Пример #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                this.Droplist_Tables.Items.Add("-Select One-");

                var storeGenerator = new EntityStoreSchemaGenerator(


                var tables = storeGenerator.StoreItemCollection
                  .Where(s => !s.MetadataProperties.Contains("Type")
                    || s.MetadataProperties["Type"].ToString() == "Tables");

                foreach (var table in tables)

                //Add delete button to gridview
                //GridButtonColumn deleteButton = new GridButtonColumn();


                //deleteButton.UniqueName = "deleteButton";
                //deleteButton.HeaderText = "Delete";
                //deleteButton.Text = "Delete";
                //deleteButton.ConfirmText = "Are you sure you want to delete this record?";
                //deleteButton.ButtonType = GridButtonColumnType.LinkButton;
                //deleteButton.CommandName = "Delete";

                //Add edit button to gridview
                GridButtonColumn detailsButton = new GridButtonColumn();


                detailsButton.UniqueName = "detailsButton";
                detailsButton.HeaderText = "Details";
                detailsButton.Text = "Details";
                detailsButton.ButtonType = GridButtonColumnType.LinkButton;
                detailsButton.CommandName = "Details";
        public void ReverseEngineerCodeFirst(Project project)

                // Show dialog with SqlClient selected by default
                var dialogFactory = _package.GetService<IVsDataConnectionDialogFactory>();
                var dialog = dialogFactory.CreateConnectionDialog();
                dialog.SelectedSource = new Guid("067ea0d9-ba62-43f7-9106-34930c60c528");
                var dialogResult = dialog.ShowDialog(connect: true);

                if (dialogResult != null)
                    // Find connection string and provider
                    _package.DTE2.StatusBar.Text = Strings.ReverseEngineer_LoadSchema;
                    var connection = (DbConnection)dialogResult.GetLockedProviderObject();
                    var connectionString = connection.ConnectionString;
                    var providerManager = (IVsDataProviderManager)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(IVsDataProviderManager));
                    IVsDataProvider dp;
                    providerManager.Providers.TryGetValue(dialogResult.Provider, out dp);
                    var providerInvariant = (string)dp.GetProperty("InvariantName");

                    // Load store schema
                    var storeGenerator = new EntityStoreSchemaGenerator(providerInvariant, connectionString, "dbo");
                    storeGenerator.GenerateForeignKeyProperties = true;
                    var errors = storeGenerator.GenerateStoreMetadata(_storeMetadataFilters).Where(e => e.Severity == EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error);

                    // Generate default mapping
                    _package.DTE2.StatusBar.Text = Strings.ReverseEngineer_GenerateMapping;
                    var contextName = connection.Database.Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace(".", string.Empty) + "Context";
                    var modelGenerator = new EntityModelSchemaGenerator(storeGenerator.EntityContainer, "DefaultNamespace", contextName);
                    modelGenerator.PluralizationService = PluralizationService.CreateService(new CultureInfo("en"));
                    modelGenerator.GenerateForeignKeyProperties = true;

                    // Pull out info about types to be generated
                    var entityTypes = modelGenerator.EdmItemCollection.OfType<EntityType>().ToArray();
                    var mappings = new EdmMapping(modelGenerator, storeGenerator.StoreItemCollection);

                    // Find the project to add the code to
                    var vsProject = (VSLangProj.VSProject)project.Object;
                    var projectDirectory = new FileInfo(project.FileName).Directory;
                    var projectNamespace = (string)project.Properties.Item("RootNamespace").Value;
                    var references = vsProject.References.Cast<VSLangProj.Reference>();

                    if (!references.Any(r => r.Name == "EntityFramework"))
                        // Add EF References
                        _package.DTE2.StatusBar.Text = Strings.ReverseEngineer_InstallEntityFramework;

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            _package.LogError(Strings.ReverseEngineer_InstallEntityFrameworkError, ex);

                    // Generate Entity Classes and Mappings
                    _package.DTE2.StatusBar.Text = Strings.ReverseEngineer_GenerateClasses;
                    var templateProcessor = new TemplateProcessor(project);
                    var modelsNamespace = projectNamespace + ".Models";
                    var modelsDirectory = Path.Combine(projectDirectory.FullName, "Models");
                    var mappingNamespace = modelsNamespace + ".Mapping";
                    var mappingDirectory = Path.Combine(modelsDirectory, "Mapping");
                    var entityFrameworkVersion = GetEntityFrameworkVersion(references);

                    foreach (var entityType in entityTypes)
                        // Generate the code file
                        var entityHost = new EfTextTemplateHost
                                EntityType = entityType,
                                EntityContainer = modelGenerator.EntityContainer,
                                Namespace = modelsNamespace,
                                ModelsNamespace = modelsNamespace,
                                MappingNamespace = mappingNamespace,
                                EntityFrameworkVersion = entityFrameworkVersion,
                                TableSet = mappings.EntityMappings[entityType].Item1,
                                PropertyToColumnMappings = mappings.EntityMappings[entityType].Item2,
                                ManyToManyMappings = mappings.ManyToManyMappings
                        var entityContents = templateProcessor.Process(Templates.EntityTemplate, entityHost);

                        var filePath = Path.Combine(modelsDirectory, entityType.Name + entityHost.FileExtension);
                        project.AddNewFile(filePath, entityContents);

                        var mappingHost = new EfTextTemplateHost
                                EntityType = entityType,
                                EntityContainer = modelGenerator.EntityContainer,
                                Namespace = mappingNamespace,
                                ModelsNamespace = modelsNamespace,
                                MappingNamespace = mappingNamespace,
                                EntityFrameworkVersion = entityFrameworkVersion,
                                TableSet = mappings.EntityMappings[entityType].Item1,
                                PropertyToColumnMappings = mappings.EntityMappings[entityType].Item2,
                                ManyToManyMappings = mappings.ManyToManyMappings
                        var mappingContents = templateProcessor.Process(Templates.MappingTemplate, mappingHost);

                        var mappingFilePath = Path.Combine(mappingDirectory, entityType.Name + "Map" + mappingHost.FileExtension);
                        project.AddNewFile(mappingFilePath, mappingContents);

                    // Generate Context
                    _package.DTE2.StatusBar.Text = Strings.ReverseEngineer_GenerateContext;
                    var contextHost = new EfTextTemplateHost
                            EntityContainer = modelGenerator.EntityContainer,
                            Namespace = modelsNamespace,
                            ModelsNamespace = modelsNamespace,
                            MappingNamespace = mappingNamespace,
                            EntityFrameworkVersion = entityFrameworkVersion
                    var contextContents = templateProcessor.Process(Templates.ContextTemplate, contextHost);

                    var contextFilePath = Path.Combine(modelsDirectory, modelGenerator.EntityContainer.Name + contextHost.FileExtension);
                    var contextItem = project.AddNewFile(contextFilePath, contextContents);
                    AddConnectionStringToConfigFile(project, connectionString, providerInvariant, modelGenerator.EntityContainer.Name);

                    if (contextItem != null)
                        // Open context class when done

                    _package.DTE2.StatusBar.Text = Strings.ReverseEngineer_Complete;
            catch (Exception exception)
                _package.LogError(Strings.ReverseEngineer_Error, exception);
Пример #3
		private static void ModelGen(
				string connectionString, string provider, string modelName, Version version, bool includeForeignKeys)
			IList<EdmSchemaError> ssdlErrors = null;
			IList<EdmSchemaError> csdlAndMslErrors = null;

			// generate the SSDL
			string ssdlNamespace = modelName + "Model.Store";
			EntityStoreSchemaGenerator essg =
					new EntityStoreSchemaGenerator(
							provider, connectionString, ssdlNamespace);
			essg.GenerateForeignKeyProperties = includeForeignKeys;

			ssdlErrors = essg.GenerateStoreMetadata(new List<EntityStoreSchemaFilterEntry>(), version);

			// detect if there are errors or only warnings from ssdl generation
			bool hasSsdlErrors = false;
			bool hasSsdlWarnings = false;
			if (ssdlErrors != null)
				foreach (EdmSchemaError e in ssdlErrors)
					if (e.Severity == EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error)
						hasSsdlErrors = true;
					else if (e.Severity == EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Warning)
						hasSsdlWarnings = true;

			// write out errors & warnings
			if (hasSsdlErrors && hasSsdlWarnings)
				System.Console.WriteLine("Errors occurred during generation:");

			// if there were errors abort.  Continue if there were only warnings
			if (hasSsdlErrors)

			// write the SSDL to a string
			StringWriter ssdl = new StringWriter();
			XmlWriter ssdlxw = XmlWriter.Create(ssdl);

			// generate the CSDL
			string csdlNamespace = modelName + "Model";
			string csdlEntityContainerName = modelName + "Entities";
			EntityModelSchemaGenerator emsg =
					new EntityModelSchemaGenerator(
							essg.EntityContainer, csdlNamespace, csdlEntityContainerName);
			emsg.GenerateForeignKeyProperties = includeForeignKeys;
			csdlAndMslErrors = emsg.GenerateMetadata(version);

			// detect if there are errors or only warnings from csdl/msl generation
			bool hasCsdlErrors = false;
			bool hasCsdlWarnings = false;
			if (csdlAndMslErrors != null)
				foreach (EdmSchemaError e in csdlAndMslErrors)
					if (e.Severity == EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error)
						hasCsdlErrors = true;
					else if (e.Severity == EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Warning)
						hasCsdlWarnings = true;

			// write out errors & warnings
			if (hasCsdlErrors || hasCsdlWarnings)
				System.Console.WriteLine("Errors occurred during generation:");

			// if there were errors, abort.  Don't abort if there were only warnigns.  
			if (hasCsdlErrors)

			// write CSDL to a string
			StringWriter csdl = new StringWriter();
			XmlWriter csdlxw = XmlWriter.Create(csdl);

			// write MSL to a string
			StringWriter msl = new StringWriter();
			XmlWriter mslxw = XmlWriter.Create(msl);

			// write csdl, ssdl & msl to the EDMX file
					csdl.ToString(), ssdl.ToString(), msl.ToString(), new FileInfo(
							modelName + ".edmx"));
Пример #4
		private static void ModelGen(
			 string connectionString, string provider, string modelName)
			IList<EdmSchemaError> ssdlErrors = null;
			IList<EdmSchemaError> csdlAndMslErrors = null;

			// generate the SSDL
			string ssdlNamespace = modelName + "Model.Store";
			EntityStoreSchemaGenerator essg =
				 new EntityStoreSchemaGenerator(
						provider, connectionString, ssdlNamespace);
			ssdlErrors = essg.GenerateStoreMetadata();

			// write out errors
			if ((ssdlErrors != null && ssdlErrors.Count > 0))
				System.Console.WriteLine("Errors occurred during generation:");

			// write the SSDL to a string
			StringWriter ssdl = new StringWriter();
			XmlWriter ssdlxw = XmlWriter.Create(ssdl);

			// generate the CSDL
			string csdlNamespace = modelName + "Model";
			string csdlEntityContainerName = modelName + "Entities";
			EntityModelSchemaGenerator emsg =
				 new EntityModelSchemaGenerator(
						essg.EntityContainer, csdlNamespace, csdlEntityContainerName);
			csdlAndMslErrors = emsg.GenerateMetadata();

			// write out errors
			if (csdlAndMslErrors != null && csdlAndMslErrors.Count > 0)
				System.Console.WriteLine("Errors occurred during generation:");

			// write CSDL to a string
			StringWriter csdl = new StringWriter();
			XmlWriter csdlxw = XmlWriter.Create(csdl);

			// write MSL to a string
			StringWriter msl = new StringWriter();
			XmlWriter mslxw = XmlWriter.Create(msl);

			// write csdl, ssdl & msl to the EDMX file
				 csdl.ToString(), ssdl.ToString(), msl.ToString(), new FileInfo(
						modelName + ".edmx"));
Пример #5
        // End Added ErikEJ

        #region the functions that actually do the interesting things

        private static void ModelGen(
            string connectionString, string provider, string modelName, Version version, bool includeForeignKeys, bool pluralize, List<string> tables)
            IList<EdmSchemaError> ssdlErrors = null;
            IList<EdmSchemaError> csdlAndMslErrors = null;

            // generate the SSDL
            string ssdlNamespace = modelName + "Model.Store";
            EntityStoreSchemaGenerator essg =
                new EntityStoreSchemaGenerator(
                    provider, connectionString, ssdlNamespace);
            essg.GenerateForeignKeyProperties = includeForeignKeys;

            //ErikEJ Filter selected tables
            var filters = new List<EntityStoreSchemaFilterEntry>();
            foreach (var table in tables)
                var entry = new EntityStoreSchemaFilterEntry(null, null, table);
            ssdlErrors = essg.GenerateStoreMetadata(filters, version);

            // detect if there are errors or only warnings from ssdl generation
            bool hasSsdlErrors = false;
            bool hasSsdlWarnings = false;
            if (ssdlErrors != null)
                foreach (EdmSchemaError e in ssdlErrors)
                    if (e.Severity == EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error)
                        hasSsdlErrors = true;
                    else if (e.Severity == EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Warning)
                        hasSsdlWarnings = true;

            // write out errors & warnings
            if (hasSsdlErrors && hasSsdlWarnings)
                //System.Console.WriteLine("Errors occurred during generation:");

            // if there were errors abort.  Continue if there were only warnings
            if (hasSsdlErrors)

            // write the SSDL to a string
            using (StringWriter ssdl = new StringWriter())
                XmlWriter ssdlxw = XmlWriter.Create(ssdl);

                // generate the CSDL
                string csdlNamespace = modelName + "Model";
                string csdlEntityContainerName = modelName + "Entities";
                EntityModelSchemaGenerator emsg =
                    new EntityModelSchemaGenerator(
                        essg.EntityContainer, csdlNamespace, csdlEntityContainerName);
                emsg.GenerateForeignKeyProperties = includeForeignKeys;

                // Begin Added ErikEJ
                if (pluralize)
                    emsg.PluralizationService = System.Data.Entity.Design.PluralizationServices.PluralizationService.CreateService(new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"));
                // End Added ErikEJ
                csdlAndMslErrors = emsg.GenerateMetadata(version);

                // detect if there are errors or only warnings from csdl/msl generation
                bool hasCsdlErrors = false;
                bool hasCsdlWarnings = false;
                if (csdlAndMslErrors != null)
                    foreach (EdmSchemaError e in csdlAndMslErrors)
                        if (e.Severity == EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error)
                            hasCsdlErrors = true;
                        else if (e.Severity == EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Warning)
                            hasCsdlWarnings = true;

                // write out errors & warnings
                if (hasCsdlErrors || hasCsdlWarnings)
                    //System.Console.WriteLine("Errors occurred during generation:");

                // if there were errors, abort.  Don't abort if there were only warnigns.  
                if (hasCsdlErrors)

                // write CSDL to a string
                using (StringWriter csdl = new StringWriter())
                    XmlWriter csdlxw = XmlWriter.Create(csdl);

                    // write MSL to a string
                    using (StringWriter msl = new StringWriter())
                        XmlWriter mslxw = XmlWriter.Create(msl);

                        // write csdl, ssdl & msl to the EDMX file
                            csdl.ToString(), ssdl.ToString(), msl.ToString(), new FileInfo(
                                modelName + ".edmx"), includeForeignKeys, pluralize);
Пример #6
        public static bool ModelGen(string connectionString, string provider, string modelName, Version version, bool includeForeignKeys, out String modelOut, out List<Object> errors)
            modelOut = String.Empty;
            errors = new List<Object>();
            IList<EdmSchemaError> ssdlErrors = null;
            IList<EdmSchemaError> csdlAndMslErrors = null;

            // generate the SSDL
            string ssdlNamespace = modelName + "Model.Store";
            EntityStoreSchemaGenerator essg = new EntityStoreSchemaGenerator(provider, connectionString, ssdlNamespace);
            essg.GenerateForeignKeyProperties = includeForeignKeys;

            ssdlErrors = essg.GenerateStoreMetadata(new List<EntityStoreSchemaFilterEntry>(), version);

            // detect if there are errors or only warnings from ssdl generation
            bool hasSsdlErrors = false;
            bool hasSsdlWarnings = false;
            if (ssdlErrors != null)
                foreach (EdmSchemaError e in ssdlErrors)
                    if (e.Severity == EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error)
                        hasSsdlErrors = true;
                    else if (e.Severity == EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Warning)
                        hasSsdlWarnings = true;

            // write out errors & warnings
            if (hasSsdlErrors && hasSsdlWarnings)

            // if there were errors abort.  Continue if there were only warnings
            if (hasSsdlErrors)
                return true;

            // write the SSDL to a string
            StringWriter ssdl = new StringWriter();
            XmlWriter ssdlxw = XmlWriter.Create(ssdl);

            // generate the CSDL
            string csdlNamespace = modelName + "Model";
            string csdlEntityContainerName = modelName + "Entities";
            EntityModelSchemaGenerator emsg = new EntityModelSchemaGenerator(essg.EntityContainer, csdlNamespace, csdlEntityContainerName);
            emsg.GenerateForeignKeyProperties = includeForeignKeys;
            csdlAndMslErrors = emsg.GenerateMetadata(version);

            // detect if there are errors or only warnings from csdl/msl generation
            bool hasCsdlErrors = false;
            bool hasCsdlWarnings = false;
            if (csdlAndMslErrors != null)
                foreach (EdmSchemaError e in csdlAndMslErrors)
                    if (e.Severity == EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error)
                        hasCsdlErrors = true;
                    else if (e.Severity == EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Warning)
                        hasCsdlWarnings = true;

            // write out errors & warnings
            if (hasCsdlErrors || hasCsdlWarnings)

            // if there were errors, abort.  Don't abort if there were only warnigns.
            if (hasCsdlErrors)
                return true;

            // write CSDL to a string
            StringWriter csdl = new StringWriter();
            XmlWriter csdlxw = XmlWriter.Create(csdl);

            // write MSL to a string
            StringWriter msl = new StringWriter();
            XmlWriter mslxw = XmlWriter.Create(msl);

            // write csdl, ssdl & msl to the EDMX file. A default Designer section will be added
            modelOut = ToEdmx(csdl.ToString(), ssdl.ToString(), msl.ToString(), String.Empty);
            return false;