GetByIndex() публичный Метод

public GetByIndex ( int index ) : Object
index int
Результат Object
Пример #1
        private Image GetAny()
            Image  oPic;
            string sname;

            System.Collections.SortedList filelist = new System.Collections.SortedList();
            foreach (string newname in oExt.ArchiveFileNames)
                if (IsImage(newname))
                    filelist.Add(newname, newname);
            sname = Convert.ToString(filelist.GetByIndex(0));
            Random anyimageindex = new Random();

            sname = Convert.ToString(filelist.GetByIndex(anyimageindex.Next(filelist.Count)));
            Stream iStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();

                oExt.ExtractFile(sname, iStream);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ComicError("Connot extract " + sname + " from " + currentFile);
            oPic = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromStream(iStream);
Пример #2
        public void LoadMoudelTree(string roleCode)
            DataTable tempTable = roleBll.GetUserModuleListByRoleCode(roleCode);
            SortedList allTreeNodes = new SortedList();
            foreach (DataRow row in tempTable.Rows)
                Node newNode = base.CreateNode(Convert.ToString(row["modulecode"]), FunctionText.ResourceManager.GetString(row["LANGUAGE_KEY"].ToString()) + this.CreateFunctionList(Convert.ToString(row["FunctionList"]), Convert.ToString(row["FunctionListed"]), Convert.ToString(row["Authorized"])), Convert.ToString(row["authorized"]).Equals("Y"), Convert.ToDecimal(tempTable.Compute("count(modulecode)", "parentmodulecode='" + row["modulecode"] + "'")) == 0M);
                allTreeNodes.Add(Convert.ToString(row["modulecode"]), newNode);
                if (row["parentmodulecode"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                    if (allTreeNodes.IndexOfKey(row["parentmodulecode"]) >= 0)
                foreach (Node node in this.UltraWebTreeModule.Nodes)

        public void MethodSortedList()
            sl.Add("key", "SortedObject");
            int index = sl.IndexOfKey("key");

            if (!(sl["key"].Equals("SortedObject")))

            if (!(sl.GetByIndex(index).Equals("SortedObject")))

            sl["key"] = "NewSortedObject";
            if (!(sl["key"].Equals("NewSortedObject")))

            if (!(sl.GetByIndex(index).Equals("NewSortedObject")))
Пример #4
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string strDepName;
                if (!this.Page.IsPostBack)
                    this.ModuleCode.Value = "KQMSYS306";
                    SortedList allTreeNodes = new SortedList();

                    RelationSelectorBll bll = new RelationSelectorBll();
                    DataTable tempTable = bll.GetTypeDataList(CurrentUserInfo.Personcode, "Foxconn", this.ModuleCode.Value, "N");
                    foreach (DataRow row in tempTable.Rows)
                        strDepName = row["depname"].ToString() + "[" + row["depcode"].ToString() + "]";
                        if (row["costcode"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                            strDepName = strDepName + "-" + row["costcode"].ToString();
                        Node node = base.CreateNode(row["depcode"].ToString(), strDepName, false, Convert.ToDecimal(tempTable.Compute("count(depcode)", "parentdepcode='" + row["depcode"].ToString() + "'")) == 0M);
                        if (row["deleted"].ToString().Equals("Y"))
                            node.Style.BorderColor = Color.DarkGray;
                        allTreeNodes.Add(row["depcode"].ToString(), node);
                        if (row["parentdepcode"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                            if (allTreeNodes.IndexOfKey(row["parentdepcode"]) >= 0)
            catch (Exception ex)
                //base.WriteMessage(2, (ex.InnerException == null) ? ex.Message : ex.InnerException.Message);
Пример #5
        public Button()
            this.m_bNoScalingOnSetRect = true;
            Name = "Button";
            this.MouseActive = true;
            m_plStateSprites = new SortedList();

            Frame spFrame = new Frame();
            spFrame.Parent = this;
            spFrame.Member = new MemberSpriteBitmap("Button2Up");
            spFrame.Ink = RasterOps.ROPs.BgTransparent;
            spFrame.Member.ColorKey = Color.FromArgb(0,0,0);
            spFrame.Rect = new ERectangleF(0,0,50,50);
            m_plStateSprites.Add(Sprite.MouseEventType.Leave, (Sprite)spFrame);

            spFrame = new Frame();
            spFrame.Parent = this;
            spFrame.Member = new MemberSpriteBitmap("Button2Down");
            spFrame.Ink = RasterOps.ROPs.BgTransparent;
            spFrame.Member.ColorKey = Color.FromArgb(0,0,0);
            spFrame.Rect = new ERectangleF(0,0,50,50);
            m_plStateSprites.Add(Sprite.MouseEventType.Enter, (Sprite)spFrame);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_plStateSprites.Count; i++)
                ((Sprite)m_plStateSprites.GetByIndex(i)).Visible = false;
            ((Sprite)m_plStateSprites[MouseEventType.Leave]).Visible = true;
Пример #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Here we define the Hashtable obect and initialize it
            Hashtable countryCodes = new Hashtable();
            countryCodes.Add("358", "Finland");
            countryCodes.Add("1", "Canada");
            countryCodes.Add("254", "Kenya");

            // Here we print the full content of the Hashtable
            foreach (string code in countryCodes.Keys)
                Console.WriteLine(code + " --> " + countryCodes[code]);

            // Here we print all values in the Hastable
            Console.WriteLine("Values in the hash table: ");
            foreach (string value in countryCodes.Values)
            SortedList countryAbbr = new SortedList();
            countryAbbr.Add("FI", "Finland");
            countryAbbr.Add("NL", "Netherlands");
            countryAbbr.Add("IR", "Iran");
            countryAbbr.Add("CA", "Canada");
            Console.WriteLine("Country with abbreviation NL in sorted list: " + countryAbbr["NL"]);
            Console.WriteLine("Third value in the sorted list: " + countryAbbr.GetByIndex(2));

            // Here we print the full content of the SortedList
            Console.WriteLine("The contnet of the sorted list: ");
            foreach (string abbr in countryAbbr.Keys)
                Console.WriteLine(abbr + " --> " + countryAbbr[abbr]);

            // Here we print all values in the Hastable
            Console.WriteLine("Values in the SortedList: ");
            foreach (string abbr in countryAbbr.Values)
Пример #7
        private void tvcWindows_AfterSelect(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs e)
            mcPage   aPage;
            mcServer aServer = (mcServer)Servers.GetByIndex(Servers.IndexOfKey(e.Node.Tag));

             * Locate the server instance.
             * aServer will never be null, as if the above fails
             * the client will crash. This should be OK though
             * s we should NOT be trying to select a non-existant window ;)

            /* find our page */
            aPage = aServer.FindPage(e.Node.Text);
            if (aPage == null)
                 * all this generally means is that they selected, for example,
                 * a "messages" or "channels" node.
                aPage = aServer.CurrentPage;
            /* now, we should have a page - focus on it */
Пример #8
        private void m_btIComparerNumeroTexto_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            System.Collections.SortedList sortListTest = new System.Collections.SortedList(new mdlComponentesColecoes.clsComparerNumbersTexts());

            // Inserindo os Items
            sortListTest.Add("1", "1");
            sortListTest.Add("2", "2");
            sortListTest.Add("5", "5");
            sortListTest.Add("10", "10");
            sortListTest.Add("11", "11");
            sortListTest.Add("Thiago", "Thiago");
            sortListTest.Add("22", "22");
            sortListTest.Add("", "");
            sortListTest.Add("Silvio", "Silvio");
            sortListTest.Add("Paulo", "Paulo");
            sortListTest.Add("32", "32");
            sortListTest.Add("Robson", "Robson");
            sortListTest.Add("27", "27");

            for (int nCont = 300; nCont < 400; nCont++)
                sortListTest.Add(nCont.ToString(), nCont.ToString());

            for (int nCont = 0; nCont < sortListTest.Count; nCont++)
Пример #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SortedList sl = new SortedList();
            sl.Add("Stack", "Represents a LIFO collection of objects.");
            sl.Add("Queue", "Represents a FIFO collection of objects.");
            sl.Add("SortedList", "Represents a collection of key/value pairs.");

            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in sl)
                Console.WriteLine("{0,12}: {1}", de.Key, de.Value);

            Console.WriteLine("\n" + sl["Queue"]);

            Console.WriteLine("\nName Value Collection:");
            NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection();
            nvc.Add("Stack", "Represents a LIFO collection of objects.");
            nvc.Add("Stack", "A pile of pancakes.");
            nvc.Add("Queue", "Represents a FIFO collection of objects.");
            nvc.Add("Queue", "In England, a line.");
            nvc.Add("SortedList", "Represents a collection of key/value pairs.");

            foreach (string s in nvc.GetValues(0))

            foreach (string s in nvc.GetValues("Queue"))
Пример #10
    internal override void VisitDocumentElements(DocumentElements elements)
      SortedList splitParaList = new SortedList();

      for (int idx = 0; idx < elements.Count; ++idx)
        Paragraph paragraph = elements[idx] as Paragraph;
        if (paragraph != null)
          Paragraph[] paragraphs = paragraph.SplitOnParaBreak();
          if (paragraphs != null)
            splitParaList.Add(idx, paragraphs);

      int insertedObjects = 0;
      for (int idx = 0; idx < splitParaList.Count; ++idx)
        int insertPosition = (int)splitParaList.GetKey(idx);
        Paragraph[] paragraphs = (Paragraph[])splitParaList.GetByIndex(idx);
        foreach (Paragraph paragraph in paragraphs)
          elements.InsertObject(insertPosition + insertedObjects, paragraph);
        elements.RemoveObjectAt(insertPosition + insertedObjects);
Пример #11
 protected void TargetSelectorCallback(Address start, SortedList score_table, Address current) {
   Assert.IsTrue(score_table.Count > 0);
   if (current == null) {
     Address min_target = (Address) score_table.GetByIndex(0);
     Assert.AreEqual(_addr_list[_idx++], min_target);
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of data source names from the local machine.
        /// </summary>
        public SortedList GetAllDataSourceNames()
            // Get the list of user DSN's first.
            System.Collections.SortedList dsnList = GetUserDataSourceNames();

            // Get list of System DSN's and add them to the first list.
            System.Collections.SortedList systemDsnList = GetSystemDataSourceNames();
            for (int i = 0; i < systemDsnList.Count; i++)
                string         sName = systemDsnList.GetKey(i) as string;
                DataSourceType type  = (DataSourceType)systemDsnList.GetByIndex(i);
                    // This dsn to the master list
                    dsnList.Add(sName, type);
                    // An exception can be thrown if the key being added is a duplicate so
                    // we just catch it here and have to ignore it.

Пример #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SortedList traductor = new SortedList();
            traductor.Add("{", "begin");
            traductor.Add("}", "begin");
            traductor.Add("WriteLine", "WriteLn");
            traductor.Add("ReadLine", "ReadLn");
            traductor.Add("void", "procedure");
            traductor.Add("Console", "");

            //StreamReader fichero_origen;
            //fichero_origen = File.OpenText("prueba.cs");
            List<string> lista = File.ReadAllLines("prueba.cs").ToList();
            string itemaux = "";
            foreach (string item in lista)
                itemaux = item;
                for (int i = 0; i < traductor.Count; i++)
                    if (item.Contains(traductor.GetKey(i).ToString()))
                        itemaux = item.Replace(traductor.GetKey(i).ToString(), traductor.GetByIndex(i).ToString());
Пример #14
        public double[,] CalcCachedInterpolationInfo(double a_dTime, SortedList a_sorted)
            double[,] aReturn = new double[,]{{1}};

            int nIndex = 0;
            //			if (a_sorted.ContainsKey(a_dTime))
            nIndex = a_sorted.IndexOfKey(a_dTime);
            if (nIndex >= 0)
                return new double[,]{{(double)a_sorted.GetByIndex(nIndex)}};
                a_sorted.Add(a_dTime, -4711);
                nIndex = a_sorted.IndexOfKey(a_dTime);

            //nIndex is meant to represent the next index after a_dTime.
            //If a_dTime is the same as a key, nIndex should be that key's index - 1

            if (nIndex <= 0)
                return new double[,]{{(double)a_sorted.GetByIndex(0)}};

            if (nIndex >= a_sorted.Count)
                return new double[,]{{(double)a_sorted.GetByIndex(a_sorted.Count-1)}};

            double dTimeAtIndexBefore = (double)a_sorted.GetKey(nIndex-1);
            double dTimeAtIndexAfter = (double)a_sorted.GetKey(nIndex);

            if (a_dTime == dTimeAtIndexAfter)
                /*    if (nPos < nCnt) then nPos = nPos+1
            fTimePosBefore = a_paList.getPropAt(nPos-1)
            fTimePosAfter = a_paList.getPropAt(nPos)*/

            double dVal1 = 0;
            double dVal2 = (double)a_sorted.GetValueList()[nIndex-1];
            double dVal3 = (double)a_sorted.GetValueList()[nIndex];
            double dVal4 = 0;
            //TODO: support commands in the list!
            //if (ilk(mvVal2) = #List) then mvVal2 = mvVal3
            //if (ilk(mvVal3) = #List) then mvVal3 = mvVal2

            if (nIndex == 1)
                dVal1 = dVal2;
                dVal1 = (double)a_sorted.GetValueList()[nIndex-2];
            //if (ilk(mvVal1) = #List) then mvVal1 = mvVal2

            if (nIndex == a_sorted.Count-1)
                dVal4 = dVal3;
                dVal4 = (double)a_sorted.GetValueList()[nIndex+1];
            //TODO if (ilk(mvVal4) = #List) then mvVal4 = mvVal3

            aReturn = new double[,] {{dVal1, 0}, {dVal2, dTimeAtIndexBefore}, {dVal3, dTimeAtIndexAfter}, {dVal4,0}};
            return aReturn;
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point of the application - does all the work, really.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Main()
            SortedList table = new SortedList();
            string fileData = string.Empty;

            Console.WriteLine("This program counts how many times each word occurs in a file.");
            Console.Write("Enter the filename of the file to read from:\n > ");
            string filename = Console.ReadLine();
            while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
                Console.Write("You cannot enter a blank path name - try again:\n > ");
                filename = Console.ReadLine();

            // Try to access the file and bail out if an error occurred
                fileData = File.ReadAllText(filename);
                Console.WriteLine("File was not accessible. Please make sure it exists and you have appropriate permission to read it.");

            // Get the file contents, convert to lowercase and remove all non-alpha and non-space characters,
            // then get a raw array (still contains duplicates) of all the words
            string[] rawWordArray = WordCountExampleProgram.GetWordsArray(fileData.ToLower());

            // For each for in the array...
            for (int i = 0; i < rawWordArray.Length; i++)
                if (!table.ContainsKey(rawWordArray[i]))
                    // If the table does not already contain the key, add it to the list with a count of 1
                    table.Add(rawWordArray[i], 1);
                    // Otherwise it was already in the table, increment its previous count by one
                    table[rawWordArray[i]] = Convert.ToInt32(table[rawWordArray[i]]) + 1;

            // Make a variable to count total words
            int totalWords = 0;

            // Print out the key and value of each along with some headers
            Console.WriteLine("\nWord" + string.Empty.PadRight(50 - "Word".Length, ' ') + "Count\n" + string.Empty.PadRight(50 + "Count".Length, '-'));
            for (int i = 0; i < table.Count; i++)
                int value = Convert.ToInt32(table.GetByIndex(i));
                totalWords += value;
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-50}{1}", table.GetKey(i), value));

            Console.WriteLine("{0,-50}{1}\n", "TOTAL", totalWords);
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// 頁面加載--組織樹
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string strDepName;

            if (!this.Page.IsPostBack)
                this.ModuleCode.Value = Request.QueryString["ModuleCode"].ToString();
                string personCode = CurrentUserInfo.Personcode;
                string companyId = CurrentUserInfo.CompanyId;
                SortedList allTreeNodes = new SortedList();
                RelationSelectorBll bll = new RelationSelectorBll();
                DataTable tempTable = bll.GetTypeDataList(personCode, companyId, this.ModuleCode.Value, "N");
                foreach (DataRow row in tempTable.Rows)

                    strDepName = row["depname"].ToString() + "[" + row["depcode"].ToString() + "]";
                    if (row["costcode"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                        strDepName = strDepName + "-" + row["costcode"].ToString();
                    Node node = base.CreateNode(row["depcode"].ToString(), strDepName, false, Convert.ToDecimal(tempTable.Compute("count(depcode)", "parentdepcode='" + row["depcode"].ToString() + "'")) == 0M);
                    if (row["deleted"].ToString().Equals("Y"))
                        node.Style.ForeColor = Color.DarkGray;
                    allTreeNodes.Add(row["depcode"].ToString(), node);
                    if (row["parentdepcode"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                        if (allTreeNodes.IndexOfKey(row["parentdepcode"]) >= 0)
Пример #17
 public static void PrintKeysAndValues(SortedList myList)
     for (int i = 0; i < myList.Count; i++)
         Console.WriteLine("\t{0}:\t{1}", myList.GetKey(i), myList.GetByIndex(i));
Пример #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Retourne le dictionnaire de la section nommée dans line, crée la section si nécessaire
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sections">Dictionnaire des sections</param>
 /// <param name="line">Ligne contenant un délimiteur de section</param>
 /// <returns>Le dictionnaire associé à la section</returns>
 protected SortedList DoCreateSection( SortedList sections, string line ) {
   string name = line.Substring( 1, line.Length - 2 ) ;
   int index = sections.IndexOfKey( name ) ;
   if (index == -1) {
     SortedList result = new SortedList() ;
     sections.Add( name, result ) ;
     return result ;
   } else return (SortedList) sections.GetByIndex( index ) ;
Пример #19
 public GridItem this [int index] {
     get {
         if (index >= list.Count)
             throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");
Пример #20
        protected void CheckBoxAbate_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            moudelCode = Request.QueryString["modulecode"].ToString();
            SortedList allTreeNodes = new SortedList();

            hrmEmpOtherMoveBll.GetDepCodeTable(CurrentUserInfo.Personcode, moudelCode, CurrentUserInfo.CompanyId, "", chkAbate.Checked ? "Y" : "N",logmodel);
              dt = hrmEmpOtherMoveBll.GetAuthorizedTreeDept(CurrentUserInfo.Personcode, CurrentUserInfo.CompanyId, moudelCode);
            string strDepName = "";
            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                strDepName = Convert.ToString(row["depname"]) + "[" + Convert.ToString(row["depcode"]) + "]";
                if (Convert.ToString(row["costcode"]).Trim().Length > 0)
                    strDepName = strDepName + "-" + Convert.ToString(row["costcode"]);
                Node node = base.CreateNode(Convert.ToString(row["depcode"]), strDepName, false, Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Compute("count(depcode)", "parentdepcode='" + row["depcode"] + "'")) == 0M);
                if (Convert.ToString(row["deleted"]).Equals("Y"))
                    node.Style.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                allTreeNodes.Add(Convert.ToString(row["depcode"]), node);
                if (row["parentdepcode"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                    if (allTreeNodes.IndexOfKey(row["parentdepcode"]) >= 0)
            foreach (Node node in this.UltraWebTreeData.Nodes)
Пример #21
 //綁定所有的組織代碼 (包含已失效的)
 protected void chkAbate_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     string strDepName;
     string personCode = CurrentUserInfo.Personcode;
     string companyId = CurrentUserInfo.CompanyId;
     SortedList allTreeNodes = new SortedList();
     DataTable dt = bll.GetTypeDataList(personCode, companyId, moduleCode);
     foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
         strDepName = Convert.ToString(row["depname"]) + "[" + Convert.ToString(row["depcode"]) + "]";
         if (Convert.ToString(row["costcode"]).Trim().Length > 0)
             strDepName = strDepName + "-" + Convert.ToString(row["costcode"]);
         Node node = base.CreateNode(Convert.ToString(row["depcode"]), strDepName, false, Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Compute("count(depcode)", "parentdepcode='" + row["depcode"] + "'")) == 0M);
         if (Convert.ToString(row["deleted"]).Equals("Y") || Convert.ToString(row["deleted"]).Equals(""))
             node.Style.ForeColor = Color.Red;
         allTreeNodes.Add(Convert.ToString(row["depcode"]), node);
         if (row["parentdepcode"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
             if (allTreeNodes.IndexOfKey(row["parentdepcode"]) >= 0)
     foreach (Node node in this.UltraWebTreeData.Nodes)
Пример #22
        private Image GetCover()
            Image  oPic  = null;
            string sname = "";
            int    xfile = 0;

            System.Collections.SortedList filelist = new System.Collections.SortedList();
            foreach (string newname in oExt.ArchiveFileNames)
                if (IsImage(newname))
                    filelist.Add(newname, newname);
            sname = Convert.ToString(filelist.GetByIndex(0));
            if (oExt.ArchiveFileNames.Contains("ComicInfo.xml"))
                MemoryStream xmlStream = new MemoryStream();
                oExt.ExtractFile("ComicInfo.xml", xmlStream);
                xmlStream.Position = 0;
                xfile = coverfromxml(xmlStream);
                if (xfile != -1)
                    sname = Convert.ToString(filelist.GetByIndex(xfile));
            Stream iStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();

                oExt.ExtractFile(sname, iStream);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ComicError("Connot open " + currentFile);
            oPic = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromStream(iStream);
        /***************************** Constructor *********************************/
        public Classification(SortedList columnList, int classLabeCount)
            // Initialize DecisionTree
            decisionAttributes = new DecisionVariable[columnList.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < decisionAttributes.Length; i++)
                decisionAttributes[i] = new DecisionVariable((string)columnList.GetByIndex(i), DecisionVariableKind.Continuous);

            int classCount = classLabeCount;
            descisionTree = new DecisionTree(decisionAttributes, classCount);
Пример #24
 // Искать контекст (контекстный анализ)
 // выходная информация ArrayList (value - IE_Count)
 // элементы отсортированны по степени их значимости для данной тематики
 // range – диапазон анализируемой окрестности
 // screen - порог (в выходном списке будут присутствовать 
 // только те элементы, которые встретились screen и более раз 
 public ArrayList SearchContext(SortedList subject, int range, int screen)
     if (subject == null) return null;
     SortedList candidate = new SortedList();
     foreach (/*InfoElement*/IE_Value ie in subject.Values)
         // Перебираем все инф. потоки проходящие через данный инф.
         // элемент
         for (int i = 0; i < ie.IE.InOut.Count; i++)
             int startIndex = (int)ie.IE.InOut.GetKey(i);
             // Проверяем вперед по инф. потоку
             Element ie_next = ie.IE;
             for (int index = startIndex; index < startIndex + range; index++)
                 Element ie_v = ((InOut)ie_next.InOut[index]).OutIE;
                 if (ie_v == null) break;
                 int index_v = index + 1;
                 CandidateTest(ie_v, index_v, subject, candidate);
                 ie_next = ie_v;
             // Проверяем назад по инф. потоку
             Element ie_prev = ie.IE;
             for (int index = startIndex; index > startIndex - range; index--)
                 Element ie_v = ((InOut)ie_prev.InOut[index]).InIE;
                 if (ie_v == null) break;
                 int index_v = index - 1;
                 CandidateTest(ie_v, index_v, subject, candidate);
                 ie_prev = ie_v;
     // Копируем в выходной массив только те инф. элементы,
     // которые встречались screen и более раз
     ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
     for (int i = 0; i < candidate.Count; i++)
         IE_Index ie_index = (IE_Index)candidate.GetByIndex(i);
         if (ie_index.Index.Count >= screen)
             result.Add(new IE_Count(ie_index.IE, ie_index.Index.Count));
     // Копируем в выходной массив множество первичных инф. элементов
     for (int i = 0; i < subject.Count; i++)
         IE_Value ie = (IE_Value)subject.GetByIndex(i);
         result.Add(new IE_Count(ie.IE, ie.IE.InOut.Count));
     // Соритировка по количеству повторений (по IE_Count.Count)
     //SortArrayList sort = new SortArrayList(result);
     return result;
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// WebTree控件綁定數據
        /// </summary>
        protected void WebTreeBind()
            SortedList allTreeNodes = new SortedList();
            DataTable tempTable = moduleBll.GetUserModuleTable();
            foreach (DataRow row in tempTable.Rows)
                allTreeNodes.Add(Convert.ToString(row["ModuleCode"]), base.CreateNode(Convert.ToString(row["ModuleCode"]), Convert.ToString(row["description"]), false, Convert.ToDecimal(tempTable.Compute("count(ModuleCode)", "parentmodulecode='" + row["ModuleCode"] + "'")) == 0M));
                if (row["parentmodulecode"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                    if (allTreeNodes.IndexOfKey(row["parentmodulecode"]) >= 0)

Пример #26
        public void DisplayEmployeesNameAge()
            System.Collections.SortedList nameAge = new System.Collections.SortedList();
            nameAge.Add("Alicia", 30);
            nameAge.Add("Mike", 29);
            nameAge.Add("Adam", 22);
            nameAge.Add("Andrew", 39);

            for (int i = 0; i < nameAge.Count; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", nameAge.GetKey(i), nameAge.GetByIndex(i));
Пример #27
 public static int Compare(SortedList a, SortedList b, IComparer comparer)
     if (a == null || b == null) {
         return 1;
     int cmp;
     int limit = (a.Count < b.Count) ? a.Count : b.Count;
     for(int i=0; i < limit; i++) {
         if(0 != (cmp = comparer.Compare(a.GetByIndex(i), b.GetByIndex(i)))) {
             return cmp;
     return a.Count - b.Count;
        public void fun3()
            SortedList s1 = new SortedList();
            s1.Add(9, 'a');
            s1.Add(5, 'f');
            s1.Add(7, 'h');


            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in s1)
                Console.WriteLine("key ={0} value = {1}", de.Key, de.Value);
Пример #29
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SortedList mySL = new SortedList();
            mySL.Add("One", "1");
            mySL.Add("Two", "2");
            mySL.Add("Three", "3");

            // Result will be displayed in sorted order as all keys are auto stored in sorted order
            for (int i = 0; i < mySL.Count; i++)
                System.Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", mySL.GetKey(i), mySL.GetByIndex(i));
            System.Console.WriteLine("\nCapacity of this SortedList: {0}", mySL.Capacity);
            System.Console.WriteLine("Does this SortedList contain \"One\" as key: {0}", mySL.Contains("One"));
            System.Console.WriteLine("Number of objects presently in this SortedList: {0}", mySL.Count);
Пример #30
        public void addCategories()
            CategoryTypeCollection cats = (CategoryTypeCollection)Session[Global.CATEGORIES];
            string name;
            SortedList catSL = new SortedList();

            foreach (CategoryType cat in cats)
                if( !cat.LeafCategory )
                catSL.Add(int.Parse(cat.CategoryID), cat);
            for ( int i = 0; i < catSL.Count; i++ )
                CategoryType cat = (CategoryType) catSL.GetByIndex(i);
                name = cat.CategoryName;
                int csId=int.MinValue;
                bool hasCharacterstic=false;

                    csId = cat.CharacteristicsSets[0].AttributeSetID;

                string csID=hasCharacterstic?("-" + csId):string.Empty;
                if (name != null && name.Length > 1)

                    Response.Write("<option value=\"" + cat.CategoryID + "\"" + ">" +
                        cat.CategoryName + " (" + cat.CategoryID + csID + ")</option>");
                    Response.Write("<option value=\"" + cat.CategoryID + "\"" + ">" +
                        cat.CharacteristicsSets[0].Name + "[" + cat.CategoryID + csID + "]</option>");
Пример #31
        private static void postProcessFolders(SortedList foldersToProcess, bool persistName)
            if (foldersToProcess.Count > 0)		// && Project.photoAnalyzeOnLoad
                // delayed processing of photo images in folder(s), as we need to have all trackpoints in memory first to relate to them:
                LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("IP: delayed processing...");
                for (int i = 0; i < foldersToProcess.Count; i++)
                    PhotoFolderToProcess pf = (PhotoFolderToProcess)foldersToProcess.GetByIndex(i);

                    warnPhotoAnalyzeOnLoad(;	// can turn Project.photoAnalyzeOnLoad off
                    if (Project.photoAnalyzeOnLoad || AllFormats.isZipFile(
                        LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("IP: delayed processing in folder=" +;

                        // use "my camera shift" as default for files w/o photo settings - reset for each folder:
                        Project.photoTimeShiftTypeCurrent = 0;

                        if (!Project.photoModeReprocess)
                            // may overwrite Project.photoTimeShiftFile, Project.photoTimeZoneIdFile:
                            FileAndZipIO.readPhotoParameters(, out FileAndZipIO.usedPhotoParametersFile);

                        // call imageProcessor on all image files in the folder:
                        if (processImagesInPhotoFolder(pf.imageFileProcessor,, true) > 0)
                            if (persistName)
                                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Project.GetLongPathName(;
                                Project.photoFileName = fi.FullName;
                LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("IP: no delayed processing - photoAnalyzeOnLoad=" + Project.photoAnalyzeOnLoad);
Пример #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the names of the tables to process in the order they should be processed, according to their dependencies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A StringCollection containing the ordered table names.</returns>
        private StringCollection GetSortedTableNames()
            StringCollection sortedTableNames = new StringCollection();
            SortedList unsortedTableNames = new SortedList();

            // index the table names
            foreach (TableDefinition tableDefinition in this.tableDefinitions)
                unsortedTableNames.Add(tableDefinition.Name, tableDefinition.Name);

            // resolve the dependencies for each table
            while (0 < unsortedTableNames.Count)
                this.ResolveTableDependencies(Convert.ToString(unsortedTableNames.GetByIndex(0)), unsortedTableNames, sortedTableNames);

            return sortedTableNames;
Пример #33
 public Tpoint GetByIndex(int index)
Пример #34
        private void DataUIBind()
            string OrgCode = "";
            string ShiftNo = "";
            string ShiftDesc = "";
            string strTemp = "";
            string[] temVal = null;
            SortedList SListOrgCodeShiftDesc = new SortedList();
            string ShiftDate = this.textBoxBatchOtDate.Text;
                ShiftDate = Convert.ToDateTime(ShiftDate).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
            catch (Exception)
                ShiftDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
            foreach (DataRow dr in this.tempDataTable.Rows)
                OrgCode = dr["dCode"].ToString();
                if (Convert.ToString(dr["ShiftDesc"]).Length == 0)
                    if (SListOrgCodeShiftDesc.IndexOfKey(OrgCode) >= 0)
                        ShiftDesc = SListOrgCodeShiftDesc.GetByIndex(SListOrgCodeShiftDesc.IndexOfKey(OrgCode)).ToString();
                        if (ShiftDesc.Length > 0)
                            dr["ShiftDesc"] = ShiftDesc;
                            dr["ShiftFlag"] = "N";
                        strTemp = bll.GetEmpOrgShift(OrgCode, ShiftDate);
                        if (strTemp.Length > 0)
                            temVal = strTemp.Split(new char[] { '|' });
                            ShiftNo = temVal[0].ToString();
                            if (ShiftNo.Length > 0)
                                ShiftDesc = bll.GetValue("select ShiftDesc from (select ShiftNo||':'||ShiftDesc||'['||(select dataValue from GDS_ATT_TYPEDATA b where b.datatype='ShiftType' and b.datacode=a.shifttype)||']' ShiftDesc from GDS_ATT_WORKSHIFT a  where a.ShiftNo='" + ShiftNo + "')") + "(" + temVal[4].ToString() + ")";
                                dr["ShiftDesc"] = ShiftDesc;
                                dr["ShiftFlag"] = "N";
                                SListOrgCodeShiftDesc.Add(OrgCode, ShiftDesc);
                                SListOrgCodeShiftDesc.Add(OrgCode, "");
                            SListOrgCodeShiftDesc.Add(OrgCode, "");

            if (this.tempDataTable == null || this.tempDataTable.Rows.Count==0)
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                dt = new DataTable();
                dt.Columns.Add("WorkNo", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                dt.Columns.Add("LocalName", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                dt.Columns.Add("OverTimeType", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                dt.Columns.Add("ShiftDesc", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                DataRow rw01 = dt.NewRow();
                rw01["WorkNo"] = "F3228771 ";
                rw01["LocalName"] = "李玉亭";
                rw01["OverTimeType"] = "A2";
                rw01["ShiftDesc"] = "Test";

                this.tempDataTable = dt;


            this.tempDataTable.DefaultView.Sort = "ShiftDesc ASC";
            this.GridEmployee.DataSource = this.tempDataTable;
Пример #35
        public double GetOtHours(string WorkNo, string OTDate, string StrBtime, string StrEtime, string OTType)
                double OtHours = 0.0;
                double RestHours = 0.0;
                string condition = "";
                if (OTType.Length != 0)
                    DateTime dtTempBeginTime;
                    DateTime dtTempEndTime;
                    string dtShiftOnTime;
                    string dtShiftOffTime;
                    string dtAMRestSTime;
                    string dtAMRestETime;
                    TimeSpan tsOTHours;
                    if (OTType.Equals("G4") && (TimeSpan.Parse(Convert.ToDateTime(StrBtime).ToString("HH:mm")) < TimeSpan.Parse("06:30")))
                        OTDate = Convert.ToDateTime(OTDate).AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                    string strShiftNo = exceptionQryBll.GetShiftNo(WorkNo.ToUpper(), OTDate);
                    if (strShiftNo.Length == 0)
                        return OtHours;
                    if ((StrBtime.Length > 8) & (StrEtime.Length > 8))
                        dtTempBeginTime = DateTime.Parse(StrBtime);
                        dtTempEndTime = DateTime.Parse(StrEtime);
                        dtTempBeginTime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + StrBtime);
                        dtTempEndTime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + StrEtime);
                        SortedList list = new SortedList();
                        list = this.ReturnOTTTime(WorkNo, OTDate, dtTempBeginTime, dtTempEndTime, strShiftNo);
                        dtTempBeginTime = Convert.ToDateTime(list.GetByIndex(list.IndexOfKey("A")));
                        dtTempEndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(list.GetByIndex(list.IndexOfKey("B")));
                    if (OTType.Equals("G4") && !(dtTempBeginTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd").Equals(dtTempEndTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")) || Convert.ToDateTime(StrBtime).ToString("HH:mm").Equals("00:00")))
                        return OtHours;
                    string dtBtime = dtTempBeginTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                    string dtEtime = dtTempEndTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");

                    DataTable sdt = exceptionQryBll.GetDataTableBySQL(strShiftNo);
                    if (sdt.Rows.Count == 0)
                        return OtHours;
                    string ShiftOnTime = Convert.ToString(sdt.Rows[0]["OnDutyTime"]);
                    string ShiftOffTime = Convert.ToString(sdt.Rows[0]["OffDutyTime"]);
                    string AMRestSTime = Convert.ToString(sdt.Rows[0]["AMRestSTime"]);
                    string AMRestETime = Convert.ToString(sdt.Rows[0]["AMRestETime"]);
                    string PMRestSTime = Convert.ToString(sdt.Rows[0]["PMRestSTime"]);
                    string PMRestETime = Convert.ToString(sdt.Rows[0]["PMRestETime"]);
                    string ShiftType = Convert.ToString(sdt.Rows[0]["ShiftType"]);
                    string dtPMRestSTime = "";
                    string dtPMRestETime = "";
                    if (TimeSpan.Parse(ShiftOnTime) < TimeSpan.Parse(ShiftOffTime))
                        dtShiftOnTime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + ShiftOnTime).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                        dtShiftOffTime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + ShiftOffTime).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                        dtAMRestSTime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + AMRestSTime).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                        dtAMRestETime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + AMRestETime).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                        if ((PMRestSTime.Length > 0) && (PMRestETime.Length > 0))
                            if (TimeSpan.Parse(PMRestSTime) <= TimeSpan.Parse(PMRestETime))
                                dtPMRestSTime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + PMRestSTime).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                                dtPMRestETime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + PMRestETime).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                                dtPMRestSTime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + PMRestSTime).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                                dtPMRestETime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + PMRestETime).AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                        dtShiftOnTime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + ShiftOnTime).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                        dtShiftOffTime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + ShiftOffTime).AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                        if ((TimeSpan.Parse(AMRestSTime) <= TimeSpan.Parse(AMRestETime)) && (TimeSpan.Parse(ShiftOnTime) < TimeSpan.Parse(AMRestETime)))
                            dtAMRestSTime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + AMRestSTime).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                            dtAMRestETime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + AMRestETime).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                        else if ((TimeSpan.Parse(AMRestSTime) <= TimeSpan.Parse(AMRestETime)) && (TimeSpan.Parse(ShiftOnTime) > TimeSpan.Parse(AMRestETime)))
                            dtAMRestSTime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + AMRestSTime).AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                            dtAMRestETime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + AMRestETime).AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                            dtAMRestSTime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + AMRestSTime).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                            dtAMRestETime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + AMRestETime).AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                        if ((PMRestSTime.Length > 0) && (PMRestETime.Length > 0))
                            dtPMRestSTime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + PMRestSTime).AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                            dtPMRestETime = DateTime.Parse(OTDate + " " + PMRestETime).AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                    if (string.Compare(dtBtime, dtEtime) >= 0)
                        return OtHours;
                    if (OTType.Equals("G1"))
                        if (((string.Compare(dtBtime, dtShiftOnTime) >= 0) && (string.Compare(dtShiftOffTime, dtBtime) > 0)) || ((string.Compare(dtEtime, dtShiftOnTime) > 0) && (string.Compare(dtShiftOffTime, dtEtime) >= 0)))
                            return OtHours;
                        if (string.Compare(dtShiftOnTime, dtBtime) > 0)
                            if (string.Compare(dtEtime, dtShiftOnTime) > 0)
                                return OtHours;
                            tsOTHours = (TimeSpan)(dtTempEndTime - dtTempBeginTime);
                            OtHours = tsOTHours.TotalMinutes;
                        else if (string.Compare(dtBtime, dtShiftOffTime) >= 0)
                            if (dtPMRestSTime.Length > 0)
                                if ((string.Compare(dtBtime, dtPMRestSTime) >= 0) && (string.Compare(dtPMRestETime, dtBtime) > 0))
                                    if ((string.Compare(dtEtime, dtPMRestSTime) > 0) && (string.Compare(dtPMRestETime, dtEtime) >= 0))
                                        return OtHours;
                                    tsOTHours = (TimeSpan)(dtTempEndTime - dtTempBeginTime);
                                    OtHours = tsOTHours.TotalMinutes;
                                    tsOTHours = (TimeSpan)(Convert.ToDateTime(dtPMRestETime) - dtTempBeginTime);
                                    RestHours += tsOTHours.TotalMinutes;
                                else if (string.Compare(dtPMRestSTime, dtBtime) >= 0)
                                    if (string.Compare(dtPMRestSTime, dtEtime) >= 0)
                                        tsOTHours = (TimeSpan)(dtTempEndTime - dtTempBeginTime);
                                        OtHours = tsOTHours.TotalMinutes;
                                    else if (string.Compare(dtPMRestETime, dtEtime) >= 0)
                                        tsOTHours = (TimeSpan)(Convert.ToDateTime(dtPMRestSTime) - dtTempBeginTime);
                                        OtHours = tsOTHours.TotalMinutes;
                                        tsOTHours = (TimeSpan)(dtTempEndTime - dtTempBeginTime);
                                        OtHours = tsOTHours.TotalMinutes;
                                        tsOTHours = (TimeSpan)(Convert.ToDateTime(dtPMRestETime) - Convert.ToDateTime(dtPMRestSTime));
                                        RestHours = tsOTHours.TotalMinutes;
                                    tsOTHours = (TimeSpan)(dtTempEndTime - dtTempBeginTime);
                                    OtHours = tsOTHours.TotalMinutes;
                                tsOTHours = (TimeSpan)(dtTempEndTime - dtTempBeginTime);
                                OtHours = tsOTHours.TotalMinutes;
                        if (string.Compare(dtShiftOnTime, dtBtime) > 0)
                            dtTempBeginTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dtShiftOnTime);
                            dtBtime = dtTempBeginTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                        if ((string.Compare(dtAMRestETime, dtBtime) >= 0) && (string.Compare(dtBtime, dtAMRestSTime) >= 0))
                            dtTempBeginTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dtAMRestETime);
                            dtBtime = dtTempBeginTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                        if ((string.Compare(dtAMRestETime, dtEtime) >= 0) && (string.Compare(dtEtime, dtAMRestSTime) >= 0))
                            dtTempEndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dtAMRestSTime);
                            dtEtime = dtTempEndTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                        if ((string.Compare(dtPMRestETime, dtBtime) >= 0) && (string.Compare(dtBtime, dtPMRestSTime) >= 0))
                            dtTempBeginTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dtPMRestETime);
                            dtBtime = dtTempBeginTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                        if ((string.Compare(dtPMRestETime, dtEtime) >= 0) && (string.Compare(dtEtime, dtPMRestSTime) >= 0))
                            dtTempEndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dtPMRestSTime);
                            dtEtime = dtTempEndTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm");
                        if (string.Compare(dtBtime, dtEtime) >= 0)
                            return OtHours;
                        if ((string.Compare(dtAMRestSTime, dtBtime) >= 0) && (string.Compare(dtEtime, dtAMRestETime) >= 0))
                            tsOTHours = (TimeSpan)(Convert.ToDateTime(dtAMRestETime) - Convert.ToDateTime(dtAMRestSTime));
                            RestHours += tsOTHours.TotalMinutes;
                            if ((dtPMRestETime.Length > 0) && (string.Compare(dtEtime, dtPMRestETime) > 0))
                                tsOTHours = (TimeSpan)(Convert.ToDateTime(dtPMRestETime) - Convert.ToDateTime(dtPMRestSTime));
                                RestHours += tsOTHours.TotalMinutes;
                        else if ((dtPMRestETime.Length > 0) && ((string.Compare(dtPMRestSTime, dtBtime) > 0) && (string.Compare(dtEtime, dtPMRestETime) > 0)))
                            tsOTHours = (TimeSpan)(Convert.ToDateTime(dtPMRestETime) - Convert.ToDateTime(dtPMRestSTime));
                            RestHours += tsOTHours.TotalMinutes;
                        tsOTHours = (TimeSpan)(dtTempEndTime - dtTempBeginTime);
                        OtHours = tsOTHours.TotalMinutes;
                    if (exceptionQryBll.GetValue("condition5", null, null, null, null).Equals("Y"))
                        OtHours = Math.Round((double)(Math.Floor((double)((OtHours - RestHours) / 10.0)) / 6.0), 1);
                        OtHours = Math.Round((double)(((OtHours - RestHours) / 60.0) * 100.0)) / 100.0;
                        if ((OtHours % 0.5) != 0.0)
                            double ihours = Math.Floor(OtHours);
                            if (OtHours > (ihours + 0.5))
                                OtHours = ihours + 0.5;
                                OtHours = ihours;
                    if ((OtHours >= 20.0) || (OtHours < 0.0))
                        OtHours = 0.0;
                return OtHours;
            catch (Exception)
                return 0.0;
        private void RefreshRelatoriosPadrao()
            System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem lviItem;
            System.Collections.SortedList     sortLstRelatoriosPadrao = new System.Collections.SortedList();

            m_lvPadrao.Columns[0].Width = m_lvPadrao.Width - 20;


            // Ordenando e Dividindo os Relatorios
            mdlDataBaseAccess.Tabelas.XsdTbRelatorios.tbRelatoriosRow dtrwRelatorio;
            for (int nCont = 0; nCont < m_typDatSetTbRelatoriosPadrao.tbRelatorios.Rows.Count; nCont++)
                dtrwRelatorio = (mdlDataBaseAccess.Tabelas.XsdTbRelatorios.tbRelatoriosRow)m_typDatSetTbRelatoriosPadrao.tbRelatorios.Rows[nCont];
                if (dtrwRelatorio.nIdRelatorio < 1)
                {                 // Padrao
                    if (!sortLstRelatoriosPadrao.Contains(dtrwRelatorio.strNomeRelatorio))
                        sortLstRelatoriosPadrao.Add(dtrwRelatorio.strNomeRelatorio, dtrwRelatorio);

            // Inserindo os Relatorios na Lista View
            for (int nCont = 0; nCont < sortLstRelatoriosPadrao.Count; nCont++)
                dtrwRelatorio = (mdlDataBaseAccess.Tabelas.XsdTbRelatorios.tbRelatoriosRow)sortLstRelatoriosPadrao.GetByIndex(nCont);
                lviItem       = m_lvPadrao.Items.Add(dtrwRelatorio.strNomeRelatorio);
                lviItem.Tag   = dtrwRelatorio.nIdRelatorio;
                lviItem.Font  = new System.Drawing.Font(lviItem.Font, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);
Пример #37
 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Contracts", "CC1055")]  // Skip extra error checking to avoid *potential* AppCompat problems.
 public override Object GetByIndex(int index)
     lock (_root) {
Пример #38
            // SortedList overrides

            public override Object GetByIndex(int index)
                lock (host.SyncRoot) {
Пример #39
        void DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.IPortable.ImportModule(int ModuleID, string Content, string Version, int UserID)
            XmlNode xmlCategories = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.GetContent(Content, "Categories");
            SortedList slCategories = new SortedList(xmlCategories.ChildNodes.Count);
            int intIndexID = Null.NullInteger;

            foreach (XmlNode xmlCategory in xmlCategories)
                CategoryInfo categoryInfo = new CategoryInfo();
                categoryInfo.PortalID = PortalId;
                categoryInfo.CategoryName = xmlCategory["Name"].InnerText;
                categoryInfo.CategoryDescription = xmlCategory["Description"].InnerText;
                categoryInfo.Message = xmlCategory["Message"].InnerText;
                categoryInfo.Archived = Convert.ToBoolean(xmlCategory["Archived"].InnerText);
                categoryInfo.CreatedByUser = UserId.ToString();
                categoryInfo.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                categoryInfo.OrderID = Convert.ToInt32(xmlCategory["OrderID"].InnerText);
                intIndexID = slCategories.IndexOfKey(Convert.ToInt32(xmlCategory["ParentCategoryID"].InnerText));
                if (intIndexID > -1)
                    categoryInfo.ParentCategoryID = (int)slCategories.GetByIndex(intIndexID);
                    categoryInfo.ParentCategoryID = -1;
                slCategories.Add(Convert.ToInt32(xmlCategory["CategoryID"].InnerText), AddCategory(categoryInfo));
Пример #40
		// Internal Methods

		internal static void RecycleServicePoints ()
			ArrayList toRemove = new ArrayList ();
			lock (servicePoints) {
				IDictionaryEnumerator e = servicePoints.GetEnumerator ();
				while (e.MoveNext ()) {
					ServicePoint sp = (ServicePoint) e.Value;
					if (sp.AvailableForRecycling) {
						toRemove.Add (e.Key);
				for (int i = 0; i < toRemove.Count; i++) 
					servicePoints.Remove (toRemove [i]);

				if (maxServicePoints == 0 || servicePoints.Count <= maxServicePoints)

				// get rid of the ones with the longest idle time
				SortedList list = new SortedList (servicePoints.Count);
				e = servicePoints.GetEnumerator ();
				while (e.MoveNext ()) {
					ServicePoint sp = (ServicePoint) e.Value;
					if (sp.CurrentConnections == 0) {
						while (list.ContainsKey (sp.IdleSince))
							sp.IdleSince = sp.IdleSince.AddMilliseconds (1);
						list.Add (sp.IdleSince, sp.Address);
				for (int i = 0; i < list.Count && servicePoints.Count > maxServicePoints; i++)
					servicePoints.Remove (list.GetByIndex (i));
        private void RefreshRelatoriosNormal()
            System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem lviItem;
            System.Collections.SortedList     sortLstRelatorios = new System.Collections.SortedList();

            m_lvCriados.Columns[0].Width = m_lvCriados.Width - 20;


            // Ordenando e Dividindo os Relatorios
            mdlDataBaseAccess.Tabelas.XsdTbRelatorios.tbRelatoriosRow dtrwRelatorio;
            for (int nCont = 0; nCont < m_typDatSetTbRelatorios.tbRelatorios.Rows.Count; nCont++)
                dtrwRelatorio = (mdlDataBaseAccess.Tabelas.XsdTbRelatorios.tbRelatoriosRow)m_typDatSetTbRelatorios.tbRelatorios.Rows[nCont];
                if (dtrwRelatorio.nIdRelatorio > 0 && dtrwRelatorio.nIdExportador == m_nIdExportador)
                {                 // Normal
                    if (!sortLstRelatorios.Contains(dtrwRelatorio.strNomeRelatorio))
                        sortLstRelatorios.Add(dtrwRelatorio.strNomeRelatorio, dtrwRelatorio);

            // Inserindo os Relatorios na Lista View
            for (int nCont = 0; nCont < sortLstRelatorios.Count; nCont++)
                dtrwRelatorio = (mdlDataBaseAccess.Tabelas.XsdTbRelatorios.tbRelatoriosRow)sortLstRelatorios.GetByIndex(nCont);
                lviItem       = m_lvCriados.Items.Add(dtrwRelatorio.strNomeRelatorio);
                lviItem.Tag   = dtrwRelatorio.nIdRelatorio;
Пример #42
        protected void ButtonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (this.GridSelEmployee.Rows.Count == 0)
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('" + Message.common_message_data_no_select_employees + "')</script>");
                    //base.WriteMessage(1, base.GetResouseValue(""));
                else if (((CheckData(this.textBoxOTDate.Text, Message.overtime_date) && CheckData(this.textBoxBeginTime.Text, Message.start_time)) && (CheckData(this.textBoxEndTime.Text, Message.end_time) && CheckData(this.textBoxHours.Text, Message.times))) && CheckData(this.textBoxWorkDesc.Text, Message.overtime_desc))
                    int i;
                    this.tempDataTable = bll.GetDataByCondition_1("and 1=2").Tables[0];
                    int failCount = 0;
                    int successCount = 0;
                    string OTMSGFlag = "";
                    string tmpRemark = "";
                    string msg = "";
                    string condition = "";
                    string OTDate = "";
                        OTDate = DateTime.Parse(this.textBoxOTDate.Text.ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                    catch (Exception)
                        Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('"+Message.ErrDate+"')</script>");
                        //base.WriteMessage(1, base.GetResouseValue(""));
                    string tmpOTType = "";
                    string Hour = this.textBoxHours.Text.Trim();
                    string WorkDesc = this.textBoxWorkDesc.Text;
                    string StrBtime = this.textBoxBeginTime.Text.ToString();
                    string StrEtime = this.textBoxEndTime.Text.ToString();
                    DateTime dtTempBeginTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(OTDate).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " " + StrBtime);
                    DateTime dtTempEndTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(OTDate).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " " + StrEtime);
                    DateTime dtMidTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(OTDate).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " 12:00");
                    //Function CommonFun = new Function();
                    SortedList list = new SortedList();
                    string OTMAdvanceBeforeDays = bll.GetValue("select nvl(max(paravalue),'2') from GDS_SC_PARAMETER where paraname='OTMAdvanceBeforeDays'");
                    if (!bll.GetValue("select nvl(max(workno),'Y') from GDS_ATT_EMPLOYEE where workno='" + CurrentUserInfo.Personcode + "'").Equals("Y"))
                        i = 0;
                        int WorkDays = 0;
                        string UserOTType = "";
                        while (i < Convert.ToDouble(OTMAdvanceBeforeDays))
                            UserOTType = this.FindOTType(DateTime.Now.AddDays((double)((-1 - i) - WorkDays)).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), CurrentUserInfo.Personcode);
                            if (UserOTType.Length == 0)
                            if (UserOTType.Equals("G1"))
                        OTMAdvanceBeforeDays = Convert.ToString((int)(i + WorkDays));
                    condition = "select trunc(sysdate)-to_date('" + OTDate + "','yyyy/mm/dd') from dual";
                    if (Convert.ToDecimal(bll.GetValue(condition)) > Convert.ToDecimal(OTMAdvanceBeforeDays))
                        Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('"+Message.checkapproveflag+"')</script>");
                        //base.WriteMessage(1, base.GetResouseValue("otm.message.checkadvancedaysbefore") + ":" + OTMAdvanceBeforeDays);
                        for (i = 0; i < this.GridSelEmployee.Rows.Count; i++)
                            tmpRemark = "";
                            OTMSGFlag = "";
                            this.WorkNo = this.GridSelEmployee.Rows[i].Cells.FromKey("WorkNo").Text.ToString().Trim();
                            this.ShiftNo = bll.GetShiftNo(this.WorkNo, OTDate);
                            dtTempBeginTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(OTDate).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " " + StrBtime);
                            dtTempEndTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(OTDate).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " " + StrEtime);
                            dtMidTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(OTDate).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " 12:00");
                            if ((this.ShiftNo == null) || (this.ShiftNo == ""))
                                msg = msg + "<br>" + this.WorkNo + ": " + Message.otm_exception_errorshiftno_1;
                                this.GridSelEmployee.Rows[i].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;
                                tmpOTType = this.FindOTType(OTDate, this.WorkNo);
                                if (tmpOTType.Length == 0)
                                    msg = msg + "<br>" + this.WorkNo + ": " + Message.OTMType + Message.Required;
                                    this.GridSelEmployee.Rows[i].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;
                                    Hour = this.GetOTHours(this.WorkNo, OTDate, StrBtime, StrEtime, tmpOTType);
                                    if (Convert.ToDouble(Hour) < 0.5)
                                        msg = msg + "<br>" + this.WorkNo + ": " + Message.otm_othourerror;
                                        this.GridSelEmployee.Rows[i].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;
                                        list = bll.ReturnOTTTime(this.WorkNo, OTDate, dtTempBeginTime, dtTempEndTime, this.ShiftNo);
                                        dtTempBeginTime = Convert.ToDateTime(list.GetByIndex(list.IndexOfKey("A")));
                                        dtTempEndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(list.GetByIndex(list.IndexOfKey("B")));
                                        if (!CheckLeaveOverTime(this.WorkNo, dtTempBeginTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), dtTempBeginTime.ToString("HH:mm"), dtTempEndTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), dtTempEndTime.ToString("HH:mm")))
                                            msg = msg + "<br>" + this.WorkNo + ": " + Message.common_message_Leaveovertime_repeart;
                                            this.GridSelEmployee.Rows[i].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;
                                        else if (!CheckWorkTime(this.WorkNo, OTDate, dtTempBeginTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"), dtTempEndTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"), this.ShiftNo))
                                            msg = msg + "<br>" + this.WorkNo + ": " + Message.common_message_otm_worktime_repeart;
                                            this.GridSelEmployee.Rows[i].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;
                                        else if (!CheckOverTime(this.WorkNo, OTDate, dtTempBeginTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"), dtTempEndTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"), this.ShiftNo, true))
                                            msg = msg + "<br>" + this.WorkNo + ": " + Message.common_message_otm_multi_repeart;
                                            this.GridSelEmployee.Rows[i].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;
                                        else if (!CheckOTOverETM(this.WorkNo, dtTempBeginTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"), dtTempEndTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm")))
                                            msg = msg + "<br>" + this.WorkNo + ": " + Message.common_message_otm_etmrepeart;
                                            this.GridSelEmployee.Rows[i].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;
                                            OTMSGFlag = GetOTMSGFlag(this.WorkNo, OTDate, Convert.ToDouble(Hour), tmpOTType, "N", "");
                                            if (OTMSGFlag != "")
                                                tmpRemark = OTMSGFlag.Substring(1, OTMSGFlag.Length - 1);
                                                OTMSGFlag = OTMSGFlag.Substring(0, 1);
                                            if (OTMSGFlag.Equals("A"))
                                                msg = msg + "<br>" + this.WorkNo + ": " + tmpRemark;
                                                this.GridSelEmployee.Rows[i].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;
                                                List<OverTimeModel> mod_list = new List<OverTimeModel>();
                                                OverTimeModel mod = new OverTimeModel();
                                                mod.Workno = this.WorkNo;
                                                mod.Applydate = Convert.ToDateTime(this.textBoxApplyDate.Text.Trim());
                                                mod.Otdate =  Convert.ToDateTime(OTDate);
                                                mod.Ottype = tmpOTType;
                                                mod.Begintime = dtTempBeginTime;
                                                mod.Endtime = dtTempEndTime;
                                                mod.Hours = Convert.ToInt32(Hour);
                                                mod.Workdesc = WorkDesc;
                                                mod.G2isforrest = "N";
                                                mod.Otshiftno = this.ShiftNo;
                                                mod.Isproject = "N";
                                                mod.Update_user = CurrentUserInfo.Personcode;
                                                mod.Update_date =  DateTime.Now;
                                                mod.Remark = tmpRemark;
                                                mod.Status = "0";
                                                mod.Otmsgflag = OTMSGFlag;
                                                mod.Update_user = CurrentUserInfo.Personcode;
                                                bll.SaveData(mod_list, "Add", string.Empty);
                                                //DataRow row = this.tempDataTable.NewRow();

                                                //row["WORKNO"] = this.WorkNo;
                                                //row["OTDate"] = OTDate;
                                                //row["BeginTime"] = dtTempBeginTime;
                                                //row["EndTime"] = dtTempEndTime;
                                                //row["Hours"] = Hour;
                                                //row["OTType"] = tmpOTType;
                                                //row["WorkDesc"] = WorkDesc;
                                                //row["OTMSGFlag"] = OTMSGFlag;
                                                //row["Remark"] = tmpRemark;
                                                //row["ApplyDate"] = this.textBoxApplyDate.Text.Trim();
                                                //row["Modifier"] = this.Session["appUser"].ToString();
                                                //row["ModifyDate"] = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
                                                //row["IsProject"] = "N";
                                                //row["OTShiftNo"] = this.ShiftNo;
                                              //  ((ServiceLocator)this.Session["serviceLocator"]).GetOTMAdvanceApplyData().SaveData("Add", this.tempDataTable);
                                               // this.tempDataTable.Clear();
                        if ((failCount > 0) || (successCount > 0))
                            this.labMessage.Text = string.Concat(new object[] { Message.common_success, successCount.ToString(), ";", Message.common_fault, ";", failCount, ";", msg });
                            this.labMessage.Visible = true;
                        this.ButtonSave.Enabled = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('" + ex.Message + "')</script>");
               //base.WriteMessage(2, (ex.InnerException == null) ? ex.Message : ex.InnerException.Message);
        public static Hashtable FillFeatureCache(ITable inputSignsTable, int inFromIDFI, int inToIDFI,
                                                 IFeatureClass inputLineFeatures, string linesIDFieldName,
                                                 ITrackCancel trackcancel)
            // make and fill a SortedList from the IDs referenced in the table

            // for MultiNet data, there is only one ID field, so its index will be
            // passed in as inFromIDFI, while -1 will be passed in to inToIDFI.

            SortedList IDs = new System.Collections.SortedList();

            ICursor inCursor = inputSignsTable.Search(null, true);
            IRow    row;

            long fromID, toID;
            bool exists;
            int  cancelCheckInterval = 100;

            if (inToIDFI == -1)
                while ((row = inCursor.NextRow()) != null)
                    fromID = Convert.ToInt64(row.get_Value(inFromIDFI));

                    exists = IDs.Contains(fromID);
                    if (!exists)
                        IDs.Add(fromID, fromID);
                while ((row = inCursor.NextRow()) != null)
                    fromID = Convert.ToInt64(row.get_Value(inFromIDFI));
                    toID   = Convert.ToInt64(row.get_Value(inToIDFI));

                    exists = IDs.Contains(fromID);
                    if (!exists)
                        IDs.Add(fromID, fromID);

                    exists = IDs.Contains(toID);
                    if (!exists)
                        IDs.Add(toID, toID);

            // make the query filter for fetching features

            IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass();

            queryFilter.SubFields = "*";

            // Now fetch batches of features

            long currID;
            int  numFeaturesPerQuery = 200;
            int  numToFetch = IDs.Count;
            int  totalRemaining, totalDone = 0;

            int linesIDFieldIndex = inputLineFeatures.FindField(linesIDFieldName);

            Hashtable outputFeatures = new System.Collections.Hashtable((int)numToFetch);

            if (numFeaturesPerQuery > numToFetch)
                numFeaturesPerQuery = numToFetch;

            while (totalDone < numToFetch)
                // Populate the QueryDef Where clause IN() statement for the current batch of features.
                // This is going to be very slow unless linesIDFieldName is indexed and this is why
                // we added a warning to the GP message window if this is the case.  If you cannot
                // index linesIDFieldName, then this code would run faster scanning the whole feature
                // class looking for the records we need (no Where clause).

                string whereClause = linesIDFieldName + " IN(";

                for (int i = 0; i < numFeaturesPerQuery; i++)
                    currID       = Convert.ToInt64(IDs.GetByIndex(totalDone + i), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    whereClause += Convert.ToString(currID, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    if (i != (numFeaturesPerQuery - 1))
                        whereClause += ",";
                        whereClause += ")";

                queryFilter.WhereClause = whereClause;

                // select the features

                IFeatureCursor inputFeatureCursor = inputLineFeatures.Search(queryFilter, false);

                // get the features

                IFeature feature;

                while ((feature = inputFeatureCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
                    // keep a copy of the OID and shape of feature - skip records that cause errors
                    // (perhaps pass the GPMessages in and log warnings in there if you need to log exceptions)

                        FeatureData data = new FeatureData(feature.OID, feature.ShapeCopy);
                        outputFeatures.Add(Convert.ToInt64(feature.get_Value(linesIDFieldIndex)), data);

                    if ((totalDone % cancelCheckInterval) == 0)
                        // check for user cancel

                        if (trackcancel != null && !trackcancel.Continue())
                            throw (new COMException("Function cancelled."));

                // finished? set up for next batch

                totalDone += numFeaturesPerQuery;

                totalRemaining = numToFetch - totalDone;
                if (totalRemaining > 0)
                    if (numFeaturesPerQuery > totalRemaining)
                        numFeaturesPerQuery = totalRemaining;

Пример #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves an array with the supported languages
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Array with the supported languages</returns>
        public static string[] SupportedLanguages()
            if (_languages == null)
            if (_stringProvider == null)

            CultureInfo[] cultures = _stringProvider.AvailableLanguages();

            SortedList sortedLanguages = new SortedList();
            foreach (CultureInfo culture in cultures)
              sortedLanguages.Add(culture.EnglishName, culture.EnglishName);

            _languages = new string[sortedLanguages.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < sortedLanguages.Count; i++)
              _languages[i] = (string)sortedLanguages.GetByIndex(i);

              return _languages;
Пример #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the the PlotSurface2D and all contents [axes, drawables, and legend] on the
        /// supplied graphics surface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">The graphics surface on which to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">A bounding box on this surface that denotes the area on the
        /// surface to confine drawing to.</param>
        public void Draw(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds)
            // determine font sizes and tick scale factor.
            float scale = DetermineScaleFactor(bounds.Width, bounds.Height);

            // if there is nothing to plot, return.
            if (drawables_.Count == 0)
                // draw title
                float x_center = (bounds.Left + bounds.Right) / 2.0f;
                float y_center = (bounds.Top + bounds.Bottom) / 2.0f;
                Font  scaled_font;
                if (AutoScaleTitle)
                    scaled_font = Utils.ScaleFont(titleFont_, scale);
                    scaled_font = titleFont_;
                g.DrawString(title_, scaled_font, titleBrush_, new PointF(x_center, y_center), titleDrawFormat_);


            // determine the [non physical] axes to draw based on the axis properties set.
            Axis xAxis1 = null;
            Axis xAxis2 = null;
            Axis yAxis1 = null;
            Axis yAxis2 = null;

            DetermineAxesToDraw(out xAxis1, out xAxis2, out yAxis1, out yAxis2);

            // apply scale factor to axes as desired.

            if (xAxis1.AutoScaleTicks)
                xAxis1.TickScale = scale;
            if (xAxis1.AutoScaleText)
                xAxis1.FontScale = scale;
            if (yAxis1.AutoScaleTicks)
                yAxis1.TickScale = scale;
            if (yAxis1.AutoScaleText)
                yAxis1.FontScale = scale;
            if (xAxis2.AutoScaleTicks)
                xAxis2.TickScale = scale;
            if (xAxis2.AutoScaleText)
                xAxis2.FontScale = scale;
            if (yAxis2.AutoScaleTicks)
                yAxis2.TickScale = scale;
            if (yAxis2.AutoScaleText)
                yAxis2.FontScale = scale;

            // determine the default physical positioning of those axes.
            PhysicalAxis pXAxis1 = null;
            PhysicalAxis pYAxis1 = null;
            PhysicalAxis pXAxis2 = null;
            PhysicalAxis pYAxis2 = null;

                bounds, xAxis1, xAxis2, yAxis1, yAxis2,
                out pXAxis1, out pXAxis2, out pYAxis1, out pYAxis2);

            float oldXAxis2Height = pXAxis2.PhysicalMin.Y;

            // Apply axes constraints
            for (int i = 0; i < axesConstraints_.Count; ++i)
                    pXAxis1, pYAxis1, pXAxis2, pYAxis2);

            // draw legend if have one.
            // Note: this will update axes if necessary.

            Point legendPosition = new Point(0, 0);

            if (legend_ != null)
                    pXAxis1, pYAxis1, pXAxis2, pYAxis2,
                    drawables_, scale, padding_, bounds,
                    out legendPosition);

            float newXAxis2Height = pXAxis2.PhysicalMin.Y;

            float titleExtraOffset = oldXAxis2Height - newXAxis2Height;

            // now we are ready to define the bounding box for the plot area (to use in clipping
            // operations.
            plotAreaBoundingBoxCache_ = new Rectangle(
                Math.Min(pXAxis1.PhysicalMin.X, pXAxis1.PhysicalMax.X),
                Math.Min(pYAxis1.PhysicalMax.Y, pYAxis1.PhysicalMin.Y),
                Math.Abs(pXAxis1.PhysicalMax.X - pXAxis1.PhysicalMin.X + 1),
                Math.Abs(pYAxis1.PhysicalMin.Y - pYAxis1.PhysicalMax.Y + 1)
            bbXAxis1Cache_ = pXAxis1.GetBoundingBox();
            bbXAxis2Cache_ = pXAxis2.GetBoundingBox();
            bbYAxis1Cache_ = pYAxis1.GetBoundingBox();
            bbYAxis2Cache_ = pYAxis2.GetBoundingBox();

            // Fill in the background.
            if (plotBackColor_ != null)
                    new System.Drawing.SolidBrush((Color)plotBackColor_),
            else if (plotBackBrush_ != null)
            else if (plotBackImage_ != null)
                    Utils.TiledImage(plotBackImage_, new Size(

            // draw title
            float xt = (pXAxis2.PhysicalMax.X + pXAxis2.PhysicalMin.X) / 2.0f;
            float yt = bounds.Top + padding_ - titleExtraOffset;
            Font  scaledFont;

            if (AutoScaleTitle)
                scaledFont = Utils.ScaleFont(titleFont_, scale);
                scaledFont = titleFont_;
            g.DrawString(title_, scaledFont, titleBrush_, new PointF(xt, yt), titleDrawFormat_);

            //count number of new lines in title.
            int nlCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < title_.Length; ++i)
                if (title_[i] == '\n')
                    nlCount += 1;

            SizeF s = g.MeasureString(title_, scaledFont);

            bbTitleCache_ = new Rectangle((int)(xt - s.Width / 2), (int)(yt), (int)(s.Width), (int)(s.Height) * (nlCount + 1));

            // draw drawables..
            System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode smoothSave = g.SmoothingMode;

            g.SmoothingMode = smoothingMode_;

            bool legendDrawn = false;

            for (int i_o = 0; i_o < ordering_.Count; ++i_o)
                int    i      = (int)ordering_.GetByIndex(i_o);
                double zOrder = (double)ordering_.GetKey(i_o);
                if (zOrder > legendZOrder_)
                    // draw legend.
                    if (!legendDrawn && legend_ != null)
                        legend_.Draw(g, legendPosition, drawables_, scale);
                        legendDrawn = true;

                IDrawable     drawable = (IDrawable)drawables_[i];
                XAxisPosition xap      = (XAxisPosition)xAxisPositions_[i];
                YAxisPosition yap      = (YAxisPosition)yAxisPositions_[i];

                PhysicalAxis drawXAxis;
                PhysicalAxis drawYAxis;

                if (xap == XAxisPosition.Bottom)
                    drawXAxis = pXAxis1;
                    drawXAxis = pXAxis2;

                if (yap == YAxisPosition.Left)
                    drawYAxis = pYAxis1;
                    drawYAxis = pYAxis2;

                // set the clipping region.. (necessary for zoom)
                g.Clip = new Region((Rectangle)plotAreaBoundingBoxCache_);
                // plot.
                drawable.Draw(g, drawXAxis, drawYAxis);
                // reset it..

            if (!legendDrawn && legend_ != null)
                legend_.Draw(g, legendPosition, drawables_, scale);

            // cache the physical axes we used on this draw;
            pXAxis1Cache_ = pXAxis1;
            pYAxis1Cache_ = pYAxis1;
            pXAxis2Cache_ = pXAxis2;
            pYAxis2Cache_ = pYAxis2;

            g.SmoothingMode = smoothSave;

            // now draw axes.
            Rectangle axisBounds;

            pXAxis1.Draw(g, out axisBounds);
            pXAxis2.Draw(g, out axisBounds);
            pYAxis1.Draw(g, out axisBounds);
            pYAxis2.Draw(g, out axisBounds);

            g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Orange), (Rectangle)bbXAxis1Cache_);
            g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Orange), (Rectangle)bbXAxis2Cache_);
            g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Orange), (Rectangle)bbYAxis1Cache_);
            g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Orange), (Rectangle)bbYAxis2Cache_);
            g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Red, 5.0F), (Rectangle)plotAreaBoundingBoxCache_);
            //if(this.ShowLegend)g.DrawRectangle( new Pen(Color.Chocolate, 3.0F), (Rectangle) bbLegendCache_);
            g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.DeepPink, 2.0F), (Rectangle)bbTitleCache_);