePath.GetBaseDir()); string exeExt = OS.IsWindows ? ".exe" : string.Empty; string monoCrossDirName = DetermineMonoCrossDirName(platform, data); string monoCrossRoot = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.DataEditorToolsDir, "aot-compilers", monoCrossDirName); string monoCrossBin = Path.Combine(monoCrossRoot, "bin"); string toolPrefix = DetermineToolPrefix(monoCrossBin); string monoExeName = System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(monoCrossBin, $"{toolPrefix}mono{exeExt}")) ? "mono" : "mono-sgen"; string compilerCommand = Path.Combine(monoCrossBin, $"{toolPrefix}{monoExeName}{exeExt}"); bool fullAot = (bool)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/full_aot"); string EscapeOption(string option) => option.Contains(',') ? $"\"{option}\"" : option; string OptionsToString(IEnumerable <string> options) => string.Join(",", options.Select(EscapeOption)); var aotOptions = new List <string>(); var optimizerOptions = new List <string>(); if (fullAot) { aotOptions.Add("full"); } aotOptions.Add(isDebug ? "soft-debug" : "nodebug"); if (platform == OS.Platforms.Android) { string abi = data["abi"]; string androidToolchain = (string)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/android_toolchain_path"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(androidToolchain)) { androidToolchain = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.DataEditorToolsDir, "android-toolchains", $"{abi}"); // TODO: $"{abi}-{apiLevel}{(clang?"clang":"")}" if (!Directory.Exists(androidToolchain)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Missing android toolchain. Specify one in the AOT export settings."); } } else if (!Directory.Exists(androidToolchain)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Android toolchain not found: " + androidToolchain); } var androidToolPrefixes = new Dictionary <string, string> { ["armeabi-v7a"] = "arm-linux-androideabi-", ["arm64-v8a"] = "aarch64-linux-android-", ["x86"] = "i686-linux-android-", ["x86_64"] = "x86_64-linux-android-" }; aotOptions.Add("tool-prefix=" + Path.Combine(androidToolchain, "bin", androidToolPrefixes[abi])); string triple = GetAndroidTriple(abi); aotOptions.Add($"mtriple={triple}"); } aotOptions.Add($"outfile={outputFilePath}"); var extraAotOptions = (string[])ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/extra_aot_options"); var extraOptimizerOptions = (string[])ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/extra_optimizer_options"); if (extraAotOptions.Length > 0) { aotOptions.AddRange(extraAotOptions); } if (extraOptimizerOptions.Length > 0) { optimizerOptions.AddRange(extraOptimizerOptions); } var compilerArgs = new List <string>(); if (isDebug) { compilerArgs.Add("--debug"); // Required for --aot=soft-debug } compilerArgs.Add(aotOptions.Count > 0 ? $"--aot={OptionsToString(aotOptions)}" : "--aot"); if (optimizerOptions.Count > 0) { compilerArgs.Add($"-O={OptionsToString(optimizerOptions)}"); } compilerArgs.Add(ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(assemblyPath)); // TODO: Once we move to .NET Standard 2.1 we can use ProcessStartInfo.ArgumentList instead string CmdLineArgsToString(IEnumerable <string> args) { // Not perfect, but as long as we are careful... return(string.Join(" ", args.Select(arg => arg.Contains(" ") ? $@"""{arg}""" : arg))); } using (var process = new Process()) { process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(compilerCommand, CmdLineArgsToString(compilerArgs)) { UseShellExecute = false }; string platformBclDir = DeterminePlatformBclDir(platform); process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables.Add("MONO_PATH", string.IsNullOrEmpty(platformBclDir) ? typeof(object).Assembly.Location.GetBaseDir() : platformBclDir); Console.WriteLine($"Running: \"{process.StartInfo.FileName}\" {process.StartInfo.Arguments}"); if (!process.Start()) { throw new Exception("Failed to start process for Mono AOT compiler"); } process.WaitForExit(); if (process.ExitCode != 0) { throw new Exception($"Mono AOT compiler exited with error code: {process.ExitCode}"); } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(outputFilePath)) { throw new Exception("Mono AOT compiler finished successfully but the output file is missing"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets all the info to be shown by DataGrid /// </summary> /// <param name="chosenPath"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static List <Familiar> LoadCollectionData(string chosenPath) { List <Familiar> familiars = new List <Familiar>(); WzFile characterFile = new WzFile(PathIO.Combine(chosenPath, "Character.wz"), WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC); WzFile etcFile = new WzFile(PathIO.Combine(chosenPath, "Etc.wz"), WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC); WzFile stringFile = new WzFile(PathIO.Combine(chosenPath, "String.wz"), WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC); WzFile uiFile = new WzFile(PathIO.Combine(chosenPath, "UI.wz"), WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC); WzFile mobFile = new WzFile(PathIO.Combine(chosenPath, "Mob.wz"), WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC); WzFile mob2File = new WzFile(PathIO.Combine(chosenPath, "Mob2.wz"), WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC); WzFile skill001File = new WzFile(PathIO.Combine(chosenPath, "Skill001.wz"), WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC); WzFile itemFile = new WzFile(PathIO.Combine(chosenPath, "Item.wz"), WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC); CharacterWz character = new CharacterWz(characterFile); EtcWz etc = new EtcWz(etcFile); StringWz stringM = new StringWz(stringFile, true); UIWz ui = new UIWz(uiFile); MobWz mob = new MobWz(mobFile); MobWz mob2 = new MobWz(mob2File); Skill001Wz skill001 = new Skill001Wz(skill001File); ItemWz item = new ItemWz(itemFile); int loopNumber = character.GetFamiliarQuantity(); for (int i = 0; i < loopNumber; i++) { int familiarID = character.GetFamiliarID(i); character.SetFamiliarImage(familiarID); int mobID = etc.GetMobID(familiarID); if (mobID == -1) { mobID = character.GetMobID(); } mob.SetMobImage(mobID, mobFile); mob2.SetMobImage(mobID, mob2File); MobWz realMob; if (mob.MobImage != null) { realMob = mob; } else { realMob = mob2; } int skillID = character.GetSkillID(); int passiveEffectID = etc.GetPassiveEffectID(familiarID); int cardID = etc.GetCardID(familiarID); if (cardID == -1) { cardID = character.GetCardID(); } int level = character.GetLevel(); // DON'T CHANGE THE ORDER, OR IT'LL BE MESSED UP if (level == 0) { level = realMob.GetLevel(); } int att = character.GetATT(); // SAME AS LEVEL, DON'T CHANGE ORDER if (att == 0) { att = realMob.GetATT(); } Bitmap mobImage = realMob.GetMobImage(); //BitmapSource finalCardImage = CreateBitmapSourceFromGdiBitmap(item.GetCardImage(cardID)); //BitmapSource finalMobImage = CreateBitmapSourceFromGdiBitmap(mobImage); Bitmap finalCardImage = item.GetCardImage(cardID); Bitmap finalMobImage = mobImage; int hasCardImage = 1; int hasMobImage = 1; if (finalCardImage == null || finalCardImage.Height <= 1) { hasCardImage = 0; } if (finalMobImage == null) { hasMobImage = 0; } familiars.Add(new Familiar() { FamiliarID = familiarID, MobID = mobID, MobName = stringM.GetMobName(mobID), SkillID = skillID, SkillName = stringM.GetSkillName(skillID), SkillDescription = stringM.GetSkillDesc(skillID), PassiveEffectID = passiveEffectID, PassiveEffect = stringM.GetPassiveEffect(passiveEffectID), Range = character.GetRange(), Rarity = item.GetRarity(cardID), CardID = cardID, CardName = stringM.GetCardName(cardID), SkillCategory = skill001.GetSkillCategory(skillID), Level = level, ATT = att, PassiveEffectTarget = item.GetPassiveEffectTarget(passiveEffectID), PassiveEffectBonus = item.GetPassiveEffectBonus(passiveEffectID), CardImage = finalCardImage, MobImage = finalMobImage, HasCardImage = hasCardImage, HasMobImage = hasMobImage, }); } characterFile.Dispose(); etcFile.Dispose(); stringFile.Dispose(); uiFile.Dispose(); mobFile.Dispose(); mob2File.Dispose(); skill001File.Dispose(); itemFile.Dispose(); return(familiars); }
private void Recolor() { String suboutdir = Path.Combine(outdir, "recolored"); Directory.CreateDirectory(suboutdir); //read in the patterns and save out their layers List <PatternItem> patterns = PatternIO.GetPatterns(imagedir); foreach (PatternItem p in patterns) { String basename = p.Name; if (!palettes.ContainsKey(basename)) { continue; } PaletteData palette = palettes[basename]; //Read the recoloring description if available String specs = Path.Combine(outdir, "specs", p.Directory, Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "", ".txt")); if (!File.Exists(specs)) { continue; } Bitmap image = new Bitmap(p.FullPath); //TODO: save and reload color templates functionality ColorTemplate template = new ColorTemplate(image, palette); PaletteData data = new PaletteData(); String[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(specs); int[] slotToColor = new int[template.NumSlots()]; Dictionary <int, int> groupToSlot = new Dictionary <int, int>(); int ngroups = 0; for (int i = 0; i < slotToColor.Count(); i++) { slotToColor[i] = i; if (template.PixelsInSlot(i) > 0) { groupToSlot.Add(ngroups++, i); } } //TODO: handle recoloring when # groups is less than number of original slots, because of quantization issues. //Right now, this is rather ugly.. data.colors = new List <Color>(); data.lab = new List <CIELAB>(); for (int i = 0; i < slotToColor.Count(); i++) { data.colors.Add(new Color()); data.lab.Add(new CIELAB()); } int groupid = 0; foreach (String line in lines) { //rgb floats int[] fields = line.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select <String, int>(s => ((int)(Math.Round(double.Parse(s) * 255)))).ToArray <int>(); Color color = Color.FromArgb(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2]); data.colors[groupToSlot[groupid]] = color; data.lab[groupToSlot[groupid]] = Util.RGBtoLAB(color); groupid++; } Bitmap orig = (renderFinal)? image : template.DebugQuantization(); PatternIO.SavePattern(orig, p, suboutdir, "_original"); orig.Dispose(); Bitmap result = (renderFinal)? GetFinalRendering(Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "", ""), data): template.SolidColor(data, slotToColor); //sometimes we can't get the nice image, so render the quantized image in this case. TODO: or maybe skip rendering this visualization at all if (result == null) { result = template.SolidColor(data, slotToColor); } PatternIO.SavePattern(result, p, suboutdir, "_recolored"); result.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the full qualified path to the file. /// </summary> /// <param name="file">The file path.</param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="string"/>. /// </returns> public static string GetPath(string file) => IOPath.Combine(FontsDirectory, file);
//render an image of the original pattern, plus columns of patterns generated by different models (trained on diff styles) private void VisAllStyles() { Directory.CreateDirectory(outdir + "\\stylecolor\\"); Directory.CreateDirectory(outdir + "\\styles\\"); //read in the patterns and save out their layers List <PatternItem> patterns = PatternIO.GetPatterns(Path.Combine(imagedir, "../styles")); foreach (PatternItem p in patterns) { String basename = p.Name; //Read the style description if available String specs = Path.Combine(outdir, "styles", p.Directory, Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "", ".txt")); if (!File.Exists(specs)) { continue; } Bitmap image = new Bitmap(p.FullPath); if (!palettes.ContainsKey(basename)) { continue; } PaletteData palette = palettes[basename]; ColorTemplate template = new ColorTemplate(image, palette); int[] slotToColor = new int[template.NumSlots()]; for (int i = 0; i < slotToColor.Count(); i++) { slotToColor[i] = i; } List <List <String> > lines = File.ReadAllLines(specs).Select(line => line.Split(',').ToList <String>()).ToList <List <String> >(); if (lines.Count() == 0) { continue; } Dictionary <String, int> styleToRowIdx = new Dictionary <String, int>(); String origStyle = ""; foreach (List <String> line in lines) { origStyle = line[0]; if (!styleToRowIdx.ContainsKey(line[1])) { styleToRowIdx.Add(line[1], 0); } } //read the score and if it's the original or not double score = 0; int iwidth = 100; int iheight = 100; int padding = 15; int headerSpace = 30; int width = (styleToRowIdx.Keys.Count() + 1) * iwidth; int height = (lines.Count() / styleToRowIdx.Keys.Count()) * iheight + headerSpace; Font font = new Font("Arial", 10); Bitmap vis = new Bitmap(width, height); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(vis); //write out the headings, highlight the original style heading var headers = styleToRowIdx.Keys.ToList <String>(); int ncol = headers.Count() + 1; Color headerColor = Color.Black; g.DrawString("original", font, new SolidBrush(headerColor), 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < headers.Count(); i++) { if (headers[i] == origStyle) { g.DrawString(headers[i], font, new SolidBrush(headerColor), (i + 1) * iwidth, 0); } else { g.DrawString(headers[i], font, new SolidBrush(headerColor), (i + 1) * iwidth, 0); } } //draw the original Bitmap original = (renderFinal)? image: template.DebugQuantization(); g.DrawImage(original, 0, headerSpace, iwidth - padding, iheight - padding); original.Dispose(); PaletteData data = new PaletteData(); Dictionary <int, int> groupToSlot = new Dictionary <int, int>(); int ngroups = 0; for (int i = 0; i < slotToColor.Count(); i++) { slotToColor[i] = i; data.colors.Add(new Color()); data.lab.Add(new CIELAB()); if (template.PixelsInSlot(i) > 0) { groupToSlot.Add(ngroups++, i); } } foreach (List <String> line in lines) { //draw the colorized thumbnail in the right location String style = line[1]; String[] colors = line[2].Split('^'); int colorIdx = 0; foreach (String color in colors) { //rgb floats int[] fields = color.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select <String, int>(s => ((int)(Math.Round(double.Parse(s) * 255)))).ToArray <int>(); Color c = Color.FromArgb(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2]); data.colors[groupToSlot[colorIdx]] = c; data.lab[groupToSlot[colorIdx]] = Util.RGBtoLAB(c); colorIdx++; } int x = (headers.IndexOf(style) + 1) * iwidth; int y = styleToRowIdx[style] * iheight + headerSpace; styleToRowIdx[style]++; Bitmap result = (renderFinal)?GetFinalRendering(Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "", ""), data):template.SolidColor(data, slotToColor); //sometimes we can't get the nice image, so render the quantized image in this case if (result == null) { result = template.SolidColor(data, slotToColor); } g.DrawImage(result, x, y, iwidth - padding, iheight - padding); result.Dispose(); } PatternIO.SavePattern(vis, p, Path.Combine(outdir, "stylecolor")); vis.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Photoes the captured. /// </summary> /// <param name="o">The o.</param> private void PhotoCaptured(object o) { PhotoCapturedEventArgs eventArgs = o as PhotoCapturedEventArgs; if (eventArgs == null) { return; } try { Log.Debug("Photo transfer begin."); eventArgs.CameraDevice.IsBusy = true; CameraProperty property = eventArgs.CameraDevice.LoadProperties(); PhotoSession session = (PhotoSession)eventArgs.CameraDevice.AttachedPhotoSession ?? ServiceProvider.Settings.DefaultSession; StaticHelper.Instance.SystemMessage = ""; var extension = Path.GetExtension(eventArgs.FileName); if (!eventArgs.CameraDevice.CaptureInSdRam || (extension != null && extension.ToLower() == ".mov")) { if (property.NoDownload) { eventArgs.CameraDevice.IsBusy = false; return; } if (extension != null && (session.DownloadOnlyJpg && extension.ToLower() != ".jpg")) { eventArgs.CameraDevice.IsBusy = false; return; } } StaticHelper.Instance.SystemMessage = TranslationStrings.MsgPhotoTransferBegin; string tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); if (File.Exists(tempFile)) { File.Delete(tempFile); } if (!eventArgs.CameraDevice.CaptureInSdRam && session.DownloadThumbOnly) { eventArgs.CameraDevice.TransferFileThumb(eventArgs.Handle, tempFile); } else { eventArgs.CameraDevice.TransferFile(eventArgs.Handle, tempFile); } string fileName = ""; if (!session.UseOriginalFilename || eventArgs.CameraDevice.CaptureInSdRam) { fileName = session.GetNextFileName(eventArgs.FileName, eventArgs.CameraDevice); } else { fileName = Path.Combine(session.Folder, eventArgs.FileName); if (File.Exists(fileName) && !session.AllowOverWrite) { fileName = StaticHelper.GetUniqueFilename( Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName) + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + "_", 0, Path.GetExtension(fileName)); } } if (session.AllowOverWrite && File.Exists(fileName)) { PhotoUtils.WaitForFile(fileName); File.Delete(fileName); } // make lower case extension if (session.LowerCaseExtension && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetExtension(fileName))) { fileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower()); } if (session.AskSavePath) { SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "All files|*.*"; dialog.Title = "Save captured photo"; dialog.FileName = fileName; dialog.InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName); if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true) { fileName = dialog.FileName; } else { eventArgs.CameraDevice.IsBusy = false; if (File.Exists(tempFile)) { File.Delete(tempFile); } return; } } if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName)); } File.Copy(tempFile, fileName); string backupfile = null; if (session.BackUp) { backupfile = session.CopyBackUp(tempFile, fileName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(backupfile)) { StaticHelper.Instance.SystemMessage = "Unable to save the backup"; } } if (!eventArgs.CameraDevice.CaptureInSdRam && session.DeleteFileAfterTransfer) { eventArgs.CameraDevice.DeleteObject(new DeviceObject() { Handle = eventArgs.Handle }); } if (File.Exists(tempFile)) { File.Delete(tempFile); } if (session.WriteComment) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(session.Comment)) { Exiv2Helper.SaveComment(fileName, session.Comment); } if (session.SelectedTag1 != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(session.SelectedTag1.Value)) { Exiv2Helper.AddKeyword(fileName, session.SelectedTag1.Value); } if (session.SelectedTag2 != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(session.SelectedTag2.Value)) { Exiv2Helper.AddKeyword(fileName, session.SelectedTag2.Value); } if (session.SelectedTag3 != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(session.SelectedTag3.Value)) { Exiv2Helper.AddKeyword(fileName, session.SelectedTag3.Value); } if (session.SelectedTag4 != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(session.SelectedTag4.Value)) { Exiv2Helper.AddKeyword(fileName, session.SelectedTag4.Value); } } if (session.ExternalData != null) { session.ExternalData.FileName = fileName; } // prevent crash og GUI when item count updated Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate { try { _selectedItem = session.GetNewFileItem(fileName); _selectedItem.BackupFileName = backupfile; _selectedItem.Series = session.Series; _selectedItem.AddTemplates(eventArgs.CameraDevice, session); ServiceProvider.Database.Add(new DbFile(_selectedItem, eventArgs.CameraDevice.DisplayName, eventArgs.CameraDevice.SerialNumber, session.Name)); } catch (Exception ex) { } })); foreach (AutoExportPluginConfig plugin in ServiceProvider.Settings.DefaultSession.AutoExportPluginConfigs) { if (!plugin.IsEnabled) { continue; } var pl = ServiceProvider.PluginManager.GetAutoExportPlugin(plugin.Type); try { pl.Execute(_selectedItem, plugin); ServiceProvider.Analytics.PluginExecute(plugin.Type); Log.Debug("AutoexportPlugin executed " + plugin.Type); } catch (Exception ex) { plugin.IsError = true; plugin.Error = ex.Message; plugin.IsRedy = true; Log.Error("Error to apply plugin", ex); } } Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { _selectedItem.RemoveThumbs(); session.Add(_selectedItem); ServiceProvider.OnFileTransfered(_selectedItem); }); if (ServiceProvider.Settings.MinimizeToTrayIcon && !IsVisible && !ServiceProvider.Settings.HideTrayNotifications) { MyNotifyIcon.HideBalloonTip(); MyNotifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip("Photo transfered", fileName, BalloonIcon.Info); } ServiceProvider.DeviceManager.LastCapturedImage[eventArgs.CameraDevice] = fileName; //select the new file only when the multiple camera support isn't used to prevent high CPU usage on raw files if (ServiceProvider.Settings.AutoPreview && !ServiceProvider.WindowsManager.Get(typeof(MultipleCameraWnd)).IsVisible&& !ServiceProvider.Settings.UseExternalViewer) { if ((Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower() == ".jpg" && ServiceProvider.Settings.AutoPreviewJpgOnly) || !ServiceProvider.Settings.AutoPreviewJpgOnly) { if ((DateTime.Now - _lastLoadTime).TotalSeconds < 4) { _selectiontimer.Stop(); _selectiontimer.Start(); } else { ServiceProvider.WindowsManager.ExecuteCommand(WindowsCmdConsts.Select_Image, _selectedItem); } } } _lastLoadTime = DateTime.Now; //ServiceProvider.Settings.Save(session); StaticHelper.Instance.SystemMessage = TranslationStrings.MsgPhotoTransferDone; eventArgs.CameraDevice.IsBusy = false; //show fullscreen only when the multiple camera support isn't used if (ServiceProvider.Settings.Preview && !ServiceProvider.WindowsManager.Get(typeof(MultipleCameraWnd)).IsVisible&& !ServiceProvider.Settings.UseExternalViewer) { ServiceProvider.WindowsManager.ExecuteCommand(WindowsCmdConsts.FullScreenWnd_ShowTimed); } if (ServiceProvider.Settings.UseExternalViewer && File.Exists(ServiceProvider.Settings.ExternalViewerPath)) { string arg = ServiceProvider.Settings.ExternalViewerArgs; arg = arg.Contains("%1") ? arg.Replace("%1", fileName) : arg + " " + fileName; PhotoUtils.Run(ServiceProvider.Settings.ExternalViewerPath, arg, ProcessWindowStyle.Normal); } if (ServiceProvider.Settings.PlaySound) { PhotoUtils.PlayCaptureSound(); } Log.Debug("Photo transfer done."); } catch (Exception ex) { eventArgs.CameraDevice.IsBusy = false; StaticHelper.Instance.SystemMessage = TranslationStrings.MsgPhotoTransferError + " " + ex.Message; Log.Error("Transfer error !", ex); } // not indicated to be used GC.Collect(); //GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); }
private void DeployCdw800() { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProductAppDataPath)) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); string markerFile = Path.Combine(ProductAppDataPath, "ChemDoodle-Web-800.txt"); string otherVersion = Path.Combine(ProductAppDataPath, "ChemDoodle-Web-702.txt"); string refreshFile = Path.Combine(ProductAppDataPath, "ChemDoodle-Web-Refresh.txt"); if (File.Exists(otherVersion)) { Telemetry.Write(module, "Information", "Deleting CDW 702 resources from disk"); File.Delete(otherVersion); DelTree(Path.Combine(ProductAppDataPath, "ChemDoodleWeb")); } if (File.Exists(refreshFile)) { Telemetry.Write(module, "Information", "Refreshing CDW 800 resources"); File.Delete(refreshFile); if (File.Exists(markerFile)) { File.Delete(markerFile); } DelTree(Path.Combine(ProductAppDataPath, "ChemDoodleWeb")); } if (!File.Exists(markerFile)) { Telemetry.Write(module, "Information", "Writing CDW 800 resources to disk"); File.WriteAllText(markerFile, "Delete this file to refresh ChemDoodle Web"); Stream stream = ResourceHelper.GetBinaryResource(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), ""); // NB: Top level of zip file must be the folder ChemDoodleWeb using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(stream)) { zip.ExtractAll(ProductAppDataPath, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently); } string cssfile = ResourceHelper.GetStringResource(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "ChemDoodleWeb.Chem4Word.css"); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(ProductAppDataPath, "Chem4Word.css"), cssfile); string jsfile = ResourceHelper.GetStringResource(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "ChemDoodleWeb.Chem4Word.js"); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(ProductAppDataPath, "Chem4Word.js"), jsfile); } sw.Stop(); Telemetry.Write(module, "Timing", $"Writing resources to disk took {SafeDouble.Duration(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)}ms"); } }
private void generator_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var tExePath = bmfontPathTextBox.Text; if (!File.Exists(tExePath)) { MessageBox.Show("填写bmfont.com文件的所在绝对路径", "提示"); return; } var tInfoPath = fontInfoTextBox.Text; if (!Directory.Exists(tInfoPath)) { MessageBox.Show("字体信息生成路径不是一个文件夹", "提示"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFolderNameTextBox.Text.Trim())) { MessageBox.Show($"Image文件夹名字不能为空", "提示"); return; } var tImageAbsoluteUri = new Uri(Path.Combine(generateAbsoluteUri.AbsolutePath, imageFolderNameTextBox.Text.Trim()), UriKind.Absolute); if (!Directory.Exists(tImageAbsoluteUri.AbsolutePath)) { MessageBox.Show($"Image文件夹名字错误,不存在该路径“{tImageAbsoluteUri.AbsolutePath}“", "提示"); return; } var tInfos = new List <BMFontInfo>(); foreach (var item in dataGrid.Items) { var tRowView = item as DataRowView; if (tRowView == null) { continue; } var tInfo = new BMFontInfo(tRowView[cPictureAbsolutePath].ToString()); if (!File.Exists(tInfo.pictureAbsoluteUri.AbsolutePath)) { MessageBox.Show($"含有不存在的路径 {tInfo.pictureAbsoluteUri.AbsolutePath}", "提示"); return; } tInfo.SetCharSymbol(tRowView[cCharSymbol].ToString()); if (tInfo.charSymbol == ' ' || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tInfo.charSymbol.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show($"有未填写的字符符号", "提示"); return; } tInfo.SetOffsetX(tRowView[cCharOffsetX].ToString()); tInfo.SetOffsetY(tRowView[cCharOffsetY].ToString()); tInfo.SetAdvance(tRowView[cCharAdvance].ToString()); tInfos.Add(tInfo); } var tTempPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "MyBMFont"); if (!Directory.Exists(tTempPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tTempPath); } var tTempConfigPath_Cmd = Path.Combine(tTempPath, "tempCmd.bmfc"); var tTempConfigPath_Source = Path.Combine(tTempPath, "tempSource.bmfc"); if (File.Exists(tTempConfigPath_Cmd)) { File.Delete(tTempConfigPath_Cmd); } if (File.Exists(tTempConfigPath_Source)) { File.Delete(tTempConfigPath_Source); } List <string> tTempLines = null; if (mBMFontType == BMFontType.Config && File.Exists(MyPrefs.sConfigPath)) { tTempLines = File.ReadAllLines(MyPrefs.sConfigPath).ToList(); } else if (mBMFontType == BMFontType.ImageFolder) { var tBackupConfigUri = new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/Resources/backup.txt"); var tStream = Application.GetResourceStream(tBackupConfigUri); var tReader = new StreamReader(tStream.Stream); tTempLines = new List <string>(); while (!tReader.EndOfStream) { tTempLines.Add(tReader.ReadLine()); } } for (int i = 0; i < tTempLines.Count;) { if (tTempLines[i].StartsWith("icon=\"")) { tTempLines.RemoveAt(i); continue; } i++; } var tAllLines_Cmd = new List <string>(tTempLines); var tAllLines_Source = new List <string>(tTempLines); foreach (var tInfo in tInfos) { var tUri = tImageAbsoluteUri.MakeRelativeUri(tInfo.pictureAbsoluteUri); var tRelativePath = tUri.OriginalString; var tContent_Source = string.Format($"icon=\"{tRelativePath}\",{tInfo.charID},{tInfo.xOffset},{tInfo.yOffset},{tInfo.advance}"); tAllLines_Source.Add(tContent_Source); var tContent_Cmd = string.Format($"icon=\"{tInfo.pictureAbsoluteUri.AbsolutePath}\",{tInfo.charID},{tInfo.xOffset},{tInfo.yOffset},{tInfo.advance}"); tAllLines_Cmd.Add(tContent_Cmd); } File.WriteAllLines(tTempConfigPath_Cmd, tAllLines_Cmd); File.WriteAllLines(tTempConfigPath_Source, tAllLines_Source); CMD.ProcessCommand(tExePath, string.Format($"-c {tTempConfigPath_Cmd} -o {Path.Combine(generateAbsoluteUri.AbsolutePath.Replace("/", "\\"), mGenerateName + ".fnt")}")); var tNewPath = Path.Combine(generateAbsoluteUri.AbsolutePath, mGenerateName + ".bmfc"); File.Copy(tTempConfigPath_Source, tNewPath, true); MyPrefs.SetString(nameof(bmfontPathTextBox), tExePath); MyPrefs.SetString(nameof(imageFolderNameTextBox), imageFolderNameTextBox.Text.Trim()); }
private string GetDataPath(DateTime date) { return(IOPath.Combine(Path, date.ToString(_dateFormat))); }
private FilterStore LoadFilters(string path) { var filterFile = Path.Combine(path, "_filter.xml"); if (_fileAccessor.Exists(filterFile)) { var filterStore = new FilterStore(); XDocument filterDoc = XDocument.Parse(_fileAccessor.ReadAllText(filterFile)); var attrFilter = filterDoc.Root.Element("attributeFilter"); if (attrFilter != null && attrFilter.Attribute("apply").Value == "true") { var attrFilterElements = attrFilter.Elements("namespaceFilter"); if (attrFilterElements != null) { filterStore.AttributeFilters = new List <AttributeFilter>(); foreach (var fElement in attrFilterElements) { AttributeFilter filter = new AttributeFilter() { Namespace = fElement.Attribute("name").Value, TypeFilters = new Dictionary <string, bool>(), DefaultValue = true }; foreach (var tFiler in fElement.Elements("typeFilter")) { bool.TryParse(tFiler.Attribute("expose").Value, out bool expose); string name = tFiler.Attribute("name").Value; if (name == "*") { filter.DefaultValue = expose; } else { filter.TypeFilters[name] = expose; } } filterStore.AttributeFilters.Add(filter); } } } var apiFilter = filterDoc.Root.Element("apiFilter"); if (apiFilter != null && apiFilter.Attribute("apply").Value == "true") { var apiFilterElements = apiFilter.Elements("namespaceFilter"); if (apiFilterElements != null) { filterStore.TypeFilters = new List <TypeFilter>(); filterStore.MemberFilters = new List <MemberFilter>(); foreach (var fElement in apiFilterElements) { var nsName = fElement.Attribute("name").Value?.Trim(); foreach (var tElement in fElement.Elements("typeFilter")) { var tFilter = new TypeFilter(tElement) { Namespace = nsName }; filterStore.TypeFilters.Add(tFilter); var memberFilterElements = tElement.Elements("memberFilter"); if (memberFilterElements != null) { foreach (var mElement in memberFilterElements) { filterStore.MemberFilters.Add(new MemberFilter(mElement) { Parent = tFilter }); } } } } } } return(filterStore); } return(null); }
private void convertButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var uwpSolutionFileLocation = uwpSolutionLocationTextBox.Text; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uwpSolutionFileLocation) && !Path.IsPathRooted(uwpSolutionFileLocation)) { MessageBox.Show("A valid Unity UWP Solution file must be provided.\nIt is the .sln file created by Unity when building for the Universal Windows Platform.", "Solution missing", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } var uwpSolutionDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(uwpSolutionFileLocation); var projectName = GetProjectName(uwpSolutionFileLocation); var namespaceName = GetNamespaceName(projectName); var projectDirectory = Path.Combine(uwpSolutionDirectory, projectName); var displayName = gameDisplayNameTextBox.Text; var displayDescription = descriptionTextBox.Text; int startWidth; int startHeight; int minWidth; int minHeight; try { startWidth = int.Parse(widthTextBox.Text); startHeight = int.Parse(heightTextBox.Text); minWidth = int.Parse(minWidthTextBox.Text); minHeight = int.Parse(minHeightTextBox.Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid input for one of the size fields. Whole numbers only.", "Invalid input", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } bool resizable = resizableCheckBox.IsChecked ?? false; try { AddGameBarPackage(uwpSolutionDirectory, projectName); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("An error occured when adding the Game Bar package.", "Failed", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } try { ModifyAppManifest(uwpSolutionDirectory, projectName, true, displayName, displayDescription, startWidth, startHeight, minWidth, minHeight, resizable); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("An error occured when modifying the project's appxmanifest.", "Failed", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } try { ModifyAppH(projectDirectory); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("An error occured when modifying the project's App.xaml.h file.", "Failed", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } try { ModifyAppCpp(projectDirectory); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("An error occured when modifying the project's App.xaml.cpp file.", "Failed", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } MessageBox.Show("Game Bar widget successfully attached to the Unity project.", "Success", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); }
public Error OpenInExternalEditor(Script script, int line, int col) { var editorId = (ExternalEditorId)editorSettings.GetSetting("mono/editor/external_editor"); switch (editorId) { case ExternalEditorId.None: // Not an error. Tells the caller to fallback to the global external editor settings or the built-in editor. return(Error.Unavailable); case ExternalEditorId.VisualStudio: { string scriptPath = ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(script.ResourcePath); var args = new List <string> { GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath, line >= 0 ? $"{scriptPath};{line + 1};{col + 1}" : scriptPath }; string command = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.DataEditorToolsDir, "GodotTools.OpenVisualStudio.exe"); try { if (Godot.OS.IsStdoutVerbose()) { Console.WriteLine($"Running: \"{command}\" {string.Join(" ", args.Select(a => $"\"{a}\""))}"); } OS.RunProcess(command, args); } catch (Exception e) { GD.PushError($"Error when trying to run code editor: VisualStudio. Exception message: '{e.Message}'"); } break; } case ExternalEditorId.VisualStudioForMac: goto case ExternalEditorId.MonoDevelop; case ExternalEditorId.Rider: { string scriptPath = ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(script.ResourcePath); RiderPathManager.OpenFile(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath, scriptPath, line); return(Error.Ok); } case ExternalEditorId.MonoDevelop: { string scriptPath = ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(script.ResourcePath); GodotIdeManager.LaunchIdeAsync().ContinueWith(launchTask => { var editorPick = launchTask.Result; if (line >= 0) { editorPick?.SendOpenFile(scriptPath, line + 1, col); } else { editorPick?.SendOpenFile(scriptPath); } }); break; } case ExternalEditorId.VsCode: { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_vsCodePath) || !File.Exists(_vsCodePath)) { // Try to search it again if it wasn't found last time or if it was removed from its location _vsCodePath = VsCodeNames.SelectFirstNotNull(OS.PathWhich, orElse: string.Empty); } var args = new List <string>(); bool osxAppBundleInstalled = false; if (OS.IsOSX) { // The package path is '/Applications/Visual Studio' const string vscodeBundleId = ""; osxAppBundleInstalled = Internal.IsOsxAppBundleInstalled(vscodeBundleId); if (osxAppBundleInstalled) { args.Add("-b"); args.Add(vscodeBundleId); // The reusing of existing windows made by the 'open' command might not choose a wubdiw that is // editing our folder. It's better to ask for a new window and let VSCode do the window management. args.Add("-n"); // The open process must wait until the application finishes (which is instant in VSCode's case) args.Add("--wait-apps"); args.Add("--args"); } } var resourcePath = ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath("res://"); args.Add(resourcePath); string scriptPath = ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(script.ResourcePath); if (line >= 0) { args.Add("-g"); args.Add($"{scriptPath}:{line}:{col}"); } else { args.Add(scriptPath); } string command; if (OS.IsOSX) { if (!osxAppBundleInstalled && string.IsNullOrEmpty(_vsCodePath)) { GD.PushError("Cannot find code editor: VSCode"); return(Error.FileNotFound); } command = osxAppBundleInstalled ? "/usr/bin/open" : _vsCodePath; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_vsCodePath)) { GD.PushError("Cannot find code editor: VSCode"); return(Error.FileNotFound); } command = _vsCodePath; } try { OS.RunProcess(command, args); } catch (Exception e) { GD.PushError($"Error when trying to run code editor: VSCode. Exception message: '{e.Message}'"); } break; } default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } return(Error.Ok); }
public QTMConnectLiveLink(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target) { PCHUsage = ModuleRules.PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs; string rtClientSDKPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(PluginDirectory, "Source/ThirdParty/RTClientSDK")); string rtClientSDKIncludePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(rtClientSDKPath, "Include"); string targetPlatformPathName = GetTargetPlatformPathName(Target); string rtClientSDKLibPath = Path.Combine(rtClientSDKPath, "Lib", targetPlatformPathName); string pluginPublicIncludePath = Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "Public"); string pluginPrivateIncludePath = Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "Private"); PublicIncludePaths.AddRange( new string[] { pluginPublicIncludePath } ); PrivateIncludePaths.AddRange( new string[] { pluginPrivateIncludePath, rtClientSDKIncludePath, } ); PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange( new string[] { "Core", "Networking", "Sockets", "LiveLinkInterface", "LiveLink", #if UE_5_0_OR_LATER "LiveLinkAnimationCore", #endif } ); PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange( new string[] { "CoreUObject", "Engine", "Slate", "SlateCore", "LiveLink", "LiveLinkInterface", "TimeManagement", #if UE_5_0_OR_LATER "LiveLinkAnimationCore", #endif } ); PublicSystemIncludePaths.Add(rtClientSDKIncludePath); if (IsWindowsPlatform(Target)) { PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(rtClientSDKLibPath, "RTClientSDK.lib")); } }
private ContainerCmdletProvider GetContainerProviderByPath(string path, string name, out Path normalizedPath) { PSDriveInfo drive; var provider = _cmdlet.State.SessionStateGlobal.GetProviderByPath(path, out drive) as ContainerCmdletProvider; if (provider == null) { throw new PSInvalidOperationException(String.Format("The provider for path '{0}' is not a ContainerProvider", path)); } normalizedPath = new Path(path); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { normalizedPath = normalizedPath.Combine(name); } normalizedPath = normalizedPath.NormalizeSlashes(); return provider; }