protected override async Task HandleInternalAsync(LaunchActivatedEventArgs args)
            //Log.Trace("We are handling this activation with the DefaultLaunchActivationHandler");

            // load the ResourceDictionaries

            // get the configuration service
            ConfigurationService configurationService = (ConfigurationService)SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance <ConfigurationService>();

            // if we got it
            if (null != configurationService)
                //Log.Trace("Configuration Service is valid.");
                // is the attractor loop enabled?
                if (configurationService.Configuration.IsAttractorLoopEnabled)
                    //Log.Trace("The Attractor Loop is ENABLED, so navigating to it.");
                    // yes, go to it
                //// is the choose path page enabled?
                //else if (configurationService.Configuration.IsChoosePathPageEnabled)
                //    // yes, go to it
                //    NavigationService.Navigate(typeof(ViewModels.ChoosePathViewModel).FullName);
                    //Log.Trace("We are navigating to the FlipView.");
                    // no, go to the root flipview
                //Log.Trace("Configuration Service is INVALID, so we are navigating to the FlipView.");
                // go to the flipview by default

            await Task.CompletedTask;
        // By default, this handler expects URIs of the format 'wtsapp:sample?paramName1=paramValue1&paramName2=paramValue2'
        protected override async Task HandleInternalAsync(ProtocolActivatedEventArgs args)
            //Log.Trace("Entered SchemeActivationHandler.");


            // Create data from activation Uri in ProtocolActivatedEventArgs
            var data = new SchemeActivationData(args.Uri);

            if (data.IsValid)
                //Log.Trace($"We are routing based on the URI Scheme: {args.Uri}");
                //Log.Trace($"ViewModelName is {data.ViewModelName}.");

                NavigationService.Navigate(data.ViewModelName, data.Parameters);
            else if (args.PreviousExecutionState != ApplicationExecutionState.Running)
                // If the app isn't running and not navigating to a specific page
                // based on the URI, navigate to the page determined by config.json
                //Log.Trace($"Data is INVALID; we are NOT routing based on the URI Scheme: {args.Uri}");

                // get the configuration service
                ConfigurationService configurationService = (ConfigurationService)SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance <ConfigurationService>();

                // if we got it
                if (null != configurationService)
                    //Log.Trace("Configuration Service is valid.");

                    // is the attractor loop enabled?
                    if (configurationService.Configuration.IsAttractorLoopEnabled)
                        //Log.Trace("The Attractor Loop is ENABLED, so navigating to it.");
                        // yes, go to it
                    //// is the choose path page enabled?
                    //else if (configurationService.Configuration.IsChoosePathPageEnabled)
                    //    Log.Trace("Choose Path Page is ENABLED, so navigating to it.");
                    //    // yes, go to it
                    //    NavigationService.Navigate(typeof(ViewModels.ChoosePathViewModel).FullName);
                        //Log.Trace("Attractor Loop is DISABLED, so navigating to the FlipView.");
                        // no, go to the root flipview
                    //Log.Trace("Configuration service is INVALID, so navigating to the FlipView.");
                    // go to the flipview by default

            await Task.CompletedTask;