bool ValidAnchor(Anchor anchor) { // TODO: Check here if anchor.Tag is to be included. (and possibly in future anchor.Type) return true; }
private void GenerateAnchor(Anchor anchor, SysCAD.Protocol.Size defaultSize) { tempText += "MDrw_Anchor "; tempText += anchor.Tag + ", "; tempText += ((anchor.Positions[0] as SysCAD.Protocol.Point).X / 100.0F * defaultSize.Width).ToString() + ", " + ((anchor.Positions[0] as SysCAD.Protocol.Point).Y / 100.0F * defaultSize.Height).ToString() + "\r\n"; }
PortStatus PortCheck(ServiceProtocol serviceProtocol, Guid guid, Anchor anchor) { // CNSGuidItem * pGuid = new CNSGuidItem(); // pGuid.m_Guid = guid; // m_pUnmanaged.m_Guids.AddTail(null); // CNSGuidItem * pGuid = m_pUnmanaged.m_Guids.Find(guid); // CNSMdlLink * pLink = dynamic_cast<CNSMdlLink *>(guid); return PortStatus.Available; }
private bool ParseAnchor(string atom, ArrayList arrayList) { atom = atom.Remove(0, 6); string[] atoms = atom.Split(charSplitArray, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (atoms.Length != 3) { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Incorrect number of parameters (tag, x, y): " + atom; toolStripStatusLabel1.BackColor = Color.Yellow; return false; } try { string tag = atoms[0]; AnchorType type = AnchorType.Process; double x = double.Parse(atoms[1]); double y = double.Parse(atoms[2]); Anchor anchor = new Anchor(tag, type, 0, x, y); arrayList.Add(anchor); } catch { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Error parsing parameters (tag, x, y): " + atom; toolStripStatusLabel1.BackColor = Color.Yellow; return false; } return true; }
private void editPropertiesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { EditProperties editProperties = new EditProperties(); = modelStencil.Groups[0] as string; editProperties.tag = modelStencil.Tag; editProperties.anchors = modelStencil.Anchors; if (editProperties.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { modelStencil.Groups[0] =; modelStencil.Tag = editProperties.tag; ArrayList newAnchors = new ArrayList(); foreach (Anchor anchor in modelStencil.Anchors) { if (editProperties.listView1.Items.ContainsKey(anchor.Tag)) { newAnchors.Add(anchor); } } modelStencil.Anchors = newAnchors; foreach (ListViewItem listViewItem in editProperties.listView1.Items) { bool anchorFound = false; foreach (Anchor anchor in modelStencil.Anchors) { if (anchor.Tag == listViewItem.Text) { anchorFound = true; anchor.Look = (short)editProperties.listView1.Groups.IndexOf(listViewItem.Group); } } if (!anchorFound) { Anchor newAnchor = new Anchor(listViewItem.Text, AnchorType.Process, (short)editProperties.listView1.Groups.IndexOf(listViewItem.Group)); modelStencil.Anchors.Add(newAnchor); newAnchor.Positions = new ArrayList(); } } } ResetFlowChart(true); SetStencil(modelStencil); SetControls(modelStencil); }
private void fcFlowChart_ArrowModified(object sender, ArrowMouseArgs e) { { int i = 2; while ((oldControlPoints.Count > 3) && (i < oldControlPoints.Count - 1)) { if (MergePoints(oldControlPoints[i - 1], oldControlPoints[i])) { oldControlPoints.RemoveAt(i - 1); oldControlPoints.RemoveAt(i - 1); // Deal with the adjacent points being slightly out of algnment. if (Math.Abs(oldControlPoints[i - 1].X - oldControlPoints[i - 2].X) < Math.Abs(oldControlPoints[i - 1].Y - oldControlPoints[i - 2].Y)) { oldControlPoints[i - 1].X = oldControlPoints[i - 2].X; } else { oldControlPoints[i - 1].Y = oldControlPoints[i - 2].Y; } i = 2; } else { i++; } } } if (MergePoints(oldControlPoints[0], oldControlPoints[1])) { oldControlPoints.RemoveAt(0); if (e.Arrow.CascadeOrientation == MindFusion.FlowChartX.Orientation.Horizontal) e.Arrow.CascadeOrientation = MindFusion.FlowChartX.Orientation.Vertical; else e.Arrow.CascadeOrientation = MindFusion.FlowChartX.Orientation.Horizontal; } if (MergePoints(oldControlPoints[oldControlPoints.Count - 1], oldControlPoints[oldControlPoints.Count - 2])) { oldControlPoints.RemoveAt(oldControlPoints.Count - 1); } form1.ToolStripStatusLabel.Text = ""; //arrowBeingModified.CustomDraw = CustomDraw.None; arrowBeingModifiedSelectionHandle = -1; arrowBeingModified = null; originAnchorChosen = null; destinationAnchorChosen = null; GraphicLink graphicLink = (e.Arrow.Tag as EditorLink).GraphicLink as GraphicLink; if (oldOriginBox != null) { (e.Arrow.Tag as EditorLink).GraphicLink.Origin = oldOriginGuid; e.Arrow.Origin = oldOriginBox; e.Arrow.OrgnAnchor = oldOriginAnchor; } else if (newOriginBox != null) { (e.Arrow.Tag as EditorLink).GraphicLink.Origin = newOriginGuid; e.Arrow.Origin = newOriginBox; e.Arrow.OrgnAnchor = newOriginAnchor; } if (oldDestinationBox != null) { (e.Arrow.Tag as EditorLink).GraphicLink.Destination = oldDestinationGuid; e.Arrow.Destination = oldDestinationBox; e.Arrow.DestAnchor = oldDestinationAnchor; } else if (newDestinationBox != null) { (e.Arrow.Tag as EditorLink).GraphicLink.Destination = newDestinationGuid; e.Arrow.Destination = newDestinationBox; e.Arrow.DestAnchor = newDestinationAnchor; } State.SetControlPoints(e.Arrow, oldControlPoints); EditorNode originItem = e.Arrow.Origin.Tag as EditorNode; EditorNode destinationItem = e.Arrow.Destination.Tag as EditorNode; //Guid originGuid = Guid.Empty; //Guid destinationGuid = Guid.Empty; //if (originItem != null) // originGuid = originItem.Guid; //if (destinationItem != null) // destinationGuid = destinationItem.Guid; String originFullAnchor = null; String destinationFullAnchor = null; String originAnchorName = null; String destinationAnchorName = null; originItem.anchorIntToTag.TryGetValue(e.Arrow.OrgnAnchor, out originFullAnchor); if (originFullAnchor != null) { originAnchorName = originFullAnchor.TrimEnd(new char[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }); graphicLink.OriginPortID = Convert.ToInt16(originFullAnchor.Substring(originAnchorName.Length), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } destinationItem.anchorIntToTag.TryGetValue(e.Arrow.DestAnchor, out destinationFullAnchor); if (destinationFullAnchor != null) { destinationAnchorName = destinationFullAnchor.TrimEnd(new char[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }); graphicLink.DestinationPortID = Convert.ToInt16(destinationFullAnchor.Substring(destinationAnchorName.Length), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } SysCAD.Protocol.Action action = new SysCAD.Protocol.Action(); if (graphicLink != null) { GraphicLink newGraphicLink = graphicLink.Clone(); newGraphicLink.ControlPoints = State.GetControlPoints(e.Arrow.ControlPoints); action.Modify.Add(newGraphicLink); } AddAction(action); //if (!state.ModifyGraphicLink(out requestId, // graphicLink.Guid, // graphicLink.Tag, // originGuid, // destinationGuid, // originAnchorName, // originAnchorID, // destinationAnchorName, // destinationAnchorID, // oldControlPoints, // graphicLink.TagArea, // graphicLink.TagAngle)) //{ // failure, revert back to previous. // // do something here... //} oldOriginGuid = Guid.Empty; oldOriginBox = null; oldOriginAnchor = -1; oldDestinationGuid = Guid.Empty; oldDestinationBox = null; oldDestinationAnchor = -1; newOriginGuid = Guid.Empty; newOriginTag = String.Empty; newOriginBox = null; newOriginAnchor = -1; newDestinationGuid = Guid.Empty; newDestinationTag = String.Empty; newDestinationBox = null; newDestinationAnchor = -1; }
private void fcFlowChart_ArrowCreated(object sender, ArrowEventArgs e) { tempArrowKey++; String newLinkTag = "A_" + tempArrowKey.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); e.Arrow.Text = newLinkTag; GraphicNode origin = null; GraphicNode destination = null; ModelNode modelOrigin = null; ModelNode modelDestination = null; String originPort = ""; String destinationPort = ""; Int16 originPortID = -1; Int16 destinationPortID = -1; List<SysCAD.Protocol.Point> controlPoints; SysCAD.Protocol.Rectangle textArea; if (newDestinationBox != null) { if (!((state.ClientProtocol.graphic.Nodes.TryGetValue((newDestinationBox.Tag as EditorNode).Guid, out destination)) && (state.ClientProtocol.model.Nodes.TryGetValue(destination.ModelGuid, out modelDestination)))) { state.ClientProtocol.LogMessage(out requestId, "Node missing for destination Box " + newDestinationBox.Tag, SysCAD.Log.MessageType.Error); return; } if (newDestinationAnchor != -1) { String fullAnchor = (newDestinationBox.Tag as EditorNode).anchorIntToTag[newDestinationAnchor]; String anchorName = fullAnchor.TrimEnd(new char[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }); Int16 anchorID = Convert.ToInt16(fullAnchor.Substring(anchorName.Length), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); destinationPort = anchorName; destinationPortID = anchorID; } } if (oldOriginBox != null) { if (!((state.ClientProtocol.graphic.Nodes.TryGetValue((newOriginBox.Tag as EditorNode).Guid, out origin)) && (state.ClientProtocol.model.Nodes.TryGetValue(origin.ModelGuid, out modelOrigin)))) { state.ClientProtocol.LogMessage(out requestId, "Node missing for origin Box " + newDestinationBox.Tag, SysCAD.Log.MessageType.Error); return; } if (oldOriginAnchor != -1) { String fullAnchor = (oldOriginBox.Tag as EditorNode).anchorIntToTag[oldOriginAnchor]; String anchorName = fullAnchor.TrimEnd(new char[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }); Int16 anchorID = Convert.ToInt16(fullAnchor.Substring(anchorName.Length), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); originPort = anchorName; originPortID = anchorID; } } controlPoints = State.GetControlPoints(e.Arrow.ControlPoints); textArea = new SysCAD.Protocol.Rectangle(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); fcFlowChart.DeleteObject(e.Arrow); form1.ToolStripStatusLabel.Text = ""; //arrowBeingModified.CustomDraw = CustomDraw.None; arrowBeingModifiedSelectionHandle = -1; arrowBeingModified = null; originAnchorChosen = null; destinationAnchorChosen = null; ModelLink modelLink = new ModelLink(new Guid(), string.Empty, "Pipe-1", modelOrigin.Guid, modelDestination.Guid, originPort, destinationPort); GraphicLink graphicLink = new GraphicLink(new Guid(), modelLink.Guid, string.Empty, origin.Guid, originPortID, destination.Guid, destinationPortID, controlPoints, 1.0, textArea, 0.0, new SysCAD.Protocol.Font(), true); SysCAD.Protocol.Action action = new SysCAD.Protocol.Action(); action.Create.Add(modelLink); action.Create.Add(graphicLink); AddAction(action); }
private void fcFlowChart_DrawBox(object sender, BoxDrawArgs e) { if (arrowBeingModified != null) { SysCAD.Protocol.Point originPos = new SysCAD.Protocol.Point(arrowBeingModified.ControlPoints[0]); Box originBox = fcFlowChart.GetBoxAt(originPos.ToPointF(), 2.0F); if (originBox != null) { originBox = (originBox.Tag as EditorNode).ModelBox; if (originBox != null) { if (originBox.AnchorPattern != null) { //if (originAnchorChosen == null) { Double closest = Double.MaxValue; foreach (AnchorPoint anchorPoint in originBox.AnchorPattern.Points) { SysCAD.Protocol.Point anchorPointPos = GetRelativeAnchorPosition(new SysCAD.Protocol.Rectangle(originBox.BoundingRect), anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y, originBox.RotationAngle); Double distance = Distance(anchorPointPos, originPos); if (distance < closest) { closest = distance; originAnchorChosen = anchorPoint.Tag as Anchor; } } // if (state.PortCheck(out requestId, (originBox.Tag as Item).Guid, originAnchorChosen) == PortStatus.Available) { SysCAD.Protocol.Point anchorPointPos = GetRelativeAnchorPosition(new SysCAD.Protocol.Rectangle(originBox.BoundingRect), (originAnchorChosen.Positions[0] as SysCAD.Protocol.Point).X, (originAnchorChosen.Positions[0] as SysCAD.Protocol.Point).Y, originBox.RotationAngle); PointF[] extensionPoints = new PointF[] { anchorPointPos.ToPointF(), anchorPointPos.ToPointF() }; System.Drawing.Pen pen = new System.Drawing.Pen(Color.Yellow, fcFlowChart.SelHandleSize); e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, RectangleF.FromLTRB( anchorPointPos.ToPointF().X - fcFlowChart.SelHandleSize, anchorPointPos.ToPointF().Y - fcFlowChart.SelHandleSize, anchorPointPos.ToPointF().X + fcFlowChart.SelHandleSize, anchorPointPos.ToPointF().Y + fcFlowChart.SelHandleSize)); e.Graphics.DrawLines(pen, extensionPoints); } } } } } SysCAD.Protocol.Point destinationPos = new SysCAD.Protocol.Point(arrowBeingModified.ControlPoints[arrowBeingModified.ControlPoints.Count - 1]); Box destinationBox = fcFlowChart.GetBoxAt(destinationPos.ToPointF(), 2.0F); if (destinationBox != null) { destinationBox = (destinationBox.Tag as EditorNode).ModelBox; if (destinationBox != null) { if (destinationBox.AnchorPattern != null) { if (destinationAnchorChosen != null) { Double closest = Double.MaxValue; foreach (AnchorPoint anchorPoint in destinationBox.AnchorPattern.Points) { SysCAD.Protocol.Point anchorPointPos = GetRelativeAnchorPosition(new SysCAD.Protocol.Rectangle(destinationBox.BoundingRect), anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y, destinationBox.RotationAngle); Double distance = Distance(anchorPointPos, destinationPos); if (distance < closest) { closest = distance; destinationAnchorChosen = anchorPoint.Tag as Anchor; } } //if (state.PortCheck(out requestId, (destinationBox.Tag as Item).Guid, destinationAnchorChosen) == PortStatus.Available) { SysCAD.Protocol.Point anchorPointPos = GetRelativeAnchorPosition(new SysCAD.Protocol.Rectangle(destinationBox.BoundingRect), (destinationAnchorChosen.Positions[0] as SysCAD.Protocol.Point).X, (destinationAnchorChosen.Positions[0] as SysCAD.Protocol.Point).Y, destinationBox.RotationAngle); PointF[] extensionPoints = new PointF[] { anchorPointPos.ToPointF(), anchorPointPos.ToPointF() }; System.Drawing.Pen pen = new System.Drawing.Pen(Color.Yellow, fcFlowChart.SelHandleSize); e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, RectangleF.FromLTRB( anchorPointPos.ToPointF().X - fcFlowChart.SelHandleSize, anchorPointPos.ToPointF().Y - fcFlowChart.SelHandleSize, anchorPointPos.ToPointF().X + fcFlowChart.SelHandleSize, anchorPointPos.ToPointF().Y + fcFlowChart.SelHandleSize)); e.Graphics.DrawLines(pen, extensionPoints); } } } } } } }