public void Ctor_sets_properties()
            var message = "Some message";
            var errors = new EdmSchemaError[0];

            var ex = new EdmSchemaErrorException(message, errors);

            Assert.Equal(message, ex.Message);
            Assert.Same(errors, ex.Errors);
        public void Is_serializable()
            var message = "Some message";
            var errors = new EdmSchemaError[0];
            var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            EdmSchemaErrorException ex;

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                formatter.Serialize(stream, new EdmSchemaErrorException(message, errors));
                stream.Position = 0;
                ex = (EdmSchemaErrorException)formatter.Deserialize(stream);

            Assert.Equal(message, ex.Message);
            Assert.Equal(errors, ex.Errors);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates generated view object for the combination of the <paramref name="setMapping"/>.Set and the <paramref name="type"/>. 
        /// This constructor is used for user-defined query views only.
        /// </summary>
        internal static bool TryParseUserSpecifiedView(StorageSetMapping setMapping,
                                                       EntityTypeBase type,
                                                       string eSQL,
                                                       bool includeSubtypes,
                                                       StorageMappingItemCollection mappingItemCollection,
                                                       ConfigViewGenerator config,
                                                       /*out*/ IList<EdmSchemaError> errors,
                                                       out GeneratedView generatedView)
            bool failed = false;

            DbQueryCommandTree commandTree;
            DiscriminatorMap discriminatorMap;
            Exception parserException;
            if (!GeneratedView.TryParseView(eSQL, true, setMapping.Set, mappingItemCollection, config, out commandTree, out discriminatorMap, out parserException))
                EdmSchemaError error = new EdmSchemaError(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Mapping_Invalid_QueryView2(setMapping.Set.Name, parserException.Message),
                                           (int)StorageMappingErrorCode.InvalidQueryView, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error,
                                           setMapping.EntityContainerMapping.SourceLocation, setMapping.StartLineNumber, setMapping.StartLinePosition, parserException);
                failed = true;
                Debug.Assert(commandTree != null, "commandTree not set after parsing the view");

                // Verify that all expressions appearing in the view are supported.
                foreach (var error in ViewValidator.ValidateQueryView(commandTree, setMapping, type, includeSubtypes))
                    failed = true;

                // Verify that the result type of the query view is assignable to the element type of the entityset
                CollectionType queryResultType = (commandTree.Query.ResultType.EdmType) as CollectionType;
                if ((queryResultType == null) || (!setMapping.Set.ElementType.IsAssignableFrom(queryResultType.TypeUsage.EdmType)))
                    EdmSchemaError error = new EdmSchemaError(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Mapping_Invalid_QueryView_Type(setMapping.Set.Name),
                                               (int)StorageMappingErrorCode.InvalidQueryViewResultType, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error,
                                               setMapping.EntityContainerMapping.SourceLocation, setMapping.StartLineNumber, setMapping.StartLinePosition);
                    failed = true;

            if (!failed)
                generatedView = new GeneratedView(setMapping.Set, type, commandTree, eSQL, discriminatorMap, mappingItemCollection, config);
                return true;
                generatedView = null;
                return false;
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="errorCode"></param>
 /// <param name="severity"></param>
 /// <param name="source"></param>
 /// <param name="lineNumber"></param>
 /// <param name="linePosition"></param>
 /// <param name="message"></param>
 private void AddError( ErrorCode errorCode, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity severity, string sourceLocation, int lineNumber, int linePosition, object message )
     EdmSchemaError error = null;
     string messageString = message as string;
     if ( messageString != null )
         error = new EdmSchemaError( messageString, (int)errorCode, severity, sourceLocation, lineNumber, linePosition );
         Exception ex = message as Exception;
         if ( ex != null )
             error = new EdmSchemaError( ex.Message, (int)errorCode, severity, sourceLocation, lineNumber, linePosition, ex );
             error = new EdmSchemaError( message.ToString(), (int)errorCode, severity, sourceLocation, lineNumber, linePosition );
        // effects: Given a container, ensures that all entity/association
        // sets in container on the C-side have been mapped
        private static ErrorLog EnsureAllCSpaceContainerSetsAreMapped(IEnumerable<Cell> cells,
                                                                      ConfigViewGenerator config,
                                                                      StorageEntityContainerMapping containerMapping)

            Set<EntitySetBase> mappedExtents = new Set<EntitySetBase>();
            string mslFileLocation = null;
            EntityContainer container = null;
            // Determine the container and name of the file while determining
            // the set of mapped extents in the cells
            foreach (Cell cell in cells)
                mslFileLocation = cell.CellLabel.SourceLocation;
                // All cells are from the same container
                container = cell.CQuery.Extent.EntityContainer;
            Debug.Assert(container != null);

            List<EntitySetBase> missingExtents = new List<EntitySetBase>();
            // Go through all the extents in the container and determine
            // extents that are missing
            foreach (EntitySetBase extent in container.BaseEntitySets)
                if (mappedExtents.Contains(extent) == false
                    && !(containerMapping.HasQueryViewForSetMap(extent.Name)))
                    AssociationSet associationSet = extent as AssociationSet;
                    if (associationSet==null || !associationSet.ElementType.IsForeignKey)
            ErrorLog errorLog = new ErrorLog();
            // If any extent is not mapped, add an error
            if (missingExtents.Count > 0)
                StringBuilder extentBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                bool isFirst = true;
                foreach (EntitySetBase extent in missingExtents)
                    if (isFirst == false)
                        extentBuilder.Append(", ");
                    isFirst = false;
                string message = System.Data.Entity.Strings.ViewGen_Missing_Set_Mapping(extentBuilder);
                // Find the cell with smallest line number - so that we can
                // point to the beginning of the file
                int lowestLineNum = -1;
                Cell smallestCell = null;
                foreach (Cell cell in cells)
                    if (lowestLineNum == -1 || cell.CellLabel.StartLineNumber < lowestLineNum)
                        smallestCell = cell;
                        lowestLineNum = cell.CellLabel.StartLineNumber;
                Debug.Assert(smallestCell != null && lowestLineNum >= 0);
                EdmSchemaError edmSchemaError = new EdmSchemaError(message, (int)ViewGenErrorCode.MissingExtentMapping,
                    EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, containerMapping.SourceLocation, containerMapping.StartLineNumber,
                    containerMapping.StartLinePosition, null);
                ErrorLog.Record record = new ErrorLog.Record(edmSchemaError);
            return errorLog;
Пример #6
            private void Init(bool isError, ViewGenErrorCode errorCode, string message,
                              IEnumerable<Cell> sourceCells, string debugMessage)
                m_sourceCells = new List<Cell>(sourceCells);

                Debug.Assert(m_sourceCells.Count > 0, "Error record must have at least one cell");

                // For certain foreign key messages, we may need the SSDL line numbers and file names
                CellLabel label = m_sourceCells[0].CellLabel;
                string sourceLocation = label.SourceLocation;
                int lineNumber = label.StartLineNumber;
                int columnNumber = label.StartLinePosition;

                string userMessage = InternalToString(message, debugMessage, m_sourceCells, sourceLocation, errorCode, isError, false);
                m_debugMessage = InternalToString(message, debugMessage, m_sourceCells, sourceLocation, errorCode, isError, true);
                m_mappingError = new EdmSchemaError(userMessage, (int)errorCode, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, sourceLocation,
                                                      lineNumber, columnNumber);
Пример #7
 //There are cases when we want to create a ViewGen error that is not specific to any mapping fragment
 //In this case, it is better to just create the EdmSchemaError directly and hold on to it.
 internal Record(EdmSchemaError error)
     m_debugMessage = error.ToString();
     m_mappingError = error;
Пример #8
 internal void AddError(EdmSchemaError error)
        internal bool ValidateTypeConditions(bool validateAmbiguity, IList<EdmSchemaError> errors, string sourceLocation)
            // Verify that all types can be produced
            KeyToListMap<EntityType, LineInfo> unreachableEntityTypes;
            KeyToListMap<EntityType, LineInfo> unreachableIsTypeOfs;
            GetUnreachableTypes(validateAmbiguity, out unreachableEntityTypes, out unreachableIsTypeOfs);

            var valid = true;
            foreach (var unreachableEntityType in unreachableEntityTypes.KeyValuePairs)
                var lineInfo = unreachableEntityType.Value.First();
                var lines = StringUtil.ToCommaSeparatedString(unreachableEntityType.Value.Select(li => li.LineNumber));
                var error = new EdmSchemaError(
                    Strings.Mapping_FunctionImport_UnreachableType(unreachableEntityType.Key.FullName, lines),
                valid = false;
            foreach (var unreachableIsTypeOf in unreachableIsTypeOfs.KeyValuePairs)
                var lineInfo = unreachableIsTypeOf.Value.First();
                var lines = StringUtil.ToCommaSeparatedString(unreachableIsTypeOf.Value.Select(li => li.LineNumber));
                var isTypeOfDescription = StorageMslConstructs.IsTypeOf + unreachableIsTypeOf.Key.FullName
                                          + StorageMslConstructs.IsTypeOfTerminal;
                var error = new EdmSchemaError(
                    Strings.Mapping_FunctionImport_UnreachableIsTypeOf(isTypeOfDescription, lines),
                valid = false;

            return valid;
Пример #10
		private static void WriteError(EdmSchemaError e)
			if (e.Severity == EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error)
				Console.Write("Error:  ");
				Console.Write("Warning:  ");

Пример #11
 private static void WriteError(EdmSchemaError e)
     string error = string.Empty;
     if (e.Severity == EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error)
         //Console.Write("Error:  ");
         error += "Error:  ";
         //Console.Write("Warning:  ");
         error += "Warning:  ";
     error += e.Message;