Sort() публичный Метод

public Sort ( ) : PropertyDescriptorCollection
Результат PropertyDescriptorCollection
 public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext context, object value, Attribute[] attributes)
     PropertyDescriptorCollection descriptors = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
     descriptors.Add(new RuleConditionReferenceNamePropertyDescriptor(context, TypeDescriptor.CreateProperty(typeof(RuleConditionReference), "ConditionName", typeof(string), new Attribute[] { new DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), DesignOnlyAttribute.Yes })));
     descriptors.Add(new RuleConditionReferencePropertyDescriptor(context, TypeDescriptor.CreateProperty(typeof(RuleConditionReference), "Expression", typeof(CodeExpression), new Attribute[] { new DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), DesignOnlyAttribute.Yes })));
     return descriptors.Sort(new string[] { "ConditionName", "Expression" });
Пример #2
 public Vector2Converter()
     Type typeFromHandle = typeof(Vector2);
     PropertyDescriptorCollection propertyDescriptorCollection = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(new PropertyDescriptor[]
         new FieldPropertyDescriptor(typeFromHandle.GetField("X")),
         new FieldPropertyDescriptor(typeFromHandle.GetField("Y"))
     this.propertyDescriptions = propertyDescriptorCollection.Sort(new string[]
Пример #3
        public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext context, object value, Attribute[] attributes)
            System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection pds
                = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(value.GetType(), attributes);

            string[] atts = new string[]

Пример #4
        public PropertyDescriptorCollection GetItemProperties(PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors)
            System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection pds
                = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(VirtualItem));

            string[] atts = new string[]

Пример #5
 public RectangleFConverter()
     Type typeFromHandle = typeof(RectangleF);
     PropertyDescriptorCollection propertyDescriptorCollection = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(new PropertyDescriptor[]
         new PropertyPropertyDescriptor(typeFromHandle.GetProperty("X")),
         new PropertyPropertyDescriptor(typeFromHandle.GetProperty("Y")),
         new PropertyPropertyDescriptor(typeFromHandle.GetProperty("Width")),
         new PropertyPropertyDescriptor(typeFromHandle.GetProperty("Height"))
     this.propertyDescriptions = propertyDescriptorCollection.Sort(new string[]
Пример #6
 public ColorConverter()
     Type typeFromHandle = typeof(Color);
     PropertyDescriptorCollection propertyDescriptorCollection = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(new PropertyDescriptor[]
         new PropertyPropertyDescriptor(typeFromHandle.GetProperty("R")),
         new PropertyPropertyDescriptor(typeFromHandle.GetProperty("G")),
         new PropertyPropertyDescriptor(typeFromHandle.GetProperty("B")),
         new PropertyPropertyDescriptor(typeFromHandle.GetProperty("A"))
     this.propertyDescriptions = propertyDescriptorCollection.Sort(new string[]
Пример #7
		protected PropertyDescriptorCollection SortProperties (PropertyDescriptorCollection props, string[] names)
			props.Sort (names);
			return props; 
        public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetChildProperties( object instance, Attribute[] filter )
            PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = null;
            var tc = this.Converter;
            if (tc.GetPropertiesSupported(null) == false)
                pdc = base.GetChildProperties(instance, filter);

            if (propertyDescriptor != null)
                tc = propertyDescriptor.Converter;
                //pdc = base.GetChildProperties(instance, filter);// this gives us a readonly collection, no good
                tc = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(instance, true);
            if (pdc == null || pdc.Count == 0)
                return pdc;
            if (pdc[0] is CustomPropertyDescriptor)
                return pdc;
            // now wrap these properties with our CustomPropertyDescriptor
            var pdl = new PropertyDescriptorList( );

            foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in pdc)
                if (pd is CustomPropertyDescriptor)
                    pdl.Add(pd as CustomPropertyDescriptor);
                    pdl.Add(new CustomPropertyDescriptor(instance, pd));

            pdl.Sort(new PropertySorter( ));
            var pdcReturn = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(pdl.ToArray( ));
            pdcReturn.Sort( );
            return pdcReturn;
Пример #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Sorts a collection of properties.
 /// </summary>
 protected PropertyDescriptorCollection SortProperties(PropertyDescriptorCollection props, string[] names)
		[Test] // Sort (String [], IComparer)
		public void Sort4 ()
			PropertyDescriptorCollection descriptors;
			PropertyDescriptorCollection sorted;

			PropertyDescriptor descA = new MockPropertyDescriptor ("Foo", 2);
			PropertyDescriptor descB = new MockPropertyDescriptor ("Aim", 3);
			PropertyDescriptor descC = new MockPropertyDescriptor ("Bim", 1);
			PropertyDescriptor descD = new MockPropertyDescriptor ("AIm", 5);
			PropertyDescriptor descE = new MockPropertyDescriptor ("Boo", 4);
			PropertyDescriptor descF = new MockPropertyDescriptor ("FOo", 6);

			PropertyDescriptor [] props = new PropertyDescriptor [] {
				descA, descB, descC, descD, descE, descF };
			descriptors = new PropertyDescriptorCollection (props);

			Assert.AreSame (descA, descriptors [0], "#A1");
			Assert.AreSame (descB, descriptors [1], "#A2");
			Assert.AreSame (descC, descriptors [2], "#A3");
			Assert.AreSame (descD, descriptors [3], "#A4");
			Assert.AreSame (descE, descriptors [4], "#A5");
			Assert.AreSame (descF, descriptors [5], "#A6");

			sorted = descriptors.Sort (new string [] { "B", "Foo", null, "A", "Boo" },
				new ComparableComparer ());

			Assert.AreSame (descA, descriptors [0], "#B1");
			Assert.AreSame (descB, descriptors [1], "#B2");
			Assert.AreSame (descC, descriptors [2], "#B3");
			Assert.AreSame (descD, descriptors [3], "#B4");
			Assert.AreSame (descE, descriptors [4], "#B5");
			Assert.AreSame (descF, descriptors [5], "#B6");

			Assert.AreSame (descA, sorted [0], "#C1");
			Assert.AreSame (descE, sorted [1], "#C2");
			Assert.AreSame (descC, sorted [2], "#C3");
			Assert.AreSame (descB, sorted [3], "#C4");
			Assert.AreSame (descD, sorted [4], "#C5");
			Assert.AreSame (descF, sorted [5], "#C6");

			sorted = descriptors.Sort ((string []) null, new ComparableComparer ());

			Assert.AreSame (descA, descriptors [0], "#D1");
			Assert.AreSame (descB, descriptors [1], "#D2");
			Assert.AreSame (descC, descriptors [2], "#D3");
			Assert.AreSame (descD, descriptors [3], "#D4");
			Assert.AreSame (descE, descriptors [4], "#D5");
			Assert.AreSame (descF, descriptors [5], "#D6");

			Assert.AreSame (descC, sorted [0], "#E1");
			Assert.AreSame (descA, sorted [1], "#E2");
			Assert.AreSame (descB, sorted [2], "#E3");
			Assert.AreSame (descE, sorted [3], "#E4");
			Assert.AreSame (descD, sorted [4], "#E5");
			Assert.AreSame (descF, sorted [5], "#E6");

			sorted = descriptors.Sort (new string [] { "B", "Foo", null, "A", "Boo" },
				(Comparer) null);

			Assert.AreSame (descA, descriptors [0], "#F1");
			Assert.AreSame (descB, descriptors [1], "#F2");
			Assert.AreSame (descC, descriptors [2], "#F3");
			Assert.AreSame (descD, descriptors [3], "#F4");
			Assert.AreSame (descE, descriptors [4], "#F5");
			Assert.AreSame (descF, descriptors [5], "#F6");

			Assert.AreSame (descA, sorted [0], "#G1");
			Assert.AreSame (descE, sorted [1], "#G2");
			Assert.AreSame (descB, sorted [2], "#G3");
			Assert.AreSame (descD, sorted [3], "#G4");
			Assert.AreSame (descC, sorted [4], "#G5");
			Assert.AreSame (descF, sorted [5], "#G6");

			sorted = descriptors.Sort ((string []) null, (Comparer) null);

			Assert.AreSame (descA, descriptors [0], "#H1");
			Assert.AreSame (descB, descriptors [1], "#H2");
			Assert.AreSame (descC, descriptors [2], "#H3");
			Assert.AreSame (descD, descriptors [3], "#H4");
			Assert.AreSame (descE, descriptors [4], "#H5");
			Assert.AreSame (descF, descriptors [5], "#H6");

			Assert.AreSame (descB, sorted [0], "#I1");
			Assert.AreSame (descD, sorted [1], "#I2");
			Assert.AreSame (descC, sorted [2], "#I3");
			Assert.AreSame (descE, sorted [3], "#I4");
			Assert.AreSame (descA, sorted [4], "#I5");
			Assert.AreSame (descF, sorted [5], "#I6");
		[Test] // Sort (IComparer)
		public void Sort3 ()
			PropertyDescriptorCollection descriptors;
			PropertyDescriptorCollection sorted;

			PropertyDescriptor descA = new MockPropertyDescriptor ("Foo", 2);
			PropertyDescriptor descB = new MockPropertyDescriptor ("Aim", 3);
			PropertyDescriptor descC = new MockPropertyDescriptor ("Bim", 1);
			PropertyDescriptor descD = new MockPropertyDescriptor ("AIm", 5);
			PropertyDescriptor descE = new MockPropertyDescriptor ("Boo", 4);
			PropertyDescriptor descF = new MockPropertyDescriptor ("FOo", 6);

			PropertyDescriptor [] props = new PropertyDescriptor [] {
				descA, descB, descC, descD, descE, descF };
			descriptors = new PropertyDescriptorCollection (props);

			Assert.AreSame (descA, descriptors [0], "#A1");
			Assert.AreSame (descB, descriptors [1], "#A2");
			Assert.AreSame (descC, descriptors [2], "#A3");
			Assert.AreSame (descD, descriptors [3], "#A4");
			Assert.AreSame (descE, descriptors [4], "#A5");
			Assert.AreSame (descF, descriptors [5], "#A6");

			sorted = descriptors.Sort (new ComparableComparer ());

			Assert.AreSame (descA, descriptors [0], "#B1");
			Assert.AreSame (descB, descriptors [1], "#B2");
			Assert.AreSame (descC, descriptors [2], "#B3");
			Assert.AreSame (descD, descriptors [3], "#B4");
			Assert.AreSame (descE, descriptors [4], "#B5");
			Assert.AreSame (descF, descriptors [5], "#B6");

			Assert.AreSame (descC, sorted [0], "#C1");
			Assert.AreSame (descA, sorted [1], "#C2");
			Assert.AreSame (descB, sorted [2], "#C3");
			Assert.AreSame (descE, sorted [3], "#C4");
			Assert.AreSame (descD, sorted [4], "#C5");
			Assert.AreSame (descF, sorted [5], "#C6");

			sorted = descriptors.Sort ((Comparer) null);

			Assert.AreSame (descA, descriptors [0], "#D1");
			Assert.AreSame (descB, descriptors [1], "#D2");
			Assert.AreSame (descC, descriptors [2], "#D3");
			Assert.AreSame (descD, descriptors [3], "#D4");
			Assert.AreSame (descE, descriptors [4], "#D5");
			Assert.AreSame (descF, descriptors [5], "#D6");

			Assert.AreSame (descB, sorted [0], "#E1");
			Assert.AreSame (descD, sorted [1], "#E2");
			Assert.AreSame (descC, sorted [2], "#E3");
			Assert.AreSame (descE, sorted [3], "#E4");
			Assert.AreSame (descA, sorted [4], "#E5");
			Assert.AreSame (descF, sorted [5], "#E6");
		/// <summary>Retrieves the set of properties for this type. By default, a type does not return any properties. </summary>
		/// <returns>The set of properties that should be exposed for this data type. If no properties should be exposed, this may return null. The default implementation always returns null.</returns>
		/// <param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext" /> through which additional context can be provided. </param>
		/// <param name="value">The value of the object to get the properties for. </param>
		/// <param name="attributes">An array of <see cref="T:System.Attribute" /> objects that describe the properties. </param>
		/// <filterpriority>1</filterpriority>
		public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext context, object value, Attribute[] attributes)
            Type typeFromHandle = typeof(FloatRectangle);
            PropertyDescriptorCollection propertyDescriptorCollection = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(new PropertyDescriptor[]
				new FieldPropertyDescriptor(typeFromHandle.GetField("X")),
				new FieldPropertyDescriptor(typeFromHandle.GetField("Y")),
				new FieldPropertyDescriptor(typeFromHandle.GetField("Width")),
				new FieldPropertyDescriptor(typeFromHandle.GetField("Height"))

            propertyDescriptorCollection = propertyDescriptorCollection.Sort(new string[]


            return propertyDescriptorCollection;

Пример #13
        private PropertyDescriptorCollection GetEditableProperties(object editableObject)
            if (editableObject == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("editableObject");

            var webBrowsableFilter = new Attribute[] {WebBrowsableAttribute.Yes};
            var properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(editableObject, webBrowsableFilter);
            var editableProperties = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
            foreach (PropertyDescriptor descriptor in properties)
                if (CanEditProperty(descriptor))
            return editableProperties.Sort(new WebCategoryComparer());