public Player(WebSocket ws, String username, String uniqueId) { // TODO: Actually write code that'll connect to a DB to see if we can pull rating information. = ws; this.username = username; this.uniqueId = uniqueId; this.rating = 0; this.currentMatch = null; }
public void ReportMatchDone(Match match) { try { // remove dictionary associations // theoretically, after removing dictionary associations, this "match" is the final reference to the match. idToPlayerDictionary.Remove(match.attacker.getUniqueId()); idToPlayerDictionary.Remove(match.defender.getUniqueId()); wsToIdDictionary.Remove(match.attacker.getSocket()); wsToIdDictionary.Remove(match.defender.getSocket()); } catch (Exception aex) { Console.WriteLine("Error Cleaning Up Match: " + aex.GetBaseException().Message); } // match.attacker.getSocket().Dispose(); }
public void HandleMatchQueue(WebSocket ws, Dictionary<string, dynamic> msgDict) { String socketId = msgDict["uniqueId"]; // Check if ID is not already in Queue. if (!attackerQueue.Contains(socketId) && !defenderQueue.Contains(socketId)) { // Check that the ws isn't in a match already if (!wsToIdDictionary.ContainsKey(ws)) { // Queue the websocket, wait for friend. if (msgDict["msgType"].StartsWith("LogInRequest")) { Player p = new Player(ws, msgDict["username"], socketId); wsToIdDictionary.Add(ws, socketId); idToPlayerDictionary.Add(socketId, p); if (msgDict["role"].ToLower() == "attacker") { Console.WriteLine("An attacker joined the game: " + ws.RemoteEndpoint); if (defenderQueue.Count != 0) { String defenderId = defenderQueue.Dequeue(); Player defender = idToPlayerDictionary[defenderId]; Match newMatch = new Match(p, defender, this); } else { attackerQueue.Enqueue(socketId); } } else if (msgDict["role"].ToLower() == "defender") { Console.WriteLine("A defender joined the game: " + ws.RemoteEndpoint); if (attackerQueue.Count != 0) { String attackerId = attackerQueue.Dequeue(); Player attacker = idToPlayerDictionary[attackerId]; Match newMatch = new Match(attacker, p, this); } else { defenderQueue.Enqueue(socketId); } } } } } else { ws.WriteString("Please wait for a match to start."); } }