Contains() приватный Метод

private Contains ( PointF pt ) : bool
pt PointF
Результат bool
        public static bool DoesLineIntersectRectangle(RectangleF pobjRectangle, Line pobjLine, ref Line pobjIntersectingPortionOfLine)
            RectangleF objLineAsRectangle = default(RectangleF);
            objLineAsRectangle = pobjLine.ToRectangle();

            if (!pobjRectangle.IntersectsWith(objLineAsRectangle))
                return false;
                bool blnIsPointAIn = false;
                bool blnIsPointBIn = false;

                blnIsPointAIn = pobjRectangle.Contains(pobjLine.PointA);
                blnIsPointBIn = pobjRectangle.Contains(pobjLine.PointB);

                if (blnIsPointAIn && blnIsPointBIn)
                    pobjIntersectingPortionOfLine = pobjLine;
                    PointF[] colIntersections = new PointF[2];
                    // Either one or two intersections.
                    List<Line> colLines = null;
                    colLines = GeometryHelper.RectangleTo4Lines(pobjRectangle);

                    foreach (Line objLine in colLines)
                        if (colIntersections[0].IsEmpty)
                            DoLinesIntersect(objLine, pobjLine, ref colIntersections[0]);
                        else if (colIntersections[1].IsEmpty)
                            DoLinesIntersect(objLine, pobjLine, ref colIntersections[1]);

                    if (!blnIsPointAIn && !blnIsPointBIn)
                        pobjIntersectingPortionOfLine = new Line(colIntersections[0], colIntersections[1]);
                        if (blnIsPointAIn)
                            pobjIntersectingPortionOfLine = new Line(colIntersections[0], pobjLine.PointA);
                            pobjIntersectingPortionOfLine = new Line(colIntersections[0], pobjLine.PointB);

                return true;
Пример #2
 public bool intersects(RectangleF r)
     return LineIntersectsLine(start, end, new PointD(r.X, r.Y), new PointD(r.X + r.Width, r.Y)) ||
            LineIntersectsLine(start, end, new PointD(r.X + r.Width, r.Y), new PointD(r.X + r.Width, r.Y + r.Height)) ||
            LineIntersectsLine(start, end, new PointD(r.X + r.Width, r.Y + r.Height), new PointD(r.X, r.Y + r.Height)) ||
            LineIntersectsLine(start, end, new PointD(r.X, r.Y + r.Height), new PointD(r.X, r.Y)) ||
            (r.Contains(new PointF((float)start.x, (float)start.y)) && r.Contains(new PointF((float)end.x, (float)end.y)));
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        ///   Determines whether a given point is inside and close to the edge of a given rectangle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rectangle">The rectangle within which the point should be located.</param>
        /// <param name="test">The point to test for.</param>
        /// <param name="tolerance">
        ///   The tolerance. This is subtracted from the bounds of the rectangle to create a border within which the
        ///   <paramref
        ///     name="test" />
        ///   point must be located.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="toTest">The edges that should be tested.</param>
        /// <returns>A combination of Edge flags depending on which edges the point is close to.</returns>
        internal static Edge IsPointOnEdge( RectangleF rectangle, PointF test, float tolerance, EdgeTest toTest )
            // If the point is not within the rectangle, then there is no need for further tests.
              if( !rectangle.Contains( test ) ) {
            return Edge.None;

              Edge result = Edge.None;
              // Test vertical edges.
              if( ( toTest & EdgeTest.Vertical ) != 0 ) {
            if( test.Y >= rectangle.Y && test.Y <= rectangle.Y + tolerance ) {
              result |= Edge.Top;
            if( test.Y <= rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height && test.Y >= rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height - tolerance ) {
              result |= Edge.Bottom;
              // Test horizontal edges.
              if( ( toTest & EdgeTest.Horizontal ) != 0 ) {
            if( test.X <= rectangle.X + rectangle.Width && test.X >= rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - tolerance ) {
              result |= Edge.Right;
            if( test.X >= rectangle.X && test.X <= rectangle.X + tolerance ) {
              result |= Edge.Left;

              return result;
    /// <summary>
    /// Tiles path text inside a rectangle
    /// </summary>
    static private Path TilePathText(Path pathText, RectangleF rect, float offset)
        var textBounds = pathText.GetBounds();

        pathText.ApplyTransform(CreateTranslateMatrix(rect.X - textBounds.Left, rect.Y - textBounds.Top));

        var tiledText = new Path();

        using (var firstLine = new Path())
            while (rect.Contains(pathText.GetBounds()))
                pathText.ApplyTransform(CreateTranslateMatrix(textBounds.Width + offset, 0));

            float lineOffset = textBounds.Width / 2;

            if (firstLine.Points.Count == 0)

            while (rect.Bottom > firstLine.GetBounds().Bottom)
                firstLine.ApplyTransform(CreateTranslateMatrix(lineOffset, textBounds.Height + offset));
                lineOffset *= -1;

        protected virtual void KeyboardDidShowNotification(NSNotification notification)
            UIView activeView = KeyboardGetActiveView();
            if (activeView == null)


            UIScrollView scrollView = activeView.FindSuperviewOfType(this.View, typeof(UIScrollView)) as UIScrollView;
            if (scrollView == null)

            RectangleF keyboardBounds = UIKeyboard.BoundsFromNotification(notification);

            UIEdgeInsets contentInsets = new UIEdgeInsets(0.0f, 0.0f, keyboardBounds.Size.Height, 0.0f);
            scrollView.ContentInset = contentInsets;
            scrollView.ScrollIndicatorInsets = contentInsets;

            // If activeField is hidden by keyboard, scroll it so it's visible
            RectangleF viewRectAboveKeyboard = new RectangleF(this.View.Frame.Location, new SizeF(this.View.Frame.Width, this.View.Frame.Size.Height - keyboardBounds.Size.Height));

            RectangleF activeFieldAbsoluteFrame = activeView.Superview.ConvertRectToView(activeView.Frame, this.View);
            // activeFieldAbsoluteFrame is relative to this.View so does not include any scrollView.ContentOffset

            // Check if the activeField will be partially or entirely covered by the keyboard
            if (!viewRectAboveKeyboard.Contains(activeFieldAbsoluteFrame)) {
                // Scroll to the activeField Y position + activeField.Height + current scrollView.ContentOffset.Y - the keyboard Height
                PointF scrollPoint = new PointF(0.0f, activeFieldAbsoluteFrame.Location.Y + activeFieldAbsoluteFrame.Height + scrollView.ContentOffset.Y - viewRectAboveKeyboard.Height);
                scrollView.SetContentOffset(scrollPoint, true);
Пример #6
		public void ContainsF ()
			// from bug #5985
			RectangleF outer = new RectangleF (100, 150, 300, 300);
			RectangleF inner = new RectangleF (139.3323f, 188.4053f, 140.2086f, 210.3129f);
			Assert.IsTrue (outer.Contains (inner), "a");
Пример #7
        public RectangleD(RectangleF outer, RectangleF inner)
            if (!outer.Contains(inner))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(inner), nameof(outer) + " must contain " + nameof(inner));

            this.Inner = inner;
            this.Outer = outer;
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 ///   Check if a given rectangle would be selected by another rectangle.
 ///   By default, checks whether the selection rectangle intersects with the bounding rectangle.
 ///   If Alt is pressed, the selection rectangle has to contain the complete bounding rectangle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="selectionRectangle">The rectangle that represents the selection.</param>
 /// <param name="boundingRectangle">The rectangle that should be tested whether it is selected.</param>
 /// <param name="modifierKeys">The modifier keys that are currently pressed.</param>
 /// <returns>
 ///   <see langword="true" /> if the rectangle is selected; <see langword="false" /> otherwise.
 /// </returns>
 public static bool IsSelected( RectangleF selectionRectangle, RectangleF boundingRectangle, Keys modifierKeys )
     if( ( modifierKeys & Keys.Alt ) != 0 ) {
     return selectionRectangle.Contains( boundingRectangle );
       } else {
     return selectionRectangle.IntersectsWith( boundingRectangle );
 internal override bool Hit(PointF p)
     RectangleF r = new RectangleF(p, new SizeF(0,0));
     RectangleF env = new RectangleF(this.mCurrentPoint,new SizeF(10,10));
     mHovered = env.Contains(r);
     //Debug.WriteLine("(" + p.X + "," + p.Y + ") c " + "(" + mCurrentPoint.X + ","  + mCurrentPoint.Y +")");
     return mHovered;
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Simulation" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="teams">The teams to be played against each other.</param>
        /// <param name="ball">The ball.</param>
        /// <param name="pitchBounds">The pitch boundaries.</param>
        /// <param name="friction">The friction coefficient.</param>
        public Simulation(ReadOnlyCollection<Team> teams, PointMass ball, RectangleF pitchBounds, float friction)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(teams != null);
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(ball != null);
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentException>(friction >= 0);
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentException>(pitchBounds.Width > 0 && pitchBounds.Height > 0);
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentException>(Contract.ForAll(teams, t =>
                t != null &&
                pitchBounds.IntersectsOrBorders(t.GoalBounds) &&
                t.Players.All(p => pitchBounds.Contains(p.Position))));

            _simulate = SimulatePlaying;
            _teams = teams;
            _startingPositions = (from t in teams select (from p in t.Players select p.Position).ToList().AsReadOnly()).ToList().AsReadOnly();
            _ball = ball;
            _ballStartingPosition = ball.Position;
            PitchBounds = pitchBounds;
            Friction = friction;
Пример #11
        public RectangleD(RectangleF outer, RectangleF inner)

            if (!outer.Contains(inner))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inner", "Outer RectangleF must contain Inner RectangleF");

            this.Inner = inner;
            this.Outer = outer;
 public override GH_ObjectResponse RespondToMouseDown(GH_Canvas sender, GH_CanvasMouseEvent e)
     if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)
         System.Drawing.RectangleF rec = ButtonBounds;
         if (rec.Contains(e.CanvasLocation))
             MessageBox.Show("The button was clicked", "Button", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
     return(base.RespondToMouseDown(sender, e));
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Simulation" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="teams">The teams to be played against each other.</param>
        /// <param name="ball">The ball.</param>
        /// <param name="pitchBounds">The pitch boundaries.</param>
        /// <param name="friction">The friction coefficient.</param>
        public Simulation(ReadOnlyCollection<Team> teams, PointMass ball, RectangleF pitchBounds, float friction)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(teams != null);
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(ball != null);
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentException>(friction >= 0);
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentException>(pitchBounds.Width > 0 && pitchBounds.Height > 0);
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentException>(Contract.ForAll(teams, t => t != null && t.IsValid(pitchBounds)));

            _simulate = SimulatePlaying;
            _teams = teams;
            _startingPositions = from t in teams select t.PlayerPositions;
            _ball = ball;
            _ballStartingPosition = ball.Position;
            PitchBounds = pitchBounds;
            Friction = friction;
Пример #14
 private Node GetNodAtXYRec(Node nod, int x, int y, int mouseX, int mouseY, bool parentIsExpanded)
     int cY = y + rowHeight * crtNodCheck;
     int cX = x;
     float yT = cY;
     RectangleF r = new RectangleF(cX, yT, size.Width, rowHeight);
     if (r.Contains(mouseX, mouseY)) {
         nodDblX = location.X + x + EXPANDER_SIZE;
         nodDblY = location.Y + nodesDrawingTopPosition + crtNodCheck * rowHeight;
         return nod;
     if (nod.IsExpanded) {
         x += TAB_NOD_SIZE;
     for (int i = 0; i < nod.Nodes.Count; i++) {
         Node ndr = null;
         if (parentIsExpanded)
         ndr = GetNodAtXYRec(nod.Nodes[i], x, y, mouseX, mouseY, parentIsExpanded && nod.Nodes[i].IsExpanded);
         if (ndr != null) {
             nodDblX = location.X + x + LEFT_PADDING;
             nodDblY = location.Y + nodesDrawingTopPosition + crtNodCheck * rowHeight;
             return ndr;
     return null;
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// 指定の座標値に駒台上の駒があればそれを取得します。
        /// </summary>
        private BoardPiece PointToHandPiece(System.Drawing.Point pos)
            var boxTypeN = PointToPieceBoxType(pos);
            if (boxTypeN == null)
                return null;

            var boxType = boxTypeN.Value;
            foreach (var pieceType in EnumEx.GetValues<PieceType>())
                var center = HandPieceToPoint(pieceType, boxType);
                var rect = new RectangleF(
                    (float)(center.X - SquareSize.Width / 2),
                    (float)(center.Y - SquareSize.Height / 2),

                if (rect.Contains(pos))
                    return new BoardPiece(pieceType, false, boxType);

            return null;
Пример #16
        private void rendererControl_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Skin skin = _lastSkin;

            if (skin == null)


            float halfWidth = Renderer.Width / 2.0f;
            float halfImgWidth = 56.0f / 2.0f;

            var rect = new RectangleF(halfWidth - halfImgWidth, 0, halfImgWidth * 2, 22);

            _mousePoint = e.Location;

            if (rect.Contains(e.Location))
                if (splitContainer4.SplitterDistance == 0)
                    _opening = true;
                    _opening = false;


            _mouseIsDown = true;
            //_isValidPick = GetPick(e.X, e.Y, ref _pickPosition);

            using (var backup = new ColorGrabber(GlobalDirtiness.CurrentSkin, skin.Width, skin.Height))

                    if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                        if (_isValidPick)
                            _selectedTool.Tool.BeginClick(_lastSkin, _pickPosition, e);
                            _selectedTool.Tool.BeginClick(_lastSkin, new Point(-1, -1), e);
                        UseToolOnViewport(e.X, e.Y);
                        _tools[(int)Tools.Camera].Tool.BeginClick(_lastSkin, Point.Empty, e);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.saveAllToolStripMenuItem_Click(null, null);
                    throw ex;
Пример #17
        private void DrawGLToolbar()
            // 2D
            Setup2D(new Rectangle(0, 0, Renderer.Width, Renderer.Height));

            float halfWidth = Renderer.Width / 2.0f;
            float halfImgWidth = 56.0f / 2.0f;

            var rect = new RectangleF(halfWidth - halfImgWidth, 0, halfImgWidth * 2, 22);

            Texture img = (splitContainer4.SplitterDistance == 0) ? _toolboxDownNormal : _toolboxUpNormal;

            if (rect.Contains(_mousePoint))
                GL.Color4((byte) 255, (byte) 255, (byte) 255, (byte) 255);
                GL.Color4((byte) 255, (byte) 255, (byte) 255, (byte) 64);


            const float widSep = 56.0f / 64.0f;
            const float heiSep = 22.0f / 32.0f;

            GL.TexCoord2(0, 0);
            GL.Vertex2(halfWidth - halfImgWidth, -1);
            GL.TexCoord2(widSep, 0);
            GL.Vertex2(halfWidth + halfImgWidth, -1);
            GL.TexCoord2(widSep, heiSep);
            GL.Vertex2(halfWidth + halfImgWidth, 21);
            GL.TexCoord2(0, heiSep);
            GL.Vertex2(halfWidth - halfImgWidth, 21);
Пример #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if this PSystem's region overlaps given rectangle
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rect">RectangleF to be checked</param>
 /// <returns>True if each rectangle overlaps other rectangle
 /// (doesn't contain whole rectangle)</returns>
 public virtual bool Overlaps(RectangleF rect)
     if (this.Rect.Contains(rect) && rect.Contains(this.Rect))
         return true;
     else if (this.Rect.IntersectsWith(rect) && !(this.Rect.Contains(rect) || rect.Contains(this.Rect)))
         return true;
         return false;
		protected override void OnMouseDown(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
			float yPos       = 1;
			int curItem = firstItem;
			float itemHeight = ItemHeight;
			while (curItem < completionData.Length && yPos < Height) {
				RectangleF drawingBackground = new RectangleF(1, yPos, Width - 2, itemHeight);
				if (drawingBackground.Contains(e.X, e.Y)) {
				yPos += itemHeight;
Пример #20
 private void gvChat_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
         GridHitInfo info = (sender as GridView).CalcHitInfo(e.X, e.Y);
         if (info.InRow && this.ChatRowPoints.ContainsKey(info.RowHandle))
             Rectangle rectangle = this.ChatRowPoints[info.RowHandle];
             if (rectangle.Contains(e.X, e.Y))
                 ChatLine row = (sender as GridView).GetRow(info.RowHandle) as ChatLine;
                 if (row != null)
                     IText text = row.TextSegments[0];
                     if (text != null)
                         int index;
                         Font textFont = text.TextFont;
                         string str = text.Text;
                         string str2 = null;
                         Dictionary<int, ChatLink> dictionary = null;
                         List<string> list = null;
                         List<MultiVal<int, int>> list2 = null;
                         SortedList<int, Emote> list3 = null;
                         if (!(!Program.Settings.Chat.Links.ShowChatLinks || (!row.ContainsLinks.HasValue ? false : !row.ContainsLinks.Value)))
                             dictionary = ChatLink.CreateCharacterIndex(ChatLink.FindLinks(str));
                         if (!(!Program.Settings.Chat.Emotes.ShowEmotes || (!row.ContainsEmotes.HasValue ? false : !row.ContainsEmotes.Value)))
                             list = new List<string>();
                             list2 = new List<MultiVal<int, int>>();
                             list3 = new SortedList<int, Emote>();
                             foreach (Emote emote in Emote.AllEmotes.Values)
                                 index = str.IndexOf(emote.CharSequence);
                                 while (index >= 0)
                                     bool flag = false;
                                     if (dictionary != null)
                                         foreach (ChatLink link in dictionary.Values)
                                             if ((index > link.StartIndex) && (index < link.EndIndex))
                                                 flag = true;
                                     if (!flag)
                                         list2.Add(new MultiVal<int, int>(index, emote.CharSequence.Length));
                                         list3.Add(index, emote);
                                     index = str.IndexOf(emote.CharSequence, (int) (index + emote.CharSequence.Length));
                                     if (!(!Program.Settings.Chat.Links.ShowChatLinks || (!row.ContainsLinks.HasValue ? false : !row.ContainsLinks.Value)))
                                         if (str2 == null)
                                             str2 = str;
                                         str2 = str2.Replace(emote.CharSequence, "");
                         using (Graphics graphics = this.gpgChatGrid.CreateGraphics())
                             float num6;
                             float x;
                             float y;
                             int num9;
                             int num10;
                             ChatLink link2;
                             SolidBrush brush;
                             string[] strArray;
                             int num11;
                             SizeF ef;
                             Brush brush2;
                             Font font2;
                             RectangleF ef2;
                             if ((list3 != null) && (list3.Count > 0))
                                 int num2;
                                 list2.Add(new MultiVal<int, int>(str.Length, 0));
                                 list3.Add(str.Length, null);
                                 SortedList<int, MultiVal<int, int>> list4 = new SortedList<int, MultiVal<int, int>>(list2.Count);
                                 list4[-1] = new MultiVal<int, int>(0, 0);
                                 foreach (MultiVal<int, int> val in list2)
                                     list4[val.Value1] = val;
                                 for (num2 = 1; num2 < list4.Count; num2++)
                                     int num3 = list4.Values[num2 - 1].Value1;
                                     index = list4.Values[num2].Value1;
                                     int num4 = list4.Values[num2 - 1].Value2;
                                     int num5 = list4.Values[num2].Value2;
                                     list.Add(str.Substring(num3 + num4, index - (num3 + num4)));
                                 dictionary = ChatLink.CreateCharacterIndex(ChatLink.FindLinks(str2));
                                 num6 = textFont.Height + 3;
                                 x = rectangle.X;
                                 y = rectangle.Y;
                                 num9 = (this.colText.VisibleWidth - 10) + rectangle.X;
                                 num10 = 0;
                                 link2 = null;
                                 using (brush = new SolidBrush(text.TextColor))
                                     for (num2 = 0; num2 < list.Count; num2++)
                                         if (list[num2].Length > 0)
                                             strArray = DrawUtil.SplitString(list[num2], " ");
                                             for (num11 = 0; num11 < strArray.Length; num11++)
                                                 if (link2 == null)
                                                     if ((dictionary.Count > 0) && dictionary.ContainsKey(num10))
                                                         link2 = dictionary[num10];
                                                     if (link2 != null)
                                                         using (brush2 = new SolidBrush(link2.LinkColor))
                                                             using (font2 = new Font(textFont, FontStyle.Underline))
                                                                 ef = DrawUtil.MeasureString(graphics, link2.DisplayText + " ", font2);
                                                                 if (((ef.Width <= (num9 - rectangle.Left)) || (x != rectangle.Left)) && ((x + ef.Width) > num9))
                                                                     x = rectangle.X;
                                                                     y += num6;
                                                                 ef2 = new RectangleF(x, y, ef.Width, ef.Height);
                                                                 if (ef2.Contains((float) e.X, (float) e.Y))
                                                                     this.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
                                                         ef = DrawUtil.MeasureString(graphics, strArray[num11], textFont);
                                                         if (((ef.Width <= (num9 - rectangle.Left)) || (x != rectangle.Left)) && ((x + ef.Width) > num9))
                                                             x = rectangle.X;
                                                             y += num6;
                                                     num10 += strArray[num11].Length;
                                                     x += ef.Width;
                                                     num10 += strArray[num11].Length;
                                                 if ((link2 != null) && (num10 >= link2.EndIndex))
                                                     link2 = null;
                                         if (list3.Values[num2] != null)
                                             float num12 = ((float) textFont.Height) / ((float) list3.Values[num2].Image.Height);
                                             float num13 = list3.Values[num2].Image.Width * num12;
                                             if ((x + num13) > num9)
                                                 x = rectangle.X;
                                                 y += num6;
                                             x += num13;
                                 dictionary = ChatLink.CreateCharacterIndex(ChatLink.FindLinks(str));
                                 if ((dictionary != null) && (dictionary.Count > 0))
                                     num6 = textFont.Height + 3;
                                     x = rectangle.X;
                                     y = rectangle.Y;
                                     num9 = (this.colText.VisibleWidth - 10) + rectangle.X;
                                     num10 = 0;
                                     link2 = null;
                                     using (brush = new SolidBrush(text.TextColor))
                                         strArray = DrawUtil.SplitString(str, " ");
                                         for (num11 = 0; num11 < strArray.Length; num11++)
                                             if (link2 == null)
                                                 if ((dictionary.Count > 0) && dictionary.ContainsKey(num10))
                                                     link2 = dictionary[num10];
                                                 if (link2 != null)
                                                     using (brush2 = new SolidBrush(link2.LinkColor))
                                                         using (font2 = new Font(textFont, FontStyle.Underline))
                                                             ef = DrawUtil.MeasureString(graphics, link2.DisplayText + " ", font2);
                                                             if (((ef.Width <= (num9 - rectangle.Left)) || (x != rectangle.Left)) && ((x + ef.Width) > num9))
                                                                 x = rectangle.X;
                                                                 y += num6;
                                                             ef2 = new RectangleF(x, y, ef.Width, ef.Height);
                                                             if (ef2.Contains((float) e.X, (float) e.Y))
                                                                 this.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
                                                     ef = DrawUtil.MeasureString(graphics, strArray[num11], textFont);
                                                     if (((ef.Width <= (num9 - rectangle.Left)) || (x != rectangle.Left)) && ((x + ef.Width) > num9))
                                                         x = rectangle.X;
                                                         y += num6;
                                                 num10 += strArray[num11].Length;
                                                 x += ef.Width;
                                                 num10 += strArray[num11].Length;
                                             if ((link2 != null) && (num10 >= link2.EndIndex))
                                                 link2 = null;
     catch (Exception exception)
         this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
     this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
		/// <summary>
		/// Determines whether this instance can start sliding given the touch position and the 
		/// current location/size of the top view. 
		/// Note that touchPosition is in Screen coordinate.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>true</returns>
		/// <c>false</c>
		/// <param name="touchPosition">Touch position.</param>
		/// <param name="topViewCurrentFrame">Top view's current frame.</param>
		public override bool CanStartSliding(PointF touchPosition, RectangleF topViewCurrentFrame)
			if (!IsVisible)
				return (touchPosition.X >= View.Bounds.Size.Width - EdgeTolerance && touchPosition.X <= View.Bounds.Size.Width);
				return topViewCurrentFrame.Contains (touchPosition);
Пример #22
 public bool Contains(RectangleF r)
     return(this.Contains(r.Location) && r.Contains(new Point((int)r.Right, (int)r.Bottom)));
Пример #23
        public override GH_ObjectResponse RespondToMouseUp(GH_Canvas sender, GH_CanvasMouseEvent e)
            if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)
                GH_Component comp = Owner as GH_Component;
                if (dragY)
                    // if drag was true then we release it here:
                    scrollStartY += deltaY;
                    deltaY        = 0;
                    dragY         = false;
                if (dragX)
                    // if drag was true then we release it here:
                    scrollStartX += deltaX;
                    deltaX        = 0;
                    dragX         = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < dropdownlists.Count; i++)
                    System.Drawing.RectangleF rec = BorderBound[i];
                    if (rec.Contains(e.CanvasLocation))
                        unfolded[i] = !unfolded[i];
                        // close any other dropdowns that may be unfolded
                        for (int j = 0; j < unfolded.Count; j++)
                            if (j == i)
                            unfolded[j] = false;

                    if (unfolded[i])
                        System.Drawing.RectangleF rec2 = dropdownBound[i];
                        if (rec2.Contains(e.CanvasLocation))
                            for (int j = 0; j < dropdownBounds[i].Count; j++)
                                System.Drawing.RectangleF rec3 = dropdownBounds[i][j];
                                if (rec3.Contains(e.CanvasLocation))
                                    if (displayTexts[i] != dropdownlists[i][j])
                                        // record an undo event so that user can ctrl + z
                                        comp.RecordUndoEvent("Selected " + dropdownlists[i][j]);

                                        // change the displayed text on canvas
                                        displayTexts[i] = dropdownlists[i][j];

                                        // if initial texts exists then change all dropdowns below this one to the initial description
                                        if (initialTxts != null)
                                            for (int k = i + 1; k < dropdownlists.Count; k++)
                                                displayTexts[k] = initialTxts[k];

                                        // send the selected item back to component (i = dropdownlist index, j = selected item in that list)
                                        action(i, j);

                                        // close the dropdown
                                        unfolded[i] = !unfolded[i];

                                        // recalculate component
                                        unfolded[i] = !unfolded[i];
                            unfolded[i] = !unfolded[i];
            return(base.RespondToMouseUp(sender, e));
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that find the node for which the expander was triggered
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"> the node to be checked</param>
        /// <param name="nodeLevel"> the level of the node</param>
        /// <param name="crtExpanderRow"> the row associated with the node</param>
        /// <param name="insideClickPoint">the location inside the structure where de mouse was clicked</param>
        /// <param name="parentIsExpanded">true if parent node is expanded, false otherwhise</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Node RecursiveExpanderCheck(Node node, int nodeLevel, ref int crtExpanderRow,
			Point insideClickPoint, bool parentIsExpanded)
            int cY = rowHeight * crtExpanderRow + nodesDrawingTopPosition - location.Y + TITLE_OFFSET;
            RectangleF rowRectangleToCheck = new RectangleF(LEFT_PADDING, cY, EXPANDER_SIZE, EXPANDER_SIZE);

            if (!node.IsLeaf) {

                if (node.Parent != null && node.Parent.IsExpanded) {
                    rowRectangleToCheck.Offset(nodeLevel * TAB_NOD_SIZE, 0);

                if (rowRectangleToCheck.Contains(insideClickPoint))
                    return node;

                foreach (Node childNode in node.Nodes) {
                    Node ndr = null;
                    if (parentIsExpanded) {
                    ndr = RecursiveExpanderCheck(childNode, nodeLevel + 1, ref crtExpanderRow,
                        insideClickPoint, parentIsExpanded && childNode.IsExpanded);
                    if (ndr != null)
                        return ndr;
            return null;
Пример #25
		///<summary>Returns the index in the DocsInMount array of the given location (relative to the upper left-hand corner of the pictureBoxMain control) or -1 if the location is outside all documents in the current mount. A mount must be currently selected to call this function.</summary>
		private int GetIdxAtMountLocation(Point location) {
			PointF relativeLocation=new PointF(
			//Enumerate the image locations.
			for(int i=0;i<MountItemsForSelected.Count;i++) {
				RectangleF itemLocation=new RectangleF(MountItemsForSelected[i].Xpos,MountItemsForSelected[i].Ypos,
				if(itemLocation.Contains(relativeLocation)) {
					return i;
			return -1;//No document selected in the current mount.
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the object that lies closest to the specified mouse (screen) point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method will search through all of the graph objects, such as
        /// <see cref="Axis"/>, <see cref="Legend"/>, <see cref="PaneBase.Title"/>,
        /// <see cref="GraphObj"/>, and <see cref="CurveItem"/>.
        /// If the mouse point is within the bounding box of the items (or in the case
        /// of <see cref="ArrowObj"/> and <see cref="CurveItem"/>, within
        /// <see cref="Default.NearestTol"/> pixels), then the object will be returned.
        /// You must check the type of the object to determine what object was
        /// selected (for example, "if ( object is Legend ) ...").  The
        /// <see paramref="index"/> parameter returns the index number of the item
        /// within the selected object (such as the point number within a
        /// <see cref="CurveItem"/> object.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="mousePt">The screen point, in pixel coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nearestObj">A reference to the nearest object to the
        /// specified screen point.  This can be any of <see cref="Axis"/>,
        /// <see cref="Legend"/>, <see cref="PaneBase.Title"/>,
        /// <see cref="TextObj"/>, <see cref="ArrowObj"/>, or <see cref="CurveItem"/>.
        /// Note: If the pane title is selected, then the <see cref="GraphPane"/> object
        /// will be returned.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="index">The index number of the item within the selected object
        /// (where applicable).  For example, for a <see cref="CurveItem"/> object,
        /// <see paramref="index"/> will be the index number of the nearest data point,
        /// accessible via <see cref="CurveItem.Points">CurveItem.Points[index]</see>.
        /// index will be -1 if no data points are available.</param>
        /// <returns>true if an object was found, false otherwise.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="FindNearestObject"/>
        public bool FindNearestObject( PointF mousePt, Graphics g, 
			out object nearestObj, out int index )
            nearestObj = null;
            index = -1;

            // Make sure that the axes & data are being drawn
            if ( AxisRangesValid() )
                float scaleFactor = CalcScaleFactor();
                //int			hStack;
                //float		legendWidth, legendHeight;
                RectangleF tmpRect;
                GraphObj saveGraphItem = null;
                int saveIndex = -1;
                ZOrder saveZOrder = ZOrder.H_BehindAll;

                // Calculate the chart rect, deducting the area for the scales, titles, legend, etc.
                RectangleF tmpChartRect = CalcChartRect( g, scaleFactor );

                // See if the point is in a GraphObj
                // If so, just save the object and index so we can see if other overlying objects were
                // intersected as well.
                if ( this.GraphObjList.FindPoint( mousePt, this, g, scaleFactor, out index ) )
                    saveGraphItem = this.GraphObjList[index];
                    saveIndex = index;
                    saveZOrder = saveGraphItem.ZOrder;
                // See if the point is in the legend
                if ( saveZOrder <= ZOrder.B_BehindLegend &&
                    this.Legend.FindPoint( mousePt, this, scaleFactor, out index ) )
                    nearestObj = this.Legend;
                    return true;

                // See if the point is in the Pane Title
                if ( saveZOrder <= ZOrder.H_BehindAll && _title._isVisible )
                    SizeF size = _title._fontSpec.BoundingBox( g, _title._text, scaleFactor );
                    tmpRect = new RectangleF( ( _rect.Left + _rect.Right - size.Width ) / 2,
                        _rect.Top + _margin.Top * scaleFactor,
                        size.Width, size.Height );
                    if ( tmpRect.Contains( mousePt ) )
                        nearestObj = this;
                        return true;

                float left = tmpChartRect.Left;

                // See if the point is in one of the Y Axes
                for ( int yIndex = 0; yIndex < _yAxisList.Count; yIndex++ )
                    Axis yAxis = _yAxisList[yIndex];
                    float width = yAxis._tmpSpace;
                    if ( width > 0 )
                        tmpRect = new RectangleF( left - width, tmpChartRect.Top,
                            width, tmpChartRect.Height );
                        if ( saveZOrder <= ZOrder.D_BehindAxis && tmpRect.Contains( mousePt ) )
                            nearestObj = yAxis;
                            index = yIndex;
                            return true;

                        left -= width;

                left = tmpChartRect.Right;

                // See if the point is in one of the Y2 Axes
                for ( int yIndex = 0; yIndex < _y2AxisList.Count; yIndex++ )
                    Axis y2Axis = _y2AxisList[yIndex];
                    float width = y2Axis._tmpSpace;
                    if ( width > 0 )
                        tmpRect = new RectangleF( left, tmpChartRect.Top,
                            width, tmpChartRect.Height );
                        if ( saveZOrder <= ZOrder.D_BehindAxis && tmpRect.Contains( mousePt ) )
                            nearestObj = y2Axis;
                            index = yIndex;
                            return true;

                        left += width;

                // See if the point is in the X Axis
                tmpRect = new RectangleF( tmpChartRect.Left, tmpChartRect.Bottom,
                    tmpChartRect.Width, _rect.Bottom - tmpChartRect.Bottom );
                if ( saveZOrder <= ZOrder.D_BehindAxis && tmpRect.Contains( mousePt ) )
                    nearestObj = this.XAxis;
                    return true;

                CurveItem curve;
                // See if it's a data point
                if ( saveZOrder <= ZOrder.E_BehindCurves && FindNearestPoint( mousePt, out curve, out index ) )
                    nearestObj = curve;
                    return true;

                if ( saveGraphItem != null )
                    index = saveIndex;
                    nearestObj = saveGraphItem;
                    return true;

            return false;
Пример #27
        public override bool IsClicked(Point pos)
            // Create an array containing all the points in the path
            Point[] pathPoints = new Point[points.Count + 1];
            pathPoints[0] = location;
            Array.Copy(points.ToArray(), 0, pathPoints, 1, points.Count);

            // Loop through all the line segments and check if `pos` is close enough to one of them
            for(int i = 0; i < pathPoints.Length - 1; ++i)
                RectangleF bounds = new RectangleF(
                    new Point(Math.Min(pathPoints[i].X, pathPoints[i + 1].X), Math.Min(pathPoints[i].Y, pathPoints[i + 1].Y)),
                    new Size(Math.Abs(pathPoints[i].X - pathPoints[i + 1].X), Math.Abs(pathPoints[i].Y - pathPoints[i + 1].Y)));
                bounds.Inflate(ALLOWED_ERROR + penWidth / 2, ALLOWED_ERROR + penWidth / 2);
                if(bounds.Contains(pos) && LayerLine.DistanceToLine(pathPoints[i], pathPoints[i + 1], pos) < ALLOWED_ERROR + penWidth / 2)
                    return true;

            // No line segment found that is close enough, so we return false
            return false;
Пример #28
        private static bool _ProcessControl(PointF mousePosition, Control control, bool ignore_rect)
            // ignore_rect will call mouse_up & mouse_move in any case.
            var c_location = control.PointToScreen(System.Drawing.Point.Empty);
            var clientRect = new System.Drawing.RectangleF(c_location.X, c_location.Y, control.Width, control.Height);
            var contains   = clientRect.Contains(mousePosition);

            if (contains && (mouseEvent == MouseEvents.Down) || mouseEvent == MouseEvents.Up)
                if (control.Parent != null)
                    bool ok             = true;
                    var  clickedControl = _ParentContains(control, mousePosition, control, ref ok);
                    if (clickedControl != null && ok == false)
                        control = clickedControl;

            if (ignore_rect || contains)
                var client_mpos = control.PointToClient(new Point((int)mousePosition.X, (int)mousePosition.Y));
                if (mousePositionChanged)
                    var m_args = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.None, 0, (int)client_mpos.X, (int)client_mpos.Y, 0);
                    if (dragData != null)
                        dragndrop = true;

                if (!contains && mouseEvent != MouseEvents.Up)
                switch (mouseEvent)
                case MouseEvents.Down:
                    var md_args = new MouseEventArgs(mouseButton, 1, (int)client_mpos.X, (int)client_mpos.Y, 0);
                    mouseLastClickControl = control;

                case MouseEvents.Up:
                    if (dragndrop)
                        if (control.AllowDrop)
                            DataObject    dnd_data = new DataObject(dragData);
                            DragEventArgs dnd_args = new DragEventArgs(dnd_data, 0, (int)client_mpos.X, (int)client_mpos.Y, DragDropEffects.None, dragControlEffects);
                        dragData  = null;
                        dragndrop = false;
                    var mu_args = new MouseEventArgs(mouseButton, 1, (int)client_mpos.X, (int)client_mpos.Y, 0);
                    if (mouseLastClickControl == control)
                    if (mouseLastClickControl != null && control != mouseLastClickControl)

                case MouseEvents.DoubleClick:
                    var mdc_args = new MouseEventArgs(mouseButton, 2, (int)client_mpos.X, (int)client_mpos.Y, 0);

                case MouseEvents.Wheel:
                    var mw_args = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Middle, 0, (int)client_mpos.X, (int)client_mpos.Y, (int)(-mouseWheelDelta * 4));
            if (!contains)
        private IVideo GetMouseOverVideo()
            // handle no videos displayed
            if (Items.Count == 0)
                return null;

            using (Graphics g = CreateGraphics())

                int maxItemsDisplayed = Height / ItemHeight;
                int itemsDisplayed = Math.Min(maxItemsDisplayed, Items.Count - TopIndex);

                for (int i = 0; i < itemsDisplayed; i++)
                    // get the current video
                    IVideo currentVideo = Items[TopIndex + i] as IVideo;

                    // see if the mouse lies in the video's title range
                    PointF titleLocation = new Point(LEFT_MARGIN, (i * ItemHeight) + VERTICAL_INSET);
                    SizeF titleSize = g.MeasureString(currentVideo.Title, Font, Width - Convert.ToInt32(titleLocation.X));
                    RectangleF titleRectangle = new RectangleF(titleLocation, titleSize);
                    if (titleRectangle.Contains(_lastMouseLocation))
                        return currentVideo;

                // wasn't in hyperlink
                return null;
Пример #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the drawing and updating of the graph.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) {

            // calculate the mouse position in the graph
            PointF graphMousePos = _nodeLayoutManager.ViewToGraph(_lastMousePosition);

            // when the layout was changed it needs to be recalculated
            bool layoutChanged = _nodeLayoutManager.LayoutChanged;

            if (layoutChanged) {
                _nodeLayoutManager.UpdateLayout(e.Graphics, _forceChangeLayout);
                _forceChangeLayout = false;

            // center the root behaviour if requested
            if (_pendingCenterBehavior) {
                _pendingCenterBehavior = false;

            // select the pending node
            if (_selectedNodePending != null) {
                if (_selectedNodePendingParent != null) {
                    if (_selectedNodePendingParent.CanBeExpanded() && !_selectedNodePendingParent.IsExpanded) {
                        _selectedNodePendingParent.IsExpanded = true;

                    SelectedNode = _selectedNodePendingParent.GetChild(_selectedNodePending);

                } else {
                    SelectedNode = RootNodeView.FindNodeViewData(_selectedNodePending);

                if (SelectedNode != null) {
                    if (SelectedNode.CanBeExpanded() && !SelectedNode.IsExpanded) {
                        SelectedNode.IsExpanded = true;

                    SelectedNode.SelectedSubItem = SelectedNode.GetSubItem(_selectedAttachmentPending);

                _selectedNodePending = null;
                _selectedNodePendingParent = null;
                _selectedAttachmentPending = null;

                if (ClickEvent != null) {

            // check if we must keep the original position of the mouse
            if (_maintainMousePosition) {
                _maintainMousePosition = false;

                // move the graph so that _graphOrigin is at the same position in the view as it was before
                float mouseX = (graphMousePos.X - _graphOrigin.X) * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale + _nodeLayoutManager.Offset.X;
                float mouseY = (graphMousePos.Y - _graphOrigin.Y) * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale + _nodeLayoutManager.Offset.Y;

                _nodeLayoutManager.Offset = new PointF(mouseX, mouseY);

            // check if we must keep the original position of _maintainNodePosition
            else if (_maintainNodePosition != null) {
                // move the graph so that _graphOrigin is at the same position in the view as it was before
                RectangleF bbox = _maintainNodePosition.IsFSM ? _maintainNodePosition.GetTotalBoundingBox() : _maintainNodePosition.BoundingBox;
                PointF viewpos = new PointF(bbox.X * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale, bbox.Y * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale);

                _nodeLayoutManager.Offset = new PointF(_graphOrigin.X - viewpos.X, _graphOrigin.Y - viewpos.Y);

            // reset the node whose position we want to keep
            _maintainNodePosition = null;

            // draw the graph to the view
            _nodeLayoutManager.DrawGraph(e.Graphics, graphMousePos, _currentNode, SelectedNode, _highlightedNodeIds, _updatedNodeIds, _highlightedTransitionIds, _highlightBreakPoint, _profileInfos);

            // check if we are currently dragging a node and we must draw additional data
            if (_dragTargetNode != null && _dragAttachment == null && (KeyCtrlIsDown && _movedNode != null || _dragTargetNode.Node != _movedNode)) {
                if (_dragAttachMode == NodeAttachMode.Attachment) {
                    // we could draw some stuff for attachements here
                } else {
                    // draw the arrows for the attach modes

                    // get the bounding box of the node
                    RectangleF bbox = _dragTargetNode.BoundingBox;

                    // get the bounding box of the connector
                    _dragTargetConnector = null;

                    // the depth of the area for the mouse
                    const float offset = 12.0f;

                    // the distance of the arrow from the border and its height
                    const float innerOffset = 2.0f;

                    // the horizintal middle of the node
                    float centerX = bbox.Left + bbox.Width * 0.5f;
                    float centerY = bbox.Top + bbox.Height * 0.5f;
                    float centerBoxX = bbox.X + bbox.Width * 0.4f;
                    float centerBoxWidth = bbox.Width * 0.2f;

                    // the half width of the arrow depending of the node's height
                    float arrowHalfWidth = (bbox.Height - innerOffset - innerOffset) * 0.5f;

                    // calculate the mouse areas for the different attach modes
                    RectangleF top    = new RectangleF(centerBoxX, bbox.Top, centerBoxWidth, offset);
                    RectangleF bottom = new RectangleF(centerBoxX, bbox.Bottom - offset, centerBoxWidth, offset);
                    RectangleF center = new RectangleF(centerBoxX, centerY - offset * 0.5f, centerBoxWidth, offset);
                    RectangleF left   = new RectangleF(bbox.X, bbox.Y, offset, bbox.Height);

                    // update for dragging in a new node
                    BehaviorNode behavior = _dragNodeDefaults as BehaviorNode;

                    if (behavior != null && behavior.FileManager == null) {
                        behavior = null;

                    // the node that is currently dragged
                    Node draggedNode = (_movedNode != null) ? _movedNode : (_dragNodeDefaults as Node);

                    if (draggedNode == null) {

                    Node.Connector parentConnector = _dragTargetNode.Node.ParentConnector;
                    bool canBeAdoptedByParent = parentConnector != null && (!parentConnector.IsAsChild || AdoptNodeByAncestor(_dragTargetNode.Node.Parent, draggedNode));
                    //bool targetCanBeAdoptedByParent = (_movedNode == null) || (_movedNode.ParentConnector != null) && _movedNode.ParentConnector.AcceptsChild(_dragTargetNode.Node);
                    bool hasParentBehavior = _dragTargetNode.HasParentBehavior(behavior);
                    bool parentHasParentBehavior = (_dragTargetNode.Parent == null);

                    bool isFSM = _rootNodeView.IsFSM || (_rootNodeView.Children.Count == 0);

                    bool mayTop = !isFSM && canBeAdoptedByParent /*&& targetCanBeAdoptedByParent*/ && !parentHasParentBehavior &&
                                  parentConnector != null && parentConnector.AcceptsChild(draggedNode);

                    bool mayBottom = mayTop;

                    bool mayCenter = !parentHasParentBehavior && (_rootNodeView.IsFSM && draggedNode.IsFSM || canBeAdoptedByParent && 
                                     draggedNode.GetType() != _dragTargetNode.Node.GetType() &&
                                     parentConnector != null && !parentConnector.IsReadOnly && parentConnector.AcceptsChild(draggedNode, true) &&

                    bool mayLeft = !isFSM && (_dragTargetNode.Node.Parent != _movedNode) &&
                                   canBeAdoptedByParent && !parentHasParentBehavior && !hasParentBehavior &&
                                   parentConnector != null && !parentConnector.IsReadOnly && parentConnector.AcceptsChild(draggedNode, true) &&
                                   !(draggedNode is BehaviorNode) && draggedNode.CanAdoptNode(_dragTargetNode.Node);

                    // update for moving an existing node
                    bool dragTargetHasParentMovedNode = false;

                    if (_movedNode != null) {
                        mayCenter = false;
                        dragTargetHasParentMovedNode = KeyShiftIsDown && _dragTargetNode.Node.HasParent(_movedNode);

                        // a node may not dragged on itself and may not dragged on one of its own children
                        if (_dragTargetNode.Node == _movedNode || dragTargetHasParentMovedNode) {
                            //mayTop = KeyCtrlIsDown;
                            mayTop &= KeyCtrlIsDown && (_dragTargetNode.Node.ParentConnector != null) && _dragTargetNode.Node.ParentConnector.AcceptsChild(_movedNode);
                            mayBottom = mayTop;
                            mayLeft = false;

                        } else {
                            // a dragged node cannot be placed in the same position again
                            mayTop &= (KeyCtrlIsDown || _dragTargetNode.Node.PreviousNode != _movedNode);
                            mayBottom &= (KeyCtrlIsDown || _dragTargetNode.Node.NextNode != _movedNode);
                            mayLeft &= _movedNode.CanAdoptChildren(_dragTargetNode.Node) && (!KeyShiftIsDown || _movedNode.Children.Count == 0);

                    if (_copiedNode != null) {
                        mayCenter = false;
                        mayLeft &= _copiedNode.CanAdoptChildren(_dragTargetNode.Node) && (!KeyShiftIsDown || _copiedNode.Children.Count == 0);
                        mayTop &= (_dragTargetNode.Node.ParentConnector != null) && _dragTargetNode.Node.ParentConnector.AcceptsChild(_copiedNode);
                        mayBottom = mayTop;

                    } else if (_clipboardPasteMode) {
                        mayCenter = false;
                        mayLeft &= !KeyShiftIsDown;

                    // reset the attach mode
                    _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.None;

                    // the vertices needed to draw the arrows
                    PointF[] vertices = new PointF[3];

                    // draw the top arrow if this action is allowed
                    if (mayTop) {
                        vertices[0] = new PointF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, top.Bottom - innerOffset);
                        vertices[1] = new PointF(centerX, top.Top + innerOffset);
                        vertices[2] = new PointF(centerX + arrowHalfWidth, top.Bottom - innerOffset);

                        if (top.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                            _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Top;
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                        } else {
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);

                    // draw the bottom arrow if this action is allowed
                    if (mayBottom) {
                        vertices[0] = new PointF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, bottom.Top + innerOffset);
                        vertices[1] = new PointF(centerX + arrowHalfWidth, bottom.Top + innerOffset);
                        vertices[2] = new PointF(centerX, bottom.Bottom - innerOffset);

                        if (_dragAttachMode == NodeAttachMode.None && bottom.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                            _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Bottom;
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                        } else {
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);

                    // draw the center rectangle if this action is allowed
                    if (mayCenter) {
                        if (center.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                            _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Center;
                            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, centerX - arrowHalfWidth * 0.5f, centerY - innerOffset * 2.0f, arrowHalfWidth, innerOffset * 4.0f);

                        } else {
                            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, centerX - arrowHalfWidth * 0.5f, centerY - innerOffset * 2.0f, arrowHalfWidth, innerOffset * 4.0f);

                    // draw the left arrow if this action is allowed
                    if (mayLeft) {
                        vertices[0] = new PointF(left.Right - innerOffset, left.Top + innerOffset);
                        vertices[1] = new PointF(left.Right - innerOffset, left.Bottom - innerOffset);
                        vertices[2] = new PointF(left.Left + innerOffset, left.Top + left.Height * 0.5f);

                        if (_dragAttachMode == NodeAttachMode.None && left.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                            _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Left;
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                        } else {
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);

                    // draw the right arrow if this action is allowed
                    foreach(Node.Connector connector in _dragTargetNode.Connectors) {
                        RectangleF bboxConnector = _dragTargetNode.GetConnectorBoundingBox(bbox, connector);
                        RectangleF right = new RectangleF(bboxConnector.Right - offset, bboxConnector.Y, offset, bboxConnector.Height);

                        bool mayRight = !_rootNodeView.IsFSM && !dragTargetHasParentMovedNode &&
                                        !hasParentBehavior &&
                                        !connector.IsReadOnly &&
                                        connector.AcceptsChild(draggedNode) &&
                                        (!connector.IsAsChild || AdoptNodeByAncestor(_dragTargetNode.Node, draggedNode));

                        if (mayRight && draggedNode != null && connector == draggedNode.ParentConnector) {
                            mayRight = false;

                        if (mayRight) {
                            float inOffset = bboxConnector.Height > innerOffset * 4.0f ? innerOffset : 3.0f;

                            vertices[0] = new PointF(right.Left + inOffset, right.Top + inOffset);
                            vertices[1] = new PointF(right.Right - inOffset, right.Top + right.Height * 0.5f);
                            vertices[2] = new PointF(right.Left + inOffset, right.Bottom - inOffset);

                            if (_dragAttachMode == NodeAttachMode.None && right.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                                _dragTargetConnector = _dragTargetNode.Node.GetConnector(connector.Identifier);
                                _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Right;
                                e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                            } else {
                                e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);

            // draw last mouse pos
            //e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, graphMousePos.X -1.0f, graphMousePos.Y -1.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f);

            //when we are dragging an existing node we draw a small graph representing it
            if (_movedNodeGraph != null) {
                // update the layout for the graph. This happens only once inside the function.

                // offset the graph to the mouse position
                _movedNodeGraph.Offset = new PointF(_nodeLayoutManager.Offset.X + graphMousePos.X * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale,
                                                    _nodeLayoutManager.Offset.Y + graphMousePos.Y * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale - _movedNodeGraph.RootNodeLayout.LayoutRectangle.Height * 0.5f * _movedNodeGraph.Scale);

                // draw the graph
                _movedNodeGraph.DrawGraph(e.Graphics, graphMousePos);

            // attachment
            if (_currentNode != null && _dragTargetNode != null &&
                _dragAttachment != null && _dragTargetAttachment != null && _dragAttachment != _dragTargetAttachment &&
                _dragTargetNode.Node.AcceptsAttachment(_dragAttachment.Attachment)) {
                _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.None;

                Attachments.Attachment sourceAttach = _dragAttachment.SelectableObject as Attachments.Attachment;
                Attachments.Attachment targetAttach = _dragTargetAttachment.SelectableObject as Attachments.Attachment;

                if (sourceAttach != null && targetAttach != null &&
                    sourceAttach.IsPrecondition == targetAttach.IsPrecondition &&
                    sourceAttach.IsTransition == targetAttach.IsTransition &&
                    sourceAttach.IsEffector == targetAttach.IsEffector)
                    SubItemRegin regin = _dragTargetNode.GetSubItemRegin(graphMousePos);
                    int itemIndex = _currentNode.GetSubItemIndex(_dragAttachment);
                    int targetItemIndex = _dragTargetNode.GetSubItemIndex(_dragTargetAttachment);

                    if (regin != SubItemRegin.Out && itemIndex >= 0 && targetItemIndex >= 0) {
                        RectangleF bbox = _dragTargetNode.GetSubItemBoundingBox(graphMousePos);

                        const float offset = 8.0f;
                        const float innerOffset = 2.0f;

                        float centerX = bbox.Left + bbox.Width * 0.5f;
                        float centerY = bbox.Top + bbox.Height * 0.5f;
                        float centerBoxX = bbox.X + bbox.Width * 0.4f;
                        float arrowHalfWidth = bbox.Width * 0.12f;

                        RectangleF top = new RectangleF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, bbox.Top, arrowHalfWidth * 2.0f, offset);
                        RectangleF bottom = new RectangleF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, bbox.Bottom - offset, arrowHalfWidth * 2.0f, offset);

                        PointF[] vertices = new PointF[3];

                        switch (regin) {
                            case SubItemRegin.Top:
                                if (KeyCtrlIsDown || _currentNode != _dragTargetNode || itemIndex != targetItemIndex - 1) {
                                    vertices[0] = new PointF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, top.Bottom - innerOffset);
                                    vertices[1] = new PointF(centerX, top.Top + innerOffset);
                                    vertices[2] = new PointF(centerX + arrowHalfWidth, top.Bottom - innerOffset);

                                    if (top.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                                        _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Top;
                                        e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                                    } else {
                                        e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);


                            case SubItemRegin.Bottom:
                                if (KeyCtrlIsDown || _currentNode != _dragTargetNode || itemIndex != targetItemIndex + 1) {
                                    vertices[0] = new PointF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, bottom.Top + innerOffset);
                                    vertices[1] = new PointF(centerX + arrowHalfWidth, bottom.Top + innerOffset);
                                    vertices[2] = new PointF(centerX, bottom.Bottom - innerOffset);

                                    if (bottom.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                                        _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Bottom;
                                        e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                                    } else {
                                        e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);


            if (_movedSubItem != null) {
                NodeViewData.SubItemText subitem = _movedSubItem as NodeViewData.SubItemText;

                if (subitem != null) {
                    RectangleF boundingBox = new RectangleF(graphMousePos, new SizeF(50, 12));
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(subitem.BackgroundBrush, boundingBox);

            // draw FSM related
            DrawFSMArrow(e, graphMousePos);
            DrawFSMDragCurve(e, graphMousePos);

            //the first time of paint, to collapse plan failed branch by default
            Behavior b = this.RootNode as Behavior;

            if (b.PlanIsCollapseFailedBranch > 0) {
                if (b.PlanIsCollapseFailedBranch == Behavior.kPlanIsCollapseFailedBranch) {
                    NodeViewData root = (NodeViewData)this.RootNodeView.Children[0];


Пример #31
		private void DrawLocationType(Dictionary<LocationType, List<Location>> visible,
				LocationType typeToDraw, Bitmap imageToUse, Graphics drawOn, float zoom, float imageZoom)
			List<Location> locs;
			List<Location> portalHubs;
			if ((typeToDraw & LocationType.AnyPortal) == 0 || !visible.TryGetValue(LocationType.PortalHub, out portalHubs))
				portalHubs = null;

			if (visible.TryGetValue(typeToDraw, out locs))
				float zw = imageZoom * imageToUse.Width;
				float zh = imageZoom * imageToUse.Height;
				foreach (Location loc in locs)
					PointF ptf = CoordsToPix(loc.Coords, zoom);
					RectangleF rectf = new RectangleF(ptf.X - zw / 2, ptf.Y - zh / 2, zw, zh);
					bool draw = true;

					// Hide portals that overlap a portal hub 
					// (likely that the portal is part of the hub)
					if (portalHubs != null)
						foreach (Location portalHub in portalHubs)
							PointF portalHubPt = CoordsToPix(portalHub.Coords, zoom);
							if (rectf.Contains(portalHubPt))
								draw = false;

					if (draw)
						drawOn.DrawImage(loc.IsFavorite ? Icons.Map.Favorite : imageToUse, rectf);
						Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(Point.Truncate(rectf.Location), Size.Ceiling(rectf.Size));
						mHotspots.AddFirst(new Hotspot(rect, loc));
        protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
            if (!DesignMode)
                var tabTextArea = (RectangleF)GetTabRect(SelectedIndex);
                tabTextArea = new RectangleF(tabTextArea.X + tabTextArea.Width - 22, 4, tabTextArea.Height - 3, tabTextArea.Height - 5);
                var pt = new Point(e.X, e.Y);

                if (tabTextArea.Contains(pt))
                    //if (ConfirmOnClose)
                    //    string tabPageText = this.TabPages[SelectedIndex].Text.TrimEnd();
                    //    string message = string.Format("You are about to close {0} tab. Are you sure you want to continue?", tabPageText);

                    //    DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show(message, "Confirm close", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

                    //    if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No)
                    //    {
                    //        return;
                    //    }

                    // Fire Event to Client
                    if (OnClose != null)
                        OnClose(this, new CloseEventArgs(SelectedIndex));

                if (CanDrawMenuButton(SelectedIndex))
                    RectangleF tabMenuArea = GetTabRect(SelectedIndex);
                    tabMenuArea = new RectangleF(tabMenuArea.X + tabMenuArea.Width - 43, 4, tabMenuArea.Height - 3, tabMenuArea.Height - 5);
                    pt = new Point(e.X, e.Y);

                    if (tabMenuArea.Contains(pt))
                        if (((UnitTabPage)TabPages[SelectedIndex]).Menu != null)
                            ((UnitTabPage) TabPages[SelectedIndex]).Menu.Show(this, new Point((int)tabMenuArea.X, (int)(tabMenuArea.Y + tabMenuArea.Height)));
Пример #33
        public void Draw(Graphics g, PointF pntDrawOffset, Point pntMouseLocation, MouseButtons mbButtons, Dictionary<Kill, KillDisplayDetails> dicKills, List<BattlemapRoundChange> lstRounds, KillDisplayColours colours, Dictionary<int, Color> teamColours)
            GraphicsPath gpTimelineOutline = new GraphicsPath();

            gpTimelineOutline.AddLines(new Point[] { new Point(5, 0), new Point(0, 5), new Point(0, 15), new Point((int)g.ClipBounds.Width - 280, 15), new Point((int)g.ClipBounds.Width - 280, 5), new Point((int)g.ClipBounds.Width - 275, 0) });
            //gpTimelineOutline.AddLine(new Point(this.m_mtsSeek.SeekerPosition, 15), new Point((int)g.ClipBounds.Width - 280, 15));
            //gpTimelineOutline.AddLines(new Point[] { new Point(235, (int)g.ClipBounds.Height - 55), new Point(230, (int)g.ClipBounds.Height - 50), new Point(230, (int)g.ClipBounds.Height - 40), new Point((int)g.ClipBounds.Width - 50, (int)g.ClipBounds.Height - 40), new Point((int)g.ClipBounds.Width - 50, (int)g.ClipBounds.Height - 50), new Point((int)g.ClipBounds.Width - 45, (int)g.ClipBounds.Height - 55) });

            this.ObjectPath = gpTimelineOutline;
            RectangleF recBounds = gpTimelineOutline.GetBounds();
            recBounds.Height += 50.0F;
            this.HotSpot = recBounds;

            //string strMouseOverKillList = String.Empty;
            float flMouseOffsetX = 0.0F;

            bool blRoundChanged = false;

            MapTextBlock timeList = new MapTextBlock();

            foreach (BattlemapRoundChange RoundChange in new List<BattlemapRoundChange>(lstRounds)) {
                float flOffsetXs = (this.HotSpot.Width - 5.0F) - ((float)((DateTime.Now.Ticks - RoundChange.ChangeTime.Ticks) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) / 3600.0F) * (this.HotSpot.Width - 5.0F);
                RectangleF recChangePosition = new RectangleF(flOffsetXs + this.m_pntDrawOffset.X - 2.0F, this.m_pntDrawOffset.Y, 4.0F, 20.0F);

                if (flOffsetXs >= 0.0F) {
                    GraphicsPath gpChangeTime = new GraphicsPath();
                    gpChangeTime.AddLine(new PointF(flOffsetXs, 5), new PointF(flOffsetXs, 12));

                    this.DrawBwShape(g, gpChangeTime, this.TimelineOpacity, 4.0F, Color.Black, Color.RoyalBlue);

                    if (recChangePosition.Contains(new PointF(pntMouseLocation.X, pntMouseLocation.Y)) == true) {
                        //strMouseOverKillList += String.Format("Round change {0}\r\n", RoundChange.Map.PublicLevelName);

                        timeList.Strings.Add(new MapTextBlockString(String.Format("Round change {0}", RoundChange.Map.PublicLevelName), Color.Pink, true));

                        blRoundChanged = true;
                        flMouseOffsetX = flOffsetXs;
                        //flMouseOffsetX = flOffsetXs;

            foreach (KeyValuePair<Kill, KillDisplayDetails> kvpKill in new Dictionary<Kill, KillDisplayDetails>(dicKills)) {

                float flOffsetXs = (this.HotSpot.Width - 5.0F) - ((float)((DateTime.Now.Ticks - kvpKill.Key.TimeOfDeath.Ticks) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) / 3600.0F) * (this.HotSpot.Width - 5.0F);
                RectangleF recKillPosition = new RectangleF(flOffsetXs + this.m_pntDrawOffset.X - 2.0F, this.m_pntDrawOffset.Y, 4.0F, 20.0F);

                if (recKillPosition.Contains(new PointF(pntMouseLocation.X + 5.0F, pntMouseLocation.Y)) == true) {
                    GraphicsPath gpKillTime = new GraphicsPath();
                    gpKillTime.AddLine(new PointF(flOffsetXs, 10), new PointF(flOffsetXs, 12));

                    this.DrawBwShape(g, gpKillTime, this.TimelineOpacity, 4.0F, Color.Black, Color.RoyalBlue);

                    Color killerColour = Color.White;
                    Color victimColour = Color.White;

                    if (colours == KillDisplayColours.EnemyColours) {
                        killerColour = ControlPaint.Light(Color.SeaGreen);
                        victimColour = ControlPaint.LightLight(Color.Black);
                    else if (colours == KillDisplayColours.TeamColours) {
                        if (teamColours.ContainsKey(kvpKill.Key.Killer.TeamID) == true && teamColours.ContainsKey(kvpKill.Key.Victim.TeamID) == true) {
                            killerColour = ControlPaint.Light(teamColours[kvpKill.Key.Killer.TeamID]);
                            victimColour = ControlPaint.Light(teamColours[kvpKill.Key.Victim.TeamID]);

                    if (kvpKill.Key.Killer.ClanTag.Length > 0) {
                        timeList.Strings.Add(new MapTextBlockString(String.Format("[{0}] ", kvpKill.Key.Killer.ClanTag), killerColour, false));

                    timeList.Strings.Add(new MapTextBlockString(kvpKill.Key.Killer.SoldierName, killerColour, false));

                    timeList.Strings.Add(new MapTextBlockString(String.Format("[{0}] ", kvpKill.Key.DamageType), Color.WhiteSmoke, false));

                    if (kvpKill.Key.Victim.ClanTag.Length > 0) {
                        timeList.Strings.Add(new MapTextBlockString(String.Format("[{0}] ", kvpKill.Key.Victim.ClanTag), victimColour, false));
                    timeList.Strings.Add(new MapTextBlockString(kvpKill.Key.Victim.SoldierName, victimColour, true));

                    flMouseOffsetX = flOffsetXs;

            if (timeList.Strings.Count > 0) {

                RectangleF recText = timeList.GetBounds();

                PointF timeListOffset = new PointF(pntDrawOffset.X + flMouseOffsetX - recText.Width / 2.0F, pntDrawOffset.Y - recText.Height);

                if (timeListOffset.X + recText.Width > g.ClipBounds.Width) {
                    timeListOffset.X = g.ClipBounds.Width - recText.Width;

                timeList.Draw(g, timeListOffset, pntMouseLocation, mbButtons);

            base.Draw(g, pntDrawOffset, pntMouseLocation, mbButtons);

            this.m_mtsSeek.ButtonOpacity = this.TimelineOpacity;
            this.m_mtsSeek.SeekerBounds = recBounds;
            this.m_mtsSeek.Draw(g, new PointF(pntDrawOffset.X, pntDrawOffset.Y + 13.0F), pntMouseLocation, mbButtons);

        protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
            if (!DesignMode)
                Graphics g = CreateGraphics();
                g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

                for (int i = 0; i < TabCount; i++)
                    var tabTextArea = (RectangleF)GetTabRect(i);
                    tabTextArea = new RectangleF(tabTextArea.X + tabTextArea.Width - 22, 4, tabTextArea.Height - 3, tabTextArea.Height - 5);

                    var pt = new Point(e.X, e.Y);

                    if (tabTextArea.Contains(pt))
                        using (var brush = new LinearGradientBrush(tabTextArea, SystemColors.Control, SystemColors.ControlLight, LinearGradientMode.Vertical))
                            var colorBlend = new ColorBlend(3);
                            colorBlend.Colors = new Color[]
                                Color.FromArgb(255, 252, 193, 183),
                                Color.FromArgb(255, 252, 193, 183), Color.FromArgb(255, 210, 35, 2),
                                Color.FromArgb(255, 210, 35, 2)

                            colorBlend.Positions = new float[] { 0f, .4f, 0.5f, 1f };
                            brush.InterpolationColors = colorBlend;

                            g.FillRectangle(brush, tabTextArea);

                            g.DrawRectangle(Pens.White, tabTextArea.X + 2, 6, tabTextArea.Height - 3, tabTextArea.Height - 4);

                            using (var pen = new Pen(Color.White, 2))
                                g.DrawLine(pen, tabTextArea.X + 6, 9, tabTextArea.X + 15, 17);
                                g.DrawLine(pen, tabTextArea.X + 6, 17, tabTextArea.X + 15, 9);
                        if (i != SelectedIndex)
                            using (var brush = new LinearGradientBrush(tabTextArea, SystemColors.Control, SystemColors.ControlLight, LinearGradientMode.Vertical))
                                var colorBlend = new ColorBlend(3);
                                colorBlend.Colors = new Color[]
                                    SystemColors.ActiveBorder, SystemColors.ActiveBorder,

                                colorBlend.Positions = new float[] { 0f, .4f, 0.5f, 1f };
                                brush.InterpolationColors = colorBlend;

                                g.FillRectangle(brush, tabTextArea);
                                g.DrawRectangle(Pens.White, tabTextArea.X + 2, 6, tabTextArea.Height - 3, tabTextArea.Height - 4);

                                using (var pen = new Pen(Color.White, 2))
                                    g.DrawLine(pen, tabTextArea.X + 6, 9, tabTextArea.X + 15, 17);
                                    g.DrawLine(pen, tabTextArea.X + 6, 17, tabTextArea.X + 15, 9);

                    if (CanDrawMenuButton(i))
                        var tabMenuArea = (RectangleF)GetTabRect(i);
                        tabMenuArea = new RectangleF(tabMenuArea.X + tabMenuArea.Width - 43, 4, tabMenuArea.Height - 3, tabMenuArea.Height - 5);
                        pt = new Point(e.X, e.Y);

                        if (tabMenuArea.Contains(pt))
                            using (var brush = new LinearGradientBrush(tabMenuArea, SystemColors.Control, SystemColors.ControlLight, LinearGradientMode.Vertical))
                                var colorBlend = new ColorBlend(3);
                                colorBlend.Colors = new Color[]
                                    Color.FromArgb(255, 170, 213, 255),
                                    Color.FromArgb(255, 170, 213, 255), Color.FromArgb(255, 44, 157, 250),
                                    Color.FromArgb(255, 44, 157, 250)

                                colorBlend.Positions = new float[] { 0f, .4f, 0.5f, 1f };
                                brush.InterpolationColors = colorBlend;

                                g.FillRectangle(brush, tabMenuArea);
                                g.DrawRectangle(Pens.White, tabMenuArea.X + 2, 6, tabMenuArea.Height - 2, tabMenuArea.Height - 4);

                                using (var pen = new Pen(Color.White, 2))
                                    g.DrawLine(pen, tabMenuArea.X + 7, 11, tabMenuArea.X + 10, 16);
                                    g.DrawLine(pen, tabMenuArea.X + 10, 16, tabMenuArea.X + 13, 11);
                            if (i != SelectedIndex)
                                using (var brush = new LinearGradientBrush(tabMenuArea, SystemColors.Control, SystemColors.ControlLight, LinearGradientMode.Vertical))
                                    var colorBlend = new ColorBlend(3);
                                    colorBlend.Colors = new Color[]
                                        SystemColors.ActiveBorder, SystemColors.ActiveBorder,

                                    colorBlend.Positions = new float[] { 0f, .4f, 0.5f, 1f };
                                    brush.InterpolationColors = colorBlend;

                                    g.FillRectangle(brush, tabMenuArea);
                                    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.White, tabMenuArea.X + 2, 6, tabMenuArea.Height - 2, tabMenuArea.Height - 4);

                                    using (var pen = new Pen(Color.White, 2))
                                        g.DrawLine(pen, tabMenuArea.X + 7, 11, tabMenuArea.X + 10, 16);
                                        g.DrawLine(pen, tabMenuArea.X + 10, 16, tabMenuArea.X + 13, 11);

Пример #35
        public virtual bool HitTest(PointF pntTest)
            System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix mat = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix();
            mat.RotateAt(-RotationAngle, new PointF(X , Y ));

            PointF[] tempPoints = new PointF[1];

            tempPoints[0].X = pntTest.X;
            tempPoints[0].Y = pntTest.Y;

            mat.TransformPoints( tempPoints);

            RectangleF rect = new RectangleF((X-(Width/2)), (Y-(Height/2)), Width, Height);
            if (rect.Contains(tempPoints[0]))
                return true;

            return false;
Пример #36
 public static List <CharBox> GetCharBoxsSurroundedByRectangle(List <CharBox> cbs, System.Drawing.RectangleF r)
     return(cbs.Where(a => /*selectedR.IntersectsWith(a.R) || */ r.Contains(a.R)).ToList());