Пример #1
        // public static uint ERROR_LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS = 49; //fix error CS0414: Warning as Error: is assigned but its value is never used
        // This method maps some common COM Hresults to
        // existing clr exceptions

        internal static Exception GetExceptionFromCOMException(COMException e)
            Exception exception;
            int errorCode = e.ErrorCode;
            string errorMessage = e.Message;

            // Check if we can throw a more specific exception
            if (errorCode == unchecked((int)0x80070005))
                // Access Denied
                exception = new UnauthorizedAccessException(errorMessage, e);
            else if (errorCode == unchecked((int)0x800708c5) || errorCode == unchecked((int)0x80070056) || errorCode == unchecked((int)0x8007052))
                // Password does not meet complexity requirements or old password does not match or policy restriction has been enforced.
                exception = new PasswordException(errorMessage, e);
            else if (errorCode == unchecked((int)0x800708b0) || errorCode == unchecked((int)0x80071392))
                // Principal already exists
                exception = new PrincipalExistsException(errorMessage, e);
            else if (errorCode == unchecked((int)0x8007052e))
                // Logon Failure
                exception = new AuthenticationException(errorMessage, e);
            else if (errorCode == unchecked((int)0x8007202f))
                // Constraint Violation
                exception = new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage, e);
            else if (errorCode == unchecked((int)0x80072035))
                // Unwilling to perform
                exception = new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage, e);
            else if (errorCode == unchecked((int)0x80070008))
                // No Memory
                exception = new OutOfMemoryException();
            else if ((errorCode == unchecked((int)0x8007203a)) || (errorCode == unchecked((int)0x8007200e)) || (errorCode == unchecked((int)0x8007200f)))
                exception = new PrincipalServerDownException(errorMessage, e, errorCode, null);
                // Wrap the exception in a generic OperationException
                exception = new PrincipalOperationException(errorMessage, e, errorCode);

            return exception;
Пример #2
		internal static Exception GetExceptionFromCOMException(COMException e)
			Exception passwordException;
			int errorCode = e.ErrorCode;
			string message = e.Message;
			if (errorCode != -2147024891)
				if (errorCode == -2147022651 || errorCode == -2147024810 || errorCode == 0x8007052)
					passwordException = new PasswordException(message, e);
					if (errorCode == -2147022672 || errorCode == -2147019886)
						passwordException = new PrincipalExistsException(message, e);
						if (errorCode != -2147023570)
							if (errorCode != -2147016657)
								if (errorCode != -2147016651)
									if (errorCode != -2147024888)
										if (errorCode == -2147016646 || errorCode == -2147016690 || errorCode == -2147016689)
											passwordException = new PrincipalServerDownException(message, e, errorCode, null);
											passwordException = new PrincipalOperationException(message, e, errorCode);
										passwordException = new OutOfMemoryException();
									passwordException = new InvalidOperationException(message, e);
								passwordException = new InvalidOperationException(message, e);
							passwordException = new AuthenticationException(message, e);
				passwordException = new UnauthorizedAccessException(message, e);
			return passwordException;
Пример #3
        // public const uint ERROR_LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS = 49; //fix error CS0414: Warning as Error: is assigned but its value is never used
        // This method maps some common COM Hresults to
        // existing clr exceptions

        internal static Exception GetExceptionFromCOMException(COMException e)
            Exception exception;
            int       errorCode    = e.ErrorCode;
            string    errorMessage = e.Message;

            // Check if we can throw a more specific exception
            if (errorCode == unchecked ((int)0x80070005))
                // Access Denied
                exception = new UnauthorizedAccessException(errorMessage, e);
            else if (errorCode == unchecked ((int)0x800708c5) || errorCode == unchecked ((int)0x80070056) || errorCode == unchecked ((int)0x8007052))
                // Password does not meet complexity requirements or old password does not match or policy restriction has been enforced.
                exception = new PasswordException(errorMessage, e);
            else if (errorCode == unchecked ((int)0x800708b0) || errorCode == unchecked ((int)0x80071392))
                // Principal already exists
                exception = new PrincipalExistsException(errorMessage, e);
            else if (errorCode == unchecked ((int)0x8007052e))
                // Logon Failure
                exception = new AuthenticationException(errorMessage, e);
            else if (errorCode == unchecked ((int)0x8007202f))
                // Constraint Violation
                exception = new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage, e);
            else if (errorCode == unchecked ((int)0x80072035))
                // Unwilling to perform
                exception = new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage, e);
            else if (errorCode == unchecked ((int)0x80070008))
                // No Memory
                exception = new OutOfMemoryException();
            else if ((errorCode == unchecked ((int)0x8007203a)) || (errorCode == unchecked ((int)0x8007200e)) || (errorCode == unchecked ((int)0x8007200f)))
                exception = new PrincipalServerDownException(errorMessage, e, errorCode, null);
                // Wrap the exception in a generic OperationException
                exception = new PrincipalOperationException(errorMessage, e, errorCode);

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Find all users whose e-mail address matches the given string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email">E-mail address (full or partial) to match.</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Zero-based index of page to return, or null for all results.</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Number of items per page to return, or null for all results.</param>
        /// <param name="sortOrder">Sort order for results, or null to sort by configuration IdentityType.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of all users.</returns>
        public ICollection<Principal> FindUsersByEmail(string email, int? pageIndex = null, int? pageSize = null, Nullable<IdentityType> sortOrder = null)
            // Ensure search criteria was specified.
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid search criteria specified.");

            // Loop to re-attempt.
            for (int attempt = 0; attempt < this.Config.MaxAttempts; attempt++)
                // Get new principal context.
                var context = this.GetPrincipalContext(attempt);

                    // Get user principal.
                    var userPrincipal = new UserPrincipal(context);

                    // Set user principal to search.  Pad with asterisks.
                    userPrincipal.EmailAddress = "*" + email + "*";

                    return this.GetAllPrincipals(userPrincipal, pageIndex, pageSize, sortOrder);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // If it is a server down exception, catch it.  Otherwise, rethrow.
                    if (ex is PrincipalServerDownException || ex is ActiveDirectoryServerDownException)
                        // Determine IP of connected server and record failure if known.
                        IPAddress serverIP = null;
                        if (IPAddress.TryParse(context.ConnectedServer, out serverIP))
                            this.Dns.RecordFailure(this.Config.Server, serverIP);

            // If we've reached this point, number of loop attempts have been exhausted because of caught PrincipalServerDownExceptions.  Throw exception.
            var pe = new PrincipalServerDownException(this.Config.Server);
            throw pe;
Пример #5
        internal static Exception GetExceptionFromCOMException(COMException e)
            Exception passwordException;
            int       errorCode = e.ErrorCode;
            string    message   = e.Message;

            if (errorCode != -2147024891)
                if (errorCode == -2147022651 || errorCode == -2147024810 || errorCode == 0x8007052)
                    passwordException = new PasswordException(message, e);
                    if (errorCode == -2147022672 || errorCode == -2147019886)
                        passwordException = new PrincipalExistsException(message, e);
                        if (errorCode != -2147023570)
                            if (errorCode != -2147016657)
                                if (errorCode != -2147016651)
                                    if (errorCode != -2147024888)
                                        if (errorCode == -2147016646 || errorCode == -2147016690 || errorCode == -2147016689)
                                            passwordException = new PrincipalServerDownException(message, e, errorCode, null);
                                            passwordException = new PrincipalOperationException(message, e, errorCode);
                                        passwordException = new OutOfMemoryException();
                                    passwordException = new InvalidOperationException(message, e);
                                passwordException = new InvalidOperationException(message, e);
                            passwordException = new AuthenticationException(message, e);
                passwordException = new UnauthorizedAccessException(message, e);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate that user is authorized.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username">Username to check.</param>
        /// <param name="password">Password to check.</param>
        /// <returns>True/false if user can be validated.</returns>
        public bool ValidateUser(string username, string password)
            // Loop to re-attempt.
            for (int attempt = 0; attempt < this.Config.MaxAttempts; attempt++)
                // Get new principal context.
                var context = this.GetPrincipalContext(attempt);

                    // Get group.
                    var validCredentials = context.ValidateCredentials(username, password);

                    return validCredentials;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // If it is a server down exception, catch it.  Otherwise, rethrow.
                    if (ex is PrincipalServerDownException || ex is ActiveDirectoryServerDownException)
                        // Determine IP of connected server and record failure if known.
                        IPAddress serverIP = null;
                        if (IPAddress.TryParse(context.ConnectedServer, out serverIP))
                            this.Dns.RecordFailure(this.Config.Server, serverIP);

            // If we've reached this point, number of loop attempts have been exhausted because of caught PrincipalServerDownExceptions.  Throw exception.
            var pe = new PrincipalServerDownException(this.Config.Server);
            throw pe;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get users within a group.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="group">Group to test.</param>
        /// <param name="recursive">Recursively search children.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of users of group.</returns>
        public ICollection<Principal> GetUsersForGroup(string group, bool recursive = true)
            // Loop to re-attempt.
            for (int attempt = 0; attempt < this.Config.MaxAttempts; attempt++)
                // Get new principal context.
                var context = this.GetPrincipalContext(attempt);

                    // Get group object.
                    var groupPrincipal = GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, this.Config.IdentityType, group);

                    // If group doesn't exist, return empty list.
                    if (groupPrincipal == null)
                        return new List<Principal>();

                    // Get and process results.
                    var users = new List<Principal>();
                    var principalResults = groupPrincipal.GetMembers(recursive);
                    foreach (Principal user in principalResults)
                        if (user != null)
                            // Add valid user object to results.

                    return users;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // If it is a server down exception, catch it.  Otherwise, rethrow.
                    if (ex is PrincipalServerDownException || ex is ActiveDirectoryServerDownException)
                        // Determine IP of connected server and record failure if known.
                        IPAddress serverIP = null;
                        if (IPAddress.TryParse(context.ConnectedServer, out serverIP))
                            this.Dns.RecordFailure(this.Config.Server, serverIP);

            // If we've reached this point, number of loop attempts have been exhausted because of caught PrincipalServerDownExceptions.  Throw exception.
            var pe = new PrincipalServerDownException(this.Config.Server);
            throw pe;
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the listed user by SID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sid">SID to load.</param>
        /// <returns>Object representing user or null if doesn't exist.</returns>
        public UserPrincipal GetUserBySid(string sid)
            // Loop to re-attempt.
            for (int attempt = 0; attempt < this.Config.MaxAttempts; attempt++)
                // Get new principal context.
                var context = this.GetPrincipalContext(attempt);

                    // Get user.
                    var userPrincipal = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, IdentityType.Sid, sid);

                    return userPrincipal;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // If it is a server down exception, catch it.  Otherwise, rethrow.
                    if (ex is PrincipalServerDownException || ex is ActiveDirectoryServerDownException)
                        // Determine IP of connected server and record failure if known.
                        IPAddress serverIP = null;
                        if (IPAddress.TryParse(context.ConnectedServer, out serverIP))
                            this.Dns.RecordFailure(this.Config.Server, serverIP);

            // If we've reached this point, number of loop attempts have been exhausted because of caught PrincipalServerDownExceptions.  Throw exception.
            var pe = new PrincipalServerDownException(this.Config.Server);
            throw pe;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Get list of groups for this user is a member.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username">Username to check.</param>
        /// <param name="recursive">Recursive search for groups.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of groups for which this user is a member.</returns>
        public ICollection<Principal> GetGroupsForUser(string username, bool recursive = true)
            // Loop to re-attempt.
            for (int attempt = 0; attempt < this.Config.MaxAttempts; attempt++)
                // Get new principal context.
                var context = this.GetPrincipalContext(attempt);

                    // Get user object.
                    var userPrincipal = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, this.Config.IdentityType, username);

                    // If user doesn't exist, return empty list.
                    if (userPrincipal == null)
                        return new List<Principal>();

                    // Get and process results.
                    var groups = new List<Principal>();
                    PrincipalSearchResult<Principal> principalResults;

                    // Depending on values, perform direct or recursive search.
                    if (recursive)
                        principalResults = userPrincipal.GetAuthorizationGroups();
                        principalResults = userPrincipal.GetGroups();

                    // Use group enumerator to loop because of issues with errors on sometimes-returned invalid SIDs.
                    // See: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/csharpgeneral/thread/9dd81553-3539-4281-addd-3eb75e6e4d5d
                    var groupEnum = principalResults.GetEnumerator();
                    while (groupEnum.MoveNext())
                        Principal group = null;
                            group = groupEnum.Current;

                            if (group != null)
                                // Add group object to results.
                        catch (PrincipalOperationException poe)

                    return groups;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // If it is a server down exception, catch it.  Otherwise, rethrow.
                    if (ex is PrincipalServerDownException || ex is ActiveDirectoryServerDownException)
                        // Determine IP of connected server and record failure if known.
                        IPAddress serverIP = null;
                        if (IPAddress.TryParse(context.ConnectedServer, out serverIP))
                            this.Dns.RecordFailure(this.Config.Server, serverIP);

            // If we've reached this point, number of loop attempts have been exhausted because of caught PrincipalServerDownExceptions.  Throw exception.
            var pe = new PrincipalServerDownException(this.Config.Server);
            throw pe;
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all users.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Zero-based index of page to return, or null for all results.</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Number of items per page to return, or null for all results.</param>
        /// <param name="sortOrder">Sort order for results, or null to sort by configuration IdentityType.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of all users.</returns>
        public ICollection<Principal> GetAllUsers(int? pageIndex = null, int? pageSize = null, Nullable<IdentityType> sortOrder = null)
            // Loop to re-attempt.
            for (int attempt = 0; attempt < this.Config.MaxAttempts; attempt++)
                // Get new principal context.
                var context = this.GetPrincipalContext(attempt);

                    // Get user principal.
                    var userPrincipal = new UserPrincipal(context);

                    return this.GetAllPrincipals(userPrincipal, pageIndex, pageSize, sortOrder);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // If it is a server down exception, catch it.  Otherwise, rethrow.
                    if (ex is PrincipalServerDownException || ex is ActiveDirectoryServerDownException)
                        // Determine IP of connected server and record failure if known.
                        IPAddress serverIP = null;
                        if (IPAddress.TryParse(context.ConnectedServer, out serverIP))
                            this.Dns.RecordFailure(this.Config.Server, serverIP);

            // If we've reached this point, number of loop attempts have been exhausted because of caught PrincipalServerDownExceptions.  Throw exception.
            var pe = new PrincipalServerDownException(this.Config.Server);
            throw pe;