GetYear() приватный Метод

private GetYear ( int year, System.DateTime time ) : int
year int
time System.DateTime
Результат int
Пример #1
        public string cDate()
            ChineseLunisolarCalendar l = new ChineseLunisolarCalendar();
            DateTime dt = DateTime.Today; //转换当日的日期
            //dt = new DateTime(2006, 1,29);//农历2006年大年初一(测试用),也可指定日期转换
            string[] aMonth = { "", "正月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "腊月", "腊月" };
            string[] a10 = { "初", "十", "廿", "卅" };
            string[] aDigi = { "O", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九" };
            string sYear = "", sYearArab = "", sMonth = "", sDay = "", sDay10 = "", sDay1 = "", sLuniSolarDate = "";
            int iYear, iMonth, iDay;
            iYear = l.GetYear(dt);
            iMonth = l.GetMonth(dt);
            iDay = l.GetDayOfMonth(dt);

            //Format Year
            sYearArab = iYear.ToString();
            for (int i = 0; i < sYearArab.Length; i++)
                sYear += aDigi[Convert.ToInt16(sYearArab.Substring(i, 1))];

            //Format Month
            int iLeapMonth = l.GetLeapMonth(iYear); //获取闰月

            /*闰月可以出现在一年的任何月份之后。例如,GetMonth 方法返回一个介于 1 到 13 之间的数字来表示与指定日期关联的月份。如果在一年的八月和九月之间有一个闰月,则 GetMonth 方法为八月返回 8,为闰八月返回 9,为九月返回 10。*/

            if (iLeapMonth > 0 && iMonth <= iLeapMonth)
                //for (int i = iLeapMonth + 1; i < 13; i++) aMonth[i] = aMonth[i - 1];
                aMonth[iLeapMonth] = "闰" + aMonth[iLeapMonth - 1];
                sMonth = aMonth[l.GetMonth(dt)];
            else if (iLeapMonth > 0 && iMonth > iLeapMonth)
                sMonth = aMonth[l.GetMonth(dt) - 1];
                sMonth = aMonth[l.GetMonth(dt)];

            //Format Day
            sDay10 = a10[iDay / 10];
            sDay1 = aDigi[(iDay % 10)];
            sDay = sDay10 + sDay1;

            if (iDay == 10) sDay = "初十";
            if (iDay == 20) sDay = "二十";
            if (iDay == 30) sDay = "三十";

            //Format Lunar Date
            //sLuniSolarDate = dt.Year+"年"+dt.Month+"月"+dt.Day+"日 "+Weeks(dt.DayOfWeek.ToString())+" 农历" + sYear + "年" + sMonth + sDay;
            sLuniSolarDate = dt.Year + "年" + dt.Month + "月" + dt.Day + "日 " + Weeks(dt.DayOfWeek.ToString()) + " 农历" + sMonth + sDay;
            return sLuniSolarDate;
Пример #2
    //int GetYear (DateTime time) 获取指定公历日期的农历年份,使用的还是公历纪元。
    public string GetYear(DateTime time)
        StringBuilder sb   = new StringBuilder();
        int           year = calendar.GetYear(time);
        int           d;

            d = year % 10;
            sb.Insert(0, ChineseNumber[d]);
            year = year / 10;
        } while (year > 0);
Пример #3
    /// <summary>
    /// 公历转为农历的函数
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>作者:DeltaCat</remarks>
    /// <example>网址:</example>
    /// <param name="solarDateTime">公历日期</param>
    /// <returns>农历的日期</returns>
    static string SolarToChineseLunisolarDate(DateTime solarDateTime)
        System.Globalization.ChineseLunisolarCalendar cal = new System.Globalization.ChineseLunisolarCalendar();

        int    year         = cal.GetYear(solarDateTime);
        int    month        = cal.GetMonth(solarDateTime);
        int    day          = cal.GetDayOfMonth(solarDateTime);
        int    leapMonth    = cal.GetLeapMonth(year);
        string stringFormat = $"农历" +
                              $"{"甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸"[(year - 4) % 10]}" +
                              $"{"子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥"[(year - 4) % 12]}" +
                              $"({"鼠牛虎兔龙蛇马羊猴鸡狗猪"[(year - 4) % 12]})年" +
                              $"{(month == leapMonth ? "闰" : "")}{"无正二三四五六七八九十冬腊"[leapMonth > 0 && leapMonth <= month ? month - 1 : month]}月" +
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// 返回指定公历日期的阴历时间
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="time"></param>
 public ChinaDateTime(DateTime time)
     cc = new System.Globalization.ChineseLunisolarCalendar();
     if (time > cc.MaxSupportedDateTime || time < cc.MinSupportedDateTime)
         throw new Exception("参数日期时间不在支持的范围内,支持范围:" + cc.MinSupportedDateTime.ToShortDateString() + "到" + cc.MaxSupportedDateTime.ToShortDateString());
     year = cc.GetYear(time);
     month = cc.GetMonth(time);
     if (month > 12)
         month -= 12;
     dayOfMonth = cc.GetDayOfMonth(time);
     isLeap = cc.IsLeapMonth(year, month);
     if (isLeap) month -= 1;
     this.time = time;
Пример #5
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="date">时间参数</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetChineseDate(DateTime date)
            var cnDate = new ChineseLunisolarCalendar();
            string[] arrMonth = { "", "正月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "冬月", "腊月" };
            string[] arrDay = { "", "初一", "初二", "初三", "初四", "初五", "初六", "初七", "初八", "初九", "初十", "十一", "十二", "十三", "十四", "十五", "十六", "十七", "十八", "十九", "廿一", "廿二", "廿三", "廿四", "廿五", "廿六", "廿七", "廿八", "廿九", "三十" };
            string[] arrYear = { "", "甲子", "乙丑", "丙寅", "丁卯", "戊辰", "己巳", "庚午", "辛未", "壬申", "癸酉", "甲戌", "乙亥", "丙子", "丁丑", "戊寅", "己卯", "庚辰", "辛己", "壬午", "癸未", "甲申", "乙酉", "丙戌", "丁亥", "戊子", "己丑", "庚寅", "辛卯", "壬辰", "癸巳", "甲午", "乙未", "丙申", "丁酉", "戊戌", "己亥", "庚子", "辛丑", "壬寅", "癸丑", "甲辰", "乙巳", "丙午", "丁未", "戊申", "己酉", "庚戌", "辛亥", "壬子", "癸丑", "甲寅", "乙卯", "丙辰", "丁巳", "戊午", "己未", "庚申", "辛酉", "壬戌", "癸亥" };

            var lYear = cnDate.GetYear(date);
            var sYear = arrYear[cnDate.GetSexagenaryYear(date)];
            var lMonth = cnDate.GetMonth(date);
            var lDay = cnDate.GetDayOfMonth(date);

            var leapMonth = cnDate.GetLeapMonth(lYear);
            var sMonth = arrMonth[lMonth];
            if (leapMonth > 0)
                sMonth = lMonth == leapMonth ? string.Format("闰{0}", arrMonth[lMonth - 1]) : sMonth;
                sMonth = lMonth > leapMonth ? arrMonth[lMonth - 1] : sMonth;
            return string.Format("{0}年{1}{2}", sYear, sMonth, arrDay[lDay]);
Пример #6
        string GetCNDate()
             DateTime m_Date; //今天的日期
             int cny; //农历的年月日
             int cnm; //农历的年月日
             int cnd; //农历的年月日
             int icnm; //农历闰月

             m_Date = DateTime.Today;
            ChineseLunisolarCalendar cnCalendar =new ChineseLunisolarCalendar();
            cny = cnCalendar.GetSexagenaryYear(m_Date);
            cnm = cnCalendar.GetMonth(m_Date);
            cnd = cnCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(m_Date);
            icnm = cnCalendar.GetLeapMonth(cnCalendar.GetYear(m_Date));

            string txcns = "农历";
            const string szText1 = "癸甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬";
            const string szText2 = "亥子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌";
            const string szText3 = "猪鼠牛虎免龙蛇马羊猴鸡狗";
            int tn = cny % 10; //天干
            int dn = cny % 12;  //地支
            //txcns += szText1.Substring(tn, 1);
            //txcns += szText2.Substring(dn, 1);
            //txcns += "(" + szText3.Substring(dn, 1) + ")年";

            string[] cnMonth ={ "", "正月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月"
                , "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月", "十二月" };
            if (icnm > 0)
                for (int i = icnm + 1; i < 13; i++)
                    cnMonth[icnm] = cnMonth[icnm - 1];
                cnMonth[icnm] = "闰" + cnMonth[icnm];
            txcns += cnMonth[cnm];
            string[] cnDay ={ "", "初一", "初二", "初三", "初四", "初五", "初六", "初七"
                , "初八", "初九", "初十", "十一", "十二", "十三"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   , "十四", "十五", "十六"
                , "十七", "十八", "十九", "二十", "廿一", "廿二", "廿三", "廿四", "廿五"
                , "廿六", "廿七", "廿八", "廿九", "三十" };
            txcns += cnDay[cnd];
            return txcns;
 /// <summary>
 /// 获得指定公历日期中对应的农历天干地支年
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="calendar"></param>
 /// <param name="date"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string GetLunisolarYear(this ChineseLunisolarCalendar calendar, DateTime date)
Пример #8
        public IQueryable<Member> GetBirthMemberInDays(int day)
            int rangeDay = 5;//生日提前天数
            ChineseLunisolarCalendar clc = new ChineseLunisolarCalendar();
            string Luneryear = Utilities.ConvertToChineseYearStyle(clc.GetYear(DateTime.Now));//获取当前农历年,并将其转换为中文(此方法就不贴了,so easy)

            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();
            strSql.AppendLine("select MemberID from Member ");
            strSql.AppendLine(" where 1=1 ");
            strSql.AppendLine("and datediff(day,getdate(),Convert(varchar(100),(convert(varchar(4),Year(getdate()))+'-'+ ");
            strSql.AppendLine(" convert(varchar(2),Month(Birthday))+'-'+convert(varchar(2),Day(Birthday))),23)) <= '" + rangeDay + "'");
            strSql.AppendLine("and datediff(day,getdate(),Convert(varchar(100),(convert(varchar(4),Year(getdate()))+'-'+ ");
            strSql.AppendLine("convert(varchar(2),Month(Birthday))+'-'+convert(varchar(2),Day(Birthday))),23)) >= 0");
            strSql.AppendLine(" and isLeap=0 and (Birthday is not null or Birthday!='')");

            strSql.AppendLine("union all");

            strSql.AppendLine("select MemberID from Member ");
            strSql.AppendLine(" where 1=1");
            strSql.AppendLine("and datediff(day,getdate(),Convert(varchar(100),(convert(varchar(4),Year(getdate()))+'-'+ ");
            strSql.AppendLine(" convert(varchar(2),Month(dbo.fn_GetDate('" + Luneryear + "'+BirthDay1)))+'-'+convert(varchar(2),Day(dbo.fn_GetDate('" + Luneryear + "'+BirthDay1)))),23)) <= '" + rangeDay + "'");
            strSql.AppendLine("and datediff(day,getdate(),Convert(varchar(100),(convert(varchar(4),Year(getdate()))+'-'+ ");
            strSql.AppendLine("convert(varchar(2),Month(dbo.fn_GetDate('" + Luneryear + "'+BirthDay1)))+'-'+convert(varchar(2),Day(dbo.fn_GetDate('" + Luneryear + "'+BirthDay1)))),23)) >= 0");
            strSql.AppendLine(" and isLeap=1 and (BirthDay1 is not null or BirthDay1!='')");

            List<int> Ids = db.SqlQuery<int>(strSql.ToString()).ToList();

            var query = db.Set<Member>().Where(x => Ids.Contains(x.MemberID));
            return query;
Пример #9
        public ActionResult Edit(int ID)
            ChineseLunisolarCalendar clc = new System.Globalization.ChineseLunisolarCalendar();
            string Luneryear = Utilities.ConvertToChineseYearStyle(clc.GetYear(DateTime.Now));
            var entity = MemberService.Find(ID);
            var model = new MemberEditViewModel()
                Address = entity.Address,
                BirthDay = entity.BirthDay,
                Sex = entity.Sex,
                QQ = entity.QQ,
                DepartmentID = entity.DepartmentID,
                Description = entity.Description,
                Email = entity.Email,
                GroupID = entity.GroupID,
                IsLeader = entity.IsLeader,
                AvtarUrl = entity.AvtarUrl,
                IsLeap = entity.IsLeap,
                Mobile = entity.Mobile,
                Mobile1 = entity.Mobile1,
                NickName = entity.NickName,
                MemberID = entity.MemberID,
                FamilySituation = entity.FamilySituation,
                IDNumber = entity.IDNumber,
                JobExp = entity.JobExp,
                StudyExp = entity.StudyExp,
                JobTitleID = entity.JobTitleID

            ViewBag.Data_GroupID = Utilities.GetSelectListData(GroupService.GetALL()
               , x => x.ID, x => x.Name, model.GroupID, true);
            ViewBag.Data_DepartmentID = Utilities.GetSelectListData(DepartmentService.GetALL()
                , x => x.ID, x => x.Name, model.DepartmentID, true);
            ViewBag.Data_JobTitleID = Utilities.GetSelectListData(
              , x => x.ID, x => x.CateName, model.JobTitleID, true);
            return View(model);
Пример #10
        string GetCNDate()
            DateTime m_Date; //���������
            int cny; //ũ����������
            int cnm; //ũ����������
            int cnd; //ũ����������
            int icnm; //ũ������

            m_Date = DateTime.Today;
            ChineseLunisolarCalendar cnCalendar = new ChineseLunisolarCalendar();
            cny = cnCalendar.GetSexagenaryYear(m_Date);
            cnm = cnCalendar.GetMonth(m_Date);
            cnd = cnCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(m_Date);
            icnm = cnCalendar.GetLeapMonth(cnCalendar.GetYear(m_Date));

            string txcns = "ũ��";
            const string szText1 = "����ұ����켺������";
            const string szText2 = "���ӳ���î������δ������";
            const string szText3 = "����ţ������������F��";
            int tn = cny % 10; //���
            int dn = cny % 12;  //��֧
            //txcns += szText1.Substring(tn, 1);
            //txcns += szText2.Substring(dn, 1);
            //txcns += "(" + szText3.Substring(dn, 1) + ")��";

            string[] cnMonth ={ "", "����", "����", "����", "����", "����", "����"
                , "����", "����", "����", "ʮ��", "ʮһ��", "ʮ����", "ʮ����" };
            if (icnm > 0)
                for (int i = icnm + 1; i < 13; i++)
                    cnMonth[icnm] = cnMonth[icnm - 1];
                cnMonth[icnm] = "��" + cnMonth[icnm];
            txcns += cnMonth[cnm];
            string[] cnDay ={ "", "��һ", "����", "����", "����", "����", "����", "����"
                , "����", "����", "��ʮ", "ʮһ", "ʮ��", "ʮ��"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   , "ʮ��", "ʮ��", "ʮ��"
                , "ʮ��", "ʮ��", "ʮ��", "��ʮ", "إһ", "إ��", "إ��", "إ��", "إ��"
                , "إ��", "إ��", "إ��", "إ��", "��ʮ" };
            txcns += cnDay[cnd];
            return txcns;
Пример #11
 /// <summary> 
 /// 获得农历 
 /// </summary> 
 /// <returns></returns> 
 public static string cDate(DateTime dt)
     ChineseLunisolarCalendar l = new ChineseLunisolarCalendar();
     //DateTime dt = DateTime.Today; //转换当日的日期  //
     // dt = new DateTime(2006, 1,29);
     string[] aMonth ={ "", "正月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "腊月", "腊月" };  //a10表示日期的十位!
     string[] a10 ={ "初", "十", "廿", "卅" }; string[] aDigi ={ "O", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九" };
     string sYear = "", sYearArab = "", sMonth = "", sDay = "", sDay10 = "", sDay1 = "", sLuniSolarDate = "";
     int iYear, iMonth, iDay; iYear = l.GetYear(dt); iMonth = l.GetMonth(dt); iDay = l.GetDayOfMonth(dt);  //Format Year
     sYearArab = iYear.ToString();
     for (int i = 0; i < sYearArab.Length; i++)
         sYear += aDigi[Convert.ToInt16(sYearArab.Substring(i, 1))];
     //Format Month
     int iLeapMonth = l.GetLeapMonth(iYear);
     if (iLeapMonth > 0 && iMonth <= iLeapMonth)
         for (int i = iLeapMonth + 1; i < 13; i++)
             aMonth[i] = aMonth[i - 1];
             aMonth[iLeapMonth] = "闰" + aMonth[iLeapMonth - 1];
             sMonth = aMonth[l.GetMonth(dt)];
     else if (iLeapMonth > 0 && iMonth > iLeapMonth)
         sMonth = aMonth[l.GetMonth(dt) - 1];
         sMonth = aMonth[l.GetMonth(dt)];
     //Format Day
     sDay10 = a10[iDay / 10];
     sDay1 = aDigi[(iDay % 10)];
     sDay = sDay10 + sDay1;
     if (iDay == 10) sDay = "初十";
     if (iDay == 20) sDay = "二十";
     if (iDay == 30) sDay = "三十";
     //Format Lunar Date  //
     sLuniSolarDate = dt.Year + "年" + dt.Month + "月" + dt.Day + "日 " + Weeks(dt) + " 农历" + sYear + "年" + sMonth + sDay;
     sLuniSolarDate = "" + sMonth + sDay;
     return sLuniSolarDate;