private void CheckName(string name)
            var isAttribute = (_lockType & ConfigurationLockType.Attribute) == ConfigurationLockType.Attribute;

            if (_validNameHash == null)
                _validNameHash = new Hashtable();
                foreach (ConfigurationProperty prop in _element.Properties)
                    if (isAttribute == prop.IsElement)
                    _validNameHash.Add(prop.Name, true);

                /* add the add/remove/clear names of the
                 * default collection if there is one */
                if (!isAttribute)
                    var c = _element.GetDefaultCollection();
                    _validNameHash.Add(c.AddElementName, true);
                    _validNameHash.Add(c.ClearElementName, true);
                    _validNameHash.Add(c.RemoveElementName, true);

                var validNameArray = new string[_validNameHash.Keys.Count];
                _validNameHash.Keys.CopyTo(validNameArray, 0);

                _validNames = string.Join(",", validNameArray);

            if (_validNameHash[name] == null)
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                              "The {2} '{0}' is not valid in the locked list for this section.  The following {3} can be locked: '{1}'",
                              name, _validNames, isAttribute ? "attribute" : "element",
                              isAttribute ? "attributes" : "elements"));