Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Clears save-specific data for villager reactions, sunscreen, and sunburn. Raised when the player returns to title screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
        private void onReturnedToTitle(object sender, ReturnedToTitleEventArgs e)
            //clear any previous data from other saves? Initialize zeros and all?
            IsSaveReady = false;

            Reacts    = null;
            Sunscreen = null;
            Burn      = null;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Re-initialize reacts, lotions, sunscreen and burn data. Refresh TV channel data. Raised when a save is loaded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
        private void onSaveLoaded(object sender, SaveLoadedEventArgs e)
            //initialize new instances of Burn and Sunscreen
            Reacts    = new Reactions();
            Lotion    = new Lotions();
            Sunscreen = new SunscreenProtection();
            Burn      = new Sunburn();

            Helper.Content.InvalidateCache("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles"); //Refresh TV weather info

            IsSaveReady = true;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>Apply aloe vera gel to the specified player, reducing burn level and healing accordingly with an HUD message.</summary>
        /// <param name="who">The player to be treated with aloe gel</param>
        public void ApplyAloeGel(Farmer who = null)
            who = who ?? Game1.player;
            Sunburn burn = ModEntry.Instance.Burn;

            int initialLevel = burn.SunburnLevel;

            //apply the gel's effects
            burn.SunburnLevel -= 1;

            //if the gel had an effect
            if (initialLevel != burn.SunburnLevel)
                who.health   = Math.Min(who.maxHealth, who.health + Config.HealthLossPerLevel);
                who.Stamina += (float)Config.EnergyLossPerLevel;
                if (Config.DebugMode)
                    Monitor.Log($"Current health: {who.health}/{who.maxHealth} | Current stamina: {who.Stamina}/{who.MaxStamina}", LogLevel.Info);

                Item   gel         = Game1.player.ActiveObject;
                string messagetext = i18n.Get("Apply.AloeGel", new { lotionName = gel.DisplayName });
                Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(messagetext, 4)); //stamina_type HUD message
                Monitor.Log($"Applied aloe gel: {messagetext}", LogLevel.Info);

                burn.DisplaySunburnStatus(); //Info: new sunburn level, or healed if healed
                string messagetext = i18n.Get("Apply.AloeNoEffect");
                Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(messagetext, 2)); //Exclamation mark message type
                Monitor.Log($"Applied aloe gel: {messagetext}", LogLevel.Info);

            //TODO: make skin briefly green????

            //Prevent using aloe again today
            HasAppliedAloeToday = true;