Пример #1
        internal Task WriteBulkCopyDone(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
            // Write DONE packet
            if (!(State == TdsParserState.OpenNotLoggedIn || State == TdsParserState.OpenLoggedIn))
                throw ADP.ClosedConnectionError();
            WriteShort(0, stateObj);
            WriteShort(0, stateObj);
            WriteInt(0, stateObj);

            stateObj._pendingData = true;
            stateObj._messageStatus = 0;
            return stateObj.WritePacket(TdsEnums.HARDFLUSH);
Пример #2
        internal SqlDataReader TdsExecuteTransactionManagerRequest(
                    byte[] buffer,
                    TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType request,
                    string transactionName,
                    TdsEnums.TransactionManagerIsolationLevel isoLevel,
                    int timeout,
                    SqlInternalTransaction transaction,
                    TdsParserStateObject stateObj
            Debug.Assert(this == stateObj.Parser, "different parsers");

            if (TdsParserState.Broken == State || TdsParserState.Closed == State)
                return null;

            // Promote, Commit and Rollback requests for
            // delegated transactions often happen while there is an open result
            // set, so we need to handle them by using a different MARS session, 
            // otherwise we'll write on the physical state objects while someone
            // else is using it.  When we don't have MARS enabled, we need to 
            // lock the physical state object to syncronize it's use at least 
            // until we increment the open results count.  Once it's been 
            // incremented the delegated transaction requests will fail, so they
            // won't stomp on anything.

            Debug.Assert(!_connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose || _connHandler._parserLock.ThreadMayHaveLock(), "Thread claims to have parser lock, but lock is not taken");
            bool callerHasConnectionLock = _connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose;   // If the thread already claims to have the parser lock, then we will let the caller handle releasing it
            if (!callerHasConnectionLock)
                _connHandler._parserLock.Wait(canReleaseFromAnyThread: false);
                _connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose = true;
            // Capture _asyncWrite (after taking lock) to restore it afterwards
            bool hadAsyncWrites = _asyncWrite;
                // Temprarily disable async writes
                _asyncWrite = false;

                stateObj._outputMessageType = TdsEnums.MT_TRANS;       // set message type

                stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Execute;

                const int marsHeaderSize = 18; // 4 + 2 + 8 + 4
                const int totalHeaderLength = 22; // 4 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 4
                Debug.Assert(stateObj._outBytesUsed == stateObj._outputHeaderLen, "Output bytes written before total header length");
                // Write total header length
                WriteInt(totalHeaderLength, stateObj);
                // Write mars header length
                WriteInt(marsHeaderSize, stateObj);
                WriteMarsHeaderData(stateObj, _currentTransaction);

                WriteShort((short)request, stateObj); // write TransactionManager Request type

                bool returnReader = false;

                switch (request)
                    case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Begin:
                        Debug.Assert(null != transaction, "Should have specified an internalTransaction when doing a BeginTransaction request!");

                        // Only assign the passed in transaction if it is not equal to the current transaction.
                        // And, if it is not equal, the current actually should be null.  Anything else
                        // is a unexpected state.  The concern here is mainly for the mixed use of 
                        // T-SQL and API transactions. 

                        // Expected states:
                        // 1) _pendingTransaction = null, _currentTransaction = null, non null transaction
                        // passed in on BeginTransaction API call.
                        // 2) _currentTransaction != null, _pendingTransaction = null, non null transaction
                        // passed in but equivalent to _currentTransaction.

                        // #1 will occur on standard BeginTransactionAPI call.  #2 should only occur if
                        // t-sql transaction started followed by a call to SqlConnection.BeginTransaction.
                        // Any other state is unknown.
                        if (_currentTransaction != transaction)
                            Debug.Assert(_currentTransaction == null || true == _fResetConnection, "We should not have a current Tx at this point");
                            PendingTransaction = transaction;


                        stateObj.WriteByte((byte)(transactionName.Length * 2)); // Write number of bytes (unicode string).
                        WriteString(transactionName, stateObj);
                    case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Commit:

                        Debug.Assert(transactionName.Length == 0, "Should not have a transaction name on Commit");
                        stateObj.WriteByte((byte)0); // No xact name

                        stateObj.WriteByte(0);  // No flags

                        Debug.Assert(isoLevel == TdsEnums.TransactionManagerIsolationLevel.Unspecified, "Should not have isolation level other than unspecified on Commit!");
                        // WriteByte((byte) 0, stateObj); // IsolationLevel
                        // WriteByte((byte) 0, stateObj); // No begin xact name
                    case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Rollback:

                        stateObj.WriteByte((byte)(transactionName.Length * 2)); // Write number of bytes (unicode string).
                        WriteString(transactionName, stateObj);

                        stateObj.WriteByte(0);  // No flags

                        Debug.Assert(isoLevel == TdsEnums.TransactionManagerIsolationLevel.Unspecified, "Should not have isolation level other than unspecified on Commit!");
                        // WriteByte((byte) 0, stateObj); // IsolationLevel
                        // WriteByte((byte) 0, stateObj); // No begin xact name
                    case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Save:

                        stateObj.WriteByte((byte)(transactionName.Length * 2)); // Write number of bytes (unicode string).
                        WriteString(transactionName, stateObj);
                        Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected TransactionManagerRequest");

                Task writeTask = stateObj.WritePacket(TdsEnums.HARDFLUSH);
                Debug.Assert(writeTask == null, "Writes should not pend when writing sync");
                stateObj._pendingData = true;
                stateObj._messageStatus = 0;

                SqlDataReader dtcReader = null;
                stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Read;
                if (returnReader)
                    dtcReader = new SqlDataReader(null, CommandBehavior.Default);
                    Debug.Assert(this == stateObj.Parser, "different parser");
                    // Remove the current owner of stateObj - otherwise we will hit asserts
                    stateObj.Owner = null;

                    // force consumption of metadata
                    _SqlMetaDataSet metaData = dtcReader.MetaData;
                    Run(RunBehavior.UntilDone, null, null, null, stateObj);

                return dtcReader;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))

                FailureCleanup(stateObj, e);

                // SQLHotfix 50000518
                // make sure we don't leave temporary fields set when leaving this function
                _pendingTransaction = null;

                _asyncWrite = hadAsyncWrites;

                if (!callerHasConnectionLock)
                    _connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose = false;
 internal void WriteByteArray(byte[] b, int len, int offsetBuffer, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
     int srcOffset = offsetBuffer;
     while (len > 0)
         if ((stateObj._outBytesUsed + len) > stateObj._outBuff.Length)
             int count = stateObj._outBuff.Length - stateObj._outBytesUsed;
             Buffer.BlockCopy(b, srcOffset, stateObj._outBuff, stateObj._outBytesUsed, count);
             srcOffset += count;
             stateObj._outBytesUsed += count;
             if (stateObj._outBytesUsed == stateObj._outBuff.Length)
             len -= count;
             Buffer.BlockCopy(b, srcOffset, stateObj._outBuff, stateObj._outBytesUsed, len);
             stateObj._outBytesUsed += len;
 internal void WriteByte(byte b, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
     if (stateObj._outBytesUsed == stateObj._outBuff.Length)
     stateObj._outBuff[stateObj._outBytesUsed++] = b;
 internal void WriteBulkCopyDone(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
     this.WriteByte(0xfd, stateObj);
     this.WriteShort(0, stateObj);
     this.WriteShort(0, stateObj);
     this.WriteInt(0, stateObj);
     stateObj._pendingData = true;
        internal SqlDataReader TdsExecuteTransactionManagerRequest(byte[] buffer, TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType request, string transactionName, TdsEnums.TransactionManagerIsolationLevel isoLevel, int timeout, SqlInternalTransaction transaction, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, bool isDelegateControlRequest)
            SqlDataReader reader2;
            if ((TdsParserState.Broken == this.State) || (this.State == TdsParserState.Closed))
                return null;
            bool lockTaken = false;
            lock (this._connHandler)
                        if (this._isYukon && !this.MARSOn)
                            Monitor.Enter(this._physicalStateObj, ref lockTaken);
                        if (!isDelegateControlRequest)
                        stateObj._outputMessageType = 14;
                        stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Execute;
                        if (this._isYukon)
                            this.WriteMarsHeader(stateObj, this._currentTransaction);
                        this.WriteShort((short) request, stateObj);
                        bool flag = false;
                        switch (request)
                            case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.GetDTCAddress:
                                this.WriteShort(0, stateObj);
                                flag = true;
                                goto Label_0193;

                            case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Propagate:
                                if (buffer == null)
                                this.WriteShort(buffer.Length, stateObj);
                                this.WriteByteArray(buffer, buffer.Length, 0, stateObj);
                                goto Label_0193;

                            case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Begin:
                                if (this._currentTransaction != transaction)
                                    this.PendingTransaction = transaction;
                                this.WriteByte((byte) isoLevel, stateObj);
                                this.WriteByte((byte) (transactionName.Length * 2), stateObj);
                                this.WriteString(transactionName, stateObj);
                                goto Label_0193;

                            case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Commit:
                                this.WriteByte(0, stateObj);
                                this.WriteByte(0, stateObj);
                                goto Label_0193;

                            case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Rollback:
                                this.WriteByte((byte) (transactionName.Length * 2), stateObj);
                                this.WriteString(transactionName, stateObj);
                                this.WriteByte(0, stateObj);
                                goto Label_0193;

                            case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Save:
                                this.WriteByte((byte) (transactionName.Length * 2), stateObj);
                                this.WriteString(transactionName, stateObj);
                                goto Label_0193;

                                goto Label_0193;
                        this.WriteShort(0, stateObj);
                        stateObj._pendingData = true;
                        SqlDataReader reader = null;
                        stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Read;
                        if (flag)
                            reader = new SqlDataReader(null, CommandBehavior.Default);
                            _SqlMetaDataSet metaData = reader.MetaData;
                            this.Run(RunBehavior.UntilDone, null, null, null, stateObj);
                        if ((request == TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Begin) || (request == TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Propagate))
                            if ((transaction != null) && (transaction.TransactionId == this._retainedTransactionId))
                                return reader;
                            this._retainedTransactionId = 0L;
                        return reader;
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(exception))
                        this.FailureCleanup(stateObj, exception);
                    return reader2;
                    this._pendingTransaction = null;
                    if (lockTaken)
            return reader2;