Пример #1
 public override DaylightTime GetDaylightChanges(int year)
     if ((year < 1) || (year > 0x270f))
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("year", string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Range"), new object[] { 1, 0x270f }));
     object key = year;
     if (!this.m_CachedDaylightChanges.Contains(key))
         lock (InternalSyncObject)
             if (!this.m_CachedDaylightChanges.Contains(key))
                 short[] numArray = nativeGetDaylightChanges();
                 if (numArray == null)
                     this.m_CachedDaylightChanges.Add(key, new DaylightTime(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, TimeSpan.Zero));
                     DateTime start = GetDayOfWeek(year, numArray[0] != 0, numArray[1], numArray[2], numArray[3], numArray[4], numArray[5], numArray[6], numArray[7]);
                     DateTime end = GetDayOfWeek(year, numArray[8] != 0, numArray[9], numArray[10], numArray[11], numArray[12], numArray[13], numArray[14], numArray[15]);
                     TimeSpan delta = new TimeSpan(numArray[0x10] * 0x23c34600L);
                     DaylightTime time3 = new DaylightTime(start, end, delta);
                     this.m_CachedDaylightChanges.Add(key, time3);
     return (DaylightTime) this.m_CachedDaylightChanges[key];
Пример #2
         * Randomized testing of dst status.
        public void TestIsDST(int tz, DaylightTime dst)
            DateTime lower = dst.Start;
            DateTime upper = dst.End;

            DateTime year_lower = new DateTime(lower.Year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
            DateTime year_upper = new DateTime(upper.Year, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59);

            DateTime dt_pre = Rand.GetDateTime(year_lower, lower);
            DateTime dt_in = Rand.GetDateTime(lower, upper);
            DateTime dt_post = Rand.GetDateTime(upper, year_upper);

            UTCDate dst_pre = new UTCDate(tz, dst,
                                          dt_pre.Year, dt_pre.Month, dt_pre.Day,
                                          dt_pre.Hour, dt_pre.Minute, dt_pre.Second);
            UTCDate dst_in = new UTCDate(tz, dst,
                                         dt_in.Year, dt_in.Month, dt_in.Day,
                                         dt_in.Hour, dt_in.Minute, dt_in.Second);
            UTCDate dst_post = new UTCDate(tz, dst,
                                           dt_post.Year, dt_post.Month, dt_post.Day,
                                           dt_post.Hour, dt_post.Minute, dt_post.Second);

Пример #3
    void TimeZoneInfoExamples()
        TimeZoneInfo localInfo = TimeZoneInfo.Local;


        TimeZoneInfo aus = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("W. Australia Standard Time");


        aus.IsAmbiguousTime(DateTime.Now); // true if a time which was repeated for daylight savings
        aus.IsInvalidTime(DateTime.Now);   // true if the time was skipped due to day light sayings
        // aus.GetAmbiguousTimeOffsets(DateTime.Now); throws exception if not ambiguous

        // Comparisions that rely on timemoving forward will break if they use local datetime

        System.Globalization.DaylightTime time = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetDaylightChanges(2017);

        DateTime forComparing = DateTime.UtcNow;

Пример #4
    static int IsDaylightSavingTime(IntPtr L)
            int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L);

            if (count == 2 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes <System.DateTime, System.Globalization.DaylightTime>(L, 1))
                System.DateTime arg0 = StackTraits <System.DateTime> .To(L, 1);

                System.Globalization.DaylightTime arg1 = (System.Globalization.DaylightTime)ToLua.ToObject(L, 2);
                bool o = System.TimeZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(arg0, arg1);
                LuaDLL.lua_pushboolean(L, o);
            else if (count == 2 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes <System.TimeZone, System.DateTime>(L, 1))
                System.TimeZone obj  = (System.TimeZone)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1);
                System.DateTime arg0 = StackTraits <System.DateTime> .To(L, 2);

                bool o = obj.IsDaylightSavingTime(arg0);
                LuaDLL.lua_pushboolean(L, o);
                return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to method: System.TimeZone.IsDaylightSavingTime"));
        catch (Exception e)
            return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e));
Пример #5
	// Determine if a specified time is within the daylight savings period.
	public static bool IsDaylightSavingTime
				(DateTime time, DaylightTime daylightTimes)
				// If there are no daylight savings rules, then bail out.
				if(daylightTimes == null)
					return false;

				// The period needs to be calculated differently depending
				// upon whether the delta is positive or negative.
				DateTime start, end;
				if(daylightTimes.Delta.Ticks > 0)
					start = daylightTimes.Start + daylightTimes.Delta;
					end = daylightTimes.End;
					start = daylightTimes.Start;
					end = daylightTimes.End - daylightTimes.Delta;

				// Detect which hemisphere the information is for.
				if(start > end)
					// Southern hemisphere with summer at year's end.
					return (time < start || time >= end);
					// Northern hemisphere with summer in mid-year.
					return (time >= start && time < end);
Пример #6
		public void Constructor ()
			DaylightTime dt = new DaylightTime (DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, TimeSpan.MinValue);
			Assert.AreEqual (DateTime.MinValue, dt.Start, "Start");
			Assert.AreEqual (DateTime.MaxValue, dt.End, "End");
			Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MinValue, dt.Delta, "Delta");
Пример #7
        // ##########################################################
        // ### Constructors
        // ##########################################################
         * Create an instance resetting the time to UTC
        public UTCDate(double tz, DaylightTime dst,
		               int year, int month, int day,
		               int hour, int min, int sec)
            this.tz = tz;
            this.dst = dst;
            DateTime dt = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec,
            dt = ResolveTimezone(dt, tz);
            this.dt = ResolveDST(dt, dst);

Пример #8
		public void SerializationRoundtrip ()
			DaylightTime dt = new DaylightTime (DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, TimeSpan.MinValue);
			BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
			MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream ();
			bf.Serialize (ms, dt);

			ms.Position = 0;
			DaylightTime clone = (DaylightTime) bf.Deserialize (ms);

			Assert.AreEqual (clone.Start, dt.Start, "Start");
			Assert.AreEqual (clone.End, dt.End, "End");
			Assert.AreEqual (clone.Delta, dt.Delta, "Delta");
Пример #9
 static int GetDaylightChanges(IntPtr L)
         ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2);
         System.TimeZone obj  = (System.TimeZone)ToLua.CheckObject <System.TimeZone>(L, 1);
         int             arg0 = (int)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
         System.Globalization.DaylightTime o = obj.GetDaylightChanges(arg0);
         ToLua.PushObject(L, o);
     catch (Exception e)
         return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e));
 internal static TimeSpan CalculateUtcOffset(DateTime time, DaylightTime daylightTimes)
     if (daylightTimes != null)
         DateTime time4;
         DateTime time5;
         if (time.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc)
             return TimeSpan.Zero;
         DateTime time2 = daylightTimes.Start + daylightTimes.Delta;
         DateTime end = daylightTimes.End;
         if (daylightTimes.Delta.Ticks > 0L)
             time4 = end - daylightTimes.Delta;
             time5 = end;
             time4 = time2;
             time5 = time2 - daylightTimes.Delta;
         bool flag = false;
         if (time2 > end)
             if ((time >= time2) || (time < end))
                 flag = true;
         else if ((time >= time2) && (time < end))
             flag = true;
         if ((flag && (time >= time4)) && (time < time5))
             flag = time.IsAmbiguousDaylightSavingTime();
         if (flag)
             return daylightTimes.Delta;
     return TimeSpan.Zero;
Пример #11
 /// <summary>
 ///     Returns a value indicating whether the specified date and time is within
 ///     the specified daylight saving time period.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="time">A date and time.</param>
 /// <param name="daylightTimes">A daylight saving time period.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// 	true if time is in daylightTimes; otherwise, false.
 /// </returns>
 public static new bool IsDaylightSavingTime(DateTime time, DaylightTime daylightTimes)
     return TimeZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(time, daylightTimes);
Пример #12
 // Check if the specified time is in a daylight saving time.  Allows the user to
 // specify the array of Daylight Saving Times.
 public static bool IsDaylightSavingTime(DateTime time, DaylightTime daylightTimes) {
     return CalculateUtcOffset(time, daylightTimes)!=TimeSpan.Zero;
Пример #13
		private void OnDeserialization (DaylightTime dlt)
			if (dlt == null) {
				Int64[] data;
				string[] names;

				this_year = DateTime.Now.Year;
				if (!GetTimeZoneData (this_year, out data, out names))
					throw new ArgumentException (Locale.GetText ("Can't get timezone data for " + this_year));
				dlt = GetDaylightTimeFromData (data);
			} else
				this_year = dlt.Start.Year;
			utcOffsetWithOutDLS = new TimeSpan (m_ticksOffset);
			utcOffsetWithDLS = new TimeSpan (m_ticksOffset + dlt.Delta.Ticks);
			this_year_dlt = dlt;
Пример #14
        public override DaylightTime GetDaylightChanges(int year)
            if (year < 1 || year > 9999)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(year), Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Range", 1, 9999));

            Object objYear = (Object) year;

            if (!m_CachedDaylightChanges.Contains(objYear))
                DaylightTime currentDaylightChanges = null;

                if (TimeZoneInfo.Local.SupportsDaylightSavingTime)
                    DateTime start;
                    DateTime end;
                    TimeSpan delta;

                    foreach (var rule in TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetAdjustmentRules())
                        if (rule.DateStart.Year <= year && rule.DateEnd.Year >= year && rule.DaylightDelta != TimeSpan.Zero)
                            start = TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTimeToDateTime(year, rule.DaylightTransitionStart);
                            end = TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTimeToDateTime(year, rule.DaylightTransitionEnd);
                            delta = rule.DaylightDelta;

                            currentDaylightChanges = new DaylightTime(start, end, delta);

                if (currentDaylightChanges == null)
                    currentDaylightChanges = new DaylightTime(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, TimeSpan.Zero); 

                lock (m_CachedDaylightChanges)
                    if (!m_CachedDaylightChanges.Contains(objYear))
                        m_CachedDaylightChanges.Add(objYear, currentDaylightChanges);

            DaylightTime result = (DaylightTime)m_CachedDaylightChanges[objYear];

            return result;
Пример #15
        [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated
        public override DaylightTime GetDaylightChanges(int year) {
            if (year < 1 || year > 9999) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("year", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Range", 1, 9999));

            Object objYear = (Object)year;

            if (!m_CachedDaylightChanges.Contains(objYear)) {
                lock (InternalSyncObject) {

                    if (!m_CachedDaylightChanges.Contains(objYear)) {

                        // rawData is an array of 17 short (16 bit) numbers.
                        // The first 8 numbers contains the 
                        // year/month/day/dayOfWeek/hour/minute/second/millisecond for the starting time of daylight saving time.
                        // The next 8 numbers contains the
                        // year/month/day/dayOfWeek/hour/minute/second/millisecond for the ending time of daylight saving time.
                        // The last short number is the delta to the standard offset in minutes.
                        short[] rawData = nativeGetDaylightChanges(year);

                        if (rawData == null) {
                            // If rawData is null, it means that daylight saving time is not used
                            // in this timezone. So keep currentDaylightChanges as the empty array.
                            m_CachedDaylightChanges.Add(objYear, new DaylightTime(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, TimeSpan.Zero));
                        } else {
                            DateTime start;
                            DateTime end;
                            TimeSpan delta;

                            // Store the start of daylight saving time.

                            start = GetDayOfWeek(year, (rawData[0] != 0), rawData[1], rawData[2],
                                                  rawData[4], rawData[5], rawData[6], rawData[7]);

                            // Store the end of daylight saving time.
                            end = GetDayOfWeek(year, (rawData[8] != 0), rawData[9], rawData[10],
                                                rawData[12], rawData[13], rawData[14], rawData[15]);

                            delta = new TimeSpan(rawData[16] * TicksPerMinute);
                            DaylightTime currentDaylightChanges = new DaylightTime(start, end, delta);
                            m_CachedDaylightChanges.Add(objYear, currentDaylightChanges);

            DaylightTime result = (DaylightTime)m_CachedDaylightChanges[objYear];

            return result;
Пример #16
		public static bool IsDaylightSavingTime (DateTime time, DaylightTime daylightTimes)
			if (daylightTimes == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("daylightTimes");

			// If Start == End, then DST is off
			if (daylightTimes.Start.Ticks == daylightTimes.End.Ticks)
				return false;

			//We are in the northern hemisphere.
			if (daylightTimes.Start.Ticks < daylightTimes.End.Ticks) {
				if (daylightTimes.Start.Ticks < time.Ticks && daylightTimes.End.Ticks > time.Ticks)
					return true; // time lies between Start and End

			else {  // We are in the southern hemisphere.
				if (time.Year == daylightTimes.Start.Year && time.Year == daylightTimes.End.Year)
					if (time.Ticks < daylightTimes.End.Ticks || time.Ticks > daylightTimes.Start.Ticks)
						return true; // time is less than End OR more than Start 

			return false;
Пример #17
        private void GetDaylightChangeRules(ref DateTime time, TzDatabase.TzZone targetZone, DateTimeKind inflectionKind, out TzDatabase.TzRule one, out TzDatabase.TzRule two, out DaylightTime daylightTime)
            one = two = null;
            daylightTime = null;

            // First, figure out which zone we're in

            if (targetZone != null)
                // The zone might not have any daylight savings time rules
                if (targetZone.RuleName != TzDatabase.NotApplicableValue)
                    int index = FindRuleIndex(targetZone, time);
                    if (index != -1)
                        one = m_info.Rules[index];

                        two = GetCompanionRule(targetZone, one, index, time);

                        if (one != null && two != null)
                            DateTime from = one.GetDateTime(time.Year, targetZone.UtcOffset, two);
                            DateTime to = two.GetDateTime(time.Year, targetZone.UtcOffset, one);

                            if (from > to && Info.IsLatitudeNorth)
                                DateTime swap = to;
                                to = from;
                                from = swap;

                                TzDatabase.TzRule swapRule = one;
                                one = two;
                                two = swapRule;
                            else if (from < to && !Info.IsLatitudeNorth)
                                DateTime swap = to;
                                to = from;
                                from = swap;

                                TzDatabase.TzRule swapRule = one;
                                one = two;
                                two = swapRule;

                            TimeSpan delta = one.SaveTime;
                            if (delta.Ticks == 0)
                                delta = two.SaveTime;

                            daylightTime = new DaylightTime(from, to, delta);
Пример #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new SunTime object with default settings.
 /// </summary>
 public SunTime()
     this.latitude = 0.0;
     this.longitude = 0.0;
     this.utcOffset = 1.0;
     this.date = DateTime.Now;
     this.daylightChanges = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetDaylightChanges(date.Year);
        private void AdjustFileForSpringDst(AgdFile agdFile, IDbConnection db, DaylightTime daylightTime)
            //see if there's any epochs before DST
            int epochsBeforeSpringDst =
                        .Where(q => q.TimestampTicks < daylightTime.Start.Ticks));
            bool dataBeforeSpringDst = epochsBeforeSpringDst > 0;

            int epochsAfterSpringDst =
                        .Where(q => q.TimestampTicks > daylightTime.Start.Ticks));

            bool dataAfterSpringDst = epochsAfterSpringDst > 0;

            if (!dataBeforeSpringDst && dataAfterSpringDst)
                //no need to do anything
                richTextBox1.AppendText(string.Format("{0}: NOT adjusting file for spring DST\r\n", agdFile));

            richTextBox1.AppendText(string.Format("{0}: adjusting file for spring DST\r\n", agdFile));

            //adjust timestamps for data after DST by subtracting an hour
            string sql =
                    "UPDATE data SET dataTimestamp = dataTimestamp + {0} WHERE dataTimestamp >= {1}",
                    daylightTime.Delta.Ticks, daylightTime.Start.Ticks);

            //add the extra hour of data (October 25th 0200)
            var totalEpochsToInsert = daylightTime.Delta.TotalSeconds / agdFile.EpochLengthInSeconds;
            var ticksPerEpoch = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(agdFile.EpochLengthInSeconds).Ticks;
            for (int i = 0; i < totalEpochsToInsert; i++)
                sql = string.Format("insert into data(dataTimestamp) values ({0});",
                    (daylightTime.Start.Ticks + (i * ticksPerEpoch)));

            var columnNames = db.GetColumnNames("data");
            foreach (var columnName in columnNames)
                sql = string.Format("UPDATE data SET {0} = 0 WHERE {0} IS NULL", columnName);
            //adjust WTV
            if (db.TableExists("filters"))
                sql =
                        "UPDATE filters SET filterStartTimestamp = filterStartTimestamp + {0} WHERE filterStartTimestamp >= {1}",
                        daylightTime.Delta.Ticks, daylightTime.Start.Ticks);

                sql =
                        "UPDATE filters SET filterStopTimestamp = filterStopTimestamp + {0} WHERE filterStopTimestamp >= {1}",
                        daylightTime.Delta.Ticks, daylightTime.Start.Ticks);

            if (db.TableExists("wtvBouts"))
                sql =
                        "UPDATE wtvBouts SET startTicks = startTicks + {0} WHERE startTicks >= {1}",
                        daylightTime.Delta.Ticks, daylightTime.Start.Ticks);

                sql =
                        "UPDATE wtvBouts SET stopTicks = stopTicks + {0} WHERE stopTicks >= {1}",
                        daylightTime.Delta.Ticks, daylightTime.Start.Ticks);

            //adjust capsense
            if (db.TableExists("capsense"))
                //adjust timestamps for data after DST by subtracting an hour
                sql = string.Format(
                        "UPDATE capsense SET timeStamp = timeStamp + {0} WHERE timeStamp >= {1}",
                        daylightTime.Delta.Ticks, daylightTime.Start.Ticks);
        private void AdjustFileForFallDst(AgdFile agdFile, IDbConnection db, DaylightTime daylightTime)
            //see if there's any epochs before DST
            int epochsBeforeFallDst =
                        .Where(q => q.TimestampTicks < daylightTime.End.Ticks));
            bool dataBeforeFallDst = epochsBeforeFallDst > 0;

            int epochsAfterFallDst =
                        .Where(q => q.TimestampTicks > daylightTime.End.Ticks));
            bool dataAfterFallDst = epochsAfterFallDst > 0;

            if (dataBeforeFallDst && !dataAfterFallDst)
                //there's only data before
                //no need to do anything
                richTextBox1.AppendText(string.Format("{0}: not adjusting file for fall DST\r\n", agdFile));

            richTextBox1.AppendText(string.Format("{0}: adjusting file for fall DST\r\n", agdFile));

            //delete the extra hour of data (October 25th 0200)
            string sql = string.Format("DELETE FROM data WHERE dataTimestamp >= {0} AND dataTimeStamp < {1}",
                daylightTime.End.Ticks, daylightTime.End.Add(daylightTime.Delta).Ticks);

            //adjust timestamps for data after DST by subtracting an hour
            sql =
                    "UPDATE data SET dataTimestamp = dataTimestamp - {0} WHERE dataTimestamp >= {1}",
                    daylightTime.Delta.Ticks, daylightTime.End.Ticks);

            //adjust WTV
            if (db.TableExists("filters"))
                sql =
                        "UPDATE filters SET filterStartTimestamp = filterStartTimestamp - {0} WHERE filterStartTimestamp >= {1}",
                        daylightTime.Delta.Ticks, daylightTime.End.Ticks);

                sql =
                        "UPDATE filters SET filterStopTimestamp = filterStopTimestamp - {0} WHERE filterStopTimestamp >= {1}",
                        daylightTime.Delta.Ticks, daylightTime.End.Ticks);

            if (db.TableExists("wtvBouts"))
                sql =
                        "UPDATE wtvBouts SET startTicks = startTicks - {0} WHERE startTicks >= {1}",
                        daylightTime.Delta.Ticks, daylightTime.End.Ticks);

                sql =
                        "UPDATE wtvBouts SET stopTicks = stopTicks - {0} WHERE stopTicks >= {1}",
                        daylightTime.Delta.Ticks, daylightTime.End.Ticks);

            //adjust capsense
            if (db.TableExists("capsense"))
                //delete the extra hour of data (October 25th 0200)
                sql = string.Format("DELETE FROM capsense WHERE timeStamp  >= {0} AND timeStamp < {1}",
                    daylightTime.End.Ticks, daylightTime.End.Add(daylightTime.Delta).Ticks);

                //adjust timestamps for data after DST by subtracting an hour
                sql =
                        "UPDATE capsense SET timeStamp = timeStamp - {0} WHERE timeStamp >= {1}",
                        daylightTime.Delta.Ticks, daylightTime.End.Ticks);
Пример #21
  * Obtain absolute date (utc) from relative (local).
 public static DateTime ResolveDST(DateTime dt, DaylightTime dst)
     if (IsWithinDST(dt, dst)) {
         dt = dt.Add(-dst.Delta);
     return dt;
Пример #22
		// Get the daylight saving time rules for this timezone in a given year.
		public override DaylightTime GetDaylightChanges(int year)
					long start, end, delta;
					if(year < 1 || year > 9999)
						throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
						if(cachedYear == year)
							return cachedChanges;
								(year, out start, out end, out delta))
							cachedChanges = new DaylightTime
								(new DateTime(start),
								 new DateTime(end),
								 new TimeSpan(delta));
							cachedChanges = new DaylightTime
								(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue,
						cachedYear = year;
						return cachedChanges;
Пример #23
        public FormAnnotation()

            //datagridview settings

            button_remove.Image = Resources.Im_delete;
            button_add.Image = Resources.Im_plus;
            button_category_select.Image = Resources.Im_next;

            button_save.Image = Resources.Im_save;
            button_generate.Image = Resources.Im_gear;
            button_exit.Image = Resources.Im_stop;

            //Initialize Time and Time Zone
            localZone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone;
            daylight = localZone.GetDaylightChanges(DateTime.Now.Year);
Пример #24
        // NOTENOTE: Implementation detail
        // In the transition from standard time to daylight saving time, 
        // if we convert local time to Universal time, we can have the
        // following (take PST as an example):
        //      Local               Universal       UTC Offset
        //      -----               ---------       ----------
        //      01:00AM             09:00           -8:00
        //      02:00 (=> 03:00)    10:00           -8:00   [This time doesn't actually exist, but it can be created from DateTime]
        //      03:00               10:00           -7:00
        //      04:00               11:00           -7:00
        //      05:00               12:00           -7:00
        //      So from 02:00 - 02:59:59, we should return the standard offset, instead of the daylight saving offset.
        // In the transition from daylight saving time to standard time,
        // if we convert local time to Universal time, we can have the
        // following (take PST as an example):
        //      Local               Universal       UTC Offset
        //      -----               ---------       ----------
        //      01:00AM             08:00           -7:00
        //      02:00 (=> 01:00)    09:00           -8:00   
        //      02:00               10:00           -8:00
        //      03:00               11:00           -8:00
        //      04:00               12:00           -8:00
        //      So in this case, the 02:00 does exist after the first 2:00 rolls back to 01:00. We don't need to special case this.
        //      But note that there are two 01:00 in the local time.
        // And imagine if the daylight saving offset is negative (although this does not exist in real life)
        // In the transition from standard time to daylight saving time, 
        // if we convert local time to Universal time, we can have the
        // following (take PST as an example, but the daylight saving offset is -01:00):
        //      Local               Universal       UTC Offset
        //      -----               ---------       ----------
        //      01:00AM             09:00           -8:00
        //      02:00 (=> 01:00)    10:00           -9:00
        //      02:00               11:00           -9:00
        //      03:00               12:00           -9:00
        //      04:00               13:00           -9:00
        //      05:00               14:00           -9:00
        //      So in this case, the 02:00 does exist after the first 2:00 rolls back to 01:00. We don't need to special case this.
        // In the transition from daylight saving time to standard time,
        // if we convert local time to Universal time, we can have the
        // following (take PST as an example, daylight saving offset is -01:00):
        //      Local               Universal       UTC Offset
        //      -----               ---------       ----------
        //      01:00AM             10:00           -9:00
        //      02:00 (=> 03:00)    11:00           -9:00
        //      03:00               11:00           -8:00
        //      04:00               12:00           -8:00
        //      05:00               13:00           -8:00
        //      06:00               14:00           -8:00
        //      So from 02:00 - 02:59:59, we should return the daylight saving offset, instead of the standard offset.
        internal static TimeSpan CalculateUtcOffset(DateTime time, DaylightTime daylightTimes) {
            if (daylightTimes==null) {
                return TimeSpan.Zero;
            DateTimeKind kind = time.Kind;
            if (kind == DateTimeKind.Utc) {
                return TimeSpan.Zero;

            DateTime startTime;
            DateTime endTime;

            // startTime and endTime represent the period from either the start of DST to the end and includes the 
            // potentially overlapped times
            startTime = daylightTimes.Start + daylightTimes.Delta;
            endTime = daylightTimes.End;
            // For normal time zones, the ambiguous hour is the last hour of daylight saving when you wind the 
            // clock back. It is theoretically possible to have a positive delta, (which would really be daylight
            // reduction time), where you would have to wind the clock back in the begnning.
            DateTime ambiguousStart;
            DateTime ambiguousEnd;            
            if (daylightTimes.Delta.Ticks > 0) {
                ambiguousStart = endTime - daylightTimes.Delta;
                ambiguousEnd = endTime;
            } else {
                ambiguousStart = startTime;
                ambiguousEnd = startTime - daylightTimes.Delta;

            Boolean isDst = false;
            if (startTime > endTime) {
                // In southern hemisphere, the daylight saving time starts later in the year, and ends in the beginning of next year.
                // Note, the summer in the southern hemisphere begins late in the year.
                if (time >= startTime || time < endTime) {
                    isDst = true;
            else if (time>=startTime && time < endTime) {
                // In northern hemisphere, the daylight saving time starts in the middle of the year.
                isDst = true;
            // If this date was previously converted from a UTC date and we were able to detect that the local
            // DateTime would be ambiguous, this data is stored in the DateTime to resolve this ambiguity. 
            if (isDst && time >= ambiguousStart && time < ambiguousEnd) {
                isDst = time.IsAmbiguousDaylightSavingTime();
            if (isDst) {
                return daylightTimes.Delta;
            return TimeSpan.Zero;
		public override DaylightTime GetDaylightChanges(int year)
			if (year < 1 || year > 9999)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("year", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Range", new object[]
			object key = year;
			if (!this.m_CachedDaylightChanges.Contains(key))
				lock (CurrentSystemTimeZone.InternalSyncObject)
					if (!this.m_CachedDaylightChanges.Contains(key))
						short[] array = CurrentSystemTimeZone.nativeGetDaylightChanges(year);
						if (array == null)
							this.m_CachedDaylightChanges.Add(key, new DaylightTime(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, TimeSpan.Zero));
							DateTime dayOfWeek = CurrentSystemTimeZone.GetDayOfWeek(year, array[0] != 0, (int)array[1], (int)array[2], (int)array[3], (int)array[4], (int)array[5], (int)array[6], (int)array[7]);
							DateTime dayOfWeek2 = CurrentSystemTimeZone.GetDayOfWeek(year, array[8] != 0, (int)array[9], (int)array[10], (int)array[11], (int)array[12], (int)array[13], (int)array[14], (int)array[15]);
							TimeSpan delta = new TimeSpan((long)array[16] * 600000000L);
							DaylightTime value = new DaylightTime(dayOfWeek, dayOfWeek2, delta);
							this.m_CachedDaylightChanges.Add(key, value);
			return (DaylightTime)this.m_CachedDaylightChanges[key];
Пример #26
        public override DaylightTime GetDaylightChanges(int year)
            //Check cache...
            //This was broken.
            DaylightTime retVal = daylightChanges[this.zoneIndex + ":" + year] as DaylightTime;

            if (retVal == null)
                    DateTime current;
                    DateTime start = DateTime.MinValue;
                    DateTime end = DateTime.MinValue;
                    TimeSpan delta = TimeSpan.FromTicks(0);

                    if ( winTZI.daylightDate.month != 0 && winTZI.standardDate.month != 0 )
                        // day count is a value from 1 to 5, indicating the day
                        // in the month on which the switch occurs
                        int dayCount = winTZI.daylightDate.day;
                        current = start = new DateTime( year, winTZI.daylightDate.month, 1, winTZI.daylightDate.hour,winTZI.daylightDate.minute,winTZI.daylightDate.second );
                        while ( current.Month == winTZI.daylightDate.month )
                            if ( Convert.ToUInt16(current.DayOfWeek) == winTZI.daylightDate.dayOfWeek )
                                start = current;
                                if ( dayCount == 0 )
                            current = current.AddDays(1);

                        // day count is a value from 1 to 5, indicating the day
                        // in the month on which the switch occurs
                        dayCount = winTZI.standardDate.day;
                        current = end = new DateTime( year, winTZI.standardDate.month, 1, winTZI.standardDate.hour,winTZI.standardDate.minute,winTZI.standardDate.second );
                        while ( current.Month == winTZI.standardDate.month )
                            if ( Convert.ToUInt16(current.DayOfWeek) == winTZI.standardDate.dayOfWeek )
                                end = current;
                                if ( dayCount == 0 )
                            current = current.AddDays(1);
                        delta = daylightBias - standardBias;
                    retVal = new DaylightTime(start,end,delta);
                    if (daylightChanges.ContainsKey(this.zoneIndex + ":" + year) == false)
                        daylightChanges.Add(this.zoneIndex + ":" + year, retVal);
            return retVal;
Пример #27
		internal static TimeSpan CalculateUtcOffset(DateTime time, DaylightTime daylightTimes)
			if (daylightTimes == null)
				return TimeSpan.Zero;
			DateTimeKind kind = time.Kind;
			if (kind == DateTimeKind.Utc)
				return TimeSpan.Zero;
			DateTime dateTime = daylightTimes.Start + daylightTimes.Delta;
			DateTime end = daylightTimes.End;
			DateTime t;
			DateTime t2;
			if (daylightTimes.Delta.Ticks > 0L)
				t = end - daylightTimes.Delta;
				t2 = end;
				t = dateTime;
				t2 = dateTime - daylightTimes.Delta;
			bool flag = false;
			if (dateTime > end)
				if (time >= dateTime || time < end)
					flag = true;
				if (time >= dateTime && time < end)
					flag = true;
			if (flag && time >= t && time < t2)
				flag = time.IsAmbiguousDaylightSavingTime();
			if (flag)
				return daylightTimes.Delta;
			return TimeSpan.Zero;
Пример #28
 // ##########################################################
 // ### Common public API static methods
 // ##########################################################
 public static bool IsWithinDST(DateTime dt, DaylightTime dst)
     bool v = false;
     if (IsNonZero(dst)) {
         if ((dst.Start < dt) && (dt < dst.End)) {
             v = true;
     return v;
Пример #29
        // NOTENOTE: Implementation detail
        // In the transition from standard time to daylight saving time, 
        // if we convert local time to Universal time, we can have the
        // following (take PST as an example):
        //      Local               Universal       UTC Offset
        //      -----               ---------       ----------
        //      01:00AM             09:00           -8:00
        //      02:00 (=> 03:00)    10:00           -8:00   [This time doesn't actually exist, but it can be created from DateTime]
        //      03:00               10:00           -7:00
        //      04:00               11:00           -7:00
        //      05:00               12:00           -7:00
        //      So from 02:00 - 02:59:59, we should return the standard offset, instead of the daylight saving offset.
        // In the transition from daylight saving time to standard time,
        // if we convert local time to Universal time, we can have the
        // following (take PST as an example):
        //      Local               Universal       UTC Offset
        //      -----               ---------       ----------
        //      01:00AM             08:00           -7:00
        //      02:00 (=> 01:00)    09:00           -8:00   
        //      02:00               10:00           -8:00
        //      03:00               11:00           -8:00
        //      04:00               12:00           -8:00
        //      So in this case, the 02:00 does exist after the first 2:00 rolls back to 01:00. We don't need to special case this.
        //      But note that there are two 01:00 in the local time.
        // And imagine if the daylight saving offset is negative (although this does not exist in real life)
        // In the transition from standard time to daylight saving time, 
        // if we convert local time to Universal time, we can have the
        // following (take PST as an example, but the daylight saving offset is -01:00):
        //      Local               Universal       UTC Offset
        //      -----               ---------       ----------
        //      01:00AM             09:00           -8:00
        //      02:00 (=> 01:00)    10:00           -9:00
        //      02:00               11:00           -9:00
        //      03:00               12:00           -9:00
        //      04:00               13:00           -9:00
        //      05:00               14:00           -9:00
        //      So in this case, the 02:00 does exist after the first 2:00 rolls back to 01:00. We don't need to special case this.
        // In the transition from daylight saving time to standard time,
        // if we convert local time to Universal time, we can have the
        // following (take PST as an example, bug daylight saving offset is -01:00):
        //      Local               Universal       UTC Offset
        //      -----               ---------       ----------
        //      01:00AM             10:00           -9:00
        //      02:00 (=> 03:00)    11:00           -9:00
        //      03:00               11:00           -8:00
        //      04:00               12:00           -8:00
        //      05:00               13:00           -8:00
        //      06:00               14:00           -8:00
        //      So from 02:00 - 02:59:59, we should return the daylight saving offset, instead of the standard offset.
        internal static TimeSpan CalculateUtcOffset(DateTime time, DaylightTime daylightTimes) {
            if (daylightTimes==null) {
                return TimeSpan.Zero;

            DateTime startTime;
            DateTime endTime;

            if (daylightTimes.Delta.Ticks > 0) {
                startTime = daylightTimes.Start + daylightTimes.Delta;
                endTime = daylightTimes.End;
            } else {
                startTime = daylightTimes.Start;
                endTime = daylightTimes.End - daylightTimes.Delta;

            if (startTime > endTime) {
                // In southern hemisphere, the daylight saving time starts later in the year, and ends in the beginning of next year.
                // Note, the summer in the southern hemisphere begins late in the year.
                if (time < endTime || time >= startTime) { 
                    return daylightTimes.Delta;
            else if (time>=startTime && time<endTime) {
                // In northern hemisphere, the daylight saving time starts in the middle of the year.
                return daylightTimes.Delta;

            return TimeSpan.Zero;
Пример #30
 private static bool IsNonZero(DaylightTime dst)
     bool v = false;
     if ((dst != null) && (dst.Start.CompareTo(dst.End) != 0)) {
         v = true;
     return v;
Пример #31
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the daylight saving time period for a particular year.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="year">The year to which the daylight saving time period applies.</param>
    /// <returns>
    /// A <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DaylightTime"></see> instance containing the start and end date for daylight saving time in year.
    /// </returns>
    /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">year is less than 1 or greater than 9999. </exception>
    public override DaylightTime GetDaylightChanges(int year)
      DaylightTime DLTime = null;

      if (_bHasDlt)
        DateTime StdDay = GetDateTime(_TimeZone.StdDate, year);
        DateTime DltDay = GetDateTime(_TimeZone.DltDate, year);

        DLTime = new DaylightTime(DltDay, StdDay, new TimeSpan(0, _TimeZone.DltOffset, 0));

      return DLTime;
Пример #32
 private UTCDate(double tz, DaylightTime dst, DateTime dt)
     this.tz = tz;
     this.dst = dst;
     this.dt = dt;
Пример #33
         * Traverse year and verify dst status.
        private void TestDST(int tz, DaylightTime dst)
            DateTime lower = dst.Start;
            TimeSpan dst_span = dst.Delta;

            int day = 15;
            int hour = 12;
            int min = 0;
            int sec = 0;

            for (int i=UTCDate.MONTH_MIN; i<=UTCDate.MONTH_MAX; i++) {
                // compute dates using UTCDate
                UTCDate udt = new UTCDate(tz, dst, lower.Year, i, day, hour, min, sec);
                DateTime dt_utc = udt.ExtractUTC();
                DateTime dt_std = udt.ExtractStandard();
                DateTime dt_loc = udt.ExtractLocal();

                // compute dates manually

                // utc time -> resolve timezone offset and dst
                DateTime dt_utc2 = new DateTime(lower.Year, i, day, hour, min, sec,
                dt_utc2 = dt_utc2.AddHours(-tz); // resolve tz offset
                if (udt.IsDST) dt_utc2 = dt_utc2.Add(-dst_span); // resolve dst

                // standard time -> resolve dst only
                DateTime dt_std2 = new DateTime(lower.Year, i, day, hour, min, sec,
                if (udt.IsDST) dt_std2 = dt_std2.Add(-dst_span); // resolve dst

                // standard time -> given as input
                DateTime dt_loc2 = new DateTime(lower.Year, i, day, hour, min, sec,

                Assert.True(dt_utc.CompareTo(dt_utc2) == 0);
                Assert.True(dt_std.CompareTo(dt_std2) == 0);
                Assert.True(dt_loc.CompareTo(dt_loc2) == 0);