Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Here we simply host the visual studio core text editor.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void CreateEditorInstance(uint createDocFlags, string moniker,
                                                 string physicalView, IVsHierarchy pHier, uint itemid, IntPtr existingDocData,
                                                 out IntPtr docView, out IntPtr docData, out string editorCaption,
                                                 out Guid cmdUI, out int cancelled)
            string ext = Path.GetExtension(moniker).ToLower();

            if (ext.StartsWith("."))
                ext = ext.Substring(1);
            bool takeover = CheckAllFileTypes() && !this.IsRegisteredExtension(ext);

            if (takeover && !IsOurKindOfFile(moniker))
                throw new System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException("", (int)VsConstants.VS_E_UNSUPPORTEDFORMAT);

            IVsTextLines buffer = null;

            if (existingDocData != IntPtr.Zero)
                buffer = (IVsTextLines)Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(existingDocData, typeof(IVsTextLines));
                buffer = (IVsTextLines)VsShell.CreateInstance(this.site, ref VsConstants.CLSID_VsTextBuffer, ref VsConstants.IID_IVsTextLines, typeof(IVsTextLines));

            IObjectWithSite objWithSite = (IObjectWithSite)buffer;


            object window = CreateEditorView(moniker, buffer, physicalView, out editorCaption, out cmdUI);

            if (takeover)
                Guid langSid = GetLanguageSID();
                if (langSid != Guid.Empty)
                    buffer.SetLanguageServiceID(ref langSid);
                    IVsUserData vud = (IVsUserData)buffer;
                    vud.SetData(ref VsConstants.GUID_VsBufferDetectLangSID, false);
                // todo: for some reason my commands are disabled when we go through this
                // code path...

            docView = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(window);
            docData = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(buffer);

            // VS core editor is the primary command handler
            cancelled = 0;
Пример #2
        public virtual object CreateEditorView(string moniker, IVsTextLines buffer, string physicalView, out string editorCaption, out Guid cmdUI)
            IVsCodeWindow window = (IVsCodeWindow)VsShell.CreateInstance(this.site, ref VsConstants.CLSID_VsCodeWindow, ref VsConstants.IID_IVsCodeWindow, typeof(IVsCodeWindow));

            window.GetEditorCaption(READONLYSTATUS.ROSTATUS_Unknown, out editorCaption);

            Guid CMDUIGUID_TextEditor = new Guid(0x8B382828, 0x6202, 0x11d1, 0x88, 0x70, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF8, 0x75, 0x79, 0xD2);

            cmdUI = CMDUIGUID_TextEditor;