Пример #1
        IEnumerator IntervaledTick()
//this is of fundamental importance: Never create implementors as Monobehaviour just to hold
//data (especially if read only data). Data should always been retrieved through a service layer
//regardless the data source.
//The benefit are numerous, including the fact that changing data source would require
//only changing the service code. In this simple example I am not using a Service Layer
//but you can see the point.
//Also note that I am loading the data only once per application run, outside the
//main loop. You can always exploit this trick when you now that the data you need
//to use will never change
            var enemiestoSpawn  = ReadEnemySpawningDataServiceRequest();
            var enemyAttackData = ReadEnemyAttackDataServiceRequest();

            float[] spawningTimes = new float[enemiestoSpawn.Length];

            for (int i = enemiestoSpawn.Length - 1; i >= 0 && _numberOfEnemyToSpawn > 0; --i)
                spawningTimes[i] = enemiestoSpawn[i].enemySpawnData.spawnTime;

            while (true)
//Svelto.Tasks can yield Unity YieldInstructions but this comes with a performance hit
//so the fastest solution is always to use custom enumerators. To be honest the hit is minimal
//but it's better to not abuse it.
                yield return(_waitForSecondsEnumerator);

                    //cycle around the enemies to spawn and check if it can be spawned
                    for (int i = enemiestoSpawn.Length - 1; i >= 0 && _numberOfEnemyToSpawn > 0; --i)
                        if (spawningTimes[i] <= 0.0f)
                            var spawnData = enemiestoSpawn[i];

                            //In this example every kind of enemy generates the same list of EntityViews
                            //therefore I always use the same EntityDescriptor. However if the
                            //different enemies had to create different EntityViews for different
                            //engines, this would have been a good example where EntityDescriptorHolder
                            //could have been used to exploit the the kind of polymorphism explained
                            //in my articles.
                            EnemyAttackStruct enemyAttackstruct = new EnemyAttackStruct
                                attackDamage      = enemyAttackData[i].enemyAttackData.attackDamage,
                                timeBetweenAttack = enemyAttackData[i].enemyAttackData.timeBetweenAttacks

                            //has a compatible entity previously disabled and can be reused?
                            //Note, pooling make sense only for Entities that use implementors.
                            //A pure struct based entity doesn't need pooling because it
                            //never allocates.
                            var fromGroupId = ECSGroups.EnemyGroup[spawnData.enemySpawnData.targetType];
                            if (entitiesDB.HasAny <EnemyEntityViewStruct>(fromGroupId))
                                ReuseEnemy(fromGroupId, ref spawnData);
                                _enemyFactory.Build(spawnData.enemySpawnData, ref enemyAttackstruct);

                            spawningTimes[i] = spawnData.enemySpawnData.spawnTime;

                        spawningTimes[i] -= SECONDS_BETWEEN_SPAWNS;
Пример #2
        IEnumerator IntervaledTick()
//OK this is of fundamental importance: Never create implementors as Monobehaviour just to hold
//data. Data should always been retrieved through a service layer regardless the data source.
//The benefit are numerous, including the fact that changing data source would require
//only changing the service code. In this simple example I am not using a Service Layer
//but you can see the point.
//Also note that I am loading the data only once per application run, outside the
//main loop. You can always exploit this trick when you now that the data you need
//to use will never change
            var enemiestoSpawn  = ReadEnemySpawningDataServiceRequest();
            var enemyAttackData = ReadEnemyAttackDataServiceRequest();

            float[] spawningTimes = new float[enemiestoSpawn.Length];

            for (int i = enemiestoSpawn.Length - 1; i >= 0 && _numberOfEnemyToSpawn > 0; --i)
                spawningTimes[i] = enemiestoSpawn[i].enemySpawnData.spawnTime;

            while (true)
//Svelto.Tasks can yield Unity YieldInstructions but this comes with a performance hit
//so the fastest solution is always to use custom enumerators. To be honest the hit is minimal
//but it's better to not abuse it.
                yield return(_waitForSecondsEnumerator);

                    for (int i = enemiestoSpawn.Length - 1; i >= 0 && _numberOfEnemyToSpawn > 0; --i)
                        if (spawningTimes[i] <= 0.0f)
                            var spawnData = enemiestoSpawn[i];
                            // Find a random index between zero and one less than the number of spawn points.
                            int spawnPointIndex = Random.Range(0, spawnData.enemySpawnData.spawnPoints.Length);

                            // Create an instance of the enemy prefab at the randomly selected spawn point position and rotation.
                            var go = _gameobjectFactory.Build(spawnData.enemySpawnData.enemyPrefab);

                            //we are going to use a mix of implementors as Monobehaviours and
                            //normal implementors here:
                            List <IImplementor> implementors = new List <IImplementor>();
                            implementors.Add(new PlayerTargetTypeImplementor(spawnData.enemySpawnData.targetType));

                            //In this example every kind of enemy generates the same list of EntityViews
                            //therefore I always use the same EntityDescriptor. However if the
                            //different enemies had to create different EntityViews for differentaww
                            //engines, this would have been a good example where EntityDescriptorHolder
                            //could have been used to exploit the the kind of polymorphism explained
                            //in my articles.
                            EnemyAttackStruct initialize = new EnemyAttackStruct();
                            initialize.attackDamage      = enemyAttackData[i].enemyAttackData.attackDamage;
                            initialize.timeBetweenAttack = enemyAttackData[i].enemyAttackData.timeBetweenAttacks;

                            //The DynamicEntityDescriptorInfo here is just an excercise. This is a complex way
                            //to build an entity, please see the other BuildEntity for normal cases.
                            //DynamicEntityDescriptorInfo allows to extend the basic EntityDescriptor with
                            //extra IEntityViewBuilder. In this case, for the sake of experimentation,
                            //I wanted the Enemy Entity to generate an EntityStruct too. EntityStructs are
                            //used for super fast cache friendly code, which is totally unnecessary for this
                            //case, but at least I have an example to show their use.
                            //In this case, I want the struct to be initialized with specific values.
                            //I don't need a DynamicEntityDescriptorInfo to build EntityStructs, they
                            //can be declared through EntityViewStructBuilder statically in a MixedEntityDescriptor.
                            //however in this case I need it to be dynamic to pass the values to use for initialization!
                                new DynamicEntityDescriptorInfo <EnemyEntityDescriptor>(
                                    new FasterList <IEntityViewBuilder> {
                                new EntityViewStructBuilder <EnemyAttackStruct>(ref initialize)

                            var transform = go.transform;
                            var spawnInfo = spawnData.enemySpawnData.spawnPoints[spawnPointIndex];

                            transform.position = spawnInfo.position;
                            transform.rotation = spawnInfo.rotation;

                            spawningTimes[i] = spawnData.enemySpawnData.spawnTime;

                        spawningTimes[i] -= SECONDS_BETWEEN_SPAWNS;