public bool Trim()
            Debug.Assert(s_allTlsBuckets != null);

            int            milliseconds = Environment.TickCount;
            MemoryPressure pressure     = GetMemoryPressure();

            ArrayPoolEventSource log = ArrayPoolEventSource.Log;

            if (log.IsEnabled())
                log.BufferTrimPoll(milliseconds, (int)pressure);

            PerCoreLockedStacks?[] perCoreBuckets = _buckets;
            for (int i = 0; i < perCoreBuckets.Length; i++)
                perCoreBuckets[i]?.Trim((uint)milliseconds, Id, pressure, _bucketArraySizes[i]);

            if (pressure == MemoryPressure.High)
                // Under high pressure, release all thread locals
                if (log.IsEnabled())
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <T[]?[], object?> tlsBuckets in s_allTlsBuckets)
                        T[]?[] buckets = tlsBuckets.Key;
                        for (int i = 0; i < buckets.Length; i++)
                            T[]? buffer = Interlocked.Exchange(ref buckets[i], null);
                            if (buffer != null)
                                // As we don't want to take a perf hit in the rent path it
                                // is possible that a buffer could be rented as we "free" it.
                                log.BufferTrimmed(buffer.GetHashCode(), buffer.Length, Id);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <T[]?[], object?> tlsBuckets in s_allTlsBuckets)
                        T[]?[] buckets = tlsBuckets.Key;
                        Array.Clear(buckets, 0, buckets.Length);

Пример #2
        public override void Return(T[] array, bool clearArray = false)
            if (array == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(array));

            // Determine with what bucket this array length is associated
            int bucketIndex = Utilities.SelectBucketIndex(array.Length);

            // If we can tell that the buffer was allocated (or empty), drop it. Otherwise, check if we have space in the pool.
            if (bucketIndex < _buckets.Length)
                // Clear the array if the user requests.
                if (clearArray)
                    Array.Clear(array, 0, array.Length);

                // Check to see if the buffer is the correct size for this bucket
                if (array.Length != _bucketArraySizes[bucketIndex])
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.ArgumentException_BufferNotFromPool, nameof(array));

                // Write through the TLS bucket.  If there weren't any buckets, create them
                // and store this array into it.  If there were, store this into it, and
                // if there was a previous one there, push that to the global stack.  This
                // helps to keep LIFO access such that the most recently pushed stack will
                // be in TLS and the first to be popped next.
                T[][] tlsBuckets = t_tlsBuckets;
                if (tlsBuckets == null)
                    t_tlsBuckets            = tlsBuckets = new T[NumBuckets][];
                    tlsBuckets[bucketIndex] = array;
                    T[] prev = tlsBuckets[bucketIndex];
                    tlsBuckets[bucketIndex] = array;
                    if (prev != null)
                        PerCoreLockedStacks bucket = _buckets[bucketIndex] ?? CreatePerCoreLockedStacks(bucketIndex);

            // Log that the buffer was returned
            ArrayPoolEventSource log = ArrayPoolEventSource.Log;

            if (log.IsEnabled())
                log.BufferReturned(array.GetHashCode(), array.Length, Id);
        public bool Trim()
            int            milliseconds = Environment.TickCount;
            MemoryPressure pressure     = GetMemoryPressure();

            ArrayPoolEventSource log = ArrayPoolEventSource.Log;

            if (log.IsEnabled())
                log.BufferTrimPoll(milliseconds, (int)pressure);

            foreach (PerCoreLockedStacks bucket in _buckets)
                bucket?.Trim((uint)milliseconds, Id, pressure, _bucketArraySizes);

            if (pressure == MemoryPressure.High)
                // Under high pressure, release all thread locals
                foreach (KeyValuePair <T[][], object> tlsBuckets in s_AllTlsBuckets)
                    T[][] buckets = tlsBuckets.Key;
                    for (int i = 0; i < NumBuckets; i++)
                        T[] buffer = buckets[i];
                        buckets[i] = null;

                        if (log.IsEnabled() && buffer != null)
                            log.BufferTrimmed(buffer.GetHashCode(), buffer.Length, Id);

Пример #4
            /// <summary>Takes an array from the bucket.  If the bucket is empty, returns null.</summary>
            internal T[]? Rent()
                T[]?[] buffers = _buffers;
                T[]? buffer = null;

                // While holding the lock, grab whatever is at the next available index and
                // update the index.  We do as little work as possible while holding the spin
                // lock to minimize contention with other threads.  The try/finally is
                // necessary to properly handle thread aborts on platforms which have them.
                bool lockTaken = false, allocateBuffer = false;

                    _lock.Enter(ref lockTaken);

                    if (_index < buffers.Length)
                        buffer            = buffers[_index];
                        buffers[_index++] = null;
                        allocateBuffer    = buffer == null;
                    if (lockTaken)

                // While we were holding the lock, we grabbed whatever was at the next available index, if
                // there was one.  If we tried and if we got back null, that means we hadn't yet allocated
                // for that slot, in which case we should do so now.
                if (allocateBuffer)
                    buffer = new T[_bufferLength];

                    ArrayPoolEventSource log = ArrayPoolEventSource.Log;
                    if (log.IsEnabled())
                        log.BufferAllocated(buffer.GetHashCode(), _bufferLength, _poolId, Id,

Пример #5
        public override void Return(T[] array, bool clearArray = false)
            if (array == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(array));
            else if (array.Length == 0)
                // Ignore empty arrays.  When a zero-length array is rented, we return a singleton
                // rather than actually taking a buffer out of the lowest bucket.

            // Determine with what bucket this array length is associated
            int bucket = Utilities.SelectBucketIndex(array.Length);

            // If we can tell that the buffer was allocated, drop it. Otherwise, check if we have space in the pool
            bool haveBucket = bucket < _buckets.Length;

            if (haveBucket)
                // Clear the array if the user requests
                if (clearArray)
                    Array.Clear(array, 0, array.Length);

                // Return the buffer to its bucket.  In the future, we might consider having Return return false
                // instead of dropping a bucket, in which case we could try to return to a lower-sized bucket,
                // just as how in Rent we allow renting from a higher-sized bucket.

            // Log that the buffer was returned
            ArrayPoolEventSource log = ArrayPoolEventSource.Log;

            if (log.IsEnabled())
                int bufferId = array.GetHashCode();
                log.BufferReturned(bufferId, array.Length, Id);
                if (!haveBucket)
                    log.BufferDropped(bufferId, array.Length, Id, ArrayPoolEventSource.NoBucketId, ArrayPoolEventSource.BufferDroppedReason.Full);
Пример #6
            /// <summary>
            /// Attempts to return the buffer to the bucket.  If successful, the buffer will be stored
            /// in the bucket and true will be returned; otherwise, the buffer won't be stored, and false
            /// will be returned.
            /// </summary>
            internal void Return(T[] array)
                // Check to see if the buffer is the correct size for this bucket
                if (array.Length != _bufferLength)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.ArgumentException_BufferNotFromPool, nameof(array));

                bool returned;

                // While holding the spin lock, if there's room available in the bucket,
                // put the buffer into the next available slot.  Otherwise, we just drop it.
                // The try/finally is necessary to properly handle thread aborts on platforms
                // which have them.
                bool lockTaken = false;

                    _lock.Enter(ref lockTaken);

                    returned = _index != 0;
                    if (returned)
                        _buffers[--_index] = array;
                    if (lockTaken)

                if (!returned)
                    ArrayPoolEventSource log = ArrayPoolEventSource.Log;
                    if (log.IsEnabled())
                        log.BufferDropped(array.GetHashCode(), _bufferLength, _poolId, Id, ArrayPoolEventSource.BufferDroppedReason.Full);
        public override T[] Rent(int minimumLength)
            // Arrays can't be smaller than zero.  We allow requesting zero-length arrays (even though
            // pooling such an array isn't valuable) as it's a valid length array, and we want the pool
            // to be usable in general instead of using `new`, even for computed lengths.
            if (minimumLength < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(minimumLength));
            else if (minimumLength == 0)
                // No need to log the empty array.  Our pool is effectively infinite
                // and we'll never allocate for rents and never store for returns.
                return(Array.Empty <T>());

            ArrayPoolEventSource log = ArrayPoolEventSource.Log;

            T[]? buffer;

            // Get the bucket number for the array length
            int bucketIndex = Utilities.SelectBucketIndex(minimumLength);

            // If the array could come from a bucket...
            if (bucketIndex < _buckets.Length)
                // First try to get it from TLS if possible.
                T[]?[]? tlsBuckets = t_tlsBuckets;
                if (tlsBuckets != null)
                    buffer = tlsBuckets[bucketIndex];
                    if (buffer != null)
                        tlsBuckets[bucketIndex] = null;
                        if (log.IsEnabled())
                            log.BufferRented(buffer.GetHashCode(), buffer.Length, Id, bucketIndex);

                // We couldn't get a buffer from TLS, so try the global stack.
                PerCoreLockedStacks?b = _buckets[bucketIndex];
                if (b != null)
                    buffer = b.TryPop();
                    if (buffer != null)
                        if (log.IsEnabled())
                            log.BufferRented(buffer.GetHashCode(), buffer.Length, Id, bucketIndex);

                // No buffer available.  Allocate a new buffer with a size corresponding to the appropriate bucket.
                buffer = GC.AllocateUninitializedArray <T>(_bucketArraySizes[bucketIndex]);
                // The request was for a size too large for the pool.  Allocate an array of exactly the requested length.
                // When it's returned to the pool, we'll simply throw it away.
                buffer = GC.AllocateUninitializedArray <T>(minimumLength);

            if (log.IsEnabled())
                int bufferId = buffer.GetHashCode(), bucketId = -1; // no bucket for an on-demand allocated buffer
                log.BufferRented(bufferId, buffer.Length, Id, bucketId);
                log.BufferAllocated(bufferId, buffer.Length, Id, bucketId, bucketIndex >= _buckets.Length ?
                                    ArrayPoolEventSource.BufferAllocatedReason.OverMaximumSize :

            public void Trim(uint tickCount, int id, MemoryPressure pressure, int bucketSize)
                const uint StackTrimAfterMS      = 60 * 1000;                     // Trim after 60 seconds for low/moderate pressure
                const uint StackHighTrimAfterMS  = 10 * 1000;                     // Trim after 10 seconds for high pressure
                const uint StackRefreshMS        = StackTrimAfterMS / 4;          // Time bump after trimming (1/4 trim time)
                const int  StackLowTrimCount     = 1;                             // Trim one item when pressure is low
                const int  StackMediumTrimCount  = 2;                             // Trim two items when pressure is moderate
                const int  StackHighTrimCount    = MaxBuffersPerArraySizePerCore; // Trim all items when pressure is high
                const int  StackLargeBucket      = 16384;                         // If the bucket is larger than this we'll trim an extra when under high pressure
                const int  StackModerateTypeSize = 16;                            // If T is larger than this we'll trim an extra when under high pressure
                const int  StackLargeTypeSize    = 32;                            // If T is larger than this we'll trim an extra (additional) when under high pressure

                if (_count == 0)
                uint trimTicks = pressure == MemoryPressure.High ? StackHighTrimAfterMS : StackTrimAfterMS;

                lock (this)
                    if (_count > 0 && _firstStackItemMS > tickCount || (tickCount - _firstStackItemMS) > trimTicks)
                        // We've wrapped the tick count or elapsed enough time since the
                        // first item went into the stack. Drop the top item so it can
                        // be collected and make the stack look a little newer.

                        ArrayPoolEventSource log = ArrayPoolEventSource.Log;
                        int trimCount            = StackLowTrimCount;
                        switch (pressure)
                        case MemoryPressure.High:
                            trimCount = StackHighTrimCount;

                            // When pressure is high, aggressively trim larger arrays.
                            if (bucketSize > StackLargeBucket)
                            if (Unsafe.SizeOf <T>() > StackModerateTypeSize)
                            if (Unsafe.SizeOf <T>() > StackLargeTypeSize)

                        case MemoryPressure.Medium:
                            trimCount = StackMediumTrimCount;

                        while (_count > 0 && trimCount-- > 0)
                            T[]? array = _arrays[--_count];
                            Debug.Assert(array != null, "No nulls should have been present in slots < _count.");
                            _arrays[_count] = null;

                            if (log.IsEnabled())
                                log.BufferTrimmed(array.GetHashCode(), array.Length, id);

                        if (_count > 0 && _firstStackItemMS < uint.MaxValue - StackRefreshMS)
                            // Give the remaining items a bit more time
                            _firstStackItemMS += StackRefreshMS;
        public override T[] Rent(int minimumLength)
            ArrayPoolEventSource log = ArrayPoolEventSource.Log;

            T[]? buffer;

            // Get the bucket number for the array length. The result may be out of range of buckets,
            // either for too large a value or for 0 and negative values.
            int bucketIndex = Utilities.SelectBucketIndex(minimumLength);

            // First, try to get an array from TLS if possible.
            ThreadLocalArray[]? tlsBuckets = t_tlsBuckets;
            if (tlsBuckets is not null && (uint)bucketIndex < (uint)tlsBuckets.Length)
                buffer = tlsBuckets[bucketIndex].Array;
                if (buffer is not null)
                    tlsBuckets[bucketIndex].Array = null;
                    if (log.IsEnabled())
                        log.BufferRented(buffer.GetHashCode(), buffer.Length, Id, bucketIndex);

            // Next, try to get an array from one of the per-core stacks.
            PerCoreLockedStacks?[] perCoreBuckets = _buckets;
            if ((uint)bucketIndex < (uint)perCoreBuckets.Length)
                PerCoreLockedStacks?b = perCoreBuckets[bucketIndex];
                if (b is not null)
                    buffer = b.TryPop();
                    if (buffer is not null)
                        if (log.IsEnabled())
                            log.BufferRented(buffer.GetHashCode(), buffer.Length, Id, bucketIndex);

                // No buffer available.  Ensure the length we'll allocate matches that of a bucket
                // so we can later return it.
                minimumLength = Utilities.GetMaxSizeForBucket(bucketIndex);
            else if (minimumLength == 0)
                // We allow requesting zero-length arrays (even though pooling such an array isn't valuable)
                // as it's a valid length array, and we want the pool to be usable in general instead of using
                // `new`, even for computed lengths. But, there's no need to log the empty array.  Our pool is
                // effectively infinite for empty arrays and we'll never allocate for rents and never store for returns.
                return(Array.Empty <T>());
            else if (minimumLength < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(minimumLength));

            buffer = GC.AllocateUninitializedArray <T>(minimumLength);
            if (log.IsEnabled())
                int bufferId = buffer.GetHashCode();
                log.BufferRented(bufferId, buffer.Length, Id, ArrayPoolEventSource.NoBucketId);
                log.BufferAllocated(bufferId, buffer.Length, Id, ArrayPoolEventSource.NoBucketId, bucketIndex >= _buckets.Length ?
                                    ArrayPoolEventSource.BufferAllocatedReason.OverMaximumSize :
Пример #10
        public override T[] Rent(int minimumLength)
            // Arrays can't be smaller than zero.  We allow requesting zero-length arrays (even though
            // pooling such an array isn't valuable) as it's a valid length array, and we want the pool
            // to be usable in general instead of using `new`, even for computed lengths.
            if (minimumLength < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(minimumLength));
            else if (minimumLength == 0)
                // No need for events with the empty array.  Our pool is effectively infinite
                // and we'll never allocate for rents and never store for returns.
                return(Array.Empty <T>());

            ArrayPoolEventSource log = ArrayPoolEventSource.Log;

            T[]? buffer;

            int index = Utilities.SelectBucketIndex(minimumLength);

            if (index < _buckets.Length)
                // Search for an array starting at the 'index' bucket. If the bucket is empty, bump up to the
                // next higher bucket and try that one, but only try at most a few buckets.
                const int MaxBucketsToTry = 2;
                int       i = index;
                    // Attempt to rent from the bucket.  If we get a buffer from it, return it.
                    buffer = _buckets[i].Rent();
                    if (buffer != null)
                        if (log.IsEnabled())
                            log.BufferRented(buffer.GetHashCode(), buffer.Length, Id, _buckets[i].Id);
                }while (++i < _buckets.Length && i != index + MaxBucketsToTry);

                // The pool was exhausted for this buffer size.  Allocate a new buffer with a size corresponding
                // to the appropriate bucket.
                buffer = new T[_buckets[index]._bufferLength];
                // The request was for a size too large for the pool.  Allocate an array of exactly the requested length.
                // When it's returned to the pool, we'll simply throw it away.
                buffer = new T[minimumLength];

            if (log.IsEnabled())
                int bufferId = buffer.GetHashCode(), bucketId = -1; // no bucket for an on-demand allocated buffer
                log.BufferRented(bufferId, buffer.Length, Id, bucketId);
                log.BufferAllocated(bufferId, buffer.Length, Id, bucketId, index >= _buckets.Length ?
                                    ArrayPoolEventSource.BufferAllocatedReason.OverMaximumSize : ArrayPoolEventSource.BufferAllocatedReason.PoolExhausted);

Пример #11
        public override void Return(T[] array, bool clearArray = false)
            if (array == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(array));

            // Determine with what bucket this array length is associated
            int bucketIndex = Utilities.SelectBucketIndex(array.Length);

            // If we can tell that the buffer was allocated (or empty), drop it. Otherwise, check if we have space in the pool.
            bool returned   = true;
            bool haveBucket = bucketIndex < _buckets.Length;

            if (haveBucket)
                // Clear the array if the user requests.
                if (clearArray)
                    Array.Clear(array, 0, array.Length);

                // Check to see if the buffer is the correct size for this bucket
                if (array.Length != _bucketArraySizes[bucketIndex])
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.ArgumentException_BufferNotFromPool, nameof(array));

                // Write through the TLS bucket.  If there weren't any buckets, create them
                // and store this array into it.  If there were, store this into it, and
                // if there was a previous one there, push that to the global stack.  This
                // helps to keep LIFO access such that the most recently pushed stack will
                // be in TLS and the first to be popped next.
                T[]?[]? tlsBuckets = t_tlsBuckets;
                if (tlsBuckets == null)
                    t_tlsBuckets            = tlsBuckets = new T[NumBuckets][];
                    tlsBuckets[bucketIndex] = array;
                    if (s_trimBuffers)
                        Debug.Assert(s_allTlsBuckets != null, "Should be non-null iff s_trimBuffers is true");
                        s_allTlsBuckets.Add(tlsBuckets, null);
                        if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _callbackCreated, 1) != 1)
                            Gen2GcCallback.Register(Gen2GcCallbackFunc, this);
                    T[]? prev = tlsBuckets[bucketIndex];
                    tlsBuckets[bucketIndex] = array;

                    if (prev != null)
                        PerCoreLockedStacks stackBucket = _buckets[bucketIndex] ?? CreatePerCoreLockedStacks(bucketIndex);
                        returned = stackBucket.TryPush(prev);

            // Log that the buffer was returned
            ArrayPoolEventSource log = ArrayPoolEventSource.Log;

            if (log.IsEnabled())
                log.BufferReturned(array.GetHashCode(), array.Length, Id);
                if (!(haveBucket & returned))
                    log.BufferDropped(array.GetHashCode(), array.Length, Id,
                                      haveBucket ? bucketIndex : ArrayPoolEventSource.NoBucketId,
                                      haveBucket ? ArrayPoolEventSource.BufferDroppedReason.Full : ArrayPoolEventSource.BufferDroppedReason.OverMaximumSize);
        public override void Return(T[] array, bool clearArray = false)
            if (array is null)

            // Determine with what bucket this array length is associated
            int bucketIndex = Utilities.SelectBucketIndex(array.Length);

            // Make sure our TLS buckets are initialized.  Technically we could avoid doing
            // this if the array being returned is erroneous or too large for the pool, but the
            // former condition is an error we don't need to optimize for, and the latter is incredibly
            // rare, given a max size of 1B elements.
            T[]?[] tlsBuckets = t_tlsBuckets ?? InitializeTlsBucketsAndTrimming();

            bool haveBucket = false;
            bool returned   = true;

            if ((uint)bucketIndex < (uint)tlsBuckets.Length)
                haveBucket = true;

                // Clear the array if the user requested it.
                if (clearArray)

                // Check to see if the buffer is the correct size for this bucket.
                if (array.Length != Utilities.GetMaxSizeForBucket(bucketIndex))
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.ArgumentException_BufferNotFromPool, nameof(array));

                // Store the array into the TLS bucket.  If there's already an array in it,
                // push that array down into the per-core stacks, preferring to keep the latest
                // one in TLS for better locality.
                T[]? prev = tlsBuckets[bucketIndex];
                tlsBuckets[bucketIndex] = array;
                if (prev is not null)
                    PerCoreLockedStacks stackBucket = _buckets[bucketIndex] ?? CreatePerCoreLockedStacks(bucketIndex);
                    returned = stackBucket.TryPush(prev);

            // Log that the buffer was returned
            ArrayPoolEventSource log = ArrayPoolEventSource.Log;

            if (log.IsEnabled() && array.Length != 0)
                log.BufferReturned(array.GetHashCode(), array.Length, Id);
                if (!(haveBucket & returned))
                    log.BufferDropped(array.GetHashCode(), array.Length, Id,
                                      haveBucket ? bucketIndex : ArrayPoolEventSource.NoBucketId,
                                      haveBucket ? ArrayPoolEventSource.BufferDroppedReason.Full : ArrayPoolEventSource.BufferDroppedReason.OverMaximumSize);