Пример #1
        // calculates the distance from start to the point projected onto the line
        private double getDistanceAlongLine(GpxPoint point)
            double distanceA = 1000 * GpxParser.gpsToGpx(startingPoint).GetDistanceFrom(point); // distances to start point
            double cos_phi   = getCosPhi(point);

            return(cos_phi * distanceA);
        private void buttonCalculate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // try to parse user given coordinates...
            string startingCoords = maskedTextBoxStartCoord1.Text + " " + maskedTextBoxStartCoord2.Text;
            string endCoords      = maskedTextBoxEndCoord1.Text + " " + maskedTextBoxEndCoord2.Text;

                logic.startingPoint = Gps.GpsLocation.Parse(startingCoords);
                logic.endPoint      = Gps.GpsLocation.Parse(endCoords);
            catch (FormatException ex)  // user given coordinates were invalid
                toolTipCoords.Show("Please check the starting/end coordinates", buttonCalculate, 130, 0, 5000);

            // ... start/end coordinates correct
            // try to parse gpx file
                using (FileStream stream = File.Open(textBoxDirectory.Text, FileMode.Open))
                        logic.gpxData = GpxParser.parseGpx(stream);
                        toolTipCoords.Show("Couldn't read .gpx file", buttonCalculate, 130, 0, 5000);

                CalculationResult result = logic.calculate();
            catch (System.Security.SecurityException sEx)
                toolTipDirectory.Show("I have no permission to read this file", buttonCalculate, 130, 0, 5000);
              * catch (Exception ex)
              * {
              * toolTipDirectory.Show("Please check the the directory", buttonCalculate, 130, 0, 5000);
              * }*/
Пример #3
        // calculates cos(phi) where phi is the angle between the line and a line from the start point to the current point
        private double getCosPhi(GpxPoint point)
            // distances to start/end point
            double distanceA = 1000 * GpxParser.gpsToGpx(startingPoint).GetDistanceFrom(point);
            double distanceB = 1000 * GpxParser.gpsToGpx(endPoint).GetDistanceFrom(point);

            // using cosine theorem; phi is the angle between the line and a line from the start point to the current point
            double cos_phi = (lineLength * lineLength + distanceA * distanceA - distanceB * distanceB) / (2 * lineLength * distanceA);

            if (cos_phi > 1) // prevents errors due to rounding
            else if (cos_phi < -1)
Пример #4
        public CalculationResult calculate()
            CalculationResult result;

            lineLength = 1000 * GpxParser.gpsToGpx(startingPoint).GetDistanceFrom(GpxParser.gpsToGpx(endPoint)); // length of the line

            // calculate deviations
            List <double> deviations         = new List <double>();
            List <double> distancesAlongLine = new List <double>();

            foreach (GpxPoint point in gpxData)

            // calculate metrics
            result.deviations         = deviations;
            result.awgDeviation       = getAwgDeviation(deviations);
            result.awgSquareDeviation = getAwgSquareDeviation(deviations);
            result.area         = getArea(deviations, distancesAlongLine);
            result.areaNorm     = result.area / lineLength;
            result.over10       = percentageOverThreshold(deviations, 10);
            result.over25       = percentageOverThreshold(deviations, 25);
            result.over50       = percentageOverThreshold(deviations, 50);
            result.over80       = percentageOverThreshold(deviations, 80);
            result.over120      = percentageOverThreshold(deviations, 120);
            result.numOver10    = numberOverThreshold(deviations, 10);
            result.numOver25    = numberOverThreshold(deviations, 25);
            result.numOver50    = numberOverThreshold(deviations, 50);
            result.numOver80    = numberOverThreshold(deviations, 80);
            result.numOver120   = numberOverThreshold(deviations, 120);
            result.maxDeviation = getMaximumDeviation(deviations);

            // create histogram data
            result.histogramData = getHistogramData(deviations);

Пример #5
        // calculates the deviation of a point to the line
        private double getDeviation(GpxPoint point)
            double distanceA = 1000 * GpxParser.gpsToGpx(startingPoint).GetDistanceFrom(point); // distances to start point
            double cos_phi   = getCosPhi(point);
            double sin_phi   = System.Math.Sqrt(1 - cos_phi * cos_phi);
            // deviation is the heigth of the triangle
            double deviation = sin_phi * distanceA;

            // if point is left of the line, deviation is negativ
            double deltaLong = endPoint.Longitude - startingPoint.Longitude;
            double deltaLat  = endPoint.Latitude - startingPoint.Latitude;
            double slope     = deltaLat / deltaLong;

            if (slope * (point.Longitude - startingPoint.Longitude) < point.Latitude - startingPoint.Latitude)
                deviation *= -1;
            if (startingPoint.Longitude > endPoint.Longitude) // the direction you walk the line changes left/right
                deviation *= -1;