private void TimerEventProcessor(Object myObject, EventArgs myEventArgs)
            if (Global.prod_MnMs.getOrderStatus() == "in progress")
                if (controlOK)
                    // Read Coil address 2 et metre sa valeure dans la variable modGo
                    modGo = Global.communicateModbus(1, 1, 2, "");

                    if (modGo)
                        controlOK = false;
                        modGo     = false;

                        // Go to next image

                        // Use wrapper to analyze the img
                        controlResult = WrapperTraitement.TraitementMnMs(new Bitmap(_list_path[_list_path_pos]));

                        // Tell Runtime that the vision control is done
                        Global.communicateModbus(2, 1, 3, "true");

                        // string = total - rouge - orange - bleu - marron - jaune

                        // Show the controled image in the picture box
                        pictureBox_imageControl.ImageLocation = _list_path[_list_path_pos];

                        // Upadtes screen objects

                        // Update Global level production status
                        Global.update_MnMs_stats(controlStats.get_nbTotal(), controlStats.get_nbRouge(), controlStats.get_nbOrange(), controlStats.get_nbBleu(), controlStats.get_nbJaune(), controlStats.get_nbMarron());

                        modGo     = false;
                        controlOK = true;
        private void TimerEventProcessor(Object myObject, EventArgs myEventArgs)
            if (Global.prod_MnMs.getOrderStatus() == "in progress")
                if (controlOK)
                    // Read Coil address 4 et metre sa valeure dans la variable modGo
                    modGo = Global.communicateModbus(1, 1, 4, "");

                    // check modbus
                    if (modGo)
                        modGo     = false;
                        controlOK = false;

                        // Go to next image

                        // Use wrapper to analyze the img
                        Bitmap imgToTest = new Bitmap(_list_path[_list_path_pos]);
                        controlResult = WrapperTraitement.TraitementSecurity(imgToTest); // OK - warning - danger

                        // Load the controled image in the pictureBox
                        pictureBox_imageControl.ImageLocation = _list_path[_list_path_pos];


                        if (controlResult == "warning")
                            Global.prodSecurity_dangerStatus = "Warning";

                            // Write coil address 1 à false
                            Global.communicateModbus(2, 1, 1, "true");
                        else if (controlResult == "danger")
                            Global.prodSecurity_dangerStatus = "danger";

                            // Write coil address 1 à true
                            bool test;
                            test = Global.communicateModbus(2, 1, 1, "true");
                            Global.prodSecurity_dangerStatus = "OK";

                            // Write coil address 1 à false
                            Global.communicateModbus(2, 1, 1, "false");

                        Global.communicateModbus(2, 1, 5, "true");


                        controlOK = true;