//// Get Store List
        public List<EmployeeTrackerDTO> GetTrackingList(int empInfoId, DateTime weekStartDate)
            DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility();

            SqlConnection conn = null;

            List<EmployeeTrackerDTO> empTrakList = new List<EmployeeTrackerDTO>();

                string query = " select et.Id,et.ScheduleIn,et.ScheduleOut, et.BusinessDate,et.TotalTimeWorked from dbo.EmployeeTracker et where "
                                 + " et.BusinessDate between  '" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(weekStartDate) + "' and '" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(weekStartDate.AddDays(6)) + "' and et.EmployeeInfoId = " + SQLUtility.getInteger(empInfoId) + " ";

                conn = db.OpenConnection();

                SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, conn);

                SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader();

                while (reader.Read())
                    int isSchedulDay = 0;

                    int id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["Id"].ToString());
                    DateTime scheduleIn = ValidationUtility.ToDateTime(reader.GetSqlDateTime(1));
                    DateTime scheduleOut = ValidationUtility.ToDateTime(reader.GetSqlDateTime(2));
                    DateTime businessDate = ValidationUtility.ToDate(reader["BusinessDate"].ToString());
                    TimeSpan totalTime = reader.GetTimeSpan(4);

                    //   var v = (scheduleOut - scheduleOut).Subtract;

                    TimeSpan sheduleTimeDifference = scheduleOut.Subtract(scheduleIn);

                    TimeSpan difference = sheduleTimeDifference - totalTime;

                    if (scheduleIn.Date.Equals(ValidationUtility.GetDefaultDate().Date))

                        isSchedulDay = 1;

                    if (scheduleIn.Date.Equals(ValidationUtility.GetDefaultDate().Date) && businessDate.Date < DateTime.Now.Date)
                        isSchedulDay = 2;

                    EmployeeTrackerDTO trakerDTO = new EmployeeTrackerDTO { Id = id, ScheduleInToString = scheduleIn.ToString("hh:mm tt"), ScheduleOutToString = scheduleOut.ToString("hh:mm tt"), IsDayscheduled = isSchedulDay, BusinessDateToString = businessDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), TotalTimeWorked = totalTime.ToString(), WorkDifference = difference.ToString(), BusinessDate = businessDate, ScheduleTimeDifference = sheduleTimeDifference.ToString() };




            catch (Exception ex)

                log.Error("Exception in GetEmployeeTrackingList Method", ex);


            return empTrakList;
        public void AddNewEmployeeInTracking(int empInfoId, DateTime date)
            DateTime weekStartDate = ValidationUtility.GetActualWeekStartDate(date);

            DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility();

            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                DateTime businessDate = weekStartDate.AddDays(i);

                EmployeeTrackerDTO employeeTrackerDTO = new EmployeeTrackerDTO();

                string query = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[EmployeeTracker]([BusinessDate],[EmployeeInfoId],[ScheduleIn],[ScheduleOut],[TotalTimeWorked],[CreatedDateTime],[LastUpdateDateTime]) "
                          + "  VALUES('" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(businessDate) + "'," + SQLUtility.getInteger(empInfoId) + ",'" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDDWtithTime(employeeTrackerDTO.ScheduleIn) + "','" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDDWtithTime(employeeTrackerDTO.ScheduleOut) + "', "
                            + " '00:00:00','" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDDWtithTime(DateTime.Now) + "','" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDDWtithTime(DateTime.Now) + "' )";
        // This method is use for get employee id from EmployeeTracker table
        public EmployeeTrackerDTO GetEmployeeTracking(int empId, int storeId, DateTime businessDate)
            EmployeeTrackerDTO dto = null;

            DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility();

            SqlConnection con = null;

                string query = " select * from dbo.EmployeeTracker et where EmployeeInfoId = (select Id from dbo.EmployeeInfo where EmpId=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(empId) + " and StoreId=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(storeId) + " )  "
                                + " and BusinessDate='" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDD(businessDate) + "'  ";

                con = db.OpenConnection();

                SqlCommand comm = db.getSQLCommand(query, con);

                SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader();

                if (reader.Read())
                    dto = new EmployeeTrackerDTO();
                    dto.Id = ValidationUtility.ToInteger(reader["Id"].ToString());


            catch (Exception ex)

                log.Error("Exception in GetEmployeeTracking Method ", ex);


            return dto;
        public void UpdateTotalTimeWorked(EmployeeTrackerDTO dto, ArrayList list)
            int totalMinutesWorked = 0;

            if (!ValidationUtility.IsNull(list) && list.Count > 0)
                foreach (EmployeeClockingDTO clockingDTO in list)
                    if (clockingDTO.ClockFunctionTypeId == 2)
                        totalMinutesWorked = clockingDTO.MinutesWorked + totalMinutesWorked;


                TimeSpan time = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(totalMinutesWorked);

                DataBaseUtility db = new DataBaseUtility();

                string query = "update dbo.EmployeeTracker set TotalTimeWorked = '" + time + "', LastUpdateDateTime = '" + SQLUtility.FormateDateYYYYMMDDWtithTime(DateTime.Now) + "'   where Id=" + SQLUtility.getInteger(dto.Id) + " ";
