Пример #1
        internal override List <int> GetPencilmarkList(NakedHiddenFinder hiddenFinder)
            List <int> returnValue = hiddenFinder.ActionBits

Пример #2
        internal override List <int> GetLocationList(NakedHiddenFinder hiddenFinder)
            int mask = 0;

            .Select(i => hiddenFinder.MapBits[i])
            .ForEach(pmsign => mask |= pmsign);

            List <int> returnValue = mask.ListOfBits();

Пример #3
 internal override List <int> GetLocationList(NakedHiddenFinder hiddenFinder)
Пример #4
 internal override List <int> GetPencilmarkList(NakedHiddenFinder hiddenFinder)
Пример #5
        public override bool FindPattern(GameBoard board)
            // The algorithm is the same for finding naked or hidden values.  For naked:
            // an array of integers where each integer is a set of bits for the pencilmarks.
            // (e.g. 01 0110 0010 == 0x162 which mean pencilmark 1, 5, 6, and 8 are set.  The
            // LSB is position 0), and the index in the array is a cell position in the line.
            // For Hidden:  Swap the meaning: The bits are the positions in the line and the
            // index is the pencilmark.
            // Start from the beginning in the array.   Its content is a cumulative mask.
            // If the cumulative mask has more than the goal bits, it is thrown away and the
            // next one is considered.   If N bits are found in a mask using N entries in the
            // array, then there are N of N which is what is being searched for.   Once found,
            // a "final approval method" is invoked to check if the set is good.  The approval
            // is determined to be good if there are pencilmarks to turn off. (for naked, in
            // other positions in the line.  for hidden: more pencilmarks in the same cells
            // (other than the N found (e.g. found 1,2,3 but cell also has 2,7 which can be
            // turned off.  Since there is a large number of combinations the best approach
            // to try promising ones and discard useless ones quickly is to use recursion.
            // Since a board has a small number of cells (9 or so) the recursion depth is not
            // an issue.

            Board = board;
            for (int coord = Coord.ROWS; coord <= Coord.SECTIONS; coord++)
                List <List <Cell> > allLines = Board.GetAllLines(coord);
                foreach (List <Cell> line in allLines)
                    var hiddenFinder = new NakedHiddenFinder();
                    int dim          = line.Count + 1;
                    hiddenFinder.MapBits   = CreateMapBits(line);
                    hiddenFinder.MapLength = hiddenFinder.MapBits.Count;

                    // Step 2:  Search for N of N values
                    int maxGoal = hiddenFinder.MapBits.Count(t => t != 0);
                    if (maxGoal == 0)

                    int goal = 1;
                    for (; goal < maxGoal; goal++)
                        if (hiddenFinder.Search(goal))

                    // Finally set the information as related to cells, and information
                    if (goal == maxGoal)

                    LineCoordinate = coord;
                    int        indexLine    = line[0].GetCoordinate(LineCoordinate);
                    List <int> locationList = GetLocationList(hiddenFinder);
                    patternCells = locationList.Select(i => line[i]).ToList();

                    PencilmarkList = GetPencilmarkList(hiddenFinder);
                    Solution       = new SolveInfo();
                    int pmMask = GetPencilmarkMask();

                    int patternPMs = 0;
                    patternCells.ForEach(cell => patternPMs |= cell.PMSignature);

                    .Select(loc => line[loc])
                    .ForEach(cell => Solution.AddAction(cell, CellRole.Pattern,
                                                        GetPmFindings(cell, patternPMs, PMRole.Pattern)));

                    List <int> solutionPMs = pmMask.ListOfBits();
                    affectedCells.ForEach(affCell =>
                                          Solution.AddAction(affCell, AffectedCellRole,
                                                                           new int[] { pmMask, patternPMs },
                                                                           new PMRole[] { PMRole.Remove, PMRole.Pattern })));

                    .ForEach(cell => Solution.AddAction(cell, CellRole.InvolvedLine));


Пример #6
 internal abstract List <int> GetPencilmarkList(NakedHiddenFinder hiddenFinder);
Пример #7
 internal abstract List <int> GetLocationList(NakedHiddenFinder hiddenFinder);
Пример #8
        private bool MakesUniqueRectangle(List <Cell> firstTwo)
            int    keySignature = firstTwo[0].PMSignature;
            string csvAffected, csvPattern, csvHalf2;
            int    commonCoord;
            int    lineIndex;

            if ((lineIndex = firstTwo[0].RowIndex) == firstTwo[1].RowIndex)
                commonCoord = Coord.ROW;
            else if ((lineIndex = firstTwo[0].ColIndex) == firstTwo[1].ColIndex)
                commonCoord = Coord.COL;

            int        diffCoord   = 1 - commonCoord;
            List <int> cellIndexes = firstTwo
                                     .Select(cell => cell.GetCoordinate(diffCoord))

            List <List <Cell> > workLine = (commonCoord == Coord.ROW) ? allRows : allColumns;
            List <List <Cell> > secondHalfLineCandidates = workLine
                                                           .Where(line => line[0].GetCoordinate(commonCoord) != lineIndex &&
                                                                  (line[cellIndexes[0]].PMSignature & keySignature) == keySignature &&
                                                                  (line[cellIndexes[1]].PMSignature & keySignature) == keySignature)

            foreach (List <Cell> half2Line in secondHalfLineCandidates)
                int         half2PencilmarkCount = 0;
                List <Cell> half2 = new List <Cell> {
                    half2Line[cellIndexes[0]], half2Line[cellIndexes[1]]
                if (firstTwo.Union(half2)
                    .Select(cell => cell.GetCoordinate(Coord.SECTION))
                    .Count() != 2)

                List <Cell> half2ManyPMs = half2.Where(cell => cell.PencilMarkCount > 2).ToList();
                half2.ForEach(cell => half2PencilmarkCount += cell.PencilMarkCount);
                int pmOtherMask;

                // Unique Rectangle - Type 1
                // 3 cells in the rectangle have 2 options, and the 4th cell has more.
                // In the 4th cell, the 2 common options should be turned off.
                if (half2ManyPMs.Count == 1)
                    Solution = new SolveInfo();
                    Cell solutionCell = half2ManyPMs[0];

                    patternCells = new List <Cell>(firstTwo);
                    patternCells.ForEach(cell => Solution.AddAction(cell, CellRole.Pattern,
                                                                    GetPmFindings(cell, keySignature, PMRole.Pattern)));

                    affectedCells = half2ManyPMs;
                    Solution.AddAction(solutionCell, CellRole.Pattern,
                                       GetPmFindings(solutionCell, keySignature, PMRole.Remove));

                    patternCells.Add(solutionCell);  // to include in description
                    csvPattern  = CellsInCsvFormat(patternCells);
                    csvAffected = CellsInCsvFormat(affectedCells);
                    string csvValues       = PMsInCsvFormat(keySignature.ListOfBits());
                    string csvSolutionCell = CellsInCsvFormat(solutionCell);
                    Solution.Description = $"Unique Rectangle - Type 1 : Cell {csvAffected} cannot " +
                                           $"have values {csvValues}. Otherwise a deadly pattern would form in cells {csvPattern}. " +
                                           $"Therefore these values can be ruled out for that cell.";


                // Possible case of Unique Rectangle - Type 2
                // 2 cells have 3 pencilmarks set (the same 3 for both), so one of the
                // 2 cells must be the 3rd value.   No other cells in the line (and section)
                // can hold that value.
                if (half2PencilmarkCount == 6 &&
                    half2[0].PMSignature == half2[1].PMSignature)
                    Solution = new SolveInfo();
                    int mask = half2[0].PMSignature ^ keySignature;
                    affectedCells = half2Line.Except(half2)
                                    .Where(cell => (cell.PMSignature & mask) != 0)

                    if (affectedCells.Count != 0)
                        List <Cell> affectedInGroup = Board
                                                      .GetLine(Coord.SECTION, half2[0].GetCoordinate(Coord.SECTION))
                                                      .Where(cell => (cell.PMSignature & mask) != 0)

                        patternCells = new List <Cell>(firstTwo);
                        .ForEach(cell => Solution.AddAction(cell, CellRole.Affected,
                                                            GetPmFindings(cell, mask, PMRole.Remove)));

                        Board.GetLine(commonCoord, lineIndex)
                        .ForEach(cell => Solution.AddAction(cell, CellRole.InvolvedLine));

                        int iValue = mask.ListOfBits()[0];
                        csvPattern  = CellsInCsvFormat(patternCells);
                        csvAffected = CellsInCsvFormat(affectedCells);
                        csvHalf2    = CellsInCsvFormat(half2);

                        Solution.Description = $"Unique Rectangle - Type 2: Value {iValue} has to " +
                                               $"be present in one of cells {csvHalf2} to avoid a deadly pattern (where the  puzzle " +
                                               $"would have 2 solutions). Therefore, value 2 cannot be present in any of " +
                                               $"cells {csvAffected}.";


                // Possible case of Unique Rectangle - Type 3
                // 2 cells have 3 or 4 pencilmarks.  The extra pencilmarks are treated as if
                // they were all in a single cell, and a naked pattern is searched for in the line
                // using these extra values.
                // Example: 4 cells have pencilmarks 3,9 - 3,9 - 1,5,3,9 - 1,5,3,9 .  The extra
                // values (1 and 5) are treated as being in a single cell, and a naked pattern is
                // searched for.  If 2 other cells have (1,4) and (4,5), then the 2 cells and the
                // virtual cell form a naked cell group of size 3 with values 1, 4, 5, and the naked
                // rule is applied accordingly on the line.
                if (half2PencilmarkCount >= 6 && half2PencilmarkCount <= 8)
                        int pmsVirtualCell = 0;
                        half2.ForEach(cell => pmsVirtualCell |= cell.PMSignature);
                        pmsVirtualCell ^= firstTwo[0].PMSignature;
                        if (pmsVirtualCell.NumberOfBitsSet() != 2)

                        // clear one of the virtual cells completely
                        List <Cell> virtualLine = half2Line.Select(t => t.Clone()).ToList();

                        // change the pencilmarks in the other cell to match the virtual definition
                        virtualLine[cellIndexes[0]].SetValue(0);  // clear pencilmarks

                        // Now perform a search for a naked rule set
                        NakedHiddenFinder finder = new NakedHiddenFinder();
                        finder.MapBits   = NakedValuesRule.CreateMapBitsFromLine(virtualLine);
                        finder.MapLength = virtualLine.Count;
                        if (!finder.Search(2 /*goal*/) && !finder.Search(3 /*goal*/))

                        int pmsVirtualGroup = finder.ActionIndexes
                                              .Select(i => half2Line[i].PMSignature)

                        affectedCells = new List <Cell>();
                        Solution      = new SolveInfo();

                        pmOtherMask   = finder.ActionBits.BitMerge();
                        affectedCells = half2Line
                                        .Except(finder.ActionIndexes.Select(i => half2Line[i]).ToList())
                                        .Where(cell => (cell.PMSignature & pmOtherMask) != 0)

                        affectedCells.ForEach(cell => Solution.AddAction(cell, CellRole.Affected,
                                                                         GetPmFindings(cell, pmOtherMask, PMRole.Remove)));

                        int deadlySignature = firstTwo[0].PMSignature;
                        firstTwo.ForEach(cell => Solution.AddAction(cell, CellRole.Pattern,
                                                                    GetPmFindings(cell, deadlySignature, PMRole.Pattern)));

                        half2.ForEach(cell => Solution.AddAction(cell, CellRole.Pattern,
                                                                               new int[] { deadlySignature, pmsVirtualCell },
                                                                               new PMRole[] { PMRole.Pattern, PMRole.ChainColor1 })));

                        List <Cell> virtualGroup = finder.ActionIndexes
                                                   .Select(i => half2Line[i])

                        virtualGroup.ForEach(cell => Solution.AddAction(cell, CellRole.InvolvedLine,
                                                                        GetPmFindings(cell, pmsVirtualGroup, PMRole.ChainColor1)));

                        List <Cell> deadlyCells = firstTwo.Union(half2).ToList();
                        patternCells = deadlyCells
                                       .Union(finder.ActionIndexes.Select(indexCell => half2Line[indexCell]))

                        List <Cell> line = Board.GetLine(commonCoord, half2[0].GetCoordinate(commonCoord));
                        .ForEach(cell => Solution.AddAction(cell, CellRole.InvolvedLine));

                        csvAffected = CellsInCsvFormat(affectedCells);
                        csvPattern  = CellsInCsvFormat(patternCells);
                        csvHalf2    = CellsInCsvFormat(half2);
                        string csvDeadly       = CellsInCsvFormat(deadlyCells);
                        string csvValues       = PMsInCsvFormat(pmOtherMask.ListOfBits());
                        string csvPmVirtual    = PMsInCsvFormat(pmsVirtualCell.ListOfBits());
                        string commonCoordName = (commonCoord == Coord.ROW) ? "row" : "column";
                        string csvNakedGroup   = PMsInCsvFormat((pmOtherMask | pmsVirtualCell).ListOfBits());

                        Solution.Description = string.Format("Unique Rectangle Type 3: Cells {0} form a single " +
                                                             "virtual cell with pencilmarks {1}. A deadly pattern in cells {2} cannot take " +
                                                             "place.  One of values {1} has to be present in cells {0} (Naked rule applied " +
                                                             "using virtual cell for pencilmarks {3}) .  Options {5} can be removed from cells " +
                                                             "{6}.", csvHalf2, csvPmVirtual, csvDeadly, csvNakedGroup, commonCoordName,
                                                             csvValues, csvAffected);

                    }while (false);  // builds a common exit point

                // Last case: Unique Rectangle - Type 4
                // 2 cells have many more pencilmarks set. One of the extra values HAS to be
                // the solution for one of the cells.  Then the 4th cell cannot hold the other
                // value (of the deadly rectangle) or else a deadly pattern would form
                if (half2PencilmarkCount < 6)

                List <Cell> analysisCells = half2Line

                List <int> pmAnalysis = keySignature.ListOfBits();
                int        pmWork     = pmAnalysis.FirstOrDefault(pm => analysisCells.FirstOrDefault(
                                                                      cell => cell.IsPencilmarkSet(pm)) == null);

                if (pmWork == 0)

                Solution = new SolveInfo();
                int pmOther = pmAnalysis.FirstOrDefault(t => t != pmWork);
                affectedCells = half2.Where(cell => cell.IsPencilmarkSet(pmOther)).ToList();
                patternCells  = firstTwo.Union(half2).Except(affectedCells).ToList();
                pmOtherMask   = 1 << pmOther;
                int pmWorkMask = 1 << pmWork;

                affectedCells.ForEach(cell => Solution.AddAction(cell, CellRole.Pattern,
                                                                               new int[] { pmOtherMask, pmWorkMask }, new PMRole[] { PMRole.Remove, PMRole.Pattern })));

                patternCells.ForEach(cell => Solution.AddAction(cell, CellRole.Pattern,
                                                                GetPmFindings(cell, pmWorkMask | pmOtherMask, PMRole.Pattern)));

                lineIndex = half2[0].GetCoordinate(commonCoord);
                Board.GetLine(commonCoord, lineIndex)
                .ForEach(cell => Solution.AddAction(cell, CellRole.InvolvedLine));

                patternCells.AddRange(affectedCells);  // to build description
                csvAffected = CellsInCsvFormat(affectedCells);
                csvPattern  = CellsInCsvFormat(patternCells);
                csvHalf2    = CellsInCsvFormat(half2);
                string lineName = (commonCoord == Coord.ROW) ? "row" : "column";
                Solution.Description = string.Format("Unique Rectangle - Type 4: Either one of cells {0}" +
                                                     "must have value {1}.  If the other cell of the two had value {2}, the 4 cells {3} " +
                                                     "would form a deadly pattern.  Since this cannot happen, cell {4} cannot hold value {2}.",
                                                     csvHalf2, pmWork, pmOther, csvPattern, csvAffected, lineName);

