public override bool TryMorphExpression(ActivityWithResult expression, bool isLocationExpression, Type newType, 
            EditingContext context, out ActivityWithResult newExpression)
            Fx.Assert(expression != null, "Original expression shouldn't be null in morph helper");
            Fx.Assert(context != null, "EditingContext shouldn't be null in morph helper");
            newExpression = null;
            if (expression.ResultType == newType && 
                (ExpressionHelper.IsGenericLocationExpressionType(expression) == isLocationExpression))
                newExpression = expression;
                return true;

            if (context != null)
                string expressionEditor = ExpressionHelper.GetRootEditorSetting(context.Services.GetService<ModelTreeManager>(), WorkflowDesigner.GetTargetFramework(context));
                ParserContext parserContext = new ParserContext();
                string expressionText = ExpressionHelper.GetExpressionString(expression, parserContext);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expressionEditor))
                    return ExpressionTextBox.TryConvertFromString(expressionEditor, expressionText, isLocationExpression, newType, out newExpression);

            return false;
        internal static string GetExpressionString(Activity expression, ParserContext context)
            string expressionString = null;            
            if (expression != null)
                Type expressionType = expression.GetType();
                Type expressionArgumentType = expressionType.IsGenericType ? expressionType.GetGenericArguments()[0] : typeof(object);
                bool isLiteral = expressionType.IsGenericType ? Type.Equals(typeof(Literal<>), expressionType.GetGenericTypeDefinition()) : false;

                //handle ITextExpression
                if (expression is ITextExpression)
                    ITextExpression textExpression = expression as ITextExpression;
                    expressionString = textExpression.ExpressionText;
                //handle Literal Expression
                else if (isLiteral)
                    TypeConverter converter = XamlUtilities.GetConverter(expressionArgumentType);
                    if (converter != null && converter.CanConvertTo(context, typeof(string)))
                        PropertyInfo literalValueProperty = expressionType.GetProperty("Value");
                        Fx.Assert(literalValueProperty != null && literalValueProperty.GetGetMethod() != null, "Literal<T> must have the Value property with a public get accessor.");
                        object literalValue = literalValueProperty.GetValue(expression, null);
                        string convertedString = null;
                        if (literalValue != null)
                                convertedString = converter.ConvertToString(context, literalValue);
                            catch (ArgumentException)
                                convertedString = literalValue.ToString();
                        expressionString = expressionArgumentType == typeof(string) ? ("\"" + convertedString + "\"") : convertedString;
                else if (expressionType.IsGenericType &&
                (expressionType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(VariableValue<>) ||
                expressionType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(VariableReference<>)))
                    PropertyInfo variableProperty = expression.GetType().GetProperty("Variable");
                    Variable variable = variableProperty.GetValue(expression, null) as Variable;
                    if (variable != null)
                        expressionString = variable.Name;

            return expressionString;
        internal static ActivityWithResult TryCreateLiteral(Type type, string expressionText, ParserContext context)
            //try easy way first - look if there is a type conversion which supports conversion between expression type and string
            TypeConverter literalValueConverter = null;
            bool isQuotedString = false;
            if (CanTypeBeSerializedAsLiteral(type))
                bool shouldBeQuoted = typeof(string) == type;

                //whether string begins and ends with quotes '"'. also, if there are
                //more quotes within than those begining and ending ones, do not bother with literal - assume this is an expression.
                isQuotedString = shouldBeQuoted &&
                        expressionText.StartsWith("\"", StringComparison.CurrentCulture) &&
                        expressionText.EndsWith("\"", StringComparison.CurrentCulture) &&
                        expressionText.IndexOf("\"", 1, StringComparison.CurrentCulture) == expressionText.Length - 1;

                //if expression is a string, we must ensure it is quoted, in case of other types - just get the converter
                if ((shouldBeQuoted && isQuotedString) || !shouldBeQuoted)
                    literalValueConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(type);

            //if there is converter - try to convert
            if (null != literalValueConverter && literalValueConverter.CanConvertFrom(context, typeof(string)))
                    var valueToConvert = isQuotedString ? expressionText.Substring(1, expressionText.Length - 2) : expressionText;
                    var converterValue = literalValueConverter.ConvertFrom(context, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, valueToConvert);
                    //ok, succeeded - create literal of given type
                    var concreteExpType = typeof(Literal<>).MakeGenericType(type);
                    return (ActivityWithResult)Activator.CreateInstance(concreteExpType, converterValue);
                //conversion failed - do nothing, let VB compiler take care of the expression
                catch { }

            return null;
 internal static string GetExpressionString(Activity expression, ModelItem owner)
     ParserContext context = new ParserContext(owner);
     return ExpressionHelper.GetExpressionString(expression, context);
        internal static ActivityWithResult CreateExpressionFromString(Type type, string expressionText, bool isLocation, ParserContext context)
            ActivityWithResult newExpression;

            if (!isLocation)
                newExpression = ExpressionHelper.TryCreateLiteral(type, expressionText, context);

                if (newExpression != null)
                    return newExpression;

            Type targetExpressionType = null;
            if (isLocation)
                targetExpressionType = typeof(VisualBasicReference<>).MakeGenericType(type);
                targetExpressionType = typeof(VisualBasicValue<>).MakeGenericType(type);

            //create new visual basic value and pass expression text into it
            newExpression = (ActivityWithResult)Activator.CreateInstance(targetExpressionType, expressionText);
            //targetExpressionType.GetProperty("Settings").SetValue(newExpression, settings, null);
            //this code below is never executed - it is placed here only to enable compilation support whenver VisualBasicValue constructor
            //changes its parameter list.
            if (null == newExpression)
                //if this gives compilation error, please update CreateInstance parameter list above as well!
                newExpression = new VisualBasicValue<string>(expressionText);

            return newExpression;
        //We need to react to OnExpressionChanged, since there might be multiple ExpressionTextBoxes(ETB) associated to a single Expression.
        //All the ETBs should be updated if the value in any of the ETBs is changed.
        void OnExpressionChanged()
            if (this.HintText == SR.UnsupportedExpressionHintText)
                this.HintText = SR.ExpressionDefaultText;

            if (!this.internalModelItemChange)
                if (this.Expression == null)
                    //new expression is null - there is no text, no previous text, erros should be clear as well as error message
                    this.Text = string.Empty;
                    this.previousText = this.Text;
                    this.ExpressionText = null;
                    this.ValidationState = ValidationState.Valid;

                    object expressionObject = this.Expression.GetCurrentValue();
                    ActivityWithResult expression = expressionObject as ActivityWithResult;
                    if (VisualBasicEditor.IsSupportedExpressionType(expression))
                        String expressionString = null;
                        //create parser context - do not pass ownerActivity - it might be null at this time
                        ParserContext context = new ParserContext();
                        expressionString = ExpressionHelper.GetExpressionString(expression, context);

                        this.Text = expressionString;
                        this.ExpressionText = expressionString;
                        this.previousText = this.Text;
                        this.IsSupportedExpression = true;
                        this.Text = string.Empty;
                        this.IsSupportedExpression = false;
                        this.HintText = SR.UnsupportedExpressionHintText;

                    this.isExpressionLoaded = true;
                    if (this.isBeginEditPending)
            internalModelItemChange = false;