//Add Inactive Store public void AddInactiveStore(StoreDTO storeDTO) { DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); string query = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[Store] ([StoreNumber] ,[StoreName] ,[ConnectionString] ,[IsStoreActive] ,[CreatedDateTime] ,[LastUpdateDateTime]) VALUES(" + SQLUtility.getInteger(storeDTO.StoreNumber) + " , " + "" + SQLUtility.getString(storeDTO.StoreName) + "," + SQLUtility.getString(storeDTO.ConnectionString) + ",'" + storeDTO.IsActive + "','" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDDWtithTime(DateTime.Now) + "','" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDDWtithTime(DateTime.Now) + "')"; db.ExecuteUpdate(query); }
public JsonResult Addstore(string snumber, string sname, string connstring) { try { StoreModel sm = new StoreModel(); if (!ValidationUtility.IsNull(snumber) && !ValidationUtility.IsNull(sname)) { int storeNumber = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(snumber); bool flag = sm.IsStoreExist(storeNumber, sname); if (!flag) { StoreDTO storeDTO = new StoreDTO(); storeDTO.StoreNumber = storeNumber; storeDTO.StoreName = sname; storeDTO.ConnectionString = connstring; sm.AddInactiveStore(storeDTO); string msg = "Recored Added Successfully"; return Json(msg, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); //if (!ValidationUtility.IsNull(connstring)) //{ // sm.AddStore(storeNumber, sname, connstring); // string msg = "Recored Added Successfully"; // return Json(msg, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); //} //else //{ // StoreDTO storeDTO = new StoreDTO(); // storeDTO.StoreNumber = storeNumber; // storeDTO.StoreName = sname; // sm.AddInactiveStore(storeDTO); //} } else { string msg = "Store Already Exist"; return Json(msg, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } string msg1 = " Recored Not Added Successfully "; return Json(msg1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
//Code for Area manager // Get AreaManager AssignStore Information public ArrayList GetAreaMngAssignStore(int userId) { ArrayList assigneStore = new ArrayList(); DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; try { string query = "select su.Id,s.StoreName,s.Id from dbo.StoreUser su, dbo.Store s where s.Id = su.StoreId and su.UserId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(userId) + " "; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { int uId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[0].ToString()); string storeName = reader[1].ToString(); int sId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader[2].ToString()); StoreDTO dto = new StoreDTO { Id = uId, StoreName = storeName, StoreId = sId }; assigneStore.Add(dto); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(" Exception in GetAreaMngAssignStore Method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return assigneStore; }
// Get All StoreList from local database public ArrayList GetStoreList() { ArrayList collection = new ArrayList(); DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; try { string query = "select Id,StoreNumber,StoreName,ConnectionString from dbo.Store "; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { int id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["Id"].ToString()); int sNumber = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["StoreNumber"].ToString()); string strorName = reader["StoreName"].ToString(); string connectionString = reader["ConnectionString"].ToString(); StoreDTO dto = new StoreDTO { Id = id, StoreNumber = sNumber, StoreName = strorName, ConnectionString = connectionString }; collection.Add(dto); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetStoreList Method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return collection; }
// Get Bank Deposit Amount from local data base of week wise public DepositDTO GetBankDepositListFromLocalDB(DateTime selectDate, StoreDTO storeDTO, bool checkAgainToServer) { DepositDTO dto = null; try { ArrayList weekday = new ArrayList(); DateTime weekStartDate = ValidationUtility.GetActualWeekStartDate(selectDate); DateTime weekEndDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(6); DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); // ArrayList StoreList = GetStoreList(); // Check of only Current Date Week DateTime weekStartDateForCurrentDate = ValidationUtility.GetActualWeekStartDate(DateTime.Now); DateTime weekEndDateForCurrentDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(6); if (selectDate.Date >= weekStartDateForCurrentDate.Date && selectDate.Date <= weekEndDateForCurrentDate.Date) { if (checkAgainToServer) { List<DepositAmount> depositAmmountList = GetDepositAmountLocalDB(weekStartDate, weekEndDate, storeDTO.Id); if (depositAmmountList != null && depositAmmountList.Count > 0) { // Update Current Date Deposit Ammount DataTable dt = GetEachStoreDepositAmount(storeDTO.ConnectionString, selectDate); if (!ValidationUtility.IsNull(dt)) { DateTime currentDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day); DateTime businessDate = new DateTime(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { double depositAmount = 0; businessDate = ValidationUtility.ToDate(dt.Rows[i]["BusinessDate"].ToString()); if (businessDate.Date.Equals(currentDate.Date)) { depositAmount = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(dt.Rows[i]["DepositInBank"].ToString()); DepositAmount dammount = new DepositAmount { DepositBankAmount = depositAmount, BusinessDate = businessDate, WeekOfDay = businessDate.DayOfWeek.ToString() }; Update(dammount, storeDTO.Id); } } } } } } List<DepositAmount> depositUpdatedListAmmountList = GetDepositAmountLocalDB(weekStartDate, weekEndDate, storeDTO.Id); if (depositUpdatedListAmmountList != null && depositUpdatedListAmmountList.Count > 0) { dto = new DepositDTO { DepositAmount = depositUpdatedListAmmountList, StoreId = storeDTO.Id, StoreNumber = storeDTO.StoreNumber }; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetBankDepositListFromLocalDB method ", ex); } return dto; }
// Get Bank Deposit Amount from local data base of week wise public DepositDTO GetBankDepositListFromLocalDB(DateTime selectDate, StoreDTO storeDTO) { // ArrayList allDepositList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList weekday = new ArrayList(); DateTime weekStartDate = ValidationUtility.GetActualWeekStartDate(selectDate); DateTime weekEndDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(6); DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); DepositModel dmodel = new DepositModel(); // ArrayList StoreList = dmodel.GetStoreList(); ArrayList StoreList = ValidationUtility.GetActiveStoreList(true); List<DepositAmount> depositAmmountList = GetDepositAmountLocalDB(weekStartDate, weekEndDate, storeDTO.Id); DepositDTO dto = null; if (depositAmmountList != null && depositAmmountList.Count > 0) { dto = new DepositDTO { DepositAmount = depositAmmountList, StoreId = storeDTO.StoreNumber }; //allDepositList.Add(dto); } return dto; }
public JsonResult UpdateInActiveStore(string id, string storeName, string connectionString) { string error = ""; string msg = ""; try { StoreModel sm = new StoreModel(); if (!ValidationUtility.IsNull(id)) { int sId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(id); StoreDTO dto = new StoreDTO(); dto.Id = sId; dto.StoreName = storeName; dto.ConnectionString = connectionString; dto.IsActive = true; sm.AddStore(dto); error = "Success"; msg = "Store Connected Successfully"; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in UpdateInActiveStore method",ex); error = "Error"; msg = " Store is not connected."; } ResponseDTO resDTO = new ResponseDTO { Error = error, Message = msg }; return Json(resDTO, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
// Store Functionality public void AddStore(StoreDTO storeDTO) { int sNumber = storeDTO.StoreNumber; string sName = storeDTO.StoreName; string connectionString = storeDTO.ConnectionString; DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); try { ArrayList recordSale = new ArrayList(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.Add("Wednesday"); list.Add("Thursday"); list.Add("Friday"); list.Add("Saturday"); list.Add("Sunday"); list.Add("Monday"); list.Add("Tuesday"); foreach (string s in list) { RecordSalesDTO dto = new RecordSalesDTO(); DataTable dt = GetWeekDayRecord(connectionString, s, DateTime.Now); dto.DayOfWeek = s; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { dto.BusinessDate = (DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["BusinessDate"]; //dto.DayOfWeek = dt.Rows[i]["WeekOfDay"].ToString(); dto.SalesAmount = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(dt.Rows[i]["PerDaySale"].ToString()); } recordSale.Add(dto); } if (recordSale != null && recordSale.Count == 7) { //string query = " INSERT INTO [dbo].[Store]([StoreNumber],[StoreName],[ConnectionString]) VALUES(" + SQLUtility.getInteger(sNumber) + " , " // + " " + SQLUtility.getString(sName) + "," + SQLUtility.getString(connectionString) + " ) "; //db.ExecuteUpdate(query); UpdateStore(storeDTO); //int id = GetStoredId(sNumber); int id = storeDTO.Id; if (id != 0) { foreach (RecordSalesDTO dto in recordSale) { string query = " INSERT INTO [dbo].[RecordSales]([StoreId],[DayOfWeek],[BusinessDate],[SalesAmount],[CreatedDateTime],[LastUpdateDateTime]) " + " VALUES(" + SQLUtility.getInteger(id) + ", " + SQLUtility.getString(dto.DayOfWeek) + " , '" + dto.BusinessDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'," + SQLUtility.getDouble(dto.SalesAmount) + " " + " , '" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm tt") + "' ,'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm tt") + "') "; db.ExecuteUpdate(query); } } } // Add Previous Sales ArrayList openingList = GetAllOpeningInformationId(connectionString); foreach (int id in openingList) { DataTable dt = GetPreviousSales(connectionString, id); PerdaySalesDTO perdaySalesDTO = new PerdaySalesDTO(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { perdaySalesDTO.BusinessDate = (DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["BusinessDate"]; perdaySalesDTO.OpeningInformationId = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(dt.Rows[i]["OpeningInformationId"].ToString()); perdaySalesDTO.SalesAmount = ValidationUtility.ToDouble(dt.Rows[i]["PerDaySale"].ToString()); perdaySalesDTO.WeekOfDay = dt.Rows[i]["WeekOfDay"].ToString(); } int storeId = storeDTO.Id; string query = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[PerdaySales]([StoreId],[OpeningInformationId],[BusinessDate],[SalesAmount],[WeekOfDay],[CreatedDateTime],[LastUpdateDateTime]) VALUES ( " + " " + SQLUtility.getInteger(storeId) + " , " + SQLUtility.getInteger(perdaySalesDTO.OpeningInformationId) + " , '" + perdaySalesDTO.BusinessDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'," + "" + SQLUtility.getDouble(perdaySalesDTO.SalesAmount) + ", " + SQLUtility.getString(perdaySalesDTO.WeekOfDay) + ", '" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm tt") + "', '" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm tt") + "' ) "; db.ExecuteUpdate(query); } //string query = " INSERT [dbo].[Store]([StoreNumber],[StoreName],[ConnectionString]) VALUES(" + SQLUtility.getInteger(sNumber) + " , " // + " " + SQLUtility.getString(sName) + "," + SQLUtility.getString(connectionString) + " ) "; //db.ExecuteUpdate(query); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in AddStore Method ", ex); throw ex; } }
public void UpdateStore(StoreDTO dto) { DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); string query = "update Store set StoreName = " + SQLUtility.getString(dto.StoreName) + " , ConnectionString = " + SQLUtility.getString(dto.ConnectionString) + " , " + " IsStoreActive = '" + dto.IsActive + "' , LastUpdateDateTime= '" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(DateTime.Now) + "' where Id = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(dto.Id) + " "; db.ExecuteUpdate(query); }
//Get Corporate User Assign Store public static ArrayList GetManagerAssignStore(int userId, bool IsConnectionStringReq) { ArrayList collection = new ArrayList(); DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility(); SqlConnection con = null; try { string query = "select * from dbo.Store where Id in(select su.StoreId from dbo.StoreUser su where su.UserId =" + SQLUtility.getInteger(userId) + ") "; con = db.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { int id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["Id"].ToString()); int sNumber = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["StoreNumber"].ToString()); string strorName = reader["StoreName"].ToString(); string connectionString = null; if (IsConnectionStringReq) { connectionString = reader["ConnectionString"].ToString(); } StoreDTO dto = new StoreDTO { Id = id, StoreNumber = sNumber, StoreName = strorName, ConnectionString = connectionString }; collection.Add(dto); } reader.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Exception in GetStoreList Method ", ex); } finally { db.CloseConnection(con); } return collection; }