Пример #1
        internal static bool TryRewrite(DbQueryCommandTree tree, Span span, MergeOption mergeOption, AliasGenerator aliasGenerator, out DbExpression newQuery, out SpanIndex spanInfo)
            newQuery = null;
            spanInfo = null;

            ObjectSpanRewriter rewriter = null;
            bool requiresRelationshipSpan = Span.RequiresRelationshipSpan(mergeOption);

            // Potentially perform a rewrite for span.
            // Note that the public 'Span' property is NOT used to retrieve the Span instance
            // since this forces creation of a Span object that may not be required.
            if (span != null && span.SpanList.Count > 0)
                rewriter = new ObjectFullSpanRewriter(tree, tree.Query, span, aliasGenerator);
            else if (requiresRelationshipSpan)
                rewriter = new ObjectSpanRewriter(tree, tree.Query, aliasGenerator);

            if (rewriter != null)
                rewriter.RelationshipSpan = requiresRelationshipSpan;
                newQuery = rewriter.RewriteQuery();
                if (newQuery != null)
                    Debug.Assert(rewriter.SpanIndex != null || tree.Query.ResultType.EdmEquals(newQuery.ResultType), "Query was rewritten for Span but no SpanIndex was created?");
                    spanInfo = rewriter.SpanIndex;

            return (spanInfo != null);
Пример #2
        internal static bool TryRewrite(DbQueryCommandTree tree, Span span, MergeOption mergeOption, AliasGenerator aliasGenerator, out DbExpression newQuery, out SpanIndex spanInfo)
            newQuery = null;
            spanInfo = null;

            ObjectSpanRewriter rewriter   = null;
            bool requiresRelationshipSpan = Span.RequiresRelationshipSpan(mergeOption);

            // Potentially perform a rewrite for span.
            // Note that the public 'Span' property is NOT used to retrieve the Span instance
            // since this forces creation of a Span object that may not be required.
            if (span != null && span.SpanList.Count > 0)
                rewriter = new ObjectFullSpanRewriter(tree, tree.Query, span, aliasGenerator);
            else if (requiresRelationshipSpan)
                rewriter = new ObjectSpanRewriter(tree, tree.Query, aliasGenerator);

            if (rewriter != null)
                rewriter.RelationshipSpan = requiresRelationshipSpan;
                newQuery = rewriter.RewriteQuery();
                if (newQuery != null)
                    Debug.Assert(rewriter.SpanIndex != null || tree.Query.ResultType.EdmEquals(newQuery.ResultType), "Query was rewritten for Span but no SpanIndex was created?");
                    spanInfo = rewriter.SpanIndex;

            return(spanInfo != null);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the specified { from, to } relationship end pairing represents a navigation that is
        /// valid for a relationship span sourced by an instance of the specified entity type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="compareType">The Entity type which valid 'from' ends must reference (or a supertype of that Entity type)</param>
        /// <param name="associationType">The Association type to consider.</param>
        /// <param name="fromEnd">The candidate 'from' end, which will be checked based on the Entity type it references</param>
        /// <param name="toEnd">The candidate 'to' end, which will be checked base on the upper bound of its multiplicity</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     <c>True</c> if the end pairing represents a valid navigation from an instance of the specified entity type
        ///     to an association end with a multiplicity upper bound of at most 1; otherwise <c>false</c>
        /// </returns>
        private static bool IsValidRelationshipSpan(EntityType compareType, AssociationType associationType, AssociationEndMember fromEnd, AssociationEndMember toEnd)
            // Only a relationship end with a multiplicity of AT MOST one may be
            // considered as the 'to' end, so that the cardinality of the result
            // of the relationship span has an upper bound of 1.
            // Therefore ends with RelationshipMultiplicity of EITHER One OR ZeroOrOne
            // are the only ends that should be considered as target ends.
            // Note that a relationship span can be sourced by an Entity that is of the same type
            // as the Entity type referenced by the 'from' end OR any type in the same branch of
            // the type hierarchy.
            // For example, in the following hierarchy:
            // A  (*<-->?) AOwner
            // |_B  (*<-->1) BOwner
            // |_A1  (*<-->?) A1Owner
            //   |_A2
            //     |_A3_1  (1<-->?) A3_1Owner
            //     |_A3_2  (*<-->1) A3_2Owner
            // An instance of 'A' would need ALL the 'AOwner', 'BOwner', 'A1Owner', 'A3_1Owner' and 'A3_2Owner' ends
            // spanned in because an instance of 'A' could actually be an instance of A, B, A1, A2, A3_1 or A3_2.
            // An instance of 'B' would only need 'AOwner' and 'BOwner' spanned in.
            // An instance of A2 would need 'AOwner', 'A1Owner', 'A3_1Owner' and 'A3_2Owner' spanned in.
            // An instance of A3_1 would only need 'AOwner', 'A1Owner' and 'A3_1Owner' spanned in.
            // In general, the rule for relationship span is:
            // - 'To' end cardinality AT MOST one
            //   AND
            //   - Referenced Entity type of 'From' end is equal to instance Entity type
            //     OR
            //   - Referenced Entity type of 'From' end is a supertype of instance Entity type
            //     OR
            //   - Referenced Entity type of 'From' end is a subtype of instance Entity type
            //     (this follows from the fact that an instance of 'A' may be an instance of any of its derived types.
            //      Navigation for a subtype relationship will return null if the Entity instance navigation source
            //      is not actually of the required subtype).
            if (!associationType.IsForeignKey &&
                (RelationshipMultiplicity.One == toEnd.RelationshipMultiplicity ||
                 RelationshipMultiplicity.ZeroOrOne == toEnd.RelationshipMultiplicity))
                EntityType fromEntityType = (EntityType)((RefType)fromEnd.TypeUsage.EdmType).ElementType;
                return(ObjectSpanRewriter.EntityTypeEquals(compareType, fromEntityType) ||
                       TypeSemantics.IsSubTypeOf(compareType, fromEntityType) ||
                       TypeSemantics.IsSubTypeOf(fromEntityType, compareType));

        internal static ObjectQueryExecutionPlan Prepare(ObjectContext context, DbQueryCommandTree tree, Type elementType, MergeOption mergeOption, Span span, CompiledQueryParameters compiledQueryParameters, AliasGenerator aliasGenerator)
            TypeUsage treeResultType = tree.Query.ResultType;

            // Rewrite this tree for Span?
            DbExpression spannedQuery = null;
            SpanIndex    spanInfo;

            if (ObjectSpanRewriter.TryRewrite(tree, span, mergeOption, aliasGenerator, out spannedQuery, out spanInfo))
                tree = DbQueryCommandTree.FromValidExpression(tree.MetadataWorkspace, tree.DataSpace, spannedQuery);
                spanInfo = null;

            DbConnection        connection = context.Connection;
            DbCommandDefinition definition = null;

            // The connection is required to get to the CommandDefinition builder.
            if (connection == null)
                throw EntityUtil.InvalidOperation(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectQuery_InvalidConnection);

            DbProviderServices services = DbProviderServices.GetProviderServices(connection);

                definition = services.CreateCommandDefinition(tree);
            catch (EntityCommandCompilationException)
                // If we're running against EntityCommand, we probably already caught the providers'
                // exception and wrapped it, we don't want to do that again, so we'll just rethrow
                // here instead.
            catch (Exception e)
                // we should not be wrapping all exceptions
                if (EntityUtil.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))
                    // we don't wan't folks to have to know all the various types of exceptions that can
                    // occur, so we just rethrow a CommandDefinitionException and make whatever we caught
                    // the inner exception of it.
                    throw EntityUtil.CommandCompilation(System.Data.Entity.Strings.EntityClient_CommandDefinitionPreparationFailed, e);

            if (definition == null)
                throw EntityUtil.ProviderDoesNotSupportCommandTrees();

            EntityCommandDefinition entityDefinition = (EntityCommandDefinition)definition;
            QueryCacheManager       cacheManager     = context.Perspective.MetadataWorkspace.GetQueryCacheManager();

            ShaperFactory shaperFactory = ShaperFactory.Create(elementType, cacheManager, entityDefinition.CreateColumnMap(null),
                                                               context.MetadataWorkspace, spanInfo, mergeOption, false);

            // attempt to determine entity information for this query (e.g. which entity type and which entity set)
            //EntityType rootEntityType = null;

            EntitySet singleEntitySet = null;

            if (treeResultType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.CollectionType)
                // determine if the entity set is unambiguous given the entity type
                if (null != entityDefinition.EntitySets)
                    foreach (EntitySet entitySet in entityDefinition.EntitySets)
                        if (null != entitySet)
                            if (entitySet.ElementType.IsAssignableFrom(((CollectionType)treeResultType.EdmType).TypeUsage.EdmType))
                                if (singleEntitySet == null)
                                    // found a single match
                                    singleEntitySet = entitySet;
                                    // there's more than one matching entity set
                                    singleEntitySet = null;

            return(new ObjectQueryExecutionPlan(definition, shaperFactory, treeResultType, mergeOption, singleEntitySet, compiledQueryParameters));