public static void Validate(this Matrix2x3 m) { if (IsInvalid(m.M11) || IsInvalid(m.M12) || IsInvalid(m.M13) || IsInvalid(m.M21) || IsInvalid(m.M22) || IsInvalid(m.M23)) { throw new NotFiniteNumberException("Invalid value."); } }
internal void Setup(ConvexContactManifoldConstraint contactManifoldConstraint) { this.contactManifoldConstraint = contactManifoldConstraint; isActive = true; linearA = new Matrix2x3(); entityA = contactManifoldConstraint.EntityA; entityB = contactManifoldConstraint.EntityB; }
///<summary> /// Performs the frame's configuration step. ///</summary> ///<param name="dt">Timestep duration.</param> public override void Update(float dt) { entityADynamic = entityA != null && entityA.isDynamic; entityBDynamic = entityB != null && entityB.isDynamic; contactCount = contactManifoldConstraint.penetrationConstraints.Count; switch (contactCount) { case 1: manifoldCenter = contactManifoldConstraint.penetrationConstraints.Elements[0].contact.Position; break; case 2: Vector3.Add(ref contactManifoldConstraint.penetrationConstraints.Elements[0].contact.Position, ref contactManifoldConstraint.penetrationConstraints.Elements[1].contact.Position, out manifoldCenter); manifoldCenter.X *= .5f; manifoldCenter.Y *= .5f; manifoldCenter.Z *= .5f; break; case 3: Vector3.Add(ref contactManifoldConstraint.penetrationConstraints.Elements[0].contact.Position, ref contactManifoldConstraint.penetrationConstraints.Elements[1].contact.Position, out manifoldCenter); Vector3.Add(ref contactManifoldConstraint.penetrationConstraints.Elements[2].contact.Position, ref manifoldCenter, out manifoldCenter); manifoldCenter.X *= .333333333f; manifoldCenter.Y *= .333333333f; manifoldCenter.Z *= .333333333f; break; case 4: //This isn't actually the center of the manifold. Is it good enough? Sure seems like it. Vector3.Add(ref contactManifoldConstraint.penetrationConstraints.Elements[0].contact.Position, ref contactManifoldConstraint.penetrationConstraints.Elements[1].contact.Position, out manifoldCenter); Vector3.Add(ref contactManifoldConstraint.penetrationConstraints.Elements[2].contact.Position, ref manifoldCenter, out manifoldCenter); Vector3.Add(ref contactManifoldConstraint.penetrationConstraints.Elements[3].contact.Position, ref manifoldCenter, out manifoldCenter); manifoldCenter.X *= .25f; manifoldCenter.Y *= .25f; manifoldCenter.Z *= .25f; break; default: manifoldCenter = Toolbox.NoVector; break; } //Compute the three dimensional relative velocity at the point. Vector3 velocityA, velocityB; if (entityA != null) { Vector3.Subtract(ref manifoldCenter, ref entityA.position, out ra); Vector3.Cross(ref entityA.angularVelocity, ref ra, out velocityA); Vector3.Add(ref velocityA, ref entityA.linearVelocity, out velocityA); } else { velocityA = new Vector3(); } if (entityB != null) { Vector3.Subtract(ref manifoldCenter, ref entityB.position, out rb); Vector3.Cross(ref entityB.angularVelocity, ref rb, out velocityB); Vector3.Add(ref velocityB, ref entityB.linearVelocity, out velocityB); } else { velocityB = new Vector3(); } Vector3.Subtract(ref velocityA, ref velocityB, out relativeVelocity); //Get rid of the normal velocity. Vector3 normal = contactManifoldConstraint.penetrationConstraints.Elements[0].contact.Normal; float normalVelocityScalar = normal.X * relativeVelocity.X + normal.Y * relativeVelocity.Y + normal.Z * relativeVelocity.Z; relativeVelocity.X -= normalVelocityScalar * normal.X; relativeVelocity.Y -= normalVelocityScalar * normal.Y; relativeVelocity.Z -= normalVelocityScalar * normal.Z; //Create the jacobian entry and decide the friction coefficient. float length = relativeVelocity.LengthSquared(); if (length > Toolbox.Epsilon) { length = (float)Math.Sqrt(length); float inverseLength = 1 / length; linearA.M11 = relativeVelocity.X * inverseLength; linearA.M12 = relativeVelocity.Y * inverseLength; linearA.M13 = relativeVelocity.Z * inverseLength; friction = length > CollisionResponseSettings.StaticFrictionVelocityThreshold ? contactManifoldConstraint.materialInteraction.KineticFriction : contactManifoldConstraint.materialInteraction.StaticFriction; } else { friction = contactManifoldConstraint.materialInteraction.StaticFriction; //If there was no velocity, try using the previous frame's jacobian... if it exists. //Reusing an old one is okay since jacobians are cleared when a contact is initialized. if (!(linearA.M11 != 0 || linearA.M12 != 0 || linearA.M13 != 0)) { //Otherwise, just redo it all. //Create arbitrary axes. Vector3 axis1; Vector3.Cross(ref normal, ref Toolbox.RightVector, out axis1); length = axis1.LengthSquared(); if (length > Toolbox.Epsilon) { length = (float)Math.Sqrt(length); float inverseLength = 1 / length; linearA.M11 = axis1.X * inverseLength; linearA.M12 = axis1.Y * inverseLength; linearA.M13 = axis1.Z * inverseLength; } else { Vector3.Cross(ref normal, ref Toolbox.UpVector, out axis1); axis1.Normalize(); linearA.M11 = axis1.X; linearA.M12 = axis1.Y; linearA.M13 = axis1.Z; } } } //Second axis is first axis x normal linearA.M21 = (linearA.M12 * normal.Z) - (linearA.M13 * normal.Y); linearA.M22 = (linearA.M13 * normal.X) - (linearA.M11 * normal.Z); linearA.M23 = (linearA.M11 * normal.Y) - (linearA.M12 * normal.X); //Compute angular jacobians if (entityA != null) { //angularA 1 = ra x linear axis 1 angularA.M11 = (ra.Y * linearA.M13) - (ra.Z * linearA.M12); angularA.M12 = (ra.Z * linearA.M11) - (ra.X * linearA.M13); angularA.M13 = (ra.X * linearA.M12) - (ra.Y * linearA.M11); //angularA 2 = ra x linear axis 2 angularA.M21 = (ra.Y * linearA.M23) - (ra.Z * linearA.M22); angularA.M22 = (ra.Z * linearA.M21) - (ra.X * linearA.M23); angularA.M23 = (ra.X * linearA.M22) - (ra.Y * linearA.M21); } //angularB 1 = linear axis 1 x rb if (entityB != null) { angularB.M11 = (linearA.M12 * rb.Z) - (linearA.M13 * rb.Y); angularB.M12 = (linearA.M13 * rb.X) - (linearA.M11 * rb.Z); angularB.M13 = (linearA.M11 * rb.Y) - (linearA.M12 * rb.X); //angularB 2 = linear axis 2 x rb angularB.M21 = (linearA.M22 * rb.Z) - (linearA.M23 * rb.Y); angularB.M22 = (linearA.M23 * rb.X) - (linearA.M21 * rb.Z); angularB.M23 = (linearA.M21 * rb.Y) - (linearA.M22 * rb.X); } //Compute inverse effective mass matrix Matrix2x2 entryA, entryB; //these are the transformed coordinates Matrix2x3 transform; Matrix3x2 transpose; if (entityADynamic) { Matrix2x3.Multiply(ref angularA, ref entityA.inertiaTensorInverse, out transform); Matrix2x3.Transpose(ref angularA, out transpose); Matrix2x2.Multiply(ref transform, ref transpose, out entryA); entryA.M11 += entityA.inverseMass; entryA.M22 += entityA.inverseMass; } else { entryA = new Matrix2x2(); } if (entityBDynamic) { Matrix2x3.Multiply(ref angularB, ref entityB.inertiaTensorInverse, out transform); Matrix2x3.Transpose(ref angularB, out transpose); Matrix2x2.Multiply(ref transform, ref transpose, out entryB); entryB.M11 += entityB.inverseMass; entryB.M22 += entityB.inverseMass; } else { entryB = new Matrix2x2(); } velocityToImpulse.M11 = -entryA.M11 - entryB.M11; velocityToImpulse.M12 = -entryA.M12 - entryB.M12; velocityToImpulse.M21 = -entryA.M21 - entryB.M21; velocityToImpulse.M22 = -entryA.M22 - entryB.M22; Matrix2x2.Invert(ref velocityToImpulse, out velocityToImpulse); }