public void SummonMenu() { isLeavingMenu = false; if( isEnteringMenu ) { return; } isEnteringMenu = true; this.activeMenu = this.commandBox; mainBox.rendernode.Reverse(); commandBox.rendernode.Reverse(); smallBox.rendernode.Reverse(); mainBox.rendernode.OnStop += _enterMenuEvent; mainBox.rendernode.OnStop -= _exitMenuEvent; }
public MainMenu() { Color[] boxcolors = new Color[3]; boxcolors[0] = new Color( 0, 0, 0 ); boxcolors[1] = new Color( 112, 112, 112 ); boxcolors[2] = new Color( 144, 144, 144 ); activeBgColor = new Texture2D(, 1, 1, false, SurfaceFormat.Color ); activeBgColor.SetData(new[] { new Color(140, 0, 140) }); inactiveBgColor = new Texture2D(, 1, 1, false, SurfaceFormat.Color ); inactiveBgColor.SetData(new[] { new Color(0, 0, 0) }); ControlDelegate cd1 = ( DirectionalButtons dir, VERGEActions action ) => { if( commandBox.child != null ) { commandBox.child.OnControlUpdate( dir, action ); } else { throw new System.InvalidOperationException( "The commandbox is always supposed to have a child set." ); } }; ControlDelegate updateCommand = ( DirectionalButtons dir, VERGEActions action ) => { if( action.cancel.pressed ) { DismissMenu(); } if( action.confirm.pressed ) { mainBox.child = activeMenu = menus[menuOrder[commandBox.cursor]]; /// turn on the partyCursor. (-1 is the off state.) if( activeMenu.has_party_select ) { this.partyCursor = 0; activeMenu.cursor = -1; } highlightedMenu = mainBox; } if( dir.up.DelayPress() ) { commandBox.cursor--; if( commandBox.cursor < 0 ) commandBox.cursor = 5; } else if( dir.down.DelayPress() ) { commandBox.cursor++; if( commandBox.cursor > 5 ) commandBox.cursor = 0; } }; SullyGame game =; RenderDelegate drawMainbox = ( int x, int y ) => { int mainBoxMarginX = 8; int mainBoxMarginY = 5; mainBox.UpdateBounds( x, y ); game.spritebatch.Draw( GetHighlightBg(highlightedMenu == mainBox), mainBox.color_bounds, Color.White * .5f ); game.spritebatch.Draw( mainBox.image, mainBox.bounds, Color.White ); if( mainBox.child != null ) { mainBox.child.OnDraw( x + mainBoxMarginX, y + mainBoxMarginY ); } else { } }; RenderDelegate drawCommandbox = ( int x, int y ) => { commandBox.UpdateBounds( x, y ); game.spritebatch.Draw(GetHighlightBg(highlightedMenu == commandBox), commandBox.color_bounds, Color.White * .5f); game.spritebatch.Draw( commandBox.image, commandBox.bounds, Color.White ); int mx = 15; int my = 15; int yOffs = 5; int mi = 0; commandBox.PrintText( ">", mx - 10, yOffs + my * commandBox.cursor ); for( int i = 0; i < menuOrder.Length; i++ ) { commandBox.PrintText( menuOrder[i], mx, yOffs + my * mi++ ); } }; RenderDelegate drawSmallbox = ( int x, int y ) => { smallBox.UpdateBounds( x, y ); game.spritebatch.Draw( GetHighlightBg(highlightedMenu == commandBox), smallBox.color_bounds, Color.White * .5f ); game.spritebatch.Draw( smallBox.image, smallBox.bounds, Color.White ); int y1 = 0; string m = "" +; smallBox.PrintText( "Clams:", 6, y1 ); y1 += 10; smallBox.PrintTextRight( m, 61, y1 ); y1 += 20; smallBox.PrintText( MainMenu.getFormattedTime(, 6, y1 ); }; mainBox = new MenuBox( _.MakeBox( 220, 220, boxcolors ), 10, 10, -220, 10, cd1, drawMainbox ); commandBox = new MenuBox( _.MakeBox( 70, 160, boxcolors ), 240, 10, 320, 10, updateCommand, drawCommandbox ); smallBox = new MenuBox( _.MakeBox( 70, 50, boxcolors ), 240,180, 320, 180, null, drawSmallbox ); this.activeMenu = this.commandBox; this.highlightedMenu = this.commandBox; state = MenuState.Active; menuOrder = new String[6]; menuOrder[0] = "ITEM"; menuOrder[1] = "SKILL"; menuOrder[2] = "EQUIP"; menuOrder[3] = "STATUS"; menuOrder[4] = "OPTION"; menuOrder[5] = "SAVE"; RenderDelegate drawItem = ( int x, int y ) => { int menu_start = 0; if( menu_start + 9 < itemBox.cursor ) { menu_start = itemBox.cursor - 9; } else if( menu_start > itemBox.cursor && itemBox.cursor >= 0 ) { menu_start = itemBox.cursor - 1; } itemBox.PrintText( "Supply", 20, 18, ( itemSubmenu == 0 ) ? Color.White : Color.DarkGray ); itemBox.PrintText( "Equip", 100, 18, ( itemSubmenu == 1 ) ? Color.White : Color.DarkGray ); itemBox.PrintText( "Key", 186, 18, ( itemSubmenu == 2 ) ? Color.White : Color.DarkGray ); int _x = x; int _y = y + 20; int displayNumber = 10; List<ItemSlot> curInv =; switch( itemSubmenu ) { case 0: curInv =; break; case 1: curInv =; break; case 2: curInv =; break; } if( curInv.Count == 0 ) { itemBox.MenuDrawSubWindow( game.GraphicsDevice, _x, _y, _x + 200, _y + 180, itemBox.cursor, 13, 1, 0, 0 ); itemBox.PrintText( "No items.", _x + 32, _y ); } else { itemBox.MenuDrawSubWindow(game.GraphicsDevice, _x, _y, _x + 200, _y + 150, itemBox.cursor, lineSize, curInv.Count, menu_start, 4); _y += 4; itemBox.DrawItemList( _x, _y, lineSize, menu_start, displayNumber, curInv, true ); int j = itemBox.cursor; itemBox.PrintManyText( _.autotext(curInv[j].item.description, 190), _x, _y + 142 ); } }; RenderDelegate drawSkill = ( int x, int y ) => { itemBox.PrintText( "Skill...", x, y ); }; RenderDelegate drawOption = ( int x, int y ) => { itemBox.PrintText( "Option...", x, y ); }; RenderDelegate drawSave = ( int x, int y ) => { itemBox.PrintText( "Save...", x, y ); }; RenderDelegate drawParty = ( int x, int y ) => { int i = 0; foreach( PartyMember pm in ) { int _y = y + ( 43 * i ); int _x = x - 8; if( this.partyCursor == i ) { partyBox.PrintText( ">", x-3, _y ); } Color lightColor = ( this.partyCursor >= 0 && this.partyCursor == i ) ? Color.White : Color.DarkGray; Color darkColor = ( this.partyCursor >= 0 && this.partyCursor == i ) ? Color.LightGray : Color.DarkGray; pm.ent.DrawAt(x + pm.ent.hitbox.X - pm.ent.destination.X, _y + pm.ent.hitbox.Y - pm.ent.destination.Y, 0); partyBox.PrintText(, _x + 32, _y, lightColor ); partyBox.PrintText(, _x + 90, _y, darkColor ); partyBox.PrintTextRight( "LV. ", x + 200, _y, darkColor ); partyBox.PrintTextRight( "" + pm.level, x + 200, _y, darkColor ); partyBox.PrintText( "HP: " + pm.cur_hp + "/" + pm.getStat( Stat.HP ), _x + 33, _y + 10, lightColor ); partyBox.PrintText( "MP: " + pm.cur_mp + "/" + pm.getStat( Stat.MP ), _x + 32, _y + 20, lightColor ); i++; } }; RenderDelegate _drawStatusTop = ( int _x, int _y ) => { Stat s; PartyMember pm =[this.partyCursor]; pm.ent.DrawAt(_x + pm.ent.hitbox.X - pm.ent.destination.X, _y + pm.ent.hitbox.Y - pm.ent.destination.Y, 0); statusBox.PrintText(, _x + 24, _y ); statusBox.PrintText(, _x + 32, _y + 12 ); statusBox.PrintText( "Level:", _x + 112, _y ); statusBox.PrintTextRight( "" + pm.level, _x + 190, _y ); statusBox.PrintText( "HP:", _x + 112, _y + 12 ); statusBox.PrintTextRight( "" + pm.cur_hp + "/" + pm.getStat( Stat.HP ), _x + 190, _y + 12 ); statusBox.PrintText( "MP:", _x + 112, _y + 24 ); statusBox.PrintTextRight( "" + pm.cur_mp + "/" + pm.getStat( Stat.MP ), _x + 190, _y + 24 ); // if( pretendEquipItem == null ) { for (int i = 0; i < PartyMember.NUM_STATS; i++ ) { s = (Stat)i; statusBox.MenuPrintStat(_x + 8, _y + 4, s, pm.getStat(s), Color.White); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < PartyMember.NUM_STATS; i++) { s = (Stat)i; int ps = pm.getPretendStat( s, pretendEquipSlotName, this.pretendEquipItem ); int rs = pm.getStat( s ); if( ps > rs ) { statusBox.MenuPrintStat( _x + 8, _y + 4, s, ps, Color.LimeGreen ); } else if( ps < rs ) { statusBox.MenuPrintStat( _x + 8, _y + 4, s, ps, Color.Red ); } else { statusBox.MenuPrintStat( _x + 8, _y + 4, s, ps, Color.White ); } } } }; RenderDelegate drawEquip = ( int x, int y ) => { PartyMember pm =[this.partyCursor]; int _x = x + 4; int _y = y + 4; _drawStatusTop( _x, _y ); if( equipSlotSubmenu < 0 ) { for( int i = 0; i < PartyMember.equipment_slot_order.Length; i++ ) { equipBox.PrintText( PartyMember.equipment_slot_order[i].ToUpper(), _x + 8, _y + 94 + ( i * 12 ) ); Item item =[PartyMember.equipment_slot_order[i]].getItem(); if( item != null ) { equipBox.PrintText(, _x + 72, _y + 94 + ( i * 12 ) ); } else { equipBox.PrintText( "(none)", _x + 72, _y + 94 + ( i * 12 ), Color.DarkGray ); } } if( equipBox.cursor < 0 ) equipBox.cursor = 0; equipBox.PrintText( ">", _x, _y + 94 + ( equipBox.cursor * 12 ) ); Item curItem =[PartyMember.equipment_slot_order[equipBox.cursor]].getItem(); if( curItem != null ) { equipBox.PrintManyText( _.autotext( curItem.description, 190 ), _x, _y + 153 ); } else { equipBox.PrintText( "No item equipped.", _x, _y + 160, Color.DarkGray ); } } else { int menu_start = 0; if( menu_start + 3 < equipBox.cursor ) { menu_start = equipBox.cursor - 3; } else if( menu_start > equipBox.cursor && equipBox.cursor >= 0 ) { menu_start = equipBox.cursor - 1; } equipBox.MenuDrawSubWindow(game.GraphicsDevice, _x, _y + 93, _x + 200, _y + 151, equipBox.cursor, lineSize,, menu_start, 4); equipBox.DrawItemList( _x, _y + 93, lineSize, menu_start, 4,, false ); equipBox.PrintManyText( _.autotext([equipBox.cursor].item.description, 190 ), _x, _y + 153 ); } }; RenderDelegate drawStatus = ( int x, int y ) => { if( this.partyCursor >= 0 && this.partyCursor == statusBox.cursor ) { PartyMember pm =[this.partyCursor]; int _x = x + 4; int _y = y + 4; _drawStatusTop( _x, _y ); statusBox.PrintText( "EXP " + pm.cur_xp, _x + 8, _y + 100 ); statusBox.PrintText( "NEXT " + pm.getXpUntilNextLevel(), _x + 104, _y + 100 ); equipBox.PrintManyText( _.autotext( pm.description, 190 ), _x, _y + 170 ); } else { drawParty( x, y ); } }; ControlDelegate updatePartySelect = ( DirectionalButtons dir, VERGEActions action ) => { int partySize =; if( dir.up.DelayPress() || dir.left.DelayPress() ) { this.partyCursor--; if( this.partyCursor < 0 ) this.partyCursor = partySize - 1; } else if( dir.down.DelayPress() || dir.right.DelayPress() ) { this.partyCursor++; if( this.partyCursor >= partySize ) this.partyCursor = 0; } }; ControlDelegate updateItem = ( DirectionalButtons dir, VERGEActions action ) => { if( action.cancel.pressed ) { LeaveMainMenu(); } int menuMax = 0; switch( itemSubmenu ) { case 0: menuMax =; break; case 1: menuMax =; break; case 2: menuMax =; break; } if( dir.up.DelayPress() ) { itemBox.cursor--; if( itemBox.cursor < 0 ) itemBox.cursor = menuMax-1; } else if( dir.down.DelayPress() ) { itemBox.cursor++; if( itemBox.cursor >= menuMax ) itemBox.cursor = 0; } if( dir.left.DelayPress() ) { itemSubmenu--; itemBox.cursor = 0; if( itemSubmenu < 0 ) itemSubmenu = 2; } else if( dir.right.DelayPress() ) { itemSubmenu++; itemBox.cursor = 0; if( itemSubmenu > 2 ) itemSubmenu = 0; } }; ControlDelegate updateSkill = ( DirectionalButtons dir, VERGEActions action ) => { if( action.cancel.pressed ) { LeaveMainMenu(); } }; ControlDelegate updateEquip = ( DirectionalButtons dir, VERGEActions action ) => { if( equipSlotSubmenu < 0 ) { if( action.cancel.pressed ) { LeaveMainMenu(); } if( equipBox.cursor < 0 ) { equipBox.cursor = 0; } if( dir.up.DelayPress() ) { equipBox.cursor--; if( equipBox.cursor < 0 ) equipBox.cursor = PartyMember.equipment_slot_order.Length - 1; } else if( dir.down.DelayPress() ) { equipBox.cursor++; if( equipBox.cursor >= PartyMember.equipment_slot_order.Length ) equipBox.cursor = 0; } if( action.confirm.pressed ) { equipSlotSubmenu = equipBox.cursor; equipBox.cursor = 0; PartyMember pm =[this.partyCursor]; pretendEquipSlotName = PartyMember.equipment_slot_order[equipSlotSubmenu]; subEquipment = pm.klass,[pretendEquipSlotName].getSlotType() ); } } else { if( action.cancel.pressed ) { equipBox.cursor = equipSlotSubmenu; equipSlotSubmenu = -1; subEquipment = null; pretendEquipSlotName = ""; pretendEquipItem = null; } else { if( dir.up.DelayPress() ) { equipBox.cursor--; if( equipBox.cursor < 0 ) equipBox.cursor = - 1; } else if( dir.down.DelayPress() ) { equipBox.cursor++; if( equipBox.cursor >= ) equipBox.cursor = 0; } pretendEquipItem =[equipBox.cursor].item; if( action.confirm.pressed ) { PartyMember pm =[this.partyCursor];[PartyMember.equipment_slot_order[equipSlotSubmenu]].Dequip( ); if([equipBox.cursor].item != Item.none ) {[PartyMember.equipment_slot_order[equipSlotSubmenu]].Equip([equipBox.cursor].item, ); } equipBox.cursor = equipSlotSubmenu; equipSlotSubmenu = -1; subEquipment = null; pretendEquipSlotName = ""; pretendEquipItem = null; } } } }; ControlDelegate updateStatus = ( DirectionalButtons dir, VERGEActions action ) => { if( this.partyCursor >= 0 && statusBox.cursor < 0 ) { updatePartySelect( dir, action ); if( action.confirm.pressed ) { statusBox.cursor = this.partyCursor; } if( action.cancel.pressed ) { LeaveMainMenu(); } } else { if( action.cancel.pressed ) { statusBox.cursor = -1; } } }; ControlDelegate updateOption = ( DirectionalButtons dir, VERGEActions action ) => { if( action.cancel.pressed ) { LeaveMainMenu(); } }; ControlDelegate updateSave = ( DirectionalButtons dir, VERGEActions action ) => { if( action.cancel.pressed ) { LeaveMainMenu(); } }; ControlDelegate updateParty = ( DirectionalButtons dir, VERGEActions action ) => { if( action.cancel.pressed ) { LeaveMainMenu(); } }; itemBox = new MenuBox(updateItem, drawItem ); skillBox = new MenuBox( updateSkill, drawSkill ); equipBox = new MenuBox( updateEquip, drawEquip ); statusBox = new MenuBox( updateStatus, drawStatus ); optionBox = new MenuBox( updateOption, drawOption ); saveBox = new MenuBox( updateSave, drawSave ); skillBox.has_party_select = true; equipBox.has_party_select = true; statusBox.has_party_select = true; menus[menuOrder[0]] = itemBox; menus[menuOrder[1]] = skillBox; menus[menuOrder[2]] = equipBox; menus[menuOrder[3]] = statusBox; menus[menuOrder[4]] = optionBox; menus[menuOrder[5]] = saveBox; partyBox = new MenuBox( updateParty, drawParty ); mainBox.child = partyBox; }
public void LeaveMainMenu() { activeMenu = commandBox; highlightedMenu = commandBox; mainBox.child = partyBox; this.partyCursor = -1; this.equipSlotSubmenu = -1; }